i 1 if , ! ' S" .. ( There is said to Lc a regular epi demic of jim jama at Duqoin, Ill inois, and it is not the fast case re ported from that part of the great West from Iudiana, Illinois and perhaps Ohio aud Kansas. The nature of the epidemic i3 violent attack of negro antipathy followed uy extreme nausea, it seems a bright mulatto girl passed an exams ination in the grammar school and won promotion to the high school. This is deemed an outrage for never before was there a negro at tho high school. There is a threatened exoss dus of the white pupils. "My! my!' aud that in a State where Republi cans have had control so long. What long range friends ot the ne gro the Illinois folk are. Jkssen. g"'. Narked for ltlentlcatlons. Mistress: "What have you mark ed that 'T M' on all your pies for. Xorah ?" " Norah: "Sure, ma'am, that to tell th' mince pies from th' apple3 pies. T M' on the mince pies is ' 'tis mince' and T IV on th' apple pies is ' 'tain't mince' so I kin tell 'em, ma'am, widout cuttin' 'em." II II a Item There. After the -first baby has arrived in a familyja man can't kiss his wile without waiting for her to take a lot of pins out of her mouth. The KIepn. A bouthern man, writing to the New York World, sum3 up, in a masterly way, the disproportion of forces during the war. He concludes as follows : "Build your arch of tri umph, men of the North, but his tory will inscribe upon it that you enlisted 2,77S,301 soldiers, while the Confederacy summoned only 000,000 defenders." Isn't this the Site ?. After all, the "Mecklenburg Dec laration of Independence may have been a resolution gotten up by few citizens, who simply did not endorse the official acts of the Brit ish Government People' oftentime resolve without pledging their lives and sacred honor in its defense, Maybe those people were simply an advance guard of kickers. or Two Evils Choose the Lesser. "I told you," said the teacher. apologetically, to Tommie, "that I should whip you if you didn't tell your father you had run away from school, didn't I?" "That's all right," responded Thomas, "I didn't tell him. One of your lickin's is a picnic by the side of one of dad's." Idaho Doinnrriilv Art. Pocatello, Idaho May 2C The Democratic state convention met here yesterday aud elected the fol lowiug delegates to the national con vention : J M Burke, J W Reid, J il Ben nett, J II Hawley, Col. Bryan and It Z Johnson. Resolution favoring th free and unlimited coniage of silver and rec ommending that plank4be inserted in the national platform, were adopted The delegates go uninstructed. nat a Cone . "Will you heed the warning. The Bignal perhaps of the approach of that more terrible disease Consump tion. Ask yourselves if you can af ford for the sake of saving 50c, to run the risk and do nothing for it. Ve know from experience that ShiK oh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. This explains why more than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be without it. For lame back, Bide or chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold at Fetzer's drug store. What Tliev Will Do. Durham Glo!e. lhe dentists meet at Winston this week and will talk about "snags' and "cavities" and sheet iron pkte and ingrowing toe nail3 and corns and bunions of the jaw, and then the delegates will tell tome joke and take laughing gas to help them Bee the point. ,. It is not vorth the small price of 75c, to free yourself of every sym ptom of these distressing complaints, if yon think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, use accoadingly and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold at Fetzer's drug store. Something Awlnl aud Fearful Here Wades boro