' TI!K .TAMbMJp IS THE JUT AinM KTlSIXli JiKHUM it hushed anyw.kui-: ix ti1i section. fcuntCi:ir!-: von yjiewkuvLY staxdakd. I' Kit V Alt $1.00 CASH IX ADVANCE. Til Jl JtlJld I.YM'll LAW IJ!U;s It 1: 1 1JI m TlOX A Hlootly Tr:jirly at I!utirs illc. X. C. I'roinliirni lutono Itrllt:; Vio lent l'lllll Oil I In Ji'iixsox City, Ttnn., Jan. 1. Last night a masked mob of live hun Ir.d men euUred tht- j iii at raU'revill, X. C, and took Cabin Snipes, had murdertd Isaac Osbotne, a prominent citiz n of Mitchell Cv unty, to a dense forest about half a mile away and iynclied him. Seven of the sb trill's pose were Killed in tluir tidbits to defend the piisoncr. A lout twvt.ty-ti ve cf the mob were killed, and among the dead and vot.ndcd were tome of the mo.-t 1 roniiun.t men in the county. Asheville, X. C, Jan. 4. A fpecial dispatch to the Citizen from C-atilerrj, Mitchell county, nine nub s from Uakersville, eas tint the r ports of a lynching at Bkcisville are unfounded. Jsfpx City, Team, Jan. 4 The fects wills h led up to the ter i '' lyl.i:?'ffray in 1 d-.ei s i'b , X'T'.li ('a-nlini, wire as ojs; .PM i.-. tl an: ('ah in n.: es :.d .ee.d 1- O : a- ;t- 1-..2, s-.i;--wiih Wile. ; . house cf !;a him i. p. U and i he cu1; riddiioc L:.: i Wisi i..ar, : r'li s, wine U,bor;.e, and C.i : tie cane io t.ie v- or 1 : fivr.el tire, a'r: ;t ! Ltt bullets. Wiieir.aa I a::ei tta:es n re arres eo. Li;t tras ' ,i cicut evidence could n;t be obtained against Wist man and he was lei. ajtd. Snipes was Lound over to the Mi- j perior court on purely circumstantial evidence. He was placed in jail, and after being coutiued about two weeks, conftssed to the killing, in the manner above related.. Th Etory of the lynching and the fatal centbet with the she-rill's posse is confirmed. The nanus of those of the sheriffs posse killed are as follows: J X Wil liams, D T IIi:cnio, 11 X Jor.es, P D S-.inij 1? V T .-ill cin Afirrei .f " , T v n i G X llollifield, Tom Hall. The j itanies c those of the mob killed ar-: John Worth, illiani Ooborr.e, TC I'aihlT, Will IVrrv, John 0 horr.e, I'LiI Croocr, .Jiui Naice, WY.l Hurler, llag.y Hyrd, 0.ii Tl o nas, Jack Phillips, ami ceveral o Lets whose nani'.J art not known at present. .1 iiiul 4 hiiiiii WoiIni'Mlaj' Xlh'- A joint cuncu3 of the Senators and mt utbt-rs of the House met in the commoLB hall Wednesday night at Kaleigh. The caucus convened at 7:30 and adjourned at 0;30 o'clock. The principal object of the meeting was the nomination of an nrolliri clerk for the General Assembly. Senator Jamea II I'ou, of Johnston county, was made temporary ciiuir inui. lb.- caucus b-. ing ready lo receive the nars.e .-? "f i a', 'if 'at ; i'or . u -o; ie ' f: t .. t li ... e i t : . .; - -' - ' n. .- . :" i l. - ' - ft: -i Ur- tLc : -1 'X r..C(.4. 55. t ud - ; -,, i. Jir. .-zn-ah w..s ri. dt. : : e ie:o.n A i;e,-ti,n v,'...: m ti.a . i a;' :...'. .a in; a c..i UU" t Cvl.s:s cf i iiic- S. i a'e fit.J live P 1-iei' i.tu.ive to arran for joint Cat.ctoKd. Poo was n.a.h: .- rnianc.it Chuiirnuii cf all joint caucuses lobe I ! heldatihis eeiSiuii oi me gei.eia sstmuly and the chi-f (duks of the , nute und House ot Kei r, sentativti ; tl Se were made etcietat n s On mo-ion the caucus then al journed. Quarterly M .t. ii. tut of lh Foil i IciiliHr). Col. l'aul F. Faison, I'reSident of the Board of Directors of he North Carolina penitentiary, yesterday ren dered the following rjuarttrly report of th- penitentiary for the quarier ending November 30, 1802, to Gov Holt: HXI'EXSKS. September $11,010 70 October 9,831 November yi0"7 oi Tofi.l ci'p uses EAKNIN'iS. Bepte ruber Octobt r Isoveuibtr 3,420 S5 ,. 