Till: STANDARD.! mi 01:11::: r-'.".:y. i.vi:sj 11 vt as I lKui: A ( ( i.inov in 111 1: '4tl VI V. TOWN AND COUNTY. "Thfci.--3 a Chit i '' vi,w-,veTakin Notes AndFath He'll Fct Them." Miss Minr.i'- Cook, of !8t. John's, id fjuito tick. Don't li'.-.- your to:np.-r in discuss ing politics. The nays are aboul, cievcii hours long. Tho tin r .ofii'g is bi-ing put on the m' l'.j Ucopal church This is tho windy month. People should be careful about lire. Y (I Bodiamer is oil ou a coins inerci il trip. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Boger, of No. 10, spent Tuesday iu town. Mr. LaltaC Johm-tou, a proniix Dent ci.izen of Charlotte, died Sun day night of pmuuioim. Pardon us for this originality: March came in 'like unto a lamb and it will go out like unto a lion. 1) A Kluttz, the old standby of Dr. Flow, of Flow's store, spent Tuesday in town. Prof. McAnultv gave us a pleas ant call, lie is talking plow now, and! not weather, as m the past. The Stanly Nws: "Jim Mis. n lu'iniiT, of Concord, was litre Tik-.-.-dav locking for a business location." Nothing except the United Mint can nuke mo;,t-v without ad Vertising. Junoke- that. There's livund to he a ehndy con nected vi;b t!--: ;lu-., sure. What is a thin-'; The liht covin:: : -ec may fine, fume lamps m-eih 1 .-a Main street, by a slight investigation. Anothtr int ruber of the chainga:r lias passed in his cheeks, lie died Thursday nihtat the county jail. Mr. J C Young, who Las hem seriously afuiefed for several thus, is rep.H'te I co:.s;der thiy better. Th. r. is a pioViMlity of a postal clerk being psr on the Yadkin rail road. This will u,ne those people a goad Service. Ths drum co:p; is becoming very prutieit-nt. Tin- music ami march ing go o:f as sua k as a whistle; in fact that's wlrif the corps follows. There ought to be a cannery ts tuhlished here in tiiiie to can vege tables this yeir. Will noc some one move in this matter? Who'll repivent this county in the Legislature, and who IS repre sent Cabarrus and Stanly . in tne Senate. Have you registered ? There has been more deaths in Cabarrus county aiuce Nov. 1 than for the same length of time iu many years, say the old people. I'lite a number of tickets were sold todav to colored people bound for ( 1 r.eii wood, M iss. There is rp.iite a number yet to go. H T Baker, on return from his school at Sossamoifs Springs, was thrown from a mule and right badly hurt. His hip was somewhat in jured. The letter i.t.blisln-d in another column from ''U-W is a i.iueh ad mired citizen !' Ccneoiu. He is riffht smart of a humorist, and he has an abiding p. ace with us. Capt. Oetavins Coke, Secretary of Stat.', savs the State Chronicle, has heretofore planted 200 acres in cot ton, but will plane only 73 this com jrg season. The Sta; dard howls for Concord, and vet there are some deeply inter ested in Concord dirt who give it no patronage. This is the effect of Adam's' fall, mar be. Will Morris has moved to town. He will occupy a suite of rooms in the new Morns buildings. He be gins the study of a medical course, under the direction of Dr. It S You eg. Mr. at d Mrs. Fail hi other, a" the Durrani Clobo, are sick wi'h tin jlik.-'an grip. Toe 8t.u (hrd sent Jiianiie iloneyentt to Durham to Link after our interests during our ther man's sickness. We return thanks to Col. M W Ball for several chunks of .-pring po, try. One chunk is o:. the Ground Hog." Col. Ball's name f-hall never tuke up any more of our Long Primer. The High Point Enterpri.-e says that Dr. J W Long, of K.mHeruan, who is Je.jturiu wee !y l.-f-.