3 i. TOO MI CH ftOAP. Cleanline Mny '! 1 nT Thoughtful peop'e wish to know 1 f we are reall,- letter than t-ur an-; cestorsi. une liosiini" wtua tamed we are certainly Cleaner, n , i -t ... It is difficult to riv that anybody c:m j stand that a in ni can cie.m niiii-.i in tue wrong way. Dr. M 1 Jacket's has discovered a skin affection al most petular to women who wash an J powder to frequently. There is redr e.-?, with S3 iline'f.-, and C'n'd erab'c burning. Exposure t. draughts iucreaiis tlie syuipti-in-At times there is p;da, canting lo cf sleep. The zeal of some Amc-ii an ladies in the prac;iee of the ir tue which is next t godlin ss b marvelous. One is said to have con fesstd to lining applied a well known cosmetic powder thirteen I . , , , 1 ! times m twelve hours, each time . after the face had been thoroughly ! washed with a yet more famous soap Mr. Iticketts prefers good pure olive oil from the south of France, appli ed two or three times a day with Borne soft silk or linen fabric, to the blandest soap. We feel no surprise at the above information as to the evil effects of too much soap. There is such a thing as using too much water, especially if cold or very Lot British Medical Journal. A Ila-n-d Man rrom Xorlta Carolina. Jack Sheppard was arrested yes terday in Brooklyn. lie is an un dersized negro with a villainous face, vlio smarted from New Berne, N. C, recently to make a reputation in the North as a "ba-a-d man." He created a panic in the negro and Italian quarters of Hudson avenue, Brooklyn, yesterday, by attempting to sack Antonio Torani'a cobbitr shop at the muzzle of a revolver, "When the heavy hand of a police man touched his shoulder he wilted. He was sent to jail while tlio police will look up his record. X. Y. Bee corder. There are now 220 visitors who act tinder the direction of the State board of public charities and iufpect the various penal and charitable institu tions. President Duffy, of the board, says the visitors have nearly all 6eut in their reports and have done some excellent work. Queen Victoria's chief cook re ceives $3,500 a year. The Old Man Would Have II It Joke. Two bovs, wLo owned a cattle farm out Aest, Christened it "Focus," at their sire's request; The old man thought it qiatc a good conceit. For there the sun's rays meet (the sons raise meat !) The lads prospered, and they and their families etjoyed the very bef t of health. Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets were always found in their medicine-chest-the only positive cure for bilious and sick headache, dizziness, constipation, indigestion and all disorders of the bowels and stomach. Strictly vigetable, small, sugar coated : only one required lor a dose, and their action is gentle and thorough. The best Liver Pul on earth. iCHr'ie Something U lost whea you nse Dr. Sage's Catarrh fully made that they would deceive the Remedy. It's Catarrh. The worst most learned botani-t at n- i'ltle dis eases yield to. its mild, soothing, ; tanee. Interview in New Ytrk Herald. cleansing, ana neanng properties. No matter how bad your case, or of how long standing, you can be cured. Incurable cases are rare. It's worth 500 to vou. if you have one. The manufacturers of Dr. Sacre's Remcdv are looking for them. "They'll pay you that amount in