V r' .". J i -I '"1 : I' i ; -1 ! 1 If 1 ; i I : .? ;;. i i.'jt. I i- :, -1 5 ,1 f' "I 1 THE ST&HDARD. JAMKS P. CO OX, Editor. nr.mi wi io or (.oi:uou '. MPIU 1.!.. Th.' Hriuocr;iti' convention of Ohio has renominated (iov. Camp bell. The nomination was easy on lirst ballot. The friends of oppos inir candidates gave in, save the kickers from Cincinnati. It looks like Campbell will have rouirli sail ing. The Cincinnati follows that fought him in the convention in a bittei wav, will knife him at the polls. The convention decl.ucd for free coinage. thi: si ati: a wixxi:i:. Under the new collateral inheri tance law of Connecticut live per rent, of all the personal estate our 1,000 goes into the State Treasury. The personal estate of the late 1'. T. llurnum inventories l,$.V,,;'i and five per cent, of that sum less the $1,000 limit amounts to ol,2v!S, which the State will get as i;s share (fthe sum total. Charlotte Dem ocrat. This will, in ;i measure, prevent the growth of so many milhonairs. Besides, it has a tendency to keep money where it belongs out of cornbinistic quarters. Hut is such a law constitutional:' lias a man the right to control property after his death to direct its use and appro priation ? SK II A UK KK1T1.SIVK. A question of ownership: '-Do you belong to this church?" inquir ed the stranger. "O, sir," replied the wealthy member of the congre gation. '"This church belongs to me." Chicago Tribune. Probably the gentleman told the truth, but" he shows bad taste, lie displayed an air that is so contempti ble ! The church is to be pitied in that it has its material life in that cussed name. Nine to one he own." the church and bosses the internal proceeuings. But his case is not :;s contempti ble and repulsive as that of the church bigot the fellow that; pa rades in conceited airs, believes and acts as if his is the right, pure and iufallible; that all others are wrong and allows such feelings to cluster around his acts ni dealing with the world. Tne cavorting, spread-eagle, uirish member that is somrtimes inflicted on a church's membership, does serio is damage to the cause of evangelization. what Tin: ?iovi.mi:m mi:is- It is admitted by all hands, town or county, that the givat movement tin: lat has swept out this country lor the two years just past, mis heeii one of lnanitieent org-inizati'V.i. It was rapid and eliVctive and it still goes on. The Alliance is peculiarly guilty of doincr things, never before ac complished. It has put men to reading and thinking; it has made the rural inhabitant to realize that lie belongs to this great nation and has as much right to examine us fa bric as any man. It has brought ''. per cent of them out of the conllned let-her-go attitude he wants to study the situation, the finances, the legislation, lie now believes it's his duty to study economic questions and" to make himself a fit custodian of the right and privilege i ntrusted to lum by the government, of which tha ConstitStion mak-s b in a part ;uid parcel. In his study he may Income en thusiastic, and as an enthusiast he may err, but the fundamental prin ciples of the reform movement are truths, and, while these enthusiasts mav wander off, tie; quiet, serene and level head will guide the tide. 'Tis little short of a revolution, begotten by the stern and rigid exis tence of grinding and ruining ten dencies. With cool heads, and perfect free dom of opinion and in discussion, there can be no serious results in the end. . im m Koxboro Courier: We learn that the new management of the Lynch burg & Durham railroad have closed up and dismissed the agents at four depots in this and Durham counties, as follows: Woodsdale, Helena, Lyudover and Bahama. This w ill bo quite a disadvantage to the pat ronage of the road near these points, and we hope it is only temporary suspension. Lexington Dispatch : A note, 510 years old, was presented to the county commissioners for payment Monday. It wa3 for $:,of,, and was given on the P2lh of September, isiiv', by Samuel Uargrave. C. V. Lowe, J. P. Stimpson, B. A. lioberts and Alfred Uargrave, a committee appointed by the board of county commissioners for the purpose of borowing money to aid and equip the so'diors from Davidson