i- ii T-r--n HI.OOl) OX THE .1IOO.V. ))I1 Vim Tver Hoar ihe I.Ike of 11? A (fair lttw -'! Two IreitrhrrM(or l'urt Mill. The Fort Mill News says : The long and unpleasant dis cussion which has continued between Iters. Hurley and Alc Manaway was brought to a crisis last Monday when tight was proposed. During the entire length of the discussion a great deal of bitterness has existed on both sides, but this has been suppessed as far as possible, but the jnatter began to assume an open serious air when liew McManaway in a card in the News of last week's issue denounced as liars a com mit tee who claimed to have investigated the charges by him against Rev. Harley and "iouud them false." Mr Harley was away on the date of issue of the paper, but returned Sunday and after reading the card in the News became so enragedf that Suns day night af terservice he arose and read the card to the con gregation, and after savagely eommenting.upon it, then and there, publicly branded Rev. McManaway as a "sneaking scoundrel, liar, and coward'' Mr Harley further said that Mr McManaway had sneaked oil that (Sunday) afternoon, and threatened to have him arrested and brought back. Mr Ilarleydenied.that he had been arraigned before the Methodist Conference on any charge, as was accused by Rev McManaway, and referred his congregation to several promi nent ministers and presiding elders with request that they write to them in order to sub stantiate what he said. This drama progresses very interest ingly. But in the next act Rev. McManaway appeaid upon the scene, not having gone to Char, lotte, as was supposed. Hav ing heard of the manner in which Mr Harley had used him the previous night, he ap peared at the gate of Mr Har ley' s residence, and calling his opponent out, in turn pour ed a shower of unbecoming epithets such as hid been giv en the previous night and chal lenged Air Harley for a fight on the ground. Jiut the latter will have recourse to law as plan of action, and whether the matter will be carried any further or not we do not know. Several propositions of a com promising nature have been found satisfactory to both par ties. The News has endeavored to stat-the facts devoid of par iality, and the above facts are we have heard them, and just as just as they occurred, In the m antime we eagerly wait de velopments. f! THE TKI E SITIATIOX. St--.esvi.le Landmark. The tickets among which the people of North Carolina are to e'ioose this year are now made up, r.-.J there are four of them: Demo t ratic, Republican, Prohibition aud IVople's. Either the Democratic or Republican ticket will be elected. Neither the Prohibition nor the People'a party can carry a county in the State. The reader ia invited to take note of this prophecy and com pare it with the election returns in November. With some little or port : : .y for observation and with E':::i. j.a'ans for formiLg an intclli gent opinion, the Landmrak repeats this statement and stakes its judge ment upon it, that neither the Peo pie's party cor the Prohibition party will carry so much a one county in November. They may turn the scale m some of the conn ties as between the two great parties, bnt they can do no more. Practically, then, the question for each voter to determine for himself is whether he wants Mr. Carr of Judge Furches for Governor whether he prefers a Democratic or a Republican government in North Carolina during the four years dat ing from January next. Every man who has heretofore been a Demo crat, who voteB this year for Exum or tor Templeton, is, by with drawing his vote from Carr, contrix bnting jnst so much to the election of Fnrches. To carry out the par ale, every man who has heretofore been a Republican, who this year Totes the .People's or the Prohibition ticket, is contributing just so much to the election of Carr. We all know, however, that when the test cornea few Republicans will be found voting for any other than the party's nominees. How many Democrats, when they see the case as it is, will be foand voting against theirs? Upon the basis of the vote of $88, the I033 of an average of 100 yotes to the country to thM;;nccrat ic party v ill muke the Stata very ch e ; ftc lo;-.