7r- 1. TheStandard is Only One Dollar Per Yeiir. a rt Circtilgition of AnyPape r iiitli Section. S 1 Till- STANDARD. tills -i-PACKl: HAS A ik;;;:k ( iucvlatiox at: eyeuy i-osioi'fum: IX T11K j THE STANDARD, u si titf v : y at t ONI A TWICE AS MUCH KEA1)IN(J MATTER AS ANY 'AJ'El EVER or N'ow ii;r- EISHEI) IN T II E UOU N T Y . &-TJCh'LE US WITH $1, M-, M M H 1 county, savi: ONE, than ANY O VUVM i'Al'EK. rir w v i t i: n out i:yi:s with si VOL. V. NO. . CONCOltD, N. C., THURSDAY, MAKCIl 10, 189:2. WHOLE N(.21. n ii:ori.i: iMiirv I'i viioiim. Vi ri M- I f - hihI 'ry Iiiiprrnlive ItciiiauiN. F I VANCE. i i"ii-t Y'e demand ;i national cur-1 leUe v .-afe, sound, and lltxible, is sued I'v the general government only j a full lei-ral tender for all debts, pub- j lie and private; and that with out j the use of hanking corporations a just, (-juitable and efficient means of ilistri!utio:i dine', to the p:ople at a tax . to exceed two per Cent, he provuhd, as set faith in the subs treasury plan if the Farmers' Alli ance, or some better system; also, by payment in dis: barge of its obliga tions for public improvements. Wed. mand free and unlimited coinage of silver. We demand that the amount of circulating medium In; speedily in t r.ased :. ! S than . ' per C:'p- :e .:i .:, i u'.i n .'i- iui a i 'f I . -in '.t it . , tie- OV- : i: ; ho:u ri i V ; b.mLs i i.u.d t i.a i"is'.;il s ivings e.-!a!.l:.-h d by the govern- juent i tlie -;;!' ilep).-it of the ear- ; i'.ic.. "! t lie pcojk' and to facilitate ! exchange. I.AM) (coml--Tl:e lan.I, including all the r.at::r:il ie-.urces of wealth, is the heritage of all the people and ; ...,;;!d J.ot be won ipoliz.-d for spec ulaiive purpos.'S, :ml alien ouner , i 'and should be prohibited. .Ail land now 'held by railroads nr. J other corporal ius in excess of their ti'tual needs, and :dl lands row owned bv aliens, should reclaim ed bv the government and held for ;i?tual settlers only. TltAXSrotlTATIoN". 'Jh'trd T:a!;sport.iti.Mi being a nie;W- of fXchar.ge and a public necessity, the government should own and op rat? the railroads iu the tntertst of the people. . ' The ulegraph and telephone, like pr.stoilice system, being a neccessity for transmission of news, should be owned ivt'd operated by the govern jnent in the ir.tcivst of the people. Al l I CO.ittlV The Concord Stan lard hears' the nme of Hot), d 11 Webber, ex Sp::ier of l'ne House ;' l.'.-prrsen-t.i'ive :!:! e-litor of Webster's Weekly, of i; a 'svide, in connection with the. gubern itional nomination. It was stated in Italeigh Wednesday, with a eoasi.ierable measure of posi tivness, by a gentleman from Mr. Webster's section, that this gentle man will contest with Capt. A II A "Wilaams, the sitting member, for th J).-mocr.tio nomiaaMo-i fur Con gress from the fifth districc this ear. , r' i ::in:. i.i:i him rw. ' re i ' ' ' " r " -l ... 1 .'ei i hi ; charge in he coa t-, "e h.ae to say it, but Mom-ho v we n't la it : Ingerso'l K- oa - pretty whet hu U doirg. and if Mr. hon doesn't have a r'r-.k of fer ine he will have the j.i.'.uo dama- s to pay. A I'l.AIN l I SI JON. s. ri.i'or Hill will be invited to i-.. c ?i.e -Jo-ii of May address at ;.;o:ie this year. When he gets re we wutit doe Caldwell to ask the plain question (doe is good i-king direct questions): "Are lam in favor of the Jiland free coin- hi uii:r The people will not ..teeter- as an answer tne glittering idatiiiKb's: which have enabled him to be on i.oth sides of the question up to dale. H he wants our votes he must aufcVi.T "Yes" or "No" plainly and without equivocation. a isikI r: ii ii iy. (J M I Jot d man, ff Xo. 6, and an ,-,.. .f mr pi inter