ITTKiriKIt I'KK t.N. I he Xet Time l,e sell n R,y nc-M iolnK to Vft Markrl Prirei. M. ,, in Toledo Wade. We were eitthig on the tavern ve randa after supper for a smoke, when nn old darkey with a crooked leg came along and took off his hut, and said : "GeuiTeu, I should like to ask yo' a few questions, please." Being told to go ahead, he came up the step, Lowed and scraped, and observed : "I lost my old woman docrin the wah, an she was buried on de gravel ridge ober yere 'bout two miles. I dun went an dug up do boJy last week to put it ia a new place, an it was all paralyzed to stun.'' "You mean petrified." "Dat'3 it sah. Took fo' men to git it out of de grave. Just dun turned into rock an' looked as na teral as life. Seemed like I was dun talkin' to de ole lady again." "Yea." "She was ly in' dar on t lie grass when a feller diive up in a wagon an' offered me $5 for de body. 1 )o you reckon it was right to sell it "Well, that's according to your own feelings." "Jest so. She was dun dead." "Yes." "An' all turned to stun." "An' so Ij reckoned it wouldn't hurt nuffin'. I got de money a i tU man drive off. An' now Uncle Ja eon tells me dat 1 got clu-atcd. lit s.iys a paralyzed body am wu'h Kin yo' tell me if dat's so ? "You ought to have got at hast "IIu ! len I was ciliated r" "It looks that way." "Jest beat nght outer 'O! 1 1 n ! Wall, dey doan play dat trick on nu agin. I'se got de market price now. and I knows what rigger in ink."' "bat the boJy is already gone'" "Yes, dat body; but I dun buried two wives an three children on dat gravel ridge, and when 1 got'enulug out dey is goin' to fetch market quotashuus or I'll tumble 'em right back atriu." A True ( on Ktorj . Mr. William Cates, of this place, has sold a good many cows since his marriage, fourteen years ago, has killed several for beef, and now has a drove of a dozen on his plantation. Yet he tevtr bought a cow during this time. "When he wa3 first mar ried his wife's mother, Mrs. Mack enzie, gave him a milk cow, from which he raised all tha stock men tioned above. He still has the tame old cow and i3 now milking her at his home, on Peace street. As her calf ia young, she gives three gallons of milk daily. Wanesboro, Ga., Citizen. Here Nit Whopper. A Georgia exchange 13 responsi ble for the following: "Some years ago Judge Sirmons was presented with a pet snake. One day it swal lowed an eight day clock, which could be hiard to tick and strike until it run down. Shortly after wards the snake laid one hundred eggs. On opening them he found each to contain an open-faoed watch in good running order. lie then fed it on large augers and obtained enough cork Ecrews to supply the Baptist convention, which soon meets in Atlanta." lmiiII2ooucN Ilcarllislone. Salisbury Herald. I)aidson county was at one tiir.e the home of Daniel Iloone, the gn at North Carolina pioneer. Ten miles from Lexington is a cave once occupied by Boone and near this his primitive cabin stood, though the latter is now almost entirely oblit erated. But the hearthstone is yet preserved. An effort will be made to have this exhibited at the World's Fair. SIiIIoIi'n Couhiiiiiptlon tiro. This ia beyond question the most successful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few doses invariably cure the worst cases