(Cyiiiiuucd from i'uit page.) n;g for ik;f and dumb f'-T11- . t . Jan- Mscr?, cooking for . cl.uin pang, C P r.arri'.'g.T, plowman c.i ro. i !, 1 CO C 00 1 00 $415 28 SEPTEMBER 1S02. II C LeiU r, bearding chain II C L.fT, orerseciiig cVain gang, II Y U st, guarding chain r.ina, J Dove reck for roads, Jai:.' Moore, cooking for chvin gansr, G F Linker, rock for road, ,T M FL-li.;, same, L il Joluioou, lure on iv idj. V." X Linker, rock for CO 70 57 70 34 50 33 8G 5 00 10 03 15 02 12 00 U 45 ivau on il lilton, hire en 1' U.iu, J J! Irvin, vork en roads, E 2v 1VU, bridge lumber, J Ii 1) Walki-r," work on roads, P !I Mtiitin, hire ou roads, John ri Goodman, notify ing h n;ds, Julius M fciilord, same, 1) 15 Ovtrcusb, work on roads, C I) nariiugor, repair ou bridge, Jainei M liidoahour, -noti-t fying bunds, V," "i Kog-'rs, work on J 11 Morrison, warning iiauds, J C Bradford, overseer roads, C :.i Alexander, work on roads, T li Haruhardt, warning hands, A Crowd 1, s.unc, (.1 W KiiniLinuer, s:.nie, y C Alexander, overseer ro ids, 11 Linker, overseer hands, John I 15arringv.r warning hands, AT 2s father, work ou roads, V F Pr r, rock for roa.l, II Pry, sitrio, V (r IUM, supplies to chain gang, Sam Sloop, pauper coffin, G A llidcLhour, work on roud, D Si.imjvck, warding hands, C 1' Cinie hauling on roaeh Job a W Cook service at 00 50 00 50 00 50 50 00 10 00 00 75 50 00 3 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 50 50 50 00 70 18 89 37 S4 1 40 a oo 1 00 1 20 20 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 27 00 25 00 5 CO county nouie, John Vt" Cook, wood for county home, 31 11 Castor, coffin for pau per, TvT L Kimball, warning hands, V C Parish, work on llidg-3, F A Archibald, building bridge, Concord water work, rent, F W Glass, service ou road. II A Farringcr, warning h iuds , A F llagler, services aa super visor, "V P Faggart, Vwcrk on ri'.Is, James L Fisher, same, ,T C liguaoii, same, ; P II ikKachern, build bridge, John W Cook, hire at count v home, 1 4 o 8 : 50 00 CO 00 50 30 00 27 M I' Nesbit, lumber for bridge. Cannon3 & 'Fetzer, cloths ing for prisoners, Cannons & Fetzers, sup plies to county home, Pr. J 1" Gibson, medicine for county home, L 2.L Morrison, tax receipt bocks, 11 Will Johnson, Jwaiting on chaining, Il Will Johnson, measur ing rock, W U Xesbit, lumber for bridge, Ii Will Johnson, jail fees, i-; T Post, colli n for col ored pauper, J C ilcFachern, coffin for JIag.-ie Connell, Dove 1 ost & Fink, sur p'.i( s to county home, Dove Post & Fink, clothing for thaingang, Povtj Post & Fink, brooms for j ul, Svrink Pros, stationary for register ollice, I J fililnn, repsirs on bridge, Nellie Koontz, washing for chaingaag, II J Foil, repairs at jail, J B bherrill, notic of tax listers, J P F Murph, work on roads, A' J Plack welder, repairing bridge, A JL fc'appcnfield, tobacco tor chaingang, Dove it JJoat, supplies to county home, V'm. Props t, tax books, W L Ilahn, work on roads, W P Foil, warning hands, Il 21 Cru3e, same, ? John Digger, wood for chain gang, W ;1I llagler, work tn roads, John llolbrooks, work on i.iiJg?, Y 1v ilisenheiuaer, services v supervisor, J II Pitchie, warning hands, .1 C; P Cochran, build nig bridge, W i' Simith, lumber for I k'dge, ; P. A Kriminger, warning hands, II 21 Fink, same, J Ii Prumley, lumber for t bridge, 68 10 7 75 3 50 5 45 12 15 18 00 3 75 4 21 2 00 2 00 52 26 2 80 50 0 54 22 3 1 1 13 4 lo 2 