LONLY TWICE AS MUCH aw Til -rAGKU HAS A BIOUFU CIKCULATIOX AT EVF.UY POSTOFFICE IN THE COUNTY, USE, THAN ANY OITIEU rAl'EIl. READING MATTER AS ANY PAPER EVER OR NOW PUB LISHED IN THE COUNTY. JL 1 VOL. V. NO. 26. CONCORD.N. C THURSDAY. JULY, 7 18.92 WHOLE NO. 233. V8r TICKLE US IV I Til $ Standard. jLjey thf. ar.rcn'i.vionY. Two years vto, the Standard sug gested the need ami humanity of a Koforniatory for the youthful criniis mils ii North Carolina. We Dad nrtic'oa from time to time on the sul'j nit. The State press, generally, commented on the suggestion the most of them favored it. About ten montbs ago the minis ters of our town di32ussed the mat ter in its different phases, through the columns of the Standard. A kind friend in Charlotte, a gen eral in more ways than one, sent the Standard's tirst article on a lie-forn-.atory to Gov. Fowle for his earnest consideration. He consider ed the need of such an institution so rre-.it that he caHi attention to it The Goldsboro Argus says that Congressman Grady has'conclndod to appoint to the caletship at West Point Frank Oliver, of ML Olive, who stood second in the eecent ex amination, rather than his on son, Henry Grady, who stood first in the examination. CCl' i Li a irr al me. in a 1.0 tv.i ,ain tore Now taot.tr. Teachers Assembly (pnwer ii the la u) la; uuu. r t v u .i e.-nr-a ov the i-sue, ve t see i he in .tier JSPIKKEU OX BY LOVE. Fr Forty 1arw nmnn Tracked the Murderer or His Wire. After a pa ient, weary search cx tending over the westesrn continent a"n3 covering a period of uearly f ortv years, Charles Hartley, cf Oswego, N, Y., a few days ago at this point ended, a period in hi eventful life by arresting AUen Hartley, a cousin, c'aarged with the murder of his wife score 'yoara o;ro, savs ai .iweu- nut". 1: .- eNpoot ti or Ietd f i --it ?. Died in Con oid, X. C -.,: e CVmpbeV. child ci Mr. ar.d Mrs K ina ill ill Xt.lT i 11:.' i! tWO' wood. (Lb CO coires-po C;':cm El'q'-ii'CV The nu r:- :-u dc.;tc: thh.vir. ! r," I'i jurrly twelve, j t.r;rs. T' ' yc-TR as m--."')V, in Ihe nccu'aid.'.t to-: c : a ' bl? fa) tune. Four y. a: rir-d a wrl Lr.o.vn 1. ( ' ' Back of il i n si- ty f : v-. .romance and sullied by a OL J The One Nn;reuie Issue. Now York Sun. The tariff is a very important sub1' jeet, Lio doubt. So is silver So h tie civil service. So, too, is liquor prohibition. So ia the personal character of the respective candid dates; and so are thtir antecedents and peculiarities. But there is another issue bo mnch more vital, so muih more important, so much mere inevitable in its oper ation, to much more effective in its appeal to the intellect and the heart of the voters that while it remains alive, it towers above all other issues, actual or even possible," as the highest Andes tower above the sea bench below their base, cr the poison of be rattlesnake surpasses in deadly menace the infection ' of the itch. Sbr-I the whito pcoplo ol ihe JV.-It-i SUlcf be subj rlcd, l, ufcrU he nr:r- ,a wiihitiw ciin " 1 i : i v me am June 2'.). w,.,vL-nh:e in its detai.s 1hat ;i yourgest famishes a chapter in crim:nal his- A r.tort'p, ! tory. i Alh'n Hartley is row and old man l no nun )t.u "e- t u, COTf.,tv. When his locus A r, niavk:V:,ly Lruht, beautnul raveu and Lia beard was young life, h::Uc;'U taken away from us. j ho ffi(inie(1 n clarmipa: yours lady. Little S nimy will tegreauy nusseu the bello of tno snvui interior iuu ioiiis j.onor i ion cf r err; o ruh ? -lions everywhere be Id'-rtil overseers ru'. trocps? o two bi.lcs of thin ver shado :ri J;r o aes4- ) i tli3 -!; :ir H ii niile, li; 'ii ot IL candidates a mere tiz;a id Tliese From The WiliiiiiiKloii Slnr. Havachol, the French anarchist, now on trial for killing that restaur ant keeper, pleads insanity. The general impression is, that all the anarchists are insane, but the troubla is they will not admit it until they have killed some one. War taxes in peace times are out of time and place. That seems to be a growing sentiment among tho American