THE STAKDAIiD IS THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM nT HUSHED ANYW3KI1E IX TIIIS SECTION'. A DELIGHTFUL Till WAS IIAI VTTHi-lK.MOUY I..UT Till 11SMAY IVtMXC. The Hall rncked The r.ootti More ';rtat"Ttie Supper Vood and Iiumen ( :y l:iijoyetl by All. A grand S'.ICC S3 Was the Cosmopolitan Bazaar Last night Xever before in the town of Con cord was such a scene presented to the public. Continuous etaeams of people were going to and from the armory from the time the doors were thrown open at 5 o'clock in the afternoon until a late hour in the evening. The spacious hall was packed, aad standing was at a premium. Everything good that could be mens tior.ed was icv.J in a most pUv.smg manner by the ftirer OLes, aud the fare vas extuu i!y fair. Isn't tha b .I'.iiiful! Isn't that exquisite! i'-.rf.'Ctly gorgoou.-! was the ejaculation coming f.-om almost every person i ho was the fortunate one to atte;. 1. Such splendid representations of every nation could not have been more couiple'e. Every booth was artistically de- rated and arrajed in iis reqte'.i'.e national colors, which showed them up in grand shape. The costunus were grand aad dis played a varutbn of colors that lent adJirii ud U-.aity to the booths. Al! in all, a glorious time was had by every one who as in attendance, and the success 13 due to the diligent and efficient ladies and gentlemen who participated. One hundred and one dollars were realized. Th;s sp?ak3 well lor the citizens of our town, but it is noth' tog more than may always be ex pected. Married at Tlic Point of a riitol. An interesting divorce case has just beeo tried in Asheville before Judge Bynum. The following particulars are given in the Citizen: In the Superior court this morn, ing the case of Carrie Howard s Walter Howard, petition for divorce was heard. The petitioners, both of whom are North Caroliniars, swore that in the year 18S7 the de feudant forced her to marry him at the muzzle of a revolver, thread ing that if she did not marry him he would kill ner and himself as well. The couple lived together only a short time. The erstwhile Mrs. Howard is a pretty woman of perhaps twentyfive. The defends ant, Howard, did cot appear. The divorce was granted. Eugene D Carter was the plaintiff's attorney. Rev. Keller to Change Field. The Standard sees a card in the Lutheran Visitor, published at New berry, S. C, that pains U3. Rev. S L Keller, who Eerved St. John's church in this county, and whe married one of the county's most estimable ladies, after doing an ex cellent work in his mi-sion charge, bus, by interference cf the executive committee of the Synod, been forced to tender his resignation, which the church refuses to accept. Jlr. Keller's work ha3 been increased and the salary curtailed to such an extent that Mr. Keller cannot make a support for himself and family. The Standard regret3 the un fortunate situation that disturbs Mr. Keller in the prosecution of a work that grew so well. May the matter yt be settled. JInnihrry and Taj lor IU-lened. Humphrey and Taylor, the two men arrested in States, ille charged with arson, were yesterday re'ea3cd on a writ of habea3 corpus before Jude ArmGeld. Much dissatis faction has been expressed by the people of Stateaville on account of their release It seems that the Statesville people are of one mind as to the guilt of these men and they dislike to Bee them released in such a maimer. Sciaethin unusual for Concord happened Friday morning. A black- emith by the Dame of Marshall Spencer or Spencer Marshall, at- tacked W C Coleman in Iris store with a stick. Coleman came out best, iho blacksmith getting pretty badly bruised up. It is a case for the mayor. T M Deaton has gone to Dac- ville, in response to a call for a businf eb position. VOL. V. NO 57. THE 51AIXE STATESMAN IS nV.(i James . Itlniuc On Ills lonlh.i;oI. II Is IHhoisc Hiih i:tll!el All Modi nl Kklll. New York, Dec. 14. The follow, ing dispatch from Washington has been received: James G Blaine is now on his deathbed. The strengthssappiDg malady from which he has suffered so long a time has assumed a form which warns his family and frieuds of a speedy termination. The dis ease attacked his lungs a short time ago, and its course has baffled the skill ot his physicians, The visit of Dr. E G Jauevay, of New York, to Mr. Blaine is indicative of the ex treme anxiety of the family. When the fact became known that Mr. Blaine's lungs were sue cutnbing to the ravages of the disease, plans were laid to cou vey the distinguished invalid to BasenJa, Cab, in hope that a mild aud soothing clima.e might enable him to rally. Mr. Blaine's weakness, however, increased so rapidly it ws3 deemed uusafe to remove him, and tlu trip to Cali fornia w;.s abandoned. is reason to believe that the ex-Secretary's dt;;th may occur at any day. The K.