1 2 13 2 bcr, $ 2 00 J K Patterson, lumber for bridge, 1 80 W M Litaker, rock tor roads, 2 40 W 11 Litaker, rock for roads, 7 19 A II A Kluttz, warning hands, 1 00 W F Pry, rock for roaus, 7 92 John A Plackwelder, warning hands, 1 00 II C Leller, overseeing con- Ticts, 25 75 Jane Moore, cooking for convicts, 0 00 II W Po3t, guarding con victs, 2 00 II C LeCer, feeding con victs, 53 20 Martin Pry, rock for roads, 13 70 W P Gillon, lumber for bridge, 13 34 LI L Litaker, rock for roads, 7 20 J R Ileintz, repairing con vict cart- 1 25 A M Freeze, warning hands, 1 00 Mr. J P Gibson, niedr cine for county home 3 03 A Ij SappenSeld, tobacco for chain gang 5 05 l" Cline, harrow for county home, 5 00 J Dove, rock for road, 9 00 J II Jerome, M I), visit to MrsMcGill, 1 50 B F Post, lumber for bridge, 5 75 Joseph Young, quarterly settlement, S 00 J W Mehaffey. running clock, 7 50 John W Cook, hire at county home, 2G 50 John W Cook, service at county home, 20 00 John Bridges, blacksinith- ing, 2 00 Yorke & Walsworth, stove repairs at jail, 1 00 Yorke & Wansworth, nails for bridge, 1 76 Yorke & Wadsworth, hard ware for county heme, 14 So Pr. L M Archey, taking lunatic to asylum, 12 20 Sam Sloop, pauper coffins, 4 00 Jerry Mills, repairing shoes, 50 Yorke & Wa lsworth, tools, etc, for chain gang, 7 04 Ii O S Miller, repairs on bridge, 52 50 Dove & Post, goods for chain gang, 7 48 E T Cost, coffin for Jane McGill, 2 00 Dove & Post, good3 for county home, 43 0G It Will Johnson, waiting on chain gang 2G 25 Ii Will Johnson, lumber for jail lot, 2 OS J Dove, guano, etc, for county home, 29 75 G W Brown, mending shoe3, 30 Dr. li S Young, practice at county home and jail, 40 50 li Will Johnson, jail fees, 9 90 C D Pai ringer, lumber for roads, 8 43 $503 9G xovembek, 1S92. II W Bo3t, guarding con victs, $ 350o II O Letler, working con victs, 42 85 II C Letler, feeding con victs, 02 SO Jane Moore, cookiDg for convicts, C 00 W A Foil, 'filline fire places, 2 00 25H Ii Will JohnEon, waiting on chain gang, 20 00 W F Dry, rock for roads, 7 74 E W G Fisher, coal for jail, CO 00 Dr. Ii S Young, practice at county Lome and jail, 37 00 Edwards & Broughton, re cord for register of deeds Office, 10 40 Ii Will Johnson, reppirs at jail, 2 00 J V Pethel, lumber for county home, 10 14 J Wr Blackwelder, taking B Tippet to county home, 2 oo E M Field, lumber for roads, 3 25 II C Letler, rocksfor roads, G 90 Mrs. M E Brown, making suits for chain gang lo oo L M Morrison, summoning judges, etc., 57 8o U M l'etrea, warning hand3, 1 oo J M Mills, repairing shoes, 1 2o Dr. J P Gibson, medicine for county dome, 5 o5 II W Johnson, jail fees, 23 C5 Martin Dry, rocks for roads, " lo 03 M F Nesbit, services as commissioner, 42 oo W 21 Widenhouse, services a3 commissioner, 34 oo J C Ferguson, rock for roads, 5 15 John W Cook, seryices at county home, 2o 00 John W Cook, hire at county home, 29 25 J II Earnhardt, eervices as BIG- "WHITE GOODS SALE. JUST RECEIVING, OFENNG, PLACING THEM AT 5o 08 00 00 00 Co m m 00 5o 00 00 Have just closed out some big lots. Will give you the advantage. Early buyers will gtt the cream. Thousand of Yads of Bleached Domestics. We have short lengths in white goods can give"you at half price. Remember, NOW is the time. COME AND SEE. CANNOAS $ FE1ZER. 4o 80 comrmsrio.'cr, 28 95 U D Barringcr, services i.s commissioner, G o J Love, services as corns biissiuiier, 57 00 N D