Messenger. We have been 6hown by Mr. Cal vin Cox, of Morven, several grains of wheat that were in the gin house of the late John S Little when it was burned by the Yankees in 1865. Although this wheat has been lying in a field that has been in cultiva tion ever since that time, yet it ia as sound and perfect as it was over 20 years ago. Of course it is blacken ed, the rtsult of the fir?i but other wise its preservation is perfect. We have a rpeedy and positive cure for cutunli, diphtheria, canker mouth ami hnadac.h, in tShiloh'a Ca tarrh Kindy' A rmHal injector free with each bottUi. Uh it if you de sire health and nweot breath. Price Wo. bold at FfcUwr'B drug store. Campbell Young is here after a course at Guilford College. Col. (liarlosSInrMlinli. Colonel Charles Marshall, who served on General Hubert E Lee's staff during the late war, has been united by the U. S. Grant Post, G A li, of Brooklyn, to deliver an ora tion at the Memorial-Day exercises at Grant's tomb. Colonel Marshall has accepted and will leave Suud.iy night for New York. Colonel Mar shall says : "I am very glad to be able to assist in honoring the memo ry of General Grant, because I con sider that his services to the conn-. try, both North and South, in the terms made at the surrender of Ap pomattox are worthy of honor. llanKiiiff ofa White Man In ArKmisas Little Rock, Ark., May 27. Ed ward Sneers, who murdered S C lunt near Camden, July 1st, 1S01, was today executed at Magnolia. Columbia county. His neck was broken by the fall. Sneers is the first white man who was ever hanged in Columbia county. mm Boils, abscesses, tumors, aud even cancers, are the result ofa natuial effort of the system to expel the poisons which the liver aud kidneys have failed to remove. Ayer's Sar saparilla stimulates all tnc organs to a proper performance of their f unct ions. Gartn Followers fleadlu t.nllty. San Antonio, Texas, May 27. Since the conviction of Colonel I'abla muui,uVu v Munoz, several of the Garza revolu- tionists have made pleas of guilty in J , . . 1 . , 0 L J the hope of securing light sentences. ( The trial ot Garza's father-in-law. I iiexaiiueru vjou.utcs, is set iiu x ucs 1 1 -r. . i.frp day next. If you desire a beautiful complex ion, absolutely free from pimples and bktehe3, purify your blood by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Xlt-move the cause of these disfigurements and the skin will take care of itself. Be eure you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Juror Afraul 01 toe Anareliisls. Ttris, May 27. The jurors likely to be drawn for the trial kof Hava chol at Mont Brison for murder, are pleading ill health to avoid cervirig. It i3 now expected that the trial will begin June li. The Eev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Boarbon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives io Shiloh'a Consumption Cure." For sale ae Fetzer's drug store. A ';nolAtion. Detroit Free Press. "All is lost save honor," groaned the lamb, fleeced in Wall street. "And that is not worth a continen tal here," growled his partner. CAHifiiitu-tAaa Nothing like it Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion. It's a3 peculiar in its compo sition, as in its curative effects, in all the diseases and disorders that afflict womankind. It's a legitimate medicine an invigorating, restora tive tonic, a soothing and strength ening nervine, and a positive rem edy for female weaknesses and aDments. All functional disturb ances, irregularities, and derange ments are cured by it. There's nothing like it in the way it acts there's nothing like it in the way il'd sold. It's guaranteed to give satisfaction in every case, or the money paid for it is