- of IH vill gi re it to the Republicans. Each man c;vn tun we r for himself -.vjie'lieror not he wants to be ini-'t'iMuital in bringing this result aboat. It has been six t.n ears since Vance was elected Governor and all the department of the State government passed into the hut.ds of the Democrats. The peo ple know whethor or not their al of it his been vise and economical and whether or not under it life has been safe and property rights si cur ed. A system of lws and practices which it was thought .vouhl l;.st conserve, the interests of the people ha3 been established an maintaned and the people will be called upon in November to decide whether or not this fabric shall be.torn down and in its place be reared a system oi laws and practices formulated by the I Republican party. We speak of a change throughout as following upon the election of the Republican State ticket, because we assume that its election will carry the Legislature with it. Vh, Wlint a louli. Will ycu heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the approach of that more terrible disease Consump tion. Ask yourselves if you can af ford for the sake of saving 50c, to run t!.e risk and do nothing for it. Wo know from experience that Shil oL's Cure will euro yonr cough . It never fails " This explains why mere tt.an a million Pottles were sold the past yar. It relieves croup and whooping couch at once. Mothers, do no., be without it. For lame buck, ride or chest use Shiloh's Po rous Plaster. Sold at Fetzer's Drue JStore. TheVcrnioul Election. Rutland, Yt., Sept. l'. Complete election returns show that, compared with the vote in 18SS, the Republi cans suffered a loss of 9,2G2, the Democrats a loss of 1 the Prohibi tionists made a gain of 278. Pure blood is what oils the' mas chmery of life, eases every move., merit of tho body, removes stiffness of the joints, drives out pain from the nervep, ctimulates the brain protects the liver a d kidneys from irritation, enables physical exertion without fatigue, plolongs life, and makes men and women perfect in health and feature. Good blood and good brain are inseparable. Aim to keep the blood pure by usinp the only true blood remedy, B. B. B (Potanic Blood Balm: Miss S. Tomlinson, Atlanta, Ga.. says : For many years I have been aN rhcted with rheumatism combined with severe kidney trouWes, .. indigestions Rhuematism anprdOPrtreSons Several phys eicians wcro employed i-hd numer oua patent medicines resorted to without benefit. At last I becan the use of B. B. B., and its effect was like macic. Iiheumatic pains ceased my kidneys were relieved and my constitution improved at once. Z. T. Ilallcrton, Macon. Ga say a : "Three years ago I contrfieied bipod poison. I allied io u uLy. iciru at Mbco-j, !i treatment came near kihi,- me. 1 epiovcKl an old physiciua and thPn went ii! TT a O Kentucky. I Hot Springs . ., find remained two months, om notbiii- seemed U cu-e me permanently, although temporary relief wia giTen me. 1 returned home a ruined man physi cally, with but littl: prospect of cv- tlv I "l T1L J. aa Pera"aded to try B. B- B and to my utter as toaijli,ontit quickly healed every frails BALM BIO- "WEITB GOODS SALE. JUST DECEIVING, OPENING, PLACING THEM AT Have just closed out some get the cream. Tho ussnd We have short lengths in is the time. I-ln" Atiout Love.-. She (doubtingl) : "You ty yon are particular. What, prity, is your peculiarity r"' lie "Malel, I am the only man in the wor'd who evei loved ou ;.s nitich as I i'o." yhe "Unt I can't eok, and 3 hate to wash dishes." lIe"Thtn I am decidedly the one you should marry. I cant afford to buy any thing to cook, and so we won't need dishe3." Ia it not worth t!u-p.ma'.l price of 75c. to free yourself of every tTiup" torn of these ditrefci-iner complain te if you think to cull i;t c.ir etorc and T?i a bottlo of Shiloh's Vitaiizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, use aocordhiffiy and if it dors you no good it will cont yov notl.ing -Sold at Fetzer's Drufr Store. The l,j iic :il n sr. Wasliington Post. Southward the at:ir of progress takes it way. They have just lynched a white man in North Caro lina. We havo a npeed-f and positive cure for citanh diphtheria, canker mouth and hcadai-Lo, in Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A nat al injector free with oaeh bottlo. