J - t 'J ! 1 f "T - T I? ! i A ;';r has a Fa FFA'iTX AT : in tii d v: on;.;, THAN 1 ! t 6'. r v run ii 4i4. WO WHOLE NO 2 4--2. ( V; 7 YY i ' . tl- i it:il"iii,7'A " 't.NVi;srii yr ' -.F 1 the- v-ual specta- v ' (V. r ! "'id, .!"' !''. jril -'i--a . .--o of v.-?' p!o who c '!- -r,v, ornament to the he cFieV-holder: and tie .i i t-ib-m oh rv cf the v. ii!':V-v d. mFvded th? ;:! ftc:-: to- V C -v t ti.-'-.a.attd a 5 .-one strath. Tloti. P-tvhl .es. i ho .wain.".:- for Govtr : 'iverf ami is about oh!. F '""S a member of Ft!.:.:-:..: o-ivaa;on of i. tiO war n; i" ;bl:r--i freM v lawyer by o StaV-sv.l'e redded t!:-'!v ; tinif it c'o.ei i';.fi;8:or, h: 'ik-v -co, i iiiojia a ':oratir', i-i the dea' 'd -v : : a.: 'v. i i ' -t.v-i Mitel '.i tV:l? s'llT'lIT il I- ! h abo- ISh " j .-.. r C-nrt. nd j a rm. tie i- lTi bv (V. for C ''V i A:o-- t: s piny s j for a se j bench. He ; ( ..ii ivu enar "'ed a s : -"id :i M Oe 1 1 , ',UiCS. if ; s a s . cf ooyl 23 sird Of! on a IVtuon j . - in " oooOfi r-lov, kowcv States-: - ! ae 1 eo-; M , she immsm'e tor ; c-n ex -soliel-: diol: t. Kufus ,t t-o- Am -, -r st ,,...,.10' f ,r v-,f.p)(lrT ; rtor-r.t. II 0 !' rv, I ir t.re;"-;r.:r, in y con but th h! tr ?rgy leans ; , i TO :". a it : :?:: boot Ik- e.'-.r d-Tccatic 'a : .. i . - :c ?ve ior toe ! t I t'iink r.nt-. cat: io vol err! of t'o ;t better; For S,:not- II V. McAllister, who onntrv f irm.r and fully known he p.. oo'e ami is worthy of their -s. Km;- the ho I believe 1) o-v White, cf Xo. 1, is the crnm , a. say the democrats? Th-. o-t would bo a winner. J. Ilampa.u Fdl-, X. IF bat John Grecubaf W: oilar, da joauirg. This great r--t w;.s very . k brated bia S-;th lFth'h)y tl .i 1. -t January IF- in IF- dis .-vered his poetic tab il in earlv iife r f a c V of P. aids riica.-.'.:; uoem rach st r voa m a -1 Llovd Garrison fo:i;;d i -.. vou:g Whittk-r on his father's -onntry farm, and set him to writ h.g abcFtion poetry. For many v-ars -far lool, ho continued un- dr-r Garrison s inlluer.ee a: know:, as the "Lau of FmAUF I I Fimi P. rty m av ho i In writing Aloiitioia I 'hocriiked art io a.ysacnta. Fra-np 1 and checked by his uu- ,o ;:-te -f ike south it was no' n:aii ffu-r th" v.sa that he began t ' i rite the p-tams which will live in laavture. Whittkr to--k a hand in the budd ing cf the Atl.ti.tic monthly. He wa-: the author of "Mogg.-Mt-cr.e,' "Find lreson," "Snow Bo:md,;' "The Tent on the IV ach," :scm etc. !:;!: ,iii.civwss of t:ieOMiity. " . 1 -V C Parish; Fa :l- J icCaldwelh o ii Fd II Johnson; . X--. 4 -FWtFass; ?F. K F Mifuheimer; 'i-J H I) Walker; No. JIIWEudy; Xo. 1 ': C A Fenti-m-os. T, '' am! 1 o -.r ur.d. r a otid- er' nt syst. m. ' ;:k FlaMurr.of Wadeidasro, .V. - ftdher WiiS a irFive thls .- married in Walchbcio ay night t. Mr. B H (.rows W: 1 nrf ! rnin ! I. n -.f Tul. I. r. If Marion Fldrd o .ji-:-r 0oo3 not put he iho'ild stale th- rcison why. C:'.::uiu:ito Vjuvcr doesn't eccra i a a 1:1 .4 .h I ii tao sub Ik' Sas it is a.j o-.o of let itiilitioiiS of the drift cf mb;io sci.tiiad't in iome of ti.o zr: S:.ti-f, out .f the J3'aty-.v.- Cwr:t::ia published in I:h"ci:', Pcvciv-. y.i'vf support C-'Yci-rvd and S'tovoiison, aud are strou for tnrii' r'.for-u. Hop ChoriT, a Nov.- York washeo mar,, says he'll bo hanged if he will hv ri'siatvivi likf cattle," and l.'ivt- hi uij; taKcii for idontifica- He will hon out of tli-.' coun Iry lirst.. The very thought of it tr.ake.- Hep iioppiiii; iuad. Mr. Seaborn Wright has decided the Third j-irty nomination for Lonress in the uititutu vieoriria uis- vnga: now, anu ue iiv,,ia ,j t. i'lv ." Ml, mt- mil -!.! for Third party delusions, even with ; ,lie temptai'mu of a A-'.,000 s.d.iry if ' w on. A b't-S eyii diih was cr turod tue o: ti-r cloy outstue the uaroor u: j sm Frau; .... n-;.