Jno. Coodman, trad., d two old mules for two young mules that had never been worked. He hitched the inch next to the wagon ami two frisky horR'S in the Ti.v.'l and etarted home, Wednesday evei. ii)gr The mules and horses ran away, going down the hill at the Lutheran .emetarv. MreCoodman was badly U uisctl about th legs and his wagon toru to pieces and the animals caught .near Cold Water Creek. I I i.i.ki. Tiu Automatic s. aicn r-ii on Any- j hf use w here we were taught, but h...Klrn,IMo.,.Horo,..l.llorsothe lnoJern eJucator wtere ,1H,n Shiic Iron. meet men and rub against brawn The man, who canies the key to and brain where the rough agricul the s.ick to the automatic vei"rhiii r tntvil li;mimn 5j .d;..-!!...! o.l 1,.;1, machin-that stands on the street, j was nere. ne is not a remai i- ..1.1 i. ..11 .-i .1. . , i. ,.r toie man at. an, uui me contents oi j urn-re minu meets nnmi wnere u the machine proved to him to be j tellect comes in contact with intel iiiitii remarkable- lie didn't swear j lect, and farmers learn to kuow, to much but his face showed that his think and act. In the modern thoughts wore not serene. school of agricultural organization, lie found about ;5.50 worth of , the agricultural vote is taught, and coppers and one lone nickle for the ' it becomes the Democratic partv, February receipts. This pleased him. He found, also, nails, tacks, rem nants of a monkey wrench and the steel edge of a crow-lnr, wash rs, ' l.-i.dj. tvis-vl.nnrd r d 1 r.cid tim- ! tables (in fact tlu-re 's-eius no doubt but that the railroad is the chiet r i f ili :.. a;; machine'' al.d J i CeS of v.-ei-.- r.iu c; .. r ;!., ii,-:,' '., tl. ilyoi: lh.it !') re i viil ;e 1 Ui.e Tile :na:., aa;n. key, says that he stii.s i Is'.'A here, that carries the ilmls timil.tr re but not. in such ipiantitie.-'. Tilel .' ;.re no 1'it.s on our bovs. d'hey know a juke uh.. n they see it, and who blames 'em ..t a soul, i.-.t the i::an with the machine kev. Itealli oI'ICt-Y. James Ii Morrisou. NC!'ru-n,.:-. i llev. M Kirkpatric sends us the, following sad news: I Tliii servant of Christ pa.-sed away in tli" triumph of grace at his home! at "Mineral .Springs, near Morven. N. C. Feb- lsth, ls'.'-. He was C, Feb- l:h, born in lk-cky Kiver congregation, Lanarrus county. eji otn, iMio, j and was more than SO years old when j he died. j His first charge was the Presby- j tv.r! .ii rldiifli in fmirnril X' ( ! where he labored about 24 years. Removing to Wadesboro, he spent three years in preaching and teach ing, afterward j r moving to the place where lie spent the remainder of his life. January 1st, Is.?, he took charge of Lebanon church iu-;ir Morven. Tliere he labored, preaching, build ing up and maintaining a school of high grade, with the assistance of his wife and daught rs. Salutary influences wre exerted over the many who vera instructed there. Perhaps no one in Ansou county has put forth a m. -re healthy influence in education and morals by precent and example. He .-till liu'S iu the lives of hi3 pupik, ly whom he is remembered in great tenderness. Owing to a bronchial trouble he was unable to do full work as a readier. Many Cuii attest his happy facility in tiringinq jy to the dorrowiiig and inculcating principles of righteous ness in the luarts of o hers. And manv coveted the privilege of min is'eriiK' t him as the end drew on. cane l.o? n' u:i- : ..-.ilv. and' ;iav to " hat do o.l .-ei ." ne, "I'l.e land.' No The b.mb" bad re d le; d him 1 iiroueh cone in ; se of n.'ol lttcie .d t he Itincrai, ant. laid How eis ('ii l is ca.-ket bathed with ;'..e t.