people, and one not con fined to Democjats by a long shot. California is pretty far west, but she catches on. In feminine phrase "she is just too sweet for anything." She now come3 to the front with an imitation honey, which makes the bees ashamed of themselves. q by his admiring friends, ana tne dear earthly homo is so sad and desolate without him; but Heaven has gained a bright jewel, and our lo?3 is his eternal gain. "It is well with the child," for that Divine Voice that said, "suffer the chil dren to come unto me, and forbid them not" has called the dear little boy to be ever with the Lord. God help us all to ray, "thy will be done;" nd bless this great sorrow to the eternal good of the sadly afflicted milv. Pastor. r i .' r " Sun ha3 this to say of the name of U12 Democratic can didate for Vice President : "The singular name of the Demo- c.alic candidate for Vice-President k itir-cin" attention, it 13 pro nounced in three syllables. "Ad-la-i and is a biblical name. It means "ths jiiit' or, as some have it, "my ornament." Adlai in the Bible was the father cf Shaphar, who was one of King David's officials and had charge over the herd3 that were in the valleys. lie i mentioned in Firt Chronicles, xxvii, 20." staxhakdihms. The Hat is fencing Indiana. He brings Mr. Foster, of that State to takethe place of Jas. G Blaine, in the President's Cabinet Political excitement is ust nor. Tr ia too hot to become 1UI U""" excited. "Ad'a'f is a popular name. 4.r:.-,r" ia n. tr-iff:! V OUST word to epc'il and pronounce. II f 4 C sW" " s!,,v M ivii c'.::')i.nAn:r.i,s in New York where both resiueo Charles Hartley, the cousin, who yesterday, after such a lapse of years, caused the arrest of Allen was an unsuccessful suitor. Though de nied all hope by the marriage of his cousin with the girl, he still love 1, t,a ihi name, kept burning through the years, caused the tracks I ing down and arrest of the wife murderer. Thirtynine yearB ago next Hay, Hartley bade his friends a hasty farewell, and at the same time in formed them that, with his wife, he was going West to seek his fortune. No one saw the couple leave the town, and finally murmurs of somes thing fwrong increased to open gos sip. " Charges of foul play were e Knt ti erflwere none to prove them, and at length they died away. When, later, the house in which the Hartleys had lived was being re paired, and there wa3 Touna in a nomflti foil v!iu it nonpath It int? VV lliv ui-vv skeleton of Agnes Hartley, the town went mad. Dut the murderer was srone and there was no trace. Cha3 Hartley swore to hunt him down if it took a lifetime ond hi3 tortune. It required forty years of one and nearly as many thousand dollars cf the other, but success has at last re warded the long search. more pinions issno wa ever tendered to hr Air)cric:-.n pt ople by a lcso'.' d and de'nded party. Fe cession itself was ro more pregnant wi!h mischief. Nothing cho should be thought of until tlis supreme issuo, framed by folly and proposed by madness, has betu killed at tho poIH and nut tores! forever. ArrpsloU Al Xrwlon. Salisbury 1 IcraM. A negro was arrected at Newton yesterday, supposed to be the scoun drel who committed the assault on Mr3. W L Kluttz, near Faith, this county, about two weeks sgo. Sheriff Monroe thi3 morning receiv ed a telegram from the sheriff at Newton saying; -'Am holding a negro filling description of the one who assaulted Mrs. Kluttz. Come and identify him. Gives ranie. Henry Brooks." Deputy R P l.'ose- man left on the neon train for New ton to secure him and brir? him to Salisbury fcr identification by Mrs. Kluttz. Aa Indiana Man Succeeds Blaine an Secretary of Slale. Washington, D. C, June 29. The president today sent to the sen ate the nomination of John W Foster, of Indiana, to be secretary of State. Xortli Carolina. E'litor Messenger: Appreps of (he North Carolina descent of G:n. Adlai E Stevenson, I am surprised hat no paper that I have seen ha? commented on the fact that there is tin Adlai