P i THE STAHDARO. Th- aC( a l Am; no, vc Takn Notes j AnoF- tm Hl'll Prent Thlm." ; Aooi iir.it iii:ic i vi i; n i as i I.VK;r. IKJ'l I. TIO 1 Till COIN I V. 'WW'S AND COUNTY. It is now d. wleny-i'ir time. C M ('"!; .ierit Sun '.ty in Con or, d. Ma-Ur ! u 3 'I hies has gone to llaile Gold Mine. Tiie Oits crop in this county is said to be the best ever known. Mis. II Frank liters i3 visiting Mrs. Will Uarkcy in Lexington. Dr. Herri ig is now at home and we regret th it he i3 fc t ill very un well. ' Charley Ah-.vmder came home Saturday night from school at Oak Tlidge. lb. I'ikle cloiul his (male) IIi-,h School on Friday for tin1 sumtu r vacation. The Governor has appointed Mr. II Irwin WoudiiO'.ise a notary public; in Cab liti s county. , , . , . ; H v l'omnson i-rougiu to U'Hiif pome fi'ie Sh' pherd pups. They a line li: lie c mines. .11. D UniO" Ml. sni Oi Win. Pre, :.- v--rv .-:ok at his father's home wall f "' r I'o ... that ;1: .. 1. ring :hi v ms -. '1 h. re are a n ..i did a: for maiii-i 0 m'.rail.H!' r of mab ,v in Co e m IMl'd, Hid t !:i. is I.e.lp Ye.-r. I ; The 1-ai a of Mr. dohn F Cos riher, time u.iu; " of China Croe. .; struck bv li-iiri.ii.- d Yi gi tittle trdus. ';v.b d wi'h peas, beans, cucumbers etc., are running by daily. They l ave the right tf way. If s.nie p.opV had tlie f..it.b to move moun'.aie.s tliey would snot: make their neigal is land verv hilly. S in? of tlie important timbers in the dirt road bridge over the rail road are rotten. They need at'.en tion, tht y do. li L McAllister has gone to Pirewer Mine, S. C, to assist his father ;n the construction of some mining fur naces. Miss Winifred Pratt, one of tlie teaclurs at White Hall St minary, has gone to McLane's, Pa., to q ma Inr vacation. This is the month of rose?, of con-ven'ion-, of bursted boom?, of early excursions and of wilting shirt col lars. Mr. Jim Pogi-r?, of Xo, 3, died Siturday night of pnenTrKMiia. lie was yet 'juite a yonr.g :i. .r. !..'. ever V,0 years of age. D II Pidenho ir tells U3 that the St. John3 neighborhood had the big gest rain they have had for years The land is badly washed. Deputy Sheriff Tom White and YA White spent Sunday in the country and report the grain crop tlie finest they have erer seen. (bjo. J Heilig, after a short vaca tion ppcit at Mt. Ph-asant with fri' nds and home folks, has returned to his c'eikship in Charlotte. .11. KluMz, of Albemarle, now shines b-himl the counters at Day vaab's. Tire Standard wcicouks YA. bifk to Concord. The warning may not be taken by the summer girl at the sc.is;i, but L-t her seek what sheltered no'.l seke will, the sun is sure to spot h. r. Cucumbers are large and : I-ntif r.! on this market. Tlie ar.ount of colic and choleramorbas in car-h cucumber is not known. Mis3 Delia Jauin, of Charlotte, L Lec'imes sick of a fever that is s;" has joined a ballcon company; she di sires to become an acrDr.aut. In this country men run' for an ofiice. In Fngland they "stand" for it. In the misty land of Theory the ollice seeks the man. W hen a boy begin3 to wash his neck without being told, it is a fcign he is passing into the order of hi3 first love affair. Chief of Police P.oger landed two ladies of color in jail Sunday morn ing f01. general disturbance on Fust Depot street. Commissioner Karnhardt cays: "Tell tie people that there is a handbomc crop of line young grass i:-com'i;g." M isse3 Annie Col-ins and Maggie X cal have goim to llicir hemes for the summer vacation the former to Asbeville and the latter to Marion. There were nbout 400 persons present at the alumni banquet at. the State University Tuesday evening, and it wa3 a haudsome ffhbir. It was a warm evening and this is the reason that no le33 thai thirty gal lons of ice cream wa3 eaten. Oat. c-.itrh- hs in order. ii i U UWul'.'LS.: iUS Uu-ll 2Tp"l!:teU :i i . l.iiy pubbe, bv Cov. lloii. " lin: h. aim I), is having the co jvj'.s cut down from along the road. M .1 ('oi l ha his bus all torn to piiees and is having it fully re modeled. Miss Hatt'ie MeCutchin, of Lan caster ft C is visiting at 1) J Bos tiau.'s. 