2,1CT 18 ,. ,020 71 Total earnings .""JIJii j penses over earnings, ( VOL. V. NO o2. A MOM; (il l! I:xi H.(iKS. the Standard becomes iut as much attached to its exeh-iuges as it dos to ''most anything going." Their familiar faces bring sunshine to thi c nice, especially when there is none outside and no home i.e.vs to serve up u:i or r table. The Charlotte Observer, the best morning daily Charlotte has had tinee we learned to read and n w a newspaper from v. rapping paper or any other kind, could nut be inferi r wiih such talent and untiring energy I), hind it. Messrs. J P Caldwell and J II Myrover and the best of local reporters in the Suite, Mbs Addie Williams, w ho leaves the fieid, like a cyclone, w ith everything taken. The Charlotte New?, the favorite of our evening exchange, is the successful results of superior news paper ability and until ing t fforts of Wade II Harris, proprietor and edi tor. Concord fuds a pride in the A i w di or b.doiij: to! e f birth ;-ndi .s :'. ds it: f.M id bv J' ' T 1' e .. I.. -. Et k 1 t . t;e V ; lie . i oe i r . l e : i.e.i ketr. ml r is a i r tnau it a.t- e -;:s ,11 ry ln-raia is popr.i is - idee. It he1; us in a iocl way, ; iat tvh n we miss it oar food d-'U'c ta.-te idhf. The Watchman, where edd man Lrnner did good work, has charged hands and changed corners ty degres. We miss a'- out one-half of the niuobt-s, and have thus lo;t a e"-ia.e;d foliov.ing of ris- s to y. what it 'J'ne L'-xiner'on is the years. est p i:l- p r been tliere in live : dad i v, not w hat it wau when Mr. T. ib 1 !i idge pushed the 1 1 " . . j for the 1 st v. tek t ban ever tt-fore. I The Ilect-rd woiih i;:orc than W nu n e-ctiuiAte. ' The YViiiiior, Siiitihel is iOpcr, be: ter tl an ut.der i;s former mun- I u;emtnt. It makes oi rcud it whether vou fctl l.ke rtailiuir at uU We h-ivp r nt b. en thp Wib-ti r! Weekly, by the collossul old baches lor, Col. Webster, iir.ee the meeting of the Tress Associ.ai-m; while ti e Keview comes regular' v. It is a live paper antl has an immense amount of original m:itter in it. The Burlington Xe3 has made more improvement in the last year th u any paper in the Slate, unless it be the tate Chronicle, which h:is scnoiar at tn - done V.e 11 bead of it. lit. at d d Stive 3 :d! be D i (;...; ,. ith . !. b. It is -nt v:,! ai g i- oi: y v i v- : we : a ; i'.e. fi. lb p Uu rs- be 1 O-s.-rvir and the Chrcr.i ;b are decidedly l et t.-r than t! cir pa t ron a:?'. This cflice could not do wiihoiit them; neither conltl the Wilmington J5tar or Messenger beiStif(( ( )t ig o)1 ,VlJ&ld(A u.atole uip.ngea v.ith. ! bords aieountin-to Hll,40o,0S0 hav The A,hevi!le Ciuzea is ia the fcky ai.d writes Iice a lii-l uyer. The Lei.oir Topic is a favorite, as well as itstuitorn been a ia.on e for lo these many years ! The 8'anly News has come fioin an iiproii full of type to a well trpiipped t ili :e and does its part of the work. lUa Bivens ueserves our complim nt?. - Gov. Holt has authorized tin ex change of courts by which Judge J. F. Graves will hold the epiing term of Pitt county court for Judge Geo. A. fchnford. Mrs. B Nutting, of Park man, Me., who, 77 years old, made 1,S00 