promptly re funded. I lead tho guarantee on tho wrap per. You lose nothing if it doesn't help you but it will. Tho system is invigorated, tho blood enriched, digestion improved, melancholy and nervousness dis pelled. It's a legitimate medicine, the only one that's guaranteed to give satisfaction in tho cure of all "female complaints." PITHTPQ PACE CREAM, f he I11UU O leading Parisian Cos mctique. Absolutely haimlesar a perfecs face beautifier. Asrst class medicant. On sale wi fi a eading druggists- BIG- "WHITE G-OODS SALE. UST RECEIVING, OPENING, PLACING THEM AT Have just closed out some get the cream. Thousands We have short lengths in is the time. Fred. IormItn '':! Us to Ten Thousand :AIniii!!!.iilllN. Montgomery, Ala., May 27. Tho eleventh annual cm-iieLCi-mont ex ercises of the Tiiicc'e-, Alabama,; normal and iiuhis'ri.il institute t ok pl.iee yiskiduy. The lien, l-'ivd Douglass Sj-( kf ;ii:iid much tnthi s: asm 'o nearly ten th'.v.itvnd i.toi'k'0' this region, the white as w. 11 as the colored people joining in a grand ovation. The school had a very prosperous year, enrolling "750 pupils and re ceiving nearly $37' i-". cash. Help iii Time of cel. When a man is drowning ho will crasnatstrnw !mt straws wi1! not sav him. Extend to him a lifo-bcat ami his rescue is certain. Mr. Jatr.es A Greer, of Athens, Cl Vf (endorsed by the editor of the Athein lianuersWatchiuau) makes lilt' 1 mjiu m.u- -in "I am first cousin of tho late ex Governor Alexander II Stephen and have been postal clerk on dill' eront railroads ?ir.eo Isi'S- For ten years I have born a su tii Tor from a career on v.ty frre whic h crew worse until the discharge of mutter be-i-;.mo proi'uso and very offensive. I bicamo thorouslily disgusted with bloo 1 puriikT3 mul pronounced tt em Luaibujrs, as I had tried many without relief. Fin d'y I wa; in.luerd to ue B ) tanic Blood Balm ( B B B). The off ensive discharge decrca.-cil at once and the hardness dis lppvared. It became less and less in ?ize until nothing remains except a scar. 1 gained ilesh and strength, and al! who have seen me bear testimony. I cannot say too much in its praise.' ti IhsWS k NFW mm) THE ONLY-PERFECT FAMILY USE. Sen.t for circular and price lit to WI1EELEK & WILSON, Co., Atlanta, Ga. For sale by HOOVER, LORE & CO., Concord, N. C. V THE AMERICAN 1 RAMBLER is lao tftST UEEL ON TIIK JIAIi.vET tM ypnr. BECAUS tlio onniljlnatlon of tlmcclebratcl G.& J. rnonniatln Tim nn.t Bprinj Frumo makpsridiiion It a luxury. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. G0RMULLY & JEFFERY M'F'G CO., Washington, D. C. 3mp 23. :o: 0:- big lots, Will give you the of Yards of Bleached white goods can give'you at COME AND SEE. v mm iEMa Sees tiW L P7h 1AI 1 uilMA amtttt "'imii ptfti - wr TTWTir-i A m mil iWnlf ral for Infants nnd Children. Ctor!n Is 50 well adapted toohildrpn t!.t I recommend it oa superior to any jrvsori;U.ii known to mo." It. A. Aiuhikk, M. 1 111 So. Oxford St., llrooVlyn, N. Y. "Tho "Rf of Tastorls' t so universal ft"l Its meribi so well known tluit it eivins ft work of sti!K-r.-nv-Miontoon.iorsoIt. row nr.-1 ho intolliV-fiit fn.nilioa w ho Uo uol kivp C a.sUn. witliiu easy loach." Now York City. Ijite Taster Woomiucilalo UoXoruoJ Cliuroi. Ttni CurrAua V, S O Ti V T T. Ii Y F R E Tj TLc publishers of the Family Jour nal are detenrnr.cJ to largely in crease the circulation of their paper i To do tlus we make ho followin unparalleled offer. We will scud absolutely FREE, postage prevail, Cook - Bookto eac EW. on sending us 23 cents for a six months' su'-scriiition to the Family J oritNAL. This Cook Book is sent to I 1 f 1 1 f cit ii)ATifl-.a i i bi'vi Kiir ODil will be found an almost invaluable. culinary