I4aihof n FMtmnbl Woman. Mrs. Amelia Foil died, at her ome on Depot street, a few rnin- utes after three o'clock this morn icg. For several months her health had been precarious, but no appre hensions of her death were felt un til during the past two weeks, when her illness assumed an alarming form. Mrs. Foil was a noble christian woman, active and untiring in her devotion to her church, an induls cent tuothei ; a kind neighbor and a trusty friend. She was richly eu dowcd with all the graces that adorn a christian womanhood and was loved and honored by all who knew her. She was an unfaltering believer in the verities of the Irelig ion of Jesus and her death was in keeping with her life. During the last days of her ill ness she was cheered by the pres ence of all the living members of family except two, a son and a sister who were too distant to be informed in time. Mr- Monro Melchor and Mrs. Barnhardt, of Fioneer Mills; and Mrs. Leah Lilly and :Mrs Hearn, of Albemarle, were with her during the last few days and minis tered tenderly to her comfort. The funeral services will be held at her late residence, at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, conducted by her pastor, Rev. Wright G Camps bell, of St. James' Lutheran church, and her remains will be interred by the 6ide of her husband in the cem etery. Ml. rieaant Item. Communion services at Holy Trinity church Easter Sunday. Rev BS Brown, pastor. The installation services of which I spoke last week were postponed indefinitely on account of the provi dential hindrance of Dr. Bowman. Saturday night before Easter, there will be an entertainment, con sisting of .several plays, at Fink's B3hool house. A'.jmall fee will be charged to meet expenses. Mr. J R Barnhardt, clearing out and shelling up his corn, last week, killed one hundred and four rats, weighing twenty six pounds, an av erage of one quarter of a pound each. This is a very singular feat ure, and may sound strange, yet it is one of those living facts, air. Barnhardt must have plenty of grain to feed so many unnecessary animals. Monday evening last, a comical bear show entertained a large and curious crowd on Heiligs street. The bear dance was a good per formance, and the entire crowd seemed much pleased with this comical exhibitiou. But as to which was the more comical sight, the bears and their masters, or the cu rious crowd that gathered, is a very doubtful question to the writer- Fudge History or a Bale of Cotton. partanburg Herald. It would probably afford interest ing reading could the full history of any bale of cotton be given That is hardly possible, but we are able to give a few incidents vouched for by several crepitable witnesses, A negro in the lower edge of the county who is a thrifty farmer, but has a very extravagant family con ceived the idea at the close of the season of smuggling into hia barn unawares the last bale of cotton gin ned. He covered it over with wheat straw and let it stay until spring, It so happened that there was a leak in the roof immediately above the bale and when he went for his cotton found a defective streak which went through the other side. He picked off the damaged cotton, re packed the bale and carried to Wood ruff. A buyer without sampling or weighing offered the owner $15 for the bale which waB readily accepted. It weighed 350 pounds and was thrown on the platform where it re mained. There came a long wet spell and several months afterwards the buyer weighed his cotton and found that it tipped the beam at 724 pounds and had a fine stand of w heat shooting out on all sides. He broke the hoops and began spreading the staple out to dry when a stiff wind came ut and scattered it all over Woodruff. That is as far as that bale can be traced. The New York Legislature has done a very much needed and a proper thing in passing a bill to close on Sunday the New York State building