pounds of butter in 1892, besides doing all the housework for a family of ti '-e. A I'ro-si.liii- Illilrr'H Siilurj. The following is taken from the minutes of I he I)isriet Stewards' meeting of the Salisbury District held at O.in January 35, 1SG3, just before the edose uf the late .var: Question 1. What amoun is nee essaiy to he raised for the suppurt of the i residing elder and family this conference v ar? Answer For family expenses: 10 barrels uV:r at $2(0 $2,000 CO.) hm-bels crn at $20 4,000 l,:,-o pou hds pork or 000 pounds b .cen 4,o00 150 pounds lard at $5 750 50 gallons molasses or syrup $15 750 200 pounds salt at $1 200 5.000 pounds forage 500 50 pounds butter at $f! 300 10 yards jeans at $20 800 ii0 yards checks or stripes at $S 4 SO 100 yards domestic 500 ."Opcunds bather I,u00 10 gallons vinegar 50 50 pounds t;. liowor teeS'-vax 250 1 .H The $15,(.P0 tlie above in T is poA-er-e iirs ' hu-e a p' c s i :; a'j u'. .'.er c r'ain'v e.t.d.a .1 foum , i Ad .oeaN'. i : i 1 )t i - .! thil'g peOpb' Y. i ufa'.'.y and ; v. bat ia tcosc u'i'o v art cf the ' 1 s are in that, s. c - '!v oi e of 3:r. i Lo: to t: stable to -et ! aes. i r a: ! He t ' : a hint, wi ho1 ratory fper.t d ef t.l. o g- an n g w the door a table and! u: be ca. ceae.ed in 'i .... j a in el on th n .-trail-; a n.e-liue to the hot:se !'ailri:g to get in he started up the road and Mr. Long's sons followed him wbh sho' g-.'n and pistol. Afier cr.-p'vi! g t!.e:r .-!-oo'irg iions wiiht r-'-.r - n i'in.r . p., (i oat of existence .1- to t!p( me oung man, who : succeeded in w..rdii- him oil with his gn:i Long's , :til he nog lay and g;.a was a eio w as z:n 'attend WliCk. 'i On examination the mules were 1 "ound to be both bitten. Mr. Long ent th'. ia to Charlotte and the "mad s ai'iaied and adhered 35 mini; te The dog belonged to a Mr. Tucker, ! who s r.s the dog was not right be ! fore he left heme. i ( aii'l I.on lloiiic A Mr. II W Whorton, of the Greens boro Patriot, has fallen in the terri ble sTuggle for single existence. lie was married several days ago, but we can'i. lay our hands on the piper that records the names. The Standard Certainly wishes the brother an endless life with a sky dotted const.uielv with stars of genuine y-eio; -b'iifi'ie! Standard. Jf vu cao'i lav vour hands on tlie l! Y( conic down you -a Mr. Wharton. oT, eG- ill. t ;.b I.., ib!y ucerd. !i i.s not ,b0lbd be ( ii a- t' A. so tl.a: wl-- a a' io moe heiv lit oe.-.my m go-ting eOilif r.nrrhf: ii i to this nt'.'d and ll:c Siaie !e!(l- L udi r th" a-t coinnv-'im the old e sum.,.W iu ixchil for i -ir, (KI(J of e.v 4 per a.nt. bonds, j ;o!ivi r IiOW outiumllllg 1.221,500 , , which will r fpiire ol0,!50(, making the entire peissible 4 per cent, debt $3,015,700 The tate holds 150,000 cf these bonds and the Board of Education $1130,000. The amount of 0 per cent, bonis outstanding is $-3,720,000. This is the entire bonded. Interest on the b.tter bonds is paid b dividends on the State's stock in the North Caro lina railway. 