Stevenson living m States- I ville, N. C, who, while unknown to popular fame, ha3 a reputation that reached farther than that ol his Illi nois namesake. This Mr. Stevenson is known to botanists, mineralogists ar.d archelogists the world over, is one of the most accurate authorities on those subjects, and possession of one of tho finest private collections cf Indian relics in this country. He has been fcr year3 in correspondence with the leading scientiflc men in these departments both in this coun try aad in Europe, and classified collections have been made by him for temporary loan to European uni versities. Mr. Stevenson is a gentleman of singularly modest bearing, with long silver hair falling to his shoul ders and a face of sweet gentleness and dignity. He looks a3 if he Lad come out of an Old World picture, and the writer on coming out from looking at his mueeum remarked that the collector was even more in teresting than the collection. Visitor. Wilmington, June 27, 1892. Riff Asil:rnmn in OrprntlMtro. Parties from Greensboro brought the news here today of the assign mrnt last nisht in that city of Mr. Sample S Brown, the largest drv .ood merchant in the place, Mr. J V Scort is the assignee. The liabil ities are thought to be ove.- seventy tlioiu-and dollars, but the assets are not yet known. Mr. Brown has been conducting a mercantile business for a number of years. For the pa t few years he has dot: t largely in real estate, and the depu tation of some ia thought to be co of the causes that lead to his failure. WAEi:NfiOitOi UIASC'ES WOOD. What I"ln a Jt please hoi to 1 It. p oases dr-MSc-d 'vo V. m. Altwmnrle t'nlinii t'Rt-Jorj. Tne Stanly Ntr.- Lai this bid of lmforrration : Mr. Lrhlv. boss of one i:ij i;-il!s, rvaj in -O' ling after a site ray she will at Swift of the Cor. cord ks,; our city las wfe'i y for a cotton Uict-r:-. i':. i'l j .,n ( To t Adv r.i;- Eui or of the Mornirg -r: K you have any in- fi K-nc-2 whutevirupon Cover Clever l.nid induce him, f-' s-v(ct heavtu's E .ke, to omit the subject of theforoe bill from his fcrthcomir.g letter of r.cceptance. Southern democrats want none of his inane i luiitudes now,acceptab'ea8they nrght have bocn once. We are no louger afraid f the force bill. Time has taken tUconro rmf. of it. but it h.iSll't mada us forget Grover'a cowardly silence when we thought we needed hi belir There are fi: ,1 nuiprata in this state who hate him f; hp has made, and i or liic ii i- - will take Brother Dana's alterna ive! "frentleman Harrison with a force bill in his pockit1 the devil. A North Carolina Democrat. Concord, N. C, June 25. It may be true that there is a dis gruntled democrat at Concord who i,i in ambush, that the South wants a force bill, but w dare eay that tho so-called "NorU dargrous'y fasc isatir..?. It pleases her "o loM il-af-i'.- mrrov cs a nun y i IL pleases her io denend on f ' an and pretend she is rnlins hi-n. It pleases her to bo treated cour teously and with respect, and be talked to reasonably. It pleases hT to bo treated sen- iblv and honestly, to bo ccnsu.ted and quentioned and not to be treats ed as a butterfly, with no near!, ro heart. It pleases her to bo loved and nd- mired by a man who is stroi s t nough to rule and eubdin her and mako his way her way. To lead her and take care of her. to ninnrriit" will not sign J '.4 1 U 1 l U his name to the above. Tne bead "How North Carolina Fi'riV is doubtless a thought of the New York Advertiser, and it might be wed to Euegoit jnst here that one Concord mugwump is not North Carolina by a jug full rWho ia this North Carolina Demxirat? Trot bim out A Chicago man recently saved his Vf hv can-vine a roll of one hundred dollar bills inside his vest-when a bu'ltt came that way. Yet there are people who neglect so umple a pre-ioua. ro in; ;!:!'; two week?. i i-' interested ' 1 1 at one will :: -I-.it a -T ..;oli;:;ery ycu n.u.i'.l, and not be long he ball roll- ,f:n Suztt.3 !:iairrn.: !";it of(!ie Toacli- frs' AM-::tVy. Morehcad Cr.y, Jar.e 