-ars of alT. ction. Truly it wus writt. n of him, "Ti.oi; si. alt eoineto the grave in a full age, like a timck of -oi n cometh in his sea son." Our thoughts of him remind ins of the Savior's words concerning Na thanael, "Heboid sMid Israelite in deetl, in whom is no guile." Kev. das. K Morrison was an uncle of Sheriff L M Morrison. ,S In I 'sni ' ! f vt'&Nii ry . Vasliiie;t"!i O '. ' ) Uem.o at. At no time in the history of the Democratic party was there more need for caution, patriotism and statesmanship than at the present. An unfornately large majority in the House f JJepresentative opened the o'ud Congress with a factional fight which brought (he i'rhhmtial question into Congress instead of al lowing it to remain where it belongs ed with the Convention to be select ed by the peopk'. We would be untrue to principle and to our party were we to fall to express our honest convictions and to hoist the danger signal at the ap proach oi the storm. Tlie oU Hue leaders are not pre pared to appreciate the fact that the schoolmaster has been abroad in the land in the shape, not of the peda gogue of our earliest reinembrace, ' who Jield sway in the old field school tened into a sparking jewel undcrjA PETITION THAT OUll PEOPLE tlie sharpening power of attrition; ...i . . . . the oldest and truest friend of the farming classes to recognize that these people nre no longer tramelled by party ties but like. "Some new Scso trice, Who-e unharnessed Kin Freed from the lilt, l'.rlieve themselves with Willi: And I'lin a''i:. :r.t y era ) ll.triul i t!-e eii; 1 for i ;.i ! v 1.1 M'.'- ! ' low J i i e mol it a i t :.r i- ii i' r ! 1 1 . e I 101. I !,;-(! MH rs, ( t l;e scarcity ! nnii I uiiit !: fal ins. ; 11 lieav i. v anc t;i: oi ,y i.p tl tic. f.iriui rs. when added to tlie' legalized r.-blx ry (f gambler i m ; farm pi't c u t .-, suimlh is in iardand ail oth r ro-luets of food anl dius 1 the exemption from taxatioti of the banker.-', tl:.- i ver ineivasuij power, of monopoly and nior.c-y. which ar-1 rays i'.-ilf arrogantly behind the in-J i ... .. i. . . .. ; . i .. . .i : . i. .i ! mm muuiit n ca jcl cp, nun Hie: wealth dniwn from bloody sweat of ; the producing (lasses of otir land, ! a!Hl should cause our legislators V consider these and other like thin- J.uirotis to constitutional liberty j jand t le and saf tv of! i our hre.ides; (!ei::atid that stat. s- maiiship should be called to the front j ami mat pontics ana ! niaguogety should for the once cease. ICImmIc Island ni'tnoeriits Congressman Page spoke on a con-j tested delegation case. He declared the Deniocra's were sound on Ckves land's tardl policy, and sound on the question of free silver, but the majority in Congress might be counted upon to do nothing tifnt would injure the 'party or its candi dates in the approaching elections. A resolution was presented by Samuel ll Honey, and referred to the platform committee, instructing the delegab.s to the national con vention to vote for Cleveland. It was received with great enthusiasm. Tlie platform as reported to the convention demands free raw mate rials. It approves the Springer wool bill, and urges its tarly passage. It favors the placing of iron, coal and j timber oil the five 1 lot. Upon the coinage question it reads: Evt ry dollar of American money, whether of gold, silver or pap-r, ought to be of equal value tile world over " The repealing of the Sherman coinage act is favored because of its failure to accomplish results desired, and for a like reason free coinage of silver is 1 except upon intern dional a.ent. The id i' form clones it lm i i r i ' m r a 1. In niJi ij'i;.!' a n :i i in-ii t Blind. Con." v.i, X. C, Aierch ', I'd;:, ii'.o; p;,u -t? allow loe j -nee in y. ur j a j . to my to ti.ej i'iii. las' t f t'itban us county who j ita e s.ii'.seiib! d to th.