county and for supporting their families when lueessary. The money was borrowed from Mr. B. B. Roberts. The commissioners refits' d to pay the note on the ground that it was unconstitutional, the money going to aid in supporting what tne con stitution is pleased bellion. Ashevilie Citi.eii : Murphy: "Shake." Mnriihv branch of to term u re- Aslieville tot -At last ti e the Western "North Carolina division of the liieh- inond and Danville system has been completed to Murphy, in Cherokee county, and the transaction of through business over that road was commenced today. The people of Ohenkee are preparing for a grand timeom July the occasion of the laying of tie corner stone of the new county courthouse, which will be done with Masonic rites. Special rates will be made from all points on the Richmond tt Danville lines in North Carolina, on this occasion. Would this not be a go d time for Asheville's merchants to make a move to bring the trade of Murphy uid that section to Ashevilie ? Till: Si ATIOXA I. 1!A'K1X LAW. It is doubtful if one person in every ten, even at this late day, un derstands the enormity of this most infamous, high-handed, premedita ted robbery of the people, or what it has cost the toiling millions in money or muscle up to date. The amount of actual cost which can be figured direct, almost knocks the bottom out of the multiplica tion table and staggers belief, while the indirect losses are far too great for the average mind to grasp. Let us turn this monster, this modern .Juggernaut, over ami ex amine his mechanism, see wherein his strength for evil lies and whence it came. It is geared to plow deep. It was so designed. It has accom plished what was intendel by Us authors The enslavement of American labor. It is the child of avarice, conceived in sin and born in iniquity. B inkers regarded the greenback as their enemy. From the stand point of avarice it was. It cost Un people no interest, could not he cornered, was good anywhere, and everywhere it went was sunshine and gladness. Bankers look to the people's misfortunes for their har vests. They thrive on iiu.ividi vidual or national calamity. Fi nane'nl miasma they hail with de light, rev. I in its slime. 'Bankers held a conference and cleterm'ned that the greenback should be destroyed, let it cost what it would to do "it. Cold must be made the standard, as gold was limi ted, in quantity, was not then, never had been, anil never would be in the nands of the people. It vas a creature the bankers could control, and bv controlling it through it they could control'all values, wreck fortunes, destroy homes, blast hopes, and force the bodies and souls of millions of men and women on the market to be knocked down to the highest bidder. All of which they have accom plished Mep by step under the glare of a victorious patriotism, hid from the masses behind mountains of political prejudice. This infamous conspiracy was perfected, enacted into law, and fastened its poisonous fangs on the body politic, and still lives to curse generations unborn. Only a revolution, peaceable or otherwise, will ever loosen its grasp. Oh, what a crime ! The "excepticn clause' put in the greenback was the banker's first demand. It created an abnormal demand for gold, and debased the greenback until, compared with gold, 'thev wee worth only 40 cents on the' dollar. That enabled the banks to buy and hoard vast quantities of them, which they did. Next they demand-da law to enable them to profit on said investment. They got it, of course. Having invested largely in greenbacks and Congress men both, tluy were now masters of the situation." The rest was easy. Their next demand was that bonds be issued in large quantities, draw ing i) per cent, interest in gold, payable in advance. This was done and thev exchanged, and so, at one jump, tV banker's 40 per cent, greenback realized him H0 Cents, equal to gold. The products of labor went "tumbling in prices the other way, in the same proportion. One would think this was enough to satisfy greed, but it wasn't. They not only demanded that the govern ment register and take care of their bonds free of cost and exempt them from all taxes, but that, in addition, as the crowning act of infamy, it allowed them to lank thereon, and, cra.'