0 A iii w ma '"T TheStandard i Only One Dol - -'' tins feecaon. o Yiir r TB.amnnn "7 r mi- r.il!!jfl r ; it " - '4 I ri M M, V fr "'"" - '":x P-'s r 14 A i. I :. ..;-iil- ! -l ; Kit HAS A p.: dm tlatiox at PVi- b i pnsTm-TlCK IX THE ' ' 1 N i V. . AVII ON K, THAX AN Y o I'M Id; PAPKU. i t : . via i-v oi ir i;yi:s with m i iio '. .ij'iily t:i3 Fin ,'!. A h 'i i y heart is bel'tr than heavy . !'. can euro th ir harms by waning the 111. p'dbevess is perfect ease and fn-.d. m vvi'i it i; at p.. ace with itself. s:-Mike ruSt, consumes faster i 1;lU,r v''-:ir? whiI the key ofUnu-ul is always bright. TVreisu i,liowship among the virf, s bv wh?ch one -n,r Ti:,-re are twj kinds of hypocrite -tli - bold and the humble at J. the h;imb!o one arc the worst. tt!j: nuuiMc i oi:ki:moi:m-. Mi:. EniToii : A certain wiseacre i. Ti.b r the caption "The IVonoun I f. . f . , , ,. , : 'ir't.cpon'avnr, taosles 'nne, lis and ' .. :.. .. .. .... .. , i pt":.if.mi ; : ; ; . . e i ;.:cd bv me in an ar'icle : .'. v;!::' kv fr. :'- "ii- a j..:-' a .re. If he -. s i :b i-ppa' of said aribLe i.-ab be na e: -ii-1 principles d and r.-t expend his gei.ins cii.'b im-di matt; rs. Ai u r .-canning a borrowed paper,! '" ' ' " nil d with btilliant id.: is, all be sees j lHr Cl';'t' " :;t:t : '' .. - - t (-n. i tar-.. : w.ainvot mention is a tew pro- , " .1..,1il.onor-l.u;-rii!: i: '.o.c. :.:, eeu a liacuanie wuu.u ; ,, i i . i i-i.i , . i :it conde-scend to such uttiem ss, l-;t ' .. : ie:v om-.s a bntxnt, satnaig iKerarv i tar afraid t. gnv bis name ' i. b star gic by an appeal to p-. rj-nabties. To p older to bis own argument I could prove th.it tins ';ni.cbanic' never built a house or barn or dog kennel, yet he spe.iks f "wrong impressions" If this brilii.int "m-di-uiis'' will again pe nisi' his borrowed paper h1? will find t'u it I m; t v' no effort in said article to teach tha art of plowing or the Feb ace cih o big, his words to the contrary n jtwitbitanding. The tiller-- of the a oi 1 are too gool judg s cf common sense to listen to one who endeavors by every possible in; ans to work detriment to their in tf!tS. liven admi" all he s iys as true, v.bat then ? 'A' hat is he after ? I'll tell o:i, countrymen, his record ciio-.v.s him an enemy of the Farm ers' Albanee, d) enemies work for tii" good of taJr foes? Again, can't a u:.::i write ab.oi whiskey w'ibout getting drunk aad can't min I, 'a rile about plowing without b.-'.ng compelled to plow? Sir, I think a dose of concentrated extract . f c. n-i-.ter.cy would improve your ph. as- olojy. Xow' to the point, any sensible mechanic know3 that ii t-p.'.-tkiag to a crowd compose i of va.-io;i.proft-ss:ou &c, on a .pecifie subject it is only proper to use s.dd per-onal pronouns in said manner. Aga'n, an ad voeate of any measure is (oiu-i br-d i.i .-wiipatliy with that Tf .;-ure, a : 1 v. ben this is true, hi v, '-wa, us anal on r ' y Mr. Nana-b-". " ry I rely, "(b lb. XiaTi.r::. .bray He-rail has t is b A b.bh:bar; ia who visit -d .