A,- 7 I: j h tv 1 1 .JL VOL. V. NO 45. CONCORD N C. TIIUIlSDAY.TTV1HBER'3riS92. WHOLE ..NO 252. "P I i Btamdard. A K ;niMi( it!i Vouchor. Inihv our lae-t is? no, James E Shep .t has Wen appointed Chief Jus r.i'i'ofthe Supreme CVart. We arc ia '. :!..tt so i a lawyer and up iLdit man h .o tveivvd the appomt ii 'iit. It is doe.h: f nl if there is a l.-.tM- mm m tin- State Tor the Chief .luitiivship. Armistei.d BnrweiV of Charlotte, iui been appointed associate justice, to HI' the .i.-aucy car.sod by the promotion of JuJe bhepherd. This appointment is also eminently tit to lo made. Judge Bur we' I is an ex cellent lawyer ar.d his character is he vend reproach. The death of Donald W Bdn, a good ar.d j ure m m, cieated a vacancy in the ofiiee of State Trersnrer, S McD IXite has Wen appointed to fill ir. His friends say he is an able financier. Ve know nothing to the contrary. Xor.h State, I lc Hotel y..ii7.iiiI.rl' Ilitrijctl Winston, Xo.. Wins n was viii.id with another Sirious cen :'..ira'.ien to-day. Her model Hotel Zinzetulruf caught lire at 11 o'clock in kss t.o hours it was in a -Hi s. i re on -mtueu m the roar of the buiidig by the e.vplos on of a zasedine stove in the steam Lundiy. A heavy breeze v. as airing and the " ailding Uing a n eodeu structure the ll.tnus spread r..p;dly, The two :'.:e companies were on hand but for the lack of water were paperless From sparks the wools aud old fields for several LuiKp.-ed yards aiour.d united, t re'p.u ,i irea nara worK to s.lvc other W.iLlmgs. Loss $1C0, (-.".it iuiuivatiee $U0,tAk. Some, of the furniture was served UU was broken up. The trunks of svu-rut dr a miners and lx..;rder3 were , st. The building o.vneu by the West End Hotel & Land Company, ' e t which W A WLitaktr is president. ' W V." I ; r :a nrjs.ii'r. t The hotel mauagemeiit was pivpar- end, and thinks senotuly of his cons ing, when the fire broke out, ajditicn. Jeli-rson is gradually turn ThaLksgiing dinner which would ! ing whit? from fright. surpass anything of the kind ever j given in this city. Business men here say to-night that to-day's is the heaviest blow Tinston has ever re ceived. It is not known whether the hotel will be rebuilt cr not. Shooting Iiohins Verbified. The news of the scrape of Rev. Thomas Dixon caused by shooting robins on Saten Island recently, and thereby breaking the Xew York law which forbids the shooting of song birdi has long since gotton into every paper in the State. It has also gotten into poetry, as folle-vs: Sing a song of Dixon, A pocket fall rye; Four and twenty song birds Bagged on Staten I. When the bag wa3 opened. The Judge began to sing: "Just a Hundred and sixty boius Will square this little thing?" Tom was in the court room Counting out the mon-y ; The "squealer" in a gin mill Eating bread and honey. ho:t., taiiii a x i ciiaisity. We very muen regret that some people take politic il zeal for person al fpite, but then it can't be helped, they cannot find the dividing line. In politics and religion everybody should be allowed the convictions of hi3 own conscience, but it has come to that point In this part of the moral vinyard that we mud all Le of the Eame faith, the ssme be lief, the Eame bia3 or Boycott is the werd. The great apostle Paul once said that there were three things em bodied in the Christian religion Faith, Hope and Caarity and the greatest of these ti:ree is Charity. We have had, lately, to deal with tome who have cither never read or h-ard of the great apostle's saying cr have forgot t-1. it. The Standard has endeavored during ti e exciting campaign, just closed, to be neither offensive or ins tolerant. It has had its views, pos Jitical, and expressed them in a traight forward and manly way, hd it now has 1.0 excuses or apolo- ses to make. Xo spite or animosi ty1 was thought of to those who dif fered with us. Let it go at that. So mote it be. Rev. Sam Small had a small but appreciative audience Wednesday