STARR ETTE'S RPRIXO. The Wnter Highly Impregnated Willi Iron with I'l-Hrrw or Siiltiur. It is a little remarkable how some things escape unnoticed for such u time ! Ihe spring, discovered by the Times writer, Kev. V. S. Starrette while searching for news and "items" up and down the dumm embank ment between Jim Misenheimer's and John Alexander's residences, is highly impregnated with iron with traces of sulphur. For one hundred years people have been moving around that spot, and xip to a few weeks ago, so far as we know, no one had tasted of the water. It is all the more remarkable in this day of aches, pains, diseases, failing health and such like, when people are looking out constantly for the heal ing liquid, that this really excellent spring was uot found until the Dj boto of the nineteenth century, Mr. Starrette, began searching for eter nal youth. There is not the shadow of a doubt about the quality of the water so far as iron goes ; and the capacity of the spring is great. In less than two days a new tin cup becomes cor roded to a sorghum color and even glass ware takes on the Coco Cola hue. During the day, all ages are seen on their way to this new found bles sing. The'bended back, the tott?r ing limbs, the faded cheek-tints, the silvered locks, the I-don't-know-what's-the-matter and the Cupidly stricken are represented in the hun dreds that make their daily visits there. Jugs, pitchers, cups and buckets are seen in every direction about sunset. The spring is on the property of J. Ileal, and why shouldn't it be put in tine shape ? But the afflicted one Mr. Starrette a big debt of something for his De Soto efforts. Mull ( IrrkN Swift Work. Some idea of the immense busi ness, says the Wilmington Star, done in a postal car may be had from a trip of what is known as the nil mington and Jacksonville railroad postoffice one car with four clerks running from Wilmington, X. C, to Jacksonville, Ha., a distance of 500 miles. Last Friday night the crew han died 253 sacks of newspapers and TGG packages of letters. A sack of newspapers averages 125 single package., and 75 letters are esti mated for each bundle. Thu3 four men between 10 o'clock at night and noon the next day handled 97,325 single pieces of mail or nearly y;,uuu pieces tor eaci of the crew mis worK is in addition to ex changing pouches at most of tie local stations on the run. The State of Florida received 154 sacks of the total newspaper mail on this trip, showing that the Floridians read the new.-papeis. une cieiK m the service has run during the month ten trips, covering 5,000 miles, and handling 1,55'J sacks of newspaper mail, or 104, $75 pieces, and has made but twenty errors in tne wnoie work, touch a record demonstrates the efficiency of the service and the hard work at tached to it. Courtship. A lover should be treated with the same gentleness as a new glove. The young lady should pull him on with the utmost tenderness at first, only making the smallest advance at a time, till she gradually gains upon him, and twist him ultimately around her little finger ; whereas the young lady who is hasty, and in too great a hurry, wi'l never get a lover to take her hand, but be left with nothing but her finger ends. Xew York Ledger. Koine OIU-Tiliic XiUN. Mr. T. M. Uice, who is recovering the old McKay mill near town, says the Salisbury He.ald, brought us this morning some of the nails nsed in the sheeting and weatherboarding the mill when it was first erected, about 75 years ago. The nails are shop, or blacksmith nails, and were all made by hand. They are well made, bear the mark3 of the hammer and are good for at least another hundred years of service. Some idea of the length of time required to make the nails used in the old build ing may be gatherd from the fact that 10,000 shingles are required to cover it. The past September is said by old people to be the hottest in twenty years. It isn't dom by others that's -why the guarantee of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription should command attention. It's a guaranteo that means something. If the medicine doesn't give satis faction, in every case for which it's recommended, the money is prompt ly refunded. Remarkable terms but it's a remarkablo medicine. All the functional irregularities and -weaknesses