-at '? .be last wad:, tells of n -u; bb'e. - . iu tli.it place. He was bi ar ; per roam of a building pacing tbt : ! waiting on a party he wished to . ee, when he casua'iy glanc ! out "f the window and saw t:-)mething lik the pub from a cigr emanating from the bough of a .-mall mulbe-ns nea- by. Washing the place he saw :sev-r d puffs rise. Thinking that os.e wa.s in the tree smoking he ma !:.' a i examination but found the limb too small to bear even the w-Lhtofa chill. He called sev- rd persons to witness this peculiar freak of the tree. He cannot ac count for the occurance. Work ol an liismio nan. Tartoro, X. C, .May 10. II W Pupae, of this county, early Mon day morning arose from his bed and awoke bid wife and told her he was li :ag to set lire to a stack of fodder in ar oy. His wife tried to reason vb!, him, hut it was uf no avail. He i f l the house, and in a few mb.u'e:! the fodder stack was in a jidi! LL.a, and hij barn, a short dis'aiiee e.ff, was beginning to Citch. M.-.s I)ii0ee ran o it and nian iged (:, t.;ve only one buggy from the con 11 ; ral cm. Mr. Papree g ive no as s siance, hut sat on the doorsteps oi his dwelling apparently well p'eastd v, itb tlr work he had done. lie is Lebb ved to be insane. VOL. V. NO. VX ( ( llil .-ii.vir.i SCHOOLS. SiiMriii(-iiil'iit s ICoport lr M ., n I !i KuiliiisMay Clli. White Schools -Mr. M Y 15 til ! , , , , () x;,s ih olt Fincipa!. 11 , Stanuard j.n-Honta be.ovv the; o First en,!, a!-M1, M-cie!;;, enSnTritallVeS CaCb ...J.l ,,1:.1 EoVt:n; ..V.) i Xeal, tu,ehcr. Puis enroll.,!; 4C: I 3 ? la.H-:!'!,:; v.-' ' , J " ' : ; U'uli.jn ttiat Biay be Held this v.ar. !, , . ,. ., per con, of attend,,. S 1; r,r ; u H b l3e , Q;i u til(l ' , ; -vm ;-r li,,,-,!t, 1 cento ftardmc.,1 . ,1, o; j (,ei:til11 for (;,V01,10, We give tho j '-c, i,. ,:U lx'r cellt' t.irJ;ncW , 1. S. j or-Julius nsaor, l,u;t Wdru , Jm" P rd Corl, Dett.e lo.', ir,-..:i:i EMrid-e, Ollie Clino, Xvfie Ca'd.' ii llrSl (,rau0 -! r ceucntr 1 UP' enro!:, ,;, .,7; p(r; cei.r. oi at.ouuance, iiuai .tr; lof tardii'5, r.on ; K-d! of honor C.-l-' vin Bulkhead. (Jot- ' M.-L ;. i Mansfield Deuton, l-r.it.k M. :-'.:.! Dan Misc-uln-iiiiv-r, Mi: '" son, libe Sp. 1 . . Mamie Ci:r::v. : ;u . . i.. , " . T ( ; :- . : I'b'i d lb'.-, ia. M a. ... ' ,. V, .son, IO a- (Vv. i1. . ,, , , Mb" V '. Feu: rth b":ll Vv: ( ' ." cent, of atVitlhau'.-. 01 ; pi r of t-irdincs iljliof ho:aw Hugh Prop?1-, Minnie Cold a-, Ib.fh . Ca'dwcll, Mary King, Mary few.' o ia McConnc . Vnb 'on::, -n : lionise Morrison, Margie Stratford. ! Fifth Grade Miss Collins traab- - r. Pupils enrolled, 4? ; r cut. 1 11"' -u-heo the s. naon. He ii a young of attendance, 03.73 ; p. r rent of Moan, taiaaming, though very in tardiness, .03. Poll of honor P air : t-b.b-eata', lan.c-t and attractive Morrisim, Mary Skinner, Grace -b'e-! v- Vurhottl a p irticle of tf Fieher, Irma Kimmons, Clara Kar i f,,:'b lb : every word dti be heard ri?. Sadie Fishc. John Al-var.b r. Will Payvault. Harry Mont gemr-ry. Aubi cy Hoover. Sixth Grade M W p.