niiiht to hear his lecture, ''From the lar-room to the pulpit." The Standard has heard a score speak in the very highest terms of Mr. Small a3 an orator and reasonei Christmas soon will be here, And the turkey will be killed: His feathers will be taken off, And with spiffing he'il be iiPed. The Comiu Kvont. Th Business Men's Jubilee., which wr.s such a brilliant success o:i Tuesday night, is a copyrighted entertainment, originated and owned by Mrs. V S Puttrrson, of Kokomo, Indiana. The lades have had many mpus's to repeat the entertainment, but have decided that it is not practicable to do so. They expect, however, to have, later, a concert, at which the irest popular songs (Reu ben and Cynthia Tush dem Clouds away The Duetts, etc.,) will be repeated xiili many delightful addii iions to the musical programme. The proceeds of this concert will be for the benefit of The Thompson Orphanage, an institution where children from all denominations are received and which must com mend itself to all. It is greatly in need of innds, and it is hoped that, by this concert, a rcal'.y helpful sum nay be realized for it. Further notice of the concert will be given. "X." Ilailly Bruised. Kubt. Sappeniield, Xo. l"2s con stable, was riding Bob Key, Mr. CoiTs race horse, on Thursday even, ing. The bit broke and Boy groan ed and 'lit cut." Mr. Sappeiifieiel knowing how Hoy loved to run, jumped eff he received a ga;h above one ey and his chin skinned ti-rribly. De. Arehey pa:el.d up Constable Sappenuld iiivd he's soon be able to tackle Kov arair.. Torrl!lj- FrilUoiH'!. The pressman of this ciee J.f-; ferson Smith, of dusky line is in a' -fate, V.'c-diusday r.ig'.fc the ;nete- . oric display ir. the Leaven (which is ale- ays above hi in) added to the fact, the.. Cleveland is ikcbod, caused deli much bvm 'i iiu thinks it, mun.! tho IVDTIiL 1.? f.r'.M-CaChUlr tlU' ' means the w; Two Mpii Arr--iMl. A Salisbury eorresp-vadei.t of the Charlotte ..?. rwr ha; this to say: Further information regarding the1 murder of Francis W Tally, ne.-.r v . ixi 1 . ne 13 surposea to nave, uetu uiui- deied "Mo'aI.w i.iiiht instead of Tuesday u::ht. He was found dead in bed Wednesday morning and his home was vinted Monday, the door of the bouse being locked. Foul play was not suspected at thit time. The crime was committed with an axe. Two men, by the name of Morten and Etlrd, from the lower part of Stanly county, have been arrested and will be taken to the Albemarle jail to-.day. Several oth ers are suspected. These men w ere arrested from what they said at the home of "Liz" Blake, a disreputa ble woman in the vieiuity. A Wcrl-.liijf CiMirrh. The IVst Presbyteiian church, of this place1, is a regular beehive they are workers, so to speak Be sides heavy obligations towards mis sionary causes (voluntarily assumed) they gave 6250 to the orphanage at Barium Spring?, and now they are furnishing a room there and are supporting Albert Moyzs, a 13-jear- old lad. It is seldom that a congregation and a pastor work so aumiraoiy together. Dr. C M Payne and his good charge are to be congratulated. l v'2niid-- I.iKiiliiiT Grounds. Wilmington, Del., Xov. 23. Broadwater island, where Mr. Cleve land will temporally reside, is known upon the coast survey charts and locally as Hogg island. It lies twenty mile -3 north cf Cape Cnarles, Utwetu Great M.ichipiogo inlet on the south and the LPcic Machipiii go on the north. Broadwater island is maintained a-J a private hunting i nd fishing p'x-sc rve by a club ot fifty leading PhiLdelphians. Xow find him. STAM AHO IS5IS. President elect Cleveland seems to be running away from cilice seekers. The incoming President's postoffice address now is Ex more, Va., if all the world wants to know it. Between this and March 4, 1S93, Mr. Cleveland may perambu late with his family almost any where; but on the 4th of March, 1893, he will be "thar," and with a level head satisfy everybody that he is "Right"- If no then what? The colored people had a festival in the Hutchison building Saturday nifht. The usual amount of fun was secured and the evening passed Tlirtnt.j.