THE STAHIjARD. To !:?lit'e (wltuii li rt'itiir. The following resolutions who adopt oil ly Scotland .ek AUiasur: Vhtroa, the enormous ootioii crop of l'.'O has reduced the price of cotton from 11 to ? cents r pound ; And whereas, in our opinion, ur only relief is in the reduction cf acreage to W planted in ISO' : 'L'lK'iifoiv, we the Scotland Xie Alliance as-einbled, do inost eanust y recommend that a convention cf tbe planters of the cotton growirg States be called to meet in som Sii:ithfrn Sl-itr liprvnftvr to ho ivnn :! and that dclegites be electe.l and i suit to j aid convention to disc iss! and formulate some plan by which this great evil may be averte 1. We most cordially ask the co operation of all farmers that suv interested in the cultivation of cot ton. We also request all editors and newspaper men that are friend! to the agricultural interest of the South to agitate this subject in their respective papers. M'linl H Ditrrrnire! North Caroline has no statue erected to any of her public men except the small one at Kinston in honor of Governor Caswell. How j different it is in Virginia! lVsidisi her statesmen, I.ce, Jackson, and a! host of others have had their luro-1 ism perpetuated by some imperish-j able monument. Yesterday vas Gen. Wicklmn's day a cavalry of-' lieer, like our own Gen. James 1. , Gordon. And row a propositi:; nvide to embalm the insiv.orv o: J. , K. . Stuart in ev.d-.-.rir.,; " Vrov ;c. lie fell at Yellow Tavern '.-..I. .'. N in to arrest the raid cf ti e W.'cr.V. Cavalry on Kicnmor.d. av.d wi mortally wouv.vUd th; v..: evening while hold::.; :; ::-:.;:: Cavalry in check almost :. cf liichmond Grar.t and l.: ': then encased at Cha::c.llo;sville ' Mav U ImU. When will North; Carolinians manifest a proper pride in such mutters: News and Ob server. -M A IropToii 1'nriurr. Mr. John II. Webb, of Stem, Granville county, was among the visitors to the Exposition yesterday, lie has been farming all his life was never in debt, makes every thing he ea's at home, never bought a pound of hay, barrel of Hour or bushel of corn in his life. He be lieved in the maxim 'Tar as ou go!" He nas not yet sold his last year's crop of tobacco. A singular thing in connection with this thrifty farmer is that he is now living in the house his grandfather Luilt in 1TTS. He uses the same dining ta ble that his grandfather used, and his sen and graudson a;e with 1 im. This makes live genera: ions who have lived in the same Louse. Mr. Wibb and some of his neighbors buy their own chemicals and make their own ftitilizers at a cost of "21.10 per ton, and he says it is l)-.-tt.r and cheaper than that bought by his neighbors who belong to the Alliance. State Chronicle. llorrilile Denth. Tuesday morning Dolph Kobinsoii a colored brakesman on the Western road, while standing on a box car was knocked off as the train ran by the coal chute at Crossing. He fell between the cars, and his legs getting tangled in the brake he was dragged to Catawba, a distance of live miles, before he was discovered. One side of his head and face were worn off by bumping against the ground and crossties. His body wa3 brought to the Newton depot where an inquest was held. He was a native of this county, and had only recently served out a term in the pen'tentmry. Newton Enterprise. The committee on hospitality of the Missiona-y Baptist church ex pect 500 deleptates to attend the State convention wLich meets at Goldsboro November 11th. Colonel Lowry, one of the best known metallurgists in the countrv, has completed