i I u 1 1. 111 Sli 1 1 i I" ' 3 s t 1 ' I 1 ' 1 . ; i STORY OF THE "Tf'lMPET RAT." How m Clever FYphpIi Zouave looped aa 1!iibus;i t in? Naturalist. When t!."! iVoti;!i zouaves v.ere first in Africa : new sort of r.it uta le its f;p penninoe there. It v;is culled tho '"trui'i;; t nit." h.-iviu' ;i Icii prob.is ois. The :;r:Io of a .specimen by one of the soldiers to an enthusiastic untural ist gave ri-i; t an action at law. Saul the p!;ii;tilT in court: "ThN .ouavo has cheated me out of 100 francs. lie kuows that I am much interested in natural sciences. I have collect!, r.s of fossils, of .shells, of rare animals. .-f curious plants. Ono i!ay ho ca!!el upon me and said: 'Sir. I l ave t. kind of animal which has never been mentioned by any naturali-r. 1; is a trumpet rat. and has a trunk like an eleph.vif s. It is alive and well. If you wisli to see it you have only t.i come To my house." "I w.-us very anxious to behold this strand.' animal. We arrived at his house and he showed me in a eajre an enormous rat, very lively and in good condition, which really had on its nose a slender eiereseenee more than an inch in length. The excrescence was covered with hair like the body of the animal, with vertebra) in it. juid (a most extraordinary tiling) larger at the summit than at tho base the contrary to vrhnt it ouht to be In tho usual course of things. To convince myself that it not a dupe and a mystitlea tion I stuck a pin into the trumpet. The animal cried out and a drop of blood came from the prick. The ex periment was conclusive. It was really a trumpet forming part of the rat. "I was amazed. I asked this man if he would sell his rat. lie s;ud yes, an J I paid hhn fifty francs for it. My friends and servants all admired it, and I was enchanted. My rat was a male. Some one said to me that I ought to procure a female. I asked the zouave if he could procure for me a fe male, and he said he had two. I saw them and bought one of them for fifty francs. Some months : afterward the female had young. I looked at them and they had no trum pets. I said to myself, 'They will i sprout.' I waited one month, two ; months, six months; every day I looked at the noses of nir rats, but the trumpets never appeared. j "In a house where I go frequently I i made the acquaintance of an officer who had served a long time in Africa. I told him about my trumpet rats and he laughed as though his sides would split. When he was calm again he told me that the trumpet rat was not a freak of nature, but an invention due to the leisure moments of the zouaves. This is how they make them: You take two rats and fasten their paws firmly to a board, the nose of one close to tho end of the tail of the other. Then with a penknife or a lancet you make an incision into the nose of the rr.t which is hindermost an I you graf t the tail of the first into the no? ; you tie firmly the muzzle to the tail and you leave the two rats in this position for forty-eight hour. "At the end of that time the union has taken place and the two parts are grown together: then you cut tit! the tail of the r; t which is in front t " the re quired ler.irth and let him go. but still keep the other fastened to the board with his head .. and yon srive him something to eat. At the end of a fort night the wound is perfectly healed and the eye of the most curious invotigator would not see a trace of the grafting. This is the way the zouaves make rats with trutnjets. On the part of the defendant it was j urged that he had certainly made up j the rats an stated, but he affirmed that he had not sold them to the plaintiff as being "born" with