-Pl. to a la r Pupils c-urolieb 41; per cab cf attendance, S3 73; per ".nt. of tar- dines?, 2.7S. P-bl of honor Morri son King, Frank lb own, Morr.so . Fetzer, Henry Crav-. o. P. -be Cart land, Julia Tayler, 11 i M--n-l. ! I'essie Sims, llbn-i Cob . o! i H ..ail-, -- -i,-U-ton, Evvie Kia In y Ibed i m ry 'i v : Seventh Grad. bi Y bob a ."a aon-;n-a'n er. Pupils enrol b d. 1 - : e g of attendance, R.".. : i e nt of n- r dine??, '2 3. P a! f f ; - er Ci:. orb. Shealey, Ora 1I.v.Vi r. A-nb-1! .v.-. Lucy Tov, Ad. lie A ;-:: a a b-f, Jaat Mrvbi, Mary Jidin.''o;i. S-;:-.;b. Harris Millie Castor. Co:.o::::! Scirooi.,-. po V T lagan, prbn-b-.b l'iist ibaeb M-aa a l! t.ba - Ia ' no-,'-, a ; o. ; : a . ris. A .b- . . ". g b i:.cb .:rd lb ;.. .' ii a a, . Long, Mat i : i'aa g, 'b :, b Walter I.;-. ,. a Third b::i ii: teacher. 1 'apb 1 n'a i . , '. : cent of abend: :.e. , bbP : ; : i of tardiness, 7 31. P ii of b-.-i.i r Johll II (a' , Ilonaaid b-b , n. Willie Piunkeir, M.;Z i:a Harris. Maltie M'-irgom ry, 'on. va !.':.?-o , Aluicta Hall, .i lbe He-.d, :aa a, Nannie Desmond. pourtli Grade. F T Logan teacher. Pupils enrolled, :G; p-ei cent, of attendance G8.37; per cent, of tardiness, 0 31. Poll ;f honor Letitia McCree. Summary white scdiowbs En rollment for the month, 313; j ei cent, of attendance, 80. 70 ; per cent, of iardituss, 1 28. Colored schools. Enrollment for the month, PIG; pa" cent, of atten dance, 7G 3 ; per cent, of tardiness 3 OS. Enrollment iu the wbde soboo.s up to da'c, 302 ; iu the colored .-chools, 193; total, 3b5. The prize for tlie best attendance durinirthe month has been awarded to Fifth grade, Miss Collins, teacher. lb P Maxol-m, Superintendent. 1. JLJLJL :1V T!!E TH S!I!!'S u:i ro in IIcpi s ii(ii!in in all j oinil j Ciin vcnMuiis l !( Iioia riis t.,,ciioa for Covernor. We give tho j ("V KU'A ' votj fji. 1)ijek,: , men?5 Jl';- . i.t.rofim This is the election I Ie lip o, ..o f,rn: ; recc .v- rctun!S of ou a .ar La.-h and,.ennin ..lu - v i cation ; he :vA wo:, bo:h i.o; is in; i .) l 1 7". If 7 1!M in!) 110 v.' if; :y know a a: (;..', I to C V!-e o- No i. . t ' i 1 -:s in : a vi .: l I. -A t':.. be i !a I s: i:ia?i re: i;;iii. V--Li nnnii'aba .' bt- 1 .o.,i to.- b nn-a v,.h abed w'lh an all- a'ii-- p c- ..'.t-Mtion. In.-e. d ia't many ;. tV'Ui 1 have ..vn-.-d ra nn .-xc.-pl by j :. a-anaim! c.vars i.eiug p.acca in tiu-iai a:sie.s. Ibv. VY K b..re, of Ueid.ville, ! .-tineUy ano e in -s with that vol- unie ri,at leans n laiann. liis 'bene' was, in the m r.n, ''The ho-'and mor.aii'y of tin- .i'Ub" His reason- cdear and vn.vji.eing and j '- i'-itrati-.ns d-'awn :rotn rnu are , animal and v. getahh) ware ,. r- j ub.ii.g. Mr. Ware is far aba.- th-i av age pteii bi r Aid, asfbd b - I i" - nm:rr: : ;;:"m;e roa s a '-jpeebiiiy uln-n net ay tbo instrument, was ' i b-. a- a large corgae : n a p. alar and c.o. .i. p'rath.-n itself, ml ei" of young men an.u nb.d: the prayers of i be v are laboring po 7S-.A-b oart of the moral i apirn.g. iti n j-e -e:i song b! die'. tain a iniVi, niiisd nidy f,y .a .. i. vim v ;;d. IMv. lb-: .. :r as j resent and hi ' t: r we - bbig and mi. re-. i. b ; u ' ' ' c- ' 't -a .' :; la. I . ' - f in- : bi u b! b:. ea.iu:-- pnt tb ir-g bis ab? :. . i called to bav a biii ia n- and :b - lady , f be i.ou v v : :b ' r!,. bur' an draw, r vi . got out : ;.. n.