tut WA?.rr. to nxow, The Vtrii'.r-iit Mite IV.: rr.ll of i'tn itl'y. I have often raid ol the ir.- born curiosity of tlie genuiro Yankee." fraid a "Westerner on a visit to (Jothani, ''and ot t lie unconsciously impudent v ay in which he will cross examine the merest acquaintance. Out in tbe West it is not only bal to as too many questions, :o we don' i do it. There Tore I was a little surpiised when 1 lirst met one of these "I-want to know,' but I quickly de cided to humor her it was a woman this time just to see how far she would go. 1 was traveling up into Vermont to take some presents from a friend of mine in California to his father and mother on the old homestead. The car was pretty full, and I had to make room on my seat for a fanner's wife with a big basket of gro ceries. She apologized for crowding me, and 1 was rash j enough to say that I did not mind it at all. j "That broke the ice for her, j and sue began. '(.-roin 1 , nunu uoiners : -ies. 'Do tell. That's where I live) mvself. Coin' to stop at 1 lUink's Hotel V 'Xo.? -'I hat's all the hotel there is at Plum Corners. Guess you must be j going to stop with friends j there! 'Yes.' 'who; 'James i Stebbins.' 'Do tell, Cld.lim Stebbins.' Is he any relation of yourn I '.Xo.' 'Just an old st an old j friend, eh V Never in niv life ' '1 want to know. 'You're sherilf's man, I guess, come out to serve a lit on him, eh i I always knew Jim Steb bins wasn't as well fixed as he pretended, what busines has a farmer with a fast trottin' horse anyway ? I alwajs knowed it'd lead him inter debt, and I ain't sorry for it. the onneighborly old curmud geon. Say, how much is the judgment f or I've been ex pec tin' this for years.' 'I have no judgment against him. 1 have come to tell him some thing about his son.' 'what; Young Bill Stebbins Is he dead !' 'Not so bad as that.' Not quite so bad, eh ? In jail mayhap, well, I never could see nothing to admire in Dill, anyway. A humbly sort of a feller to look at lie always was, and alter he thiew over my darter and went out west I knowed he'd go to the b:id . what sort of a scrape is he in now, s! ranger '. A bad one, I'll be bound ; house stealin" or arsen, e;i ': "no scrape at all, madam,' I answered. He's just been elected county juwge, and I've come to tell the old people that he's about the most re spected man in those parts.' liumph," snorted the woman. That was all she had to say, but she made it mean a great deal." .eY York Tribune. This ia beyond question the mosi euccessful Cough .Medicine we have ever sold, a few doses invariably cure the worst cases of Cougbs,Croup and .bronchitis, while its wonderful success in the cure of Consumption is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no ether medicine cor tand. If you have a cough w earnestly ask jou to try it. 1'rrlc 10c, 50c. and $1. f your lungs ar ore, clttt, or back;, rue, use Mulch orous l"aEter. Jfold at 1'etze Dru .Siore. Jlr. i loioininl VVrilOM or The Soctfi. Pine IiluiT, Ark., July 1 Z. A t a Cleveland and Stevenson der.c: 6tration held here a letter from Cro Ter Cleveland wa3 read which con tained the following: ''The evils and darger3 that menace the people of the South in case of deuiocra'ic defeat are appalling to those whom they are especially directed, but it should not be forgotten in any quar ter that those things cannot be visited upon one section of our peo ple without endangering the safety which all find behind an honest and faithful observance of principles upon which our entire political fabric rests." Among those who voted against the appropriation of $90,000 for the entertainment of the G A Ii at Washington were Alexaneler, Bunn, Branch, Cowlee, Crawford,' Grady, Henderson and Williams. The Democrats of our delegation thus voted against the expenditure. The railway commissior has re ceived notice from Col. A Ii An drews, general agent of the Rich mond & Danville llailroud, that 500 tons of steel raila will 1 e at once placed on the complained of Mur phy division of the Western North Carolina Iliulway, General Mana ger Winder of the Seaboard Air. Line has been notified by the com mission to make the recently changed schedules on the Carolina Central liailroad conform to the needs-and convenience of the pub lic. Some people spoil their children hea complain of the children. .ns! Co. '10 iloploiv V:C -:?::: at IToirej v ' ' 1 i!ncJ ,;,v, j iij-V--' hy j cany on i:v; nary tree; j toi: cr o:!.. r j u Licrh j f0iov ?,cv.- Y A l. ::i.;C L(OS'.i- u ; ; Hve v-'xC, i'acw nrb'tiain- nrru 'Ojior a .(vc.i. Jui M t.0C3 niu u-r vr.v v.'vh r.;crc--:;!c-vci.i fM-kir-rr votirg mui f:o'-i x'to Pinko ivyo"..' : i :-.! so refused. "t (vrrv ht.i'e to ::Vs ( :;:r.v-,'.? iv this, p. I Tlorcration of r.ct ii r:c(.:i v. :.!:! )::roiiS. VThc:i wr.rjliitle enlightenment is to l-e : th nation that Wher v.:zcxC.or c?.- enrz it's tie Irsircss cT the Suite to rcp'itfs it ly the lite of its one u rgercies. V"e I'ave r o need of pviva'e stamlirg ras r.iics. Vi'e should no. tolerate ti e Ma rdenauce of lacils of armed Liavcs to le hired to men who waiit to tahe th? lew into their own h an lis. rir.hertcniHn must go. X. Y. V'oiV, Vcm. f ,i 2C O 55 n , ;-:if Jft&iii a etrtctiy hfci-jn-pe faniiy wwirs maehLac. pcssesslns all modern iaprovemeats. ............ ...... , ,, prftT GUARANTEED EQUALto the BtST Prices Tory reasonable. Obtain them and make eoinparison.. ........ .......... rn ELDBECGE MANUFACTURING CO. EELVIDERC, ILL. C'A, Thompson, Seymour, Inel-, write?: ;.Iys tter Jenvie, when she! was a pdu; girl, sullered from white weliii g, which greatly imparied her general h a'th and maele blood very impure. Iu the spring she was not ab-e to elo an thing anil could scarcely get about, More than v yea a?o fhe took three bottles of i Loton:c B'ood La m, and tow she is perfectly cured." 21. D. Lane, Devereaux, Ga., writes: "On summer, several yearb I ?o, while rai!roodinjin Mipsissippi abeenme badly affdcred weth mab ar nl blood poison that impaired my health for more thru two years. Several elTenPive u'cera appered on my lers, r.nti nolliirur eicemed to frive p !iu: r:cnt leli' f until I took rk botf'es ol" ii. 13. B., which cured m? enihelr... 0,V,. handler, Icd Fork, Ark., wriiei:"! was fo weak tnat it- was only with prc-at iTcrtthat I could do prytLin.. I us d several bottles of Uotoutc Blood Balm, and can now do a proo.l dt.y'a woik." Walter .'J i lffeif, Athene, Tenn, wr trs: l or s.x years lhad been auic-ted wi'li riinnins tor s and an f-riiai ','( lrent f the bone o my leer. I tiiedevervthiogl heard in without any permanent 1 -cue lit ur clBotanic Blood Bum was recoratikl d tc me. Alter iisirir b:x men tbe sores braled, an : I am n uv bet ter heal in tL;in I Lave ev t r b t send Ibis testimonial uns ed because 1 waul othtrs to b ne fited. Shiloh's Catarrh Itemed y. A marvelous cure for Catarrh, Dipth ria, Canker month, rnd Headache Uith eacn bottle then is an insen- eoug nasal Injector frr the most euc ccesful treatment of t iicse complains wuuoat extra cnarg'. j. rice outs Sold at Fetzer's dru store. the: :;-i i PAP M BIG- WHITE G-OOIDS S-Xj"B. JUST RECEIVING, OPENING, PLACING THEM AT h$M mw&& & & & Have just dosed out some get the cream. Thousands We have short lengths in is tlie time. Fiur.Av u !r', while the Bkcfc .... . ,.4. ..;n lcy - '"1 ! -, a c :v where ouL cxc:r:;es -it ' bco vn in t;j!3 O'iio, was Cawru vu ! . . . . T I 1. . LktV ;dl w.:!t til! Cul. Jack Ale--antkr g. ta ;i:io;her c'oar.ce to vcn'N late hin-elf before the pnl'lic. Ai d then let's give kim jiv:tiee and r. lie r.3 j'ut recently lufned that the Democrat ic jnperg are h if g all i-he iyicg. 