trumpets. Verdict for the rouave. Washington Star. 8peaklng Scutch. The raee of Scotch speaking people is passing away, and nut many are left to tell the story in the rich brogue of the national tongue. And there was always a stcry to tell, so that one on this very subject comes in pat here. A i youth, who had been educated in Eng land, returned to his family in Scotland, and was shown off by admiring friends. "Is he not charming?'' remarked one to the young man's sister. "Oh, yes; but he speaks English Bow," she answered, in real distress. An old lady being asked if a person he had lately seen was "Scotch," an swered with much bitterness: "I canna say. Ye a' speak sae gen teel now that I dirma ken wha's Scotch." Iietroit Free Press. Treatment of rrr Patients. The old fashioned way of treating fever patients lias died its death along with its innumerable victims. Once milk and many other drinks were pro hibited; also the touching of the cuticle with wet cloths. Jow milk is given freely, and a frequent sponging with soda water lowers the tempera ture of the patient, refreshing and strengthening him. Detroit Free Press. Would Vou Be Atlrn Ui? You must le healthy. Would you be healthy, always keep within reach, ready for any emergency. Dr. Pierce' h Pleasant Pellets, the per fection of physic ! Headache, bil iousness, tonstipat'on, a coated tongue, always indicate a torpid liver. Thepe magical Pellets act directly upon the liver the foun tain hea I of mat y ilis corre cting all disorders, diiving out all impuri ties, Ptimu'atirjjhca thy action. TI e best Liver pi;l: mildly giving all the benefit and none of the discom fort of other pills. It is calculated thatth'Te are S. 000,0' io girls of a school yo'mg age at present i:i lndi:i. Klitloir oi;Miniliiii Cure. This is beyond question the most successful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few doses invariably cure t he worst cases of Cctiglis.Cronp and jjroncnius, wnne us wonilertnl 8ucces3 in the cure of Consumption is without a Parallel in the hfs'orv of medicine. Since its lirst discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test whiidi no other medicine can Btand. If you have a cough we earutstly ask ou to try it. Price 10c, 50c and $1. Ifyourluncs are core, chest, or back lame, use fchiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold at Fetzer's Drag Store. Shiloh's Catarrh Ueniedy. A marvelous cure for Catarrh. ,Dipthe ria. Canker mouth, and Headache. With each bottle there is an ingen ious nasal In jector for the most sue iessful treatment oi these complaints without extra cnarge. I nee oOc. old at Fetzer's drug store. (! ti 'Vait!n;:. "Do you see that old colored inan cross the street;'' said a friend. I looked, and. standing o't the corner of Tenth street, was mi ( id stager v.'lin seemed to n: to be siYf-itur from fl.e Ifid.lle Airs, .".l'l v,!u v.v; ! e:sot:g!i to have p t tii d through svvt-ral t.rr: of ,-lavery. "Well. 1 saw thiit old fel low deposit L's lii-.-t vote, and 1 will never forget, it as Ion ; as 1 live. The polls were lorared a: Ninth in.! Wal lace .'.rivers, j-.nd ::s early as half nut 1 o'clock in tin1 morning tii.it old fel low and another old slaye appeared at i the window, holding li-'ht in their j hands t lio t icket which tJn y intended to vote. "The election ofiieers were tarjythat I d:iy and the window was not (;e:eil until about, quarter past 7. One i f the j ex-slaves, the youngoruf tho two. could : not contain himself, lie v.ns d'.'