-e I he chemical 0! is of Trinity eol!"g- is the p-er "f any North Carolina phy siciaii both in knowledge and prac tice of medicine. Moon aviile correspond rit f the Stateivi:h- L-iiuhiiark says: Dr. li S Yotiiicr, a prominent and deserved ly popular phjsiciaii and surgeon, of Concord, wsis in town last night on profc-i'na! biuine-s. He was ac companied by Mr. Frank Smith, also of Concord. Aubry Hoover came rushing in and dec Wed "I have an item f.u you," but he had a Babbit hawk. It 13 a pet hawk Mr. Jim Burrage's chiluren had and the very one Dav id Bostian killed, believing it some h ;,.. w ld. It. measured oft. Sin from" tin to tip, buf this could have -en atertained without killing the bird. The remor that Daisy Davidson, a yu:-g colored girl of Concord, had hem arrested and taken to Wmsto; by Poiic man Lewis, is a mistake. Some c-lie has s'o'en a watch n nd chain, fnd it np'eaied that Daisy was supposed to liave known Rum-thing of their wherea bouts. This turns out to be a mis take, as Daisy is here und knows noth'irg of the matter. '1 his is pub ished by request, the Standard inowing nothing about it lYai 11 blossoms. Tho crocuses .ire in bloom. Ti.) mouths of IS'.vi have been knock eel of Indications re that the ground hog will have to try his prank again Mrs. li E Cibsott is visiting in Charlotte. The Newberne Fair was a biff success. Last week there were 2oG failures in the United States. Why? The County dads will meet next Monday. Let them meet. Prof. ChaP. Fisher, of North Car I ina College, was in town. Not a clear, pretty sunshiny Sun day iu February. No honest man is ever victimized by "green goods" swindlers Lincoln county is having another sensation, such as a wolf can put up. Every son of Mr. II A Black welder, deceased, takes the Standard. It is a kind of family affair. (r Ed Keistler has a full Hedged case of measles. He's speckled worse than a guinea egg. The state Sunday school conven tion will meet in Newberne March 20, oO and 31st. II A Brown has discovered a min eral spiing on his farm. Kev. Starrette will go out and examine it. The most accurate knowledge a woman has h, what the rest wore last S;u 1 day. Mecklenburg county has a new ;A - u j,,,,.,.. 11. 1- . . i , .-m It ij n-i 1 1 ... I r.nttnm7i.i. Thv are sowing the squares in PiL i'i down in gra-s. That's what it's goo I for, K.tleigh. Joe Moose lias gone back to his i!r.-t hive. Jle has opened up a b:uc;suiitn suop 111 Norwood. A marriage between a man cf Co and a woman of Ci.) will take place in Xo. T, ou '1 hursday. Ttie tirt of April comes on Fri day. Will that bv an unlucky April Fool. May be for .-uiue bill grip j'ers. Some prominent gentlemen wire discussing the advisability of making ail oihees salaried ones. But more of this 1 iter. Each month I he. department of agriculture issues 10,OUi copies of its "Bulletin." They are cent fixe to all v. ho :i;k for them. The r .mains of Miss Hariet Su th r were buried in the old Lutheran cm-itry, I'ev. W (i Campbell con ducting the fjut-ral ceremony. flasi.-.u cor.utr has a railroad in ten uoles of every man's door in the e .unity and has never j-tid a cent of taxes 10 build one. A ireniiem,.ii remarked that only two citizens of Coiu'ord ever lived at the County Home, and they were oin'e majors of Concoid. It is reported h re that some one went into th-.- Herald otlice in Salis bury, Saturday, an i fought a bloody light with Mr. Whichard. He refers to it in an ambiguous way. J L Broadaway, a very nice man at Cannonviiie, stole in on us last Flight and knocked us down with a 2-hiil. We'll take some more knocking down by some more whom we love. Statisticians tell us that more m.uey is spent for hair dyes and hair restoratives than for hymn hooka. Not evtrybody s-ings, but most people are thrta'ened with gray hairs. Col. Ball, whose name is hereafter Dennis in our Long Primer, spent the evening with us. H picked up our pocket dictionary and after look ing at it for ten minutes, Dennis exclaimed, "that's a Fiiighty nice little book; where did you get it ?" There s a goose nest at the court house. liegister Patterson draws the eggs daily. He thinks every day he'll Had a gohUn egg; if he doesn't, o it of a tit of disappoint ment Jno. Patterson will kill the goose and s-.x- what kind of eggs are yet unlaid. Whose goose is it ? Miss Harriet Suther, ati aged lady, di: d at 1 ho residence of Mrs. Mar- iha Mis Cut ( t.i.i.in: m Suii'Iay morning. rva: :.t r v . De.:f.;n D 1 i".o h- sister of Mrs. rs. ioodmau anil ihe was about , .) v . i' o! t.l Mr. .) i in Ilo'tievcutt, among the last ollieial io-ts as a member of the Big Four, prt sei.tt d Mr. Mangum o.d the editor each with breeches stretchers. X'ow he has our thanks, .nid it he'ii but gie us each a pair of hreecdns he will be formally thanked, and remembered. Juo. Lady Vro.tght in two large bi.irs or .