NEW IX GFAF.RAI.. I 'ii at Newport Sunday night d 8 i'c; over twenty buildires, stores : '.'.veilings. Estimated loss 50,- i . ur information from Mmren i . . ..ies tbat the accident which .. .'. Henry M. Stanley was a frac '. . if his left ankle. :, London cablegram stales that : !iO Vious has been elected pre r I i t of Chili and will assume the i!s of that oflice September IS J x . '. in Senator Quay's attention v r- ciiiled to the report he intended 1 1 1 sin from the senate ho said: I!, somebody has been faking on . : gain." ( ' . vernor Buchanan and the con. arrived at Coal Creek. Tenn., : ui day. The miners ratified the iiii. u of the committee, and the ..i.victs went towork with no dem i.:. '.rations. Scaling is stopped in Lehring sea, i' n I all the Victoria fleet are now on t lie v ay homo. Entrance to I3ehring ti n is effectually blocked, being pdroled by five American and two jiiitish war vessels. 'Iho ship Guy C, Goss arrived at Yncoina, Wash., last night, with 30, i !$ packages of tea, valued at 450, s 00. The Goes is the first tea ship n enter the Tacoma custom house. M be tea will fill eight or nine special just freight trains to Chicago and 2 ew York, the tea going east in bond. mm mm . Miiltiim In 1'nrvo. Kecause a thing is small in size, Think not 'twill pay to scorn it ; Some insects Lave a larger waist, But lift less than the hornet. Some people may, perhaps, scorn, n account of their diminutiveness, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. 13ir a l rial of them convinces the most eornful skeptic that they will cure constipation, dyspepsia, sick and bilious headache quicker than their large waisted competitors, the old btjle pill. Fashionable Color lit Ilorsos. There is a fashion in the color ot carriage horses. Once, many seas tons ago, there was a rage for gray ; now gray animals are at a discount and are, as a rule, associated with wedding parties catered for by a livery stable. Light chestnuts had ihen a turn, but they were found. like certain Bhowy materials, not to wear well. One year roans were in Jashion, and thfy were most 6atisfac l ory as to wearing qualities and also its to temper. Even now a well matched pair of red roans are looked upon as quite correct and very hand", tome, but the color of the season is lark by with black points. Dark browns were in favor last season, and j aturally, since horses can not change the color of their coats so easily as men and women, will be rxuch used this year. Some good has certainly been done by the recent agitation against the bearing-rein, Ju aded by the Duke of Portland. "We have noticed lately that many coachmen have dispensed with it, and in the case of lady whips we have seldom seen it used Onco we t-aw the footman loosen the bearing i ir.s while the carriage was waiting, mid so comparatively freed the hoi ses, heads tor a while. London letter. mmm Umm l'ritle in a Mncr. he had a look upon her face that raid '.s plainly as look could say that she was a shopper from Shop pjisville, and the clerk had not yet Wen found who could get ahead of her on a bargain. 'How much is that mosquito netting a yard ?" she asked. "We don't sell it by the yard," re plied the clerk; "we sell "it by the ph-ce." 4 Well, that is not a full piece, is it? How much will ycu sell me tlut for?" she asked, picking up a iviiiiiant that was 1ing oil the coun- "I will find out, madam," said the ilcrk, and he went away. In a nio l.unt he came back and said she lould have it for fifteen cent3. "How many yards are there in it ' she asked. "Fifteen cents, I said," replied the ik-ik. . "Will you be so good as to tell a how many yards ?" she asked in her most freezing tone. And then the clerk measured the netting and found that after all it was a full piece, and the woman, who could have had it for fifteen tents had she not been suspicious, took it for thirty. But the extra fifteen cents did not by any means lepreeeut the damage to her pride i s a shopper. New York Sun. The French Broad. The French Broad River, although it has but few ciaims to celebrity, rize or importance, has a beauty all its own aud is well worthy of men ion. Rising in the Blue Ridge Moun itms of North Carolina, celebrated or their picturesque and magificent i ci nery, it pursues a winding course - or about 100 miles aud then mingles villi the waters of the Ohio. The