THE STfttililRD. i mk;i: -iuxi..vri' tin t, j vi v. TOWN AND COUNTY. n f vr Th c m" NT" "ThCRE's a Cm Am n P liTH Hf.'t i PRENT ThM S.ilxcrin!' " Paid. T ..o. D i'.irv:er. P M, M ! X' slit, T A .V.-er, Prof. 1' K Wt il t. do-eph (.!., Alexander l' Mian (i 11 Walker, 1 .1 HoM. .1 I; v; (V, L'i t her M P.ost, J W l'o ;. Ah v-c h r Fdackwdder, J M Shi.', d A Liuk. r, 1 AYngoner, c a Pa- N S J-.h: V. F Fa-ear!. J A Uahi-.. l.'ll. r.w r nv em: ::i: a !,Y v . ?..wv ; :' r ;-:i Kin! ' C r,..yd. 1' V Sr, Ke r i-: ii ,!!!. i r. V" V (V O v, i o i.-l, v r. Uoid ! a l'i A 1. 1. g. I' ' Trevi j M; V. r m nj.1. lni-Kt i. !. 1 i t lie 1i;i iiiiir .-f I he 1 Inn. at Mr. Airy, Frid iy ue Ridge morn in;, C..p Clarke, who e'er, lost nearly a W;-.S Uie HO 'll- of his Tur-'ii il e:T ets. t!e bv lb His family tiro. ; f . l et' lit- A notltrr rank. .Mr. All.-!. resides en tV f.-'.rm o miies we;? man wb. r; tramp. house ' Mr. P. II. Hancs, a few i" in.-ton, sa s that a ' o'i'-l judge to be a ; a : -r-d-.r his milk J; v ; ! t iheu Wiiit ile .Hid ilesl roved a large on toe p.-- amount of his milk in fact all that lie bad by patting a drug in it. The unknown fellow then went to the house of Mr. Voghr and tried to sell him the mattock which he had used in getting hi the m!lk-h .use. ile 1 ft there g"i"g iu the direction of Winston. n1Ii-r Olil Ceiiilciiimi !'!. Friday after midnihr, Mr. John II. lorrison, a prominent citv.eii , r,f tbrt cin-itv. :m.1 of Xil. blV-!-l- . e::t:l- I I but ; ed his last. Ir. Monison has l ot been robu f jr a year or more, but not until a month ao he has been confined to his home. Ibe of his death was i'.etira!gia of the heart. He u: oer oo years of age. Mr. Morrison was a good man, an -urprising citizen ;.nd useful . his tth- le r.eiuo rhooa. II.- wi: irreailv nu?s. u 1 ho Y. M. '. A. Oilift-rs. Tiie annual meet irg of the C A toak pi .c-.' Friday n'gh was: lie ue.-et-ij; a' ii Ii far th- ea-;;i -g ;.r we e t- ! ted. I'll ' ! rma :ei ;lr d a l..w5 : J C i-i k. i-.iv-:-:.' i : L '.:. - :i !I i-(.IV ll v it n t e. c g :: !v ' ' r annu.d was held A ii a ii a I .. ,-. The 15 ;;i k ii.-ys had th in.-e 1 it niht. 'lie? election of offi.-ers U'i-1 re--.; I teil as follows: ! V .Mean-, ('aptain. W S Bingham, lit Lieut. .1 W Propst, 2nd Lieut. J)r. J Y Fitzgerald, Surgeon. Dr. C M Pavne. cliiiplaiii. The nn etin. was very hartnoiii iits. I i i n Ai.-irm. About ot;e o'clock Monday toe fire alarm sounded atid Concord with its fire companies were promptly at II gi tor Patt-rsons. The origin of the brm was that an ironing cloth w hich was on fire had b, en thrown by a trunk in a closet and the air carried the smoke through a ho'e in the plastering and out through the tsdiinsle roof. Some damj-re was done to the plastering and roof. Hp IriiwH llii Salary. Pev. J T Abernath y, w ho was shot bv Mr. Grims'ey at Snow Hi 1 re cently for k.ssirg his wife, has r -covered fcuflieiently to go to his old home in Putherfonl on. Ve learn tha' the circuit will continue? his i-ala'-v until the meeting of the an nual conftience when he will le given a trial. A f:n IX-voiion l His n(lii'r. Mr Addison Collin, of Gret-n.-boro, i,a? 'ad a ina-'le slab placid at the grave of his m t;:er at No 'Ganlcii, eari ;g the folio' .ving in .'(rijitioii : 'AVth a (V.fiin. 'A-lUw of V. s!a1 Con; !. i-.;.rn -itii .no. i . : Li"l ii Indiana 1 1th mo. ,-;d, is."). I'.nri.d in her wedding dr. -s, made in s!T. l'.iDM.'jht baek for Imri.d ;iccor. i -sg to promise by I er m m, Addison Collin, a' the end of fory years. A w idow for sixty five ye.ii . ." And so is Jas G Blaine, that is, lie has signified his wilhngne.