29. Sapt. oliu J Blair, of i'.e Winston Grad- d School?, was tina:::iiioaslr elected j :ecideiit of the Te vchers,' Assembly totlav Drankarili to Bolreaicuin mm-is An inistute similar to the Keely Insitute at Greensboro is to be estab lisbe in Raleigh. Dr. Palmer, recent lv of the Keely Instute of Greens. ... . ii r. . has arrived there ana win in a iew days establish the Biddell Institute for the cure drnnkness. ldc metnou of treatment is said to be similar to that of the Keely and the gold fluid is used. Three patients for the treat ment have already applied and the institute will be in oporation atan early date. ITr.nS OF (JEXKK.Il. SATI RE. The census returns show that in the State of Virginia the surplus of women is only 39. A bill to establish a uniform sys tem of bankruptcy has been reported to the House. It is a modification of the Torrey bill. A leather trust has been organized whose headquatera will be New lorV Philadelnhia. ltimore. Toledo Cincinnati, St Louis and Chicago licj llaycl :?r To;n?Joii Sternly. The Durham Globe tells this .cry : fhere are t-.vo old ladies in he siil urbs of Durham who have already secured tombs'onrs to mark heir last resting place. They have heir names, date of birth, etc., al ready engraved upon the stones, and all that remain to be done is to put the date of their death in the place arranged for it. We knew an instance of a man having Ida coffin made many years before his death, and when he brought it to his home his wife cried as hard as her husband were dead and in the coffin, but the old man found use for the case while he yet lived. He used it as a receptacle for dried fruit. Our Population. A census bulletin just oat gives the following figures: Aggregate population of the United States, 1890, Males, Females, Native born, Foreign borr., Whites, Colored, 02,622,250 32,007,8S0 30,554,370 53,372,703 9,249,547 54,983,890 7,838,300 lion The ( unrnnl Southern Railroad ManIi A'owTliorc In no Ionbt or it Keinsr Knlli. We have today interviewed Capt. J M Odell, president, Mr. W M Smith, eect'y, and other3 of the Concord Southern llailroad Com pany and find them all in good spirits over the prospects of builds ing the road at an early day provi ded the township3, through which it passes, will vote the assistance which they have been asked to give. We stated sometime ago that this company had passed its visionary stage aud had grown to be one of the live enterprises of the town, and now we know it to be one that will do more to build up the country be tween here and Wadesboro than anything else can There is now not a single town shin from Concord to Wadesboro but that hs3 already had its election ordered or but that will have the election ordered by the county com missioners on next Monday, and we are informed that there is scarcely any opposition to the enterprise in any township along the line. his line will be the means of building up North Carolina College, at Mt Pleasant, the sulphur springs at Big Lick, scores of fine mineral ppiin2:s and a number of fine water powers in Tyson township, in S anly county, the female college at Anson ville, and will greatly improve the cotton market in Wadesboro, to say nothing of the immense quantities of valuable timber lands that it will develop. Thi3 road when built will be a strictly home enterprise having been built by the people for the people and as there is no speculation conj uected with it every one will get his full share of the benefit The mesaage sent informs us that as soon as the elections are over that active work will be commenced on t road and that it is now Bettled that if all the townships along the line te for it that the road will be built We know enough about the enter prise to state as a f act that if the townsnips vote for it that the road will le built at the earlist posible day for we have seen at least a half a dozen offers from reliable firms who will furnish any additional assist tance the Company may need. 8 This ia pretty good