of Coughs,Croup and Bronchitis, while its wonderful success in the cure of Consumption is without a parallel in the his'ory of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a teat which no other medicine can stand. If you have a cough we earnestly ask you to try it. Price 10c, 50c. and $1. If your lungs are sore, cheet, or back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold at Fetzer's Drug Store. one n ItrroiniiiK Tiling. Charloxe Observer. The people of Cabarrus have done a becoming thing in erecting a monument to their Confederate dead, and the zest with which they en tred into the unveiling exercises yesterday was worthy of them. Maj. Kobbins'epeech was no doubt worthy of him and of the occasion. The influence upon the public mind of such demonstrations is healthful we have all too few of thrui. RViilnh's CMarrh Keinedv. A marvelous cure for Catarrh, Dipth ria, Canker mouth, and Headache With each bottle there is an ingen ious nasal Injector for the most suc ..fni front mnt of these complains Price 50 ts WllUVUk -- o old at Fetzer's drug store. A si iti:hi vriXG am:. M iv Annie V. Kinds Mr. liisrrim lor limit li of I'tomfvc T. .1. . iui.I Asks lor fc.T.(M-. iniu:ii.e. Wades! i !n'ic!!i.-ii. i. , The most inten sting c i- t!-. Icon tried in Anson 0'ia;' v : years, was begun l;;.-t Ti;v. t'nv : noon in th..' Superior Co;;!, i Judge r.oykin. I1 v;;- :!ie ca Miss Annie E Knot's :r.-ainst Thos. J Ingram for !i i i" ise. Miss Knjtt i- .biupV. Mr. 15 F, v r Lilesville tew ; years old w hui ;i . ted, about 1 i.; rather pretty. lie damages. ! r. I; nent citiz-.-n f I.-' and is reputed t) In She v . t v.';i - i ,-,:. l' I' or i,(lOO. He WiiS 1: Kffle Wall ju-t l.fui brought ;:c:i"U ; ' .i.-;. Motwith:; t!i case was hot ly e i u ali ties were imiu'u ! r teriieis was m in if. :-'..!. titTaid lufv'.J.iu! .:;e , and Loth j:weil e ter.-:. iK a.'d i! '. a a u n ;'.: t.!. ':re;;:u i .-v. : ; ir. :it: nv r, a:,u tMen.-- ;.u-' v . i: I.itth i.r :: j Sliaw, of Bcek !;:; .: e ker,of Char:, tl , ih ; defendant's can' to l!;e Mr. I.oekhart in,'..- ' speech for the '.ain; close of '.Mr. Loekhart's jury : -'l"--: ti: Judge charge il the j; vy. a:;d at c en o'clock hut-right the jt;ry r.; to make up its verdict. Quito a numb-.r of ladies u: the court hou;e during the ' and evinced marked inUrc-; in proceulings; ir.d-.pd, the been the a' sorbing t;-p:c of co.. sation with all our lei'ple was first taken up hut Tuesday. At eleven o'clock ibis luorui: jury had not agreed ct- :iv(r:iic. it is the geiH-rul ii:ij'ri..:io:i ti. mistrial will ie the result. I r-uA 1 COETJUWlTTiS tho offer made by tho WicteM of I )r. Sage's Catarrh lJcue, , :'y. I;'.i a reward of f.:oo cah for" t.n i n curable case of catarrh, no :: t: r how bad, or of how lung ft. it: :. -. They'll carry it oat. loo. J;'.-; ( . : thing to make tho oiT.-r. J."-:- a v. : v different thing to i:u!:e it " 1. it couldn't lie .'. t ::. ., - -u ". .L ; cxtraordhir.rv i... 4 " " what V.:j l..:v., : ' SOothm: h .-.v : :. I properth.-, ih: J.V.;- ".; ? . . the v.- r. t c. . il ' paiiiato fcr a ti:.: , or '..v. j ' . ' . . -case to th- 1:: ,j . , ;. perfect i::A j .i;. ::l c;... . 'j-y it n:id rec. If you can't I e c-r 1, v -.'11 paid. The enly :.-. '.: : y : wmiiig to mak; iho tv..:, :. ; j mahers uro Y.