- soidiii r.-. inouanaad ihnt the inoiiuuicnt is ; now completed and ready for ship- j ii" nt and 1 !: I'nvei'.i:; will be .it ' tiie Vtli f M y, V.'e i:ke about one j nun. lied dollars of havil.jr e'oouun o;oi y to i iv l"i" it. when erected.' All those who have subscribed for the monument I earnestly request i! em i" pay their subseripton at hs early date as possible so we will be ready (o pay the contractor as soon as ereetea. Those who have sub" scribed to Mr. Hump C Howell, of No 10; Mr. Yv'ni. (i 13ami;oi, tl No s .nd Mr. John Parnhardt, of No. .", will please pay them their subscriptions so they can pay it over to me. And if there is anyone who have i.ot subscribed to tli s ddiers mt.i.ua.ent and feel like they cau k'ivc something to help perpttuflte tlo. memory of those who fell on the battla fiehb, or died in the hospital or have tdnce crossed Hie river. AVe would be glad if you would send in your coutributiona as Boon as convenient so we will be ready to j pay the last amount due on tUy of unveiling, J F illeford, Pres. Veteran Association Two Cabarrus Hem. Charlotte News. Mrs. r.ettie Nicholson, of liocky liiyer, mcves with her four daugh ters to Concord nit veck. Kev J G Anderson has this Aveck had another urgent appeal to enter tht evangelistic work, but he will doubt less decline, as the same difficulties that have always encumbered him remain. M CONGO COiXCOJU) HAS AN ORPORTUN I'iY' TO (IET m -!i mi rx Tlio Coiuil v oiiiniissioiiers i 1 1 ! ::s!.-il lol.riuil an I lit I ion on ( li im-s- Ioii ol Issiiiii;; ISoikIs I lu !' opli- are Siniu- I it- l't it ion Willioat ll-sj. iliKion ii:,nl lias : hCmh 1 :l r lirn''hi! s js Irras 1 oil earance tik lltr... A uiX'l i ii- Line . ill l( . :,(ri(.. ilio hi Si L'-i-i: 1; i. v..i.-. (!.;,;. ;. -'ve-y - . ;. . litis fell i:i ai-; i tit rs! ( L in t !! i u ! '-tl u!' a ii ,; in-- ; - i ! It. is proiHiscii to v .!, Soiii lie a RaiiN' strung -.t tin- 1 t !1 nay, aUii;; Lot's make I o;' ; b.- 1 l"'11'1"1- i:i''s dormm-Jlt aul t Listi:n : A let to tlio oxtroiii'- :i t i: to WiKl-sl.oro w ;!! :: to dop vatir 1 1 i i ! ; trado and fv ;y has" ;:, -ton x-ears ; it v. ill savt- t:i an avoragf of (too lior laniitii i dop.it, and ahout S"- ' l-'p;-. to lay ovfr and ahovf what would cost to Charlotte That place has competiag lines. Sigrn that petition make ii unanimous --look up that peti tion, if the shortness of the time prevents it's linding von. The Concord Southern ! VII A 1 (11 1! M1M. II ItOK MVN. t liarlolle Is iSilKln Kailroml 4iiiii't itkii. me ;i;ti.T oi Since the greit woriy 1 . t. , n the ditlerent towns of I'iedm aa iol'th Carolina on the poanoke iV So;o .he: m lhdlroad question has sal .-id. il, a new road promises to come into ex istence. This grows out of some dissatisfac tion Concord has been experiencing about freight charges. The tn'er prising citizens of the town went t work and got the ball to rolling. They started a subscription to the Loncont r-outhern, a cnarter lor , . , waiii'h vvas granted by tiie ast hegi.-- ' " la. air-. Wn.-i. tie- ,u! ,t ip.,, : cap. ; !he(ii r;iv f.illin.: in ii . ha -" nw j, :.(-;..'-i The town pr. ;. iiel it is thou'ia. ti u p with a a i i n i '. . ' ' ' ( : ' tio'i v.ai! ii" I., '1 I an de'ellliil ti.i.a Tins is a i . w ren i endeat t-f all el!..