-.;' n-ivch it 5 hoo. It had eight arm: with sod sujkers, from was o'lu on lie ; pb.n. It will be! N f 1 ' 1 1 f o- ;on at the World" 1; m June j the fartytwo tdlef d tiv.-plate fae- ( j toiits ii' this -oiti't-r made 13,(,00,; ,aH pounds of alleged American tin- j !'b''e out of im.'i'5-te.l iron and steel ', ., - 0t.at ;;rd. Jed tie. Tl j.; ever 300,000 pounds a piece, ! frcm which it seems that the aver-. i uuplate I actor v is uomg a very extensive bcsinoso:. Yon r ?;:...:;. The Freei.-boro Workman says: it is reported ut Uo is cord that Mr. il Utleil sri it h'.s comrunv ore uu l-ij .-, ;n i r .ir 'iuarantine i , j i Tl l-iv. , h maa of rope. iiv.?, :o'" ever, (. 1 -' 1 1' 11 Pnrjnecisuii'y l-rdy-p-nl to lam and j U editor ! bis pary. It 'how that the vesoel , Oi ; icr.ll". I e. iv. aH -.- -o- j i;:er n hM i'pcn near a cholera dis-j.,- triet. orod; Th,e matter moat necessarily j ? delay lu getting from one point So another, and may fur a time : iracrfere with corrc-poTs.aence i produce sus; -.use . mong friends the F:.lt-,-d States. met in F. dhot lla: riscak; lotte: ccptanco is simply a stump sp-( n n the form of au epistle- '' - . j IVtddor.t Ilamaon repeats his de-, maud for a force bill in his leiU-r of vco .pbracc- If Fare is anything on '; h Harrison is iu ear it it ib i th - force bill. , ... , ,vhv:. ' i IF tFa s uu the Force bill.thcngh bardi .a that vigorous spirit in which he once urged its oractrneut, bat .-iumcientiv, t -erne us, to enco ir i age a solid South. 1 -:: '.. . O.i'.-.O'- K-yti-. r In this connection, tin plate pro- tection j, we call tne attention of our; . , .. . ... , . i farmer iriends to the startling fact , x rt. t. .. , that the tan ft tax upon the tm roof ..... of the new Alliance warenou.-e was Benny IFuriads b.ngwindtd Iet - tor cf acceptance cme. is well written, able, coireut and terse I .... ... . . - Tl.. 4 . 0:1 dl me suojects treaieo. i.j .i. . ... .... ii :. 1- ,.i . .0 ... 11 mereiy a euw8 r- m the K-rpetu:ition cf the rale of the rotten ri.dical party. Many a young man who works hard during the day allows his hands to go to waist during the eve ning. She "Do you love me for my self alone?" He "Yes, and when we're married 1 don't want any of the family thrown in." ! Mamie (aged sis) "Mams, was fdr. Gourmand born with a silver 'fpconin his mouth?" Mama" I I g-uas so, dear, and maybe with a ! knife and fork, too." I.ca-3 oiir Quartet. Yeukton, S. IV, Sept. 4. rs. Ted Deer., wife of u young Yaukton county farmer, gave birth to four giri babies, neighing nearly five pounds each, yesterday mornirg. The mother is' .28 years old and weighs 110 pounds. A charming young widow Feuds i;s word that she con tell how many widowers were at the fair. Can she tell how manv bachelors there were? I'm ghid to get back home agaia,but I've heard tue grandest speeches ilut'e beu r-pek? ic: nu.ny a d..;y, Ft-r Mf-Jii dou'i lo.ew uawt'uin,' as I'erfeooOi Lb. d.-ovs us, A:d I'm pr.-.vd of the Ik-rVmr, but it'j ;:dg!i'y rough ou Moe.?. hv, he d'du'L huow ceoarurdiv : re:dly :h .r.ght the sun 1jz ;?i t ie .'.; r hu a trav uu wes r'.i? t'ure, wl'OU d !7 V!i3 doU; John d.irptr, the Ferfessor ?;.J3. ti: .ee i..ee proposes, t., .. . i.. i , , xt reckon so kin Moses. . . ,. . . , , , An he d;dr. t know geologv ; the , , t. (T- lelk-r fr,or,Tht tuie oa.'