.v as it now looks, it did just that thing by furnishing them black backs for "circulation as money among the people at high rate of interest, an amount up to within ten per cent, face value of their bonds, thus allowing them to ob tain two interests on only one in vestment. One of cents gold on lUU cents bond ; the other 00 cents currency returned to them by tin go vermeil t on same bond. All the capital invested in said 100 cents was 4u cents originally paid for the greenback. By a system of short loans and discounts, known to bankers, it is safe to assume that on an average the banks realized fully 1 cents interest on the black-backs, donated to them by the government. Add to this the" 6 cents gold interest on the bond, and we get 10.08 cents per annum profit on an original in vestment of only 40 cents paid for greenbacks, being over 40 cents per annum, by law, mind you. Under this law, "about 4,000 banks were organized with charters running for twenty years. Figures grow tired calculating the profits piled up by these sharks. This whole business from its conception, inception, on through its various stages of de ception, down to final culmination, was little short of the rankest trea son, and deserves the execration of mankind. If only a mistake, it was fearful ; if a crime, it was damnable. Under Cleveland's administration over x,0m of these banks were re chartered. Xow, for convenience, take 100 as a basis for circulation, and we will soon ascertain the banker's profits growing oat of this villian ous legislation. 1. For 100 in gold he obtains ."0 in greenbacks. 2. lie ex changes the greenbacks for 250 in interest- bearing bonds. His net proiilsin this deal was only 210. lie drew 15 gold interest each year 21) years :00. 4. Black backs received from United States to bank on 22"i. 5. Twenty years banking profit, say 12 cents per annum on bonds present value sTO. Total, i:U5. Deduct from this, currency now returned, black-b icks 225 ; ameunt to ex pense charged- by United States 2.25 ; total, 22f.25. He laid down 100, and picked up 1,118.75. All strictly according to law. Xow if we ever did swear (but we don't), we would say d n such a law. But this is not all. Money gives a fearful leverage in shaping human affairs. Xow if said banker during the time, foreclosed a few mortgages, and bid in the property at half its real value (whicn was often done) then there is no estimating what ids profits really were. But how did all this affect farm interests 'i It halved all values of farm products, and practically doubled all indebted ness, by contr'ction and getting the money to pay with out of our reach, so that today it is as hard for a farmer to pay 100 of debt, under national banks, as it was for him to pay 100 during gnonbaek times. All know this is true. Tiie amount of the national bebt has been about twice paid in interest. The principal has been reduced about one-half, even morel think. And yet, it would require more farm products at average prices to pay the remainder, 'ban it would to have p-iid it all when the debt was first created. IMJently there was method, on the part of our lawmaker.-:. Oar remedy "Turn the rascals out." A. B. Barrett, in i.n exchange. LIT I 1. 1. DKOI'S OK Tht, lMlrli TiiriM-itlino :nil Oilier lar The editor of the Peidsville Times wants to sell a li'df interest in his paper to get money to put up a dwelling house. The 15th day of July in this year of grace, 1801, has been mad memorable in Hendersonvi'.le by the commencement of work on the new hotel. Xows. The State laws are now being dis tributed to judges, solicitors and clerks of the superior courts. As soon as possible the books will be sent to all entitled to them. Mr. C. J. Betts, who has been foreman of the L'aleigh Chronicle ollieo for seven years, has resigned to become one of the proprietors of the Rileigh F veiling Mirror. Chicago people are not yet satisfied. They now want to name the next Democratic President, and have set tled down on Melville W. Fuller, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Xews has reached the Kaleigh Chronicle that Capt. J. J. Terrell, late superintendent of tli- Soldiers' Home, was