-s to he the Kejitiblican standard bearer in ls'.'2. Senator Wasblurn an I Joe Manly, Plain's most int male friends 1V B0 lJ ". M n, e are witn you with you. Show us j t ncoiirag'' incut by inducing a friend io tike fie Standard at DO cents. i SHORT LOCALS. .!v commissioners did the h on Monday. r local weekly so cheap as See vour neighbor. .pst h is been confined to onio . utt since Saturday. ! K K iihciiner is now Super I 4' ' 5 tOW08hip. li Its ('La. . . w ;- 'ensure to say that the are not very busy now. MeXiili, a rising young Carthage, died last Satur- lurr has gone to Kieh , where lie goes into busi- Moore came to town and v eiek. He had to be the tilth f December, !". -i and Mrs M M Ten i. II. '..):.-'.' is back from his ::-it.. lie is in Western now. ham has a Japanese r i hat ;it a months '.x peunds a-'t to buy goods during iV.aiitv om-I- the standard r ,) advi 1 tist S. iizal eth Ivi lti.niinger, a it.. .Mr l l;'.dy Oi No. 5, u tu i ro;jSiimp;i')i. il r.arriiii,er preache 1 h 3 ii, as pa- tor, to his ne v :.!ay morning. D Graham, of Coddb i S.inday afternoon ; he bout 0-j ears. i hrr.e, of llanisburg i ll das here with bit Mrs. i: F L'orreli. l;.v. in l . M W;.. Carolina F'ish Oystel :i!id i i-.jjl'uir will be held at New- uerii. i-i i.ary to -7. Tii :Uiiber of inmates at the count l. fie is again increased bj two; ;h tk mber is now 3a. hv IVatson and wife arrived at tne:r :i le in Asheville, on day, t'loi: J M M lost hi I est Hi !. ;e;r European trip. re.of Montgomery county, - , Monday night, at For- .e jus tisewueic ; le fall into line. Get us np J- c j of ten for $8.00. The ear will see the Standard catupai;!) !iMlI, I'""l'I.I 1 Ml TheOiiitv OlllelVl 1 1 It a" atni. tv commissioners have bouse be built on the Court I-ji-e lot for the use of the Hook i. ) .adder Co. At t! ;!mal eiec'ion of officers f.-r t!i-?i-'i- eonmanv Mondav niarht .1 W 1 1 was e'ectel Chief, D L a m and Charles Sappen ant Foreman. I!.M, i-V field, Aei F.-u -uri:t nii.ers of llufus Looks fan it -i t p. Mrs Mary Shinn, a -e its, i? d;.ngi-ronsly ill, a -ea i!y any hopes of her re nlo A (kin?, who has 1 ri.-'i'ts ia CoiiC'.rd, has l'i iit-rh'-m' in Fairvie v. .. Miss Maggie i."on i . :. -v. 1 i'; Ifimr, of Lexinto i, . ,' Mo .teas' le are to be ! Mi- lvlih. Miss Hunt is il i-'--uihere I le re bv a h'::i . r -t 'lie; ds. 'i in ;ovi.c .-!)!.. leg il hearing here (in theciM ,'iit)-t the railroad for , kilhng A 5 a.-p in Hunt county, j Texas, sdjetim.' during the past leu mmor. Mr. Sipp was a brother of Sa.-uly ;app Pitt ccrn y, which has had so mnoh tr-!'!! with birn and gin h:i! :a-rs. - r.o-.v sf.lT'-ritt ravaces of th'- kind z .;u. Gov. Holt ought t ---i-t t :e uut'iorities iu Pitt to a v f t 1 destruction. II T 15, in is letter from Clear the first letters of ear-'i ar;.c.r; -ph Fpell "A Happy Xev Year'' to everybody, but it's te :1k re. Let other correspondents fail in. J W L:ird, of Big Lick, and who los" his by fire some time ago, was forcfd to make an assignment, hi-- credi ors pressing him. This is to be reg-'i-ttfd, as Mr E wasa clever man, and suffered a, bi los3 bv fire. C L Kiiainiinger, of Xo. 11, kilt ed two p ;s that were five months and twelve days old. They weighed lit and 14o pounds rt spectively. This is a ,-rowth of nearly one pound P'-r day d iring their mundane habi t ition. The nan who prefers a citv We.-kiy t. a lioni'- paper because' "it's got more in it" reminds us of the com r,t i y;i .n who picked out the hi'iT'St p. tr of boots in the box be c ms'i tiny cost no more than the sum! er that fitted him. Ex change. D G'lr;; n C-irrell seud3 us an illiitrtei edition of the Spartan burg Her dd. It contains the write up "f t!i.' h irning of Converse Fe int'.' Cid'eg, at, Spartanburg on Sa ' rdnv night. '.'he loss outside of ih" iii.-'i:anee, is between $30,000 Mid .", .0. 'I'iie S ; te Chronicle says this: re e been published reports convicts had died of :. !;. j e lie .-nitentiury farm3 in N. ..:!. !", on and Halifax counties V. 1'ai- n says that two convicts died. O: ? of "them was consump tive n ml was Fieally carried off by that disease. Tiie ( ij.tur wore a light colored pair of p.t .'s, the only pair he has, of oi'iiv. It was very cold, and it is v. v ci ie!, to say the least of it, ih; t Le-!.r D Coltrane (who is also ... iio'arv ouldic) J Lee Crowell(who U a !. -.iTv.'