-omethiiig, the like of which we have never so 11 before. They were found in tiie but of a prune tree thai he cut down. They have horns a iid sire very hideous look ing. Tiiev doubtless are Chinese nu'-s he.viug come up through Mother earth. " The treasurer of a largo cotton manufacturing company near the central pan or the state, sent the Standard a request to boost up a ,tock raising enterprise that he had -tnrted something li Ke a $25 ad. for nothing. If that gentleman will l" before a justice of the peace and make atlidavit that he's not able to nav for such service, the Stand .rd will publish his breeding concern and his picture. A travelling man, with rings in his ears, struck the town. He olaved an accordion that sounded like a band. An iron arrangement -:civwed on to his back, set with cog !,... worked the stick ana cym j t., ;i drum tint was also fastened to 'the man's back. Whenever he wan ted the cymbals to perform, he ..r,.iv Kwuny his foot the a;r lofoot was hitched on to the cog wheel arrangement. Every body, even the preachers, thought hnn some There are 30 veterans at the Sol diers' Home, in Ealeigh. Kev. Juo. G Anderson, of Pocky Kiver, spent Tuesday here. It has rained so much on Sundays tins year mat some people are tor getting how to go to church. I he birst National Bank, of Salisbury, has declared a dividend of 10 per cent. V .11 1 1 r it wan coninuuteu live prisoners to ttie penitentiary by the recent court. Some of the streams were consi derably swollen "on Monday by Sun- ttay s rain. Heniy Moose and Kobt. Sappen tieio nave gone on a visit to Joe Moose's, in Stanly County. liev. TI103. Dixon, of New York, will deliver an address at Morehead City and preach a sermon, during the meeting of Teachers Assembly. There will be preaching at Cold Water Baptist church next Sunday at 11 o'clock, by Kev. Mr. Ilartsell, of Fort Mills, S. C. The law that prevents the killins of birds does not go into effect until .March lo, and not March 1st, as many suppose. Ex-Sheriff S L Yor.nt, of Cataw ba, made an assigunnnt on Thurs day. Liabilities !f 11,000. W II Williams is the assignee. The Concord Bank has received its calendars for 1892. We suppose they are pretty. They first went to Concord, N. H. Kev. Dr. Branson, of Kaleigh, is preparing a volume of 30 sermons, delivered by different North Caroli nians. M L Sherill, of Mill Hill, will open a writing school ut Forest Hill. Mr. Sherrill writes well and has had success at teaching. J B Sheets, of Salisbury, who made an assignment, has straighten ed out his affairs and commenced business again. .1 Simmons, of Salem, N. C, a piano tuner, has been down to Mt. Pleasant, doctoring the musical in- struments cf that town. No oflicial announcement ha3 been made as to whether the entire State Guard will encamp at Wrightsville or whether it will be divided. The man of an average weight of 145 pounds has enough iron in him to make a plowshare and enough phosphorous to make a half million matches. .V little child was born in No. ."", on Monday Feb. 1S92. It will e l'J years before he'll see the sec ond anniversary of his birth. How's this? The second 11 un derlv meeting of Clear Creek circuit wid be held at BctLi-1 0:1 the first Sunday iji April. Prenchinsr on Saturday and Sunday by Be v. A 1 Tver, presiding elder. Sacramental services on Sunday. Key. II M Blair, pastor of Forest Hill AI Yj church, is preaching some trong and interesting sonnons to his people his preaching is highly complimented. His congregations are large and increasing all the time. What is the origin of "winding up?" When you 'dire up," you are ready to light, sav or do something ; but when you "wind up," it