-v. Father Daey's viiii to tbeB'air.e residence at th:3 lime lias naturally revived the tak about Mr. Elaine embracing tL Roman Cat h olicfutn. A strong belief prevails here that it h Mr. Blaine's desire to die a communicant of the Church of which his mother was a devout member. At 2 o'clock this morning the Chime residence was entirely darken ed, the family and servants having retired. There is no evidence what, everttiat a sick watch is being kept. T.:ere is no light burning in any cf th? rcouis or hallways. A Ml.vsioiinrjr Xcoded. "When was that boy sick?" asked Acting rolicitor Ben Hill, in the Superior court this morning, of Tildy Simoi-s, an old negro woman, who was a witness. 'lie vuz sick in November, boss." "What day in November?" "Hit wu the ninth day' "How do vou know it was?" "I knows ciiuse 1 knows, data how I knows. I alius did have a powful good mine to member days." "You are a kind of weather nig ger, then?" "Yasser, da.'s hit," and Aunt Tildy smiled with fati if action. "What day of the week is this, Aunt Tildy, asked Mr. Hill. "Hit ain't Sadda'y, I know," she replied, and then after a pause she said "I clar I dunno what day hit is." "What month is if, Aunt Tildy.'' "Oh yon know de munt, heney, what's de use er nxia me?"' "No, but I want you to tell me." "Wtll boss, I dunno wat's de came er de mnnt." "Do you kno 7 what year thi3 i?" "No, sah." "Do you know that you are liv ing?" "Oh, yasser, I knows dat liutcy well." "Well, you can go." And, with a self-satisfied smih Aunt Tildy left, wondering whv everybody laughed. IMrect Tifi Rcfmuloi!. It h now understood that up to this time abaut 1G,333 warrants fcr refunding direct taxes have been Issued, amounting to $3jO,000 in round numbers. This leaves the -nra of oyer 5 1,000 cn hand. There are some large claims known to be outstanding, but four more years are left ia which to pre.-.eut them. 'oiilctoil Ills Crimp. Ten years ago a negro man named Wallace wa3 found dead on the rail road track near David. oa College. It was supposed he had been run over and killed by the train. A cor oner's inquest was held and the ver dict was to that effect. The negro was buried and nothing wa3 then thought of the matter. Several days since bis relatives, who live near Zion church, received a letter from a white man by the name of Torrcnce, formerly of or near Davidson Col lege, who went West Bhortly after the negro was, as supposed, killed by the train, stating that he had killed Wallace, and that when this letter reached them he wond be dead, as he intended killing himself. Accompanying his letter was one fron a party with whom he was liv- ing, slating that as toon aa Tom nee made the confession he committed suicide by taking laudanum. Char lotte Observer. The Stanly News says that Jte Moose will move to Salisbury. Why don't he come back to Concord ? J. HK ;i:e Again. All the Methodist ministers are to conference. What a life they have ! They are sent here aud sent there. They make friends they get fairly start ed in the act of "keeping house," and some wise old fellow tells them that it wont do and they are sent to another town sent to a strange place, and new friends must be made new neighbors must be met. It is an eternal clog dance on the faca of the earth and yet thty are always a jeliy, cleyer set of men. There is no little home for them no place where a green vine grows which they planted no trees which are their own; no associations. It is trunks and boxes it is going and coming and going still. Their live3 are certainly lives of devotion of self denial and cannot be filled with pleasure. Yet they are in the work they are striving to make the world oet ter, aad they accomplish much. They proye the truth of the as sertion that a roiling stone gathers no moss. Yet they are laying up an inheritance for another world they are ministering augtls. Thty call at the bedside ot the sick and give comfort to these who are