-, panie-, ami v. ill go cord, having a- it 1 1 lit r 'liarlorie .ton the thing for Clcib'tie t. join hands w ith Coacoi d ; (Mire this road. Tan tul i;'ir. (!. Commissioner Mar; in Y of (ieoi'eeville, was la own ix.ing everybody wit ha ..aav pure gold, lie showed .Kii aril man, who in ide a s mi del He was caught iu Cline (.' store. After threats from tl missioner (To scud the Stan. avi; s Com- .rd to the l'oo r House if arvear subscribers didn't pay up) the Standard made & , lt in a sugar scales. Its weight is a; " . , . . ..... ounces, avoirdupois weight. I Ins . , , --, r is the proceeds from o busnels ot l- , 1,, , . UiejiluLUJliauA41' -t-'111 iiiiHiiuau c mill, Mr. Widonhouse found this ore on Ins own plantation, but lie ought 1 ' , not come 'o town and worrv us so. im liisiirri clioimt Ml. Il-:is;ni(. Everv store and odice sign m Mt. Pleasant is painted red. Jhen the hotel signs arc painted red. This is not theoretically but practically i rue Just what it means cannot ne (are not prcpareU to uispute uks. jcjilJg 1K.W sul,iPlit.s 0f vital force learned, lt is not likely that the j propositions but the Chronicle is j horn a manulactory iu the iumredi drum corps will be called down. j fertiinst both fvrnent and verneint. ate vicinity. iw-uM,,,, :!:! io o m!" li,-:v. !!.st:aict c;i jiiici t y, who n.-, (; a !;. is hat t io-rc i.s a 1'oads to !ho Coii- ''i .t'a t i 1 ( )j! oil M lo'a- issuing bonds, -t ioa ol t itin' is -li'ii't raid if tin i; a iioint to look up the :.; "j will gi r u an otiN r war r : a road from la-re : : th-- .'li-fii:.' south, and oa-o in i i:;ni;iV.-;tiiing, in d'Hii-b' la p.. ; :i la: ion in ' dollars in a year ahout eiid a tii" pivs.'iit railroad tits tip" am )".nr w have sani" anioaur d freight ih v i. ; ; ; i; j o:; i.kok. lion ti.:- I'oiiii.ai ':n is Uopii!- in i i;- S.1t,-... s !! V li v limit' r S. i'.: Xeiv I'iii!i:i1i!j ! !iceii ;o i' i: r. ice recent gathering of the mem- j - the Hemocratic State cxecu-; 1 ("iiana in Ihile'gh was the! idea f a coun.aring of notes rem over t St- aiti' and from w uat w-'S ;-ar:ad it is evident that a very omipletily equijiped Alexander ooom h-i b.-.e i rolling along under the surf .", and gathering strength i "lied., for some time past. The veloi aiu its are suc h as to indicate .i, ,- . , c o o i .i - !:lt ( apt. S i. Alexander is the com- - . r .. , , t"T u ."i j or (lovirnor. It mav be - a ; v, ry m t.dr.ation vill solve , : -il pri.'o'eiu in tliii State ... : a. a t.'.o:.;ig!:!y ii umtetl ; piamt tiee- j There can j lad tnat is a mixed le ; i tr.adde. (Joy. Holt i. I it is Said id Mipport .ttid.eriiii is n he. :i ( a. '.aide to all a' :) is snc'i a true '1 '.u!l v. ;,::-.; for thf . v. . n-.'d net run unless to him that it. vans his . - ( ; i ; duty as a IV't-iot r.tt to d so. Mr a S Civ: woi.ld make a fine run, but. he uots no:- want the ollic. Mr. . t J -!;:-. i:s Ct-ke is iti.'o spokea of as a e'd.l'e. if is .-'.:'"! that : confer- n. ,.- :r., i., u jil;;a , Ah .i a e ... d. i i. h.'iivt; to his i.omi- j t ;:l;. t hoagn in- i; ..d . : S v. 1', i . !- l!i til v- toe : !ti ..ee1. pi a I c.in li:at ioa t. Oi a.Vair.- migh; result in ''Ii i1'1 a a i lively di ll in this n the third party bv tiie loots Itf. .itilv.t'll I v-es ii : T it :i l!e is I I'iSill.lilll. J lie Charlotte Clironicle, on the I , ,. ... strength oi our correspondent s views ! of "I ernent, remarks : i . A coriesi.ondt nt of the Concord i ,. ftamhml, evidently a scholar, insists tU.it f. o-n. oit cyi.! o u(im ;is ; . fcimin-t, dependent upon how von , . , , ' t jlookatit, and that verneint IS a i het tef WOi'd 1 1'aiU t ithtT. The bySt t'Mrman io.'.th'.rities, the writer says, : sr-.:ieli"U the u-e of verneint, and ; the degeneration of the word is, liaabnai ferm-nt, Irish fcrninst. We i Pleasant fkmm, 9 3 HI XMj HI ( lll.I.I (TH(S or A niniavr r. it:i.i; i a ovi i; t i s (11X1 v. i:l.lM'i:i Trials :niI I'rilmlat ion 1 l I.mI niil, l tic- I'.iilil Siiiisliiuc ol IIom. in Spots. As we sat in our easy chair, ves tenlav, ransacking our exchanges for items, with two boys out of copy and ! bcth reading 0t loud over our i shoulder, as only a !.!:.'