-iviu.- u-os. Union Thanksgiving services were hell r.t tne Central M E Church. Be v. W G Campbell preached the sermon and was assisted by other ministers in the service. The Stand ard hears the discourse highly com-pliuieuted. the I.j--t'i:m. A goodly number was present at die meeting Friday night. Mr, Duval, the pre udet t, coat I not be present, which pL.c-e w:s temporarily filled and Prof. Hall acting as sec retary. Mr. Keistler read an essay; it was touching and moved many to tear3 as he pictured the sad ending of two lives that were failures. llesolved that "Ladies should be admitted to membership in the Con cord Lyceum" was discussed by Messrs. Campbell, Fetzcrand Blacks wvldu on the ahinnative, and oa the nog dive by Messrs. Maugum, Cartlaiid and Alderman. The com mittee (II McXamara, C E Alex ander and J F lloneycntr,) decided in favor ot the aSirma-ive, The Standard cannot resist say ing that Mr. Jno. A Blackwelder Las won Lew stars he's really the "Oudger of Cabarrus." Kev. Mr. Aid. rman appear, el for his first time, anel lie's a good one. At the next meeting the pro gramme is "rieh and rare." Dr. Fe;.:er will present to the Lyceum a Ceo. Vi'asLi-igt m lvl'.e this will le worth goir.g miles to see. Secure your ticket, which costs not!i)iig but at king f er. V in err Ho iii. ..e.vt'r prophets aer S-.:iue of the pi'euICtlUg n e : ; y t Uie.g in of wm- t i-.re a month. te-r bee 1 the ;-o or cO ea:M-..r up ia the "West. Ae e climatic and a thi'igs winter b iu tkis latitude, o.'th d aLu idiug to the regular ivi.oiuieai order ov ins Deceuibe: all hour a v,''. 21 ,t fees , sonic lueauy nave ccvo. v.t ,i L'.ner weeks piior to that, date I'in.i it Nqti.ri'c!. Kv. ov V.' Thomas viv:'nu el' iwenty-two i , 1 years, hvir.g seven r.ules tack of town :e nu-nner. I has met death in a strai , - , 1 . . 1 1 ' rur several years, lie wts anected by wnat he ate to such an extent that when be indulged in beef-eating, about an hour afterward he would become restless and wander out in searcli cf cattle and bellow as an ox, and would get down oa his hands and knees ::iid e:tt grass like a cow. When he ie-.rtook of uniitou his actions were tbue el a sheep, uudhe would plaintively bleat like a lamb. When he ate chicken he would go out and ccratch for worms, which he would devour with apparent re lish. After eating fish ie would wander to the creek and go in swimming. Yesterday his father killed seyeral squirrels, of which the son ate heartily for dinner. He left the house shortly after and wa3 fol lowed by the father. The father soon saw his son enter an oak grove, and soon saw his soa jumping nimbly from limb to limb, at the same time barking like a squirrel. He called for him to come down, but this only eemed to make the the boy want to escape, and he attempted to jump from one tree to another, but missed and fell to the ground, a mangled, breathless mass of hnrnanity. and expired in less than five minutes. A wondtiful boy. 'Tis fortnnete for hunanily that he got "mangled," !g the county will now breathe free. AX AUF.l) fIIATlIA.il LOTHARIO. til-Is !".v-n V. HI- IE10 -i: 1 Wi-ii Iiiia. :io I'lirted C!i:u'ki;:i The Styreir., Court Carolina has thi.3 week favor of the plaintiff the Hi is county, which w;t.t cf Xorth ueciekd in case fron. trie 1 las:. May, v. herein Samson Edwards is the plaintiff and Jennie Culberson is the defendant, and the court's de cision should be a warning to all yourg women not to flirt with their beans, and especially an old one, The plaintiff if a widower about 82 year3 old, who s;:ed the defendant (a young wornau about 2o years eld) for the recovery of $275.25 which he alleged she had fraudulently obtain, ed from him, pretending that she would marry him anel would buy a certain tract of land with the monej and buying the land she refused to marry him and married another man not 21 years old. At the trial the jury found as a matter of fact that the defendant had fraudulently obtained the money from the plaintiff as he lnu! alleged, ;:iel tho plain'iff 's attorneys iiiMst. 