.in ' pointed anil told ihe, older one that I 'perhaps tley wouldn't let in do ii, ' after all. (Jolly, I'so Iveii waitin . a rou i ill here a long lime, ami 1 think ! they ought to ojhti dat window.' Tho I old man was as happy as a lark, and ! after tjuieting his companion's fears !: I said: 'Afy dear sab, l'se is perfectly 1 sati-lied. Holly, l'se is glad. I have i waited over forty years for ills chance, and, honey, l'se can wait another hour ! for dat window tr open."' I'hiladcl i phia 2sevs. The llHUiin'a Itevense. A ytnith of the genus "masher" boarded a dinky car on Spring Garden street, and after dropping his nickel in tho slot, which receives the fares in the ' absence of a conductor, ho perched himself on the dasher of tho rear plat I form, and from this point of vantage ogled a number of young ladies inside ! the car. Presently a Utile street a rah jumped on the car for a free ride. Tii-j masher snatched the ragged cap from the youngster's head and threw it i:ii the street, compelling the owner to jump oil. After this bright perform ance the perpetrator smiled in a s. If satisfied way at the lady pasv'iigers and balanced himself on the dasher in w hat he considered a graceful pose. 1 The street ::ral. however, having re ! covered his headgear, had followed the i car unseen, and creeping up behind the ! k j unconscious masher seized his long ! c. attnils and :.ave them a strong pull, j j Tl:e masher lest his equilibrium, f.'il j j bru k over t'ne dasher, but saved him- ! soli' from falling into tho street by j ! clinging to the dasher with his hands . ! and knees. From this undignified po- j i sition he was resetted by the driver, i j while the ladies snickered audibly, lie ' beat a hasty retreat, and found hiserst S while shiny plug batter"! and muddy i ui the street hiiJf a square hack. Phi la- i I delphia Kecord. A ?Iatlr of riare. "".Veil, ina.lani." says ;!ie head of the hotlse, who had ;i Mareiitiy e-ut out . f !..! in the wr:iir si 'e, "what liavi vmi pot f;..r Livakfast this innniiti.' ilo'ded I egs. eh i SiviiK t.i me yoti never ii.-i ve r.Tiy'.hliitr but boiled t crs. l..iled Jlre- bus And Avhat ids.-, :n;id.-nn, mav I jtl ctl. ps, my ilear," savs the Wile lneekiy. lit ti li ell' I'S ili-hu-hai:.'.. btirstiii j int e a I'fal i.f s-tr.l ter. .Marti. u -fiiops! I e nie laii,;'; .llld l;a0 irr.esse.i it. Othef til .".! and jannnirip; fee door the Iad.Hn. if I ever at a:i- tlside ,.f this le.lise"- oti liis hat and .s!;.ni!ii;ii-aVrH-vi'd man bounds down the Mains and betakes him: if the resta-.'rant. 'Wn.it il vou li.ive, sir;- s.ivs T ie wa:t(Ti politdy handln? hii foe. in a luil oi "Ah I" says the guest. Inning glanced over it. "Let me se.'. Hring me two boiled eggs and a mutton chop.'' Jurv. Die Storj- .r th- 0!rlis'. At Ileliopolls was the Temple of tho Sun. and the schools which Herodotus visited "because the teachers are con sidered the mi st acconiplishi-d men in r.try j i. v, nen rrano came lntlier. -l :') vears later, he saw the house which Plato had occupied. Moses here learned "all the wisdom of the Egyptians." Pupyn describes Jleliopolis as "full of obelisks." Two of these columns were carried to Alexandria 1.5137 year atro and s t up before t'ne Tempi of Ciesar. According to one authority, this temple was built by Cleopatra; in any ease, the two obelisks acquired the name of Cleopatra's Needles, a.ud though the temple itself in time disappeared, they remained where they hdd been placed one erect, one prostrate unKl, in recent years, one was given to London and the other to . York. Con stance F. Woolsoti in Harper's. The agricultural bureau in Washing ton is devoting much time and care toward cultivating the bamboo of China It is the most useful variety of that class of