arrangements for the establishment of a nickle-steel plant at a point in the French Broad val ley. The plant will be the only one in the United States to manufacture this metal, and the product is ex pected to command the renmkably high price of from 250 to 300 per ton. Col. Lowry, tho Asheville Home Journal states, owns his own nickel and iron ore beds, and will personally superintend the whole lie will maka his per manent residence at Asheville. Like another woman the one who's used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. She's a Btronger and a happier woman and a healthy one. The aehos, fiains, and weaknesses, that made ife miserable are gone the func tional disturbances or irregularities that caused them have been cured. Face and figure Bhow the change, too. Health has restored the charms that rightfully belong to her. For all the weaknesses and ailments peculiar to womanhood, " Favorite Prescription" is a posi tive remedy. No other medicine for women is guaranteed, as this is, to give satisfaction in every case, or the money is refunded. It's pro prietors are willinf? to taVo tlm rUl- Vhat it has done, warrants them in guaranteeing what it will do. It's the cheapest medicine you can buy, because it's guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money ii returned. You only pay for the good you get. Can you ask more? That's tho peculiar plan all Dr. Pierce's medicines are sold on. i ill W dJbl T71 :3 V A 71 A for Infants and Children. 'Ct orta is so woll ,liiptM tool.ii.lron iSW I ri-conimoiul it as superior to any i'iv.-vri;tim known to mo."' H. A. Aki-hkh. M. I1.. 1U So. Oxford :"t., lSrvxilj-n, N. Y. "Tin' of 'Oaitoria' i so universal "1 its morit so woil know n iliat it MVtimork of sup'irro-:ltion looiviorso it l-'ow ir.-tli intvlhirt'tu ijinulu-swhodotK't keep rastorifl withiu easy n-cl " . Oiaoa Mtn. P. o , N,w York iiT. Ijite l'astor W.vmingJalc lufonniNl I'lmivli. YORK E & VY n.w r nir I 31 V U () V K I) and i hoy ;uv oluipci o;tn b'.iy or.t on cvy that :it:v f;ni::tv c:in a; ilian ooi. lord : o ow r., Now is tho tim PKKSS. lo't w:i WAPsWtMini that ha o bo; :i o:i t o put until txo tl Yc ..: .11 b tu but V earth .. aw. j .1. ;.e o. n iuij'H'UH "in sen ou inr ie-i "iiim vu the money. (Jet yourself one and take the family. ONE CAK LOAD FLOUlt, ONE CAK LOAD FLOUK, ONE CAK LOAD FLOUK ! S WHITE G 11 E A T . It E I) U CTIOX IN P It I C E S ! CK LOAD SlilPSTUFF. CAli LOAD All gradts llrau and .Middlings, salt: salt: salt: P Now offering bargains in N. save money. WHOLESALE AND rrl T-T r.1 1 PAiNT After much experience in every feature of the business, I am pre pared to do all kinds of hoiiee paintinf, decoratiu, Bign pantinsr, papering, etc. Prices low. Leave orders at Correll Jro 8 Jew elry Store. may 110 I am prepared to furnish firstchiss LIFE, FI HE AND ACCIDENT IX- SLHANLL, and will be pleased to furnish rates to parties wanting such. fell G.G. RICHMOND. Now fqrTaxesi The tnx boohs are now in my hands. I will visit the places below P A T 1 1 E S 0 M H QARE FOR lies, Life and Properly for the collection of tho taxes on the days stated: . Township. im. No. 1. Mcndav October 12 " 2 Tuesday " 13 " "W'e inesday " 11 4. Thursday " lo " 5. Friday . . " ! " fi. Saturday " 17 " 7- Monday " IJ " S. Tuesday " 20 " 5). Wedue.-.dav " 21 " 10. Thursday " 22 " 11. Fiid.-.y.... " 2;5 csif ctfullv, L-'M. MORRISON, Sbrriff. Cabarrus county, N. C, Sept. 27, '91. For Saloor Rent 100 ACMES OF LAXD in No. 5 Township, near Mt. Gilead church, 4 miles fro:u town 13 acres in the town of Concord, recently purchased of It. A. Brown. 