'Hie agriculturist is in it now he has harvest, grass and wet weath er at the same time. Miss Nannie Cannon has returned home from Peace Institute, K.dtigh. Her many friends are delighted. It bus ken ii marked that mar tins do not visit tin's country as m the past. Are we not as hospitable ? J W Cannon and family have moved back to their reside!; sfter a nn-nth's residence at the St. James. Master Fiank Bogcrs is home from Horner's School, for vacation. Fr.iuk has grown to the size of a man. T l .Miller, a forma- Cabarrus man, has been eloebd a member of the Hoard of Ct nimo--io'..ers in I 'o an. Mi.-s Faunie Strieker had a pain- ful ae-eidont Saturday nmht. She fill down a p air of sU ps and broke ti i :K"-r arm. P:t.f. l r Ki.er was re-elected i iour, ;v CniiiMi- S'.pi..vi.W..i nt nf P. -.hi;,' i. (lent oi Insfruciio'!, C'.-:!.!v. !v ac-ebt naLn m, i n V.w- ( ".ii:- 1,0. !!n;e:l. V. n;pp: 1 1 i . '. Xernui.t is a straig! t bH::.:, f:oia awav h:k. , , 1. tl'-i 1 1 1 a h . r ... '.'! -i fvr At-c-.-.ti-iht. C.. Dr. L A P.i'.le i...s bun 'IV in'.eo Distiict la i-u'y (ir.t::d mas', r of the li.d DL-t. The I. 0. ). I', are m tl.ieg rad 1 strides in the state. ThtvuJi th.:- uTorts of Agent C lJ::cenb'f.-r:y an extra train lias b.v:i v.t on to Oxford vV Ibr.dersoii rail ro:.d. to run daily r .c pt Sr. ' day. Misses Ma-:;ie and Ilessie Parley son, of Flow,.".-, passed through on tln.ir way Inane from a visit fo llnir cor.-in, Dr. L M P.urbys'-n, of Gold Hill. D A Caldwell has about comple ted the tower on the colored (Metho dist) church. It presents a neat appearance and adds much to the church. Harvey CraVr, who lives in 'vn. ", on what is known as the J M Long place, is opening r.p a mine on ! is place. The ore looks quite promising. The lib of .July is to le celebra ted in grand, style at Mbenheimer's Sprir.'. A big picnic will be held, and tlvro will be a grand balloon as-f-vnsiou. A specimen of Herman C'-'iicnt pavement has been nude in fruit of York kt Wadsvvortb's. To furnish the whole front that way would cost about $47.25. Kowan county has adopted the system of working the roads that is now in operation in Mecklenburg and Cabarms. It will go into effect August 1st. Samuel C White and C E Cross, who broke a bank in FaLigh raid who were pardon? d from the State i;;-o -, arc clerking in Paliimore bns'iuss bouses. Adem Starns, who since early in March has been confined to his home Math tyykoid fever, died at half-past thr-e o'cioek Sunday morning ami wu-burb-d in tlie afternoon. A lodge if Odd Fellow3 will be isi.- lisb -1 at Forest Hill. We un dei s'ai.d lir.r r. charti r lias alrcn'y b, , n v ) d f-.r. It will start out ! vvbb cxeelb-nt ma'erial. 'e v.nd-rsb-md that it w III be -ent off. to the shops for a thor ough overhaul, co on its return it will i- .1 omdded to give much better sc-i vice. S J Lndwig and Will Harrier, of Mt. Plea-au.t, have accepted posi tions in the Dilworth braid, Char lotte, X. C. These young gnitlemen are said to have excellent musical talent. Ground was broken Tuesday for the Presbyterian Orphanage at Pariuin Springs. The first kiln of brick was fired Monday, and brick laying is expected to begin next week. A scientist has disccveied that noarsigh elness prevails to a larger extent among blondes than bru nettes. This accounts, then, for Germany being the nation of spec tacles. The base ball business in Charlotte has changed to pistol ball attacks. Nobody hurt, but George Gi fiord (umpire) gave bond for appearance at the next term of court. Ibise ball has ceased to Le anything but a money-making midline handled by betters. ; Y J VUw-1 is crt-on the ro; j I'Irj J V i.:,.b j ! ' Dr. Wjb- i!;'s infant cbi'd v. IV sick at Mr. X F Yorke's. lap Audi n on, of Albemarle, has gone to liidS.