'Ihe estimate of the txpeuse3 of the State government fe.r this year and next year are SG4, OtO. The estimated n sources are 019.000. Money that is saved by robbing i God won't buy mucn. , oeinr rut. ineimiavor ii me lAiuocrais. iou lr. Long's doei, and ! see, the lb-public ms have 'Xi niem- f fiCi; bin-man e. ' -Sill i. -'.e; t.O i.. Xcwsib'r'er... ;re ; t urn their at entio u-m-.dy 1 iie wrot-g. CONCOKD, N. C:, THURSDAY, JANUARY I'lihlir ICunl CoiiiresN. The following proclamation has been made by the Governor: State of North Carolina, Executive Department. Whereas, There u a growing dis position on the part of the people cf the State to discuss matters tending to improve the condition of our pub lic roads, and Whereas, Tip county commissions ers of almost all the counties the boar.ls of trade, and chambers of commerce of our largest towns have appointed delegates to attend a road congress to be held in the city of italeigh some time during the pres ent month, and have asked the Govs ernor to issue a proclamation re questing said delegates to assemble in Ihile'gh as above stated. Now, thereiore, I, Thomas M Holt, Governor of .North Carolina, ia obes dience to t lie alove request, do here by issue this my proclamation, ask irg the el dega'es appoint d as stated above to meet in the ci'y of ll ikigh on Th'irsdtv, January lib I8i3, at lo a. in., to consider ways ::n 1 nuans t v!;ie:i the ub'UMMaeis or tne mi y -j a' ill ; r-.ved .f Kab i-h, the i f J-.i.uary, IS::. t.e !';nu:d v.i.d ea'" of An.e;ic:iii . e ..-i:' el 1 ' tide! By t.e Co. . mo 'idioMAs M. Holt. i' i't lf dr. l'.ivate Secretary. i ; i .iri r loll .!i- llie li Irol l i;n-Sen ill lilt: 1 HK'. ill (.. ir.gton, Jan. -Chairni.iii Carter e-f the Eeotiblican National!, .' " , ". i .i ' e : beitu' tuaele lb: ( on.mitlet- cor.c-'-'S the control of 'be S. nate to th Democrats af u-r j tl ith ff March In an int.- rit w j a reporter t lay he is quo; d as J sa; leg : "la my own Slate tbc result ii j still ehniotlul, hut with toe chances r .1. i i a- ht rsef the LeiMslatiire. th T)enr, ! , ... . ,. . . put shutters on his windows, crats o., and the Populists o, and it.1 reipures 30 to elect. In order for us to succeed, therefor', it will res quire our get'it gall eif the Populist votes; whereas the Democrats need but one. Under these circumstances I am afraid we are beate n. "In Wyoming the Dt-mocra's and P.-pulists tege-her have control of the lower branch of tlie Legiibiture, and there are two contested cases width, I suppose, will Le decided against the K publicans, thus secur- in? a majority on joint ballot, which will probably be used to elect a Democratic Senator. In California the Leg's-at are is against us. In Kansas and Nebraska there is a chance tint we will be able to elect our candidates, but there is considx erable doubt about it." Inalls on Iteiiuhlicaii Meals. Ks-Senator Ingalls, of Kansas, is said to be opposed to the attempt on the part of the Republicans to steal the majority in the United States Senate. His language is giveu as follows: "I hop?, for the sake of the country, gooa morals and the future genera' inn, that tin- .'ieptibii- in t! e Uiiitt.il S'iites Se-uate '- c t'ot ;;; 1 cf t'lC '. 1l i ti ,i:,g control of the I .vi i .1 a iiieiuV: of I 'op; 1 V .. i : S n i' W tbaL b : .-, il-.es . r.-s i th.,'. party i tf Senators VJM.l oa: er "el i :.u ,i , am 1' urn ' 1 t :;e , h nf March, I e;t st nun.' er i f..ui- Ur.iiarin-n i i v"o.-u. Gov Iloit Tuesdav fixed the dav of " fixed the d ;y of eX- cn Oil for the folio .via Wiiliam ;.mt Thomas Whd.-oa, of Mitchell c :unt v, convicted of murder, to be ; banned on the 2 S th of February, ! l Co'!. 1,1. . ir.,.l,..l a,. . . f 1 . 