1 house mid lot on Main street, opposite Mrs. Hetty WinecofTs; residence lfiixloi feet. 1 vacant lot adjoining l( formed chuieh. lot f rout jug on Lhurcn street, CCxlGo feet. 1 house and lot on Cor bin street, ndiohuins mv residence, GlixlTo fi-et. j .is ?g( i t 1 house and lot on Spring I street adjoining John B. Caldwell's and the rink Deatou lot,9oX215 feet. ! bo 30 JNO. K. 1'ATTEitSON. D A C(orU rim tli. iVn-rttfi.'i, Sour Mom.ii'h. 'i.'W"i).v.-. l- viioimion. Kil.s Wonim. t.ixw M-v(. ' r ' pvi ion, Without ijurioi nuMionUoiv. for vcM vors 1 hrtv rrvonmMMi.l.s" OnMoniv nn.1 n ! m .." Tio so it Una trn ni nli ptwiHortl Nn.'lloiil rsviills. " "Tho Winttuviv ' VM Stiwt Vih tk., .w Voik City ADS WORTH i nr iio atul sot' t honi. and you tiMin. This is : tnaohiito ::s tho cost is o littlt1. in om NKW COI TON (JIN anl (ho cotton Mo ds you. YOlvlvK uu; i:ni o od (J I N S this yoar o'., vioand c't on' rilit away. :lo: monntovl Ibigy '. Answer, Uvlttun it1 stuiing enM nea. . i ii - . . . i ae ; teceixed t Ito liuest lot of lug s. K.u'lvS. atul will soli as low, tjua lily lets iu Notili Cati'liua. Their UA1N ; they af showing some of the Made Harness over exhibited hero. old-fashietied barbecue at the Fair, . ii 1. . 1. ...f ........ X HE l 5 EOSE. SI 1 1 PSTUTT, CAK LOAD SHIPSTUFF! detour prices before you buy. salt: salt: salt: 0. Molasses. Come to see us and RETAIL STORE. A DMINISTKATOlt'S XOTICE.- ilaviuK iualitied us administrator of the estate of Charles Luilwi, deceased, ull persons indebted to the cstttte of said deceased are hereby noti ced to come forward and settle at once, and all persons iho hold claims against said estate are notified to present the same to the undersigned on or before the ISthof August, lH'Ji, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, J. M. Fagoakt Adni'r Chas. Ludwig, dee'd. Aug. IS, "Jl. augO-(J MZA. FOIL. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON MT. PLEASANT, N. C. All calls promptly attended to, day or night. Office in Moose's Drug Store. After 10 o'clock p. m. at residence on College Hill. A DiTnISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having been dulj' appointed and qualified administrator of the estate of Esther Isenhour, dee'd, by the proper court of Cabarrus county, all persons holding claims against the said decedent are hereby notified to present them, duly authenticated, to the undersigned for payment on or before the 12th day of August, 1892, or this notice will be plead as a bar to their recovery. Also all pei sons owingsaid decedent jre notified that prompt payment is expected. August 11, :8'.H. E.L. ISEN' OUR, Gt Adm'r of Dsther Isenhour. TIIli:' OK KM AX SALVE. The TIIIE .' GERMAN SALVE, when properly applied, is infallible in the following distressing and painful diseases: Boils, Carbuncles, Bone Felons, Ulcers, Old Sores, Burns, Wounds of all kinds Erup tions, Piles, Caked Breasts, Tetter, Ring Worms. Scrofulous and Can ce'ous Sores, Corns and Bunions. It will relieve inflamed points, lum bugo, congestion and strains. In all these cases tho SALVE has been tested without a case of failure- TESTIMONIAL' "I have usd on myself and on o'hers CAPT. T1IIES' GERMAN SALVE for boils and take pleasure in stating that it is uueui-passed in efficacy iu not only driving the boil to a head, but ia extracting the 'core' and the healing of the affected parts. S- WIT TKOWSKY, Charlotte, N- C-' The medicino is for sale at the drug stores of Concord. N. C, WIS A KMC TICII .'