7 Coa-MncMT son A zv.vtuiTis aim is to look her best but she'll never reach it without perfect health. For perfect health, take Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescrintion. Ail the tunc tional nesses b It's a powerful, invigorating tonic, and a soothing and strengthening nervine pureiy vrpHh!e noWectU' hirmlecS. For ulcerations, displacements, 1 bearing-down sensations, un natural discharges cvery ' thing that's known as a "1 ! male complaint " it's a pori j tive remedy. It's the only ; one that's guaranteed to give i satisfaction in ncry case. It ! costs you nothing, unless it ; helps you. ou can aftord to , : rt tUocrw torr-ic P-n i try it, on these terms. n ! you afford to neglect it? j Aiis-h or Thin QuoMioii. , , ! V by tio so many people we see i round us EcC'Ci to prefer to suffer and be u ale miserable by Ind'gc-ation, Constipation, Dizr-iness, J.oss ol Ap j petite. Coming up of tbe FooJ, Yel , low Skin, when for toe. we will sell f them Shiloh's Vitalizer guaranteed sold at Fetzcr'a drug Jitore. i.-JJf-'JSrxJ'A? Vf Irtfc t iLtiiHli RAGLEr? ! U iho tSi WU-TTt. r--H THE !AKKKTt!ilyir. e"- pcir t'no rmnliii;al!..Ti t ', A r?-r IV..-. !c.;i:,,,,H.. tim W i-A - i! l iicnnnil;' '1 Ire nu-t I t prin.' fr;,:i m -. ii-iin it a luxury. TSV I T AtiO RE CONVINCEH. : JT '" t Cat?.' .e fyj.-..'Sj$yi ,i t corxuuy i lAi'.'J V.V i) & JEFFEEY rrV 7HE ONLY PERFECT MMlbY USE. Send for circular and price lit to WHEELER & WILSON, Co., Atlanta, Ga. For salp ' HOOVER, LORE & CO., Concord, N. C. :o -o;- big lots. Will gire you the 1 w irregularities and weaic- ; . ;-, '. '.' '; . ;V' ', !moctho4..i...stn'paoa f-otlw Fasiii.v that ttti'vC i iic miscni-1 , , i n : i "'u-vi1" uo.h uook kbcui .o le to v.-omcn, are cured by u. ,ri,ni, wiii ,,rt fail ci10rt of S'ioo,- win be found an almost, m!.! us-.,' 1 ui j ... of Yards of Bleached white goods can give you at COME AND SEE. FiFsriE5- for EnforsiS "Caetori a !s pn Ttttl a"aptI to children thai I rpoonnnrnd itos superior to any prcsoriptioa l:ow n to m." n. A. AKCirEit, M. D., Ill So. OzCord St., nroo&jn, N. Y. "Tho use rf 'Cnjioria' is so universal nnJ i'B mwits so well known that it serins a work of P.irproromticn t endorse it., FavJ,?r' intc'i.Vent famiiif?! wio lo not keep Castona 1U Carlos 3Lrrm D.D .. New York CitT . Late Pastor Eloomingdale Bofonned Church. Tot Crrrxra a as: y ivat Wps? JVnt. Miss July 23. Dcvasta. tic 'i ; ! -I slic-s is the ief ult of the , , , -rc;d .oou-i cr.vnl by the unproroa; ovic-d rni'ts of last week. The r-'.ios ... ..1 rri . t 1 h-:c i.s b-iks and the country is , d'-.'drojMur lat-usrnd, aci-f s co'. ton ftiI line corn find w-.:t: ;:w.:.y f.U iao brid :e-? orccr- i:e. i no xoaiDiywo uas j C,V). llU.,;;r,:a cf f.i rilics aro cn l!:OTM.5o of w.tior, andnppoa' I for Lo.p are conv.ii? ir almost huxmy. vr.tc't appM bns caie from acu-. of c-ans at uader water, i sive compiUuoa of economical r. " n.nr'nn,i . i.c'PP8 suited to housewives with Houses a. v-ed aa.a..d DO" j iiui5tpa mea,JS Under other ben. is errors :,v" ftaM-i"ff. esr.y a c.ir ; recipes for tumeious table laxuri.K ;o ,1 -.; p: oriso-is "'as Bh:p;)ai t!rtre given. In fact this cook-book ie cr.c a compendium of useful recipes used -.r.