. : , i ; . o ivc j iii.it paper three l.o:: i a lime, a .sitor will) la - b-eL ,,Ur ta! am' his cold eye o.i us, it .moaIv can e apparent to us th it v.v needed j p Hfi?f j a r st from the daily grind -f the'p j whole outfit, ami bright i.dor,s f-f a i . ,,f il,.. ...,.'.! ;, r. i .... I'tni.,A iui , ji i v t .ia i j r i u i : i l Li'.ni i this, (at least fairer to n-j ilittcd through the roomy chambers of our brain. The click of the typo grew softer and the voices of the bovs redolent with the breath of spring j (onions) sounded farther and farther away, and, did we dream h, i;i one swift moment of uncons ber, or did otis slum- A K.VKi: AND U.WUAXT MAIDEN signal us from out the mystic realms i f shadow larid? V.'e may never know. There are more things 'tw ixt heaven and earth than are dreamed of in our philosojihy. Put tlie sjh-'.I w;p; on us, and our old longing for the lields and woods grew too strong to be resisted, and we AVent. After attending to TP. : I...T M.itj t;, a ca inis la.me us the envy of the : ti m, mnl ai'ier .- la-i-- As sm ia- a; m.: a ors oar-j tne services ot t ae amateur . po.-id Ij run tiiis at):el;Ci, Wo Were our wildest dreti! ?! A K I r A i;.M -:: r.f fiiia".- ;.nijiy ,-i lll.it at forth, trip without t rav. inyaiioa our bank account. And no .v. while the read ers of the Stamlaid pirns.' these lines, we are her--, iatl:e midst of rural peace ami jii.-ir y, r. x.i t ii ixi; or it.-kit, and having a needed rest from th cures that infest the dav, and uatn- i.i i ave- t :il 0 e. oi' ti var:ce iu a-.:'r:y;-: m i ' V. III Ki: . f. l)l l.l (,TIO Stooi! Hl:cii I he I'litrd Parly 4'oiivm I ion lW'an. A L'alcigh Correspondent writes : Mr. I'.V V d.ii-iglieia, delegate to the St. I .outs convention, returned y..t-!cay :dt.ii.co:i. He v. as inter H 7.ei t ,day ci.d .-aid the delegates to tlie io.ieiitioti w t re the mojt ik !ti:n.!:i ;I : of people he ever saw. hen tiie third pany, business was - l'n tK- convention the North ro'.wn tice'e;; es ;;bso utelv refus- I (1 to have anything to do with it. ! X it one to-.ik any part. Thev did not leave tlie hall in a body, but about half h ft, a fev staying simply tostewhiit was being done, in a -pirit of curiosity and not of inter '.st. Mr. Marion JJutler was ap- oiiitcd oy t':e chairman to some po tion, but p.-.kie!y declined it, yiiig' he dii! not go to the conven- i::'.o politics. Ij L J'olk, :: :: c.;; in Id says, was not in : :.: v l.:ie f.se third party : a .-. v. :v goi.ig on, but had '.-.) ia- roeir. half sick, worn : ! . .-.,. Th.; Progressive i. :. ;::. inn;', s that Polk's name ;. ' v. '!. :.'. 1 : i s.it.ctiun, on the .in! ' ; p'cai. ; Lt ee. IV. c :::;) Viill I'miih nl tlie i'.'m, y i : ii; : n ti: lil lll. lie.. 1' . .1 Y Carter, of the 15 :p' i a ; 'liart-li, kaleigh, will 1 i. T t r.aec hut rente sermon at :ify before the gradua- w Sunday, May X'tith. is a clear thinker and a !r. Cirti convincing preacher, who ive t'a 1 young men Eomething ti eia. We are glad to see iicLien, for there is sometimes .!:( or, such occasions to seek Ion;;! preachers. o ;n Ills 't ; .'ia..ie l;-;l Sluleinenf. V.'nsi:ingtoaJ). C, March :!. The monthly public dt bt statement is . tied fiiai; the Treasury Department 'oday shows a the lease in the aggre gate of tiie debt during February lanoatitiug to ;a!,d'.i7,l I'.i, and an iu-crea-e of T'.'d,?l.j in the surplus cash in the, Treasury. The total debt today, hss 02,20 1 net cash balance or