peculiar to womankind are cured by it. For leucorrhea, periodical pains, weak back, prolap sus and other displacements, bearing down Gensations, and all "female complaints' it's an unfailing rem edy. It is a powerful, restora tive tonio and nervine, imparting strength and vigor to the whole 6ystem. Try it, if you're an ailing woman. If it doesn't help you, you have your money back. As a regulator and promoter of functional action, at that critical period of change from girlhood to womanhood, " Favorite Prescrip tion" is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can produce only eood rwults. " 9 ".urfnioj a C-t.,.VOvV,J;v,..,,v.,. ... - . V-..v.,,fc . ,m for Infants "Cutarl U bo well dpted to ehfldreo thai I recommend It u superior, to any prescription known to me." n. A. Amcbxm, M. D., 1U So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of ' Castoria is bo nnirereei and Ua merits so well known that it seems s work of supereroemtion to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." New York City. Late Pastor Bloomincdalo Beformad Church. Tn Cvtavs YORKE & WADSWORTH HAVE THE LATEST IMPROVED MOWERS, and they are cheaper than ever. Go and see them, and you can buv one on verv reasonable terms. This is a machine that any farmer can afford to Now is the time to put in your NEW COTTON GIN and Don't wait until the cotton crowds you. YORKE rKEbb. Don't wait until the & WAUSWOBTH have the that have been on the market. Where did you set that Silver-mounted Buggy ? Answer at YORKE & WADSWORTH'S, Yorke & Wadsworth have just received the finest lot of ling gies, Buckboards, Carts, Hacks, and will sell as low, quality considered, as any dealers in NESS line is complete, and finest samples of Hand Made t3gTher9 will be an out lorke & W adsworth will earth for the money. Get yourself one and take the family. ONE CAR LOAD FLOUR, ONE CAR LOAD FLOUR, ET WHITE GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES!- CAR LOAD SIIirSTUFF, CAR LOAD All grades Bran andjMiddlings. SALT! SALT! SALT! tea- Sow offering bargains in save money. WHOLESALE AND EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.-Havintr been ddly appointed and qualified as executor of the last will and tes tament of the late James Cline, no tice is hereby given to all persons holding claims azainst the said J as. Cline to present them to the under signed, duly authenticated, on or before the 9th day of September, 1892, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. And all per sons indebted to the late Jas. Cline will make immediate payment to the undersigned. September 9. 1891. RUFUS CLINE. se 96w Exe'r Jas. Cline, dee'd. Dry :-: Lumber! I have a lot of eood DRY LUMRER for flooring, celling and (heart) fence railing. Parties, desiring such lumber will call on me. CONTRACTOR. I also take contracts to do any kind of WOOD WORK, and will guarantee sat isfaction. Work taken by the job oi by the day. John T. Pounds. Prepared by Herself. MRS. GRIER'S Is now offered for sale in the three drug stores of Concord. It is pre pared by herself, though put up in the Btyle of its late proprietors, Abernethy & Williams, whose mis take in its preparation ruined it in their hauds- The Real Hair Restorer is not recommended for -OLD BALDNESS but is an infallible remedy for FALLING CUT OF THE HAIR, DANDRUFF, ITCHINGS AND ERUPTIONS Eeculiar to the scalp. It is perfectly armless, cooling, cleansing and re freshing. There are persons in this town who have had one application to completely check the falling hair. For testimonials see circulars. af Ladies, Gentlemen and Chil dren, try itf my 80 and Children. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, gour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, fires sleep, and promote di- Witiioutinjurioua medication " For several years I hare recommended Sour Castoria, ' and shall always continue to o so as it baa InTariably produced beneficial results." Edwim F. FABon, M. D., Tb WiBthrop," lUi Street and 7U At, New Tork City. CaK, TT Xvbeat Sraajrr, Nsw Yob. own, as the cost is so little. cotton crowds you most improved UliNS tins year ; Go and get one right away. and they're selling 'em cheap .North Carolina. Their HAH thev are showing some of the Harness ever exhibited here. old-fashiened barbecne at the Fair, sell vou tne best wagon on 1 T ONE CAR LOAD FLOUR ! EOSE. SHIPSTUFF, CAR LOAD SHIPSTUFF Get our prices before you buy. SALT! SALT! SALT! N. O. Molasses. Come to see us and RETAIL STORE. M. A. FOIL. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON MT. PLEASANT, N. C. - All calls promptly attended to, day or night. O fflce in Moose's IDrue Store. After 10 o'clock p. m. at residence on College tiuL A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having been duly qualified and BTTDointed administrator of u- Li Phifer, dee'd, all persons holding claims against said decedent are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned, duly authenti cated, for payment on or before the 25th dav of September. 1892. or this notice will be plead as a bar to their recovery. - This September 25, 1891. J. A. HEILIG. oc 1 Adm'r G. L. Phifer, dee'd. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE " Having been duly appointed and qualified administrator of the estate of Esther Isenhour, dee'd, by the proper court of Cabarrus county. all persons holding claims against the said decedent are hereby notihed to present them, duly authenticated, to the undersigned for payment on or before the 12th day of August. 1892, or this notice will be plead as a bar to their recovery. Also all per sons owing said decedent are notified that prompt payment is expected. August 11, 1891. E.L. ISENHOUR, 6t Adm'r of Dsther Isenhour. TII1F..V GERMAN NALVE. The THIE -J GERMAN SALVE, when properly applied, is infallible in- the following distressing and painful diseases: Boils, Carbuncles, Bone Felons, Ulcers, Old Sores, Burns, Wounds of all kinds. Erup tions, Piles, Caked Breasts, 1 etter, Ring Worms. Scrofulous and Can cel ous Sores, Corns and Bunions. It will relieve inflamed points, lum bago, congestion and strains. In all these cases the SALVE has been Usted without a case of failure TESTIMONIAL. "Lhave used on myself and on others CAPT. THIES' GERMAN SALVE for boils and take pleasure in sttting that it is unsurpassed in efficacy in not only driving the boil to at head, but in extracting the 'core' and the healing of the affected parts. S. WITTKOWSKY, Charlotte, N. C- The medicine is for sale at the drug stores of Concord. N. C. WE ARE THE PEOPLE That sell the celebrated CLOUGH & WARNER ZPI-A-2STOS OIRGkA-ILSrS that captivate the world. We buy direct from the factory in large quantities and for spot cash. We are able to gire you inside figures. Satisfaction guaranteed and money refunded if not as repressnted. Every instrument warrant d for live years, " and we are not to hunt in case of accident." Our stock of FUITUrE : Hi : HOUSE-FURNISHING : GOODS FOR SPltJXG AND SUMMEIl OF 1601 is complete in every department with specialties arriving daily. We desire to call especial attention to our Lne of Office Desks, Ladies' Cabinets, Book Cases, Sideboards, Hat Racks, Exten sion Tables. Centre Tables, &c. Don't fail lo ask to see our Combinatiou Wash Stand and Centre Table. Our stock of Rockers vou will have to call and see to appreciate. Our Children's Chairs will please you. Baby Carriages from $3.50 to $25 to select from. Thanking you for your kind patronage in the past, and hope by close attention to your wants to merit a continuance thasan, wi u3 , respectf uily yours, Cannons, Fetzer & Bell. P. S.'Weare headauartei'S for fins, tjc, $c Honest Prices, 1STEN I I begin the new year determined to create such advantages that my friinds who haven't time to come down to Charlotte and see my immense stock can factorily as if they saw the goods on the tloor. 1 have out a complete line of photos of FURNITURE, PIANOS AND ORGANS, which shows up Quality and saw the goods themselves. represented, and if you do not find it ?o you can return the goods to me and I bear the expense both ways and REFUND lOUR MOsE. By ordering save paying the big prices your railroad fare to Charlotte. you want and I will guarantee money. IE. im:. .nSTXKSrS, Dealer in Furniture, Pianos and Organs. 16 and 18 West Tkade Street. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE -All persons having claims against the estate of Willis Elkins, dee'd, will lile them, dulj- authenticated, in the clerk's oflice of Cabarrus county for settlement on or before the 21th day of Ausrust. 