.-i H C McAllister, Jim- mi - Hoiieycutt and several others slionld make remarks auoui luem Ithevcaa't help being white. By th u;.v ;ind in this connection, Jec all the ai-i-6ir subscribers come in and yank up. The Standard 90 cents per year. Mrs. Mary A Shinn of No. 5, who nas oeen dangerously ill with the grip, is thought convalescent. Miss Bettie Winecoff, of No. 4, who has been visiting: friends at Norwood, has returned home. Mrs. Dusenbery ha3 returned from Davidson county, where she was called by the death of her mother. The Lyceum Tuesday night was a humme.t The subject for next debate i "Poverty is the cause of crime." Guilford county furnishes nine more convicts to the penitentiary. They were taken to Raleigh Wednes day. O II Walker, of No. 8, was the first man to have ns write a receipt, Jan. 1st 1892, and he paid before it was due. Dr. I'lummer, one of the oldest physicians in the State, died at his home in Muledgeville, ance Co., on the 2 1th. lie was in his 82nd year. Jas. K. Deaton, Dart Johnston, Will Misenheimer, Charley Sher wood and J no. Bulla went rabbit huning Tuesday and caught 42 rabbits. Q M Lore, who knows a "plug of a horse" when he sees him, got oue several days ago that he mau- aged to get two dollars for. lie had tried several days to give her aay. M C Grd, son of Iiobt. Gad, and Minnie L Linker, daughter of Aaron Linker, were married at the Heed Gold Mine on the 25th of this month. A. A. Harvel, esq., officia ted. Charity Alexander has been with It E Gibson for five years. The consolidation with C G Montgomery gives Charles a little time off, but then live years' steady duty demands rest. Ladies having a few spare hours each day can find lucrative employ ment by calling ou or addressing Miss Edna L Pitts, manager of Fri-Branch office for the Famous Gloria Water fcr the complexion. a prim kthiIp snrpuda it ef over the physiognomy of the boutheru farmer when he reads in newspaper column inai mere is 1 . il t At in over prouueuon or cotton ana in the next column learns that foreign otton is being shipped to this coun try. M M Holshouser, of the Heilig's ni.l section, Kowan county, came in 0 renew and to fetch ns a new par shouer. The good friend brought, dso, three turnips, each the size of .oe Daniels' head. Looking so nuch like him, Jno. Goodman, our evil, shys around them. Some time ago Dolph Litaker, of Io. 4, accidentally shot himself. ?he physicians failed to get the ball, h- probing. On last Tuesday Tom litaker, brother of Dolph, succeed e; in getting the ball, it having slown itself on the opposite side fnm where it peuetrated. The editor is in receipt of an in vi at ion to the marriage on the 12 01 Mr- Ed. Chambers Smith chair in n State Democrats Ex. committe toMiss Annie Badger, the beautiful aul accomplished daughter of Col. Pail Faison, of Kaleigh. Raines Graham, a North Cnrolina n'p:o, in Georgia, was to have been h;g on the 15th inst. The gover nor has commuted his sentence to a lie imprisonment, and in this he is iistaiued by a strong petition from Bulock county, where the killing toaK place. Rileigh Chronicle: Mr. Wister Tat-, of Morganton, is mayor of the towi aud on the day before Christ mas put a man who was drunk in the guard house. When the man got tober on t ie next day he was re leastl and in the afternoon while the .little boys were firing crackers, the 'drunken man put a dynamite cartrdge under Mr. Tate's office, and when it exploded Mr. Tate was serioisly injured and died the same nigh'. "A rfc-atdasn ore."' Thi Standard made mention a few weekf ago of some iron ore found an Mr. Ceo. W Patterson's plantation, on Coldle Creek. A specimen was sent t the assay office in Charlotte for andysis. Mr. Cramer, the as sayer n charge, writes this as the result if his examination : Analysis of Magnetic Iron ore for G W Pat terson Concord, N. C. Metttlic iron, 64. 