guile in tho hands of the; mo?t experience d housekeekers, asj well as a necessity to tho incAperi- j enced. It possesses tho one great j advantasro over a:l other cook-books rublished by being a comprr hen-! siw"! compilation of economical re. cipes suited io housewives with iiiuiied mea':-3. Under other heads recipes for runierouH table luxuries are given. In fact this cook-book is a compendium of useful recipes usliI and origiuateu by the most celebra ted chefs, cooks and pastry-bakers of the piesfiit dtv. With the FA II LA' COOIv-BOOK as a guiJe, uo nousewuo need worry now t prep rc the most sumptous or tuo-t ! frugal r past. R member we stud this book absolutely free to every i six months' subscriber to tho Fami i y Jcuiinal. This is no cheap bo-,k It retails as l.ign as 1.0 and 2 cOi aud is wurth manv times more, i 1 1 . i.- m 1 1 v w .fiv vr. ;. n.. ,.1 ,. !.', f.ii,.ilv oiw.r 1io-.1. soilulviUusliuicd, and conuiuin in connection uiih charmir.g ttories and choisc literature, such special features as ''Household Uints," "The Fashions" "The Household Uv ctor," and numerous other do- j partinents of domestic interest, each ably edited by well-known writers on the various topics men tioned. Six months' trial subscrip tion is only cents and entities sender to a single copy of the Cook book. Send twenty-live cents in postal note or stamps to Till: FAMILY JOl KM!.., 69 riymoth Place. Chicu 111. swiiTorssi it For Dvsoepsia. This unfailing rcmt-ly for Ivspe;i:i of the most i hrcni.- tyre, is the resmi ot manv ycarV meilicd re.-eavch of enc of the 'most noted nn-l in:iK-nt inej"i. ;ii ch,ars of i!u j t iioil. Dr. La Verne JSwintou. l'atint lir.d proprietary noi trums have had no iiere hitter op;ioi;e!it than thi.-i most eminent physician, for the simple reason that the tame do.u is invariably prcscribe.l to the sulTerer, no matter what the ttmpcramtnt of the patient, find no matter what the pecu liarities c f the disea-e, and this too, in the face of the claims that such reme dies will cure a majority of known dis eases. Dr. Swinton realized fubly to what cx t Dysjiejisia, w hi ther mild or chronic impoverishing and poisnni nrotlie blooii, t.ecame the progenitor of numer ous diseases, and therefore sought dili-i-entlv for years to discover its true specific. In this he was successful, but in prescribing Iiis wonderful discovery, he never overlooked the irreat medical truth that the sympt.ms in each case, the temperamental diiVerenees. and even the habits and occupation of the suilerer, required not only a diilercnce in the prescription of his remedy, but a1 so de manded supplemental tieatinent and dietary directions, varying "Mclv in different cases. THE SWINTON MEDUAL co. send in connection with this celebrated tspeciiic for Dyspepsia, a complete treatise by the Doctor, which gives explicit directions to the sufferer, so that lie may not only intelligently use the remedy, but also properly regulate the diet, and properly self-administer the supplemental prescriptions suited to the case. This 1 iiKMiital irpiilinout ami not l!u-l'ry. Do not be robbed ot your money and your hopes for restored' health by alleged panaceas, which while comparatively harmless will cure nothing . Su inton's Speciiic- is sold by all dnig ffists in st.oo packages. Yv'c arc intro ducing it ourselves in this territory, be fore placing it on s;de with your leading pharmacists, and w ill send single pack ages to any address upon receipt of of) cents. Cach package contains the medi cal treat ice of Dr. Swinton, giving dieta ry directions and supplemental prescrip tions. Address- FisclitT I'uildintj. JIM A.. 11,1. advantage. Early buyers will Domestics. half price, Remember, NOW SHIGl! 