vegetation known, ami its uses enter into almost every industry in China. An Introduction to the ((upon is an honor conferred upon only a favored few. But every lady of the land may have ready access to the Queen of Kemedies Dr. Pie ce's Favorite Prescription. Once known, always a valued friend. It promsies to positively cure every form of weakness peculiar to women, i:h1 confirms this promise hy a written gtnrar.lee in every case, or money returned. This Koyd Remedy is carefully prepared for woai.'M only, a'id its tfli.'iency is v ii ched for by countless happy homes and countless thousands of t .siimonials. A trial will convince you that it is invaluable in correcting all irregularities und weaKiiesscs fur which it is designed. Chmcey Dt-pew and in th' coins of lis add' ess to t ie Fellow si i Club in Chicago, that after a man has ii r i passeu -to years ot age ne makes no new friends. IatH ;rft Vt muter. We arc fturrounded by dangers all the way from tho cradle to the crave. Ihe (great wonder is." as Pat says, "that after getting out of our cradle, we iive long enough to reach our grave. .thousands are out of health morse, morbid and miserable, because they do not avail themselves of the remed within easy reach of them. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery would cure them For all chronic or linsrerin. Coughs, Weak Lungs, Spitting of Jireatn, Astnma ami kinured aih inents. it is a most potent reniedv It cleanses the blood, invigorates the liver, improves, digestion, and builds up both llesh and strength. Dose s-niall and pieisanu to taste. i.arye battles, one dollar. Of all lii.s mi1 : hood' !rf ic:it tlmis ; t ;u!;i 1 I i:i Lrhillil, ' i i- en I lie wi.j.1. primp, Sees ;n 1 1 ho A -; f - -i! e; hi- . U.l oi: ' -- . V': ' ':.!! --. I' K!i ( !'! v.. ...ill :. .i Tf i r-.m le-i .-. to- f i H III Ala-! II Wi'.u.. :i vii'i!1 il lur i:i sieiti. .wil i::i uim rs i.:u t, I'o.ir, i.: In f.iil. ,TV;lM nil , r I.: .ml n Pi-n and m ' I. l;i sm. rel!.-v ii' 1 -i r ... ;i!U- III ti 1 in In- v:i. If In- I.. A ray . :i . : Mill- I. .ii l.-t in .. Ii:.lh 1 i.t Sn-.'i u !.l :i :ui liimr nf im i!. d hi,, nv. d r.,jMit:Vri:: l!r i.ii l'i nut Is .. . t i.. a: - ain: and. v v.!..i::i ia- 1:1 : In .- r! !! 1'.' .ii.' aa.l Wil'i lit:'.; . Ik:,-Kmk- !. ; ti.al I nva 1 ('.111 lii'lirt' IT.' i.r..v Kaoiiia ..! . i. '. ii "in- lit T. -;- -i tiy'. la. in'Vci'an.'1'i' arlli l'ai'1. -J. C. Whilti.r. Kll?t'!t I,Hsilll. K:i i I l-.Kl.l Tim'. An L'nglisli magazine. The Fngiuocr, submits statements to prove that i ; h'.y miles an hour is the highest possible speed, giving tin following arguments to prove its point : Keeause no greater velocity has ever been attained. Heeause of the resistance of the air: 11. 'cause of the back pressure in ti e cvlinders. j F. '.-anse of th I whi: h mv.st be los amount of powi in imt'nri ing viole: I motion to masse of uiei.il wl.ieh can i m;ik g::ie: part- no r ause th- ;irn when i omin. of the swinging to rest. o l l.ie e: i-v.'-esMvo vi. j.iraud e. .nrii it ion of ..:i all o d. nary ret .rale ri Its rd- ating t" k. lii-ean.-.e i down the . ! the t xtiao mg t.i gra.ii. i.;e:.ee oi . ry 11 AV. . o 1 ; ing r. CilL'il --"it i tends tiair coupling iow n tlie spei in in t n.l Sun: Kiiliiis I - ;.:..-t : i .! annually iild'd precious sloiu-s : i ) : 1 1 1 s t!::;t are now tin wtirhl's stock .f ::e from tia- Soutli African ti. are invest i:m:;.-:-s ea: the bad .- ds, and great sums of mof.fy .1 in tiie indii-Tiy. !'.p"rt T -11 in.-r.mt'.y t!:.