40 per cent. Sulrhur, .08 percent. Phosphorus, .003 per cent. He rrite3 below : "A first class ore," Who knows but that Cabarrus county may yet be known. A Surrey. Monday afternoon a surveyor and a prominent Concord man went out fully equipped to survey a line from Forest Hill to a point on the R&D railroad, near Dan'l. Furr's. This would do away with hauling heavy loaded freight cars over the heavy grade from the depot and in the event would be a savjng to the dummy line. This is all rumor, besides it strikes the Standard that the dummy is doing pretty well. A rlC C'lieek. The Standard man saw Treasuer Sims leave Sheriff Morrison office, on Monday, with a check for $9000, Not many men can write such a check and have it honored. No means could be brought to bear on Mr cims to take a walk he might have done it, but he's just recorer- iug from the grip which he calls "madness ' IT WAS ALMOST APOLOGETIC. THE UNION MEETING SCNDAT NIGHT. I.. A. Conifer SpokeNome Matitlrnl Reports Were Rend Several I'arte Made Statement. L A Coulter, Secretary of the State Y M O A, is a good talker and very entertaining, and impresses one as very earnest in the work of the Y M c L Rev. II M Blair, pastor of the Forest Hill M E church (by the way, you seldom meet a more practical and safe man) talked exactly right. He said in substance : If the Y M C A is not the church, it ought to be stopped; whenever I'm convinced that it is not the church, then I'm clone with it. To most men (and the Standard means this for friendly criticism) who are friendly to the work of the Y M C A and who are disposed to encourage it by good wishes anl contribution, the tone of Secretary Coulter's speech is calculated to have the opposite effect. His speech was too much of an apology for the exis tence of the Y M C A, besides, he is too emphatic and enthusiastic in comparing results of its work with that- of the chuich When vou make a child greater than its parent, you nave trouble on your hand3 There are a clas3 that are rot dis posed to help support both, provided one does the work. It is the opinion of the Standard, that the Y M C A is doing some good work and should be encouraged but when its work is trying to be placed al ng side of the church there's time for a halt. The institution itself would be a colossal failure without the milk of human kindness shown it by men, thorough ly identified with some branch of the Christian church. Mr. Coulter, we think, is a little unfortunate, in coupling club rooms with bar rooms, gambling hells and houses of ill repute. Such is not the case at least not in Concord. In many respects the club room in Concord has done more good than the Y M C A. That it has exerted a good influence can not be doubted. Reading is afforded, innocent games are provided for, and young men have a place to spend their leisure hours in a social manner in rooms that are decent and respectable. If such were not there, these young men would seek other places some of very doubtful character. But Mr. Coulter, like the rest of mankind, has the right to his opin ion and he's fair and respectful with it, so it's all right. He's far above the average young man and is doing a bi work. The statistics read were encoura gmg. The music was good, very good. That's a strong team Jones, Man gum, Anderson and Kestler. Dr. Payne's remarks were pleasant and to the point The Secretary announced that to continue the work $730 would be required. He served notice that he would wait on the citizens to tha effect Let th people encourage the work. Thla Is Xeeesnary. To make the New Year a happy one to ourselves and others, says an exchange, we must close the gates on prejudice, envy, jealousy, malice, evil thinking and evil speaking, and let nothing but gracious dispositions enter the portals of the new year. Let ng dispense our happiness. The grandest of all arts is the art of do