at the Chicago Fair next year. It was well and decent ly done. We hope all the States will copy this most worthy example. There is no excuse for desecrating the Lord's Day. Wilmington Mes senger. The Arkansas Republican State Convention have gone for Benny Harrison. There is not a colored person in Johns Cabin township, Wilkes county. . The hestjof all ways To lengthen our days, Purcative Pellets, Sir For nine-tenths of the diseases of, ihe bodv beffin with constipation or the clogging up of the sluice-ways, through which the impurities of the binod escape, bo that they are reab sorbed into tbe system. The Furga tive Pellets act gently but thorough ly upon the stomach and liver, and are the uess wxuuTe kuvhu, mm nut. racking and straining the organs they open the bowels and restore a in.nl rilfTPKI 11)11. u UC'I uajcu iu .i-rwi. ronst! nation, biliousness or anv of the resulting diseas- fS. THE BA1 JfEBO CAVGMT. I.oroy Gray, For Wlioiu Tlioro Was n 875 Itrwaril, Has Upon t aught. Wednesday night Esq. Jno. Kan- kin and others, armed with a capias from the sheriff, searched Levi Rum- de's house in No. 3, and captured Leroy Gray, colored, who escaped from jail here in January. Gray is one of the ringleaders of the cotton stealing club and there was a reward ot $75 for his capture. He was taken to Salisbury. Levi Rumple i3 a white man and Gray a negro. Jqo. Irexler, another or the col ored stealing pang for whom $75 reward is offered has been captured in Charlotte and tells that if it had not been for Vasco Goodnight, who is here iu jail on the same charge, J no. Rankin would have been burned out of house and home, a3 the plot was all laid. Esq. Rankin has been very active in ridding the communi ty of this robber gang, therefore their animosity. "Here's to the maiden of Itashful fifteen, And here's to the widow o( forty !" They have each reached . a period in life when most females need as sistance in tiding them over the shoals which so often completely wreck their after lives. In producs ing regularity and healthy action of the female organs, Dr. Fierce 8 Jt av orite Frescription stands without a peer. At a time when nature give3 them increased burdens, so many young girls have their health for life shattered. If you wish your daughter to miss those periodical, agonizing backaches, and dizzy headaches, languid and tired feel ings, accompanied with rough, pimply skin and dull, heavy eyes, get her a bottle of Dr. Fierce'a Favorite Prescription. If you have reached the later period of danger and weakness, you will need a bot tle, too. See wrapper on bottle for printed guarantee. Satisfaction given in every case or money re turned. Tbe Congressional Districts. 1. Beaufort, Camden, Carteret, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Hyde, Martin, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Pitt, Tyrrell and Washington- 2. Bertie, Edgecombe, Greene, Halifax, Lenoir, Northampton, Warreu, Wilson and Wayne. 3. Bladen, Cumberland. Duplin, Craven, Harnett, Jones, Moore, Onslow and Sampson. 4. Franklin, Nash.Johnston, Chat" ham. Randolph, Wake and Vance. 5- Granville, Person, Durham, Orange, Alamance, Caswell, Rock ingham, Guilford and Stokes. C. Anson, Brunswick, Columbus, Mecklenburg, New Hanover, Pen der, Richmond, Robeson and Union. 7. Cabarrus, Davidson, Davie, Iredell, Montgomery, Rowan, Stan ly, Yadkin, Lincoln and Catawba. 8. Alleghany, Ashe, Burke, Cald well, Cleveland, Gaston, Mitchell, Watauga, Wilkes, Alexander, For syth and Surry. 