1 l eouutv, conyictcd of muidrr, to be l ' ' hanged on tlie l",;h of February, IS'.'d; Leoiitb.s Mcivaiglit, convicted . t ofbatslarvm Sen ,y county, to be hangnl oa the 17:h of February, " 1803. All the cases appeal.a appei to the Supreme Court and the judg ments sustained, and the Governor accordingly fixed the dates for exc cn'ion. Ilnlrs for Iaily Conduct. Never epeak unkindly of anybody. Never step over one duty to per-, form another. Never worry about what you can't help. Never go where you wouldn't have your best, friend follow you. Never do anything before chil dren that you do not want them to imitate. Never p'ofessone way and behave another. Barn's Horn, David Miller, of Frovidence, R. I., is the proud possessor of a petrified cat, found in the timbers of his barn. TOWN AND COUrTY See the advertisement of the New York Sun. Mis Shephrd. of Winston, is visiting Miss Mary Reed. A Florida man grows four cab bage heads on one sta'.k. hen you fail to get your paper, let it be known at this office. One half the wold doesn't let hi? better half know how he live?. iYost of the new year resolutions will be as good as new next jtar. A strange th'.ng about the Colnm hn: ear is that it is twoyears Merchant M I1 Ciine, of China Grove, sjent .be evening in the city. With a man more money means more to cat; with a woman more to 'voar. Tlio man who is running for e iiu e h is no such word in his dictionary a 3 rest. The irost homst U-rig in Wal street is the siat'ae of George Wa-h in. ',;a. Mr.: I' A C .rr,-!l avl Mr:. :ia v mar fT 1 fa;s. :'e!'.".! .iul irjui a :L tj Al .J. . iin.n w '.o atii''S oug! t to be called a lie- bra vi m, Tiie Gr. isbur" "i ens joro j it uidav.' It' d.i" be better . (..'on cord will li.ve a line o. che sir. i in a short ti; A ITallgeiliel ts are :s week. Wo to an Ziovierzehke.witiiiskis, of Chicago, changed her time. A 'Vaidovoro, Me., wom.ui tre: ures a blue edg' d plate upon w hich 1 j55 ,IL,S mv0 h.,eM I God made tlie sun to giv light, I but he gave evei v man the riirht to Whatever may b;the case with cotton, the crop of good resolutions is by no means sho.t this year. W WT Baker, of Wilkesboro, has been appointed solicitor of the 0th judicial district, Settle resigned. The Standard can't kerp from saving it: The Greensboro Record is really and truly a handsome sheet. Gov. Uog. of IVxa?, is a man of good physical proportions. He is only -39 years of agi-; but he weighs 275 pounds. Mi3.-es Sallie Harvey, of Danville, and Fann.e Marshall, of Charlotte, who have been visiting Miss Maggie Brown, left on the noon train. Misses Lcttie and Nora Boyd cu- tertniucd, on Thursday night, qui'e a number of invited fii nds. The evening was very pleasantly spent. Mr. W E Christian, formerly as sociate editor of the Democrat, on December 30 sailed from New York, on the City of Para, for Panama, to write up rhe situation for the Daily 1 'less. llliam J Hay? oi, a St. Louis rn j.'dtinr, 104 yca-'S old, has been a s d- !.c" -f ti.ive vat:, mill a record f..r lua ery in each of th-m, and he v a; . 1:1' I i: v I i tb- !.::: ;-b; :nb-at ' i -.iW-finpi aa-! of the l io- e. ; 1 1 . I , I I I T '0 .'ihtOal'l i aci.it ii v.- , i j A ;vo;n..n io Newbnr-h, A. ; owns ti.e vu a e street rciier at j J-prtnkliog br.Sir.fss of the lo.. n, ar ': cor.etucteel it .vita gra;t SUCC- i -.1 profit for It ye: roJa 20 nic'n superinUnd-j the work j herself and does her o a collecting. An cent deilnition of the word i , ,, ' i I AHO Olid nUrtlim u.t? in n Pino,, n ! oris and cucumbers in the same cl. tiiieation as s'rawl erries. Of this L i wi v i n ,1 (' n':il'-lu.:,f 53 llit 111 tllc wal1, Eiib"Ct the :hiv lork Commercial . , . , r f r Ad V(.rtis .r gay?: '-One suited dis-i"? 