distressed While the. life is not pleasant, view id frcru a wordly standpoint, i: must be pleasant indeed, viewed in the grander and i-ioader light. It is to be hoped that all will like their new charges. Durhim Globe I triii of (ienoral X.iCure- For fun of chasing Garza the Mexican border bandit, the United St ates government has thus paid 200,000. The will of Jay Gould ad mitted to probate in New York shows the estate to amount to $73,000,000, Of this only 2,000,000 i3 real estate. Receipts from custom duties at New York for the past ten days, ending 13th, amounted to $,571,9 Iff; last year they aggregated $2,92-1,375 for the like period, Europe disclosed the fact that a live &tory building has been erecting is to be a public educatiouan inistute endowed by him with $1,400,. 000. uiiltin't Stare "lal Chile." Stephen Ilines, colored, cf Savau nah, Ga., went t" the house of his cousin, Hamikou, Saturday night to scare her. the didn't scare, butseiz.'d a Winchester rifle and shot him dead. Mamie Sweet, a colored girl aged 12 years, i3 the latest marvel in Scranton, Pa., Sunday she jumped from a seven story window and wa3 not injured, with the exception of a dislocation of a shoulder. The girl resides with her parents at No. 21 Lackawanna avenue, and teared be ing chastised by her father. Jamesburg, X. J., Dec. 13. Jame.-Still, a neg;o boy, who is an inmate of the Jamesburg reform school, reached the sixtydlfch day of his fast Sunday, and there i3 ap pare n tly no change in his condition. He is, if anything, heavier in weight than he wa3 two week3 rgo and seems to grow stronger as time goes on. Twice a day a spoonful of sweet oil is rulbtd into his bcuy from head to foot, James thought not long ago that a little food would taste good, and he asked the echoed physician to give him something to start on, Miik was prepared for him, but he had no sooner swallowed a few drops of the liquid than he began to re ject it. He was next piyen crackers broken inte sweetened water, but the stomach retained this food no bets ter. Although James weighed only 70 pound3 when admitted to the hos pital at the school, it is now said that ne weighs 130 pounds. Itrsllin Arrest, A -sporle Sfefrr is Killed. Italeigh, X, C, Dec 13. A Special to the State Chronicle from Tar boro, N C, says; "Sheriff Knight with Depnty Hyatt and a posse went two milC3 in the country ti?ia mom- ing to arrest Will Foster, coloder, suspected of having etruck Paul Branch.Jof Wilson, recently. When they overtook Lira lie apparently suriendered, but as Sheriff Knight aeizsd Foster he took a peice of cross tie and struck a vicious blow at the sheriff.but missed him. roster made a second attempt to strike but was Shot and killed by Deputy Hyatt, Foster wa3 a desperate character. Co to the tableaux tonight. Standard. CONCORD, N. C , THURSDAY, DECEMBER The Monetary Conference. Brussels, December 13. At its meeting today the cpecial comm't tee of the monetary conference discussed at length the proposals of Danish Delegate Tietgen; Belgian Delegate Allard, and Sir William Houldworth, English delegate. The majority of the committee objee'ed Lo IIouldworth'8 proposals for a bime tallic union of the nations with those conditions: That their miuts should receive silver bullion, in not has quantity than fixed minimum aganinst receipts, noting quantity and value at a price determined by international agreement, and that these receipts circulate as money and be redeemable at the bearer's demand. The objections to this plan were that, it meant the creation of a new legal tender, baed upon silver, which the public would hasten to abandon if silver continued to fall, aud would hasten to have redeemed with bullion if silver rose. The committee ad journed without taking action. The committee adjourned without faking action. The date of the next sitting has not been determined. Jen. Kobt. Van re to le Marriel. Asheville, X. C, Dec. 11. Gtn. Cobt. B Vance will be married to morrow night at Ormand, Graham county, to Miss Lizzie Ii Cook, daughter of one of the oldest citU ;:ens of the county. Gen. Vance was twelve years the Kepresentative of the ninth district in Cougress, and under Grover Cleveland's administration was United States commissioner of patents. lie is one of the best known men in the State and a brother of United States Senator Z B Vance. A Complication. "I'll never