critically ill at the home of his brother in liolesville. Little hope of his recovery is entertained. Greensboro Kecord : On Sunday, July 12, at Jamestown, Mrs. Mary A. Moon died at the age of '.e.i years and live months. She was the mother of the late John A. Moon, who lived to an anvanced age. Lo'.iisburg Times : 1 Representative (i. (J. Gill brought up a hen egg shaped like a crook'-d-neck qtias!i. Mr." Gill tells us that the h- n was led on squash seed, and is the stock of chickens that roosted on the horse's back to kx.p from freezing. Greensboro Xonh State: The output of Xorth Carolina pine during this year is expected to be ab.nit ."Winioini'io fret, worth ;.- 000,0(10, besides :',Olio(i.(M!.i fu t ,,f edar, poplar, cypress, lmliy, ash and. g'.tm, worth abo.it l,2!l".,l,i'. Pntherford Banner : GYo. Y;.n derbilt is said to own o,h:'0 acres of land in Buncombe county, ami his individual freight bids are more, on one road in one month, tlua the same road received for freight in a whole vear before he came to Ashe vilie. Dunn Times: Uncle Abram MeDougald colored, Bunn'.-s Level, X. C, is to marry his seventh wife on next Sunday morning. He is 50 years old and now has sixteen children. He savs he gets a voting wife everytiuie. This one is only l'i years old. The governor has made the fal lowing appointments : George V. Meyers, captain company G, fourth regiment ; J. X. Cregg, captain com pany I, third regiment ; J. X. Gib bons, first lieutenant, and F. S. Blackwell, second lieutenant, Com pany i. Winston Sentinel: Mr. ll. W. Calvert, chairman of the board of county commissioners for Wilkes county, dropped dead while at work in his field near his home on Wednes day. Mr. Calvert was a gentleman of exalted character and highly es teemed by all who knew him. Charlotte Xews: The Judge G. W. Logan tract of land, in close proximity to Chimney rock, pools and Hickory Xut Gap falls, has been sold to a Xorthern gi-ntlemen for 25,000. This is valuable prop erty, containing 800 acres ui Broad river, surrounded by magnificent scenery. The Wilmington Messenger says : Xext Tuesday evening in the spa cious and admirably arranged new ball room of the Island Beach Hotel, the officers of the Xorth Carolina State Guard will tender a reception and give a ball in honor of Gov. Holt Jind the visiting military from Virginia. Salisbury Herald: The laying of the new 20 inch pipe at the Parker gold mines is progressing finely. When it was found that the old 12 inch pipe was not sufficient or strong enough to deliver sufficient water, the directors wisely determined at. once to replace this pipe with a larger, the new 20 inch pipe. A Mt. Airy special to the Kaleigh Chronicle, the lUth, says: The meeting here under the auspices of W. P. Fife, drummer evangelist, are said to be the most successful yet held by him. Great crowds are pouring in from Grayson, Carroll and Patrick counties in Virginia and nearly a hundred have been converted in two days. Muifreesboro Index: Within two weeks the grading for the Mnr freesboro railroad will be comple ted. Mr. George F. Lemmon is here, and will superintend the building of bridges and trestles, which are to be completed within j the next month. Track laying will commence as soon a3 the grading is completed. Mr. J. II. Winder, the contractor, was here yesterday to attend th-- meeting of the stock holders. He .-ays the road will be in operation by September 1. a rus ix ;i:i:it vi,. A yi0,!;;0,00) air-ship company of Iowa is no more. An Indiana man has been con science- st-.iekoii " worth. Thursday's hail-storm in Minnesota cost 50,000 bushels of wheat. Mr. 1'arnell has paid the cots in the ( )'Shca divorce cae, amounting to S.",0IM1. The United States commissioners liMW arrived m Filmland to boom tin; Woi hl' - fair. Fram e has removed the prohibit tion o.i the i;u;:ortatioii of American Liol: products. Thirty-one paupers were returned to F.uropo Saturday by steamer. from .s'cw York. The Customs Collector at Xow Y.o :v has -. r-n ordered to cut down expenses .-J-Mi, l.")0. A syndicate uas purchased all (lie h a ling ti i !-ii:i of (lr.i !o. Tne price paid is Lab' a million doo::i. Jt. is Mino meed that the President vpi i-;p.