-cf-sf-a.ry clautg". bhe -a:d j... ( at ion to the picuiba" l.abnreef fb( ! t u iad boun-, i .m-.-i bing v.n-i I 'b -i t i hanging i::o:n v. It o, ,ya a ; c to the bb'i that possibly the bad biii I b goi, into the ebauge and the a uni- i b nation rcwalr-d ibe fact ti at it had. j Mr. Mebaaiern went rigiit -a for I: Mr. Pope, but h? not knowing its j character passed it on Mr. Isaac Bur- j b-yson. The thing was caught up with however, but Mr. MeEachorr. loesn't know win re he got it; and has lest two dollars. A few of tlm Pdack Hoys went out. Wednesday evening, target g hoot ing. The party was composed of Capb Mango m, Ed, Tom and dial White, W L 1P1! and W M Stuart. Ed White won the 1 uirds, making 23 poai's. Cspt. Man.Tvm made tin finest that ; he killed a lizard 123 yards oil haneled. As a cousolation to the lizard family the Standard remarks that Capt. Mangum did not shoot at the lizard, though the lia ird is dead. JL C)KC()iM),N. :., Ti'irj?;;iA Y. b. Prominent Families,! t ! !:;n-ua-e n-Ly ... :: . . -, d i :-o early ba'.i.iiv; a L.;.' LiL.iv, ; man. j His to::o oi th-.ViV;'bt and 'rv-.uv cf i . 'i' mind n pat uim ;n auvanej ol i .,, i . , At v,ars ol" a,- b- r-a-rried Eib:a bcth Urar.do, and cnt-r,d actively i ."i ?.';-.- ii;-.- , . . .. .-. , ... . , : -rr:!;a .;,d ul w k . . -.' JO once attrr lie rd.j wr-il, wa? f.md ol- b r-:cs : and nreb, an imp bng m Hilar: oC.-; ccr. H. wa-i an a i-ronn ! man. n,, had ro bb.v,v. In. b .-1 markablv bae bubr " and hi, mind eap,b:e el t,.n 1 icria:: and , . , -J an., j-mganm.-ti-.ny. .,. a.av r,, t;on. lie wa - a g-.od j o'"..i :, was ;".itnr,ate iu .-ecuring in j wbb- . a-b d ' aaine. s .-a ral p - -n s f ai.irb b fnaa and ( bar..c-l ...e , ii.-."-m. v J a. a S.. p .. " f bbe.j.;. i'ie..-. aa n r ; '. ! . wsb' tbrs : "1 in.v.- "f. n at:: '. at. d h '. o.h.g r-:: .an tbd '.' C a nb an .1 s .: A man , i . ., i a. re a n oie-av- 1 :e : a - no ;a:a. ' a. e; . ,vt .a pod ties or rabgb.n; but. w.s highly favor able to all pr.-grts: in life, and to ail sate ref-)nu and improvemc-nt. He en.. larao- I!) tiia bn O a S .1 ! 1 . n ' ' a nan b b aa i- of (, . i .e vva--ubib- 1: ' mo-a me: , abb.- in a'a.aji Sia'e. As a bading in-n o ib:!eh situ-'' lie was so. iota;;, a for ced fonvard by la? people; b:b. be was ever conservative and concilia tory, and was usually successful with both sections c-f the caary. Gen. Paul Iiarringer was raaic-r a Federalist in political sentiment, and voted that way all through life ; was not. a great advocate of the war of 1812 ? was an Admb man in 182; intensely Ibbou in PbtJ ; a Henry (ll.iv V.Tdg in the long ipbt v.-yh Jackson na Van Ilurc-n. and a liar-;1 risen man iu be if. He r.-dhcr favored a Probcthe Turilf, and a'wats thought the South in error in staking all on claveiy, rather than constantly di versifying XDL JL b f ,t0i; ii n.; i:c fiivort-d Ku!ro;uis factor; v.? ;l;;h ,,,.1 i:, .ton nabcl r,',- V. : . i " -: : U;;:. --jr "lit the-mi ;: ln ; ,1 1..- ; f.!f : ' .1. : l:i a !.:: : r,u aciie public 1 1 IV L, j h;,l only oe poUcal iieivonil con - !r ;j :y ; - j ... - . yd a vol y able prii. U-d (.