'r"' t 'T , U (- , . , , u.inuiio. V.hen he returned the t Miction between a veelable atid ui .. , . . . T. , . vu :je' end contents were non est. It fruit.Ls that the ba'ter m ly be eaten raw, wnile the former must 1k- cooked; but that doesn't hold always. Technically a fruit incloses the seeds of the plant, and is matured over ground; plant growth matured under ground is vegetable." State Chronicle says this: Mr. John T. Abernethy has directed the atten tion of the Chronicle to a report of the proceedings ot the recent Meth odist conference at Coldsboro, which would apparently leave the impres- sion that he was found guilty of immorality. The facts are Mr. Ab ercethy was found guilty of impru dence and not immorality, and that his location means he was not put in charge of any circuit, though still holding his ordination papers. The Chronicle simply states the facts as requested. W. Poor people are never cfilictd with kleptomania, which is a disease confined to the rich or well to-do. When poor people take it it is called stealing. It is estimated tlat there are 215 000,000 feet of pine in the South, and 3S0,000,000 of other lumber trees, and that the total stock is worth $$,000,000,000. Francis Murphy, who has labored to rescue men from the gutter is now endeavoring to rescue women from tlie dens. It is hard to eay which tax is the more difficult. Mr. U L Sperce, of Albemarle, who lias just completed his law course in the State University, has arcepteel a position as teachvr in Oak Eidge Institute, Guilford county. Mayor Drevaid, while having a little sport with Mr. WW Phifer, in Chailotte, on Thursday night, fell and si ff-rs a serious accident. His tiii.'h vwi-: bredu ii and probably the joint eii.docated. b.; CM rivc.i y tne X night, i 'i'litirsla') :1 n ;ght cxp. ct to come -a leyal, t, lite a 1 ood c ve ii- irge mi mi vii!i:.:; hn.l bcome the j i i i :;:::nei;ig b..i,y gir. c i-n ;t i::s last st "' " " tiary bv him-lf and not under the .jj Lh ; hant. Can it , ' - . TI . . , , ,, 1 , , charo of a:1 v c:!; r. He start-1 to utrd Jta two eiephuntsL, ., , " . . , . , - i the laiii-oaast-ition ni h:S own buggy. ! It broke down a. id he hii d a mule' Lo. Stnil- Xe-ws: "What has beecme'andri of the Coi corn Soutueiu railroad. ! Vi'i'il the Co;:co;d papers please an- hwc-i: anv ( f our readers are get- ting inip.i lent over it." We, for atir i .;rt, cannot now answer. Don't y,:x oaf of jatience." Fa -liters live longer than mer- chants by an average of 15 S years. The aver ge duration of lives in the United Stat. s is 47.3 years for me chanics. 48.-1 years for merchant?, o'-i.G years for lawyers and 04.2 years for fanners. Mecklenburg Times: A dog be longing to Mr. G S Hall, of Sugar Cre e k, went mad last Friday and bit a daughter of Mr, J C P.oyte; also a cow. Thij deg was killed. The child buttered considerably from the wound. It would rerprre five hours to read Gov. Holts message. If we are to bfl;ee Editor Jenrgan, of the Sate Chionicle, (and why not?) Gov. Holt's message is the equal to, any that his come from the Chief Uxecutiye of the State. Miss Essie Slough, daughter of eX'Shcrifl Slough, formerly of this county, Lut now of Anderson, .S. C, was mairied on the 2Sth of Decem ber to Mr. Walter Jones, a tobacco drummer, whose home is in Taledega, Ala. Miss Slough is remembered in Concord for her great musical talent. Gov. Holt has appointed Hon. John S Henderson a delegate from North CaVuliua to the National Ship Cahai Convention which meets in Wa.