publish another book anononiously as long as I live," said a poet ou Christ mas morning. "Why not;" inquired a friend. ' Because) I have already received live copies of my own book from my admirers, with the compliments of the season." A I"airone Kills Four f His Com patriots. Charleston, S. C, Dec. 13. A re port reaches here that four Italian uiner3 working in the Horseshoe phosphate mine near Jonesbcro were shot and killed by a padrone named Andreas. Au armed band of Ital ians, headed by a trial justice, are in pursuit of the murderer. Anderson Writes to Crisp. Elley Anderson has written Speaker Cri;p in regard to the Beform Club incident. He declines to make public the contents, aud says Crisp may do that, if he chooses. Hotel at Itoarini; River. It wa3 learned that plans have been drawn for a large hotel which is to be erected by a stock company next spring and summer at Roaring River, on the line of the Winslon Wilkesboro road. On Monday night, at Aiken, S.C., Thomas G Lamar she t and killed Mayor R A Chaf fee, and was in turn moratlly wounded by Chaffee . Marsl al llobert Gaston was likewise fatally shot. Chaffee, and the marshal were trying to arrest Lamar. - According to the full re turns California gives Clever Lnd a pluarility of 152, This isnot very large but under the circumstances, and especially as it is Californa's first Demo cratic donation for some time, it will do. Lee. The News says that during thtwo week that Rev. J W Lee has been preaching in the Methodist church in Mt- Airy there have been about CO converted, 14 back sliders reclaimed and 40 have connected themselves with the Methodist church. During the past year, he has preached 014 sermons, has been instrumen tal In the conversion of 1,211, lias helped reclaim 450, and 551 of the converts joined theJ Methodist church. New York city has an eye to basis neSS. Instead Of giTiDg away Valu able franchises she put them up at public auction to the highest bidder and thus gets an annual income of several millions of dollars. Still More Implicated in the Home stead l'oisoningv Homestead, December 15. It is stated on reliable authority tonight that within the next twentyfour houi3 a number of Homestead citi zens will be arrested, charged with having been implicated in the plot to poison or drug non-union work men during the recent troubhs. While most cf the citizens think the charges are very weak, there are those s ho blieve the Carnegie offix cials may have a case against the alleged prisoners. Otiilty and AMkeil the Mercv of Use Court. Norfolk. Va., Dec. 15. W Ii Drury, au attorney at law wa3 found guilty in the United States Court in this city today for making a false paper for procuring a United States pension and was sentenced to one year in jail and $100 fine. When asked by Judge Hughes if he had anything to say, he replied,"no,"and threw himself on the mercy of the ourt. The Southern Express Company ICob lery. Mobile. Ala., December 15. Detective Summers, of Meridian, Mississippi, arrested for robbing the Southern Express office there of $3,000 December Oth wa3 arraingned to-dav. He pleaded guilty to a charge of grand larceny. His accom plices were arrested in Chicago to day and 1,000 of the money re covered. SummTes is in jail in de"' fault of $5,000 bail. ilio t'ont't--i it nas been decided that the monument to the 2(orth Caro lina Confederate dead shall be of granite, The city of Raleigh will provide the place for it in what may be termed the most public square in the city the one in front of the new passenger station, the monu ment to stand in the centre of the spuare. Capf Octavius Coke has granite quarries near here and generously offers the association all the stone desired, frae of cost. JThe only cost as to this will be the uniting of the stone, its t-ans portation and placing into position. It is considered best to use stone from one quarjy, in this way, so that all may harmonize in color and texture. The eounties will, therefore be asked to make money contibutions. It is proposed that there shall be, upon a broad base, a ahaft composed of 9G blocks of granite one for each county, and surmounting all a bronge statue of Henry Wyatt, the first Confederate killed in the State services. Standing in the centre of Nash Square, which is State property, the position of the monument would be far more command ing than if it were placed in