-i;i'.:'-j to 1. : .'. ri.-k ? If fo, the re t i ; r- -. '" " ; ; -your t!ru:,'!.,t i.ii 7 ..: ..I ; : :. 1 f , "i!d ::.:. If you'iv v.TT.'i,' ;r tii'! ".. '.;'U pet cJmelhiiij better a c-.-rc' PITtU ,.".. lin'y r l ' . uictii'.io Alo!i:( iv h m i.i'- . i Dorfecs face 1 -:"! ! iiiei'. A r. class n.edicant. (Ju sah- , l 'l :'l leading druyists- 33ZGr -ws: JUST RECEIVING, O c wi vV-i W-.'-l v:' ii ii r'- Have just -losod out si.;:ic get the cream. We have bdmvt lnrf 1: in is the time. f .)!' T- i !n t one y :::e , UKlil ...vs and : eliin c!i e!i HH S ) S'liloli's 'or :a!e ;ic ' th.- Ch ' r ' call' !;,'! ; n , t : '.. :i w i-wi .-:!., 'IVnn , ia in tiie :' --. i" k 1 1: ir i used i o'il I h- ar succeed- , l.V.t itcosl my s cm ' with Ulplci-s. .' i :oaUi so :.M -.'arc,!v : ; ':u toh ll .'us r medio ? .it t:V-c I B. B. and jthe::cd me. are liealed l :ar of knots V 1 1 ( 1 a ::ew writes: :' catarrh ii .til sorts of doctors did My blood i. .:irig ever iaa-e until nl Ihmedy I: t. I S Of iv cure, i ) have ca ! rchaut or i will reply .5 3 ti. -- year. : lo.i-.i. '1 mul .led 'LLY a co.. ,.3n. i). C ;-T. ' GODSSALE. ive you tlie. leeched iv- you at C" - i AND SEE. for Infnnts and Children. 'Ca-.t orla is ro trc'l nrinpM torliildmn that I recommend it miBiiiKTiortoany reBcrii.Uon kiiown tiniii.." II. A. AiifiiKB, M. P., Ill Ko. ft., I'rooklrn, N. Y. "Tho un of Tiisf.iri.i h no imlvnal nml IK m. lit so wll known l)i:it it wiiw work f i m' r,.n..'.Vi..n t..rd..rso it I ovv nrtho Oaulo Mktvi. P.P.. Now York ( 1ly. I.nto I'liBtor IU(Xjmlni:l'Uo lUrrimd llliurcli. Turn Crrim t ( ) I j I ' T K Tj Y V'ltKKI Ti,. milM-dieis of tho Family Jour- ' . . iii i :.. ;W 1 1 Tin I li l I lai'KCijr in m t! ci iieii!atimof their pane i'n .hi 1 li i m wo inalvo Iho followili; uiiparalieiod dlVel. Wo will Htuid id.solntelv I'll 1 : 1'., ivstnce pi'C)ai t. COOK - B00klo (fteh ie,s sou scti-Hnr us 'J", f.-nts tor a ix nioi thi' hu: senpt ion tn th Family loriiwi.. 'J his Cook Book isseut to I' U'll ..x- li.I.'vIIw i' nn.l) will ho found nn almorit invaluable, i uli.:aiy ui .o iu tho hands of the'j i'io! t txi.eiiei.fta honsekei ktit, ns j wvii i.a neeertfiij iu iuo mt-Mxn- enced. It, )oss( s ;i s tho one great in Ivi nt .loi. ,;vi r i I c.thi-r no(kliooks i.iT a:id pubiishct l.y beii;. a couipn ben :!eslio:, I hive coiupilatiou of economical re of . p-! ei;u s suited to housewives with ! y, i I limit, d incuiiS. Under other heads recipes lor i uiueiuus lauio luxuries n ie Kiven. In fact this cook book is a compendium of useful recipes used a:.. I oii'imUcu by tho most, celt-bra- t' del. els, cooks uud pastivv-bakers il tho i'-o--eiit .lay. With tlie FAMjLY COOiv-liOOK as a fjuide, : i.o lojiiM-v, iio need worry how to Pi pave tii" :iw:.t sum pious or mu-t ;r::-d t. lolucmb-r we Hull J ul soluic lv free to every six i .ciiU.s si.u crn ir to the I ami ; i v Ji'i-i.i.Ai.- This i.o cheap bock il let.ohs as hih us 1 . T-' and S2 IK) ,r I io w i. r; h n:anv times more j i i i 1 l-'AHiY JOULNAL is an ... -ant n.eiiUi.j faadty upt-r, Laud :e,i;it y i.iu-,tr;Uiil, and contaiian in ' co:iiiccti'..'!i with cbarmuis stories a::d litnature, such special f....iure:4 rs 'iivm: chold Hints," i "iho Fahion,' "I he ilousi hold 1 I. ctor," una liiinu-rous other do j par tiaeiit s of dur.otio liiterest, : tach a!.!y e P.tod by wcll-t iiown i i ltc rs on the various topics men i ti e t a ix nn'iiihs' tiial ul'.