-'g""d froui ones, and mauv of tin-n make desperate elTorrs to si. niggle the precious g !'s out oi l!ie mines. To prevent such a r-'bb, ry every miner is compelled to strip and put on different Ctl thin ire Lttiitie; u iiUit ihiie 1 e.il over Li e the plaee. ) tile m:iit.s. is evtmhied : 1. is ai- ii".',d.-d the s by iii !;i,' and le'.n.ii. : i to '.i.'ha:ie.. is . is :. :.-d:v JUid tllt ll :it mi.' v.M.'.'.ii 1 ll.We.l I '..' !'..! a ! .i . till. dit.n'ii tin j tn. ;:i iti t. sw:.:'.kv ;.; t-nrli a i j now he;.':, r. in f ii'" . - 'v. eh r 1. I'.tl.i my .y. , u.-a ;i.!'i.-'i." . .-:f an.', a .servant ! .-aily. as ;. rule. I i,y of roiii f ir u, r the r !..;' ves." the family, bat the What you want time too." should I wish to . i::v b..v I I aia le.t do v. e: i i ... . f i: .' will eeiisiee-i. t;: ' i.::i s l.-e ; :. :e is ai.d ;, ir .'i::is V.-s. j! f'.r f.ili'.'ly do :f t on:.: is s; ranger, an 1 he "Ha. hal Why Cl;:-T!.ii!l s"l'.i!l.'"is. going t i 1. ';) a 1;. " "Cans" s;s v. '.d always 1 l w! it'll s '.VS. f.tid loa'e to it lbJllt." loud ' Tl.f I.or.l an.l tlm Hobby. A story is going thy rounds apropos of Lord Cianwihiaiu. th" ialia-it and gel. ial admiral who was so greatly re sponsible for the successful reception of the Frere h tleet at Portsmouth, tine sultrv night Lord Cl.mw illiam was peacefully smoking his pipe, outside his house iu I'.elgrave sipi.ir.; attired in a somewhat five and easy suit, which at tracted the s!!spi"io!i of a watchful Po liceman. Tin' farter, accosting Lord Clanwiliiam. iujuiivd, "What are yon doing here.' 1 vou belong to this house;" "No." was the answer, "the Lou so belongs to me." Land and Water. lit, Could Not I if. "Now," said the murderer's lawyer to his client, "when your c.'.se comes r.p you will jilead not guilty." "But that would be a lie," replied the conscientious man. New York Epoch. Wl'.en Chnrlem.iTno mil hi3 " Knights of the Hound Tallin" woo? nia'.nn.T wnr on tbo Kiracc-s, in Africa, i; frc 'pa-atly liapi.cne.1 that KruRlita on eiilier si.io would lij. 'at in 6;:ig coiiiliat lur tho lienor of their re Fpcctiw annios. Tlio Saracens hail l .-cn, for iiuht years, the i;r'!.urL;o tho I'.rcaileil inv.-vl.Ts of J-.aroiie, ne.l all wiiged war oair.st this common c::::i:.y. But in tbeso days the worst sconrgo that threatens us, is that dread invader, t'on- tiUKftio.l. Cons'.anption fastens its hold upon ita vic tims while they nro unconscious of it3 np proach. Dr. Tierce's (tolilen J.Icdical I)is covory has cured thousands of cases of this most fatal of maladies. Lut it mast bo taken Iwfuro fEo disease is too far advanced in order to lx f tr. ct ive. If tr.hen in time, and piwn a fair trial, it will cure, or money pai 1 1'or it will le r ended. For V.'fa'; Lun'rs, Sjiit'ingof PlooJ, Short ness of Brea'ih, lirenciritis. Asthma, severe Coughs, and JUindred nit'ectious, it is an uno qunlfil reiaxiy For all diseas tafc arfso from a torpid liver and impurolal d, rothin can taUo tho place of Dr. I'irrco C' olden M. dicr.1 Discov ery. Nothinft will, r.Uor yoa have se3n what it doe-?. Id prevents i.d cures 1 y removing the cause. It invigorates tho liver, puriTies the Mood, sharpens the npnetite iejoroves dijrestioa, and buil.ls no bo;h bt renrtih sun I i hh aL'a reducttl Uslow UlJ cr Bsikl by druggists, verywherL Who, lfoktug backward for Enfants I reoommi-ud itasBuperiortoaiiyi'rc?crj;ion fi known trine." H. A. Ar.rm r., I'., Ill So. Oxford St., Hnxiiyn, N. Y. ... , i "Tho iw of Tiutoria' is so linivorsa! ., its mriW so well known that, it, sivnis ''rk f intelHntfamiHeswho do aol keep tustond Carlos M.ihttn, P.TX, 5 . , , "wy'Z rtr.'- Iato Pastor Bloommsdalol;i.uiinl Uiurta. Tint Cental A V". l'l:l'l.'