rprings that cive it life are situated in the wildest recesses of the moun tains', mountains still known to , portsmen as the haunts of the bear Mid deer. For the first fifteen miles t f its couree it is an ideal trout rtrram, with water clear as crystal r.nd cold as ice. Tho early springs is the proper time to visit this por' t;on of it, for then its beauty bailies Inscription. During the month of h:y the mountain laurel and wild i ododeudromare in full bloom, and us the banks of the stream are fringed with them the dark green ieaves of these surubs, their pink blossoms and tho sparkling water cieate a pict ure so lovely that no eye could fail to bo charmed by it. But after rushing through mauy a moun tain gorge t some of which are so l 'arrow and deep that the light of day jicver penetrates their gloomy sol itudes, the French Broa-.t reaches the valley below and there its character vndergoes a complete change. It is transformed, as if by magic, from a roaring torrent to a peaceful arid blow moving river. Its banks are no longer clothed with dense forest and almost impenetrable thicket, but covered with well kept and prosper ous farms.1 One could scarcely believe thi& broad stream, with har dly a ripple tipon the surface of its nUcid waters, to be the same that a feV miles back came leaping down iLe mountain side, creating many a i, n ature waterfall and cascade in it,! descent- ' ,.f . r- mil to sav. the French V. nkd 'Boon loses its picturesqe ' f i Lnnratpn into ft lrnifMi. I n-Vrisb river, and the country 1 5n5J- which it flows, although i' ibly cuTated and fruitful. d. Ji IflJJJ ,;qmi -u.Mt.ll thfi rniTfTo4 liUt yrco07That above described fr.UmbellishinV the fir8t few miles pi itF course. cancMOMxaaeS' Shut the door against disease. Danger comes oft cnest through impure blood. Keep your blood in order, and you keep m health. For this, nothing; equals Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. It invigorates the liver, puri fies and enriches the blood, and rouses every organ into healthy ac tion. By this means it cures. Ev ery part of the system feels its saving influence. Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Biliousness, Scrofulous, Skin and Scalp Diseases even Consumption (or Lung - scrofula ) in its earlier stages, all yield to it. It's the only Liver, Blood and Lung Remedy that's guaranteed to bene fit or cure, or the money is re funded. Trying terms to sell on but it's a medicine that can carry them out. , " Golden Medical Discovery " contains no alcohol to inebriate, and no 6yrup or sugar to derange digestion. It's a concentrated vegetable ex tract; put up in large bottles; pleasant to the taste, and equally good for adults or children. W. J. H I L L, CONCORD, N. C. Car load Stoves, Buggies and Carts, Hames, Traces, Bridles, Spurs, Saddles, Collars. Bits, Blankets.Collar Pads, Feather Bone Whips, best in world,; W agon Whips, Saddle Bags, Curry Combs, Horse Brushes, Buggy Cushions, Barb Wire, Clothes Wire, Smoothing Irons, Andirons, Sheet Iron; Poultry Netting and Lawn Fencing, Ice Cream Freezer-?, Family Oil Tanks and Chamber Set3, Peanut Parchers, Sash Cords and Sash Weights. all kinds Agate Ware, Tinware, etc. Flue Pipe, Sewer and Stove Pipe, BigrAsbesto and Tin Hoofing, and all kinds of Tin, Copper and Shirt Iron work at short notice. I manufacture the best Fruit Evaporator on the market. Lightning Rods at short notice. The best Coffee Pot in the world for 10c. Please call and see me. W. J. HILL. C. G. A. W9l LA) FOURTH ffil EXHIBITION ! ON miB'R 16, 17 & 18,1891 Addresses by distinguished speakers, A large and varied exhibit of Farm Products, RACES EACH DA 17 MUSIC AND AMUSEMENT! SOMETHING TO PLEASE EVERYBODY 1 - 2k. COME TO THE FAIR ! EVERYBODY COME! J. P. ALLISON, President. H. T. J. Litdwio, Sec'y. R. A. Brown. Treasurer T1I1KV GEItMAY SAI.VF. The THIE i GERMAN SALVE, when properly applied, is infallible in the following distressing and painful diseases: Boils, Carbuncles, Bone Felons, Ulcers, Old Sores, Bums, Wounds of all kinds, Erup tions, Piles, Caked Breasts, letter, Ring Wornip. Scrofulous and Can cel ous Sores, Corns and Bunions. It will relieve inflamed points, lum bago, congestion and strains. In all these cases the SALVE has been tested without a case of failure. TESTIMONIAL. "I have used on myself and on others CAPT. THIES' GERMAN SAL