0:1 the judge signing a judgment dcN claring the land liable for the money loaned and ordering it to be sold. He declined to sigu this judgment and gave judgment merely for the recovery of the money, which could not be collected because the defend ant had no property above the home stead exemintion. The plaintiff ap pealed to the Supreme Court and that court lui3 now ordered the land to be sold, and the proceeds of the s.'.le paid to the plaintiff. It is quite a novel case and its trial last May attracted much attention, and&ffoid ed considerable amusement to all who heard it. The Washington City correspon dent of the I7ew York World says that Senator Kansoni Avill probably be made chairman of the committee on commerce in the next Senate and Senator Vance, chairman of the com mittee 0.1 Privileges and elections. These gentlemen have served for a long time on these committees and their names head the list of Demo crats on each committte, respective ly. They are both important. The Benevolent Society of the First Presbyterian Church of Con cord has taken in its care a bright little boy, llobert Moies, now at the Orphanage at Barium Springs. This society was organized in 1S15, with the late Mrs. R Wr Allison as its lirst president. Mrs. C M Payne j is no-.v president, and under her ef-j lleKiit m inagement tlie society 13 not j only nourishing but it is aggressive in its work. Charlotte Xews. j Saner kraut lunches are in high j odor. Ja Frost is monarch of all he .i no f:.d:n;; vivid tints of Autuni are t Thanks! : 1 Fphraiui Carter v giving day in Cou'.ord. Christmas cotr.03 on Sunday this! Ve.ir. Oscar Allen will L 'S- old tomor ro- night at C:30. Thanksgiving day has passed. Xow look for Christmas. Chicken thieving should be suss ponded during the hunting season. Harry Fiyling is a climber. walked up the flag pole today and arranged the ropes. Bob Hix who formerly clerked for Mr. D Pat Daywalt is now the big c'o'hing merchant of Wilkes uoro. It is when a young fellow in love has lost his head that the girl in the crse likely to mercifully lay her own on I113 sholders. idrs. Dr. John Fink had at her home a Thanksgiv.ng reunion of the children and grand children Thurs day. The cuisine was superb. Wednesday evening the new sig nal flag pole was put up. All hands ar.d the- cook were present to aid. the majority of which was advice. A drummer got off the train to day. He had an umbrella, and he said that he had carried that um brella iust one v?ar and a day. lie should be happy. The South Carolina conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, began its 107th session at Trinity church, Charleston, yester day morning. j It is the belief and hope of many of the Methodists, whom the Stands r.rd has approached on the subject, that Di. Bays will be returned to the Cetitr. 1 M E Church. He is an lr.ct ssaut worker and his work has prospered i Lawyer C rowel 1 teli us that Mr. Francis Talley, who wrs murdered near Xew London, Stanly county, vas livinjr alone. His wife died several years ago. Whilst two men have been arrested on suspicion, the matter is yet invoked in great doubt. We stepped into Becks beef mark et this morning. We dont often go to a beef market All in a row was a lot of stuff that attracted our at tention of course we enquired and Beck said Wy dot is ht noothing but goot dried Beef tonges, Have one. We didn't haye one. Tne Business Men s Jubilee was a perfect Buccess. Mrs. R E Gibson aud Miss Ada Rogers, the leading spirits of the preliminaries, did the planning admirably. The parts were well represented and the young l.idips were indeed attractive. The receipts amounted to about $120, The