.l Slillt.P. I T.v.i headed sMal.es are found so!U. ; times, !.; a!" tat; more r-ommnu freaivl ; than siuiiiariy created iiunians. Tiieru j i a two Leaded n;.ke at llr.; Academy of Sciences ' i ...t : : . raetc.1 nra-:i a.t.ell lioii from :..i.T.v.!!fts. It i a 'uli.-u spee;:iM n w I: !:..!. It is tmw dead :.i:l . in aieo! . !.. t- .'.nv'g tit lew v--eks , : its ve!:::ie waa lo.e. 1 ain-r ir was ; v.r.t : i a::.! -:.e'... !. . : 1 b so ! tame th:if it could be !.aui!'. d without ; ' f st urbh .: it. , ; Il v.v imt a oung snake, twelve I inenes long, an. I the two heads join ; about leaf an iie-'i from the cxto-mii v. : 'j'j i'he name, pi' tie. If s cat' iti o;-, won!. '- ! suggest a lare : a ,u;i!e of ri'ptiie, bnt j this kind is vaiaui.-ly it. died the gojile-r j snake, blow snake, pine sua!; a nd b'lil ! Miake, owing to the locality i:i w' :c!i it j is found. The species has no fangs', on!;, very una:!, line let.h; grows to I nv.T si feet in length and the Lite is i I :. r.'. ." i . !i.i ;-;n!"- 1 'i'he main peculiarity of the young! repti! is tliat both heads are perfectly .lev, I .; e 1 and food could be taken by. t either, as th re is a channel leading , from ! . ii to the Moiii'i'-h. When on.. : ! hea ! t.i. ,i. .1 a bee; le or other article i : of :' -a..', it v,-as a pustioii wliidi could ' I ra. h il :r. .". for one was just as liable to ::n!i it as the other, tlciigh the v. .!..! ho,.;.- reci'ivi-1 iiu:r.;:;i!it iroai ' tho ''" -t. It s, eiaeii 1 . f T ; i to be a . 1 a c- be. v- i e'i the lev. Is !o see which , won i-i an ..' !e ti. ' in.--. . .'. i.ul af. ." it disa; ;;e;;fe 1 in one m. it'll, ".'.ej ol'j. r teeni'-d .iia-r ,s w.-il :-.,te:l I. ' Tie traits and chr.ra-t' risties .f :i.e twhi W' re i-'i.-.-'y the -::'tl.e'- !(: :; w.-n the I Wi . i . ' . is . ; 1. !:: -: r ' t w ., trie- . mi: t!ie I:;:-.. I.!..:.. i '.! ; loud I heari j Jh i and . i ' ! "N ... I .: eh w..:e 1 "What i ei:- 1, ,v- y i "Well. .judr.'. i ni i.ar! o' 1 :tri 1 1 and I'm I'l'rai.l ic V.o'.h 1 Le u , !e-.s 'h.r me to try s ;e. " "Can ':l h '.-.r ."!! ordi-c. .;iv. sati"'ial T'.ii -:" d t' "ii. v:' re:. , ;.:,. l- band behhi 1 his ear. "I say ran you he; coiivei -e.rii nl ; .: .' the jildg-, !.:."hh,g hi higher. "Well, it bothers n 1 ,i.i'.'.:i:r n.s :i r..i!i".' ' a litrh Doe. . "Well," s;:U Jud .v D .-. isi.i a lr-.v tone of voj e ., - J guess v..'d i'.ese ; i Low as-, the j was. i)oe lieard ii, .lie! h" started awey witn a pe asarit smile f.vi:ik!iii.'.r a'.oii: his fa"". "Well. Mr. I ' .'." ..".. I I'-avis. I "I gius if vu:i can bear the", vou cui I li.":r we'l -ivivg!i to :erv. as a j ir W e cannot r.vus vn::," I 1 fell ! And .ioh:i !m eoiiav-' into t:ie lie;'!'.'.-: cm:;' Her:.!.!. -( h.iah.i i"ld- ti... rate.. ,, or tt.- i".r. The Vatican, th" mr.riiii'-eiit p.alace ! of the popes, is tlit most spl -ndid re-i- j deuce in , he woiid. U be.u-s the same rvlatioii tootiier ia!.".c!'stiiat St. Peters at Home d.ie to other churches. The j Vatican is built npo of the hills of I Kome, on the ri.vrht bank of the Tiber, and its extent is enormous. Ic has ! o grauu s.. ureases, u'e smaller M.;ir- cass, 20 courts, VI reat lialls and 1.1(H) umii'i i:ieiits i.'f various si;: -s. It is, indeed, hardly a palace, but a collection of pa faces. Its "riches in marbles, bronz '.s and frescoes,. in an cient statues and "cms and in paintings j an uueqn ded iii the world. It also r- .... i, ., i.,,.., , i possesses a horary, vuth a Jargn ind cho'ce collection of manuscripts. It .s often faii! iii.ii. the V.ii;!mii, v.i.h if-.; jard-'iis, an i t't. i'eter's, ncc-lp:-.i mi niu.'ii spa-e a- the cry of Ti:ri:i. an ! I as tins has never Hceri c.ntra.iii-teil it is probably true. lirooklyn P.::e!e. j Ti KotHflulx-r Wli.