9. Buncombe, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, McDowell, Macon, Madis son, Polk, Rutherford, Swain, Tran sylvania and Yancy. Col. John Boyd, of color, who was one of the prisoners who escaped from the jail in this city Thursday morning, could not help feeling gratiCed if he could see himself gazetted in all the daily papers of the country, through specials and regular press reports, as "John Boyd the wrecker of the train atBostiao's Bridge." "Boyd, the train wrecker," sounds a great deal better than "Boyd, the cow thief." Charlotte Observer. Oh, V nat a Congb. Will vou bee J the warning. The signal perhaps of the approach of that more terrible disease Consump tion. Ask yourselves if you can af ford for the sake of saving 50c, to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that ShiK oh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. Ihis explains why more past year. It relieves croup and! whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be without it. For lame back, side or chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold at Fetzer's drug store. A Mr. Hatch, of Madison, N. C, was robbed Monday night of $1,800. He had sold his stock of goods and carried the money to his room and deposited in a trunk. During the night the trunk was stolen and the money. . We have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, canker mouth and headache, in bhiloh a Ca tarrh Remdey. A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it if you de sire health and sweet breath. Price 50c. Sold at Fetzer's drusr store. The Full Prospectus of Notable Features for 1892 and Specimen Copies will be sent Tree. Brilliant Contributors. Articles have been written expressly for the coming volume by a host of eminent men and vromcn, anions whom are The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Count Ferdinand de Lesseps. Andrew Carnegie. Cyras V. Vkli. The Marquis of Lome. Justin McCarthy, M.P. Sir Lyon Playfair. Frank R. Stockton. Henry Clews. Vasill Verestchagin. W. Clark Russell. The Earl of Meath. Dr. Lyman Abbott; Camilla Urso. Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, and One Hundred Others. The Volume for 1892 will Contain Nine Illustrated Serial Stories. 100 Stories of Adventure. The Dest Short Stories. Articles of Practical Advice. Sketches of Travel. Hints on Self-Education. Glimpses of Royalty. V Popular Science Articles.- Household Articles. Railway Life and Adventure. Charming Children's Page. Natural History Fcrs. 700 Large Pages. Five Double Holiday Numbers. Illustrated Weekly Supplements. Nearly icoo Illustrations. ,"A Yard of Roses. t I U rnl llcnnl I'roni. at Sloan or -Modi ire, an v.nfor- ' tunato young boy of this town, 1 -is been heard from. lie spent about a month in this office last fall. It was reported that he had been kilud by Agusta firemen, but he has turn ed up in Wilmington and the Star says: There is a poor, unfortunate tramp printer in town a victim of the morphine habit. He is indeed a pitable object. Incapacitated for work, he totters around the streets begging passers-b'T for "just ten cents" with which to l,ny the power ful drug which now fi' er.i ncccs.-rv to his very existence. W !-.! rA fully under its i:;ilra:H:e his hui'.ls shake violently, as if he were p.-ibied and he pours forth an en 1 ss stream of incoherent talk. His constant companions are a hyperderuiit; sy ringe and a supply of morphine. His body has the appearance of having been punctured in a thous-.ir.d places with the needle of the syringe, ) large welks are to be seen here and there, his left arm is withered and shrunken, and his eyes have that glassy expression peculiar to those who have fallen victim to morphine. He is a veritable slave to t he drug, which 1 olds niin captive at its will, and it is doubtful if he would live twenty-four hours if he were tie-1 prived of its use. Pnnr rpllntr In I.c wK 11 d. The Standard noted "Pitt lie- j . , ,, . .., . . VJUilCO aum ill iinimiiji' ii and now the Wilmington Star tel's this: "The morphine victim, refem d to in yesterday's Star, was arrested by the city authorities yesterday morn, ins and carried to the ''lock up." A Star reporter interviewed him the gaurd house last night lie i said that his name was Wm. Sloan, J