181. July 23, 18'J1. JSL.A.M MNU, ij 24-4w Administrator. CREDITORS NOTICE. The creditors of the estate of Josiah Litaker, dee'd, are duly notified thit W. U. Kinlev, administrator of said 'Lituker, has tiled with mo his final settlement of said estate, and all persons interested in saul estate are duly notiueil that they eat: appear at mv ollice on Monday, 21st September, IMil, and show cause, if any they have, why said settlement shail not be con firmed. August 19, 1S91. Jas. C. Gihson au 19-Cw. clerk, Ed. K. Correll PAINTER. After much experience in everr feature of the busineBB. I atn pre pared to do all kinds of house painting, decoratiug, sign pauting, papering, etc. Prices low. .Leave orders at Correll IJro b Jew elry Store. ii i it It ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. -Havint? bepn dulv annninted and aualified administrator of Jacob ouse, dee'd, all persons holding claims against the said decedent are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned for payment, duly authenticated, on or before the 3d day of September, 1892, or this no tice will be plead as a bar to their recovery. Also all persons owing said estate are notified that prompt payment is expected. beptemuer o, itwi. D. C. FAG G ART. ne 9 Cw Administrator. LAND SALE. I offer for sale my entire farm, consisting of sixty six acres, situated in No. 11 town ship, adjoining the lands af S- AV. White, Ephraim Dost, Mrs. R. W. White and others. Good wheat and cotton land, eood wtil of water. Sdoa meadow, good barn and tenant ouse. Terms of sale: One-half cash down and the other good note. About 30 acres of wood land on farm and the other cleared. J. M. COLEY. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- "Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Charles Ludwig, deceased, all persons indebted to the estate of said deceased are hereby noti Bed to come forward and settle at once, and all persons ho hold claims against said estate are notified to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 18th of August, 18'J2, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. .). M. f AGOAItT, Adm'r Chas. Ludwig, dee'd. Aug. IS, 91. au !!)- XJOTICE. HaviE qualified as ad- Aiministrator of tiie estate of M M. Goodman, deceased, all persons indebted to the estate of said de ceased are hereby notified to come forward and settle at once, and all Dersons who hold claims aiMinst said estate are notified to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 2()th of March, 181)2, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Elam King. A TIT TT V! Deceased. March 16, 1891 uichlOM TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of authority vested in me bv n Deed in Trust or Mortgage executed byNatHariis and Julia Harris ol. the fth day of March, 1889, which mortgage or Deed in Trust is duly recorded in Register's Office for Cabarrus county, North Carolina, in Book ISO. 4, page20, 1 will sell at public auction at the courthouse door in Concord, N. C, on the 17th day of October, 1891, to the highest bidder, for casb: One town lot ad joining tJharles ade and others, and being the same lot which 1 sold to Julia Harris on the 8th of March, 1889. Title to said property is supposed to be good, but the Durchaser onlv takes such na T am authorized to convey under said mortgage. Jaiies Ualloway, Trustee. By Win. Smith. Att'y. , Dated 11th day of Sept. 1891. 1 Caskets, Ilobes, Cof inch 19 TO WHAT SAY Fair Sealing. stay at home and buy as satis Styles almost as well as if you I guarantee every article just as from me through photos you smaller dealers charge you, and Write me frr photos of what to both please and save you US. DIRECT TAX PAID ON LAND IN 1800 AND 1HG7. James IJ. Mason, Attorney at-Law, Chapel Hill, N. C, will collect this tax for 5 cents on the dollar. Send your receipt to him. If lost, write him the facts. The citizens of Chapel Hill are given as references. apr 9 3ni YORKE & WADSWORTH ! G Pure Ground Eone, Listers' and Miller's Dis solved Eone, Wando Guano and Acid, an l several other of the Best Brands areofferedat Close Prices! BY TH Go midget their Prices. Ihey are prepared to fur nish you with any quantitij ' desired. E CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS SCROFULA COUCH cn COLB Throat