FVtzer, medicine for county home, 3 o5 W C Litaker, warning bauds, 1 00 Dove & Bost, goods fcr chain gang, 3 7t' Dove & Bost, goods for county home, 35 24 Dove & Bost, rai is for Ca barrus county, 2o J W Mehaffey, linging b, i', 1 25 J Doye, guano for cca:n:y home, 23 00 John K Patterson, comput ing taxes, etc., 3tT "3G $1,0S4 05 Congress is again in session, hav- ir.g assembled at noon, last Mo:.ehy. Bills for tee admist ion as States ol New Mexico and Arizona are pend ing. We hope they will be passec at once. IUR LIFE W WE GLAKANTO SPOONS (T AXD FORKS wmi Sterling Silver BACKS t TO WEAR 2 5 YEARS. Tha ptocos of Storting Sil ver luUild at the poiutd cl rest prevent any Wear whatever. FIVE TIMES as much Silver as la Stand ard riuto. FAR BETTER tfcan I.;-ut P:i,l stive and not uiie-hult tlio cost. Each article Is stamped E. STERLINC5-INLAID IE. Acccrt no .substitute. M rE Only by The Houmes & Eavurjts Silves C COIIRELL & BUOS. vliat oils the na1" chinery cf life, eases every move. mf nt of Hie body, removes stili'neSt of tho joints, drives out pain from the nerves, stimulates the brain, protects tho liver and kidneys from irritaticn, enables physical exertion without fatisrup, plolongg life, and makes men and women perfect in heplth and feature. Good blood and good brain are i' separable- Aim to keep the blood pure by usine the only true blood remedy, B. B. B (Botanic Blood Balm: i'uss S. Tomlinson, Atlanta, Ga., says : For many years I have been af flioted with iheumatism combined with severe kidney troubles, imligestio ns Rhuematism t Several phys sicip.ES were tmployed 1 rul numer ous patent mcdicin -s resorted to without Lfcr.eiir. At last 1 b eras the uso of B. B. B . and ts ctleet was like magic, liheumatic painn ceased my ki Ineys were relieved, anel my constitution in, proved at once. Z. T. :ILiile;ton, Ma-: Ga.. says: I i'Three years ago I eoiit acted blood poison. I appiird to a uhyt ician at Macon, and bii treatment came near killing me. I employed an old physician and th n -.ventito Ki . tuc':v. I Hot Springs ;:' r.ju remaineil two months, but nothinsIfiecmeJ to cure me permanently.althoug h tem porary relief was given roe, I re tumeel home a ruineel man hyci cally, with but littlo proslcct cf cv er getting well. I was persuaded to try BB 13 and to y utter aston ishment it.''q lick'v! hesl-iel every ulcer. :o m f i ,. 1 "Cr: fir tfiRMfoTX L v pi IS 1 IU-2J vi 12ZZ1 Li w L Pure blooil is for "Castorlatssovrcll adapted tochHJ I recommend it as superior to any pre- . known to mo." n. A. Aucueh, 71. T., Ill So. Oxford St., Erootiyc, "Tbe use of 'Ca-toria' is eo unr rs Ite merits so well known that it se-m.s of aupereroKation to endorse it. Few a.; , " , Intelligent families who do not keep ifeuona j within easy reach." ! Carlos 3LiitTY, P. I. . New York City. I Ite Pastor Bloomlnfidalo KtXoruiod Church. Taa Cmtauh Literary Value of a Kama. A famous nam a In literature un doubtedly counts for something. It is right that it should. F;inio is the re sult of work often the work cf year. It carries with it n commercial value of which no f Jr minded person can doul:i the justice. Y,v.t that i: Is tho "all tv sontial" in a manuscript is utter f-ll; Vnd t!ic bt-st evlde-jieo of thi.sf -eM, i hat !tsli week tees the r( ::!.!, t-t -.ri, in3 pHnw f our btvt hn-iv.-u .v.ir !;.. ejected in the c lite-ricJ o Hi i !;;. mt rJ:e c ,ii!'try. V.v.t of th!.th- your..! Hither hi! ;VS fho jlid ndy fr...i:s wluit '.v piv.