and that lm home was at Concord, N. C, although he had not been there in nineteen years. He stattd that he was thirty years old, and had been travelling around the countiy for fifteen yeirs, following the prii -ter3 trade. While talking to the reporter he begged and almost cried for morphine, and said he would die before morning if he didn't get some. When asked how long he had been using the drug, he answered three year3, and when asked how much he used a day, he said sixty grains of of morphine, besides a bottle of co caine. The authorities say he had been begging and crying for morphine all day. The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Eourbon, Ind., 6ays : ''3oth myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Consumption Cure." For sule ae Fetzer's drug store. Once in eight years, if not oftener, all tbe locks on United States mail bags must be changed. This is be cause after awhile a good many loit keys get around, and they are not very safe to have so distributed. 1 irw Ktpt vp for years the offer that's made by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Ca tarrh Remedy. It's addressed to you, if you have Catarrh. It's a reward of $300, if they can't cure you, no matter how bad your case, or of how Ion? standing an olTer tints made in good faith by re sponsible men. Think what it means ! Absolute confidence in their Homed)-, or they couldn't afford to take the risk. A long record of perfect and perma nent cures of the worst casts or they couldn't have faith in it. It means no more catarrh or $'500. If you fail to bo cured, you won't fail to be paid. But perhaps you won't believe it. Then there's another reason for try ing it. Show that you can't be cured, and you'll get $500. It's a plain business offer. The makers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will pay you that amount if they can't cure you. They know that they can you think that they can't. If they're wrong, you get the cash. If you're wrong, you're rid of catarrh. FREE TO JAN. I, 1892. . Jtiv.T..U. "ToT; who will rnt out itnd Mini n th p with name Bad addre and 81.75 we wl Bend The Companion Free to Jnn..ls9 J, lVIX0 rilRITMrj" b' T,,U oflrr " THANKS- S? iinV.- ..-7- . "nd KEW YEAR'S Double Holiday Number. ,. Vl T, ?"or beautiful p.lntine. entitled "A VAR1) OF ROSES. It. production has eo.t TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Send Check. Fb.t-o.flte. Ord-r, or Rtgiumd Letter ol our risk. Address, nt TOUTH'S COMPANION Rn.tn.. M.... V for Fp.fantr sn 'Castor! a '? r.r tfcV, ndr.pt'vl to c'lHuron L':at I recommpr.d it as jmjiorior to any rirescrir -on known to mc." II. A. Akchkii, I. D., Ill So. Oxftrd Et, ErooEj, K. T. !'s writs so wMl V .f Fi:pcrrro"au"ii ! v.itkiu tasy rcaclt.' )vi : 'i it : vh lio Hot I rk I V".- ar ! Iks c 1 i JaTtv. P.T., i Nr YnrH Ui r. J Late Tastor Bl.:os.tii30 Uefom-id Church. Tnr CnriTT. I Son r-'afs. . nivlu .1 iv. .M i:i lli.- 1 .:- ; I Oi'.IMl ( 1U I 1 w:, .,1.1 :is l: i'll'l! ll ''the hen we re ;inu e rone v clear ve ow U-.il ol uur t!nv"', v.- .1 to look !aek rcuivt fully conic;! lhSe:- I'ierc j' .,c,: iiid Eoinid ) alih .1. f will i'.ns. -Dr. ;very r .-. - i, fir . Jt :'.r ,u!H-my v U ili.'' 2re:;te-t bl-. ; Cohicn .Mv.hc:;! .;t. iu.-dlel;-.:-. T; rvcsj nf lniv: r.r.d , ;!'.(' r'.ir. . c-jitcv.iii tl ditv: I r.up;j(;nru!a, if trl;.-i: i-i i is tin of :v invur-r; blood-pu;i- toiuc, uui.dn! in. i!.- Ulivvd patient to perf.'c'; i.-vnlih. (.'ontf no alcohol. The trip o Wv-st Li'. Tty. Ky., a party of Cin;.re vm.. :i im'iiik ofjicially, th'- buri:'.! of Oorgrer.-m; M Kendull will c -.-.t th'? 'V.- rum s-lG.oO. This fV.i-'ir.' i,e stopped. The vmair.? r.l rep v.o ea the .scntanve K(m;a by tills oiithiy w. pi'lHO of a t;:r; '1 will ? .I'T.V The win of the II Spurge on leave; ir"j.ert y soh op..rty i.- to his wife, :i:id :n poiit! executrix. The rer "::; I valued at about .'.