cash, it they i can't cure yon.' It's a plain s.quare i offer from a responsible busincsa j Jionso. and thev mean it. It seera3 ' too one-sided, too much of a risk. It would be with any other medi cine behind it. It only goes to provo what's been said : incurable cases are rare with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Other so-called remedies may pal liate for a time : this aires for sl time.' ,By its mild, soothing, cleans- ing and healing properties, it ccn- quers the worst cases. It remox-e3 offensive breath, loss or impairment of the sense "of taste, smell or hoar- ing, watering or weak eves, when caused by the violence of Catarrh, as they all frequently arc. Remedy sold by druggists, only 50 cents. (. t 1 The Full rrospectus of Brilliant Contributors. Article have been written esjirem! f.r the coming votuaio by a l:a t of CiuUaa t nica and women, nmors whom tre The Right Hon. YV. E. Gladstone. Count Periir.anJ co Ee.?a.p Ar.drsv Ccrnc-ie. Cyrus V.". Vkli. The Marquis of Lome. Jnst'a .'.cCarthy, M. P. Sir Lycn I "lay fair. Frank R. Stoc!:tcn. Henry Clews. Vasili Verestchagin. VV. Clark Russci!. 1 he Hail of aleath. Dr. Lyrcan A'obotf; Camilla Urso. Mrs. Henry ol. rtanley, and One Hundred Cthcrs. Thq Volume for 1892 will Contain Nine Illustrated Serial Storios. 100 Stories of Adventure. The Dcst l:crt Slcrics. Articles of Practical Advice. Sketches of Travel. Hints on Siif- Education. Glimpses of Royalty. Popular Science Articles. Household Articles. Railway Life and Adventure. Charming Cl.iiJren's Pae. Natural History P.tpcrs. 700 Large Pages. Five Double Holiday Number?;. Illustrated Wee'dy Supplements. Nearly 1000 Illustrations. CI a ofRoses." 9 MAKING CLOAKS. Frh Garment Pa. T!ironCh Many IIn.Hl. Hi-for U TS n .lr for tt:.r. I,i tl:t'-3 il warn c-11 t'uia tyi ( i.ial- n iV'id j;; '. Ts of b, .i! ,at i..s ":ry i,h. oou.r;.'ti f ' i n.:. a i-i; a -I w'lil I'll" if clon iLiat i-.l ri?at ma v o more ,wti.- iK., ,.t vtv !i in I'lit. t'l? ai) n.t more morv varied iMiaaiaits for a . ks of l!.c wonder is i has i he .sfyb varied. 'aw i--l,'A ; I iVt til. HI ih.ts,- l!h:l, but bii'ldlVV S Mine paueru may U a ia the si reel s any iiay. CUiiV. al j:u-!:'t. : wZi'.i h vo;:: u ci;.i: .t '. iuaiiiy hi liiaivi::;,' ih;;u lii"V can v:i :'v. m s, and ii.-a'.vi;:v. I. .1 bv ibo e l:'.; i'H'i.ts on o.' much orie nt home, us til-' MyLs a.v (k ier v:.i l.i j;imiv hi , i j H ev,i . i ' RV.. rial to tv di -vi i f Iv? ie, . :: ; li.e mat -! ;"- . ,.t 1 l . .1. . w n; i. ..- it u ' u. i i . i.. v i; .-.i i . .stylo with ni.a.-y j-;u;'.h :id i le. lineic mm h-'avv u:at.n;;L able n'ix.iV;,',:,, n.'.mai : r V hh-1 a er it l.i uiisuivt To j'a-Ir I L:n :-.. or or.t 01 harnioiiy wi-.a t..e r-t 01 tiiur l'l,l:iU1!li?s - In making cloaks, v.ac ma be Sl)UK,tiul0S for - T'm ,1,.vn.i-,,l )J of a ct r; an i ttyle, eaeli pieeo of eh.t'i is tho examined by experts in regard to meas ure, tenure and eolor, and iiV:i it is sponged by maeh'mery inadci especially for that pur-i.i-e. All s.no. '!i cloths and tho.'e whli iinlsli 1 1 faces are sponged by c pper rol's, and the m;i eliinery is so arrange. 