-.n 1 take l.-t-a! 1- tutv:--. VA Shu man has received an ap pointment in the revenue depart ment. The concei t by the yenng people of Miss Young's school, on Tuesday night, wa3 highly enjoyed. The Dt-inorest medal contest has been postponed, until next Saturday night. It will take place then at Cannonville. Mr. and Mrs. Mack llartsell, of Xo. 10, are attending commencement at Trinity College. They were ac C'linpanied by Mr. Cal. Little. Almost evt ry county heard from have with few exceptions reelected their old county commissioners. North Carolina must be well rege lated. Kev. V Cook, of Ada, Ohio, who is on a visit to home folks at Mt. Pieasant, has returned from a trip to Matthew's station, Mecklenburg county. Li. V X Yitchell, of Xo. 5, gave us a p!ea :aat call, and declared thai he in'viided to lovcus a mi ss of tar- nips oi: an important occasion. Lrt th? cc-.'p.i-ion it'A the turnips come. Jan:-i'-i..t-r.i. .);;. Da.I.a: 'Xoiileet, a jMiotiiar yourg :m.n of Winr.on, will 1 e !o Mi j X.irr.ie V.V.kvr, if , V.'e-.'.uerday evening next. :' et U );'.::; n here and has wisifS if iiis friends. tbel.s- ef tL Uev. I .'. f the I'.ib- 1 lr...,Vi 1 a aeeie 1 sct.ior 'lib;r of the W.,ke 1'orest Coileg.- S:mUtit. lie gra.lnatvs from that ins lit a lion in dune, 1 ':. V.'e ave etjb, ring oa cue la ill lr.o.-l import a:: i. political campaigns cur f i tight ia Xort ii Curo'ina or tlie Vnited ;.b -a Xow is the subscribe t Tiie Standard a ue ;o the t:e vs unbiased or in partial. Mr. Jno. A i'anis his line cow Sunday. It was not known what was the matter until W L Pell bad br rpeucd and found 10 nails in her stomach This is considered the cause of h-r death. The Coimuissioiurs a.ljournid to m 'et on Saturday to complete their work, at which meeting the petitions asking for an election cn the Concord Southern railroad question will be considered. Mecklenburg's county commis-.icn-eis r.re, after Dec 1, as follows: J II Weddir.gto:!, Ii V, Moore, J M KirkpatricK, J M Davis, and J II S.i.lh r. Commissioner Yai! received 1 votes, whciYUj on he repigmd his po-,t;.i:i cn the P.oard. Mr, Wed dii.gton vv;i3 i beted to fill out the ut. expired term. Mr.?. Sallie liglc, vvlio lives o miles fiom S.;iibury, !roke her leg last Sunday v.v.dc. Mr?. Eagle has i!i'iny l'elat i v:: in Cabarrus and we a"e glad to s .y st is doing Well, al though ihe is t l years old. The old lady i3 almo.. t bb.nd, and in feeling for the door missed her footing and fell. We haw on our table some ocan tiful crimson lerries given us by W CPvydb; blight iit ie son, Frank. V,"e are told that they arc wild Ktraw-berrie-, but t'.,,. tr, ;tt r of this ofboo, Y.'ho samples is sei.t in, f. straw i.iC-rries-. thanks, f .r t' rytbirg edible that tiiey won't do for Little Frank has our .- . re pretty. e Cu.ip was found Mo,.r. sville, Satur laid been sick but not alarmmg g'lt she would net oeau day : b.r i.. r.ori.ir v ral o -i no witii a r. :t. At -I o'clock her ;.b.Ur went to the bed to e-ive to hoi ror nr. her a coi Salisbury Herald : Shcrifi T J Allison, of Iredell county, spent last night in the city en route for Pal eigii with five prisoners for the peni tentiary. Among tiie in w is "Jim" Fieovea, a young man well known here, who v. a 3 centinced to a term of 7 year3 on a charge of breaking into a house and attempting to shoot some one. Mr. Martin llaithcock, of Stanly county, was seriously hurt at Low der's saw mill about four miles south of Norwood Saturday morn ing, lie was standing near the saw when it struck a loose plank throw ing it into the air, striking him on the head and fracturing his skull. He was unconscious for some time. The wound was dressed by a physi cum and it is thought he will res cover. Over 50,000 more immigrants have landed in this country during the past ten months than during a similar period of the preceding year. They are drawn here largely by re parts of the activity of the World's Fair and also by the fact that they expect to better their condition. a m v.:r. c.r rronroK. I 11 c it. 101111- The Johnstown disaster in l'enn - sylvauia two ye;u-s ago fiiled ali our papers with its horror?. This state of mining interest is again visited with a holacaust of ibath. The News and Observer of the nth save: A terrific explosion of gasoline occurred at Oil City, Pa., resulting in fearful loss of life and property. 