-)O.Of;0. Is it not woith ih" .'.in.".!! prieo T.'e. to iVf'O y":M,.-'( if f -vi ry jitom cf tlx so tiisiif ssiiit: er plaints, if y V b'.'i r-o rail r.t ' store ana r A b-v tu ot Shu Vital :zer, cveiy bottle l.:.s a prin r. 1 guarantee on it, -e aec. rood if it iloes vf-u jio it v. j-ou nothini Sold at IVtzf r's ui store When one wo.. generally gel? a let Ol instead of the u:-. In t -ral 100,(i().i,oo.) of ponnl-i of v usr-d l;j t he n . v .u f :.e t n V; r ' aid they ;.Uo nl pound-? of 'shoddy.' 7-fo third of t .1 t I i -ni. i .V S.-t-L ' v l ; ;.ekn y ' i i '-;d P.. ). j;. ' I ta!;--. y ini' il:- . fc; i. live 1 free; von- ful i.io'lieiu". J'.- !! j vonvs slip v"r.i; :'. i:v at ' sen.'fnla, ''' s.-nn! i which hud iain .h r.:::.: We h-A nt'.f.t i-u iVon! most sLillfuI v'i try, but a'! to no riiVcf ill de.-ivti' ( d o 1 i i" f V' i V. !' iio r -, I i-. .e . all hrr hi -. 0! of f n ibr (- in ntil w i,-:. r- eov iinr- Her niou'h vv? o' ; 'id : y.rw ii r, fd bo'ly d ii siie for t'.vo mordl' ;' was bro'a'ii out -vii lost a beautiful iu rid f lu-ir, j nvrlnclif-.K nuil fvi lu-ow:-: in fae. sue i seeuieti to be n rompM-- v. !( !:. Now eo'.ors tho Rveat sefretwhifni I want tli" woml to hiow: Tl:at three bottles of Ulood L;e,i'J medi cine has done tl: work whiih v.'ouhl onnd i)ierrdit)lo to ;iy ouo who did not know it to bo m, Toay my wifo is perfeeiiv heuliliy and ele i from any gorofu'ous faint, r.nd r-he now hns a three liionth old babe, also perfectly healthy- Very respreiisy, It. L. CASIDY. 013 f .-a t 1 anas uq. he ie-,, r e4 'V;:s S ..-.. iV. Vi t ' l- M ' " ' . ; i tfiwi t : Li A3? llr cFw -ill - J o;iS:tfaren. ot'i- t-'--i-.:w,, V'.-x- ;:i"t. 12r;i"taUon. Y.-t;ui. trivv3 i-l'v;, onl promote ill .. r. VTidouS in.:"r:oi:s rvMicailon. r (Xoria, ' u:m1 siiall always continue to ! so ft- . it fcas iavaria: iy protiucea ueneuwM T-i ti t r r. Tbn V.'iritJiroiV lotu Street and 7th Av., New York City. Courif?. 77 JJrRtuY Stuket. Nbw Tons. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE llUKKOKAi) & SON, Agfa. OHice ill the in 'i. .Id r.-sttfllce Euild (laiLk row). Fire Iu uruiice Companies : Pho"i;i:, of r.rojklyn; Continental of New York; N. C Home, of N. C; Insurance Company of North America, of Phil adelphia; Northern As surance of London. K.iUS a.? low as the lowest and sec curity unquestioned. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Traveler of Hartford. CYCLONE INSURANCE- 11 li davs of storms, cyclones, or t iniadoes. you will feel safe to haw i Policy in a good responsible company. I SECURITY INSURANCE. Have you a Hmd to give as secu : rity, t'u n call on the Insurance ; C'.-.';ij.i!!y to get it up and not on ! yo::r frit nds. Pay a premium for 1 yo:;r Loud as you do on'your house 1 and firniture. HEAL "STATE. r a choice line of improved unimproved residence property iwn !i'i!vrbs. Piiee- and terms !!'. v-vA iii:-.de known on ap- ttio;; io LUIUvilEAD & SON, Aire l I. iVi . CORL'S "A rip m COXCO itI), X. c. I L-ive l-iovt-d into the st able late iy occur;;, i by Lrov.ii Eros., near lijv eenn ' liOuse. The best accommo dations for drovers. Leave your "ideis at the stiiLlo or uith J. L. Lionn Loiter for omnibus. Horses in. f. r II. J- COIIL, Proprietor. .1 .1. FOIL. PHYSICIAN am SURGEON MT. PLEASANT, X. C. All ciiliS pi-oniptly attended to, day or r.LMit, Uiiiee in Moose's Dnifj Store. After lOo'eloek p. m. at residence on College Hill. Dr. B. L. Griffin, VETERINARY :-: SURGEON, cmxoiii), x. c. I am r,ov with T.T. Ji. T.rown & llio.nml av i 1 1 j tract ice VliXERIs nai:y J!:dicini: and un- (iJ-jliY. Ail calls unsrverccl day or iii::ht .