1 t;s;'.t from the time the cloth starts to go over th rails e.a'.il it is folded dry it is noz to:i -iie 1 by t!u i operjitor. Thu cloth is t!i.:t rea-lv far ! the cutters, with all its irmerfoetioiis marked. K iel: esutfr has a scpr;i;o cheek oa which have lx a eiiti i- l the 1 particulars about the cloth, styL a:idjbt. proper p;itrenis. If tlie iia tarity beijf large enougu tor t;ie cutting mai'limo it. is marked ana in fa!. Is, bat tmail pleees are cut by ham! with shears. After t lio cloth has b e:i cut aeeord- m lto th'i iirovuled patterns the bun. es 1 . ' 1 , .. , , ' r carelmlv e. ui');ired wir.i the rder s, , , v ' , c i nd then a tr-rtet is in ado for eaeli c;;ir- - ar ani ment, on wlvieh is a place far each worker to put bis or her number, so that, a conmlettt rocor.l is kr-it .f i-vft v hand that works on the garment. Tbe tjme. I is t In- trrtn.tost blood p-.ri-garments tb;-i go to the seamers, w!io ' t'tT ever hio-.vn, ami is gnaiaut.ed are emnloved the Year round, to seam b bem-ik or cure in all diseases of them on maeliines specially adjusted for that partieu'nr work, bring provided with a C :ed gauga that insur.'s a per fectly uniform seaia. Expert s-'amers can work at machines that make 3,L!00 fctitehes a mi'iute. For tbo detection of r.ny possible mis-. takes and iiuper;ections m the lit. the garments are tried on figures before Lc- in,' . sent to tae Trimmers, ine codars, . , . , ' cuks, facings, etc., of eaca garment are : cut according to tl.e style deigned, ;u;d with tlie main part i-t a garment sent to a workman v ho p irtieulariy excels in a ceriidii stvL After leaving the knisher tiie garm -ir is i:isp.-eied again bv the ioreman, an 1 if it .. n--r vails- ;': faetorv it b: t t.. Ml ilili'.U After the making v the vf wing on of b meats the g.-.i-aeaits !.nd ii-om liim to ih. who are re.-;r m.-.ible ' lag loa'aoies and i;t. as and ima go t lie- pr.'.--iT, ti -al oaiaiii -r.-. ib!e l,,r lit an-l d whi) s.e hat ;h iimu,:s an- r: ht, a-, 1 that may k'lve beau w.'i-!ii:':is!h, ai laatevia's and trl that -.:iy chaagi.- or 1 "svd t Milt (' rl.iin ci; ln-ea properly made. Ti re.-eiy for pa.-l-.ing junl t-lil vv.l i of the : 'i,!;)e. oiorh, tr buttons, or any :'e r par; liint, .ti e la pt ia duplieat copy of any garment e.tu nv time. t-:-.,;netI:nes ga have thcv are a ing. E-"'- I 1 I)i' o tiie itar so t!:at a )( mad 1 tt .:"iits tiiat are in fashion lit this part of tlie coun try for a year do not reach :::e st..t. -until a year or more afterward, when some particular style may bo favored more than c.noihcr, and tiitj orders far it be largt r than those for any other. By turning to tlie records exact dupli cates of any style can bo made at any time, provided the mat; rial Le in the market. New York Sim. The imitation of common llowcrs ha bien reduced to a line art. Due can hardly believe how rap;d!y iirti.'Ieial plants have sprung into favor, even among the rich. They are used in bail rooms, theaters, restaurant windows, stores and almost evi rvwhere. We have some well known varieties so skill- A Lucid Fxplanat ion. "Pompey, what makes vou so black?" "Fordesamereasond.it makes some j folks foreber taikm wid der u-ouL i i case I wuz bawn so an neber outcrowd j it." New York Epoch. A Kfd Mot Stonn in Corea. I Among many remarkable wonders iu i ' Corea is the "hot ftorie," which, from i , remote ages, has lain glowing with heat on tiie top of a high liiil. -North China IWald. For forty years one man has had Fole charge of the great seal of the Uni-ed States and not even the See l ctary of H'ate can induce him to I open the vault unless lv has a writ j tin ord.