-Ii-..;ii..r a.ale thin::;; warm for Idr. Fiibir , anil tite -Ho-i; Jl.ds" of that ; tv, ! ' u'lanowu to ice co:tiluLcn w,. . . . . TT. 7 ':."d i ;o f;--- s v. bo i-ub- it. took its cor,au!y !.u-.,a!!uug ever. '-Old xiic-.i-i . , I iJ llH ,Ur . . b:c;m,. with dinion. the sublet of V T' aiU'nut' I ',u'!,;' di.ea,.,. Tbcfaets are too hi a iu.i.aa..):f UMUj:il!-:a aU'L V.Ul ,., vw.. ; . ... - . b C v a l'' ' ' :' . i ,,no, a no. baj to r'abo ' viub-n: and vinliati; ;ie. . i.i anr f :::": fiiH-cci.T-s. oo.s .How I '!: h the h-ltoria v.bieh I put the I l'';:"r;rJ 111 ' vaiea is now I , Z -l f '- Z V Z !Z'X, t V I1'" ut 1:5 -Lcd iv a.i -;t -a., n-ia. P flr, if my pnritioa ' " . i ' ,'nn n1d!;;.; a." l . : in (pa , nance t. .I'.a - a b -n bei '.a t lea ebar r " -' - . ; ; .- ! ; t -v, ., i .' .1 it-n i b -aad you deer-ay ibing la g in ! c..o . I, i at .0 ee.i Weubl be: i n -iy rna-aayol maiitifaeturlr-.-, an 1 tbat outl. i Care'Lu an. ! Cn v.--;; t wj:ibl 1 to (lb Cbi tftta was now '"." W aad ;V. 1 -, t rig;-- ! I-;" -a' ' u,. 4-- -1. 'Uipe; if ijeo mts ::i,::.: al y u na-"ig proof .: but as in the main char;;", I Pio v I am not in error; I can baae :io Jh-H- ion fcbout it: The santi-'e-r-t was too remarkable and -Piking to be lorgibtea or misun derstood. It was to be ( '.vpec-ie 1 that you $hotibl d it, t.-o veiul'y i the e-vo of an c-Uw'.iort, wlo u yen aro not ruamsf omed 0 lock truth in tbo f..ce, aiyl wbu;i ab your Steele of rrtf .i J.-drrejuTCfTaa'k-R is bi-cu.dbi into ?tci:v; nan. I ;.:.; c-r- t cn! fi lab..: cb I aa.i v.ibin-:,' Ibu over p'ga n wiab w bom i. ever coiis vcra.d. be, eh! bo inter; r s teal rs to the- eonaPU ney of ,l.o statement. Ian fai.-laimal 1 y all tb; ug at a tun when I bad no possib'e motive !eh:if;iT'- ov ,) !;v-,;r ; '..p.-S'.;it';, r ;' ;k w':-' ri:; t f c '"' "-t3 a;i i'.'.Tf St. ill tS V.Ti ij :.:u v ii:;f:t;;;.;;V;1v --tcn by 5;v,io ccrldn n.rso,, in ' P:-.--.-, v.-,. .. . r-. ,:,', i ;- ;1;; ! 1 t c!: agun, at attotber eras ;and vnf, v,,ro,ta ,on ; ,.!tu ,r. cu yb,nt,nt , u:' i, vas no i:, !i: coun evasion i!;i::ieal:o:, ot?.;' now, sir, I :c-r:, tbat it was iu and rbout ibis vr.:'y ''!''! Ki-'v oc j h-ino, vmkno'.vu to the co::;-tit uiion ! i:ov"liOi.S IO CO lu;.Slai:Cii. X raVO! ::v d-n:bt voU wtU r-o-'-n- - - v.-.n ! net i'l-tby yon .-- '.' v tr'-m a: 1 cr 'y i ! I : t' ' CLaa:;-,;! b, .tel; oil: : i ; '. in wl.l ' - :.! in: ;.. : i:eii '-.- ..tan a;.:eag a.i ibc frictn.ls 1 ' ouv h i py fori i c-;' ytavt-rr.iiiotif, j and tbo bib; a:., n.; the j ;lo that j iwi3 i, ,lo:i,a soiitbooul gone-rally pro- Ulocud. and von well rcmon.b u- by v,-l,:,l rarty alone that sentiment was debndeb Everybody rcmombrr?. tUi time that fU ihf . tno spirit cf manufactai-imr 1:1 N. Car,::::-, as pro v. .1 by a certain a cr-rt.tial an MiaciJ d - ar!(d. cd wbieb o: you.' u.v.1, v; cit bavo cioire 1 -eta, . a.