-nd a week ui .Mount Mc(ire iror. iii ihe Adirondack Mountains, in August. Hon. Tbonies S. B x-oel:, ex Sneak r of the Con federate Con-ere.-s, is dangerously iiJ in Appc lint tox county, Va- Gem ral Dix is to have a monu ment for sayinj." "It" any man at tempts to baul down the American :'.!", shoot him on t;. c spot-"' ! lie PcPiis.vvania L ague of Hep ubliean C uo- is :u a il'-moralized state from quam-Is between the Quay and anti-Quay elements. Paniubal Hamlin's grandfather had a". cnt'-en sons, the eldest of whom were named re)eeti vejy Furope, Asia, Ai'nea and America. Twenty grains of corrosive sub limate cured the wii'e nf iio;i. M. S. Stuart, of B iveimii, ()., of aii earth ly ills. She wanted to di; . and di t. Lord Salisbury's declaration that female sufirago ought to form a part of the coming electoral reforms in Great Britain has , xcited tor.y lead- CI s. A canvass of prominent Ohio dem ocrats shows a general confidence i;i a sweeping victory for James. F. CampOcli in the race for the govcr-nor.-hip. The Pope bfcame, suddenly ill Thursday, but aft. rvvard recovered, lie is apt to i'tili into a profound s leep even when taking uu airing m the Vatican aniens. The solicitors employed by Captain O'Shea in his divorce suit, in which Mr. Parnell name as co-respondent, deny that the latter had p:ud t .. co.it s in the case. Ten cents a d:iy for a drink is over thirty dollars a year. Thirty doll ns a j ear for twenty years is a Lome. A home in twenty yeas iscomloit and plenty for old age. Twenty eight i. emigrants mostly Bussian Hebrews, were not allowed to ian I at Fusion from a steamship ion tne groin. "I that they m:g:.t I CCt.lilc piib.ie c!i';!'ge-'. ! X.-ar Xew Albany, l-.d., a p.son ' 'T tram str-.o-:; a i. rs.-. and a U : m.. i. ,e was s: g a ii'!'1 nn the Ci.V t tile - catcher was n.t t-y toe Ix-dy j ai.imai and latahy hurt. V re-olutiou i-i favor "!' unre sfricted reciprocity !e-tv,-. (-n the : I'nite.l Stat- uid Can ida has been adopted iiy the provincial leg;'a'.i;re ; of l'i me - F hvaid Is.ami. j Hundreds of native eatt.e are I drying in the Cherokee Nation of Texa- l'.-ver. Lav ng i-e. olae iui't-eted j by 1 lie t nous, ue !.- of S. ut In ; ;i cat t ie jn.eei-t y tai.eli into that countiy. I S-.lne of th.' wis, .,t in the ' J ) nn.er-i; c part y l u i t h a G.. ei m j a:::p 'e.l La- 1j,-i ii :;.(: v La.-; i:- ca;-c .1 Sl.er : r ti.e form y toe Ouio ei a'.s. The situation at Coal Creel; und Br ceviiie, I enn., re-mams uiiciaui ged except tuat it is more than v -lient 111. t the convicts will Lot be a lit) wed to work m that mining trict. At the inquest on Seaman Brow-p, wdio was killed in a -onli;ct with I lried .Stat s n.,0 siial.- Tuesday, at Salt Diego.-Cul., i no evideiic tt lided to lix the lf.-pon.-ibility on the Ciuce! S. -Muntai.;'. is larger than the Km; ire of Turk' v. Texas is hug- r than i he v.iiuie A'-stnan Fmpiie bv tio.duo sipaaie miies. and New Mexico is large;- than Great Briiain ami Ire land together- Gen. John M. Schoiield, ei i.an.ei der of the ill 111 V ol the L'lJ. I oil .--tales, who was in uiicd .it Keokuk, Iowa, Juno IS l-s'.tl, to Miss (ieoigia Weils Kilhoinii-, is ill at Taeoma, in the state of Washing-ton. i ireat forest lires prevail along the Mil waukee and Lake hhore lioaeiin the noithein part of W isconsin, and one insurance company in lscousiu bus crdt -red all its policies along the line to be cancelled. The great seal of the United States is aiiixod to nothing but trea ties, proclamations, con. missions, pardons aud passpot ts. The Gov ernment has bad buttwose-iis in tho lUU jcui s since its foundation. Xew York District-Attorney Xicoll has made known his intention ut seieetin one of the papers which published accounts of tin recent executions at Sing Sing and laying the case before the jrrand jury. A San Francisco man lias a peculiar mania lor opening and closing doors, and will stand for hours at a time at one of the entrances to the post ollice opening and closing the doors for the accommodation of the pedestrians. Bichaid Oweue, of Hyde Park. Pa , a poor man, has fallen heir to five woolen factories and two hotels in V;i!i s. Owens was discr vered by accident. The estate has been m the deed cilice, London, lor two years past. Senator Hale ays that Mr. Biaine's health i-s good, that there is no jeal ousy between the latter and Presi dent Harrison, that reciprocity will be the next great national issue, and that Grover Cleveland will bo hard to beat. A bulletin from tho census office pla-i-s the product of gold in the United Statef for LssJ at j?'