.h ViiS m:'dt it; it. i.:.s.ie in : week,,5 c .o. r piaui Cirt... : Bat V.d d ?ay3 the v( ry im." that any scholar knov.s is, H w;.ri:'t m ;de till Mcx-s d..d ; so that ;v: soltles Mo...... An' he g:t ills histhy all ur.ed a-,- vko, the Forfeo-r ,;avi ! lie j..s: L.vrat'.d h;to--v, 'ike xtor3 . Kut .. 0-V(. a--'-;. s,mie sUbi an' t'dr an' fver one ;ii-eio:es Tle t tl ?d Sea t '3 a 7:avel ride. 1 .-ok- in the daw of oses. c-Fdt t.dk LT'.-'d g-o mt-vir: urd . jj. IVrfessor ?avs i ioo.; kr t f he .-' 'Fvt Fan e i;s ro fv . ..-...-, -Is As fo I'.'t'vV, voir- nil Ame l,-,k on ro- s's wt. Fd v y..: f0 j,.v v !-, r, m, , o narrative e.nn lcen j.e v,- u- r ;ius , He went sip t ,ho. summit C,.raTi nao1..!. be seen, lut rbmljeil high a:d t ambled in some I b- . -?i" .'.a. k raviiu ; .d hij bndy, an' the ; t CO -closes TI,. hl, fCt:::oca 'em to the very end tv.. ar! .v,.-..,., of Mo:es. . v . e,,,, .7 t w-"u. c 'ehoiorshii i o argy tea. a til -.!. th oe picci. F. eoay, 1 3 Ot: our .CO" skoa - ros'?, , Thrrt not a lam f Mood Fa 'a ! .,!,.: ever writly M-o : -b. But Doctor S ad)-, Ph. Ik, IX P., j . , ii t an I'oo. oe .j. i ; Arm rn fayc-1 thrt by a strict re gard fer trud. itapdlcF he i Must tell us calmy tnat the highest criticism closes i This tra stior, for they i;evr-was no scch a man ez Moses. Well, nnyhow, I'm tired, an' Ftr gmn' right to bed: I'd say my pr.iyers fost, of k no wed jest hew they should be said Per ef the startin' pomt h wrong, w hv comriiou sense suppose.? 'verse the fr.ru er cn it goe. en j lin8 la'd down bv Mo-as. So now i .ay me oowr. o) scay . Lord r'at my troubled brain: j 1 1 pray the Ford my snui to keep, ;: bale other "eriety hay, J P j aid make my pathway plain; Allii50.i: o..cc.nd best bale other va I If I should oie In-foro I wake, if so ry hav j v Alii.:cn. l!;s ICOi-nsrs, . , , f ij; , .-. 5 1 Pray -a Ior Li' r- :" . , ctr,;; ht . T org to tan, m. .'-.. cai-'-'"a.8. nn- ! (n..remi:(i i!c.i t::; nn-. 1 . . Mn-aa ?i- nt f.-ur ih:v- IoaJ3 cf i provisions to the saarvss.g subjects of i the (Fur. It waen most jiencrouR ( ,C(1 KIJ,. f,.!y ilj.M.tt,:aUi i,y the Jvussiau nation. But yet it vts ;,. drop in tl:o bucket compared with what tin- Kasanns thomxvlves did to save their starving oouatryineu. Oar consul g. nend at St. Peters burg estima'cs th.it fuiiy Si:,),000, 000 were contributed by public and private charity to Ibis a;rpcae. The Czar's contrib.aion was $.5,0' ".-,000. Russia is not . rich country, and her people have little money. This enormous sum, therefore, means for more to them than it would be to the pcopb.- of the Urd ted Shites. The wonder is not that iuirsia diJ not do mere, but how she waa able to do. so much. Meads-die (Penn.) Journal. K-Mleiirel to mi Iur In Clsiirt-!i. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Sept. 5. Mayor Xichols doesn't believe in sending drunken men to j-iil if there Vj auy way of reforming them. Yesterday instead of sentencing John Under wood and Louis Gibberish to prison for 30 days on the charge of drunk enness he sentenced them to one hour in church. They were taken to re ligious services by two policemen, and after hearing the sermon promised to reform. Our educated Devil from Log street, attended the fair in all his glory. iao ;u.:ov. iu?, piotmnui aw tr ied at the 0. C. A. v M. he.O ;.t Concord, X. C, '. !''. r ait. and full, 1 2 J'Xi'ATlTM KNT A. it.st l -de uf c-ottor-, 0 f Moat ;?OU-v!y; S-;-.-U-i I gO: :"! V. " IV..-" iuv,: M.-. oion:.- y h.o A J A I.'.k,r ! Vovtr.g ; second boot. ; TV: b-sel v. j oea-d.nl, ,1 1' A:b-o. ' I A B Yen:.