-:sc ami orisrinatcei hv il.n mnz'r. co1a!iv) Co VcC'rronf th rhiladelpbia tpd chefs, cooks and p istry-bake -s ,..., v- , tll Jof the nrcs'-nt day. With ti c frre,: fys: ".iu e.iver ao im . FAMILY COOK-BOOK as a cuid 3, IVc-h-'s !:fmi :c;', the new pir y j no hcusawife need worry how io lauic'K s its Political fortune in a . . , wcr-n e "ten. storin-stavsU, ncuety aV'. thI the inrtv must carry the . , - tUa ,r',;1.f. i-Y JornsAL. 'This is no cheap book caiicidii'.e ins cad oi the canelkUte j Al retais68 b,sh as SL50 RU, carrvii'" the pai'tv. lie is chiellj'a'ul is worth many times mora the Lro of repeal Greenback de"! JOURNAL i, feat;; and the putrid coipse of the o'd Greenback partv will make aiconneciion ith charming stones , . . j and ehoise literature, such special perpetual Ptcnch in the nostril on features as "II.jjf. .ho:d Ilinte," the ncon'e." j I'Ihe rashiocp," "lho Ho'iseboAl 1 1 . ! Dcctor," una numerous otber dc- How .orih . Broiii. Voird. jpartmcnts of e' softie -iterefrt, asoingtcn, Ju'y lo. Uu tiie writers on the v rious - r H mens esolution to consider the silver bill tioncU. Sis mom. us fiu' -nscrip.- tod-r a ul to-'ronow t'. Cpio:i: - a .V. ".i-icn voted :,oitri . 1 1 Th'-; rr.f..::.r.i remcly for Ivreps'-i .in ttif iiif't cluimic l p is '!' ri'aU k: '.r. y ye ;r.- m-'-.ed rvi-r.r; !i of o:n-' c r. i :vti'.i a solio'.ars of th? p--r;ni!, Dr. La Vorr.j S-vinVoa. Patent aril pn prictary trams have had no mure bitter opponeri than tlih most eminent physician, for the sim'.e reason that the same dose U . . . :i 1 tl.rt en'Tf.ror Yirt lnvanaoiy preM-ni.eu l n.v .---.v..., - nntt'T vh;it the temperament of the patient, and no matter what the peer-, lipritk-s of the dwase, and this too, in, thefa-eo the claims that such reme-: die ' niajoriiy of known tlis-; sea 1 tent ' v '( psi.i whether mild or chronic l' ini'p .vcri!.! and poi.onimothc! Wool, !t -.'-me the rro?enrer of "'"nrr-, , ,,,,;'.(,. cCs, and lii'-relore sought ciih- Mr Qw nl.-.n l-calizcii iuiiy io uai . . . . ..i : eent!v tor vears u i'.bi:ou-r i ; i u. tneciiie Inthii he was s uwesshil, bin j., ..,.o..,u,;.icr i.is -wonderful discovery tnr vears to discover its true; ''.' .... . i?..)L'.-il tin? "Treat medical truth that the svmptoms in each ense, J the temperanvmtal 'ierer1 ! ll.e iianusaii.i ui.i.u.. ,, ' reouueu noi omj V inamk'd supplemental treatment and .i;.,.o-.r ,1 r..rt ons. varying me.y in .liferent 'cases. l.h W1NTON . iriii -AL co. send in connection with t-'i s celebrated pecitlc for Dyspepsia, a i complete tie aise by tlie Docior, which j .rivf rxnlidt directions ionic suuciei, .T-iv- pvnlicit direc sutliat liemav noi uui) """o ""J i he rmedv, iait also properly reRulate the die!, "and properly self-administer tlie supplemental presci iptions suited to the case. , . ... :,,,l!;.rr.ul l. 11.. Tills is medical irciHMfH "ni! ool Do not he robbed ol your monev and your hopes for restored' health by abeed 'ana.-c-is , Avhiih while comparatively i i i - i - winton's f peeifc is sold by all drus its in 1-00 packages. Vc are iniro-ducin-r, it ourselves in this territory, be fore placing it on sale with your leading pharmacist, and will send single aes to any address upon receipt of M cents Cach package contains the niedi ta! treaties ) v i 1 vim; dieta ry directions and supplemental presenp ions. Address- SWIIITQH MEOICftL CO., Fischer Building. i s?1 J 11 .. (i advantage. Early buyer.? will Domestics. j half price. Remember, XOW ! i I CAWOAS