the Capitol Scuare. The latter is far too small, and the fine effect of space nnd elevation would be lacking. Veterans Association. At a meeting of the Confederate Veterans' Associatioy of Cabarrus county, held in the court house December 15, the following officsrs were elected for the ensuing year : J ? Williford, president. C D Barringer, vice president. C McDonald, sccretiry and Treas urer. On motton it wa3 ordered that the conization join the United Confederate Veterans' Association, Gen. John B Gordon, Commanding, with headquarters at Xew Orleans. On motion a committee of oue from each township was appointed by the president, to solicit members to the United Confederate Veterans' Association. The following. Veter ans were appointed: Township No. 1 Dr. S A Grier. " " 2 S II Andrews. " " 3 J no. Ii Brad ford. a 4j B Winccoff. " " 5 A G Bost. . c G E Ritchie. " 7-K F Iloneycntt. " " 8 Jonas Cook. " 9-Iiobt. Gadd. " 10 Jno. S Turner. " 11-N 0 White. " " 12 W D Anthony. 0a motion it was resolved to have a gathering together of the Associa-- tion at the fair grounds on the sec ond Thursday of February next. On motion the meeting adjourned, C McDonald. Secretary and Treasurer. 2o, 1892. a:EKAI, SEWS. Mrs. Oatharine Mcltae, widow cf the late Malcolm McUae, died at Maxton recently, aged ninety one years. Mr E II Adam3,of Gaston county raised this year 21 bales of cotton on 28 acres. The bales averaged 413 pounds each. The whiskey trust has advanced the price 0f alcohol ten cents per proof gallon and rectified good five cents per wine gallon. The official count for Idaho is as follows: Weaver 10,430; Harrison, 8,790; McDowell, republican, for Governer ha3 1,409 plarally. The Wilson Advance, whose edi tor (Claud Wilson) disappeared mysteriously over a month ago, has been sold at auction for $2'0t0. ri he official vote of South Carolina in the rect-ct election for Tresinent 13 a3 follows: Cleveland 54,GG8; Ilarrison, 13,381, Weaver, 2,410, Bidwell none. Miss Susan B Anthony, of lloches ter, N, Y , the well known woman's suffrage advocate, has been appoints ed manager of the State Indutrial School by Govenor Flower. At a meeting yesteruay, of the Koanoke, Va , bar lien, John Ran dolph Tucker was unanimously en dorsed for Cleveland's Attorney General in Mr. Cleveland's cabinet. Five store houses, including the postoffice, were burned in Leaksville o:i the 14th. The burnt buildings are in the central part of the town and were ouly partially insured. The loss i3 heavy. It i3 stated that if the vcte3 of Duplin, Onslow, Vance and Wilkes hi included the uote of lia3 Carr 145,272, Cleveland received 1-12,952, The votes for State officers as cast may be receive in time to be laid before the Legislature. Raleigh, Dec. 17 The number of convicts in the State i3 now 1,122. These are located a3 follows : At the penitentiary 110, Jon Northampton farm 241, llalifax farm 115, Cale donia farm 139, Castle Ilayne farm 58, Great Falls canal (near Weldon) 71," Working on dykes at the farms on the Roanoke 282. Final official statistics of the cholera epidemic in Russia have just been issued According to these figures, there have been 130,319 death from European and 125,343 deaths from Asiatic cholera since the outbreak of the disease in the Em pire, making a total of 2G5,7G0 deaths. Asheville, S. C, Dec. 15. R B Vance, brother of Senator Vance and member elect of the North Carolina legislature was married this evening to Miss Lizzie R Cook The ceremony took place at the home of the bride in Graham county. Gen. Vance is older than the Senator, being 05 years of age. The bridal couple will spend the winter at Tho Suspension of Immigration. Washington, Dec. 1G. The agents of the principal transatlantic steam liners appeared before the joint congressional committe on ims migration today in, opposition to the plan of Senator Chandler to sus pend immigration. Gastavus II Schwab, representing the various steamship companies, made a general statement in which he suggested that the examination of immigrants should be left to the European agents of the steamship companies, these agents boing placed under heavy bond. Senator Ilill asked him how tha United States could enforce these penalties on this side of the Atlantic when they were operative on the other side. The United States could have no juris diction over European agents. To this Mr. Schwab