-. sec. betf', i)tou:.h-l riuj. -.vneu , btown li-os. ; secoml beet, J A K-.nkm. T) . , . , Feet bushel FudcasVr wheat, d r , , lAlhs ia; fccoot.d wt, L T Dost, I ... . . , cOt bushel Lr, C Me- ; &:(':: ijUi: Oi J Aiiisrm corn, (r S.i"C':U5. V-;:.b.el yi-Fo- corn. J A IdV-ik-.T. F..:t buthel nu o.u?-:, II H Ulack e' ier; second best, J A i.imker. ius: lah-i white o:-s, ,7 A Lita- ct; J A L-m:-:.r. bbvckorH J A Ik F.-o bi.,1 Fest bo, gr.,y oa.3, .I rye, hi T hel clover A Ibu !1. ad bo?r, J s.' Abis:m. he! crobare. Lrrass o ed IV, st et. am a ot ci t r. iiehai 1 ..... - -,t j: ;.e( . i ooo ;co. oF i r -r:ety c JiU3, J - V ci c: 0;.U t F- d- tush 1 i r: -li pota'.oos, Fuiher -.. ; Sicca 1 b. sl, (1 E FFckie. .otbusht-Itvu-uip.', F Mitchell JFF bushel groa;:d-poas, Mrs. G Fi'chio. I'-oat stvtcb.iien broom corn, A U K utr : fcccmt , . i)l e !; "fori on - ecaoi 0 LV-bt spec: men .n ro. n i irc,v". ; is i. -tu. e ..ar ea . m tj 3 ;)a( e,v Jder : Second best, F C F s;o.canen -7 F:n it "ec-osd eeiF-w o :.vii, 51'.! res', .i. li Jjita er. .'iiam os tie, J.s. v; Fi j we. -ler, j Kttelo G E , : " bo. hr pro- soe i: t ma: a Kk:' variety of sjuask, J li Second best vari-.r- cf s-ou-sh, Mrs. G E Kitchie. F.a. variety of onion-', J A labia-: F aml '..'.est variety of omera. Mrs. (i F Fuchie. Bcs specimen table beets, L S Bonds: Second best spec'mon tab's!. beets, Mrs. 2.1 J Fisher. second t sptcuu.-n parsnips, Mr. F A Brown. Fat specimen ruta bt;jra, M.rs. M j F;,Vr P- a bah? of clover ho.y, J M Fisi r:eC.i;id Ft bale of clover hay, j ; p'ah-r. I ,.rr,. i,mr. M !. llrnwn: i . - ' : fcecoisd larrest pumpkin, J .M iisher, ... " Best eorn'a-U beans on vine, ! , , , . x , i Alotuca bhtclcweldf r; Second west . ' cor-aattd 1-ans on vine, Alonsa Fl iCkwe'di-r. lie it vaF-ty garden seeds, Miss Lirette Lilaker; Second best vaiiety gaa.len seeds, Mi-s Martha F Brown. I.:-.rgeit diso'av of veiretabiC-s, corn, i.u 151 ic:ewciU.-r. Best 100 tars yellow ecru, A II Li '.fiber; second best 100 ears yellow torn, J A Li taker. Best three cushaws, J A Litaker; second best three cushaws, J A Li taker. Lr.r-.Test watermelon, J W Fi-dier; secm.d largest watermelon, L S Bonds. Best dczn cucumbers for pickling, Mrs. M J Fisher. The following article;: in Departs meat A were recommended by the awarding committee as meritorious, and worthy of premiums: Long neck gourd, R V Brawley; white early corn, 5 car? to stalk, J W Glover; earl-j yellow corn, V X Mitchell. DEPAKTMLXT B ITOuSES. Best stallion, C W Earnhardt second best, M II Letler. Beat brood mare, C L Erv.la; sec ond beet, A J Scott. Best saddle.hcrse, E T Best; sec ond best, Z A Morris. Best single harness horse, ' W-'-J Hill. Beet pair match horses, C L Er- , , , 1 i J ' i teit unlii July b, lcbU-. C I-csewader, second test ipla, me the rice Gelds of the country and L from July s, 01 vegetans, , us. M Jb.aer . covered this year with a ungnidcant 1889, uutll Septeiuber 7, 1S02. ' P- stlbO ears wnPe corn, J A grGwih from 4 to 5 fat high T ' 7 n , ' w. .4 , i-i4 -inrt -. James J Corbett, present caanii Fitakcr; second best 100 ears white The vield is ?5 bushels per acre ' 1 l.fSt P-tiliDe rv Km kin. M Scof'; Rocoi re?"rdb'--j of i: : ' r : ' !cm of iigra, R (.' !!:vL'kwe!der. r3 eld. un .V:t ckwtlder. ! thve v.- W ' r- und.;r wo sto::d , J L '.V a' '.inp h u :ji . rm r:;-te F est j-o.k, J A Fauk::!. V-it b'" ne'oe, Jd.m Maksn. IV. ft ::'. mu'e, Scott; second he-t, 0 ' .oii.-aL.jfi:. F.-ost air molt. , F F Fagg-irt; r-.cood best. -J I! Fro-.