FETZER. and Children Cartort fin ps Colic, ComsHrntlon, Hour Stomach, Duirrhua. tmetation. Kalis Wonna, giveJ eioep, and promotes u- p-estion, Witnout injunous medication ' Fot several years I haw recommended Ur ' Castoria. ' and ahull always continue to Io si as it has invar iubly produced Ijeuocai rcsuitu." Edwik F. Parde, M. D., Tbe Wtnthrop," l ath Strevt and Tth Aw, New York City. Cowxirr. " MtntiuT Stbxt, Nw York. ' p, S O L U T F, L Y PIM j cH5aaE3KaesssE Lr,, , .. , , T, T The pub. ichors of the Family Jour- nol are deterniiKrd t o largely j ereao the circuiatioa of tbt-ir nanrr, ,1 I 1, : .. . I. IT , u no vmt v.w unnj if juiiuwii:.: j up:ra'lo?Pil otTr. Wo will sei cl THE t'ELl'rVJATrll 9 A Mf I 7 p.j. r? v .v,i liiiilLi j 'vvii " Uu. .;0 trrh pCi I culinary guide in the hands of the tt ,,..,. jt. possesses the cue sieit . advantage ovt-r a.l other cook-boohs prepare tue uosi sumplous or mo --t frugal repast. Re-member we Hand this bock absolute Iv free to eveiy six ruouths' subscriber to the Fas:i somely illustrated, aud contuiuin in i ikju is oiiijr -j ceuls arni entiti Fer.der tr a eilicr..- copy oi ;!: Cook e : Jooic. ti'.'t iweiK.v- uve etuis ia . p. j - ;. ( :.,: r. n " " i a'. ;!. -n vjes ! ' li' - I t lL''fiS n-. a r ffs 3'i-ce bt-:niith r. A tirtis -. iiriJu.ui'. (Jti .fc.io with ail ieaUms elruRists- BEAL ESTATE A XL) INSURANCE TUTT'K Ti F .M) f- ;nv y r.r n U iixVxli.AJJ iV fcUA, A ft e. Qai . j p H-g. (OllCk row), Fire Insurance Companies : rvt - iT- i-i r . i. . Thoenix, of Brooklyn; Contii 0f xCw York; X." C. Home, . liurance C'ompanv ' - 7 , f 1 , r-, oiuinentaj ,of Company of sortli America, Ot iilll uueipiiui; Isortiiei n As suraoce of London. Kates C3 low as the lowest and eec Curi,y "nqnestioned. ACCIDEXT IXSURANCE. Traveler of Hartford. CYCLOXE INSU1IAXCE- In tnese d.iV3 of storms, cyCiOliCS. or tornado??, you will feel safe to have a Policy iu a good responsible- company. SKCU1I1TY IXSUliAXCE. Have you a bond to give as scu rity, then call on the Insuranc Coin pany to get it up and not on your friends. Pay a premium for your bond a3 you do on your house and furniture. REAL ESTATE. We oiler a choice line of improved and unimproved residence property in town subc-rbs. Price and terms reasonable and made known on ap plication to BURKIIEAD & SON, Je 6, ti Aen M. J CORL'S test ti T h-.ve moved into tho stable late i cr uviicd by Prowu liros.. i.pnv cou ii house. The best accommo- i ions lor drover?. Leave vein j oniers at. the tital-le or with J. L ; down Porter for omnibus. liorsct aud mules for talc. ! M. J. COItL, Proprietor. M A r0IL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON MT PLEASANT, N. C. All calls promptly intended to, day or night, Otiice in Moose's Drug Store. After 10 o'clock p. m. at residence on College Hill. 6 ?.l.' J Hi 0' Guaranteed to bemaele of Pur Verible Oils, OLIVE OIL, BEN OIL, COOA -13 UTTER OIL. Treated by the "Colds Process.' Pure i.Vhitt, Not Perfume Net Colored. Will not attack the skin in Winter or Summer. in me worm To wash the baby. To wash the hands anel face. To elress wounds and sores. To cleanse and heal diseases of the scalp and skin. For bathing and shaving pur poses. Price: 10 cents per cake, $1.00 per dozen. A full supply kept at Misses Benson, Fisher & Co's Milli nery. Mrs. J. S. FISHER, Agent for Coicord and Ca barms county. nich21. Isi'k 4 laisnil Pure Ground Bone, Listers and Miller's Dis solved Bone, Wando Guano and Acid, awl .' eve yd other ot the Best Brands ?'ae offer cdlat Close Prices BY Mil & WADSWORTH Go andjUct their Prices. Ihcy are prepared