'There was a terrific explosion and the air was filled with ilame?. This was quickly followed by two other explosions. The men thought hell had broken loose cm earth, and they were not apparently very far out of the wry. Three easoline tanks hid exploded almost: at the same time. Tlie oil on the cicvk blazed up, the gas in the air burst into roaring llame and sheets of water; land and air were all literally ablaze. Men, women and children were knocked prostrate by the thock, and many never arose. The multitude lied, with screams of anguish, for higher grounds. In the rush many of the weak were trampled upon and badly injured. Flames in the air quickly burned out, but they left huge vol umes of black snuke across the face of tlie hcawns beneath which reared the fierce fire of burning oil upon the v.atu. Many submerged house. an .10 es long the creek bolloni were so.;u in ilame?, and the silent iiiv of hbi-'.ir.g gas was succeeded by the cKiekline: lUmes of barninc tiome ;. Oe.e.'i' not 'av Tb:j who In They b , r:.-, l.-'aw ... of d-,t. eiem- :: ! In linniv ct tl:ese iiua.es C e;;:!i.;d, Th'.'V could r the fire. ia si -'hi of tiiou ai de trd ibeii' jateous sen am -;. ..ed to deal'i or leaned into! 'I i i e : b- i.ed bv bo- li .. a commtei; ic a. two terrible ere : ;..,.la V. ItliCiS. d V. pun thi? e iv: :i. i rem I .: i v . ei ueali: ;::: were t ;iv-u i.uVt , it. !.-: ;t-;u--'e ! hat out of the; mingling of lire and Hood any boas, s were sawd. At --.'.do o'clock p. m. a V'bO bar rel tank at Thomas' lefiiii-ry in the uj-per pait of tbe town of Tittis yil'e, c-iingiit fire and the burning oil is running down through the devas tated district ( ndaogernig such property as was saved. Mayor Hunt places the number of deatiis in Oil City alone at loO. Sixty three bodies were gather-. d in the temporary morgue today. Many people are missing. A number of bodies floated away on the Hood, and many of I hose rescued alive from the water are so baitly burned that death will undoubtedly ensue. Iaui-ti ates" Moeiniir. A joint meeting of the Magistrates of eac'.i township was held todav with tiie following result: Capt. Jonas Coak, j. rest nt chair man, and .lessee V Willeford, sec retary, were uiuninioru-iy rcelcebd. Having been called to order the election of County Supirir.leadont of Public Instruction, resulted in the reelection of J P Cook, viva voce. The, election tor County Commis sioners for the ensuing year h as follows: Dist. Townships. Xo. 1. 1, 2, :?, Mi. r. Xesbit, ' 2. 4, r, J II Earnhardt, " H. (j, 7, 8, J D Pcdwinc, " J. 0, 10, JnoS Turner, " r- 11, 12, Jacob Dove 'i a k i: i ixul: i x: i: as i it if. As they eat-no fro.ai iivayermC'cting last Vlnfsilay nifflit A strange borsa tied close up to a tree, The minister and a lady saw a very ?t.rano si'bt; Lot no trace c-f t lie rider any where coub.i they rce. They crime in the manse discussi:.' the matter, Vheniiia momort how we did F-eatter' For ia wanked a younjr man, this neiie; was lb I ) And tdri'b.rMv.