-Jad. ): j is in i.-cnornne-' of ti;o Uwl th::t i::arr.i erripts are ofi.a rtfanie-d to tho r.ic-: f:imous names. I'd v. ard VV. link, in Ladies' Home JonrnuL ?ni;t-.-r. European i on the idea th: mhi.-nt :.;-.-;;! . and a cr-rit eh !i:v.;:t..d;:y is :y. hut a pr .1... i i:: cv.tTv- e ::: v,sc3 ii i::. liiii , ; h: i ;!ie. i i.Te:.t ;:or;, r.iv: T been trahi. 1 to 1.jo': r; d::i;; its h. s y.r.;-e-r vocari' prizes art r.-s, I'v e 1 r s' fame, position :.i.d t'i; tro to th-.' s of Mars, budget t-xce-..'ds, itiatiy ti it exceed, the .-ivTirorin.-.t :i. Th h 1 ;. m .. T.S f-. r T". Instruct!' m. Tha salary of a colon--1 earned by but few profetti-'jrs. T! eost of tho powder am Europe between any would probably pey penses of .nil her pub! each (rovvmmetir, wh-. tuttonal or autocratic, with truth, be f-aid to for the lc-risl-itures. vvi 1 fhot wasted ihnvn ::::d d; the rr.:. ::!:;; ie ho-'t i:.-. ;h;-r it b.: c-.-r. tii-' n'-ir.y i--hiv; ! ..' L!iii'-!v or niiv. ingly, vote tlio appropriuti m.i elenianJ ed by the war department. Even if a lod.-Iuturo d.ires to ques tion or protest it h piieki frighten .'3 into acpiiosehv by an idarming report from tho minister for war. Thus the military class cotitrols government, and has laws passed to suit itself, and pre vents ail attempts to cut down or to abolish Its power. It intimidates the Btato not 1-ss really, though les.i openly, than tlio Prvtorian Kuarel intimidated old Rome. Mings and ministers do in devd assure the public that they chiefly endeavor and desire to preserve peace, but in the next breath they call for larger funds and more recruits. Kaisers meet and kiss each other on both cheeks. They extol tho sweetness of brotherly love, they attend each other's grand maneuvers, and then they Increase the garrisons along their respective fron tiers. A strange method, this, for tes tifying to their peaceable intentions! William Ll. Thayer in Forum. THE HEW WEB! WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL ICTICNAKT 6rCCESOTiOF liiju r.V.VUKTDGED. li(-t(iui"l nntl KtM l !'r.m I "Vor to o.,vor A GRAND INVESTMENT lor overy F:i:iii.y uii.l Si-licol. Tlie woi'k tf roviiin ocenpird over ten years, nioi o t lull! a har,:lr(! oclitors bciriR rmpiiiyi'il, n:;l cvrr ti3i(),)(i cxpcudcil bc-Iore first copy was printed SOLD BY ALL COOKSELLEH8. Tamplik't M-nt l;oi-1 y tlie pul.ii;i:crs. CAUTION u niT'i. 'i iu purcmisinft a dic tionary, as phutuL-raf hie reprints of nn obfo l"ti and coinpnrativi-ly wortlilcf-s o.iilinnof Webster nro l)i-inn m irki tuil mul.-r various names and cfton I v niirrnrc-.f i.tation GET THE FJEST, The International, whioh 1 ari imn-.-irt ( f G. & V. 5IERKIA.VT z CO., Publishers, 1 SprintleUl, jM::ss., V. K. A. ' w'?, crrrcs Colic, Constipation, avKju, Diarriiaco. Eructation, "orms, gives sleep, and promotes di 1 : Ion, iu injurious medicctioa. r stvrsl years I hava rocommen:led - " Castoria,' and sliall always continue to "" - f.s it had invariably produced benencial . i, . Edwiw F. Pardbs, M. D., Tbo Winthrop," lStli Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Cokpawt, 77 HcaBAT Strsbt, New York. ABSOLUTELY :o: FEEE7 The publishers of tie Family Jour nal are deteimirr d to largely in ere.i e the circulalion of their papei Totlothis we make the following unparalleled oiler. We will send absolutely FI!EE. r sta prepni.