!-J,.SS'.),71 1 and silver at S'Xi.liii.UiSS. Of this Maryland yieleed $P,:S'.ii; of roid, North Carolina SI lt),7(:5, Sonta Car olina s;'.i,n,-,:5 and Virgiiuul.ioo. Santiago, Chili, has just, b.-eii the set no oi one of the severest lires ever known in Sout ii Amei ica, the loss being estimated at more than siJ.OuO.OiM. The Brit ish le-al;on was completely consumed, n eluding all of the archives ami personal pro perty of the minister. Waxtkd Four thousand cords, of four foot pine and oak wood de livered at Odell Manufacturing Co.'s cotton mills. (J rand Sire Busbee's mental con dition having so much improved and his physical convalescence being nece.-sarily tardy his doctors ivili issuj no farther bulL-Uns unlets some unexpected changes should o.cur as to demand it. CONCORD MAKKBTS. COTTOX MAKKET. (Corrected daily by Cannons & Pel zcr.) Low miduiim,' 7 1 5 Middling Good middling. . . PKODl'CE (Corrected daily ca MARKET. ,y Y. .1. Swink.) S c'i Bacon Sugar-cure'.'! hams Bulk m nts, sides Beoswa Butter Chickens ( 'oi n F ITS Lard I'lou r ( N ort h Carolina). Meal U s 18 1!0 25 1U (4 15 da 0 S5 ah 10 H 50 (4 81) u 50 (4 4 & 70 (.fi 10 irnieis, horses are dying every day for want of proper attention. If you have a sick horse, mule or cow with any disease, tumors or warts, sore feet, and especially examine the horses t'-e!h, and see if our hoise iou't o ....mi.- work done. Don't they - 'Sol p-iriti.-r, so you can . ii. without, giving so much feed '? Any farmer that owns stock will save not iess than s '." or rj'.'A) per yiar by calling on lr. Odorn at M. L. Brown I'.ro's stables, or at the Morris House. is from Norfolk. Va, No. 7 Hill street, with the Harliaugli V. S. llemedy Co. Their medicine cannot be excelled for diseases of horses. Best lini ments for colic and sprains. Any person buying medicine is promptly presented with a book, written bv W. If. Harbaugb, V. S., Norfolk, Va. Xow, farmers, don't miss this opportunity, firing your stock at once to Brown Bio's stables for treatment at s-hort notice. Calls will be paomptly answeecd in town or eouniry, and in any neighboring towns on railroads. I make teaching a specialty. Any ; arty or parties wishing to form a class here or elsewhere, on a reason able notice I will teach the class. My terms are s" cash for cacti pu pil. Special terms can be made for large cla-s- s. Sc.- me privately. I bach how to diagnose any disease and its proper treatment; also ho.v to train anv vicious horse. I ii. Opo.m. We, tiie undersigned, can safely r commend t ie- Hoctor to any pi r son that wants their stock treated, lb- has treated four very sick horses or i.-. an ar: ie-'. : it, a numher l .r o" her :ei has not lo.-t a case, try him ami be convinced, n guaranteed or no money Any person wi.-hing a i ' t 'ouse aie atfaeti -v :;'::.!. ! . r-e tra'n : licatioii to harness will make t once. Farmers, come iou't mi.-s this o .portti- ai om-e an nit v. I'crm.- cash or Any pe-.'.-oii wiihin fancy dri ing horses, :'ood notes. ' to bey some also one trot- t.-r and. one rutmer, w ill correspond w iih the ui-al-r.-igiied. M. I.. Bgows- The pi invented m od;i filter, It-. Cr.-am. tiiii.-on's he pur be Lriven lo;h cf ( !.:.! Drug or Cigarettes, a.. ;oie, will (iititle ! chaser to n: for a prize to to ii oung lady on the August, "next. An ehgant '. i . . . : i . ,i i . ' i , la-lv's , ii'.cn, wnii i i K;irat s-uni go:u tilied case g;:arai:teed for twenty ears witii line et in-winding Flgin nioyenieiits. will, on that day, he awarded to the young lady that re ceives the highest number of votes. ticket will be furnished for every nickel spell : at ,i ,i 's - Dint - Ski for tiie above-named articles, from the 1st of July to the loth of August. By depositing this 'icket in a ballot box in the store, with the young laily's name on it, the voter expresses his preference and on the 1st day of