Standard will here hint what d . has bo-.rd "Many wait it repen. A KSiort ':iOf!iKiii About lli Knrll) mitt Oilier Tliiu-fM. Of what is the surface of the earth composed? Of corner lots, mighty poor roads railroads tracks, baseball grounds, cricket !ield-, skrtuig rinks and Democrats, What portion of the globe is water ? About three .fourths. Sometime they add a little giu and nutmeg to it. What is a town ? A town is a considerable collection cf houses and inhabitants, with four or five men who "run the party" and lend money on 15 per cent interest. What i3 a city ? A city is an incorperated town, with a mayor who believes that the whole world shakes when he hap pens to fall 11a; on a crosswalk. What is commerce? Borrowing $5 for a day or two and dodging the leiuTer for a year or two. X'ame the different races. Horse race, boat race, bicycle race and raceing around to find a man to endorse your note. Into how many classes i3 mankind elivided ? Seven being enlightened, half civilized, savage, too utter, not worth a cent, and Indian agents. What nations are called enlight ened ? Those which have the most wars and the worst law and produce the most criminals, How many motions has the earth? That's according to ho. you mix your drinks and which way you go Iimne. What is the earth's axes ? The line passing between Xew Yosk and San Francisco. What causes day and night ? ay is caused by night getting tired out. Xiht is caused bv pverv ' body going home to si; inner. I vyLat is a map ? A Map is a drawing to show the jury where Smith stood when Jone3 y i . i ga,e mm one unuer tne eye. What is a miner's compass ? A jug holding four gallons. Prohibition in South Carolina. The South Carolina general as sembly has met 3nd will remain in session thirty days. At the Demo cratic primaries last summer a ma jority of the people voted for prohi bition, aud in accordance with this expression of the popular will a prohibition bill will be introduced and passed. Most of the mambers feel pledged by the primary vote to the support of prohibition, but some say the vote was not general enough and will fight the bill to the last ditch. Some measure with reference to refunding public debt will be passed. The debt aggregates $0,000,000 and a bill will probably provide to refund at 4 per cent. Charlotte Xews. POPLAR TItXT ITEMS. A thre year old white child of a tenant, living on W W Robinson's laud was so badly burnt that it died in a few hours. The-effects of hydrophobia are still being suffered at Mr. Robinsons. Another Jersey cow is effected and two more to hear from. It looks like the Democrats and mad dons have about taken this country. K. The above communication was written by a gentleman of the Third party faith. He takes the situation like a man, for such he is, and has just as much respect from us as if he were a Democrat. His poetry about "J K" we will not publish The Charlotte Xews says of Con coid Thanksgiving services : Thanks giving service was held in the Cen tral I.Icthodist church. Concord, all denominations of the town partici pating. The sermon was by Rev, Wright G Campbell, of St Jame Lutheran church." From the opening! eenience to tlie clcsincr, the conzre- gaticn was deeply interested and im pressed by the able arguments of the preacher, who exemplified the priy ilege, the duty and the grounds of Thanksgiving in elegant terms from the one hundredth Psalm. Aliberal contribution v.as made to the Oxford Orphan Asylum. A .Marriage That Was to Uo. It is said that a marriage was to have been celebrated in Winston this week. This young lady ' had made all the necessary arrangements so far as she was concerned and was await ing the arrival of her lover for the event to be solemnized. The young man failed to put in his appearance. The reason given for his action is that the girl whom he had promised to wed had discarded him once, it! hence "turn about was fair phiy." li STRUCK. IT PLAYED