-hi:;-.!. r, . January 1800. ' ' ; ; coh-u-htion will consitlt-r the ;e' I,-:.' Ii;;-- of a c.ual COi.ncctii. p th. did;:'. .ir.tl Atlantic ocean. The Ito, eiloho offered i-o a f ','.' .0 the i e-ricn who male r ho elc;..:t -.-ness to the. popular vote e a.:" io: Ce. veleiid' ami llarnsoii, ... ,1 T ; tViOill'.t-P :i, tor,K-. k. oi -i r, :.. th.1 v: inner, lie made j KyjOO '-'' ives, a:.d in oi e set Cieve I',n.r,: o!f oaly 10 higher than the Charlotte Observer: Mr. Howard (baino :, be t inan at the Uousioni Adan.s vfddin:-r in ...onro?, came i.err Vavittg to '-l a substitute oa lie 1. ft his vali.-e th t oee-id"!-,. dr ss suit ia the wait i v.iis aitcrwaru iounci in an adjoining p. i p i i jiird, in time for Mr. Gannon to ap pear "clothed and in h'u right mind'-' at the wedding. Clover t Irvrlanil, Jr. BhooKLYN, X. Y, Jan. 5 Th- Standard Union says tonight: In the intimate circles of Presi de dt-elect Cleveland's friends there is much rejoicing over the fact that when the White House opens to re ceive the choice of the Democratic party the daik spell thatha3 hovered over it will be in a fair way to be lifted. One being passes out of the (Vorld; another euters existence. Just as the morning succeeds the night. Should the new comer prove to be a ooy the cup of earthly hap-, piness wiil be full for G rover Cleve WHOLE X().--20 Wilms ii. i:komi. !'aki)(i:i). Et-iniv- riciiuiicv i:vivik:(. i,(t. l.iilirol.v ;ol i:-istns. It.VLKlfiir, Jan 5. Governor Holt today gave to the press the fact 'hat he had pardoned Willis II. Pro-den. ' of Wayne county, a brother of ex Governor Curtis H. Urogdei:. It has been a remarkable tr.se. Ibog den was last September conyicted of killing F. II. Sassar, in July last, and sentci ced to six years' imprisi oiur.ent. The Governor g'ves the following reasons for granting the pardon : "In this case there was no malice or premeditation, but it was one of those unfortunate acts which might be committed by any good citizen. Brogden got into a figtit with S.tssar. The lattr used a knife freely. Brog den picked up a small stick with which to defend himself anel unfort unately struck a blow which resulted in death 20 el lys after. Sasar aske d that Ib'igden be not puidshnl, as lw, w a s feme w hat to b i a m .?. The jury re commer.ded mercy end now ask f r p.i'ebn. This request is joined in by reary a'l of the people of Way tic, oa aet'onnt of P.rog len's higii ; character, whi.di he h .s not lost o: ot: nt of unforttmat" occurs ; ronee. jsMenr For these re:. Tons and coa- iiis long c-j.'