stems, fiotn the usage of the term, vou piit. Where are we drifting to ? Grand Sire Bushbee has received a special invitation to attend the dedication of the new Od l Fellows' temple at Baltimore, and the con vocation of the 73d anniversary of the Grand lodge of Maryland, April The town authorities are having the calaboose moved from the courts yard to the rear of tkc city hall. It will be very convenient to dump Vni out the back door into the insti tution that yawns for those that it yawns. Kev. J J Kenn, Presiding KIder of the Salisbury district of the Methodist Conference, conducted Quarterly Conference at the Central M. h. Church, on Sunday, lhe Standard .hears Mr. Kenn's Sermon highly spoken of. Salisbury witnecso I the organizax tion of a company, on Saturday, known as the "Salisbury Granite Company," with a capital stock of , 200,000. 1 H anderford is presi dent ana 0 w uauney secretary anu treasurer. Be careful how you walk about a reconstructing building; something may fall cn you. The proprietor says he'll not tell anybody else to get out of the way. Such remarks may cause something to fall on the pro prietor. The strong man had an audience of four, Monday night. He is cer tainly the stoutest man that ever struck this town, but tnere have been so many concerts and entertainments until the people are tired of physical ability and especially the money part. Burglars were in town Tuesday night. They tried to gain entrance to Mr. Sam Pharr's house, at the window to the room occupied by Arthur F'aggart. lie was so fright ened that he covered his head and allowed the burglars to proceed with their luxury until frightened away by other parties in the house. What might have been a Berious fire was averted by timely action at Mr. D F Cannon's residence, Satur day night. A sleeping apartment 01 the second floor wa3 ignited by sparks from the open fire place. In contending with the flames Mr. Can non was painfully but not seriously burnt on the bands. Master Fred Clayton, the 11 year old son of J Wr Claytou, has our thanks for a pickle. He grew the cucumber in a blue bottle. It grew until it could grow no more and he has pickled it and sent it to the Standard, We can't get to it with out breaking the bottle and we have retired from the Jug and Bottle 1 Breaking Company. iii:ai si.vi iti i neon itoin . An Awf ul Accident Which osl Mr. Will A. MisnlM-ilii-r His I.ilV---i o I'alls Acrossn Circular Sat :m;l l! HcimI itScicrfd From l!i' ltixl.1 . Monday morning, NV 111 A Miscn- heimer, of No. 5, and Son of Joe F Misenheiuier deceased, was well and hearty. At 11:30, Mr. Misenheiuier was a corpse. Mr. Misenheiuier and several other parties were running the saw mill, near his hoFne, and in moii!g about near the saw Mr. Misenheiuier stumbled and fell. The edge of his shoulder struck the saw while run ning at full speed. It drew him in, before he could be rescued by assist ants, and the saw cut its awful course right through his neck, h's head rolling down ou one side of the saw and his body falling on the other. Mr. Misenheimer was 31 years of age, and a useful and moral young man. It is a sad blow to his wife and widowed mother, who have ti e profound sympathy of a large circle of friends. Mr. Misenheimer w as u brother of Miss Mollie Misenheimer, now Mrs. Giles T Crowell, of Betinos Ay res, Argentine Kepublie, South Amerjca A Dream That Wa Realized. One night last week, Mrs. W A Misenheimer, who had s en her he.