SMASH WITH ITSELF. The Standard Scoops a Itlcli and Riirc Item at the F.xiX'iise of the Cotnot Midnight Workers Cot the Ilu!c on Sleeping Ons. The advertised comet to hit terra Orma was about 10:12. There was a delay, a considerable one. The comet made poor time when it got within 780,213 miles of the earth. For several thousand miles travel was rough and jigged, but the lady comet reached mother earth at 3:38 a. m It struck with a dull thnd within fix feet of our reporter. The comet is a female and alto gether very insignificant. It lies near the It & D depot within stone's throw of the Lone Thirteen Posts. Our reporter built up a fire near by and proceeded to take such notes as could be secured. The comet is about the size of a barrel and shaped like a hoop-skirt. It has the ap pearance of much wear and tear, and looks as n it had been in a melted state. If it is rock, it is unlike any our geological editor has heretofore seen in his travels (of course he has never been to Raleigh, where rare and curious thing3 are to be found). A thorough examination cannot yet be made the comet 13 still in bad humor from great heat and a tired and weary feeling from such a long journey. From all things, the Standard re porter must confess sore disappoint ment over the insignificance of this comet, which lias stirred up such a big cemmotion in this wicked and sinful worll. The Standard docs notveuch for the veracity of this reporter. Ed TorCMt Iltli Chcreh. Among the items in the pastor's report for the past year are the fol lowing : Xumber of professions of faith, about 150. Accessions to membership, eighty- five. Amount paid on salaries... $1,095.00 Amount paid conference collections 330 05 Amonnt paid for Sunday school 115.20 Amount paid parsonage aid 51.C1 Amount paid Oxford ovi phan asylum 9.15 Amount paid Bible cause... 5.00 Amount paid all other purposes 333.12 Total $1,939.73 During the three years of the present pastorate over 300 have been received into the church, and the net increase has been over 70 per cent. The pastor took charge with 229 members; he closes the third year with 400. The .tloiiiorial Exercises. Sunday night interesting services were held at Central M E Church, The evening was giver, up to read ing memoirs of those who had died during the Conference year. This was the programme as carried out 1. Voluntary by the choir. 2. Memoir of Mrs. Christiana Bostian by J C Fink. 3. Hymn. 4. Memoir of Miss Maude Suther by Pi of. E P Mar.gum. 5. Hymn. G. Memoir of Leon Dayvault by J Lee Crowell. 7. Hymn. 8. Memoir of Julia Mills by L D Duval. Hymn and benediction. rnsscd In His Chot Ks Jacob Partee, a colored resident of this place, bat an employee of the R & 1) Railroad, passed in hi checks Saturday evening, at Dan- yille, Va. He was a brakeman on a freight train and got caught between two cars, resulting in fatal injury. His body was brought to Concord, on Sunday, for burial. He leaves a wife and three children. Ex-Senator Ingalls doesn't like Mrs. Lease and Mre. Lease doesn't like the ex-Senator, But in one re spect they resemble each others. They both part their hair in the middle, but thi3 is the only part they take in common Geo. Farrington, of Ashe, and Elizabeth Royall, of Wilkes, were married last Sunday the groom C2. the bride 10. "Better be an old mill's dulling" than be a Hi ' "- h i -s. yo"i g hot iu.Mi i:oiSBs:iis. Johnson City. Toiiuts-pc. Has Souk Youthful KoMhtm. 