1811 6., CANNOAS FETZER. Orf orla rrrrofl Colic, CVtnrffp!iHrn, hour i..iii.u h, liiarrluva, Kructalion, ..n,ui, jrives bleep, and. iirouiotos d erst Ion. WIUioul injurious medication. " For sovpral ymrs I hivo rocommende! your t'ostrui. ' ami sli.ill always continue to ilo so as it iiuj invariably iroduced bonettoial rx-i-ults." Edwin F. Pajidke. M. D., "Tho WintlirojV l'5tU Street and 7th Are., New York City. Cokpakt, 77 Mch eat Stbsbt, Kkw Tork. 2S liEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BUKKIIEAD & SOX, Agt'8. 02ice in the in 2, Ci( 111 (brick row). Fire Insurance Companies : Phoenix, of Brooklyn; Continental of Xew York; N. C. Home, of X. C; Insurance Company of North America, of Phil adelphia; Northern As suraoce of London. Rates a3 low as the lowest and sec c.irity unquestioned. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Traveler of Hartford. CYCLONE INSURANCE- In these davs of storms, cyclones. or tornadoes, you will feel safe to have a Policy "in a good responsible coni1vinv ' A' SECURITY INSURANCE. Have you a bond to give as seen ' r lT then call on the Insurance j Company to get it up and not on vour friends. Pav a premium for ! your bond as you do on vour house nil f n-nitnre : anu Ilumu-lu REAL ESTATE. "We oiler a choice lino of improved and unimproved residence property ; m town suberbs. Price and terms reasonable and made known on ap plication to r.URKIIEAI) & SON, Jc tt Attn M. J CORL'S $8 0. coxcoui), x. a I Lave moved into the stable late :y oecuoiod by brown iros., near the eourthou.-c The best accommo aatious tor urovors. l..er.ve your rdtrs at t:ie staoie or witn J. L. i'rown Porter for omnibus. Horses and mules for tale. il. J. CORL, Pronrietor. JI A. FOIL. PHYSICIAN and SUHGEON MT PLEASANT, X. C. All calls promptly attended to, day or niSit, Ollice in Moose's Drug Store. After 10 o'clock p. m. at residence on College uni. Dr. B. L. GriiSn, V ET E R I N A n Y S U KG EOX, COXCORD, X. C. I am now with M. L. Brown & Bro , and will praetico VETERIs NARY MEDICINE AND SUR GERY. All calls ansn-ered day or nilit at tho stables. I also have a number of veterinary remedies that will b furnished when called for. an 5 dk vim Li. L. GUI V 1'IN. Notice Land Sale. By virtac ofa m --tacre deed exo cuted to me by T S. Vanptlt and wife, on 2nd day of October, 1889 ind registered in olfict? of Register of Deeds of ''ab'imiH county iu book 1. pnje 588. I will sell for cash at the cor.rt houso door in Concord, at 12 m-, ou Tues lay. tho lGth day of Pebnutry ucxt, a tract nf land lyinjr in No. 3 township, adjoining tho lands of T. A. Fteming, Caleb Little and others, containing 75 3-4 acres, more fully described in faid mortgage. T. D. DULLER, jy 15 iw Mortgagee. mimmmi B33I3CHI7IS SCROFULA Al ft ThxzzX Af estlca Wtrtbs cf Plaai Or mny IHatt tefur Cm Threat an& Ltngt mn InflanuS, Iwky StrenetU w r Fiatr, man b. rtlUwti and Cur4 y OP PURE COD LIVER OIL Witn Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Jtihfbr Scott' t Bnulilon, .ml lei n. tm. ffnaHoi t tolMtation tidue V.M tm eeept m n&rtUut Bold by all Druggist, Q9TT OWMI,CrimIt, U.T. 'J u a ran teed to be made of Pure Vegetable Oils, OLIVE OIL, BEN OIL, COCOA -BUTTER OIL. Treatod by the "Cold Process. Pure"VVhitv Not Perfume Net Colored. Will not attack the skin in Winter or Summer. The Best in the Work To wash the baby. To wash the hands and face. To dress wounds and sores. To cleanse and heal diseases of the scalp aud skin. For bathing and shaving- pur poses. Price: 10 cents per cake, $1.00 per dozen. A full supply kept at Misses Benson, Fisher & (Jo's Milli nery. Mrs. J. S. FISHER, Agent for Concord and Ca barrus county. mch21. I I'orlli! Pure Ground Bone, Listers and Miller's Dis solved Bone, Wando Guano and Acid, and several other of the Best Brands ra-e offered at Close Irices BY & Go andjSct their Prices. Ihcy are prepared to fur nish you with any quantity desired. LADY'S HOSIERY AT COMMISSION PRICE Ladles do you realize that when voti huv of fl. retailer, you are payim; three unnecessary' profits' The manufacturer sells to the commissi.,.. i,nc the latter to the jobber, and the jobber, in turn sells to the retail merchant. You must pav the manufacturer a profit first, and then inv .