-eri)--; tio.i is only - cents and entitles r t i.der to :i sintrle copy of tho Cook ..onk. Sen t twontylivo cents in 1 l)!J.-.';i! ) !( f-r s!:or!j)-! to Till: 1 VMI1.Y JOl IIXAI... ' J Piyn.o'Ji l'lace. Chicago, 111- SWIHTOHS ffl or Dysnepsia. This unhiil'm remedy for Dyspepsia of the nu si . -'.ironic tvre. is the result of ' i:ia:iv year's iae.lic:d research of one of lie' nio-t noted and uninent medical : M-'udhirs of tlie j.erioil, Dr. La Ycrne j Sv i;:ton. J'aifnt i.nd proprietary nos I tnmii leivc bad no more bitter opponent than this most eminent physician, for the simple reason that the same dose is i invariahlv pre-cribed to the sulTerer, no jiniUer what the temperament of tho ' p-'.iient, and no matter what the pecu 1 harita s of the di-ease, and this too, in i li e fare ,'f the chums that such reme dies will cure a majority of kno vn i '.s- i:e-es. Dr. Swinton realized fuhly to what ex te t Dvspi psia. whether mild or chronic bv impoverihin and poisoni niothc blood, 1 1 came the' progenitor oT numer ous discuses, and therefore sought ciiii iientlv for vears to discover its true spceiile. In tins he was successful, but in pn-sciihiipT his wonderful discovery, he never overlooked the sireat medical trulii that the symptoms in each case, the temperamental differences, and even the habits and occupation of the sufferer, re.piircd not only a difference in the prescription of his reined-, but also de manded supplemental treatment and dietary directions, varying widely in dillVnnt cases. THK SW1NTOX MM 11 Ah co. send in connection with this celebrated Specific for Dyspepsia, a complete treatise by the Doctor, which gives explicit directions to 1 ho sulTerer, so that he mav not only intelligently use the remedv, but also properly regulate the diet, and properly stlf-administer the supplemental prescriptions suited to the case. Tljis is iiM'ilU-al (rcnimcut nul nol i illicit cry. Do not he robbed ot your money and your hopes for restored" health by alleged "p;ui:ie:;s, whieh while- comparatively harmless wilDaire nothing Sainton's Hpfcilic is sold by all drug ur:sis in Sl.o;i p:ick:iire.. We are intro dueing it ourselves in tliis territory, be fore . lacing il on sale with your leading pharmacists, !;nd will send single pack-. ;i;-es to any address uj'on receipt of SO i-pios. ( ai h packiiLTe contains the medi cal treat ice of Dr. Swinton, giving dieta ry diree! ions and supplemental preserip lioe.s. Adore; s; J SHTDH HEDIQL CO., l-'isr'u-r r.uiMiii! m a;o, ill AJl) advantnge. Early buyers will Domestics. - hull" price, ltemembrcr, NOW CAXX0jS $ FETZER. .Z S i, t I I 1 VI r..i-l& rmrfl rolir. ConfUpriMoO, Hoiirriomiu'li, pinrrlKi-n. l.riK-Uition, KillH Worum, ;ivia ukwp, ainl iiroiiiotr! Oi- l',tioii, Wiliiout injurioiia iiiimUcauoii. For iw-Tfral ycirs I Imvn rncornmn(1ol your M't..ri. nl nl.all "y,'i;,;"ti""l f ho as itl3 j.roUucwi boiicOcliil rosuiu." w KDWiM F. Pakdkb. M. P Tho Wlnthrop," l J&th Btrout and 7th Arc, New York City. ( o-i-akt. 77 Mu.rat Smn, Nw You. HEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE llUKKIIEAl) & SON, Agfa. Oflice in the old TVs ing, (brick row). Fire