E for boils and take pleasure instating that it is unsurpassed in efficacy in not only driving the boil to a head, but in extracting the 'core and the healing of the affected parts. S- WITTKOWSKY, Charlotte, N- C-' The medicine is for sale at the drug stores of Concord, N. C. &1. r?AA Ins ft I.EU1 for Infants "CMteri is so well adapted to children that I recommend it aa superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Auchm, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seema a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Cakloi Mattn, T.T.. New York City. Late raster Blooming dale Reformed Church. Th Csxtacb W. C. HOUSTON, D. D. S. Concord, N. C. ffice opp ile Iniiiitine Skre S ALE OF L AND B Under authority vested in me by a mortgage or deed of trust executed to me by J. W. Moose and wife, Nancy J. Moose, dated March the 5th, 1800, and recorded in tho office of the llegister of Deeds for Carbarrus county in Record of Mortgages No. 5, on page 30, &c, I will expose to sale, at the door of the courthouse in said county, on Saturday the Sth day of August 1891, for cash, the reul estate in Concord. N. C , in said deed fully described. L- M. AKCHEY, July 8th 1S91. .Trustee- Prepared by Herself. MBS. GIUER'S Is now offered for sale in the three drug stores of Concord. It is pre pared by herself, though put up in the stylo of its late pioprietors, Abernethy it Williams, whose mis take in its preparation ruined it in their hands- Tlie Ileal Hair Restorer is not recommended for -OLD lULJhVESS- but is an infallible remedy for FALLING CUT OF TIIE HAIR, DANDRUFF, ITCHINGS AND ERUPTIONS Eeculiar to the scalp. It is perfectly armless, cooling, cleansing and re freshing, There are persons in this town who have had one application to completely check the falling hair. For testimonials see circulars. fiT Ladies, Gentlemen and Chil dren, try it! my 30 NOTICE. All persons indebted to the late Jacob G. Long are here by notified to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned, and all persons having claims against said Long are hereby notified to present them, duly proven, to the under signed before the 20th dy of June, 1892, or tuis notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. June 15th, 1891. J. C. McEACIIREN, je lfi Adui'r of Jacob G. Long. Esar Mc for My Cause-! I BUY AND SELL LU MBEE OF ANY SIZE. I'm specially anxious for a big lot at this time. I keep on hand, at all times, a full line of FRESH Family - Groceries Call at my stand on North Main street, near the Udell Jt actory. J. M. BURRAGE. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LANDS.- By virtue of two deeds in trust or morteases from D. J. Rimer and wife to M. M. Gcod nan, dee'd, duly registered in Book of Mortgages No. 3, pages 232-3-4 5 of Cabarrus county, and as trustee under an or der of the Superior Court of said Cabarrus county, I will expose to public sale, at the courthouse door, in Concord, for cash, on Monday, the 3d day of August, 1891, the fol lowing lands described in said mort gages lowit: 1st. Tract containing 3 acres, more or less, rdjoiniug the lands of Daniel Rimer, J. M. Safrit and others. 2d. Tract containing 40 acres.more or less, adjoining the lands of Dor cas E. Troutman and others. Sale to i ake place at 1 o'clock p.m. This June 15th, 1891. ELAM KING, Trustee and Administrator of M. M- Goodman. jelGtd NOTICE. Having qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of M. M. Goodman, deceased, all persons indebted to the estate of said de ceased are hereby notified to come forward and settle at once, and all persons who tjold claims against said estate are notified to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 20th of March, 1892, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Elam Kixo. Ad'm'r. M- M. Goodman. IecGtisecl March 10, 1891 mchl9tf A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. " Havingbeen duly appointed and qualified administrator of the estate of E. M. Heilig, dee'd, by the proper court of Cabarrus county, all per sons holding claims against the es tate of said decedent are hereby no tified to present them to the under signed for payment, duly authenti cated, on or before the 30th day of December, 1891, or this notice will be plead as a bar to their recovery. Also all persons owiug said estate are notified that prompt payment