-, n. -est mn.o- (', t two year? nos, uu- v,n- best, cer : r"', A il i.r-o II II U' .ckw bi -r. Best rr.uie c 't r: over two, A J See'; II Flackwfb.'e-, Fe.t nml colt uo r; r ft,, Jas W BlaekwJd r. DEl'AIJTMEXT U C.Ti TOO Test short horn bull, M Scott, Fost short ho. n co-, M Scott Best Jersey ball, (i K Ib.tchie; ! gm to see that the movement, wheth - second best, White & Pharr. jer originally so intended or not, was Second best Jersey cow, White &' really ia the in leres: of the KepubN I'harr. Ik sr graded bull, F T Fost. Fc-st gra-lo I ow, John K Putter-.-;o; second best, Jas F Harris. Bt3t calf one year or under, W I) ilitchie; S'.cond best, J A Liiaker. Fost LeiFr one ye;;r old, not over two years, F McDonald. Best native bnil, Wtr. Murph. Pest tmtive cow, W D I'itchk; second best, Jas W Black welder. Pe-:t cilf one year or under, Jas 'V Biackweider. Fest lulf-r o:.e yenr old, not over two years, C W i'Jarnhardt: second best, Ja3 Bi sick welder. : epa htm -:: Tl ,4 1 .L.--a 2 r . 1. . F...a pen ker. AXD IIC'-'S. ri- or rrioro. ., . v , ,4 , t;, i,l; t. .4 .... i- i, u ii " -' P, 0 A Fit: Best no; ker. Ik st ewe : ker: Second ' J A lamkor Fat IFF Bros. Fost PF Pro?. od. J A Urn :r.y oree-a A ;t ewe of env Lita breed, L Fhaa d (Fa: bjar, Bro.vn sow, Brown ay - av, W ! Kitchia s-.rc-m! Fst Fed Jersey sow, Brown Bros. Best lot of j iva not less than 5, M II Fa! .a. eXI.lblt vVC Brown Pros. Honorable mention, Southdown sheep. J A FFaker. (Fvati.nued on inside,') Xorih liirailii i J.s- il tlx tiibarrsw 1'iO.r. i A: the flr in Coacrd this week; there was exhibited in the agricul tural hall, an object lesson for all this section of country, in the shape of a bunch of lice grown in North Carolina. This beautiful specimen, heads 10 inches long, did not come from an eastern country 83 might be supposed, but was brought by Mr. G. M. Lore, a wide awake citizen of Concord, from the farmof Mr. Abram Anthony, Catawba county. The low lands of Catawba , lying on Pott's creek and CI ark's crick, known as Ti:e crop iil be harvested . sn the approach of frost, and as many farms ers, noting the success of others', have gone into thebusinoss this year it will amount to about three tlsoas and bushels. The rice i3 winnowed of all stalk and chafe exent the close bush, sold for one dollar per bushel and mars ktted to the rice mills of Goldsboro, or Charleston. Cabarrus lia3 many acres of creek bo:tom that would produce as tine rice as this from Ca tawba which is said to be a superior quality of this cereal, a standard dish through the whole year and splendid even for poultrj, would prove an important factor in the prosperity cf the country. A representative of this paper had occacioa to ride over the road between here and Mt. Pleasant. Places never before known to be more than simply passible are now in excellent and emcoth condition. We cannct speak too highly of the good work 'being done by the chain gang. Jt ; hot mm I;ir.tl nwd hi;-ft to ovcnici'iV. f ., , , . .iinr Mi)tioti. I The Third party in Xorth Caio- ina was stronger a month ago than is row, ar.d is stronger m-w tlian i ;t wdi U- a month hence. Kverv j m;l!: iri tt:e otate who invaded to i i K -:'t:1 li gcv.p, and a rood taanv i ; who have gone in'o it have cince be- : conu- LO'tvinceu ox taeir error, o ! h.; Uo'.me disgusted and have V i come on i cor.ie out. Irs oreuns sire nimriP j away, am! ltd 'vlncatora" are in the ! - 'I v.i'ger ovr i - och - et Man ag.,;ruv .ianon unt:er d reputation for honest consistency (and thio, is a big ar considtting j the odds we give.) that they do not 'make a single ixmasfide "convert" between now and the day of election, j 'i he ciioieru gtnrs until it exhausts ; the material it feeds upon, aud thai s vast what tt.e 1 hird party has ; uout ; '-tone in tms statf. it is on the