news, fel low citizens. SnOIiT LOCxVLS. Have you registered ! Mrs. D J Bostian is quite sick. Considerable sickness is reported among the children near Ilarrisburg. Mayor Mark Morrison of Harm burg, spent the morning in town. The weather cleared off magnifi cently, or words to that effect. Mrs. Dr. C C Sapp, of Statesville, ia visiting her 6ister, Mrs. D J Bo& tian. Gov. Holt will enter the campaign and do all hecan for the election of Elias Carr. Mark Morrison bought himself a new Waterbery watch. Ho, toe, car ries it in hip pocket. The North Carolina delegation to the Third Party Convection lift Tuesday night for Omaha. Let U3 all go to the lawn party at Forest Hill, Friday nioht. They always do things right there. In all candor, The Standard be lieves that Mr. Cleveland ia not near 60 unpopular as it was first reported. Hiram Alexander, colored, one of Mr. D F Cannons croppers in No. 2, heads tne county so far a? cotton blooms are concerned, lie found one on the 29th and it was a red one. Dr. Joe Betts (dentist), who en joyed L13 babyhood at Mt. Pieasant, while his father, Rev. A I) Betts, preached there, has been visiting those scenes again. Forest Hill congregation have given their pastor, Rev. II M Blair, a month3, vacation at any time dur ing the summer he may see fit to take it The ladies of Forest Hill church will give a lawn party on the factory lawn, Friday evening. No admis sion fee. Cake, Ice cream and other delicacies will be Eervtd. The Salisbury lierald, in speak ing of a marriage says : The Herald learns from a gentleman who wa3 In Marion yesterday that the citizens are more or les3 indignant over the affair."' A Itriiliant Entertainment. An elegant, brilliant and most highly enjoyable entertainment wes given Wednesday night, by the channicg Mis3 Isabella Montgomery, 1 complimentary to her fair and very popular visitors, Misses Laura Ham mond, of Charlotte, Irvin Scales and Carrie Settle, of Greensboro. An eye witness of the entertain ment at the model home of Mr. and Mrs. C G Montgomery said of the entertainment and those who played their parts well: "Girls beautiful men handsome, decorations lovely; yellow and white predominating supper elegant, music superb and the whole evening without a blem ish." Over 100 invitations were issued. The following ladies and gentlemen were present : Misses Ada end Facuie Rogers, Carlie Fotzer, Lizzie Bost, Lizzie and Fanny Young, Willie and Isa bella Richmond, Rose Harris, Nan ie Cannon, Claude Fh her, Esther Ervin, Ada Craven, Grace Ciison. Lilian Hill, Mary Reed, and Mi3SC3 Virginia Sinclair and Mary G Mor mon, of Charlotte; and Messrs. Frank Hobbies, J B Harkey, J F Parker, C R Montgomery, Joe Goodman. II L Cannon. R L Pat terson, Cbas. HarriF, F L Smith, C L Smith, Sam Erwin, R L Keesler Jno. Reed, R S Wheeler, J Y Fitzgeri aid, W C V ouston, and Messrs. A M Sinclair, of Chnrlctteand Jno. Patter son, of Salem Nashville, Tcnn., June 29. A special from Murphy boro, Tenn., confirms the rumor of the lynching of the negro lapist, Tom Lylliard, at Woodbury. La3t night, about 11 o'clock, the mob, well organized and orderly, went to the Woodbury jail where Lylliard wa3 confined, and de manded the keys from the jailer. Meeting wi:h no resistance they se cured their man, and taking him to the bridge over Stone river hanged him therefrom. His neck was broken, ar.d he died without struggle. A Pretty Marriage. Kins Tress. A large crowd gathered iX the Methodist church Tuesday morning despite the inclemency of the weath er. At 9:15 Mis3 Lena Fields, one of Kinston's fairest daughters, be gan the grand and inspiring strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march as the bridal party came down the aisle to the altar. The decorations were exquisite. Before the altar was the usual arch and just before that were the matrimonial gates, tied with ribbons. Miss Cora Fields looked very charming as she came down the centre aisla with a basket of beautiful flowers and untied the ribbons and opened