--Il ill.' 'd PI.A..N O; ' t ll.'lt :t pf i :i' t lio W 1 : i'iv tp'Mtil il i'om no' I l t , t lr i- W .1 tiejll o: i t ion if not OMI'S, ."'lock ropio i ito " Midi w i :M (o not LVD t'- coin Wo .1. T do!. i o . C.i in ovor .b-pui I niont to o.i 1 1 o mi tent j.inojv, 'uAs (':! - . .. f.-iino TmI.Io-;. Combination 'a--U ,atl! and i;.,,!.,,.-, v.,n loivo I. call i m, ii.t.-, Cb.iis will idoase oil to " lo soleel fi'oin. ill nil in iunu Tli inkiii': vou for vour kind patronage, in the past, and hop by eloso attention lo your i . Mil v i , resp.vt I'uily CtuinoiiS, ins, .W.. tSr. Honest Priws LISTEN Kl S 1 luiii tho now oar determined to create such advantages that my f Hinds who haven't time to come down to Charlotte and see my immense static can stay at home and Lay as satis factorily as if they saw the goods on the lloor. I have out a complete line oi photos of FUnNlTUiiK, PIANOS AND ORGANS, which shows up Quality and Styles almost as well as if you saw the goods themselves. I guarantee every article just as represented, and if you do not lind it so you can return the goods to me and I btr the expense both ways and REFUND YOUR MONEY. J5y ordering from me through photos you save payiug the big prices smaller dealers charge you, and your railroad fare to Charlotte. AVrite me fi r photos of what you'want and I will guarantee to both please and save you money. ZED. ZLVL AlsriDE,"iIi"W"S3 Dealer in Furniture, Pianos and Organs. 10 and 18 West Tkadk Stkket. a dmixls niA roirs xotici:.- H.ivins? been duly unpointed and 1 qualified administrator of J;ucb House, deed, all js( isons holding: claims against the said d"'od.ut are ! hereby no'ilii' 1 to rn si-ni thrm to' the undersigned for paymi i:t, duly "' authenticated, on or I'ei'oie 1 ho :?d . day of September, 1!2. or this no tice will bo ph-ad as a bar to their j recovery. A 'so nil persons owinir; suid e-tate are liotii'tc d prompt, payment is expected. Sentembf-r l'.'i- J ). U. t ViiT. six aeus, .-ignited iii No. II t'.vn-' tdiip, udjoiiiinti the 1 mds at' S. . White, Ephraim Jiost, Mi s. II. V. lute and otl.i-is. Go-.t woca. ai;i cotton h;nd, good will of v.;:itr, goo-1 meadow, good bnrii v.'ui tenant house. Terms of s-tle: Ono-hi'f c. .-h down and the other good not-.'. About. : 0 acres of wood hmd on farm .;iid the other ciear-d. J. M. COLEY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ! Ail persons having chtinis iigan:5-! the estate of Widi.- E!l. ins. do.-'-', ", will tile them, duly anth-rticaie in the clerk's ollice of Cabarrus county for scttb-;j -out on tn be for- ti-' 2ith d.iv of Augu.-t, l'.d. July 2:i, lS'.U. FLAM KIN(, j jy 2t -lw Adipi' -I'-trntor. C RE DI TORS N OTIOh.- Ti cretlitors of tho 5tato oi' JoM;h Litaker. dee'd, are duly notified tli-it . ; 11. Kiiilcy, adminitrator of s:iid Litaker,: has tiled "with me his final settlement of j iraid estate, and all persons interested in, said estate are duly notiiied that they ear. I appear at my ollice on .Monday, -1st j September, lS.o, and show cause, n any; thev have, why said settlement shall not j be confirmed. August 18, 18U1. .Tas. C. Gihson au 19-Ow. - lerk, DM IN 1ST RATOU'S NOTICE. Having been duly qualified and annoiute "t administrator of ( L. l'hifer. dee'd. all persons holding claims against said decedent are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned, duty ftumenii cated, for payment on or befoio the U5th day of September, 1.S92, or this notice will be plead as a bar to their recovery. This September 25, 1M1. J.A. IIEILIG, oc 1 Adm'r G. LPhi for. decjl. NORTH CAROLINA, f1nr.nts County. ) SUPEKIOB S Court. D. C. Cosby and wile, M. J. Cosby; T. A. Rogers and wife, Mary A. E. Rogers; J. A. Black- welder and wife, Ruth Blackwelder, and Sarah J. C. McKinley Plain tiffs, vs. J. R. Elk-ins, Win- Eikins, G. R. Winecofi", Fannie I. WineeofT and Ida M. Winecoli Defendants. It appearing to the satisfaction of tho court from the return of L. M. Morri.