--baud measuring logs around and near the saw at his saw mill, had a dream that came only too true. She dreamed that her husband in stooping to measure a log near the saw, fell and was cut to pieces by the saw. She told her dream and begged Mr. Misenheimer to cea- going near the saw a? he was acciu- tomed to do, but he, fearing no dans But Mrs. Misenheimer's dreams were sadly realized. Mr. E Pink Deal tells us of a similar dream he had not more than a week ago. The lirst account of the sad death of Mr. Misenheimer was not 3iter ally true. His head was not entirely severed from the body, but the tear ing of his body about the chest and shoulders was greater than lirst res ported. His remains were restrt Mt. Gib-ad. laid riilel Agriculture. Feb. 2T, lS'.i'i. KniT'Hi Stanpaiip : In your town you have a graded fcho.d sys tem ; out here six miles from town we have now a g railed farmer system mapped out. It is thus we have three grades running as fol lows: The first grade consists of all those who are not buying fertilizer in '!;?. The second grade are those who only use a little, and the third grade compose all those who sre going in for big crops by the use of this salable manure. It will be kuown along about the shank cf the year, when your co. nf-pondent 1 an report the result, and specify v. ho gets left but the report will come. Agriculturally yours, D. If. opal firaire. X. '. Mr. A K Lyerly was thrown from his horse1, last week, and received some bruises but not dangerous ones. Kev. C C Lyerly is still running his school ot Bethel Academy. The measles are in full blast in Stanly aud lower Kowan. Corn brought only 50 and oG cents and wheat 8G, at Mrs. Jane Lyerly 's sale last week. Other property brought a fair price. Farmers are putting up their compost heaps ready for spring. "Wheat and oa's have suffered much by the cold weather rnd freeze. I don't think the market will be glutted with Stanly cotton this year but probably will be on the market to somo extent but hope to have hog ami hominy. K. A i Poilolliee. There will be establishtd live miles east of Kimer's a post ohi c. It will be christened "Kluttz" and Mr. Moses Kluttz will be the post master. This new posto'Iico will give mail facilities to a section here tofore almost entirely neglecLcil. A 'Determined Tup. Dr. Lufferty tells us of a frightful cut received by young man Bos', grandson of Levi Fink, of No. o. The flesh between his big toe aul 1 the next one was cut through, even ! through a thick sole of his fchoe. The cut extendeel out to the side of the foot across, the leader of the toe until only a little piece of flesh held the toe to the foot. To the surprise of even the physician the big toe is growing back to its lirst love. lie Ioesnt Care. A prominent man said he wouldn't care if the depot and ticket office would burn down provided no goods would be lost. That is the only way of getting a decent depot here. Well the establishment i3 not so good as the town deserves, but the public have long siuce learned that the K. & D. is very ungrateful, showing but little favors to those that are its best friends those that can't help themselves. But the old depot will rot down. VtMi.O'lt iM'Htll i (-. Dr. II ,1 V,- : hi dhd V ,:. o'cl. Soon in- in N from y.v,;,:; ., i.e ,-, ed though he va:- a hi short distance L nable to : it. ny nay or b night, he u(d morphine Having taken one doo fi". x ue-. y be tc.vk lie neer well in iu t! e night, which had no tfi'ec' another shortly aftorwards. woke. As a physkiui ho stood the Cvucmuniiv, am! hein prime of life his death is peculiarly a sad one. Mr. Alexander !.!.. :'it; y iU'iu'. Iu the last i.-sitc -J i)w S:a:.d.o 1 mere mention cf Mr. J Slack v, eider's death was made. For many years he lias had his abode at his home near Cold Water, No. 5. lie was a pious, quiet citi. zen and devoted his time to his own business. He leaves three mr.v.i, Messrs Frank and Clay Blackwelder, of this place, and Bikle, who is yet quite young Mr. Black wcl.'er's widow still survives him. The funeral e:icin:T; ductal i:t. J .m. ; Church, of v.-b!,: h he Vi .. - member, and his r. -.-lin in llu' Con ore ten. ,y. Not long : :-, Mr. told us thai. 1- had ;,t w a 3 cure m hoiuvv. laid u,i, ;. ci.ve::.e: vi.iud hi- brother, No. til Pduckwt hh-r, of No. -1, but ohee i-i nee ihe w ar. Ti.ev met lip wilii 1 rich o'.'iier -.":eii !; '' in Cor.-'ord, but. iv.-r i.avle It sit;-, to make a v: i;. Jr.e hv 0;:e the "id i:i ibis. from c the wi. ia'i'eaVell'lt il j a Los i; or ,1 C; i.:Ml.v Jit: reiser. no. P . 1 has In.