-r from the President. This '0d man is simplv a clerk in the , tate department." j , A uu ...;.. 0 .j, . rv,cui;v0 con,. mil toe of the Nm io.ial Associ .tio.. , t Dcn,ocr;rc Clubs wdl be held iu v..hini:ou on the 20th inat, '1 " 3 ' N'utahlo Features for 1S52 and To Nw Siibi ri hor who will cut out r.iij .end n I'liin slip wills nnrnn and ndilrrKN and ?l.?.l we will urntl The t'titirnr.i(i:i I'rrc to .Ji.ii., l.fjg, Rd Torn Fnll Vpnr frni-i liiat Dntf. T!:l i-T-r ir.ctiKton the T'I A .--UtVIXC, CHRISTMAS nnd M"V Vlt.VifS uu!ilt ttiilatay Nr.:tl.ert. V will k),, hrad a copy of a hciiiuitVI p-ova'ne. rntilli-d "A V A I i) Ot' nosEs." .s pro.-n-o,, bnc;it twv.vtv fiiot's.iM! i.m;: i.a;;.-. id Chr h; Jf sf -rr Qnlrr, or P -r ;. .. . , ,-r :IT A.l.:-r- ; T.Z YOUTH'S ZO' "is. Kivrr mi : Vi.-ine. The Washington correspondent of the Norfolk, Virginian says that the contractors who undertook to bni'd th- !;lr Ihu, at lVi;:ii;o:;u Sh'i:i)s, lla-tcr.-, X. C, and v1k) v.tre so unfortunate last tummcr to have their ei30u lost on tl.e way there, wiil nuke another i iToi t tu do that k. Th'i coiitrac'ors -.ire perfect iy ! !"('.-'J)v"l j 'iient jTbese I wo;;,! le!" " 0)!e, ti'e g.ivern i:as Mi iron c'ad coativ.-t. e.iiue iu-n 1: .ve done ?orne . 1 pii c s of -, o!'k, t-.ot o .ly in the Ui.ibj States, hut hi Ans- ir.i! the i:i d (-i:e ot t.:e linn who ie- K- vi.-.i:ed V.'.it1 co)iiv:i diil li the Di,i;::oi,d d ti'-'tj :o :;i ve ! ! ' K-e Thev hl'.d had bad Itu k, W !j0'. d. ,-fo:i til make smother !!. -! i,i u b"-r P'"! th m tli-'' Vvre 1 suntnvM" to (.-.-, vey Shoals. 1 :: .-son to 1 i n '.1 u d contractors are c - The ! 1 i 1 . I. I' 1'CiieU 10 CO!::piete lie worK uei 're thev lveeive the nioiitv, and to kefp the lighthouse in good ordr fort !)'? year ; f :er its completion. -i:.'.: s ico '.ir :i ( ( 11,. ir.',o, a gen th man bet . . ' . 1 . . tU ..f Sojiictiine : hit if lie ; lir.i. 'Aa'. oou ai nr. coi aei 01 i.d foi;rtecnth -tr. it, XcV" to ti 1.0, a, . eivd M E t' ir a c -lit e::eh, M,.-es w u.u t; . a 1 o p'irc has-: rs. The ' -tun.ed e wo Id ue:a!:;!e. perii - .i - nt t,ut .it v a at, a 1 s I e .-Hid. Xo t'i ve Teat the ! sii. were me to good to be true. An itr.i .rkabl- oiler is t: at bv the prOjit letors of Pr rn; i t.ohle i .!e ueai Ducowvy, j rM , f-. .f- i i.nik of it ' reatoratio , , . he at i ior a mere son . , ie overeitrn cure lor i. ensemi.iion. i on to life and ; There is lot a case or kuue-scroiuia in . ... i Ot tier Words. Lousa uiiUloa lilac will nor -ield to it, if it is taken in tie i hroac and lung-', or money retiitieeu Only extiaoiilhi :rv cer- at ive pron-rtii-s could warrant or sti-fidn its a; ers in s.-lllng it thu-, ou trial! y ev count v. IV. had KftV i : no. ders iu 183 1. Mavbe this ! eiCli! Hill! i llepu1 an state h as or.dors, c 1 the . - , i.- r i,,, ,-,,,', snot m-n bobc Oi lie couin. . ls. Wlial a ( oh;!i. Will vou hfet the warning. The s::iiial p-i L.ip.- fl " ; pmaiaeli v' : a Ci Ls'iiiip- ii yon e .n af av.iig , io it mo-re n. Ask ae l .o.e (i J uin SI . e 1 MlS.! Of a M.d d :.i i i t Ti tile 13? i o Uiiow trom txpri eLC.: ii: Cure v.; I em your ceti . v vl j. bis ( v :i i s w i,y :i!..ia c. ; p :i i I'oi! , ;s .rn JJj:;i-a v.