-on, sheriff of Cabarrus coun ty, X- C., and from the afiid ivit of D. '. Cosby filed iiithejihove enti tied action, that Win, I''lkins, one of the above named defendants, is a non-resident of this State, and idi er ilue ('iliye.jco cannot be found wit iiiu the State of Nortii Carolina, ami is a necess iry and proper party to th'; above entitled action, ai d whereas (he plaintiils above mime 1 hive beeun au action iu said court to subject to sale the re tt o.-tate of John McKinley, des.ciil ed in tl:e complaint of the plaintiffs, lying in No. 4 township, "vijoining the lands of Caleb Se- lord and otheis, and containing' a-w ' ,;1('i,s And wher'-as tne said a. icndant, Wm. Eikins, h is an intere-t actual or contingent as heir at h -v of said John McKinley in sait lan.U. Now therefore tho sai l "A illiam Eikins is hereby notified tbt unless he be and appear at the office oi the clerk of the Superior Court of said county and State aforesaid on or before the 7th day of December, iuoi on.! rloifl miswfr or ilirinr t.o the complaint of the plaintiffs in this 1 acion, which was fib. don th 10tn j October, 1891, that the plaintiffs will i apply to tne court, tor rue rem-i demanded in the coniplrir.t and for costs of action. This 13th dav of October, 1S.-T. JAS. C. GIBSON, oc 14 Cw Clerk Superior Court. TlUC I'-MCOi'LE Im.mi- ,i jll. A WW UNIOK I'll v 'linvl from Hio l'.-iclory in r:nli' V HH nldo ! glvo you i i urn iiul im niol tiionoy ri'inniuMi i ii 1 1 ii in ' ii t w.innnt (l lor iv(5 ininl in i'iim" of ncciilciit." Our .si i.ia.v; of I si) i w il Ii M " i.i 1 1 i ta l i vin daily ion I o our 1 no of Ollice Desks, Silolo:mls, N::t Racks, Exten Don I lo :isk to see our Cniliv'I able. Unr stocK oi and see to annreeiate. Our von. I'abv Carnages from wants to merit a continuance yours, Fetzer & Bell. Hohcs, Cof inch 19 TO WHAT SAY IT S. LAND IX ISCt? AND lstio J.itats . Mason. Attorney at-Law, Chapel Hill, X. C, will collet t this tax for r cents on the dollar. Send your receipt to him. If lost, write liin the- facts. The citizens of CLhpei Dili nro given ae references. in OlAMiS IS I) ACIDS. Puiv Ground Bone, Li:--i s" and Miller's l)is- olved oiP rVatnIo Guano and Acid, (iff l. ral other of (he est Brands are' offered. at Clo se 1 r ices BY Co and get their Trives. Ihey are prepared to fur nish you with any quantity desired. CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS SCROFULA CCUCHcrCOLD Threat Aftctlcn Or ity XHmsm vJKt Of Throat an Zmmt r Inflamed, tmoM nf BtrengtS or JTarM rvr, yo can reUevrd and Curo4 y OF Fair Sw. pr ; At IVni RXl I MUllll m i wwdbh PURE COD LIVER OIL Wltn Hypophosphltea. PALATABLE AS MILK, A$h for Brotft Emuhion, and (el n plmnatlon or aolieitation indue you tm mearpt a f.ibttituta. Sold by all Druggists. COTT BOWKE.ChomltU, .T, FARMERS, -I IIAVF JUST HECE1VED- On e Thousand lBtigis o f - SII HUNDRED o THERE IS XO SUCH STJCK OF Acid, Guano and Rlotir! IN TOWN AS T -LZLISOILSFS CALL TO SEE ME BEFORE DUYING ALSO - HATS, SHOES, SUGAE, COFFEE, MOLASSES, TOBACCO, SXF1 F, $c, $c. C. G. M: ntgomery HARDWARE! I am