replied that the companies would acknowledge every responsibility. They wculd, he said in response to a question from Senator Pcffer, be glad to have the assistance of the United States in looking icto immigration on the other side. Suicided lor Love ot" Mule. Columbia, S. C, Dec. 1G. Lome Armstrong, Eon of a prominent farmer in Greenville county, corns nutted suicide today by hanging himself in his father's barn with a plow line. His neck was broken, A few daya ago his father sold a mule of which the boy was very fond. lie grieved over the lo&'a of his favorite animal to such an extent that hi3 miud became unbalanced, and he finally killed himself We are having some roush weather WHOLE NO 255 TELF.R.VPIIIC ItRlEFN. August Simeon Luce, the French historian ana savant, died in Pans yesterday. L'Esperance, a French vessel, was yesterday wrecked off the coast of Guernsey. All the crew were drown d. The Fore will shortly rpthI tn Italian bishops and people a circular ln. . . - - icner ueDouncmg u'ree Msonry. Following i3 the official vote of TI uuuuma; iiarnsoc, 18,833; Cleves lanu, 17,5dl; Weave!, 7,250; Bidwell 517. The official vote of South Dakota for presidential electors is : Harri 34,SS0; Weaver, 2G,515; Cleveland, 9,081. The Dei3 Furniture Company, in the suburbs of Alexandria, Va., was burned last night; loss $110,000 in surance S35,0C0. All Sorts. Senator Gibson of Arkansas died on the 15th. The reign of the government rainmaker is about over. Lowell Courier. Not till the viands are all disposed of does the feaster take hi3 '"pic f." Boston Courier. A big plant for the manufacture of bogu3 lottery ticket3 has been seized in Chicago. The government pension payments for the first half of this month amount to S7,952,000 They are still coming. On Thurs day the steamer Stuttgart brought 2,300 immigrants to New York. Artists never make good pugilists, for all their fights are drawn bat tles. Baltimore American. The sweetest meat is nearest the bone but the sweetest music is not nearest the trombone. Westfield Standard. A man with corns is naturally ill tempered, and that is why he does not stand well with the community. ricayune. "Why do you look so serious when Smartaleck hands in a batch of jokes?" Because it's no laughing matter, I assure you' Philadelphia Record. Representative Scott, of Illinois, who introduced the bill increasing the tax on distilled spirits to Si. 25, estimates that $35,000,000 would be added to the government revenue should his measure be adopted. Grover Cleveland will be asked to make a speech on May 1st, 1893, at the World's Fair. At the close of the speech, if he accepts the invita tion, Mr. Cleveland will touch an electric button, starting the 14,000 horse power plant in machinery ha'l, wh'ch is to run all the whirling wheels of the fair. The Godly and pious Elliott F Shepard, of the New York Mail and Express, is in trouble. He is indicted by a former employee for breach of contract to the tune of 819,000. Not only this, the saintly soul is charged with being drunk on whiskey and soda, and with trying to bribe certain city officials. Bob In gersoll, who has no respect for saints, cross questioned the saintly cuss with a "gusto" at the trial. Democrats Brace Williams t'p. Washington, Dec. 17. The Wil-Jiams-Set'.le case excites much in- trest here, since i3 is ascertained that the certificate of the latter is withheld. The former's friends say the matter should yet be reopened, and appear Eanguine of the result in any case. While there is a slight division among lawyers as to wheth er the State board of canvassers is defunct, the better opinions seems to be that a rehearing and a new deci sion are lecal and desirable. What ever the law may be, public opinion in the Democratic party of the State, as evidenced by numerous letters received here, clearly favors giving a certificate to Williams. Settle it stimulated by the .Republi can Congressmen to secure the Beat if possible. lie walks daily into the House cloak room and hangs up his hat and overcoat. . Mssars. J E Ilumphrey and Julius W Taylor arrived in Wilmington yerterday morning on the Carolina Central train. They took the train at a flag station six miles east of Charlotte. They declare their in nocence of Betting fire to their store at atatesville, and claim that they were honorably discharged. They state, however, that the public