- Lov,k - 15 J Oh to ,CL rer- on Frrioipft us pjv montl 3' t-xil scrip 'ir-n to l Family f o it n n l. This '- Jloolc is sort (o EACH f-i a iiioiilh-j subscriber, nud will be i'oursl an a'r.ic-st Uivairablt culinary fuiso l?v.C.x cf tl: moat expricrcf-u hous.--l-e-kers, ns woll as a ne.-esidty to tho iac-xpfri- ciicect. it icrM'r-es ll-.e die prcat i auv.i t.ic." e ve-r til c tht-r coc-k-books. j publisLed by 1 t ii g a t(.mprhf:n k: .. ooiapih-tiru r f ccri;-!:.ic.-;l rr j e suited io Louse-wivt s wii: I Liuited rr.ear3. Uitder oilier henc j rcape? for r ntoctru- table '':'- ;,- -: arc sir o::. Ju rd.c-t ti.i. cook-b -.!: i. i a rou:p; din in of uc;-fu; ri't'ip.Ch . -e! : ai -t oru;:,;-! I tea ti I .i". l;;o ! , , akt: s v.t rt nr. v;i;i V.O ll: U .iiV; lu.-fd Tr.'.TV low tt Pi-er the :acst si- -.'cu.s or c.o-t frii:;s! n pa?-t. Hcti , wbs-r mo sad tut', l.f.oi: nb?-vlut(-lv r;-o to r-vt-ry nr. laovii-s' Bubicxibir to tha i.y J oi ::.-.al. This is no i-btr.p bor k It rc-t:u!s as l ib vs c-i "u and r...u ; . 13 wor..i Uiny tims i;,oi HiL FAMILY JOURNAL is av clc ut n onth!.v,"f.;uiily pap.fr, l.antl so:acly illustratp-'l, and cuatai-inio connecticn witL t !;cr;;;icr sloriei and cboise litem ire, pUcu pneci-i1 fi:;;ia'- as -llou-'ho'd likts," lho Itinera, IH ifouscLoU Doctor," and nr.ir'cruii? c-thtr do- nr.rin;c-!i:3 cl iC2iif-s,t:3 utr.-ft iu-y euitou W('llkr.OWD writers on the various tcpics inor tionod. ix months' trial Fubsr-rip.-tion is only 2o cents and cutitiee sender to a Pingle copy of the Ccok LoOiC. Send twenty-live cents in postal note or (damps to THE FAMILY JOVKXAr., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BUKKIIEAD & SO N, Agt's. Oflic; iu the old Tcstoce ing, (brick row). Fire Insurance Companiec : P -oeni.T, of Broo!-:ljn; Ceutinf -ral cf New York; N. C. Home, of N. C: Insurance Company of North America, of Phil adelphia; Northern As furaocv of London. Bates a 3 lew a3 the lovrc stand see c.mty unqnestivned. AUCIDLNT INiUBANCE. Traveler of Ilaulord. . YCLOXE INSURANCE- In lhe,-oc'ays cf slonns, evcloiics, toniadc-e, u will feci Vife to ive a Policy in a .;oo,l responsible company. SECURITY INSURANCE. Have you a bond to r;ive as sen rity, then call on the Iusuran c Con p luy to get it up and cot on ycur friends. Tay a premium fcr yonr bond as you do ouTyour house and furniture. REAL ESTATE. Yfe offer a choice line of improved and unimproved residence property in town suberl.3. Price pud tern's reasonable and made known on ap plication to BUKXHEAD & SOX, e 6. tf Agt coacoiu), I have moved into the stable late ly occupied by Brown Bros., near tne courtnouse. llie best accommo dations for drovers. Leave your orders at the stable or with J. L. Brown Porter for omnibus. Horses and mules for eale. M. J. CORL, Proprietor. U to i i;iaue oi rnr Veo-otable Oils, OLIVE OIL . 3 IK GCA-12L"riritK OIL. Treated by the 640ld POC333. jeureWliitu XotP'-rf pjBie Net Coloreel. Will not attsick thve skin m Winter or Summer. rp ro wash the baby. To wash the hands and face. To dress wounds and sores. To cleanse and heal diseases of the scalp and skin. For bathing and shaving pur poses. Price: 10 cents per cake, $1.00 per dozen. A full supply kept at Misse Benson, Fisher & Co's Willi aery. Mks. J. S. FISHER, Agent for Concord and Ca barrus county. mch21. V 1 0 1T7 1 ill II. 11 Pure Ground 1'one1, Listers anl Miller's solved Bone, Wando Guano and Acid, and sever aVjothcr oi the est Brands rac'ofj 'credUtt Close Prices BY wm & mmi Go and get their Pj-ices. Ihey are prepared to fur nish you with any quantity aesirecl. ADY'S HOSIERY AT COMMISSION PRICE. I.aiHes do you realize that when vou huv of fh re'.aiicr, you are paying three uimcccssai y profit 1 he manufacture.