-a.v to the minister said, . V Ce ii : jO rir, in a. few ndnu I-- I 010 To he iansrirJ, The ;-ou:i:' man vvb i ;C'l! 11 Wllb lUi I to be out ci Tiii the prayermoi tin;,' people wore ail gore iiuite. vYe has-tcned away to don our best, "We hadn't a moment to think of rest, For the happy couple came walking in 'Tvvas Mr. Will Morris and Miss Minnie ilrvvim The.v said 'twas rare fun thus to surpriae Their friend'-, and avoid many cu rious tj-rt; The parties thcmi-clves weie well airrceu To consult any others, was there any need? The minibt r soon with a solemn look Propounded the questions from a little book. Then indeed every thought of fuu was still And earnestly, solemnly, each an swered "I will." Hearty pood wishes were offered by all And wo earnestly hoped no Bor row befall Them, in the new life so strange be- r.m "With the richest of blessings when that Jil'e was done. They hade us good night and went on ticir way Groat ly pleased with tbo ending of tliis .) une's fii at day. May their days all bo June days with its bunshine and ilowers, "With jaune of its storms nor its dark cbmdy hourp. ;!:.:! i "X..:..r. "l fi-i Tic Sir'ii' -.f,! Wri This cveiiii:;.; 1 tit m.d tim.-ie upon our L-'y ;::iv of Cum-ord. There are 1 Ji'y-iiv e lov.i:.-j and litis in the C. S. bearing the name of Ct.eord, but; w i at else can 1 do bat pbiee our City of love :e; ;i, brightest HM1 S( i"r i 1 ; u: all. 'i i.i., is i i . 1 . -d ;di ap proprie.te name for me, day by day, exemplify the spirit of Concord and harmony by our '-'walk an 1 conver sation." We got our name- in this wise: When Cabarrus was formed from Mecklenburg, Union and Ilovvan, there arc a great deal of dis cussion as to tlie place for the county sea!:. Seme wished it to be situated about three miles to the ea:t of ils present location while o-.hers wanted h thiec miles west of here. The eastern and western factions could not compromise the matte each was de'.ennined to carry its own point. The tight grew warmer and warmer. At this point it was decided to leave the solution of the matter to (b-n. Stephen Cabarrus; at that time one ot the most distin guished men of our State and in hon or of whom our county was named. Partn s representing both the eas tern and western factious were sent to Cen. Cabarrus to pbad their cat; Each delegation presented j facts and ligur- s from their own I standpoint. Cen. Cabarrus look a map cf the county, looked at the i two disputed points a few moments, Jane then took his p! :i and made a ca.:h half wav tcl.veiii the two poiats, say:ag '-bet i ue court -lou.-e be lOviiU d lit SO I it v- Subabjj y...ii:t ci. his litio, :.:id let the- Ire.yr, : e called v'eae id as earnest f the Iia- menv v. ' a.i; 1 ho;o wii t evrr exist in the f: e b:.t-.vc- U ti. ! r: vi- v ere nam.-, d and eb.r'ed I j out i p-a.! our conra-1 1 i xi.--lcr.ee lor J vvi-,1 or for w oe, at:iho!-ed by a stroke .v.ar dard of larmot.y upon V biei; Cell. Cab; I'U. u?b' red US llitO 'xisb ;.ce ? i t :;:nk we have. Tod .y e stand. b'.e-s:d in a thousand ways, h avea's smile has ever guarded our di stilt it s. Win n the dark cloud of v.,ir iiting its dismal curtains over our Jieads f..r bae!; in the sivties, it stem d as if all was lost-, but no, a l.rigbtir day davvnul and we v.-ent forth with renewed energies to make our city, indu-d and in truth, a place of administration and con ord. The ambrosial a.ephy's as Ihey wad this solemn dirge iu tin eventide ring of melody of Concord's prospers it y. Tb.e first faint uleam .of the summers' stars as they wake from their dreams of worlds is a toi.g a sweet, angelic song of Concord's concord. The hum of a thousand spindles, the rattle of . countless wheals, the voice of lab : s'ngmg of liotieit tvil, traffic's c-. ;.a!eS3 mur mur this and a vol -nine still un written, t'dbs the sequence to Cen. CV.-a-.Ti;.' hope v. ivn be said, "Let tbetovvr. (novvci:) be called Coii-e.-.r-a a.s earliest of the harmony which I hope (now fulfilled) will ever exist in the future between the people of Cabarrus county' Xot only have we an illustrious history and a present prosperity, but our future is stond with great achieve ments economical, industrial and social. (!. E. K. 'IK- ( DlHOril- ICillK'fll. Some time ago tlie Standard an nounced that Mr. Harry Fryling and Pc-v. W C Campbell were making two small engines of 1 ' horsepower. To.biy we announce that one of them is running. They took advantage of th-.