-c i: v.HeVtS , eli at. , l ".a :i-:utit i""r .-t IISU S .i'O vi aia U"J c b-. Y e',.' I 1 , r(T!:t.::rI!li'ii ot" llu" tii-i;,. ': IP IS 1: t": o a-l jmuat i . i a - iU V1:G J Ibdl- i Li. din as conval .i Lis ( out. N W'olkd ' ia i hf mo'i ir f own i v,- l.iaa a n; an r. I is ..okii.ggb's Ap.iu :rip is im !"C to Call ntiy the o ' ipab;e of do the t! :ctor ; A t'Iiiluo Iter's Opinion. O. . lio' o a U-aiitiful yoi.ng ' lady wild vao;;i be was ciiliria "Your rivals ; re tl-- ptrfiction of avi; vou r.re the jer feet ion of ra in re.'' Ti-.H oiaiid not have b. : n s :.i if ti e --uug lady w scftVr '.g Itolil Ul.-ei.St, l, Pail Jolt 1 S tigns on tiie U-;it ore-'. V omen w no s til t to keep Kaiuiiul avl be t'u 'j'erfectioti'of nature,' rh. uid nse 'Favorite I 'inscription" to assist Na'uiv 'Alien iiceded, to correct ir r truhritt ?, aid cir;-u:a'ion and oi-jr-.-ti n aad tln-rcby clear up the skin, rendering it s -ft :md beautiful. Dr. Pierce's l'aveva'e Pr-TCription is he i 'lily medic tie jor wo -nan s necu jar Pllti through drut'uists, hlid , ...... ,,.,,,.,1 ... f.ehl'u.n.in ii every case or money refunded. The Tabcrnae'e Baptist church, f Xevv York, is in the bund.? of the sheriff for a M,00 coal bill remain- ing nn .aid. I ne cnurch treasurer claims 'that half tlie coal bought was used by the Bev. Mr. Potter, the pastor, whoshoulu pay for it. Ve have a speed v and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, cai.k- r month and lieaibu-ae, in biiiloh b Ca- tairil li,miiev. a IIh: lajc-ioi hoc with each bottle. Use it if you dc- sire ueaitn ami sweet iu.u- j-iioo oOe. hold at Potzer's drug btore. Chief Joseph, of the Xz Iki'Cft Indians, is on his way' to pit ad win Preside at. Harris w to send his tribe , . i i a i. u.a ibiek to their old home in Eastern Oregon. H :i:rv.'n Copies will be sent Free. ; J I j j c 'Ml ii Hid OUtf 1 ? jton. M.753. i for Infants end Children. "Castoria Is so well adapted to ehadren tliafc I ncoinmcuJ it aasuiicriortoanyirescriptioa tnowa to mo." II. A. Aiicnrji, II. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. 11 Tti usf of ' Catria i:? 50 universal and i!s iHfrits p- well knowu that it scorns a work of 8i!rrTva! iiMi to pmlorsn it. row are the in:''il-:,-.--!.t fuiuilics who tio aot fcecp Caiitoria v.-ithia easy reach." New York City. Iate TOotcr E'oomlEsJalc IMortit-d Cliurch. Tex CtMTAon ! :r rn I.i: ?!.! .vnern. Th'.-r,: In Engl : 000 aer-. three in teen in I)::!,e of of .-'..'. In I.-.l.'i is only .jiie ler-.ded proprietor j ml p. :':-i-il of mora than 100, s in ::-j county, there being ; Ireland a:: I no kss than four- ! Seotkind. In England the Niirthuaib ! v;d is proprietor ' b.i ao: ii No-; !i.;t::la'r!aud. ! nd :ir. I.:. -hard Eurri-lge is1 j jiro'.'iYXor oi lihu n.-i-j-ali . 1 :-Ti. in ( , vv.'ir : of Coivngli:i::i 1 J'.S.iivo !' acres in Donegal and the ?war.;t'.!s of j t'iigo !-:.:: : in :,:.v.-.. hi tJ.-oiland the Duke of Argyll is j propriat r of 1 !.'s.." !5 acres in Argyll: s the Eaiiof Ui-.'ad;di.i:ie, - i 1. loo acres ! in Pertli and 201, acres in Argyll; j Mr. Evan liaiiic, f Doeh'our, lil.liS acres in Inverness; the Duke of line- j cleucli, 253,710 acres in Dumfries and ! 