-.rh ,.f the subsequent handlers a profit, not infrequently Manilla? tiirfrH'Coiiiiiiissioii Coinpaiiy is a responsible syndicate which sells direct to the consumer. Ky inyestimr in manufacturers' samples, odds and ends, job-lots, and the stocks of insolvent manufacturers, in connection with our regular commission holdings, we are able to sell to the consumer direct at the commission price, which is but one remove from the manu facturer's. While this company handles all kind of ladies' furnisniiiss. we are making a special drive on our hosiery, merely to introduce our name in your territory and establish a reputation for giving val ues neve before offered, so that you wiil befullv prepared for our later announcement of our entire lilies. Read the following offers : Ladies' full length, fashioned, fast black hose superfine gauge, (retailing everywhere at 2? to 35 cents per pair.) we will sell at 16 cents, or one half dozen at 96 cents. Ladies' extra length, full regular made, fast black and seamless hose, very finest gauge, (retai'V' everywhere at 50 cents up), we will sell at 21 cents, or one-half dozen for j!i.3S. We pay express charges, and agree uncondi. tionally to refund money if hosiery is tiot the values and qualities described. !e sure and send the size wanted, and ri-muiiitter that i s we pav express we cannot atford to send less tli.111 one half doz. Orders must be accompanied by cash in either money-order, postal note, stamps or registered letter, addressed to the MBlltltlH'r!, Commission Co. 221 1 -ifih Avenue, Chicago! Ill YOUR NAME with proper address will be inserted free ia onr numerous lists, and you will receiye through them many valuable eamples from companies desiring agents. Add rets posioi to tbe AMERICAN LIST CO. Fischer Building, Chicago ji, CARTER'S SSf" for weak digestion. Can be takfin by the smallest child Wn life 4 Wadsv ninvM vn UUfl FARMERS, -I HAVE JUST KECEIVED- One Tliotiscincls Bas ACID AND GUANO SIX HUNDRED THERE IS NO SUCH STJCK OF Acid, Guano and Klour IN TOWN AS I HAVE AT ALLISON'S CORNER CALL TO SEE ME BEFOltE BUYING. ALSO HATS, SHOES, SUGAli, COFFEE, MOLASSES, TOBACCO, SXU1F, $-c.;-$-c. C. Q. Montgomery HARDWARE HARDWARE I am still at the old stand on Allison's corner, and keep a good stock of agricultural HARDWARE on hands. Al builders material, nails, locks, hinges, doors sash and glass of all description. I am Agent for the New Deering Mower one of the best Mowers made. I a Lam lsotZent or the Vallyj For-e Wronglit Fenc A sample of it can be seen in Forest Hill cemetery. t:. I ID CO The old, well-established, reliabk firm of x1 invite your "Well Selected An experience of 15 years in the wants of their Very Best Class of Goods And with a thDronghness that only comes with LONG XPBRIENCE, and an intimate uaintance with the tra i OUR WARES ARE FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESP KEEP NO SHODDY GUARANTEED TO SUIT THE ATTENTION -OF AND SACKS OF FLOUR Pi 1 po in 4-3 U o H 1 VJ 7 rr, .to O H i-5 M r-l & CO attention to a Stonlp ... Concord enables them to snrmlv customers and with the GOODS HARD TIMES fi leading drugBists. Bie 7 V, -A. t 1