-;: 1 : the fi, Vhiv Cabarrus c many of en ring llu- v,! receive aay ai;d c 'tuny i;!.:: e..?-.:rv g;i 1 i s ;..'0- ; r first cormtus i; ute a sum of worthy cans.', ci. :ur. 10 1 : !;xi of J. test ind t! most feel a pride in the fact, "will r 1 spon d in the .mii.c liberal way we are sure, hard tin; be.i. -1 1 to vt ry can Tiiey liae n Ileai- The Stanly N lias puiei ..- d :. a 1 111 ic.i lo IlCeueil Vi Da:; A! .' vo-.i : v : ; r ashamed f yr the heaitiiiest. except t'oneon n, I. I l. Oi ..no ,v art a you they had to kill a man t graveyard 111 Albemarle ? don't, ask your P 1. it SuIisrri)lion J C llorton, D C Day vault, -Jno. M KiJenhour, Mrs. S J CMcKindly J VT Dayvaul:, B F.urleyson, Joe Moose, K W MisAilu inier. I'.LW bL'B.-JCKll;Ei;S. K T lloneyctiit, Vv li llayncs, Mrs. V O Wiihs, II P Ilatley, J K Kowland, J A .Jones, V,' T TaM irt. . to ni'-r.-: t ai we d lo do avich to lor two c!T ''" nami f did. But we P, a j bla.de p: be sent out oi yars, v;Uh.,u! E i sm Hit. :l'iie Sla-::y N at i'i Ml. Fk: .' e'. 3 sA.; : a e invsp'c; re's what it. Pieas- a::ie aiai bis ra mi ue. hey e:-al ore j leCc l.cc won hi iron. ;iei-:: Tie v " ( c-o ':o -u i---. d in sev v, hicii ia: h;ij er.,1 pint bo,o', a fe'V W: Wa!cr ;0; 10 h .Ye COillliMil r-i,d d.,ys it f':r tie re vou a g' -o 1 1:4 a C-Mli that Oil lliaj yourseii'. T Le.i Ki, biac Aii'l it M:'j i'sii-:.' Speaking of Ll: e cna-.eei mori registered, a prominent bueiness man remarked, "You ought to have gone further and said that the aggregate anion nt cf titese mort- gaOeS is not half v, had it was hut I year." The showing thou is decid edly better than k has been before. SM-crciy liroiipn. An attachment to one of the drhing wheels of the dummy, when square, J.lOUu; eveun; I These things will happen sometime. Mil ICS is V I.K 1.1 ii;. i ;s ?i;iii- lire lieu if er"il. hut liul if. IttMl.V .i U I'll,- IHO Yl'ilfd I'ur- :i !" i ; l;ii' 'ih';:i;!:l. T . S;.; !;!;'! !;:!1 Well' to the i.'e.ist. r's otl'iir-? win re he and the j : '.t'r 1 ut up s:u examination of the 1 1 chativl r.'i-'ird. i 'i he number of chattel mortgages regis ten d for two months in lS'Jl a'ld lK'i are as follows: 1S:1. 180-. January 70 5S February 108 12G Total K3 1S4 i'ou see that the two months just passed exceed those of IS'.H by six, In mortgages registered. But with several interviews with business men Loth of the town and c.-untry the Standard learns that ail Mortgages are registered this year, while la.st year not more than half were registered. Some merchants are registering this year a number, while last year they registered but a few of those taken. There is no doubt but that a decrease cf at least one third has been made in the number of chattel mortgages made up thii far in 1891. Very, very few mortgages are 'riven for doctored sand, commonly known as fertilizers. Smoke that. S: 11; : ? 'i. ;enni :l C''!eraliii. The commiitee, having in charge the arrangements for the 50th at'i versary celebration of Dr. Geo. W Welker, the pastor of Brick cl;rch, located in Guilford county, ha3 in-viL-d lh.v. Paul Barringer to deliver the address ou that occasion, on I-'iiday before the fourth Sunday in Marc'i. Mr. Barringer will be pres ent and deliver an ; ddreS3 on "Dr. "Welker and Temperance." This is remarkable one man serving a con gregation lift v years in succession. III 1;, :il:ti. IIuili Murrill, of the Hickory press, who is to be married, makes this i.'.inouucement: With this issue of the Press and C.iiOlinia.i the editor bids his read ers farewell for two weeks, and pleaiij id health and necessity of a trip to Florida as an excuse for his ah-enee. '!! ii; V::ltil. W ; CuiTell received a letter from L 1' 1 hivis, of Lexington, stating that '.'.: wave of burglars struck his iw.i. Tliey went into two drug st tiiree giwerioo, one dry goods so-i'c ;.:;d j lie ticket. ofiic3. The t'.ieft in the latt.