surplus, in the Treasury and the : 1 00.000,000 gold reserve is 10,120,0s,"). (lovernmeut receipts during .Feb ruary aggregated .'30,75.3,905 against f2(',011,dl0 in February, 1891. A tii Iron CtiiiibiiK'. I'ittsbttrg, Fa., .March 2. A new ;:ssociat:o:i of iron and steel manu facturers, i;;i sen ting thirty linns in ritt;b:irg and the Ohii valley jand employing i. early -10,000 men, has been organized. It is stated j that this organ;::. liion, which is en ! Lire! y independent of the bar-iron j manufacturers' association and the j tin plate association, will make a determined effort for an early adjust j mcnt of the v. age scale. . l!eii'st Mittlf ol' liili. IJlaine has directed Minister llganto request tb.e Chilian government to allow the removal of the remains of kiarai and Turnball, United States .a iha -; k'dh-d in the Yalpariso riot The law tf Chili, it is said, does not a. naliy permit the disinterment of ia.;;;a.i i until several years ;:.':. a' i io y are buried. a'.. ":.!.;. :; t i::r;-riite nml I Hiou Z..'.is. a av.i 2. Ail atipro- ,!'' ' l't-r surveying, ad j : : vii g th" lines of I i. n-e. ef the Union and ite land and naval forces in '.ion-: i.yainst Mobile, Ala., :! i--0", is carried by 'i bill 1 to-tlay by Senator M.or- : as a rale are kindhearted d. A n exchange tells of a r u. a certain aper who h ft .fourteen yeitrs sub a pa d. The editor ap i he iv.. just as the lid of van- i'.-iiitr i crewed down ;a:d put in a linen icter, a palm leaf for making ice. f. i -o , xrtu iiiuiimi. M r. Ivan. est Thie?, the son of Capt. A Thies, is in town. He has been in Oregon, about TO miles from IJa- er Citv. Some months ago he went wt.-t to superintend chlorinating works that were eree'ed at a promi nent mine. Mr. Thies is a blight young man, undone :!:;; is mcri.etic; at least h" wats when !: ami t he editor joined for wa' fa"e iii .car school tlays. Th? p : -t ;' -taa p will be fifty two ye.u's oi 1 Mav i;. Its inventor .va-: a pi inter, .lames Chalmers, of iKiiuke. Its introduction into the United States dates from 1811. si:m mi:." tVVri'.tin lv Kev. J. A. It Sluri-r when he first (kvuli'il to Le a missionary, in i a-cl is yens. 'T heard the voice of the Lord, saying: Whom shall I semi, and w ho will go for us 'i Then said I : Here am 1; send me." Isa. 0;S. Christ hath said,"llov great the harvest;" lint the laborers, how few!"' bonl may I not he a reaper? Is there naught that 1 can do? 1 am poor and vile, my Saviour "All my help must be to Thee; Hut if Thou wilt use me.'Master, Here am I; send even uie. Send me where men do not know Thee; Let me tell them of Thy love: Tell htnv Chiist, who died to save them, lieigns in heaven at home above, It is sweet to work for Jesus, And Thy work my work shall be; Master, I am simply willing Here am 1; send even me. I have neither sold nor silver. But my life I freely.' trive; I can point men to the Saviour, I can it'll them, "Look and live!'' Weak am I; bill "Thou art mighty," And Thy stren:;ih my slnai- l Ii -hall be; .Master, hear me, lake me, use me, Here urn I; send even me. Swift the loom of life is plying. Swift the irolden moment Hy, While the souls of nu n are dying; Shall I stand and see them tlie? Let me bear them tidings, .Master, Of the life men have in Thee; Thou hast called, and I have answered: Here am 1; send me, send me. Full my web f life is vea in it; I may soon be culled away; Master, l"t me bring souls with me; Let me work, while il is day, All myself shall be Thine ow n, Lord. All my life I give to Thee; Truly, 'tis not much to oiler 15m here am 1; send even me. llie IWIUillo llniiiier. Politics raging in our midst, mayor's running