- 'bi-: j l' i i a aa moan ca -n a ed ;.: .1 i i n; an by ibo p.nly to v, blea (Continued o:: b.bbe.) ! G bevels, charge with reeuvv ing bub! i-aaa from vaa.nts p.trs : ties in Cabarrus and ilowan counties 'ia. - laxr. couvieted in Powaa court, j J"llT a'i;io tniare night t.) to b Alter a second charge from bnie MePer the jury da cided for I ihc Stale. '!':)-.;; tteaaee.'t 7i;i!iu:. C: . ta an:, vr ,; iivc s on aa, ion:: 1 V"-'-:;- gi' k - vt "a re.- :n;.e" Vb.'V- dVr iVr' -g-are cd PoVc', vZ tb rb: k'and bi;;b,b ,babgbibb;:bb:b,;b;b:' Ul i -i ,t .... a v a- i j j b :: ... ' V t ) t 'i'i' C U: n- :':." -da! ;n bi. i i : : s-oiV"- v a i-y i,ne : .- j 'art: ai . cuuig.eta ,, ! oal g. iOi: o. u. : ', aa.ienab . . I niiiean: wrong witn- a,: - . ) if. fapb :be ba-kbg: f-K tr b"abb, by p.nrvfvaig !': bio-1 v. itb Ayr-r's tbiraai rilla. Cuius Ecysipcbt?, Ee 011:1, Salt-Iibaaa,. rimple and Hlntcbes. -n e r sa Mrs. P W Austin of Albemarle, died Tuesday night, the 10th, of consumption. Mrs. Au-tin was a daughter of Mr. Jno. S Atkins, who lived here a ve.ur. Tb-a- business f.dieres dui-ing the t :t fev. :i d as, r. s ran bed bv lb G. Dun e; Co.V, iv.iir.Vr: F.-r the Pait,i Sta'es 130, (banobi 23, total 113. a; cane pared with 207 l;:st week,! 213 the vaek previa;: to the last aii'l 2o7 for the corresponding week of last year. V!lOLi- KO..(). r.--.M.Jv -:. to r.i.:.s. 'j-.',.. v.:.....v, .1,. 0.,-.,,.,;..ti iJ:,ioor v.i ;-,;:;! 5, now uivlt - ( !. .,t ntUl Zh-' I un:r m,a cclainn,! in a turmoil -c:,. I can't swim," ::vr,;,, ; u y, v., : T :. f ,rerr , Lvl, .poke ol throwing I l" u 'Ji,. -,,:! ii:-!, j :,.n, the bur,u,,r As v., :vlur, ho,w u!l vote I h' b bi.aaty, whoa ail tae eieiiieiL i of nature coaa.niS, to inal-f- her sur- routidias -ove'v a::d ;,i:anr, a ii-!o to tho co an try ineans m. ,v life, b.-t- ter ;:oir;-:, r jrve.l vi.;r, Li f.iot you dri;;k i:; nnd ai-iimilate the in 1'rii' J;i v? ihe SL-ason and uuco:i- p' 1 - i f."-iy ina t-) grow. " .-. . , , Carolina Pivs,nt, more v.ried vlu;S ihau :UV fou:ul: Surtii and iounu a.ot!;: - - ' , ! LIlL 1 u'ce Vl x:lUAl!1 ::u'7' ' , !. :.!, a.1! r.-ii ai! ;.ieni'! i- for mile-: .- :-.o- A! .ii:i.,r'" -; -. - . o.' ; y ?-.:!- ; tr.e picauvcpie, . coi.it pi:,;;.-, is .-y y,- ii" w:;-- oil r..v ,.3 a; f l be Jails and artakir.-r ::'"'.;rbaa (.f tbe Ficbermati-: :. ..-,-, (..;:;.::( : ( ; a a ILar.a . .lenav 'ri. j.a. i. a, 1 ! iaaa in.gi.o ib.vin:;, i' L H . ae.. eb- -i-e-'.' ' v M".' ,r;i vl,'- -' ;'b-.s;-v abaaj t-T ;:;.aa'.-::"..oa ' ;a:i" to I t- t-i.- lac-r s.c 1 ugb :.- i: washigb! ; cn - tb t :;.T-i;-.r.rd?. Not a c co.r.itf.' v.oiuao. on t; mouted gane a w-' a -fours.. u sw-.-ot mnac or bcc-;o:n .l to iln-m wilii kerchiefs ami ;:sundov,'ns." dust as the sun wtnt slowly down on the western side of the big hill our party went down on the east ern but willi ibr greater precipi tation and less dignity withal ; and when we had registered, at tho Hotel -iner the obi manner of "title by possession," wc abandoned our chew ing gam una prepared for the more arduous work of sealing ebb's. 'This, it w ; ; scon found, wo were iil pre I ar. d to do an-1 contented ours-ivts v.ith a boat ride and sire II amon : tin- racks, while awaiting sap; er. j : - Xe--:: ia: i f.n'c: ban in i t e a-e.