August the box will be opened and the votes canvassed by four disinterested gentlemen. The names of three young ladies in each ward of the town and four from the county, oir.sid of Concord, will then be presented as candidates and the rest will be drooped from the contest. Their selection will be de termined by their having received the highest number of votes in their several wards and in the county. From the 1st. of August the voting will be limited to the candidates thus selected and on the 15th of the month the box will be finally open, d by the ahou'-nameJ gentlemen and the watch awarded to the candidate receiving the largest vote. Every thing will be conducted in good faith and with the utmost, fairne.-s and impartiality. The prize is an elegant one and will lie constautly on exhibition at Coriv!l -. lti-i.tti.-i-s Jewelry Store, after the oth of this month July. This is A COLDFX OITOKTUNITY! and such a" rich pri.e, for such a .-mail considerat ion, has never before beer, offered in this city. Don't tail to see and inspect the. Watch and ascertain for yourself that all is as re.irest nted. J. P CIBSOX. P).!MI? i.sioN i-;i;s i ALIv On i. I. as v MONDAY, vugast coniini.-io!i.-r i;mk r ;m oruer of ih(. Sn Oats. Tallow 4 & 5 Salt. ... 70 (,fi 80 1 0 1 1; III 1 nlll (jOLCil F A I -no. A LA I) YS 1 1"1 M ll 117 I 'V h II IT R. IE j1;. cavunish sum of live cents, periur Coin t of I'iihairus county in the case entitled .Mc-llie S. Cliae et al. vs Florence Jl. I!;;.-!, et ah, will expose for sale at the court house door, in Concord N. the follow big described real estate: One lot in the town of 'on.-oni, lu-ar the Odell .Manufacturing Coinpanv, contain ing one acre, more or less, and' known as the Mrs. S-.tsan Pa-ant ly lot. Situated on said lot are three dwelling liou-cs now occupied by tenants. Terms of Sale : One-third ca.li, halance on a credit of six inomiis. noie and nn pioved seeuiiry, ,H.r cen t . im t rest from dateol sale reqeiied. Title reserved till nil purchase nveiev is paid. This Juno 1, ls-d. je2.j-d&w-tds Commissioner. PETZER'S DRUG STORE, Concord, N. C. ANNONS A N D F E T Z E S P E 0, 13 oo'lit at Half Price .LVD JUST RECEIVUP IX STORE! 1(H) Fine Summer Cassimere Boys' Coats, sizes 8 to 13 years, price $1.25. We guarantee that yu can't buy the cloth and trimming for that price. 75 Black and Fancv Alpacca, Mo hair and Flannel Boys' Coats, sizes 11 to 17 years, 81 for your choice. A lot of aliwool Stockinette Coats, wortli 84, for 81.."'". We bought these for less than half value, and we sell them the s me way. .lust received four cases "Women' s Fine Dongola Kid But ton Shoes, bought 25 per cent, under cost of making ; solid leather all through, over-lap seams, 81.25. You can't beat it at 81.75 not a bit you can't. Ladies' Comfort Slippers at 75c. that you have never seen for less than 81. Ladies' Oxfords at 81 a'nd 81.15. Spe cial in Ladies' Patent Leather Oxfords, gray oo top, at 81, worth 81.75. CHILDREN'S OXFORDS .lust received, a lot of Children's Oxfords, bought at half pi ice. will sell them at ;c. Fine Straw Hats reduced hats lor otic. Summer weight Cassimere Pants just in. Yours to please, CANNONS & FKTZKIt. FOR BOILNG, BAKING," T ECIO BEST BC 2VC S -:o:- Just received Hams, Breakfast Strips and Dried Peef the linest of meats. Pure Leaf Lard. Also Silver Leaf and Lard Compound. ' DO IS WHITE " Flour is still at the head of the list of line II jurs. All grades of of line N. (). Molasses. F5u And headquarters for SHIP .STUFF, Bran, Corn, Oats, and all kinds os feed and provisions. WHOLESALE AND Our Old FOUNT IS NOW IN FULL BLAST "We've got a kiindred-pcmrHl weight hung on to the safetv valve, and she's loaded with ICE TO THE MUZZLE! Our ORANGE PHOSPHATE is a cooler! It's a long drink that goes right to the spot ! Come in, early and often and late. We'll reduce the temper ature for you and put a good taste in your mouth ! Yours for fun and soda water ! N. D. FETZEK, Manager Fetzei's Drug Store. I Jl h S Call and see them. all along the line. Some dollar BROILING, 01: FRYING. RETAIL STORE. da A seedy-lookinir tin,!, tramp of the lirst w;if,.', my store a Jay or two ;., iug into a romfui tal,.. " for a vmiilla-onurr,. U'lw... u 1 .... M-;tt .1 ii ii ii n.n IliUKleil tu J ,, li vered himself, in thU m.;.'