the gates. She was followed by the ushers, Messrs. Herman Grainger and Arthur Har rell, and Messrs. Hsnry Griffin and W R Miller, and Messrs, Harry Overman and A L Griffin. Then came Mr. Charles S Mangum, the brother of the groom, as best man, with Miss Capitola Grainger, as maid of honor. After them came the bride and groom, Misa Lola Grif fin end Mr. Ernest P Mangum. Rev. B li Ildll, of Goldsboro, performed the ceremony in a loud, clear voice, offering the usual congratulations at its conclusion. Miss Lena Field3 played "Then von'll remember me" softly while e ceremony was oemcr penormeu. At the conclusion the party drove "YorVi: GOT A MAX AT LAST.' Tliis Gay Remark to a HrHlc r uiw Deatb in Texas. San Antonia, Texa?, June 29.- Jordan Bennett was shot through the body by John Good a. Alpine yes er day. Bennett returned the fire and wounded Good in the bin. Rennet will die. The trouble between the men arose over the marriage jf Ben nett to Miss Josie Darling? Monday. Good met the coup'cyos'enlayr.rd remarked, "Well, .Tosie, you hr ve got man at last." The bridegroom immediately reached for his pistol and Good shot him. th Jno. W Johnston didn't .-l ow us any cotton blooms, but W brought in a couple of cotton bolls, this, (Thursday morning), as large as walnuts. -They are at Swink's store, u you uoubt it. Invitations have been issued by Miss Grace Gibson for an entertain ment at her home, Friday night. It is given complimentary to her visitinsr friend Mis3 Mattie Mc Caughrin, a deservedly popular young lady, of Newbery, S C. 1 he funeral services over tne re mains of little Sammy, the youngest child of Mr. and Mr3. R A Brown, were held at the house, by Rev. Dr. C M Payn?. A large number of peo ple were in attendance upon the sad occasion. The hvmn3 sung were those that were favorites with little Sammy during life; 'Trecious Jew el?," "Gather them in" and "I will follow Jesus." The pall bearers were: Messrs. J W Cannon, Jno. A Sims, W L Bell and J Whit Burk head. The iloral offerings were very beautiful. Tonight at the hour of twelve six months of 1892 will have been knocked off how time dees fly ! Caleb Bost aud daughter, of Cat awba, are visitirg at Mr. Tin Bosts, of Bost3 Mills. Bost is a native of this county. Mr. W M Smith, has returned from a week's canvass cf the pro po.ed line of the Concord Southern. The farmeis who came into tow today over the Monroe road were 'cursing" it 3 awful condition, and were enthusiastic in their wishes for the early completion of the Concord Southern, so they can abandon their travel over the dirt roads. Kefortnarory School Committee. A committee was appointed by he Assembly to carry on aggressive vcrk in favor of the establishment of a reformatory school by the State. The member3 of the committee are Capt. C B Denson, Dr. B F Dixon, P. of. J A Holt, Hen. U A Gudger, Dr. R II Lewis, Trof. J B Brewer Josephus Daniels, Esq., and Lee S Overman, Esq. Miss Clara Oehler, after a month's visit in Rowan, is again at Mrs. J S Fisher's. Her many friends are glad of her return. A prominent and admirable gens tleman of Forest Hill, bas shaved off his beard. He's been down street and manv enouire "who is that stranger ?" Durham Globe: In attempting to ca'ch a f rosr in the Yam Farm -j frosrgcrv, Colonel Starrette fell and was drowned. He will be fish ed out in a day or two. Durham Globe: W G- Vickers has been unfortunate man. lie today called upon to buy his infant daughter, which makes the tenth child he has laid away to rest. He has the sympathy of his many friends in this sad hour. Graduated With l5Mn iloi-. The Norwood Vid.lL says this of a Siauly v;"ng man : Mr. Geo. C Bernhardt, son of M L Barnhardt, of ihs place, arrived home from West Point, N Y, Satur day evening. llh lmiuy friend were glad to greet him. lie has completed his -I ye.u a course at the U S Military Act W.y at West Point- He gr duat-.d v ith distinc tion in a cla-ss of c'i. IL h .