is This December 30, 1890. G- L. PATTERSON, 31 Adm'rofE.M. Heilig. IE RESTORER and Children. Caatoria enrea Colic, Conntipatfon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, ructation. Kill Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di- Witfkout injurious medication. " For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pardis, M. D., The Wlnthrop," 12Sth Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Coktaxt, 77 MnaaaT Strxbt, New You. PAUL 13. MEA.NS, LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. Practices in State and Federal Courts ' Oflicea on East Depot Street, up stairs n rear of Dr. J. 1 Gibson s brick bulki ng, opposite N. D. Fetzer's Drue Store REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BURKIIEAD & SON, Agfa. Office in the old Postofflce Build ing, (brick row). Fire Insurance Companies : Phoenix, of Brooklyn; Continental of New York; N. C. Home, of N. C; Insurance Company of North America, of Phil adelphia; Northern As suraoce of London. Rates as low as the lowest and sec curity unquestioned. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Traveler of Hartford. CYCLONE INSURANCE- In these days of storms, cyclones, or tornadoes, you will feel safe to have a Policy in a good responsible company. SECURITY INSURANCE. Have you a bond to give as secu rity, then call on the Insurance Company to get it up ami not on your friends. Pay a premium for your bond as you do on your house and furniture. REAL ESTATE. We offer a choice line of improved and unimproved residence property in town suberbs. Price and terms reasonable and made known on ap plication to BURKIIEAD & SON, Je 6, tf Agents. Physicians'BSarg.ons Soap Guaranteed tobe made of Pure Vegetable Oils, OLIVE OIL, BEN OIL COCOA -BUTTER OIL. Treated by the "Cold Process." Pure "White Not Perfumed Not Colored. Will not attack the skin in Winter or Summer. fid To wash the baby. To wash the hands and face. To dress wounds and sores. To cleanse and heal diseases of the scalp and skin. For bathing and shaving pur poses. Price: 10 cents per cake, $1.00 per dozen. A full supply kept at Misses Benson, Fisher & Co's Milli nery. Mrs. J. S. FISHER, Agent for Concord and Ca barrus county. mch21. FURNITURE CHEAP FOIt CASH AT M. E. CASTOR'S in Ream Suites, Bureaus, OO MADE COFFIN S,ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. I do not fell for cosr. Lut for a smal profit, omc and examine my line of goods TheBes Ik Wo IN mATTTin h h imii: 1U1UU1U1I Buna Cases Castelsic Uld furniture repaired. M. E. CASTOR WE ARE THE PEOPLE That sell the celebrated CLOUGH & WARNER ipiirsros j-iriD OEG-n5rs that captivate the world. We buy direct from the factory in large quantities and lor spot cash. We are able to give you inside iigures. Satisfaction guaranteed and money refunded if not ns represented. Everv instrument warranted for five vpnvs ''nn l ivm nrf not, to stock of mm : ID s IK FOK SPJIJXG AND HUMMER OF 1691 is complel e in every department with specialties arriving daily. We desire to call especial attention to our 1 ne of Office Desks, Ladies' Cabinets, Book Cases, Sideboards, Hat Racks, Exten sion Tables. Centre Tables, &c. Combination Wash Siand and Rockers you avIII have to call Children's Chairs will please $3.50 to &2) to select from. Thanking you for your kind xtronage in the past, and hope by close attention to your wants to merit a continuance of the. same, we are, respect luily yours, GciiiiioiiS, Fetzer & Bell. F. S. IT'e arc headquarters for Caskets, Robes, Cof fins, $-c, $c LISTEN I Honss I begin the new year determined to create such advantages that my friinds who haven't time to come down to Charlotte and see my immense stock can factorily as if they saw the goods on the floor. 1 have out a complete, line of photos of FUIIMTUIIE, PIANOS AND ORGANS, which shows up Quality and Styles almost as well as if you saw the goods themselves. I guarantee every article just as represented, and if you do not find it so you can return the goods to me and I benr the expense both ways and REFUND YOUR MONEi. By ordering save paying tne Dig prices smauer aeaiers cnarge you, ana your railroad fare to Charlotte. Write me frr photos of what you want and I will guarantee money. Dealer in Furniture, Pianos and Organs. 