1 Johiuon City Tenni, Nov. 2G. A bold attcniDt to rob the Watattga bank, of this city, was made last night, and as a conseepaeuce four young desperaeloes are now m jail. They are John Crouch, son of the ex-city recorder; John Orr, Will Campbell and Y D McBray. When arrested they had tunneled under the bank from the rear end, had takan out the brick in the wall and were directly under the vault and had only one foot of cement to drill through before they were inside tha vault where the money was kept. When the boys were arrested a full kit of burglars' tools were found with them, such a3 pick?, shovels, drills bulls-eye lanterns and a six ounce bottle of nitroglycerine, which they intended to blow open the safe; had they succeeded in their attempt thty would have secured about $15,000, The boys arrestee! are members of a regular organizrd band of young bandits who hava been operating in and around the city for several month". Several fine guns which were stol en from Seaver & Summers a few weeks ago from the Xew York Racket store were found, also books and canely which was stolen. The jiifair has created a good deal of ex citement here as a scheme was also on foot to rob the first Rational and Cstizen3 bank together with the Watauga bank. tinvc lhoojro Iho crlKlcaiP. Columbia, S. C, Xov. 20. Ti e i ct 1 1 1 e j. i l I State board of canvassers tonight 1.1. i -V, completed a two days hearing of the j . . i 1 , em T, contested election of Gen. E W Moise, the Democratic candidate for Congrcis from the seven I h (or black) district, by George W Murray, the reesro Republican. The certificate of election i3 given to Murray by forty votes only, the total being Moise 4,955; Murray 4,995, The face of the returns, as sent up by the county boards, gave Murray little more than 2,500 votes. Over 1,700 of Murray's votes, thrown out as illegal on account of eff size ballots, were counted id. General Moise will carry the fight to Congress. It is intimated that the State board al lowed partisanship in State affairs to influence it, and it3 action has cres ated one of the political sensations of the year in South Carolina. Exjtlosion on a i'aj Ct'. Knoxville, Tenn., Xov. 20. (Special to Associated Press) The pay car of the Knoxville, Cumber laud Gap and Louisville railroad left here yesterday to pay oil the emi ployees. On the car were paymas ter Richard P Johnson, car account tant Ralph Lax ton and professor E D Wirtz, of the Knoxville Classical School. As the car came near Wash burne station the steam beater sud denly exploded. Paymaster John Eon was seated nearest the heater and escaped uninjured, but Mr. Laxton was so badly hurt that it is not thought possible for him to sur vive. His skull was fractured and his left arm was broken and ho is paralyzed on the right side. Prof. Wertz received a cut on the right side of his head and his skull is thought to be fractured. A 31 iirdcr Chooses Dcalh. Franklin, Tex., Xov 20. George Freeny, col., was hanged yesterday for murder of his step-son, John Robertson, aged 12 years. He wa3 to poor to have a lawyer and the court appointed an attorney for the defense who agreed with the prose cutiiig attorney that the prisoner should plead guilty. The prosecu tion was to recommend imprison ment for life. To everybody's sur prise Freeny refused to plead guilty, was convicted and the death penalty pronouueed and executed. Uolh Will Accent IX Ieat. MoxTe;ojn:uY, Ala., Xov. 20. The talk of revoiut:on in Alabama over the governorshi, i3 idle. There is no sentiment in favor of the Kolb claims and Governor Jones and other State oflicers elected in August l ist will take the oath of office in the presence of the two houses on the first day of December. Another Doualion lo Trinity, The trustees of Trinity College held an important meeting in Dur ham a fewr.days ago. Some import tant measures were adopted. The Dukes have giyen $10,000 more to the college. The Board recom mended the two.niur.l Ccnforeuces the appointment of a iiiKineeil ag f..r h- oolle'-c. Why One Munis Ta.inkfiil. I am thankful because I am red- haired. I might be bald. I am thankful there is a young lady next door who practices on the piano two hours a day. She might practice four ; and, in addition, might nave a brother adelicted to the cornet habit. I uni thankful I am the father of twins. Suppose they had been trip lets? I am thankful I wear a number nine shoe I might have to wear elevens. I