10-i. iol in Iloxburg; Mr. IXmaid Cam- j cron, of Ijoel-.ell, l.i'.VSn iwrrs in In-1 verue:s; t!:e Earl of Da'.houvie. 13C5,0tl2 acres in For far; the Duke of Fife, l.';), ti'".) aeres in Aberdeen; the Duke of Hamilton, 102,'JIO acres in Bute; Sir (ieorgfi rjiiephorson Grant, 1 (.'.', C72 acres in Inverness; Sir James II at he son, 4h;',()r0 acres in Itoss; t!i Duk of Iii.h'uond, loI).l).,2 aeres in liaufl; Sir Charles Eoss, 110,443 aeres in Ross; the Earl of ScaHeld. 1C0.-21 aeres in Inverness. Eaat, bi:t not last, the Duke of Sutherland, with no 1, -s than 1.17C.43-1 acres in Sutherland, so that his grace is oo,-se'.s':l of verv nearlv the whole county, t!i. total area of which is 1.-7,- Siii acres. -London Tit-Elts. p'i:uv"' l:i'; v surinos'.'t 1 to p. rend reva itl a lit: s a ma t'.e tke-.n ' ;. piahty, vn;en .-ts of Miperstit has itious fact, in 1, in a.s t peal s I. care ! pat- : ci; .fi - i t: a.i ..a a i l i- -.-:-- is atto in.ni :1a- V .'.t. Iuas of ' ha- : air. r ;,'--m-:iis i !' -: r h 1 - 'a. i":.l to ;!; ?. i;s a hiw--.;..! h. Ti i' p.rcl!:tii- . - f t ;: " i t i: r o lag ; he i t ili.-k wiili a . vry diraarioti. pi a il .;,s, w'ea-e the or i r.-ll i' is f. ) t'i? back, :tnd tl.e ri-salt is a ina-piailr.y .f the pol Ti.ls i:ie;uakty "13 not ra;e-a a .i "' ' Uita ii eve-, i nary eon !:'. s-harp i i-k cull nal r"i v ma -!;-'! to On vi.-t to tlie oii -h"toturn thai i.nt ir is ( n . ami ti. us the pattern .rou ti c hack is reproihie :i in the manner ih -eribei . nr -e s c.a Of '1 IU! m.rrors '..-() so hi valu-.-d Unit they m-H from ten or- to tv.eniy U dinarv ones. ii i h -ton s of Vi Nil I'.il l ui'tioli. Tiie thr tiib -s on th Fort Fer tliold r i vati. n are i-ifht 'e.l iu the liim! trli.r-s in ih Umt.al Salutes that Itave never Ik a at v ar against the .vemmeut. Oftiicse t hive the J Tan dans are tbe smallest. nuMbering a lit tle ovir 20.). smallpox having almost d a-rrnyed them about IS.jo. Put they lire tl.e most interesting. There is a Ht .ry to the oil. ot that they ere descend ed from some Welshmen, who sailed west from Wales in the Eleventh cen tury and were never heard of after W!i rd. The story is that this party rea-b.ed the mouth of the Mississippi and worked their way up that river. Of coarse 1 take no stock in this story, but it is a remarkable fact that many of their words resemble the "Welsh language, and they are of a much lighter com plexion than Indians usually are. There are full blooded Indians almost white among them. St. Paul Globe. The S!i.i;.tsys f iluKsia. The Skoptsys, a religious body in Ilussia, believe in self mutilation, but wiil not submit to amputation, al thougli knowing that a life may be saved thereby. They are expert danc ers. P. sides oaueiiig ami yelling for hours without intermission, they add a midnight acrobatic performance to their ceremony, many of the tricks and con tort ie: is being diflicult in the extreme, flit. Louis Republic. Tlie "Thin Ilicc' of the Chinese. The vr-ry first tiling that a Chinaman takes when he ge ts up in the morning is a bowl of hot "congee," or, as he calls it, "thin rlee." This Li simply rice boiled away to a tbiriiiish drinkable cea.-l. Lency. If allowed to eool, it voul I thicken into paste. Pome care is re-pared t e make it properly. "If the water is visible ami not the rice." says Yuan Hei, "that is not con gee. If Iberieei.i visible and not the water, tii.it is not congee cither. The two must be inui.