ue- i cime now and will grow beautifully t : less -lay by day. There are good '. year r-Ici. rotirea-o:i3 for this. Honest, thinking! ;c.nd beet, II men who ,vent into it, on reflection , uud k-wiug the situation, are rea- liziug lha folly, if not tho cximN ; aality of the movement, and that they are beiiig mod by designing ' men to promote their own pecunias ; ry or political fortunes. They be ; liean party, and that if persisted in I and euccc-l-ofu, its only ello-ct would be tie ultirmite restoration cf that party to power, aud the giving of the electoral vote of this Sate to tha), camli. the IkOputjitLaU canuiuatej for Pre3- , , . , ... ,, ., . , , uate for the House of Bepresenta ldent and V :ce-President. In ad- 1 uition to f:.is i; disgitsted with tl vacillating eours have become ! treaoiietcus ana; of some of the I deader crate.- co natc the for a, mlvocrte: and. then : en . ; hedoed to nomi . leake the pla.- )t: and stror--:le lection of the form IT- opi-csition Statu ticket, ' i wiucn, iro i side-u this disgust. It is no wonder, - -.vhvU we consider the reasons, tnat the party is on the wane. I.s-.t of tlio Imcii ;5i;i4. Tom Hyer, from 1S41 to retire ment about IS'O. Yankee Snilivan, from liver's re tiromcnt to lt5 .'. T.i.. if : e t . - - 4- I o'?;i;i luorns-ey, iroin i id re- tircinent, 1S5F John C Ilenan, from Mori.'sey's leiiremc-nt to his own retirement j ooc.it lM'.;t. oca coourn, !rc-ci iienau e letr.e - mei.t to his own first retirement, about ISti-L Bill Davis, from Coburn's retire- UiC.nt to Fay I'.'., 18F. J;m Duaue, from May 16, 1800, to retirement iu same year. Bill Davis, from Dunne's retire- metit to September 19, 180G. Jimmy Elliott claimed the title also in 1'!5 and 1SC0, but the ques- tion was never settled. Mike MeC'ooI, from September 19, lb'., to July 15, 1 SOt. Tom Allen, from July 15, Fk), to May 10, lSTO. Jem Mace, from May 10, 1870, until retirement. Tom Alien, from Mace's retire m-ont to S-.'ptemOer 7, 1870. JoeGess, from September 7, 170, to June 1, ISim). Paddy By an, from Jane 1, 1880, to February 7, 1882. John L Sullivan, from February 7, 1882, until forfeit to Kilrain in 1687. uuv J-- wta.ii v.' m . 1. j Ty:urrw s '-niniHy Bi.h-me Runner. Tomorrow-, thank the Lord, is j Sun lay, our day of rest. All we will have to do is-to whi the children for iSuaday school end wonder what kind of ar. appoiite the preuoher will wlt"lu' Some men caavo uigh ounce m tnis world ; bat cs for us, wo would rather be troasarer of the First Methodist church than dwell in the tent6 of the wicked forever. Oar wifo wesirs our suspenders to church tomorrow ; but we'll be on hand, hitched up with- a busrgy trace. A t lol; Trial C lub. Jamestown, N. C, Sept. 7. Through the efforts of A A Ilolton, Lxouperior Court clerk of Guilford county, the Eastern Field Trial Club, a sporting society of New York and Philadelphia, ha3 pur chased 10,000 acres of land near Jamesto wn, X. C, and will erect, at once, a 100,000 club house. The specihcations and drawings are now being drawn up by a Phila delphia architect. ,..V44 vvi ixt say. i s,,msi;, .i Wtltl Doiuicr!ll:p Vi::il:l):- t. 'tin r. i vm i I"c Miiim!4. Oar good friend, Ou-ar. J tv.k j Alexan wlioui wj how ltd and j yel.ed for in 1S0 j.jjuiu3t a noihbi.r and a bosom friend, who decided to ruu independent, gave U3 a ydej-s.