ing good. Eleven Tears' Service. Rev W A Lutz, who has served the Lutheran churches at Enoch, ville and Trinity, in Cabarrus, for eleven years, has closed his work there. A friend of his and congre gation furnish the following statis tics: Preached at St Enoch, 379 ser mons ; at Trintity, 368 sermons at funerals, 99 sermons. Baptized at Si Enoch, 217; at Trinity, 128 Received into St Enoch, 240 ; at Trinity, 126. lie administered the communion 99 times dnring his pas torate. Rev. Lutz resigned only at a pressing call to Winston. Death In th Land. W D Irvin son of E G Ii vin, Esq, died at hi3 home in No. 3 township last Friday night He was sick only- three days, having been taken with a chill Wednesday. He was about 28 years old and a promising citizen. Uncle Billy Davis died at the home of Thomas Barnhardt in No. 5 Saturday night He had been an inmate of the county home until he was made a Confederate pensioner. The babe of Jno. Crusa and wife of No. 5 died Friday Dight, The child of Wm. Bost of No. breathed its last Saturday evening. The Apportionment. The Board of Education met Mon day and made the apportionment of the public school fund to the several districts of the county. The amount is about what it was fnr thfl vear 1890 -1. The school mas (ters amj marmB are busy at their post. BEAl'TIFl'I. HOME WKDOlXti. Chnreh Street I.ones One I Its Fairest Flowers. The home of Mr. A Hagan, on Church street, wa3 brilliantly light ed and beautifully decorated Thurs day night iu honor of the marriage of Miss Lora Hagan to Mr. Albert Gillon, of Concord. At twenty minutes to seven the Woodroffe Or chestra began the wedding march and the couples began slowly to take their places in the parlor facing the north. The waiters came in as follows : Miss Mamie Heartt, of Durham. with Miss Male Jopling, of Dan ville, Va. Messrs Hymen, of Goldsboro, and Cooper, of Charlotte. Misses Margaret Smith as d Car rie Cunningham. Messrs. Leslie, ot Charlotte, and McLaughlin, of S. C. Miss Edith Ilagan, sister of the bride and maid of honor, came in wi thMr. Cornelson, of N. C. These : wen- tollowcu by the bride an 1 ! groom who took their places under-1 neath a beautiful bell of rare j flowers. ! The ceremony, performed by Dr. j J Henry Smith, was exceedingly beautiful and impressive. The bride and groom knelt to receive the benediction. The bride wore a very becoming gown of white faille, chiffon, pearl j and silver trimming. In her hand was a bunch ct exquisite bridal j roses. I Miss Edith Hagan wore a charm- ! ing blue brocade silk, chiffon trim ming. The piano and seveial tables were covered with handsome presents from the numerous friends of the couple. At about nine o'clock those pres ent were invited into the dining room where a sumptuous repast awaited the crowd aud everyone seemed to enjoy it greatly. There were about fifty or sixty ladies and gentlemen present to wit ness the ceremony. Among those from a distance were Misses Minnie McMahon, of Richmond, and Annie Sloan, of Reidsville, N. C. A great deal of merriment was brought out by the old time custom of cutting the wedding cake. Miss Edith Hagan was the lucky winner of the ring, which signified an early marriage, and Miss Delia Ball got the needle, typical of the life of an old maid. At 12:15 the happy couple took the northbound train for Hampden Sidnev, where they will make their Charlotte in Wpr. The City Aldermen of Charlotte have voted license to several ThtJC'o comissione-rs ; down upon them. This is Charlotte'o ligat and not one of the outside world; but to an outsider it seeme an assumption of power to take an advantage of the technical ily of law to refute license Such action always daumge a cause and makes for it enenrcs instead of friends, which are absolutely needed to inforce any Prohibition law. If Charlotte wauts no bar-rooms, let it do like Concord and other towns, that seek the will of the ma jority of its citizens, by