-rtain the ctt.tet d i.n aaiaas cf J h(, structure and, for fear of mis- wia not attempt a conjee. lire, ibe labbbag contain?, however, tiaa-e r,,c:li?J two la-ing used for tha ac eomodatioii c i guests and other for na.a-r.n ,!t,ini. iM!,!ri- .i,wi ' ; on a a ixnrr; fa. The tanial and aeconanedatlng prorrieb rs, Kirk & i P.lnlcck, have a valuable assistant in old "Uncle Cbarbs,'' tbo iabP, wLiL-c:c. pel individa-.l v. iio prt sialesovcr tin- eubnury b- par'an'-nt an.d v .;t i.a.s a taiur.d ;.ab;t..:"v ; i : ' dei.iMnce o-.ar tie wa.ob - i ag -ig. y . . acccr.an-' to tho I . t m.mca's n-,vn bka ;.d cookery ' : if 'lacking in I in t: iro.a a to i'i '. a ii - :a fe t ( j i , at C. I ..a ... : ... u. a. a ncv." :i e la : :: ; -: i.i.g. ia t u biarcei;a a'1 i vv.atcb riv.a I ::!' :ag! t. i.eyaa b'-e -.r'c:s.-.-; ! a: w,add bi n.-eaa.ip ' a- 1 i do so. ! it is I. a "a;i b ).-. re r tb it tbev were , . , , " . ;: a ;a":i. d at a guari :io:v.r of . . , . ., , . ltiin, a in wiiau in ine j ar. or it was thought there must h.;Ve been i-iom-" sentiment dii.an-aei, no one bhuhed. It was also ascertained that some oiie of the parly failed to pas,rve a proper equilibrium, and great scare were found on certain roeks as a result "and they remain there unto this day." Sleep is a welcome visitor after a picnic on the Y.iikin, and the fi-n- tiniei.tal doubtless dream of Iliawa- tk.i aad Minnebali i, but the mire ;-a:c ic.il usually value it for its rarity and souiidn: ss Pat wmuiar from fairyland or sneoiag uncon- tc;o;naje:S We were hnmuicned by sunrise and went ag aa he the river for a boat-ride. Here an hour of pleas i r.t retread on. Fortunately c:;lv TivicK as much KADIXff M ATTETl AS A?; V TAPER EVEH oi: :;ov ri;r.- MriHEI) IN T ii i; COUNTY. t :. TICK Lbl US MIT 11 Si. j iKiItv was reported, which j v...o a-trle.l before Scrioua results h-i uv:i'at about, x he boat i i'b-a a:... t;ip. One reports it tLo j tnrr.iiig point in her life, if we may j cre.lit rniaor : anolher Ji:at upon the ! i'Oi k s ::i ihv .d-'cr.ee c-f a companion, j -.a'ar co ci' ihc faroiv, and tb.3 iiep'ard I'arp and had a royal tina:." It has n-wr yet been asccr- 1 t ibicd wbleb (.f the young nienslcpt s vvitti "L iieie Cbiar.v-T.' If any o'lt- g.A-? tire-.I or sleepy or ?our or ores;, lie sr.onld go down and . 7"--:kI a uiglit at riie .Kails. Cn !::!-tal Itfvouip ?!o:iiiir'. risinagto!', May 11. The com- ,J'''-t-'' "'' v as and means tod iy ' r :,''"t- ;l ravor.ib-e rvnort to be mado : n; ---i !!. bi.l introduced by Mr, ' " i-iiu the inbrnal revenu ! ':l,'i ":'' P''-!'u:i; the transfer off :::!:.::: :'.;:;' ar. (;)' are:i from oncj ' fa.ct. ;. a ..-.'.'.jr m b-r reiailationsi U :. or.-sr-ri i :l '. here after, also, np ! ' t1'--' bnii.in.: to slpo tho (,r v.-earirg appearel and per- ic:...l 'r'orgbigs v. Inch may bo brc-'r-.t b.n t iu.- r;ited Statc-3 frcO y iri..:.! fu;vi.--- countries, s : ;rr n" vn; sTitirs. F.-,i.n-.n- !'!' 