Afectlcn Wftstlnj of FUak Or mnv ZMmmt mv t Throat mnd Zmm r Inflr&, tmk if gtrtngth r JTrM rMr, yt m nUetd and Curtd SCOTT'S EfUlULKJ OP PURE COD LIVER OIL Wlta Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK, m9mnttm mr totieUmHn tmduet you ta Sold by all Irugglsta. and ACIDS WADSWOR if If VL H M 00 f f CQTT a0WNI,Chmlt, .y. FARMERS, -I HAVF JUST RECEIVED- One Thousand Bags MIDS AND - SIX HUNDRED THERE IS NO SUCH STOCK OF Acid, Guano and Elonr IN TOWN AS I HAVE AT ALLISONS COE2STEE. CALL TO SEE ME BEFORE BUYING. HATS, SHOES, MOLASSES, TOBACCO, SXUVF, c, $c. C. HARDWARE! I am still at the old stand i stock of agricultural good milders material, nails, locks, of all description. I am Agent one oi tne Dest Mowers made. I am also Agent fortl.e Yallev Fott "YYiongLt lien Fen A sample of it can he n m C. CO - L-X 5 The old, well-established, reliable firm of HOOVER, LORE & invite your Selected An experience of 15 years in Concord enables them to supply the wants of their customers and with the Very Best Class of Goods itl1 lirifl. r. 1. 1 .iv mm a m;iuuguiiess EXPERIENCE, and an intimate OTTt? AX' 4 TT?tJ A T-n Tir..,,n -. AS WE KEEP NO SHODDY GOODS GUARANTEED TO SUIT THE HARD TIMES ATTENTION ! O F- AND - SACKS OF FLOUR ALSO SUGAR, COFFEE, G. fVlcniromery. HARDWARE on Allison's corner, and keep a , ASent for Concord HARDWARE on hands. Also r)irrus county. hinges, doors, sash and crlass. for the New Deering Mower, t on M Lill (tmtlny. IR. "WHITE . CO attention to a Stock of G-oods mat only comes with LONG acquaintance with the trade . ' m -M. JtxOi. 1UJ J " PlifsisiaSs i Guaranteed tcbtMiia, Vegetable 0i OLIVE OIL, BEN OIL COCOA-j;UTTKli0a Treated by tiJf Coi Process 1U Pure White -Not IVrfUlllHi Not Colored. Will not attack th ski.. k Winter or Summer. Tlic JJest in To wash the baby. To the hands and hiv wash To dress wounds and sores To cleanse and heal diseases of the scalp and skin For bathing and shaving poses. pur- Price: 10 cents $1.00 per dozen. rr cake. A full supply kept at Misses Benson, Fisher k, Co's Minj, nery. Mrs. J. S. FISIIKH :wid Cas mch21. EEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BURKIIEAD & SOX, Agt's. Offic. in the ing old Postofflce liuild (brick row Fire Insurance Companies : Phoenix, of I'.rooklvn; (Vntin. ntul of New York; N. C. 1 1. m -. . f N. C; Insurance Com jinny of North America, of Phil adelphia; Northern A.s suraoce of London. Rates us low as the- lowest ami curity unquestioned. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Traveler of Hartford. CYCLONE INSUKAXCK In these days of storms, cyclones, or tornadoes, you will feel safe t have a Policy in a good resj'onsible company. SECURITY INSURANCE. Have you a bond to give as s -cu- Inty, then call on the Insurance Company to get it up and not on your irienus. lava lm-niium lor your bond as you do on your Imust? and furniture. REAL ESTATE. We offer a choice line of imjii-ny. and unimproved residence jropTty in town su herbs. Price ami terms reasonable and made known on ap plication to I3URKHEAD & SON, Je 6, tf Agents. PAUL 15. MEAN'S, LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. Practices in State and Federal Courts Offices on East Depot Street, up stairs n rear of Dr. J. 1 Gibson s bru s mum ntr, opposite N. D. Fetzer's Drue Siore To cure Biliousness, Sick Headache, Consti pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the safe and certain remedy, SMITH'S Thp tio M.4JLL Size (40 little Tiesns to the buttle). Thkv ai:e thb most contsnient. Hnititble tor aill .A-gea. Price of either uim, 25c. per Bottle, II I W 1 1 i U Hillij (or 1 iu. Kscnn otiitnm J. f. SMITH .C0.M.k.rof-BlLEBEANa, ST.IOUIJ M. i ry ine oureivvc v. Ely's Cream Balm Cleansoa the Nasal Passaeea. Al ia va Tjiflammation. Heals tho Sorc3. Eostoros tho Sgesgs of Tasto, Suioll find Hearing. A Iiartlcle Is unniioH IntnaiarbnnatrK U la rfrnl)lc. PrireOOc. at lruBKim or bi nail. LYHKOTIIKa,56 Warren SU,Nw Vf- M J. CORL'S CONCOltD, N. C. I have movel infn fViA Brlilc l.ife ly occupied by Brown Bros., nvur the Courthouse. The hfnt aomhuUIO' dations for drovers. Leave your orders at the stable or with J. 1 Brown Porter for omnibus. Horses nd mules for tale. Sk 2 HEAD.fe m J M. J. COiiL, troiirittoi.

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