-n One Stie.M-s liunils. ! Those L ai red in palmistry anil kin-" dred sciences tell us that v lien we s;rasn i a so to spca.t boneless hand, a hand I sp. wlrtch appears to crumple up in your own, a hand with no apparent vitality in it. to bew.T-e of i.'s owner, ami that the soft, and linn to the touch hand i- : only possessed by an honest man. Th-.'y ; also .-i.ss.-j-i mat a tni.-ic, iiar.i lian ,i is a sure si.;n of ohs'inaoy and conceit is its owner. They tell you that Ioiil: finei cd, double jointed peop!; earmot bo sincere if they try. ii...-:-.:! Commercial. hy do so trMny people we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and. be n.ade nvserable by Tinlies'ion, Constipation, Dizziness, T.o.?s of Ap petite. Com in sr up if ilie Food. Yel low Skin, wlieii for ?."c. wo will sell them Shiloh's -Yitalizer rnaranleed to cure them? S ld at Fetzer's drug store. The Rev. Geo. II. .Thayer, of Donrlion, Iud., s ivs : "Both mvself and wife owe our' livps to Shiloh's Consumption Cure." For saL- at Fetzer's drug store. and Qhiteiren. woriiij, givcj s-l'-'-p, oiiJ. j.roiuotcs di- XVitii-iit iajuriou;: incilicitioo. i.f.n hi. Fo- scvfral vpnrs t hvc reemrtmpndea oa-UTia .'iiintsh ,'UUu-ays conliimo t.. -.ria-.iy produceil toneficial rt.dt.. R H n.j Wlalhro," i'treil an 1 Tih Ave., Kuw York City. . -. Com-avt, TT Ml-iip.at Stbbet, S York. Me 4 il'iii! Pure Ground Eone, ! Ligters' ; . 1 I and filler's Dis solved Done, j ' Wando (fuano and Acid, It 1(1 XCVCI'di dtiu t' of tll.C est r&iias X i 3 : ,) (!! i ;(( .v. 7 ,-'" "rr .'.','.'.', Yv7 fo 'n I' ll is!: ;;.u :'?,' ".mj (jwuditij desired. .'' .!. FOIL. . FIIYSICIAX ami SUIJ(iK0X 'IT. I'Lll.VSANT, N. C. All calls j.roir.ptly .'tte'i.!''.! to, day or ni-bt, :h.-e in Miiuse's D:i g Stoic. After In o'clock p. in. at residence' on College Hill. : ? A.M S V Ll-'.. T oflV-r for sale iwf IB. .. . f .iTii " I 1 1 m. r.-T!Swt mi; i sis y S 1:1 i'l'S, si nati'il i-. Xo. llto" 'i sh p, ln.'.li'U.!!;i.' the i up's :1 S- . , J-p: 1' iilll p.ist, s. l W Vi ml Wl.iti -ill i OlhlS. CiOOil wluM;.' ::il 'ol'OM laod. :r".! ".v- Il of water. tro-'-1 P)t'.iiU.V, ooil '.::iu llli.l (eliallt ., ,; "I'erins of One-hnlf c -ii : m..!i r.iiu die i.tot-c i;foil note. I About :0 acres; of v- o ,d !f-nj on f iIm tlUli the tth r cleared. . J. M. COLEY. ' Qp g GlIlIK . . VETSPiMARY '. - '. SUZGEQI,, f 'nV'n"P n V O I am no w with ?.f. I.. lrown & liro.-iijd -.-.iii maeii.e ViyiLRl XAt.V M;OICIXE .N1 SUIi- 1' KY. .-Ml cnlh nns-vercd tlay or at tlie stabs. I also Lave a niiiubv-r of votet ii:sry reiiH'dies tiiat ,,. f ,-.,-, tlit.pJl j.;. L. (4 TJ K r IN. . ..... .. .-j y r. . 'V rVt y . )f r'.i ! f H i lli iii Li JJ w li t . C?r..'Ijl. ? I IQi' j C&V) .. LlC2L8 fJSnC'CHlTIS I :"v!' '' :"';'V1I3 -' j ' ' - ' -..:.. s. , ..C.a Or r -j Blirt.it uKtrr ttte Ihr'on I ;Mf i : w -. -e.n can rtlinrd ul i.rrii by :v Aiiv, jsrv j- .- r C w-f V W i, -'2 mWv. ?'"'') 1 ' uilU Vl.1 fciTU -Zjj i v,2.v -J vj PiitlS COD MVE:? OIL With KypopR'osphltcg. PALATABLE .3 WSLK. 4k for HcotVt fmti'j.'o.t. anl 1st no tm fSmnntiorx or olieitatio:t in tuct yoM ta rneorpt tulttitutn. Ssld by all Druggists. 8C0TT A nOVYXE,Ch.rfi!t. K.T. j. 'L WBf Iseij:..; .; by few niul excelled. by 1 noi.e i'.er l is voMtei!. ks and pood wins as i ii.aber Clean iiuo of eun-i aLii bruMi.ea at. all times- ' Olticp op obite iH orris House. f Yllv Vh 1 ' w r! i mil n i; i i MER 1 LiAVFJUST liEC'EIVED- Oii e -T hus ! ACID - TJIEItE IS NO o i AND AND SiX eicl, Qtiano and Flour; IN TOWN AS I HAVE AT ALLISON'S CORNER. CALL TO SEE ME BEFORE BUYING. ALSO HATS, SHOES, SUGAE, COFFEE, h',tjm!l .MOLASSES, TOBACCO, SNUEF, Ac, W. . , 'J'J ! Price: lo cents per ; K S t -n ,1 n i I am still at the old stand gooil stocK ol agricultural IIAJCIJW AHJS on hands. Also builders material, nails, locks, hinges, doors, sash and glass, of all description. I am Agent for the New Deering Mower, one of the best Mowers made. AMI yj"-v--r g s. 0if '-."