-r case may bust the K. & D. Wouldn't that be a pity? IlemUl Work. Tiie chain gang has been laboring for three weeks in No. 4, on the road between I-Ted Cline's and the County Home. That piece of road has al ways had the reputation oi being the worst piece of road in the county. Ic is not so now. The chaingang has done a good work there. But this U ii-dalL Niarly 00 loads of rock have i e:t battled in. This was done in a gratuitous in. inner. Esq. Glass was in and said that most of them were Alliancemen, too. That's a good spirit, too. When it comes to this, why couldn't neighbors join in and fur nish rock for other bad places in the county and let the chain gang put them in? It would pay handsomely. An 11 Tinier. Col. A G Lentz is now the proud posscsor cf what is supposed to be the oldest time piece that is in the coi'.idy. ""1 'his old clock was first owned by Barrier the father of old uncle Johnny who dieel last year at the aMvancedag-.! of 'Ji years. On the deal h of its first owner it was td'ob. vl to untie John and did duty i.s a marker of hours, minutes and KC-cunIs during his long life. At liis sale it was purchased by K De berry Lent;: wlio transferred it to its present owner It is still in good Vi'er and ticking away as if age had j no tu.ee on it. ira.iition says it j was made in 1787, but its age cannot be- accurately ascertained. A StatJ'y i:V Weds. A card from Winston announces the fact thai Mr. II I.) Harwoodjate of I'i r, ijtaiily county, but more ri-ce.nily tiie s--hij:ping tderk of the El. is d; Ce, tobacco ri inufacturers of Vt'insto;., was marri- d to Miss i. L;.rd, of Sa'cm, 0.1 the 25th. Tiie hi idal couple spent a few dasy's trip to the groom's old home in Stan ly. Tiie Standard congratulates tiie young man; he lias done well. I'oriu.T a;nrriis M:11 Ica!. Mr. William B Nisber, of Char hi'.te, died Sunday morning at his liojiio. The Charlotte News says : Mr. Nisbet was born near Coddle Creek church, in Cabarrus county, on May 27th, 1817, and moved to Char'olfe with his father's family in is 00. He began business bere as a clerk, but in 1S70 he and his brother, the late A K Nisbet, formed a part nership in the grocery business. They conducted a successful busi ness until the tirni was dissolved in March 1883, by the death of Mr. A K Nisbet. Since that time he had been in the insurance and real estate business. 'Iiirriae l icciiM' For i 'Iriarj. Milan Safntjo Etta S Boger. " Caleb IT Ihinihardt to Catherine i-i Ti b'e. Jno. A Kitchie to Mary H Yost. G Kandolph WinecoiT to Jennie D Faggart. Vv D Faggart to liosa Litakcr. Win. S MeSwain to Lou" Kara hard t. Geo. W Barrage to Kiln Cook. Jno. D Kedwine to Dovie Cox. Mathias F l-'urr to Annie K Fisher. "Waiter Moore to Mary CVander burg. Total 10, white ; total 3, colored. a.iionli in Th o UccI.h. Several weeks ago a number of parties went west to Arkansas Among them was Scott Fisher, son of France Fisher. Scott and his wife have returned. It is amusing to hear his description of that country. He literally got enough ot it. lie said many believed here that a former Cabarrus man had gone west a couple years ago and had grown rich. This is a mis take. That man would co ne back tomorrow, but he's too poor to make the trip. North Carolina for North Caroli nians, and Cabarrus for us. Ati I'n iori mime JTiiHliee. The onluckiest magistrate in the county is Esq. Jesse Willeford. Some time ago the Standard's dog cart dumped him out into a mud hole, and jiow he has to lose a line hen by att'einpiing to put ou style. A few days ago he purchased some tine-blooded eggs from Kegister Patterson and placed them under his pet setting hen. The next morning the Esquire's hen was dead. Of course his heu coulel not endure such line eggs, for she was plain and unassuming. Justice Willeforei's children, out of compassion for their father, contend that the hen was dead before their father set her. Surely Esq. Yv Tllcford knows a dead chicken when he sees it ! Oil, linn ! What a Separation. Mr. left yesterday morning for Charlotte to place his eyes under treatment of the oculist. Stanly News. reeiisl4ri Tim 2is!iel. The Greensboro people who want ed to ' t the Colored Agricultural and Mechanical College located there