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price COc. Sold at Fttzer'e Drug Store. A .TTonstrwwi Steam Shbvol. Tho largo-st Btoam shovel intho world la din out phc.phato in the iulnte at JtJiri'd Island, n xr Charleston, 8. C. Its weight ia fiftylx toia It can dlii to a depth of ten fit-t lJ.w Its track ami to a 'ltetaiMHS of forty-flvo fec-t oa either pV.le. Tho dipper, which can swing through two-thirds of a circle, lias accipju lty of 1 0-1 cublo yards, itfid. about two dipiers fall can bo horidlod hi a mlnuti?. Kxcliorte. YOUR LIFI WE GDABAXTr:? SPOONS FORKS with Sterling Silver BACKS TO WEAR 2 5 YEAR3- ( ThO r-lWSOf StrllnT Pa ver liilald at tlie poluta ol rest prevent uuy wear whatever. FIVE TIMES aa much Pllwr as la Btand &rd Mate. FAR BETTER than IJht So'lil Silver And not uue-hull the coet. ; Each article to stamped E. STERLING-INLAID fe. Accept no substitute. " M-j 0-i.y bit TmI Holmcs & E&waros Sjlws f Fr saie at CORRELL BRO THE ONLY PERFECT Send for circular and price list to "WHEELER & WILSON, Co., Atlanta, Ga. HOOVER,. LORE & CO., Concord, N. C. :o- w & -o:- big lots. Will give you the ci Y?ds cf Ekached white goods can give?you at COME AND SEE. MX if (SPS for Infan r? CKrtorl ia so well adapt1 40 ' I recommend it as superior to ny pre" -J- " known to mo." n. A. Akchich, 31. T., Ill Bo. Oxford St, Crooklyn, i; r- "The use of 'Castoria' Is so tin!ver.i :r. " h merits so well known that it seeiijs .a . . .. of supererogation to endorse it Bow ft tataKfcsnt families who do not keep Carton within easy reach." New York City. Late roor rjloomiagdalo Bof onned Church. Ttr Cm"aob We hare a flpeedv and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, cankel mouth and lieadache, in Shiloh's Ca tarrh lioiudev. A iinsal injector free with each bottle. Use it if you de fire health and sweet breath. Price 50c. Sold at Fetzer's drug store. ft. strictly Mh-rpc family sewlna machine, possessing all modern iaiprovciBcnts. GUARAHTEEO EQUALto ths BEST Prlce vcir reaaonaUc. OMaln tucia (2 and maUe coicpiirisons. ELDREDGE MANUFACTURING CO. BELVIDERE ILL. iw stss' p l m For Dvsoepsia. This unfailinonic type, for Dyspepsia an the most chniical rt-seais the result ol many years me rch of one o tmost Btt'd d chohus f t lie oDr. La Verne owiiiton. Patent hnd projrictary nos luums liae had no more bitter opponent than this most eminent physician, for the simple reason that the same dose is invariably prefcribed to the sufferer, no matter what the temperament of the patient, and no matter what the pecu liarities oi the iltseasc, and this too, in the face o the claims tLat such rcme diets known dis ea maj D hw nton realized fullly to whet ox tent i'ys cps1a, whether mild or chronic imp ' )verishinir and poisoninrothe bloort, be :ame the progenitor of numer ous disci ses, ami therefore sought dili gently tor years to discover its true specific. In this he was successiui, out in prescribing nis wonuenui uiscovury, he never overlooked the preat medical truth that the symptoms In each case, the temperamental dillerences, and even the habits and occupation of the sufferer, required not only a difference in the prescription of h'a remedy, but also de manded supplemental treatment and dietary directions, varying widely in different cases. HE V.'INTON MEDI 'AL co. send in connection with this celebrated peciac lor wyspep&ia, a complete treatise by the Doctor, which gives explicit directions to the sufferer, that hemav not only intelligently use he remedy, but also properly regulatci the diet, and properly self-administer the supplemental prescriptions suited to the case This Is nioillrni ireniiiieai nnct Do not be robbed ot your money and your hones ior resmreu e...u . anaceas' which wli:e cmparatively mless will curt1 nothing , wintou's SneciliC is s-i-.t t,y an (.rnjr- Chst8 in f i-0 )ackau-es. V-e are intro- lucing it ourselves in thl ii't i '.