..- I am also Agent for the Vallev Forge Wrought Iron Fence A .-a:ii)le of n can be it-en in Forrst Hill cemetery. c 0 ID CO i--- 'v.v ,s The old, Avell-estaBliMMl, reliablt firm of invite your Well .Selected An experience of lo years in the wants of their customers and with the Very Best Class of Goods And with a th roughness EXPERIENCE, and an intimate acquaintance with the trade OUR WARES AIIE FIRST AS WE KEEP . MG SHODDY GOODS GUARANTEED TO SUIT THE HARD TIMES i t. .. i a nd - B ex g; - GUANO. OF FLDUB ! SUCH ST..CK OF p- " l;vi(w ,v'HjVi j HA H V'V A f E i , , on Allison's corner, and keep .r r WHITE. i c I . Hp 2N ER, LORE & CO a f ten lion to a tock of Goods Concord enables them to supply that only comes with LONG CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT V! ?. Si " OLIVE OIL, ,,. 1 ''-A ( 'r couoA.-a;r:Ki:,,Mj " i reafei; l,v Pure Vhiti.- :.,: j, j Not ( ' .I,,.-,.,: :; I Will HOI .'Hi:;. !; ti Winter mj TV : i!i vl i:!!!'Ii I Ml ;i.r i 1 1 i'o u-tish t 111' I.e. tli.- u-.ihIs ai.o i'o ilres.1.', woim.Is S.)I .lis...' ol tJif srr:!, s.t i vie"' per iozijn ' i A lull Suilv kejit it M; Denson, lslier A: t'o's Milli. ! ! 'mus. j. s. vmmi I eIlt -for Concord and .a i,arrus county mch 21. REAL ESTATE. AND INSURANCE BUEKIIKAl) & SOX, A-'.. ! Office in the old lVtny, ,. i;. ; itig, ('rick !.,'. .. Fire Insurance ('.!: Phoenix, of Bur.klvn: : :i. .' of New York: X. C. : ' 2s'. C: Insurance Coinj.:.!:'. . ;' North Anurica, of I').;;, adclphia: Xoi thetti suraoce of London. Rates as low as the low: 8i..! .-. curity iiuijtiesti'i;vi. ACCIDENT IXsn;AV; i;. Traveler of Ilurlfon!. CYCLONE IXSri'A.N' I In these days of ptonas. or tornadoes, you will to have a Poli. v in a good ir..-.f:'.!e company. SECUPtlTY INsn.'AXCF.. Have you a hom! to L'ic as s. c;. ritv, then call ou the li sv.rauce Company to .ei it t:p uik! mj! .o your friends. P;.y a preiui.uii f..r your bond as you do on your ! " and f u.ii it tire. PEAL ESTATE. We offer a choice line of iii'j t....J and unitnj'roved rcsiilenc p'.. ;v in town ftiberhs. I'rice .;!...' t.- N.s reasonable and made known on im plication to BUEKIIEAD & SOX, Je 6, tf A,'.hrs. rTt.-K To cure Uilio-jsr.;s, Sick Hculsrli, ( ' : .--i pation, Jlalari.i, Liver riniils;nu, ixi-i the afo ami certain r"i :c !y, SMITH'S Ml h mtm 23 L2! re the SIAM.Siie (40!ltt!-T!'s::;.'''.:M butilc). 'UltY AKB THE .V.lsr I'eN V. .Ml eT . 3-itnt-Io ris 1 1 l'- -Prle of filtii-r tiT.p, 'J.'m". jxr ;!.-: t" p. J.f.SMIIKiCe.Miof"BIl.l!I.S.NS,-'ST.ir.,j HI. g&yagzp -"1.77; 1 vm Ely's Creai Cleanses the ?rr: r-iT Pnstaecs. M- lays Inflammation. Hoalsthc Sores. Restores tho Senses of Tas'.e, and Hearing. l airreriible. PrireCOp. nt Vrnngi" tU. ELY BJOTUfcUS,5a Vt'KKU M..:- 1 M. J. CORL'- CONCOltl). X. C. I bnve movfed into tli s::.l' hrr occupieil by JJrowii iir. e if e courthouse. The best .1 ... !..- dations for drovers. J,r;;i y orders at the stable or with ' i Brown Porter for omnibus. i( '- and mules for rale. M. J. CO lib. Propiieb .1. PAUL 15. MEANS, LAWYER AND C0UXSKLl''e Practices in State ami Fcotra' ' Offices on East Depot Street, up in rear of Dr. J. P Gibson's liri.-k til ing opposite N. D. Fetzer's Drits' !!, I ill L kfM gff so, fyhfit tiiMsh C--!?isV. 22gl'iwT 7 r XT