-mt j call, Wednesday evening, i v A'exanuer declare ! th t lu-! i ui-.ln t intend to get mad durin this campign, and the Standard is glad of it. We re really sorry that the captain is so badly oM, au a3 he's certainly out of plaee; and the Standard hat-.'s to sec him dei j uated so badly. He is sure to be ; snored under by a majority cf at j least 1'0- uud probably 10'otv If ; cjpue.n Alexander couldu t be elect- ed when nominated, he certainly can't iu the present run. I He and the Standard man had si pleasant confab. What objections have vou to iind -with democracv? j "lam just as good a democrat aov: as 1 eve: was" said he, 'but F I have no coni1m r.ee in the northern ' i democrats; those in the South arc - I all right." ! What fault have you to and with J the State, administrations under the ! deaiocratd-1 "None at ail as far) j as I kmo.v." Then you will cup-, j . po. t ."dr. Flias Carr and the others; i on the ticket whom you helped to ! Vll!nr;1:aU, i uecaue to answer -in'.T fine Tonih. ; In Buereos Ayres, South Araenca, ! ta-.re is a bur was; ground that was i graluitoos'y thrown crc-n to the I j puklic by aMr. Thcma; Xhoiinio. Some piojde might thick that it was perfectly natural for him to Jie with softening cf the brain, when it is known that ho donated the grounds on these conditions : Then rhali be but one tomb and this he will erect in the center cf the yard. Mr. Crowvil showed us a picture of th:s tomb. It is mounted by a sphere, with meridians lines and degrees marked, aud there are oth er marks. Wiirn ahoJyokkr.d for burial in those grounds, the keeper places a compass on top of the tomb and takes a bearing and; measures a certain ! list mce. A' record of this bearing. i dc , is kepi.. No tombs or s-oues cr ; marks ot ary kind are allowed so j mark the reefing place, The cemetery begins to lili up at the center aud goes out. This is one grave-yard where the j top of the grave levels all humanity j - s'loiwunt itomn. j ljr. J A Graham was with us a J few ds vs this week, j jr, n X Miller, of Salisbury, was spending a few days with his old friends and acquaintances. Miss Lemon, of Greensboro, is Epending a few days with her friend Miss Jennie Skeed. Gen. IPifus Barringer, of Char- j lotte, spent several days with Col. Shimpoch the first of the week, (ien. Kufus Barringer, of Char lotte, sptnt several days with k'oh Shimpoch the iiret of the week. The enrollment of ML Amoena Seminary is now upwards of seventy, 1 with thirty live boarding students, over one half of the enrolled stu dents belong to the collegiate j classes, there being 1 Senior, 12 Juniors, 13 Scphmores, 15 Fresh man, foar States are already repre sentel. The Seminary is now full but an additional building i3 being erected for the accomodation of stu dents. Prof. Fisher is undoubtedly j the greatest worker that has ever j tc-ea in the institution. I Sh'ii'i'EU. j . A Jiio-tln. A minister hands the following to us: "If the report cf the Obcerver be true that Dr. Exum, like Skinner, prefers de-nocratic surcess in !i-.u of republican success in the state, ought it not to follow that these same men v. ork for democratic fcuc ces3 in the nation, the acknowledged eourcc of our present condition?" A r.ft ''Illppinsr.'' At the Cress mill, in No. G town ship, there was a big colored dipping on Sunday. Twenty-four went down in the water; three of these weighed oyer 250 pounds; and one weighed as much as 317 pounds and the preacher called for help. It is to be regretted that so many people were too late; 800 witnessed the ceremony, many whites were present Concord was largely represented There would have been twentyOve, but one refused to go in because the water was so cold. TU t nir. it -w-as a slice-'--" .hm traniemeiit was grt; I's'aar in i-Lio'- it v V hen th-? sqio-:o u: b'?:'e diss-onoars '!! ear a', a.' i . 