- Doubting Thomases, as the engine vr.3 r'ar.niiig when it was known to be ready for business. It started off the first time steam we? turned on. It weighs 1 50 pounds:, m ally fin ished and a handsome little dricbd' 'I lr. v iiave narni d it "Concord,'' r of the -,vn beim -.- g-.ie eveii m ide here a: d bv lcdeii.eu who have nevir bet n of such work before. Who I . . i I !. i 4 U - I'Ml- i n re' - -t-i i.uit to.- jttin- c-r.gi.K new era in Concord's histe-n? Sttflcit ill liip -Mnli'.y. Sect'y. Smith, of the Concord Southem, cuovved us a map of the country through which the prospec tive route- of the Concord Sutthern is located. We refer 10 tlie one that leads to Wade shore, via Mt. ideas ant and. Pig Lick. To ran a ro.e.l through that section, will open up some magnificent country and build up numerous enterprises. Jli-.Mnsf Stops r. iy. The Hallway Commission have issued an orderto all railways in the State to either lower the steps of their passenger cars or else build platforms so that passengers can enter the cars more readily. There are many complaints that the steps are so high they cannot be reached with any degree of convenience. 'IJjo i:o:;i J.iiu IiHolloii. The action cf adopting the Means Poad Law ;n Xo. G was voted on Saturday. Th'-re was some en thusiastic working on both sides. The vote stood 41 against to 20 for. As Mr. ruckie would say: "We didn't secede from the-county." C. .1 . irne-it ba-o.l ! I.'iclp arrived cs.icrday cvdi- ing f ;!-.: .:.' us i'.t r.-iiv and will be . n bale1 o riaii. b swr. t and. vailed music f.-,r all the ixeacises of the week. Today was ''class-day'' and the exercises of the night were of an unusually high order and free from the tadium tisuallv atiendatit upon such occa-ions. The gradua ting diss of this y.-ar :"s the largest m the history of the college consist ing r.s it does of thirty-six member?. Th i following are the oliioers of tbeciass: W P DaniJ, Webbm, X. C, president ; liobt. Liele, Orange burg county, S. C, s. cretary. The Programme was : Orat ion by 0. II. Dcckery, jr., lirazil. Mr. Dockery is a fine representative of tiie young southern orator and of the family of speakers from which he comes. He treated his subject, the "Dawn of the 20th century," fn a masterly way for a young man re viewing modern history and com paring former ages with our own. We predict for Mr. Dockery in af ter years an enviable reputation a? aii orator. Class Poem by W. A. Carlaml, Macon Co., X. C. Making poeiry to order is a rather difficult matter bui Mr. C!a; land was unusu ally successful in wooing the mass es. Class His! civ, J.T. Se.ehceJEii::a- : 0! V. ;. c. V 1: ncer gave ." i!3 Ce Cla.s V : 1. JO, . bv u 1 Wakefield, X. C. Hard-sty bad L be tittered . t-o ifl,-,! tnalea li;- pre.. ..-it a, the past and v.a; as iniei-e3tiug rod p rbaps a? n -:;r the 1 ruth as s-;!ne cf our au thors of the Pellamy stamp. The b.dil we. 3 lie -oahfu'Iy ibeosaied, tin. music (-xci'ileai, and the exercises of the largest class in the history of the institution were in keeping with itsriae. C. P. S. Y"uko Fores', dune '., 1 i'.2. ( ' in in i-s i an ('!-' fS ! iiii A full board was present at the commissioner's meeting yesterday and the usual routine of auditing and ordering orders to be paid was gone through w i th in the afternoon the commission ers and magistrates in joint session levied the tax for the ensuing year as follows : District State Tax Poll Property l5 School ion Property Pensions Poll Prop-erty Total poll tax Total property tax General county tax Poll ". l-perty County school tax Poll Property. Road tlx Proper I v Poll.....". Total state and county tax Poll Propeicy .-i o .15 cl.2a .b dt1. 2.25 Special road tax for Xo. 10 under Means law Poll fi Property 2 The same taxes under schedule P. and C. were issued for the county as by the elate. Tiie following graded schedule of farm pro luce was made: Cotton, "c. per pound. IV 1, 1 . .or: Ibo. it bushel. Pe-S r.