Insurance Companies : Phoenix, of Brooklyn; Continental of New York; N. C. Home, of N. C; Insurance Company of XnrMi Amfrica. nf Thll- adelphia; Northern As- suraoce of Ixindon. Bates as low as the lowest and sec cirrity unqnestioned. ACCIDENT INSUruVNCE. Traveler of Hartford. CYCLONE INSURANCE- In these days of storms, cyclones, or tornadoes, von will feel safe to I Viivp si IWiv hi a iTi-irwl rpsnnnRililp ., SECURITY IXSUBANCE. Have you a bond to give as secu rity, then call on the Insurance Company to get it up and not on your friends. Pay a premium for your bond as you do on your house and furniture. HEAL ESTATE. We offer a choice line of improved and unimproved residence property in town su herbs. Price and terms reasonable and made known on ap plication to BUKKIIEAD & SON, Je C, tf A gel M. J CORL'S 'If t''W3J COXCOlll), N. C. I hive moved into the stable late ly occupied by Brown Bros., near the courthouse, lhe best accornmo datious lor drovers. Leave your orders at the stable or with J. li. Brown l'orter for omnibus. Horses and mules for tale. M. J. COBL, Proprietor. Jf A. FOIL. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON MT. PLEASANT, N. C. All calls promptly attended to, day or night. Office in Moose's Drug Store. After 10 o'clock p. m. at residence on College Hill. Dr. B. L. Griffin. Vetkkinaky Sukgeot, CONCORD, N. C. I am now with M. L. Brown & Bro , find will practice VE'lERIs NARY MEDICINE AND SUR GERY. All calls answered day or night at the stables. I also have. a number of veterinary remedies that will ba furnished when called for. au 5 diwlm B. L. GRIFFIN. Notice Land Sale. By virtue of a mortgage deed exe cuted to me by T. S. Vanpelt and wife, on 2nd day of October, 189 and registered in office of Register of Deeds of Cabarrus county in book 1, pago 5S8. I will sell for cash ut the coi i t bouse door in Concord, at !2 m., on Tuesday, the 16th day of February next, a tract of land lying in No. 3 townsbit), adjoining the lauds of T. A. Fleming, Caleb Little and others, containing 75 3-4 acres, more fully described in paid mortgage- T. D. MILLER, jy 15 4w Mortgagee. CCUCHonCOLB Throat Aftctlca Wasting of Fit & DRONCHITIS SCROFULA Or any SImcm tfWi Ou Throat mn4 Zmf$ art XnflamM, tmth Btrmgth t JTerM fww, yn a h4 rttiemtA and Cu4 OF PURE COD LiyER OIL Wltlx Hypophosphltes. PALATADLE AS MILK. maerpt mbatifut Sold bv att XruqgUt. f Q9TT A OWKItChMnJU,.T Physicians durgeons-Soap. Guaniiiteeil to bemadeof Yum Vegetable Oils, OLIVE OIL, BEN OIL, COCO A -BUTTER OIL. Treated by'tlie "Cold Process. Pure W liite Not Perfumed Not Colored. Will not attack the skin in Winter or Summer. Tlie Best ii Hie Work to wash the baby. To wash the hands and face. To dress wounds and sores. To cleanse and heal diseases of the scalp and skin. ror uaniing ana snaving- pur poses. Price: 10 cents per cake $1.00 per dozen. A full supply kept at Misses Benson, Fisher & Co's Milli nery. mks. j. s. fisher, Agent for Concord and Ca barrus county. nichSl. I., i as. Pure Ground Bone, Listers and Miller's Dis solved Bone, Wando Guano and Acid, and several other of the Best Brands are offered at Close Prices BY Go andj?ct tlieir Prices. 2 hey arc prcj)arcd to fur nish you with any quantity desired. LADY'S HOSIERY AT COMMISSION PllICE. Ladies do you realize tl::il w lien vim Uiv r.f fl. retailer, you are uaviiiif three uiniei-.