voting for local option. This is the Standard's opinion, which this sheet is supposed to publish . . - . - tiladHtone Sewn. I tent no items last week for I supposed that the editor wanted to take the holidays. Mr. J Lawson Earnhardt and family, of Concord, spent a few days with relatives near here last week. He returns the first of the week to superintend the Barringer Gold mine. Miss Mattie Doby spent the Christmas with her parents at home. But she has since returned and re sumed school in Cabarrus. Rey. S A Earnhardt's family has been very sick with the grip and typhoid fever. The Barringer mine has turned out to be richer than was expected. Great layers of gold covered rocks that weighed from to two to 55 pounds have been mined. Prof. R Eames, Jr., supt. of the Gold Hill mine, says he has seen a great deal of gold, but that caps the climax. Prof. Eames thinks the state ( e-eht to buy it for exhibition at tic World's fair. Ceitaiuly finer speci mens could not be found anywhere except only in the California Gold mines. Capt. C F Burns and L J Earnhardt went to Charlotte last Monday to buy a stamp mill for th mine. W R Foreman the popular sales man for Wittkoswsky, Charlotte passed here Monday. It is reported that a young man came in the other night with his coat tail tore pretty bad ; guess he had a social old ttme. Oh why did not Ed. Cook go down the Yadkin road during Xmat? W learn that "baby" Miller has gone to Salem, Va., to take lesson. They will be good for him. Rout. The campaign year will find the Standard red hot at 90 cents. Clenr 'rTU. V. l A W Mc Manns was p. 'zing vehe mently at fin old f:vv mill boiler, when the pri.:? ;1e brok.-', and his v: pre- :pi!:-td i:g.-.inst the ih r, -..l.ih- 1 :': right angle and km.hd his foot in a pool of water. f-'n;e ?everal feet from where his head ft ruck the boiler. Harsh treatment will sour the disposition of a brute what will it do for children ? A made 1 intern exhibition was given at Sossiiinon's school hote last Wednesday night, and was said to 1 o, in every respect, a failure. Pres-y, an industiious tenant, claims that twenty bushels of corn were stolen from him during Christ mas. Perhaps there wire' r.i.ver before so many b:g ho rs killed in this vi cinity. Yours 'i whir!: on r prc-idents sire C'lecSe !, are a: i i ap Years. Xe;-r th bunks of char cick, a ; pur-.: whit- siprrrel v i killed a few da1 s , in, ; little Jinimi", son of " , f, v ,.., u bit Jinn's, the Cl.n-tm.H down here as remarkably piiet. We li-ar the subdued whimperings! of anoth-.r wid-iin-r r- take nluce K'joruy j': onr nii-is , nr.: ' nr.)uL,n much :vs.i.--t for nil c." t rt ed, we will ise'p t!e- keep it. secret, til! t he pigiiiil is -;;i a u ; ihen we'll 'ii-., ih r'' h-.inuh f -r th wido-vs and b cheiors ! Your pnrliv'tt. of the bunds, -a e features of Mr. D udeis was a hold push, it seems to us, in c. uiv. j . Everybody' .i'iiitss cm to m' or j fall, just in pro.'.oihi n us money is j plenmul or se.uce v. ny . Apples are so rare in this commu nity that they cost you ten cents a dozen. Remembering that editors dislike long articles, we will try to please the old man by hurrying along. Timothy Ervintr was married a few days ago to Mi.-s Lncy Hough, j daughter of Mr. Laban Hough. Our good humored friend, Char ley Muse, is building him a hat;?e on some land he recently bought what's a house without a woman to j wash your victuals and cook your clothes? Ah! Charley, my! boy, don't deny it. j Lillington Kerr, Es'j.,has ipiit the-j farm, we are told, aud gone to C'.iar-! I lotte to merchanuise. j Luxury and necessity are as di- j verse in their moaning in these days of s-liish gratification a any two di 'similar t-rms yon c.n scare up;, then let us all n main happj with' the actual neoe.- -aries of life. II. T. P-. D .itConehu't:!, Miss .D-.-c, Wrd a 10: :M a. m , Prof. J S Sectr, ' President f Conehntta Institute, : and m-magi r, of t. -e Cone hntta In-. dex, and Scercti.ry of the Patrmis' ; Union, ng. 1 :!l yc:;r.