to fur nish you with any quantity desired. LADY'S HOSIERY AT COMMISSION PRICE. I-atiies Ho you realize that when you buy of fhe retailer, you are paying three unnecessary proeits? The manufacturer soils to the commission house, the latter to the johher, ami the jobber, in turn sells to the retail merchant. You must pay the manufacturer a profit tirst, ami then pav each of he subsequent handlers a protit, not inireiiucmly paying two profits to the retailer. The .Maun InctiircrH' Commission Company is a responsible syndicate which sells direct to ti e consumer. Hy investing in manufacturers sa.nples, odds and ends, job-lots, and the stock ot insolvent manufacturers, in connection wit our regular commission holdings, we are ahle n sell to the consumer direct al the commissto' price, which is but one remove from the manu faturer's. While this company handles all kind of ladies' furnishings, we are making a special drive on our hosiery, merely to introduce our name in your territory and establish a reputation for giving val ues never before offered, so that you will be fully pr pared for our later announcement of our entire lints. Reid the following offers : Ladies' full length, fashioned, fast Mack hose superfine gauge, (retailing evervwhere at as to ascents per pair,) we will sell at 16 cents, or one- ha'f dozen at y6 cents. Ladies' extra length, full regular made, fast h'ac and seamless hose, very finest gauge, (retailin everywhere at so cents up. we will sell at 3: i ems or o:te-ha!f dozen for f r .38. We i iv express charues, and agree uncondi tionally to refund monev if hosiery is not the va.ues and qttalttiCs described. I;e sure and cnd the si; e wanted, anil leiiiemlK-r that as we p iv express wc 1 ant-'-t afT.-t-t send less , hail doz. Orders must be accomp.riie 1 !;v 1 .,h i either mimey-iirder, postal note, siami or registered retler. addressed to the ?Innntnr(iirrrM ( onimition Co., j;i Fifth Avenue. t-lucai;o, I'd. YURNAMF IF 8e,,t " iUniliiiiri poBtalcard, with proper address will bo inserted free in our numerous lists, and you will receive through tbem many valuable samples from companies desirinff ngentp. Address postal to the AMEHICAN LIST CO, Fischer Buildinpr, Cfiicago 111 CARTER'S PEPSIN is the fo ir weak disrestion. Can rbeale by hesraalleet child. Fobaksstyy eduig druggia The Bes 117 FARMERS, I HAVE JUST HECEIVED- One Thousand Bags OF AND AD THERE IS XO SUH STJCK OF Acid, Guanc and Klour IX TOX AS I HAVE AT CALL TO SEE ME BEFORE BUYIXG. ALSO HATS, SHOES, STJGAK, COFF 12 MOLASSES, TOBACCO, SXIF, $c'$c. Ce G. SVIontgomery, I am still at the old stand on Allison's corner, and kt-or good stock of agricultural HARD ARE o li inh. builders material, nails, locks, hinges, doors, sash and glas of all description. I am Ager., for the New Deeiing Mow. one of the best Mowers made. I 1 am also Agent for the Vally Forge rough t Fenc sample of it can be seen in Forest Hill cemetery. O. jRr. "WHITE m M 0 Si (73 P5 0 0 ID CO 2 11 timmmjic. -A.!:',.- The old, TTPll-establighed, reliaWt firm of HOOVER, LORE & CO invite your attention to a Wl Selected Stock of Goods An experience of 15 years in Concord enables them to supp the wants of their customers and with the Very Best Class of Good And with a thoroughness that only comes with LONG EXPERIENCE, and an intimate uaintance with the trad. ' OUR WARES ARE FIRST-CLASS IX EVERY RESPECT. WE KEEP NO SHODDY GOODS GUARANTEED TO SUIT THE IIARD IMES ATTENTION UAjNTO XX S CORNER 0 ICS h 5Z fV rJX I H m K 1 J?,9 ij 1" s SfiLfKS FIB ?: 1 e

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