-s.irv' The nianufacturer sells to the eoinniissio'n house the latter to the jobber, ami the johher, in tiini sells to the retail merchant. You must iav the manufacturer a profit first, and then pav each of the sulise.ticnt handlers a profit, not infrequently payniK two profits to the retailer. 1 he .Manufacturers' ComiaiMKloii ('oiiipaiiy is a resKnsiblc syndicate which selis !irect to the consumer. Ky investinjr in manufacturers' samples, odds and ends, job-lots, and the stocks of insolvent manufacturers, in connection with our regular commission holdings, we are able to sell to the consumer direct at the commission price, which is but one remove (ruin the manu facturer's. While this company handles all kind of ladies' furnishinss, we are making a special drive on our hosiery, merely to introduce our name in your territory and establish a reputation for Kivintr val ues never before offered, so that you will be fully prepared for our later announcement of our entire lines. Read the following offers : Ladies' full length, fashioned, fast black hose superfine Rauge, (retailing everywhere al as to 35 cents per pair,) we will sell at 16 cents, or one half dozen at 96 cents. Ladies' extra length, full regular made, fast Mack and seamless hose, very finest gauge, (retailing everywhere at 50 eiMits, up), we will sell at 2; cent, or ono-halt doztu for i.?S. We pay express charges, and agree uncondi tionally to refund money if hosiery is not the values and qualities described. Be sure and send the size wanted, and remember that as we pay express we cannot aiTord to send less than one half doz. Orders must be accompanied by cash in either money-order, postal note, stamps or registered letter, addressed to the Manufacturer)! CommiHMion 'n 221 Fifth Avenue. Chicago, 111. YOUR NAME gjaa with proper Rddress will be inserted freo in our numerous lists, and jou will receive through them many valuable samples frora companies desiring asente. Address postal to the American list co., Fischer Building, Cuicago, Jd CARTER'S for weak digestion. Can be taken bylthe smallest child. For Bale by leading druggists if Wat sra FARMER -I HAVE JUST RECEIVED. One Tliousands I m ACID AMI SIX 1 THERE IS NO SUCH STUCK OF Acid, Guano and Flour IX TOWN ATT TC ,T.T'( GALL TO SEE HATS, SIK .MOT ASS!-: HARDlV'.i" I am still ax tlio ' good stock ;f u builders niateruj). ir.;i!' of all dscvipti i. I m one of the best Mc-we! n I am also Agent for the Vallv Forg Wrought Iron Fei c A sample of it can be seen in Forest Hill cemetery. O. JR, -WHITS. m M 0 j W m 0 ij G 10 co The oM. v.vll invito the wants of their customers and with the Very Best Class of Goods And with a th .-roughness ihut only comes with LONG EXPERIENCE, and nn intinmf i;:iinl:ir:ce wilh the OrJU WARES AUK FIRST-CLASS IX KVKRY RHsi'Kcr, AS WE k i: i : i 5V" G UAIIA NTEE I) TO SIiiT THE IIAliD TIMES TENTON OF UA3JO AND-- t AS T HAVE AT ?- J KJ -L vAM 211 ry FLDU ME BEFORE EUYIXG. AESO COFFEE, r- gomsry :i's corner, and Alih oil Jianus. Al doors, sash and ulass New Deering Mower 1 1 w 1 1 H zn po w D 2N 9 1" r iZ V ,r !3 -1 p- rv; i-3 t- 11 H- - XS1 o -li;tl)t 'inn of III io .1 of Goods or l '.-nabii.-s iLcm (o supply i '0l n W2