-, i nr.tit'as, and 1 d.ty. . Our e,;!i:e t ommvity is bathed in sorrow. Crief i- too jirofound j for utteranci The silent handshake '. i and heaving breast, and tearful eyes, j testify the keen stnd unhersal grief. I lo us it is a calamity an irn.par.i ld? loss. While we strive t bow in meek submission to the Divine 'will, ot.r souls cry out: "Why, oh! why could he not remain with us!" So young, with lofty aspirations and chastened ambition, moving as a gtowing star among his fellow men, an examplar for th young a genial companion and fellow-worker with those of mature y r.r, our affe ctions had clustered round him and our hopes for a long and successful and brilliant life were at their height, when lo ! the stern Messen ger came, and in spite of heroic and faithful physiceans and nurses in spite of prayers and tears, he dt manded and took him away. But, in t lie of this appall ing grief and deep anguish above the roar of the ibrk, .surging w ives of death, comes the voice of Dim, who is the resurrection and le life, saying; "What I do thou knowest not now but thou shut know here after." "Pence ! be still !'' We share in the sorrow of the bereaved May God bless and com fort them. "Call upon m Va the day of trouble I will deiiv .-; thee." Conc hatta (Miss) Index. This young gentleman is the son of a Cabarrnsman and a ncur rela tive of Col. A C Scott of this town and a numbci of people in tin- coun ty. He an 1 his farther wee here on a visit last Summer, the first time Mi. J C Scott laid been here in 40 ye.irs. Another TeiiclK-r. The 1st m the (traded school became so large that the trustees were to divide it. Mrs. Moseile Ross was elected to take charge of the new grade. Her room, for the pr.-s.-.-iH, will be at the Virginia' Iare Institute. Bishop W. Perkins succeeds Plumb as Senator from Kansas. While he is a Hiohop, he is not much of a preacher, lie was defeated at the last election for Congress. WE INVITE the attention of customers to our 11, it Manufactured from, rlie clioi- j cest varieties of winter wliati ! i::':,',';: crr;?;: , lively the I ,!0""ifpcr Swedes I and Best ni.ult? Tj.y a s.((k f(jl. y(mr Xtnas baking. WHITE ROSE is a fine Hour and Ave guaran tee every sack to give satis faction. PRICE, $3 co :I7We have the exclusive sale of both these Hours in Concord. You are invited to examine our stock which is COMPLETE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Always glad toj show our goods, iso charge for deliv ery of goods iu the city. PATTERSON'S. A Horse Out cf Socket. A medium sized iron crey mare beeame liberated at Forest Hill cn Monday night. She was either tak en away or strayed Any informa tion that will secure the return of the animal will be liberally ewarded J. M- MOORE. TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of authority vested in nie by a deed in trust or mortgage executed by A M Wilbelm and wife E M Wilhelm ou the 19 day of April, 1831, which mortgage, or deed iu trust in duly recorded in Register's o.'lice for Cabarrus county, North Carolina, in book No. 1, page 100, I will sell at public auction-at the Court House door in Concord, North Carolina, on the 2oth day of January ls:)J to tiio highest bidder, for cash: About -llii ncres of land adjoining I. jurk-ys;on and others and being the same lands which are fully describ ed in said mortgage and on which, said Wilhelm and family now reside in No. 10 township, also a lot of ma chinery, boiler, engine saw mill, kc. Title to said property is supposed to bo good, but tbo purchaser only takes such title as I am authorized to convey undr said mortgage. ROI5T.F. PHIFER, . Trustee. Bv Wm. J. Smith, att'y Dattd 23rd day of Dec. 1891. Notice to Trespassers All persons Lre here by forbidden to trespj-s on my lands in auy way, hunting, tishing.c utttng down tim otr. or other wis depradating. dec23Ct D- C. FAG (i ART, 11 SALS 07 LANDS. 