senti. ment was so wrongly aganist them inStatesville that they left upon the advice of friends, as there wa3 no doubt a determination to lynch them. SUBSCRIBE FOE THE WEEKLY STANDARD. $1.00 PER YEAR $1.00 CASH" IX ADVANCE. Miurp Hits. Rams Horn ; The sinners on the front scat are the hardest to hit. It is the cowardly do: who is ul ways showing his teeth. Boston Tost: "Mama." sad Johnny, "if I swallowed a thermomi eter would I die by degrees ?" Wilkesboro Chrouicle r What's to be done Christmas? Let's all get an office. Dr. W W Johnson, Mr. Blaine's physician, states that theie is no truth whatever in the story that Mr. Blaine '.3 dying, New York Press: When the hut morist'8 wife threw her arms around him and asked him for the price of a new bonnet he said : "I am press ed for money." Harpers' Bazar: Bobby (at the breakfast table): Maud did Mr. Jones take any of the umbrellas or hats from the hall last night? Maud : Why, of course not; why should he, Bobby ? Bobby : That's just what I'd like to know. T thought he did, because I heard him say when he was going out, "I'm go ing to steal just one, and" why, what's the matter, Maud. The Inter Ocean : Mamma: Well, Georgia, I hope jou paid close attention to what your teacher said at Sunday school. Can you tell me what you remember ? Geoigie : Yes, we're goin' to have a Christmas tree aud as dandy a time as you ever saw. Of the opening of Congress the St. Louis Republic makes this ir reverent remark: "The national law factory resumed operation to day." A Biff Christmas Oift. Philip D Armour, the millionaire pork packer, ia on his way to Europe, leaving behind him a Christmas gift of over $1,500,000 to the city of Chicago, lie has just completed a magnificent five story building on Armour Avenue, which he give3 to the city for a manual training school. Besides this he leaves $1,400,000 for its support. Erthquake. On Sunday morning an earthi quake shoch was felt at Gaston and from there as far up the Raleigh and Gaston road as Warren ton. The shock was " very decided, shaking houses and windows to an alarming degree, and wts accompanied by a roaring sound similar to that heard here some years ago. A rpecial to the Augusta Chron icle from Barnwell, S C, says Mrs. Brown aad her sister, Miss Ida Ryan were poisoned by a negro girl ser vant about twelve years old, who put "rough on rats" in their coffee. Miss Rj an d el from the effects. Mrs. Brown is said to be out of dargr. No cause is given for the crime. The girl confessed aud ia in jail. Joir Davis'' Friend Dead. Gen. Ilenry Gray, a member of the Confederate Congress and a personal friend of Jefferson Davis, died December 13, at the age of seventy-four year3. To Preserve Tho richness, color, and beauty of tho hair, the greatest care is necessary, much barm being done by tho use of worthless dressings. To be sure of hav ing a first-class article, ask your drug, gist or perfumer for Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is absolutely superior to any other preparation of the kind. It restores tho original color and fullness to hair which has become thin, faded, or gray. It keeps the scalp cool, moist, and frca from dandruff. It heals itching humors, prevents baldness, and imparts to THE HAIR a silken texture and lasting fragrance.' No toilet can be considered complete irithout this most popular aud elegaut of all hair-dressings. "My hair began turning gray and fall ing out when I was about 25 years ot ae. I have lately been using Aycr'a Hair 'Vigor, and it is causing a new prowtli of hair ot the natural color." It. J. Lowry, Jones Prairie, Texas. "Over a year ago I had a severe fever, and when I recovered, my Lair began to fall out, and what little remained turned gray. I tried various remedies, but without success, till at last I began to USE Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my hair is growing rapidly and is restored to its original color." Mrs. Annie Collins. Iighton, Mass. "I have used Ayer's ITair Vigor for nearly five years, and my hair is motat, glossy, aad in an excellent state of pre, ervation. I am forty years old, aud have ridden the plains for twenty-live years."-Wm. Ilenry Ott, alias "Mas- tang Bill," Newcastle, Wyo. air Vi&ov Picjiared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell. MW tiold ly Druggiau Everywhere.

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