still at the old stand od stock of agricultural gooi huilders material, nails, locks, hinges, doors, sash and glass, of all description. I am Agent for the New Deerins Mower. ui uic uesi luowersmaae V I am also Apenl fci-tl.e A sample of it (.in le fai, C. Hi i ID CO 2 'A ;i iWi :i.i&if-si The old, well-established, reliable firm of HOOVER, invite your "Well Seleotsd An experience of 15 years in the wants of their customers and with the Very Best Class of Goods And with a thoroughness EXPERIENCE, aDdan intimate acquaintance with the traae OUll WARES ARE FIRST AS WE KEEP NO SHODDY GOODS GUARANTEED TO SUIT THE ITARD TIMES ATTENTION ! AND SAKS OF FLU HAVE AT ooieghstidjR. HARDWARE on Allison's corner, and keep a HARDWARE on hands. Also TalltA Ftif.t NiciLl hu. lei hi Fonti Liii n hi. K "WHITE . i i M in s 73 O T 1 K ii & w HP O k3 ' ;:i. XO 2N LORE & CO attention to a Stock of Goodr Concord enables them to supply that only comes with LONG CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT Guaranteed ;u i, Vegt-r I'm,!, nit OLIVE OIL. lM v COCOA-UUTTKHoil. Treat-! "Cold P "V t!: ture iNOt Co',!. Will not auiie;-; tht U liner oi- sr Uitll" Ik IW iii 1 111 IKlt ill il I iii To wash the hai.y. the hands ami ;'rlri lo cuvss v.' and s, (res. Of tlie scalp mid skin For bathing and shaving r,Ur. poses. ' Price: lo cents $1.00 per dozen. 1!' cake. A full supply kej,t at Ujs Benson, Fisher & Co's Milli lery. Mrs. J. S. FISHER, Agent lor C(.n'ord and Cas narrus county. mch21. it 5 EF.VTE AMI INSURANCE BURKI1EA1) i SOX, A-t's. Olhce in the old IVstofllre lluiW- mg, (brick row Fire Insuramv C-u- ;: rhoeiJix, of bin klvn; ('.i.tnw.t.-J of sev York: X. C. lumi", d X. C; Insurance 'i'U: d North Aim rica, f 1'hi adelphia; Nm tlk-m As suraoce of i-oikioa. Kates as low a the io;ust tc- curity u :';!; .?ih ::c:!. ACC I DENT I N V 1 : A X CE. Traveler of ,'Iartforil. C YCLOX E IX S n; A N IE- In these days of .siorms, cychuie;, or tornadoes, yuu will f.-d safe to have a Policy in a ir.-'ioi.jille company. SECU1LITY IXsl hAME. Have you a bond to -rive as secu rity, then call o;; I:.s!:rai:ee Company to get it i;p and not on your friends. Pay a -r, inii;m fur your bond as you do on and furniture. IiEAL ESTATE. "We offer a choice lit e -f ii!r-iovd and vmiiiiproved r -iu. iw pr .-tt'Jty in town su herbs, l'riee ; ii'i ti-rni3 reasonable and made kno.wi on ap plication, to IJU1IKIIKA1) & 0X, Je ftf At'.jiK To cure Biliousness, Sick Hralae'.;e, Coustt pation, Malaria, Liver ( o,-.!!:ii!-t- take tho safo ami certain l-eiueJj', SMITH'S nn c p. : n m is k tiM tLfcV Te l!ie S3IAIXSie(-iniittlf HMnstotM bottle). Thev ake the mot tonvlmexx. Suitable ox- nit Ae Price of eillitr size, 2."-. f,rrlUwe, KISSING 1 If in"PH3T0G3tVC AT'-il-IU PANEL BIZ J.F.SMITK iCO.Moterioflill.EHEANS, ST.i'j'IS Hi Rial Trv ibe, Pr'rcf&$. EIv'sGreami Cleanf-es tho TTasal Passages. Al - lays Inflammaticn. llcalstho Soros Eeatores tho Senses cf Taste, Sneu and Hearing. A particle is npplird Intoench notrI! U rrrnble. PrircSOr. nt lruu!iin ' " fcall. ELY E KOTIIEISSO Warren buw'r M J. CORL'S CONCOED, N. C. I Live moved into the ;i'.e :-ar JiiO- n at I. i.-es . u'fciu ui tu Jill. It occupied by llv the courthouse. T Jrovvn i !""- The L(.'.-l :.''- (latious for tlrovirs. I.'- v' orders at the utuble cr wiH- ;! Brown lrrlpr fur iMir;I,ns. ts and mules for tale. M. J- COifU Proprietor. Milch Cows for EES' II ia bitS x.wmmmVJg, "SgJ Si 113 9? j,V " - Balm I hive two fiae mi!ch ci f ' 6;l-fl' K. i). I.KNTZ. Mt. Pplea9aut, Oct 11, 1 d&wlw