1G and IS West Trade Street. BBEQ5 srvrvrcru JJ 0 M To cure Biliousness, Sick Headache, Consti pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, tako tho eafc ami certain remedy, SMITH'S fse tUo KHALI, Klzf (401ittle Beans to tho bottle). '1HKV Al.E TIIK MOST COSVENIEM. Suilnllo ior ,.11 Ago. Price of fillicr nizf, 25c. per Hottlo. I V ! I a t5 Vailcl fnr I cli. (ci ; .er or itnipil, J.F.$MITN&CO.u.orsor"iiiLECANS,' ST.lSUIS M3. m HEAD. Ely's Cream Bal m Cleanses the Nasal Passages. Al lays Inflammation. Heals tho Soros. Eeatoros the Senses of Taste, Smell and Hearing. A particle Is applied info each nontril m.ud In Krrenblp. Price 50. at Irnginl or by mail. ELY BKOXliEliS,50 Warren SU,New York. M J.CORL'3 CONCOllD, N. C. I have moved into tho stable late ly occupied by Brown Bros., near the courthouse. The best accommo dations for drovers. Leave ycur orders at the stable or with J. L. Brown Torter for omnibus. Horses nd mules for tale. M. J. CORL, Proprietor. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. " Having qualified as the adminiV trator of H. L- Jones, deceased, all persons owing said estate are hereby notified that tLey must make imme diate payment or suit will be brought. And all persons having claims s gainst said estate must pre sent them to the undersigned, dulv authenticated, on or before 10th day oi uuicii, or mis nonce wiii be plead in bar of lb ir recovery. ROUT. K. YOUNG, Cth March, lS'.)l. Ad niuistrator. W- M. Smith, Att'y. mir i War In Africa i There lias be en a "Tncnf Wnr" exer since the SEWINU MACHINE appeand. lis inoiiis pave it the ONLY Grand Priz at the World's Fair in Paris, 188!) Buv the TiATF.ST chine was ever conceived in the rmna or man. l-'ouyism buys old improved and best. The NEW No 9 is the result of -10 years' labor. dnmfi nnrl son it ii. .. a be happy. We also sell other machines at So $10. 15, $-20, $25, gat), $33, and upwaru. Hoover, Lore & Co. 1 J. M. L. BLACK WELDER, hunt in case of accident." Our If I) n't fail lo ask to see our Centre Table. Our stock of and see to appreciate. Our you. Baby Carriages from ' nich 19 TO WHAT SAYI Fair Dealing. stay at home and buy as satis from me through photos you to both please and save you IT S. DIRF.Cl' TAX PAID ON LAND IN 18G6 AND 1SG7. James IJ. Mason. Attorney at-Law. Chapel Hill, N. C, will colled this tax for 5 cents on the dollar. Send jour receipt to him. If lost, write Liui the facts. The citizens of Chapel Hill are given at references apr 9 3m YODKE & M'MTH I e Purees round Bone, Listers' and Miller's Dis solved Done, Wando Guano and Acid, and sercralolhcrof the Best Brands are offered at CI osePrices BY St TO Go and get their Prices. Ihey are prepared to fur nish you with any quantity desired. CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS SCROFULA COUCH crCOLI Threat Affectlca Wasting cf Flts3x sni YORK WADSWOR if If 0U If diffQ Or any SImom icW IS Throat mn fimj w Xttflatif, tmh tf ttrmgtX mr JTarM rmMr, yoyt uart h rilted mnd Curt if SCOTT'S PURE COD LIVER Oil. Wlta Hypophosphltea. PALATABLE AS MILK. AmH fr Btott'i Xwtvlrto. mn IM m tm. mteept m rubiHtut. Sold by all IhruggisU. tWTT 4 0OWM(ChmlU, .Tt T FARMERS, 1 II A VF. JUST RECEIVED- One Tho tis a rid O F - SIX HUNDRED SACKS OF FLO THERE IS NO SUCH ST.CK OF Acid, Guano and Klour IN TOWN AS I HAVE AT ALLISOIT'S CORKEB CALL TO SEE ME BEFORE BUYING. ALSO HATS, SHOES, SUGAli, COFFEE, MOLASSES, TOBACCO, SXUlfF, $c, $c. C. G. Montgomery HARDWARE! I am still at the old stand good stock of agricultural HARDWARE on hands. Also builders material, nails, locks, hinges, doors, sash and glass of all description. I am Agent for the New Deering Mowir' one of the best Mowers made. ' I ara also Agent for the Vallev Fojge WroufeLt lun Fn A sample of it can be seen in Foiest Hill cemttt-iy. s-h m vTx s W VWWl C5 5 5 ri " 1 inlf 33- The old, well-established, reliable firm of HOOVER, LORE & CO invite your attention to a "Well Selected An experience of 15 years in the wants of their customers and with tht Very Best Class of Goods And with a tloroughness EXPERIENCE, and an intimate acquaintance with th txaue OUR WARES ARE FIRST AS WE KEEP NO SHODDY GOODS GUARANTEED TO SUIT THE nARD TIMES ATTENTION X ! a2s AND 14HQ AND HARDWARE ! on Allison's corner, and keen a -r -v V7 t-t ri 1 1 LP Stock of Goods. Concord enables them to uupflj that only comes with LONG CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT maudin Salesman.