- tamriiish.'ibiy blended before vou can call the resale congee." -Temple Ear. The Bee Geo. IT. Th-tyer, of Bourbm, Ind., says : "Iloth myself and wife owe 'our lives to Shilnh's Consnmition Cure." For tale at Fetz.-r'c dru? slorc. IJl-;sla and I.lvpr 4 ni)Iaiiil Is it mt worth the small price of 75a. to fi te yourself of every 6ym : o-'i oi incse distressing com p'.iints, if you think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vitnlizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, use accordingly and if it does you no pood it wili cost you nothing. Sold at Fetzer s drus store, Castor! enree Colic, CotwHpatlon. f-'our ytotnach, Iiarrlia?a. Eructation, Kills Worm, givtd sloo-p, and promotes di gestion, Witliout injurious medication. " For Bf-vpral yeArs I have recommended yotir ' Ca!toria, ' and shull always continue to tio so as it iias invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pardek, M. D., MTho Winthrop," 105tU Street and Tih Ave., New York City. Cokpakt, 7? Mobbjit Stub, Niw York. Pure Ground Bone, Listers' and Miller's Dis solved Bone, AVando Guano and Acid, and several other oi the Best Brands are'o ered'iat Close rices in wmm. r : n f Ml Co (uid cl tlieiv l'lhet. 2 hey are iVL)aredJ to fur- lr'1 Vou u'h (171 y (JUa ill itlj desired. . r J. FOIL. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON MT. PLEASANT, X. C. All calls promptly attended to, clay or niglo, O'tiiee in Moose's Drug Store. After 10 o'clock p. m. at residence on College Hill. T AND SALE.-I offer for sale m, -4 entire fnrm. consistiutr of sixty six acres, situated in No. 11 town ship, adjoining th ltndaf S. W. White, Epbrniui Bst, Mrs. B. "W. White and others. Good wheat and cotton land, yood wtll of water, too! meadow, sood barn and tenant house. Terms of sale: Onehrdf c.ifih down and the other good note. About ncre.s of wood hind ou fnrm and the ether '!ear-rl. J. M. COLFiY. DtTbTl." "Gilffinu VETERINARY :-: SURGEON, CONCOED, N. C. I am now with M. L. Brown & Bro , and will practice "VElEBB NABY MEDICINE AND SUR GERY. All cfills answered day or night at the stabies. I also have a number of veterinary remedies that will b furnished when called for. an R djtwlm P,. L. GBI'TX CGUCca C3LD Threat Actica T7astic5 cf JlsA Or 3y VUfiM wfmru t Threat and Tsxnft M MnJUinud, laeh mf Blren-jth r r r- yan m bt relieved and CurtS if itSaS'-'T'S! OF PURE CCD OIL With Hypopliosphltes. PALATASL5 AS KilLK, Ut for Bcott't FmuJrlon. mrrd !rt n ra ftmnatlort or ttlicitatlon induct yoM ia mot-pt a tuhititui. Sold 6y all Druggists. 6C0TT A GOWBE,Chmrtt,a.T. P P e TO Mi Jloney t lend on naproved farm ing lands in Cabarrus county only. MONTGOMERY & CLOWELL dec3 lm lows ft tot! If ?oi m ii I MNtftaa FARMERS, ATTENTION -I HAVE JUST One Thousand Bags OF ACID - AND - GUANO. AND mpRFn 1 ii! oi lm ! I LkLI -o- TIIET'E IS NO SU 'II STCK OF Acid, (juano and Flotar IN TOWN AS I HAVE AT ALLISON'S CORNER. CALL TO SEE ME BEFORE BUYING. ALSO HATS, SHOES, SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, TOBACCO, SjYUIF, Sc., $c C. G. Montgomery HARDWARE! HARDWARE! I am still at tlie old stand on Allison's corner, and keep a eood stock of agricultural HARDWARE on hands. Also Guilders material,' nails, locks, hinges, doors, sash and glass, of all description. I am Agent for the New Deering Mower, one of the best Mowers made. o fjmo I am also Agent for the Vallev Forge Wrought Iron Fence A sample of it can be seen in Forest Hill cemetery. G. B. "WHITE. '. ... .; ' ; - - y '-.