for coroner, marshal's running for mayor, The the the preacher's running for bishop and we're running a moonlight distillery. Before we got a free pass on the Central road we had to sign a con tract swearing that we'd grease the engine, throw on wood, run the bell line, put oil tramps and die without damages. The six Cleveland men who were cn the jury brought in a verdict for Hill. They forgot all about the prisoner at the bar, and the judge, after cussing thm out, had to order a new trial. Politics is the devil! Colonel Jones has just drawn his State pension of 100, for losing his leg in the war. It was cut off in a sawmill, where they were making guns for the confedercy. There ain't no doubt about spring being upon us. We've seen one blue bird, one book agent and a lightning rod wagon. Talk about this country not being a good place for a man to rise in; we will state that six years ago we only had one shirt. iVow we've got two and a collar button. Atlanta Con, stitution. Wont Hi- C'oiiip Over to Sec I'abe ? Charlotte News. Dr. D S Harmon, the liussian ops thalmic optician and inventor, bora and educated in St. Petersburg, Rus sia, who has practiced four and a half years i a the State of North Carolina and who has 4,012 patients in the State, ha3 opened an oflice at the Central Hotel, room Xo. 1. Ex amination and consultation free. i I'OKEWA ItNED IS FOKKAKMED. In most diseases, euro depends upon the promptness with which remedies are administered. If the remedy be taken T.hen symptoms ot disease first mani fest themselves and before the normal strength of the body is prcatly impaired, the complaint may often bt; checked and cured in tlm beginning, tin: sufferer thus escaping sickness of perhaps a fatal eharuetiT. This is especially true of com plaints to which the voting are liable. First symptoms are often neglected, simply beeausu no effective remedy happen to bo at band, and it is not until this disease litis gained consider able headway thut means are taken to arrest its course. Alas, how frequently these means prove too late! Every household, therefore and, for that matter, every individual should bo provided with a few simple remedies for the common conipltduts to which all are exposed. As no complaints are more common than those of the throat mid lungs, a safe and efficacious ano iyne should always be within reach. Ve have been impelled to make these cautionary remarks by happening to notice in a recent paper tho caso of a child who would, undoubtedly, have died nt croup hud thero not been In tho house part of a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. The following incident re lated by tho father of the littlo one, should certainly impress every parent with the necessity of being forearmed for a similar emergency: " One of my children Lad croup. The case was attended by our physician, and was supposed to bo well under con trol. On.) night I was startled by tho child's hard breathing, and on going to his bedside found him strangling. He had nearly ceased to breathe. Idealiz ing that tlie child's alarming condition had become possible in spite of the med icines already administered, I reasoned that such remedies would be of no avail. Having part of a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house, I gave tho child three doses, at short intervals, and anxiously waited results. From tho moment tho Pectoral was given, tha child's breathing grew easier, and In a short tiirin he was sleeping quietly and breathing naturally. The child is alive and well to-day, and I do not hesitato to say that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved Lis life." - - i ... O