at 1 thankful I am poor. I might be in debt. I am thankful I possess quiet tastes. Suppose I had been fond of Wagner's music? I am thankful I learned to smoka cigars. I night have tackled cigar ettes. I am thankful I can't think of any nior3 things to be thankful f of If I could I should feel oblidge t(J write t Jem down. Puck, A Monarch -Murdered. London, Xov. 20. A special from Calcutta to the Times say 3 that Abi zuegal Muliz, the reigning sovereign of Chitarl, together with h'13 younger brother has been murdered by Sher Afzul Khan, brother of the late ruler ot Chitra'. Sher Afzul Khan had been exiled. He gathered a small following and returned to the country and affcr murdering the ruler aud h'13 brother seized the throne. It is also reported that the Ameer of Afghanistan i3 supporting tlie Usurper. The Tiuie3 Eays Chitral L a place of great military oirl r--iTYr.ir.i -moI ii'rvlrrniro rn thfi e.i-.v. ..... .... u lKxU Vi l, ; "1UWW T in Central Asia. Ihe top of the ,, , Hindoo Koosh Mountains form the ,., , r.iunr rla'eau winch the Russian l'"I"ii1"-" n 1,. ,.1 V....ir ..nnf 1, cnxorTli- - Aaiu"l 1cul" J- w ca?UlL IStoilK'i-ia riiijliis Hiivoo. Oit.vwa, Ont., liov. 2 (.'..Lumber men who haye arrived here from the lumbering shanties report black dip- theria as making scrioti3 havoc with the men employed in cutting timber in the Madawaska Company, many deaths having already taken place. The Ontario Government has sent up a number of doctors with the hope of checking the dis ease. ;eltiiii(U ItiKl't. Fmr.i Judge. "You live on Bacon street, do yctt not, Miss Emerson?" "Xo, Mr. Hawkiii3. I live in a house that is situated at one side cf that throughfare." Just before the election 300 men employed in the stone riuaraie3 near Hartford. Conn , went on a strike againot a reduction of wages. Fear ing the result on the election the party managers got together and ar ranged to haye the old rate kept up. The men went to work. But the election is over and now notice ha3 been given that a reduction will bo made Decemdcr 1st. Here rests a greedy little boy; Don't idly pass him by, Thanksgiving filled him full of joy. And too much pumpkin pie. 33 Wishes to speak through the Register ot the, lienelieiiil results lio lias received from ;i regular uso of Ayer's Tills, lit-says: "I was feeling .sick and tired jiiid my stomach seemed all outof ordnr. I tried a nnnihor of remedies, hut 110110 fceined to ;;ivc nic relief until I was in duced to try tlio old reliable Ayer's l'ills. I have taken only one box, but I feel like a new man. I think they aro the mrist I'leasant and easy to take ot anything I ever used, being .so finely fciigar-coaled that even a child will take them. I urge upon all who aro In Weed of a laxative to try Ayer's rills." Boothhay (Me.), Ikyistcr. "Between the ages of five ami fifteen, I was troubled with a kind of salt rheum, or eruption, chiefly confined to tho lfcs, and especially t'j the bend of the knee above tine ;tlf. Here, running sores funned which would si: ah over, be.t would break immediately on mov ing tho leg. My mother tried every thing tjho could think of, but all Jwas without avail. Although a c hild, I read in the papers about the beneficial effects of Ayer's I'ills, and persuaded my moth er to let me try them. With no great faith iu the reault, she procured ,w, Ayer's Palis and I began to u?o them, and boob noticed an improvement. Encouraged by this, I kept on till I took two boxes, wiicn the sores disappeared and havo never troubled me since. "II. Chipman, Ueal Estate Agent, Roanoke, Va. "I suffered for years from stomach and kidney troubles, causing very severe pains in various parts of the body. Nono of the remedies I tried afforded me any relief until I began taking Ayer's I'ills, and was cured." Win. (joddard, Notaj-y Public, Tive Lakes, Mich. I'repartti by Dr. .T. O. Ayer & Co., Lo well, Mac Sold Ly IiriiKj,''"' Everywhere. Every Dosa Effective