-s been commissioned as C;vl Lieu ten -;nt in the J S Army. Lis post of duty has not as yc: been as.dgncd him. He will rr-miin at ivme on furlough until October the 1st. 'oI..lohu-S'i!i"' lew. Charlotte Nt ws. Col. Wm. Johnson, v, In) is at all to the depot and took the train for times liberal in his view son puldical Chapel Hill, the home the groom. QtlPst;0n3 a-d cIipp , , tn On Monday evening an elegant re- a New3 ret)ortcr this n:on:hvr r, .h ception was given at the home of hfi noil(1 nof. spp h .... n. , in Mr. C M Griffin. wf., ... .i.,. of the nrcsidenii;:! r.oir-.ners hn handsome and useful. Lnni.i mn,Wf rvi .,n! c,,a The groom is superintendent of that Cleveland' has the people with Concord graded schools. He is a kim a3 waa nroVfin at rh. graduate of the University and has convention aud that most :.f IT-ni- had several years of experience as a aon'a strength is with thorc he has teacher. He is a sociable, Christian elevated to office, and a few eccond gentleman, the son of the late Dr. hand politicians. Col Johnson savs A W Mangum, professor of moral that Cleveland snail have hi voto and mental philosophy in the UnN from the fact that a true Southern verity for fifteen years, and one of matl cannot with anv decree of self- the ablest and undoubtedly the most reBpect, vote for Harrison and his eloquent Metnouist minister m forGe mp North Carolina. Miss Griffin is the daughter of our townsman, Mr.,. C M Urimn, and1 was one of Kinston's most pleasant and accomplished daughters. She has special musical talent The Free Tress extends congratu- vtions and wishes them happines3 n their changed life. Xorth Carolina eleffaten oirto Omaha. The Imlcx of Real Estate. Stale Chronicle. In the autumn the new and greatly needed index of the deed?, mortgages etc, in the office the Register of deeds, will begin. It will be a vol uminous affair, covering C0,000 names each way it is estimated, and filling ten large volumes. Each man will be twice indexed so a3 to show the name of the maker of the paper and the porson to whom it is made. The Raleigh correspondent of The work will be done by register thi3 morning's Charlotte Observer I Mial. A good deal of the material savs the following is a list of the h3 already prepared. The cost of the Aorth Carolina delegates to the index will approximate $1,200, it is Third party convention at Omaha, stated. The great, r part of the old all or nearly ail of whom got off last index i3 useless. It is all very cumi night : First district, M G Gregory, bersonie. Many names will be Robert White, M O Bryan and J C dropped in the new index, where Andrews ; second district, W P settlements have been made. Tho Exum, J M Cutchin. A B Nobles, new index wi1! Le solely of real GL Taylor; third district, J C estate, and not of personal property. McMillan, W D Smith, E M Rober- son, J J Hines; fourth district, G W Smith, J P Bell, Eli Godwin, W A White ; fifth district, T J Old ham, W R Lindsay, W D Smith, J P. Smith; sixth district, W II Odom ; seventh district, II A For- j ney, J M Parks, "Ped" Thomas, II M Leazer ; eighth district, L N Din ham, A G Thompson, W W Ti rgno, R A Cobb ; ninth district, J g" Yancey, A M Parker, W II Ma'one, IV"" A Robertson. Corrccll.i Iu!"oiiii''!. She-I understood that you and Nellie are married and happy. He Yes; that i i, I am married. h;ippy aD(l de will i! t'V A revival of the revolutionary feel ing has sprung np among the Mexis can refugees and the lower classes on the lower Rio Grande border. Ser ious tronble is feared. 