1 nd; v a dceveo ! tlr Sunorioi Court of v'nViii rus c -imrv, in a sp-i-rial proeee i'n , esit d j . (5. ('oh y and wife i-.i!,! . ('m-vs. t wi:l -". ... court uoue iloor. iu s:sid county, at 12 o'clock M., on Monday the 1st dav of February 1S02, a tract, of 1 m'd containing ninety-one oerci more or less, situated in u. 4 town shin said county, adjoining the bituU of Caleb Seufonl, Jno. Ivnioii'- ami Sarah J. C. MeKiidev. j er o of side one third msh, an cc in six months, sre-.uc 1 by bond, 8 per cent iutcre-t from da of bale. J. V. rETCUEL, Com. By V-.'.G. Mt ;s, Att'v. Dec21 ilfc km . "O" 0 MANUFACTURED ET ! m mm & m Guano cc, CHARLESTON, S. C, dfcLiS zjtC LC&&jtC i Els mM m yyni nil FOR SALE. My engine, boiler and cotton gin are for salo. They can bo seen at my resideneo (the Asa P.arnhardt place), or you can b urn about them by speaking to J. Dove, in Concord. JI31K. DEAL OX. dec 10 lm IT Ticsnassei'S All ftarf ice hereby forbidden to bunt, trap, fish or drive over ray plantation iu No. 11 township. This is business. A. F. LI'.FLEK. dec 10 lm SALE OF LAND. rein aniiiori.eil thereto by a ''eerocof the Superior ( "oro l of ( '-iLurrus county, in an cxpartee proei-nlii!; .y lae -is Lruar dian of Lovini-i IM-l'-iu.-oi, i will sell nt the eourl lioiise 'leer ia l 'i.neonl, at 11 o'clock ia., on M-"i !:.v, tie- 1 -I day f Felin::try, lv'.!,., t'iiv four i VI i a'-ies of laiel i . .'.. ' T v, i, -i'r., -,,;.! ceiiu'v. ailjoiiiiii the I.i;. ,1s if Kliitisaml other-;, or.- ;h eie!i iileil ia ten st in ;i one le:ii !.-.l ;-.-'l ten (110) acre tract situate. 1 in .iM canity, ad join ing the lands of .le':ii l'i - :er, ( Jcori l.ip p.od and others, m-1.1 hi'eret liein suli jeet to the life t-'....e i,l .Mrs. 1. c. ic Xnniara. Terms of sale: One third cash, balance in six months, secured bv nood bonds, S per cent, interest from ihito of sale. A. .M. M SSMAX, (Iiianlian and Comniissioner. IJy W. O. .Means. , lec 24 t!w TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue r.f authority vestod'in mo by a Deed in Trust or Mortgage ex cuted by H Ij Carroll and wile, M E Carroll, on the Kith day of April, lSt!:5, which Mortgage or Deed in Trust is duly re corded in Register's Oliieo for C ibarrus County, North Carolina, in book No- 37, pa go 23, I will pell nt pub! c miction at. tbo Court House door in Concord, North Caroiimt, on the tioth dry of Jan. 1S!)2 to the highest bidder, for cash Oue tract of laud adjoining C A Pitts, D S Caldwell's and others, containing about 95 ncres. Title to said property is supposed to be good, but the purchaser only takes Kuc-b title as I am fuitliorized to convey under said mortgage. A. J. BOST, Surviving trustee. By "Wm. M. Smith, Att'v. Dated 21th day of Dec, lS'Jl. Notice ol Dissolution, On the 1st of December, the firm of J O Yv'itherspoon & Co., of Coddle Creek, was dissolved by mutual con sent. M F Nesbit of the lirm dis posed of his entire entire interist in goods, notes, accounts and all other property belonging to the firm do ing business at Coddle Creek, to J O Witherspoon, B W Pressly and J D Mille, doing business under the firm name of J O Witherspoou & Co., who become responsible for all liabilities of the old lirm. M I' Neswt, B W Press i.v, J O AVlTliKl'.Si'OO.V, T I) Dec. '01. I Leg of my friends, who have so liberally patronized the o!d lirm, that they give to the new lirm the same p.itromge. I fee! that such will be '.'ivui. With t..anks for the favors go libera! iy given. I ;on Very Respectfully, w 1 m. " M F Nesr.iT. TAXES. Strictly Business. The taxes are d'io and must be paid. Th- school taxt:. mo due on the 31 st of December, and the State taxes on the 1st of January. Gentlemen, not near all of thii is colleccterl. You must cune for ward -this is a matter tint cannot beturtlnr postponed. Come right UP" L. M. MORRISON, Sheriff. A XT'. V Mice Io

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