-M), w- forcpiacii- it on ..ilc with v'-ur j.-auing harmacis's, :U win E.'na mii;;h; es to any address upon ro'ed'i oi ou ents. rpcli pacKasre contains uit! mem ict trnst of Dr. wmlon. vmu nieia- yr directions and supplcmcnta! prescrip- J ions. Address- WillTlifi ilil U ffl 1 H I L II ill Lb lb- wU., j Fischer BuiHliuc m m 'a I & sk mi m advantage. Early buyers will Domestics. half price. Remember, NOW & FETZEll. JL-Mv - r. Children. rr-i irUenrefl Oolk CVnrlpfttJori, itiuiat-h, iJiarrhopft. EructaUon, onus, gives sleep, and promote d ." t'injurioufl medication. rr several years I have recommended - Castoria, ' and shall always f'ntinur? -" it haa invariably produced beneficial raults." Edwiw F. Pardbb. M. v., Tho WInthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave New York City. OoMTAirr, 71 Murray Strmt, Nw York. ABSOLUTELY :o:- FREE ! ! The publishers of tho Family Jour nal are determined to Jargoly m. creaso tho circulation of their paper. To do this wr vk- hc following unparalleled ..t'Vi Sv will send ftbohiteiv Fin:::, p fssitSSi UOOK - i'jOKt0 eftch per- on Bt-uing us fix mov.ths' pui.-ription to t)e Familv JounNAi.. Thid Cook Book is sent to EACH sis months subscriber, and will be found an almost invaluable culinary puiae in tho hands of the mor-t experienced housekeepers, as woi! as a necessity to the inexneri-eiu-ed. It pohHes-.es the one great advauf.ar? over a.i other cook-books pul.'lihhod by being a compn hen sive compilation of economical re- cip'-s suited io nousowivea wun i limited means. Under other heads j rt-cipf-s for numeious tabh; luxuries I are given. In fact line cook-uook it I a compendium of useful rc-cipea used j and oriainatca by tho most ctlebra- tr-u chefs, cooks and pastry-bakers i of the pres.-m da v. With tho FAMILY COOK-BOOK a3 a saido, ; no housewife need worry hew t j prepare the most surcptous or rjo-t i tru;.! repast. Remember we send ithisbooc ab3-"lut-lv fiee to '"very j six niontLs su'frib-.-r to the Fami i.y Jori'.NAL- This is no choap bok It retails as hi ah da Sl.o'J and ."i'2.0 a .d i;- worth mary tiroes moro ;aBSf. THE 1' i. ViiuY. JUUltsAJj is an pnnnof linn with charm'r.f stOHf-rt , choiso literatare. such fnecial fcaturos as llonsehoul liiuts, "The FaKbioTUi," "Tho Household D:ctor,'1 au i uuuciou-: other de nsrtnienia of demostic interest, ,v?ii nV.y ft.'.iti-il by wcll-tucwa i writers on tho various topics iucn tionod. ix months' trial Kubbcnp.--tion is only 2j cents v.iA entities HenJer io a f in-zl'; oopy of tho Cook i'ook. fcit-nd tweuty-iivo ceiitfe in postal note or Btainpa to THE FAMILY JOVU7i.lI.., CLicayo, Iii REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BUltKIIEAD & ;SO X, Agfa Ofiico in the old Postoce ing, (brick row). Fire Insurance Companies : Phoenix, of Brooklyn; Continental of jew iork;J. C. J lorn e, of X. C; Insurance Company of Xorth America, of Phil adelphia; Northern As suraoce of London. Rates as low as the lowest and eec cunty unqnestioned. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Traveler cf Hartford. CYCLONE INSURANCE- In these days of etorms, cyclones, or tornadoes, you will feel "safe to have a Policy in a good responsible company. Have you a. bor.d riv; as edit rity, fl.en e:ul en the InsurnnV Coirjvr.iy to j-;-t it up and not on yonr friends. Pay t; rciiiinm for ycur bond and fnrnitnr". REAL ESTATE. We oiler a e nc' a of: iprovrd in town .tiberbs. Price A LJS re;l,cnal.le aml 11):l(le ,Kncwn on plication to EUKKIIEAD & SON, t C. if A-t CONCORD, JS. o. I lnve movod into tho stable late ly occupied by Brown Bros., near the courthouse. The best accommo dations for drovore. Leave your orders at the stable or with J. L. Brown Porter for omnibus. Horses and mules for tale. M. J. CORL, Proprietor. M A. FOIL. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON MT PLEASANT, N. C. All calla promptly attended to, day or night. O;hoe in Moose's Drug Store . Af 10 o'clock p. m. at residence on C l!e Hill. Weekly Standard until Jan. 1 '93 for 20 cents G to be made of Pur Vegetable Oils, OLIVE OIL, BEN O COOA-B UTTER OIL. Treated by the "old Pocess.' Pure White Not Perfume Net Colored. Will not attack the skin in Winter or Summer mi lb Mil Ik ft I'M To wash the baby. To wash the hands and face. To dress wounds and sores. To cleanse and heal diseases of the scalp and skin. For bathing and shaving pur poses. Price: 10 cents per cuke, $1.00 per dozen. A full supply kept at Misse Benson, Fisher & Uo's Milli nery. Mrs. J. S. FISHER, Agent for Concord and Oas barms county. mch21. Me 4 Wadswortli! PI m and m Pure Ground Bone, Listers and Miller's solved Bone, Wnndo Guano and Acid, and several ctlicr of tlic Best Brands rae ojjered at oiose rnces BY YQFIKE & Willi Go cind j?ct .their Iiices. 2 hey arc prepared to fur nish you with any quantity aesircd. LADY'S HOSIERY AT COMMISSION PRICE Ladies do you realize thai when vr-v. r.v i ' ' retailer, you are raying three i::wiet.s:-.4iv' i ic: The manufa' ;i!rci svlls to t):c ...nii'i'ssu.n l... r.v. ; v.y r f f i.s;-.iiv ic.: i li"'at(er to the johher, and the jivhl.tr, in ti-i H the retail tiit-rchnn;. Vtm r.:ust nrv 'A nam:tiieturer 3 tiroHt hi St. r,"t tlu-ri nav h hesulise'iueiil handlers a profit, not nifrtMui.-nilv. p-TyiiiR two iirortts to the retailer. The Mmi!a-tti -crH'CoiiimiMMion Cuiiijtany resjionsihli; syndicate which sellis direct e consumtr. By invetinir in ni aii:if:uinr sines, o u ii s ana enas, ino-iois. and the t nr rreu.ar cuinnnssion holdings, we are ah' e insolvent m a nutaciurers.i in connertilon k 1 t o t he consumer direct at the rniK.nicu't titrer's. Vhiie this company handles all k;nd of ladies' .h-ii ia imi ..ic leuiove iroill t'lie man .t.a.uKa. t .i.c hum. a special anve on our osiery, merely to introduce our name in vour i i i inn aim esiannsn a reputation tor K'vir? val ues never before oflered, so that you will l.eiuliv prepared tor our later atmotincement of our entire nut-?.. M'nu me nmowii'ff oners : Ladies- full length, fnsliioued. fast M.ick hnu. superfine auRir,(rctailinn everywhere at 2; 'td rsex-its per pair,) we will sell at 16 cents, or one- li n : I dozen at 96 cents. I.adies'l extra length, full regular made, fast h'ac and seamless hose, very finest Ranee, (relaiVin everywhere at 50 cents tip), we will sell at 2 cents, or one-half dozen for Ji.jS. We pay express charges, and agree uncondi lonally to refund money if hosiery is not the values and qualities described. Be sure and send the size wanted, and remember that at we oav express we cannot afford to send less than one half doz. Orders must be accompanied by cash in either money-order, postal note, stamps or renistere etter. addressed to the 'eKisterea 9fnnnflllllrrrt, Conmiittalon Vo 2I Fifln Avetiue. ChicaKo, l Y0URNAME lv 8e,nl witb.Prcpcra3JreSwi!irb6tt?a free jIt our numerous lists, aud you iLmCCIY0 T0ush them many valuable samples from companies desiring agents: Address nostn.1 tothe AMEKICAN LIST CO FiRcher BniMmo. CLicagoIU CARTER'S IS3N i fotr weak difiestion. Can rbeale byhesmaUot child. FobaffSS FARMERS, ATTE NTION I HAVE JUST RECEIVED One ACID Thousand BED THERE IS NO SUIT STJCK OF Acid, Guano and JPlour IN TON AS I HAVE AT ALLISON'S CORNER CALL TO SEE ME BEFORE BUYING. ALSO HATS, SHOES, SUGAR, COFFEE, MOUSES, ETC. C. G. Montgomery. HARDWARE HARDWARE I am still at the old stand on Allison's corner, and ktp o-ood stock of agricultural HARDWARE on hands, a builders material, nails, locks, hinges, doors, sash and plus of all description. I am Agent for the New Peering Mow one of the best Mowers made lfV 1 . j- V. i: 1 (""XVr ft- am also Agent for theVally Forge rough ample of it can be seen;in Forest He ID CO The old, well-established, reliabk firm of HOOVER? & LORE invite your Selected An exjKjr-enoe of 15 years in Concord enables them fc mrpr tlie wants of their customers and with the Verv Best Class of Goods And wittt a thoroughness that only cornea with LOXC1 EXPER1ENC1-:, and an intimate naintance with the trad OUR WABEK ARE FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPEOTL WE KEEP NO SHODDY GOODS OIWRANTEED SUIT THE HARD TIMES OF AND GUANO AD SUCKS OF FLO v- (..-.-. I J7t ; " C-i w CO k attention to t Stock of G-oo&s ,"""ss 1 '

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