'The Intermediate" Set. The party given at Miss Dusen bery's to the Intermediate" Set, was a beautiful success. Tne house pre sented a fairy scene with the pretty little ladie3 and gallant little men moving here and there under the many-colored lights. The young folks were so happy and free from care a3 merry birds, and then this was consumated when the supper room was thrown open aud each lit tle lady for nd her name tied with trolden ribbon to a beautiful fan, and each litlte gentleman was pre sented with a little bouquet tied wit h ribbon of the same golden hue. The party separated at a late hour with rranyofferings of thanks to their kind and genial hostess, declaring that 'they certainly had had a nice time, A Clever Tric!i. Chicago Mail. Several years ago the po'dal nnrfmnr,h PTeatlv aiinoveu oy the large number of registered le ter3 opened and their contents re-; moved, and could get no clue to the thief. Neither the enyelope of the registered letter nor the outside en velope was in any of the cases "mu tilated, and what made the matter worse, robberies of the same kind were reported from several postoffi ces at once. The non-mutilation of the outs side registry envelopes showed that the robberies were not committed while the. letter was en route, so the department set detectives to watch several postoffices at which letters had arrived apparently robbed. Finally a detective saw a registry clerk moisten the several stamps on registered letter remove them, and with a very sharp knife cut a slit where the stamps had been, take the money from the envelopes, and then r.ar.inc t.hr stamP3 over the slit JilAWU 4 That was the secret. A professional theif had put the clerk on it, 83 well as about a dozen at different post- offices, for a small rake off. When the stamps were carefully replaced a person could not tell that the en ! yelope had been slit Several papers have spoken of the j assignment of Sample S Brown, a big merchant of Greensboro, but the Greensb )ro papers have not noted it, if true. It i3 alledged that his liabilities are $70,000. That Pennsylvania bull which was diverted from hot pursuit of a boy, and took to his heels in terror at the sudden striking up of a brasB band wasn't a whit more flustered than some of the Republican leaders were when G rover Cleveland was nomi nated at Chicago. An Austrian a few days ago went to Bellevue hospital, New York, to have a broken knife blade extracted from his brain where he had been j carrying it apparently unconcerned for forty-eight hours. Some men's brains are like a chicken's gizzard, nothing hurts 'em. 7ill cure You, is a fr action ot AYEIt'S ." vi . taken for diseases u i blood ; but. wliile t :ih a - " AVER'S Sursnpnr . -attest, it cannot, In: trt.t ,f. other preparation1-. dealers will roeoJn:;.-nl. poso upon yon, rn ' j Ayer's." Tako Aycr's ! Aver's only, it yoj nrw and would bo 1-er.clitud jt'-n-wifnUy. This mcdicinf, fvt isesnly !.."" : ''' ' lias enjoyed a reputation, :n"l id. a record for cures, that lw never b.n equaled by other preparation. AYEIt'S Sarsaparilla eradicates tho ta'r.t -f he reditary scrofula and other blood dis eases from the system, and it lias, deser vedly, tho confidence of the peopl'-'. .t.T!!'-J.t. Of thO ;.;ri!h), win 1 ' ,t!;4 in itnp':r. rt:': m true i f ::-: v,: eail applied ir i rnprineiptod a-el t.-y to i:n :: n-t r'.i'A ai - : ' i on. I !.; : !-;:::::!r l ab Biitbeit fool Work. From the News and Observer. To Mr. Fab Bushbee, who was on the platform committee, is in large measure due the credit of havirig se cured the recommendation by thej National Democratic Convention, i but. the ten Der cent tax on State banks of issue should be repealed. For our part we make our acknowl-1 edgementa. Sarsaparilla "I cannot forbear to express my joy at the relief I have obtained from the use of AYER'S Sarsaparilla. I was afflicted with kidney troubles for about six montbs, suffering greatly with paia3 in the small of my back. In addition to this, my body was covered with pimply eruptions. Tho remedies prescribed failed to help me. I then began to tako AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and, in a short time, the pains ceased and the pimples disappeared. I advise every young man or woman, in case of sickness result ingfrom impure blood, no matter how long standing the caso may be, to tako -JVYER'S Sarsaparilla."-!!. L. J armann, S3 William St., New York City. IN Cure You Prepared ty Df 3. C Aycr & Co., Ixwoll, Jla.

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