! it,: "(i:v. me . Bun,, jive ui,- tUo for the vanilla ami -orun-re. I always take , lie M i lti this Hat. stale U'el , .. i i i 1 i eii ui, mm ueMCt'.s ., ... snow wiiien way tin- wj!l( ( you know this "is tin- in,!..'','H "'.Il'J Irink I have ta.-ted .,.,. ' J'','":'" York. My ofh Avmw,. i i .1 i . "I- i r. , is palatial, and I beloii" tot!,' MeAlli.ter's lull. I . , " it .1 . .' '' - ement ana in u;s in.--, 1 ting readv to co to t!. , f, 4l,. o,, .. .. : l"- oituuiiifi, vviieli ticulur friend of mine. ;i , in-ill, iiuntea me up an.! i to nie that there Hl.r,. j-,. ten millions of gold ,r ,'. . everv week to Kiir,,.,.. , - - . i ' u where it came from :,, , , great mysteries of tin- (;u- in consefjuence, the 1 b ars w, ;',. ing on every descrijei ,;i ', f and hamiiiering it i!,,,i n He, howeu-r, 'had fetl!l,i ; abut it, and that this 1,1 from a mine in the u;;";..' Coneord, X. C, where u c, , was lloating it out in .-.,;;,! , at the rate of to tons a w,-,.'" iiiej nieiieu iiuo 0111'.- vent :i rlnl in i !,, . ' . b tlJl. nia,,,, . iug it iu r.urope on eV,rv that sailed from ,, fold 11 in tlvif .i ,, 'i-;i:l:-- k. V, was Iacking him and want, -.! t the mine, and I must take -h,.."-vestibule train and go tu C,ri''.:, and lind out all about it. i; ' me a return ticket to this j !;;,,.'.'," a hundred dollars in cn.-'u 'f, Liuniuu cApenses, Jie si the nand and we parted II. t thereafter T h:id enhl - u.-at-ttji eealper and had deposited mvi,,, cent in a bank a fam '"'""'" was on iii v way to this cnibrvn C'-V on foot, with empty pock.its.jii-, world before nie. It 1;;;- '. just 28 days to get here. I -'. j 3 miles a tlav on the I;, l;. J. and I rested four days, Suielavs." never travel on Suniav a:,! :;';; re heat day, literally. I a'teiid chr ' twice a day, and" when theee!:,'--J is being taken up, I niodestlv on the plate a three cent l irtv.li i!'! ing it between my thunib ;;:! f. finger end by extending th,, ., ,:: t , j my ring-finger, ireio:i!v ii;';i with perfumed tar that I little vial in 'ny vest poek--1 purpose I dexterously '... ion cent p ece, and under circuuistar.ces a iiar:-r. Yo-i doctor, we must all giu- !U.J t;ikr.i this wicked, cruel world. WtiLv be brief, I arrived, feiinil -ji; tr grams awaiting me, wired hark tL. about a year ago (eneord had, larged her coq.erae.- limits ami L taken in all of her outskirts, a:, that I couldn't locate the mii;..-, - '. am now awaiting iustnie;; 1 usually spend the night -,v ;..;i;'. Hotel, but when there'is a ! :::;.! I go there, l'lease direct r..,- ' v.: most prominent phy-ic-iai:"? ,';'ie-. My usual racket is ". st:ii;Mc ! fall in front of his ofiie that my arm is brok 11. rushes out, makes in. tongue, fet Is my pui.-e. thermometer, proiK.ai.e sprained wrist and uivt a,')'! :v 1 I lie d't ir (,ur : is, 1 :s f,-' S! '. a c:i i In.- U tie! to the hosjyital. "I feel very iiitich r-fr.-i.'.fil, thanks to your deliL'titful ii;iik- shake. You sell it t.o cl-.-:ii. l'i' Xorth it costs 10e.: in Link- U-iek. 15c; Leavenworth, X'Ocaml Omuiw, 25c. This town is e-rtaiii.'y fortu nate in having such i 11 vi t i n' i oaru-rs for Iced Soda and Minimi Watt-r drinks, and your place, is nmunltu be headquarters lor t-er thing in this line. Uye-bye.' The public is cordially united to cU and see if this tramp.- eiidorj" ment is of any value. J. I. CII'oOX. SALEw-BRICK -A N D- i? l1 1 .1 have FJilCK' on I ,n l ufa'l times. Parties net. lm ai,v will Jo Well to nee iue before i-uieiei-m. 1 also TAKE CONTKAC'l.S to io 8 nail or larjje jobs in Ih u k work in a iy part of the countrv. nite rno or come to sc- rn". R. J. KOJb. Dry :-: Lumber! I liave a lui of e.wwi r 1 r; v i.r'.MiiE!! f ir Hooriii!;, ceiling iin.l (tienrii ! railing, i'arties desiring M; li Im:- t! will c all on nie. CONTRACTOR. I also take conlr.ift tr do nnv k:n-l V(() WORK, and will gunr-ui'ec islaction. Work taken l,v 1 1.- in.'; : ij the day. John T. Pounds. k Ms for My Ci l-1 I UUY AND SELL OF ANY SIZE. I'm specially anxious for a biff 1ft at this time. I keep on ban 1, tit al1 times,' 1 M line cf F1IESH amily - Groceries Call ah my stand c n ith M.iia reet, neir the Odei F etory. :i t.