1'ife began a meeting i! a . T : .nb:bb '.i'bo v.ifa (f lb w 11 T Parnall in : tor it l i i. a "brlan church of Di.vbaai, 11. '1 Vi'edn': day morning, i 3 C ia; k ae- -' i 's i !:e invitation j to b bv: r tla add. ;s at the Gnil- fo: a Jb.itb; Cioia.d cn the 4th of Jiniy. i .1 Ihisey, general si-cre-taay of (lie' Youigr AKiibs Christian Assoeia ion of Wilmington, lias re sign, d and will go to.Providence, II I. The nomination for Governor on the Prohibition ticket ha3 been ten tiered Pev. I? II Tattle, of Tarhoro, by i lie State Executive committee of that randy. Tii.- Ci:uoii villi- 5'i. j'. About -1 o'clock Thursday fire was discovered, by tb.e watchman of Canuonv il!e fa.ciory, in the store of Iappards t: Hohshouser near the factory. The alarm was given and : -a a: crowd of mill Hands was fan re ami with the aid of tho water works, ;n. ir at band, oguelled tho da.nes bad ware then making head way on the inside of the store room, ilrct having to make a forcible en trance at a wir.djw. The general opinion is that the fire originated from a trash box near the counter and the supposition is that it wa3 the work of rats and scattered matches. Pals is fond of matches The loss, without insnrar.ee, of Lip pa: ds & IbMtshouser is near 200; the detnage to tho store room which is the property of the Cannonsville company canuct bo got at until ! ccmpntea j I Ptetiiis tJi-at h'c-v. Tom Dixon '"-de a gooilstrike in Charlotte, by j hi b'ire, Tiaasday night. " i'i. i ; s: t'lrortti t',u Kcjistcrot t" ' n a, i r. -i'l't.s !: nroivl fr : i " :r i;.ft of Ayor's I'illff. V. ; .-: -: 1 abinu sU-k .unl tirol a i : ... . !,.,.( a!) out of onli-r. i at : a :- !..-s- if o-an-iiii a, l,nt none 1 : ..(;:. ; ia-f until I v.-.'u in '' . ; ' "'.a rclitiMn Aycr's ! i ..ety o::i! liox, Imt I ' b" ; : v.- :! a. I think they nrc a. ' ; it at cisy to tfllio fit : .-aita: t ear !',.;nl, t.i-in ko linely f i a :a:--e...:a ti that even a fliii'l will takfi ',' a.:a I lij.t.ii nil who aro r".:GGd ('. a V ';: to try A.vcr'.- rills." P ...-:.". y ea .. ;eybcr. "i: a . -i !!: r: : -; --f fivf roul CifO-on, I ' a ; t-o-r.nl. .1 witli a kind of salt rb v. a, or er:;;-' ioa, ehielly roiiiincil t' t'.e t as .!!! t - .-i.-ilty to tin- 1p.ii! of the !;:n ahevr iti- i -uf. Here, running f r - ! ran a sa.t !i '.vriiO.t spfi'i over, ! r.t v.-.r,'..l l.rcatt oiai '!ai!. !y on rnor ia r the l'-a-. - Iy mother tried every thirer c.tic- -ot;M ttiink f.f, Imt all jwas vdi'.or,: aviiil. Although a HiiM, I rc.nl ia the papers fihoiit tiio benelieial effects d Ay.a's I'i'.ls, arid pcrsnnded my moth er to let me try tiiein. With no great f li'li in the result, she procured 4versr fills i P"i"v 9 a m aad I hegin i n,n tacm, and soon i.. th oil an iaiproveaietit. Encouraged by this, I kept on till I took two boxes, whea th,; sores disappeared and havo J.ever trenUl....! i::e iiiia-." II. Cihipman, li: al il.-t.'S'! .'eat, Koanokc, Va. "I s a '.Tend f r years from stomach aa.1 hi.lee; , ' s, c:i using verj- Severn i'..;u..s ii; eaa i' a ; p.:. : of the liody. Nono l ihe ri-m-di's I tried .i forded m any rtiiit f utitiJ I l'e'aeej;i!::ii; Averts Pills, :ual was cured. " Y.gea ioilikual, Notary Public, Five La.io-s, Mich. I'rqiiircJ t.vl'r-.T.C. -Vyr a To., f.oivi ll, M:ma. trolJ I y lrui;,-i.'t4 Everywhere. Every Docs Effective