'i'he fhe 'T'.l. " "be to 1'. ' 'n ..:,.-roi. Vs.: v v' .il, I K i.r Xt , : solicitor of Me.-klvnoar,;. a . .iri-i'i. f,i- the arr -.-t i fir rV. on th,- . '. : e".- w ( e. l:-.o-' .v. wh ' h SvaoJay la.v. Covbet'k heard of this and. the y n as safely sliprvd oat of two o'clock Moo'iay men, -.nisi S ca the oi'v at in ?. Corbett said inthe was d-.':ght 1 to have got a?, ay fro-.u Fhaiiottv hr.ut any co-oaplicatioiis. -IC w bad been arreted," h: d.clare-, ''eerv h'Li tin nom in t! e eonutr- would hav- ai-.l taut I v I the b:- t'.dlow, and thr.-. r.- ' . ,f- thing wa- a : v avoid meeting him.." cnrt .-.,; - ' I see in :he "oh th- sth '--r of : have m.miom d mv legislative n our mum not in poa-.. s vr i aa. ie 'm member on the iicotd friends will not tn: thing. This is ova l's tick-.:: Fara or fur t ho Senate ; Jchr. ii. ' ka ' -of No. k, for the FgiFa.ur?; Morrison ter tkeriu' ; dro. F. Pat terson for register cf d-ae.ls ; -'ro. A. Ciine lor ireosurer; K. S. Hera;: for cotton weigher; Jama: F. iiraai for coroner and John 11. Long Ft surveyor. v e tnin.v 2.0. o 13 ent: i.O to ) cond;date at!,; . ;. Iie?pectfnda M. M. Mo 1. I s.'- i - -lar Tviit ?(( .'.;. The cJallengo the WF.-uordo club, of Poplar Tent, gave t.) any P.aa. crat cf the county for a di-c.Uion was accepted bv H. S. Puryeir, Esq. Mr. P. II. Maso(y,of Durhai-i, open cd for the Thirds party and dhr. Paryear follow. !, wit!: a rejoiv.kr by opr. Masse y. io:it F' v,-. re present. The Standard wa.? not rcpresonted bat ptrtioi bF us that Mr. Parycar pat 3 r. 4uaaay 111 a hob- '" d"eti th a he 001 1, t ; To " V a ioa'a'lai, 'iki'tai o .. d up .ioaa; strk-o' .! to Fl; 1 1. but ho m: Thad p: CO' ti'i." ill lloga,. ;.; : IF-ndorso'i .1.1 e',..ie ...C was .:F'.'d H a-;i bo -.a J he-.' no through Fie Jtn.irs For 4'ourf. Tie following jaoaj nave been drawn for the r.eit t-.-rm cf court, whh.ii convenes here en October :Jl3t, Judge Boykln presiding: V !' Most, Bold. Linker, G C Tucker, Kobt. II White. E L Fisher, C M Misenheimer, II B Paiks, J E Ear lev, F P Saunders, II A Piatt, D A Klnttz, J li Klutt.TjTlobb Pose, W A Troutman, K W Fleming, 1) C Dayvault, CA I sen hour, A J I'ropst, FSPiiarr. J B Caldweli. J Whit Burkhead. J B Winecca Martiti lioger, Geo. J Hurloc'ajr, Geo. W Misen h-dimer. jr., J C Lippurd, F 0 S Miller, W II Blackweider, John G White, I X Pharr, S L Carrol!. D B liartwick, Logan 1'eeter, J (5 2uerv, Chas. J Far; is. jr., Vv'm. A Caster. Is superior to all other preparation.? claiming to bo bloixi-pnriiiers. Fir-.S of all, lieeaose the principal ingredi ent u-ed m it in t!i: i-xtraet "f gen uine Honduras sarsapardla root, tho variety richest i;r n.edieisiul proper- Curos Cs.to.rrn c.nuot;;o'ye.- l,w (bx-k, iK-hi.o: r;ii;-i-d expres.dy t'or the'Companv, io always f r--; U and of the very b--.-d kind. With naal diseriminatam and care, each et tho ether ingredkrds i.re vi'-ct- d and compounded. Ft U THE superior mm; leeause it is always t.h same In np pearnnce, flavor, and ffl'eet, a:nt, luft .highly reucentroted, only small doses are nee'.ed. It i, therefore, the most w.-or:oi:iical blood-p'srider KjUi makes food nour- SCROFULA nut. sleep refresh ing, end life enjoyable It searches out all impurities in tho system and expels them harmlessly by tho natu ral channels. AYEIt'H SarsaparilJ.i gives elasticity to the etep, and Im parts to the aired am! inSrm, r newed health, strength, and vital.':'. ti - &2 toLi uct Sarsapaillla ProparcJ IvDr. J.C.Avtr &Co.,Lo-t:i,Sr?. ikold yall lnuig!tg; l r-f 1 ; :x b-jitk-B, $ti. Cres othere; will oure f . a. 1

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