-it the stublos. I alno Lave a ii 1 1 ; :i 1 cr of vi torin irj' rtmcdies that viii 1) fi:ri'ishf-'.l wlien called for. mi 5 rivwlia II. L. GRIFFIN. Notice Land Sale. I'y ii !i.c f ;i Moitqasre tleed exo 'm! f-d to mo hv T. S. YaupcH nnd f.i- '2iu d-sy f-r October, LSS9 nid rc-yistered in ofiiee of llccrister of D-.fils of ' 'abnrrii" county in book 1. pi'.sie ."isS. I will sell for cash :A fLc cen t liouso doer in Concord, at 12 i.i., on Tin: lay. the lfiih day of Fcljrnnry next, a tract of land IviiurinNo. townsh.p, adjoining the lands of T. A. Ftcmin-, Caleb Little and others, containing 75 3-4 acres, urM'C luiiv described in laid n.orlgago. T. D. MILLER, jylolw MortsagL-e. nr.oi5c::Tis 'Ha A O any .Jn trero th4 Threat nnS Lvnp$ mrt Xnfixrr.td, ZatA Btrtucz or X'rrvt rtiMff, ''(in can b relieved end Cur ftp FURS COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphltea. PA LATA CLE AS MILK, JlzX for Srott't Emulrion, anS let n planatlan or olieitatin -dxr. y e meorpf m tulttitutt Sold by all Druggists, 109TT ft DOWBE.Chtmlou, .T bysicians sSmeoss boa; 'jfunranteed tobemade of Pure Vegetable Oils, ( ) LI VE IL, BEN O L COCOA -BUTTER OIL. Treated by the "Cold Process." Pure "Vliite Not Perfumed Not Colored. Will not attack the skin in Winter or Summer. ThoBest inllie Work To wash the baby. To wash the hands and face. To dress wounds and sores. To cleanse and heal diseases of the scalp and skin. For bathing anol shaving pur poses. Price: 10 cents per cake, $1.00 per dozen. A full supply kept at Misses Benson, Fisher & Co's Milli nery. Mns. J. S. FISHER, Agent for Concord and Ca barms county. mch21. Yorke 4 Mm! Pure Ground Bone, Listers' and Miller's Dis solved Bone, "Wando Guano and Acid, and'.scvcral other ot the Best Brands arclofj fcred at Close Prices BY Co andct their Pi-ices. Ihcy are prepared to fur nish you with any quantity desired. fCDCC v This denehtful Storv of w Journey from the BALTIC to the; jDANUBE Portrayed in 33 Chapter: Jand 12 Graphic Illustrations, by Charles Augustus Bound in Rich Cloth, Decorated with Cold Eagles.' tFREE to Every Mew Subscriber to! t -tha- ; NEW YORK OBSERVER, ' the foremost Family Religious News i oaoer. ! !One book and one new subscriber.' ! $3.00. ' Two books and two new subscribers.' SPECIMEN COrrKS FREE. j jNEW YORK OBSERVER,: O AMvJ 0 3 .ARK KOW, ADMINISTRxTOR'S NOTICE, Having qualified as the Adminis trator oi J ohu II Blorrison, deceas ed, all persons owing said Estate are hereby notified that they must make immediate payment, or suit will be brought. And alJ persons haying ciaims against said F.state must oresent them to tho undersigned duly authenticated, on or before the 1st day of February, 1893. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recoverv W F & J P MorriHon, Admr. r L , By W M Smith, Jan. 21st, '92. Attorney. Stoddard. CVw FARMERS, 1 HAVE JUST RECEIVED - - j One - Tho u'ands I3cio s OF ACID - AND - GUAiXO. AND SIK HUNDRED SACKS OF FLOUR! THERE IS NO SUCH STJCK OF Acid, Guano and Flour IN TOWN AS I nAVE AT ALLISON'S CORNER. CALL TO SEE ME BEFORE BUYING. ALSO HATS, SHOES, SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, TOBACCO, SXU1F, jc, Jc. C. H AD WARE! HARDWARE I am still at the old stand on Allison's corner, and keep a good stock of agricultural HARDWARE on hands. Also builders material, nails, locks, hinges, doors, sash and glass, of all description. I am Agent for the New Deering Mower, one of the best Mowers made. I am also Agent for the Vally Forge Wrought Iron Fence. A sample of it can be seen in Forest Hill cemetery. C "WHITE. 03 M 0 a H. r-3 KM.. is "J fl DC PI 0 H i m fl 0 ID CO The old, well-established, reliabk firm of HOOVER, LORE & CO invite your attention to a "Well Seleotsd Stock of Goods An experience of 15 years in Concord enables them to supply the wants of their customers and with the Very Best Class of Goods And with a thoroughness that only comes with LONG. EXPERIENCE, and an intimate uaintance with the trad T OUR WARES ARE FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RES PIC AS WE KEEP NO SHODDY GOODS GUARANTEED TO SUIT THE HARD TIMES ATTENTION. Q. Montgomery w w xl a rH go m si- 1-1 w r rH w W4 w y yk 1 t