- sells to the ccmmissioii hous Lhe latter 'o the jol! or, and the jolher, in tur sells n the retail nicii.hanl. Vou must p lv the .!i.iiu:l.:ctur.-r a t otit first, and then pav each o iiesuh::e.iue-tit handlers a pvoiit, not ii.t'reque'itlv ::ymc: fvo ;.ro;its to the retailer. The laimlactureis l oimiilssionCoiiinnnv a responsihle syndicate which s.IIq e consumer. li y investing i m ant-facture Tiipk-s, o d ds and ends, job-Ms, and the st oc in a miiaciuri-rs. i . ' .1 -"-'"" "inuiiiss, we are ah e :, ,e.C(;,,!iU"U;r "mt al tlle commissi uirer 's: "e rCmVe from 'e m an While t his company handles all kind of ladies' . ' f- '' KiiiK a special drive on our osiery, merely to mt.odu.e our name in vmir erntory anu estah hsh a reputation for knviiitf sl ues never hetore ottered, so that you will he ful lv prepared tor our aier announcement of our entire lines. Read the following oilers e.uire La-nes- full lenKth. fashioned, fast black hose superfine Kaue,e, ..retailing even-where at 2s to 3S cents per pair,) we will sell at 16 cents, or one" ha.f dozen at 96 cents. Ladies' extra length, full regular made, fast h'-,c and seamless hose, very finest Raunc (retai'ir. everywhereat 50 ce:.U u,D. we will sell cents. cr one-half dozen f;,ri3s " at 2 . uV-pa.y ex,-r'JS? c!-'Tts- and airreo uncordi iouahy to rel nd n o..., :i hosui'v U , (t "he values and qualities ( esc: d Ke J,- . , 1 5 the s:,ew,!.ed, and remember tha as" 'wl pay uaifrdozWeCann0tartrd ' Sd Orders must be accomnanio k - u r ... moner-ord,.r octi ' ettner stamps or registered cuci , atiuresseo lo tne 21 Fifth Avenue. " . 111 t i Mill nit) nm mm FARiK, ATTS NTIOM 1 HAVE JUST;1ECEIVEJJ One Thousand v o;s OF ACID -AD- SUCKS THERE IS XO SUCH TOC FE. Acid, Guano and Flour IX TO TO AS HAVE AT ALLISON'S CORNER OALL TO SEE ME BEFORE BUYING. ALSO SHOES, SUGAR. COFFEE, MOLASES, ETC. C. G. Montgomery, HARDWARE HARDWARE I am still at the old stand on Allison's corner, and keer good stock of agricultural HARDWARE on Lands. builders material, nails, locks, hinges, doors, sash and glaS sof all description. I am Agent for the New Deering Mower oue of the best Mowers made. V V M- ''I "jt jf O. r ;-.'' :: - f 'i' f hit) ri 0:1 Vj'.i! ( .'- - ji 10 CO ffl M 0 0 i 0 nro UXUSUALLY GOOD OFFERS REU CltlllsTn AS QIFTN First The grreat Holiany No. (enlarged to 25G pages) of that brightest of quarterly publications, 'TALES FROM TON TO PICS, Oat December Grfc, all news and bo.)k stauh uud railway trains, price 50 cents, will bo sent iW i Z'fjh0 00 for 3 month'. TOW& TOPICS. niarSeSr; racirtt Wrongest, most vaned and entertaining weelv journal in tha world, Y lTml7lFo M who send Sffi ? ba Topics and lale-. from Town Topics" from date until January 1, iSJ4, cove? mg 5 o3 of the inimitabfe qn terly (regular price $2.50) and U moaths of the greatest of family weeklies (regular price U,00 aTakeone or the other offer ruers, oriSew lork Exchange to TOWN TOPICS, 21 West 23d St., New York AND GANo FLOUR S,. "WHITE " 1 T 1 f g . ; ft. V $803 76 octroi; Eii, 1892. D L Pari&b, hauling luir-

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