-v :-:Zr -i-i : -.-v-d l-J li. :,..?' .' V ID CO The old, well-established, reliabK firm of invite your "Well Selected An experience of. 15 years in the wants of their customers and with the Very Best Class of Goods And with a th rroughness that only comes with LONG EXPERIENCE, and an intimate acquaintance with the trade OUR WARES ARE FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT AS WE KEEP NO SHODDY GOODS GUARANTEED TO SUIT THE HARD TIMES RECEIVED - SACKS IF FLOUR! fi Til B JJ -.03 ?H go w H O P 02 Hr-t Xfl HgHr HH r '1 S i '"a IR, LORE & CO attention to a Etock of Goods Concord enables them to supply rii;siiki';kp;k; Guaranteed to'beiiiadeof Pur Vegetable Oils, OLIVE OIL, BEN OIL COCOA -BUTTER OIL. Treated by the "Cold Process." Pure White Not Perfumed Not Colored. Will not attack the skin in Winter or Summer. D, To wash the baby. To wash the hands and face. Co dress wounds and sores. To cleanse and heal disease of the scalp and skin. For bathing and shaving pur poses. Price: 10 cents per cakt, $1.00 per dozen. A full supply kept at Misses Benson, Fisher & Co's Milli nery. Mrs. J. S. FISHER, Agent for Concord and Ca barrus county. mch21. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BURKHEAD & SON, Agt'i. Office in the old Postofflce Bnild ing, (brick row). Fire Insurance Companies : Phoenix, of Brooklyn; Continental of New York; N. C. Home, of N. C; Insurance Company of North America, of Phil adelphia; Northern Aa enraoce of London. Kates as low as the lowest and sec curity unquestioned. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Traveler of Hartford. CYCLONE INSURANCE-- In these days of storms, cyclone or tornadoes, you will feel safe to have a Policy in a good responsible company. SECURITY INSURANCE. Have you a bond to give as seen rity, then call on the InBurane Company to get it up and not on your friends. Pay a premium for your bond as you do on your honifc and furniture. REAL ESTATE. We offer a choice line of improved and unimproed residence property in town suberbs. Price and terms reasonable and made known on ap plication to BURKHEAD & SON, Jc 6, tf Agentt To euro BUioinnese, Sick Headache, Conrti pation, Malaria, Lirer ComplainU, Uk tbo fafa and certain remedy. F AM. Bl4 (40 Uuie BVnf loth KISSINQsS?aS J.r.MITIIC.Mamr-rij kajJs.-IT. W mit Ely's Cream Ba!tr 11 liiMnoaa tna wiai . . lays Inflammation. Heals tbo floras. Eeatores the Senses of Taste, Smell and Hearing. ' "UMJJ- A particle U applied ltar fcBMtrfl -.4 m&. ELY BHOTHEBS WattcaSwTm7crfc M. J CORL'S t COxXCOIlD, N. C. It occupied by Brown Bros., near' y ; r -j cumm- dations for drovers. Leav ! orders at the stable or with J L. and mules for cale. 24. ORL, Proprietor. PAUU MEAN 8, LA, TYSB AND COUK8Jior. Practices In State and Federal Conrt-' Offices oa Eut Depot Sweet, op stain mrear of Dr J. P Gibeoa't brick bnild- mg opposite N, D. relaer i DrB 8tetr Tie M in lie m jjjj CATARRH HEAD.fp jW j Try tbo Cure ,' Jl f' t i A 1 ' -