did not comply with the tonus 01 their oiiginal agreement. Laid October the board met and accepted the proposition, which was to give 2." acres of land and Slo.OOO; of this amount $8,000 being payable- in cash January 1, 1832, aud $7,000 iu June 1893. Monday the executive com niittco met in Kaleigh and Greens boro's representative appeared be fore it and offered SS,000 in good notes, llo also took a new proposi tion, that Greensboro wished the original amount li,000, reduced to $10,000. The executive committee did not think it had any right to act on any such proposition, but desired the full board to consider it. lnile an A nil j. What doth it mean 'i Ou one train a -10 minute late train ten drummers came in. Some of them are new men, new faces, and they looked bright and cheerful. Men that go for days without an order, these tight times, and wear such faces as these bright ones did, are little short of philoso phers. The Standard welcomes them to the city. Come again, gentlemen; Concord is a good place. Not .'In 1 to Head. Aslii-vilk' Citizen. "Einancial relief and tariff re form Hill and victory!" shrieks the ten-taloned eagle in the Atlanta Constitution office. And yet Hill is not for free silver. "Head our feed souls off," said the boy who had yok ed himself to a yearling calf, as the two came tearing down the street. That should he the Constition'3 bat tle cry just at present. mia Some More Answer. ilit. EmTem: As so many are coming with answers to the five "Sunday February question," I con cluded to make an attempt to answer these questions' Christmas will oc cuijia 19,00 on Tuesday. This is my opinion' The seventeenth century was the last to contain four five Sunday Februaries. It occuared in 1001, ICol, 1070 and 1088. And the next to contain it will be the twenty lirst century. It will occur iu "104, 2032 2000, and .5088." W B Bu.vdfoki). . 11:1-1 iiiki i:iiiiisieiitt tor tiie liatiaN Ion. Charlotte News. The Catling gun of the Naval Battalion was to-day reinforced by 50 Lee magazine guns, 40 new model Colt's revolvers, 35 cutlasses, with belts, scabbards, etc., to match. The guns can be used a3 either single shotsor magazines. The belts carry 30 single shot cartridges and 9 maga zine pockets of I've cartridges each. The pistol is the most wonderful of the kind made. It can be fired as rapidly as the trigger i3 pulled, and one movement extracts the emptied shells, while another movement re loads the six chambers automatical ly. The battalion is now ready for war. v:i.(;v.w XV i .."..:: !!. Kaleigh, N. C, March 1. W W Iloldc-n, e-Governor of North Car olina, elied here this afternoon. He was, prior to and during the war, editor of the Standard ; . was provis ional Governor, and later Governor, but was impeach, d and deposed by the Senate in 1810. Dr. "W W Uavs and son, of Pome, (a-, me visiting bis brother, Dr. II W Bays, This is tho gentleman who preaoho-l in tl.o Presbyterian church during tho meeting of the "Western N. C. Conference and whoso sermon was so highly compli mented. CONCOIU) MAIIKETS. COTTON MAKKET. Corrected daily by Carnons & Fet.er. Low middling Glf3 Middling ;;"e(j Good middling 7 Stains 5 Ct$ PRODUCE MAUKET. ( Corrected daily by W. ,T. Swiuk.) Bacon Sugar-cured hams Bulk m ats, sides Beeswax Butter Chickons Corn Etrgs Lard Flour (North Carolina). 2 Meal Oats Tallow Salt, ((3 li eK4 It) 18 n (-a 10 ttf r.o e i :io to ;rc 40 to i 70 el 13 10 80 WE INVITE The attention of customers to Manufactured from the choi cest varieties of winter wheat to meet the mpiirenients of the best city trade, it is posi tively the Lightest,, Sweetest and Best ZETLOTTIR, made, Try a sack for your Xmas baking. WiiiTE ROSE is a line Hour and we guaran tee every sack to give satis faction. PRICE, Si 00 jErVe have the exclusive sale of both these Hours in Concord. You are invited to examine our stock which is COMPLETE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Always glad to show onr goods. No charge for deliv ery of gooels iu the city. PATTERSON'S. wm 11 m