-C. per bushel. Oats doe. per bushel Ibteen and bird Ge. per pound. t Vi - t'rn Tl ;i ri D WTun.tr, of .V). : ?, t:: .X lr appears that one of ike al murderer; of Hart Tucker (so:: clone ago in Arkansas) has been seen in the neighborhood of Smith's Ford, this county. It is generally believed that the murderers are in Stanly county and parties arc watching out for them, for tb.e reward that is of fered. Standard readers will remember t'-.e note of this affair sometime ago. It is stibstaniially thus : Tucker and tho Whitley men were gambling and Tucker scooped in several hundred dollars from tiie Whitleys and they wanted it back. They got him out cut off both arms both legs and then severed his head from his body. Tucker wa3 a noted llepublican in Stanly at cne time. On several occasions he ran for sheriff of Stanly without catching it. He was really a man of fine intellect, but his weak nesses ruined him. They Haw I.olt '.. In lt'30 wild pigeons moved over this section in such numbers as to conceal the sunlight from the earth. Were one shot, it would go 2rif yard.-, before falling, be-in 2 carried on by its own motion and the cur rent created by the other pigeons in their rapid flight. .tI.lM".OiCU. : A that m g! : ek, :- OS -o l:i Ciin.'i a;v .-;:iV Tenr to boia that he can not help noticing Hie wonderful con ! ri.-l. I ha ve now fie; n licre a week, ne?riv. end can faly say that I Ii aye rot f ft! nd a single thing, except the kind hospitality of the people, to cmir.d me cf home; ;uid yet we are ill within the bounds cf the good Old North S;ao. The mode of farming and tb.e crop: rai-ed are dif ferent; the people fpeak and act dif ferent; tie; country, e-; r. the foists and the sineing cf tin- birds are all .lilVrciit Cold.sboro is a thriving young city, and destined to soon become' tlie in land metopolisof .Eastern Carolina. It is a railroad centre, has foundries, machine shops, &:iw mills, .furniture factories, cotton factories, rice mills, and an ice factory. It is a great lumber market. The large saw mills he-re and in the country are supplied with timber from the great forests near by and by forestmen who raft, logs down Xer.se river. And, my, my, what grand timber it is ! 1 saw some fccalToiding the workmen put around the courthouse to do some woik.uml the single pieces of straight heart pine stretched clear to tlie top of the great two story building, and I don't knew how much was cut off ihe top end. Tlx !'.! :t Capital cf Wayne county va; not (bddsbora, which was. built ; the batiks of the XtV.se two miles :';o.:-. tl. - v;v -'.ito-.rtlm.-:c. Waynes V.e-.: . ::t '. be a -edderable village '. ri! ,vs, and fevers drove the i'i'-.a' iiaats away ice i the river, and Go! !.'; ro was broil. The only .; Lie of ibe obi county seat are broke n eroekiry, brick bats and a fiw g irdi spots wha ie houses stood. La go Iv.mler mills r.ovv occupy the buried c:tv's site. Tir.ck farniing is becoming paite a vaiuibli Industry here. Tiie suc cess cf it lias in the diversification of the crops. They make a crop of sugar pe- :S, then a crop of beans, and th-.u a crop of cotton or corn on the same bind. Many broad fields that last fall I saw in cotton are now ripening o.:" a crop of beans, but n.-.-.t November they will be tvhite Kith the living snow. To see the Irish potato fields down here would paralyze .John Cook, of the poor house, in his boots, and a glimpse at a peach orchard here would provoke Capt. McDonald to one cf his good natured chuckles. Grapes grow well and native wines need no re commendation., but all brandy and whiskey must h ive "Mountain" on it in order to receive respectable notice. GohliboiQ ii the home of that pieer political character, ex-Gov-c-nior Progdrti. lie is a well read, kind hearted man, but altogether without pride. He has about re-i;- d to i rivate life, but is hail and hearty. He is to Wayne what the venerable P.illy Post wa3 to Cabar rus. About the only service he ren ders his party now is to out wind old Sol and cause him to set before he its through with his speech, thus preventing his Democratic op ponent from makiDg a spec:h. I have seen him walk the streets of Goldsboro without a coat or vest, with his shirt sleeves rolled up and his collar laid open two or three but tons deep. Evangelist File is holding a great meeting in this city. lie thunders thtci heavy, and, iu the language of some one, "-tiiey are his'n." He says he could take some of the sc-lf-rigiiteoas ebnatians m Goldsboro Mtd .--pit then tk-ocgh the bill of a uibo .h e i ib, -.yi of a ilea and tie. v v - idd no; make him wink. lie preached to the eoioreu urelhnu tins .:' a seat a, and 1 confess that I ....a;- h... fere disj.vered the rich .o. v ' : ( f the darkeys voice. Tiie ev:.,-.-'eh.-.i would not let them shout and it was to be greatly feared that the g-eat tent and the immense con-greg-diun would be wiped out of ex istence by"sj ontaneous combustion." I think if I was to stay in this country long the mos'piitos would take me, dead or alive. The have held several caucuses just outside of my room to arrange a course of pro cedure. I think they have taken the plan of old and are marching around the wail tooting their trum pets. If they are not expecting the walls to fail they are waiting for the door to be opened or the sash raised. The sand ily is worse than the mos quito. Xow, the mosquito will wait to place hi3 feet in good position be fore he bite3 you, but the sand fly will bite you before he alights. I liaye had my hand drawn when I saw one was going to sit down on me, and before I could strike he had bit ten me. Pespectfully, J. F. Newell. Goldsbore, N. C, June ?. Youim. lint Anxion tor Dcnlli." At King's Mountain Idiss IiOiila Falls, about 17 years old, attempted to commit suicide by taking lauda num. She was found in her room m time to be aroused from her stupor by strenuous efforts on the part of physician.0. C'ommisstonors Ort!or. Notice is hereby given to all road overseers in Cabarrus County, that no bills for working the public road will here after he paid by the County unless the overseer, or other person who does the work, shall have first made for said work a contract with tlie Supervisor of public roads for tli2 section in which the work ia done, or with the County Commis sioners, and in said contract the amount of work to be done, and the price to be paid for said work, shall be agreed upon and settled beforo the word is done. It having been reported to the Board of County Commissioners that in some of the townships of the County the road overseers do not re ouire the hands on thesejseveral roads to give to thejroads the full amount of work, four days, by free labor that the law requires. Said overseers are hereby notified, that unless they ful ly comply with the requirements of the law in this respect, they will bo held responsible for their failure to do so, by the Board of County Com missioners. Supervisors are hereby directed, that before they make any contract for special work on the public roada, they shall first ascertain if said work can not and should not be done by the labor force of said road. J Dove, Ch'n Board. J-9-1 mo. CONCORD MARKETS. COTTON MARKET. Collected daily ly Cannons & Fetzei Low middling... Middling Good middling.. Stains .. G . G? 4J5 PRODUCE MARKET. (Coi reetii ilailv bv W. J. Swink.) Bacon $8; Su car-cured hams a 14 Bulk m ats, sides 8j5 10 Beeswax 18 Butter 15 & 20 Chickens 20 25 Corn (50 & Ks-'ga 15 & Laid 8 10 Flour (North Carolina). 2 30 Meal G5 Oats 40 45 Tallow 4 6 Salt r... 70 a 80 "WE INVITE The attention of customers to WHITE i , xi a. Only 0.f)) per Barrel. Pound Sark for$3.30. No charge lor drayageat SPATTERSON'S. 2)-; ' 'A. I '41 H I" !" i M

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