.fiiiem -nt .il a i .1 r:,: iteep huuidu.ih:!, arde-n is lb---.:., peadteii- G-.veruor Holt say. ".ii sentei.e-?, went 11 i .0 the so as to catch the train for iia.ei'li. Yr Art' :iii-; VIoiin. Ccbnel Cocbeiill sas it thus nicely: ''The Sunday Advertiser in the lirst briilil Hash of the newborn year is moved to congratulate its readeis that they are Lving in an age when man's kindly consideration for man baa large! ? overcome n an's inhumanity to man. as compared with the earlier days of the worlel. "This is not to say that the ideal state of things has been reached. Ages more must doubtless roll their leaden wheels through Time's vast empty space before the injunction that man shall love his neighbor as himself shall be even generally com plied with; tat it is probably trae that there is a larger ira mVr of peo ple honestly trying today to accom plish this most dillicult of tasks than there ever was before. "At all events the univtrsal arm- jug ot man the individual, ollell sively and defensively, against his ft-llo'v has passed away. The ten dency cf fallen humanity to be-lhve that fore, fraud and brutal dithons esty are more certain to be success ful in advancing our most valuable interests than the gentle arts of sym pathetic unselfishness, is beginning to change1. This change was impcrs ceptible in its beginning, and when investigation confint'3 itself to the small area of a personal environment it may seem to still be so insignifi cant as to be almost non-eristent ; but a larger, broader view will show :;i;;3:i.;tak:illy that progress in ihis K.,e La; been made. "This is the besc age, so far .-is we hiity judge, ia a!i the wor'tl'j history ih6 era we- live in. V,"c may con- gr.:Lt:!.de curselves that the future will never reach back to the past to ') it crrofj. abusfi and crimes. : ' -obooj wiuR-d to see i lit-1 a reit ;re-J. ::,coiir..4tel h" iih ei'Jt!iCo cf :h in the b. iter way, .Sera A jl !..! i c'uhj it;. frir.nd. iLUH.iice. ..i.uuej no iiitiiv. t'3 115 lliClltio wiili the wish that they may, eAtry oi.t af er his l.straethoo, contribute to make each recurring New Year's Day belter and brigh'.er than its predecessoi." Mari'lCil in !oe i;,ai iwi.t Kadi. On last fcur.day, in Job's Cabin iowi.fcbip, Monroe llreer, ore of the ciippled sons of o'el Irian G'ver, who wai killed by his son Sherman, was i.iairied to Malinua Jane Speara. The lit v. Win. Lee, one cf cur pres ent representatives, peifermid the cti e-mony. The ceremony took plat e in tlie middle of the road while it was ponringdovvn rain Sunday moini ing. This was Mr. Lee's lasi ollicial act before he started to Ibileigh to make laws ior us. Wilkesboro Chronicle. A 4 liiltli-.il AJr-li iiHiui. Minnie Frost, a little Winston girl, was watching her father tiring a Koman candle during the ChrisU mas season, the suddenly became serious and asked her father to desist giving her reason in that pretty ait less, simple way, so characteristic of childhood's innocence, "I'm afraid you'll shoot God." SYXOIVSIS OK M ATE liVNK HIM.. tlio liiicliincrt I'rovifloil fr Their (j(iii Into Ilusinrss. The following is a synopsis of the bill introduced in the Senate today by Mr. Sbt rnil, of Catawba, entitled '"An act to autbovi;;.' State banks to issue- notes." It is an open secret that Treasurer Tate drew the bill. Ir pro ides that any bank or banking a---o iatiou now chartered, or which may be chartered by the tStite, and doing business within the State, may issue circulating notes, payable on ek-mand in lawful money of the Uni ted States, under the limitations contained in the act, to an amount not exceeding tiie paid-up cash capi ta of such bank. To secure the payment cf these circulating notes, North Carolina -1 per cent, bonds or G per cent, bonds shall be deposited with the State Treasurer in amount e qual to the circulating notes to be issued io any such t ank. The bonds so deposited shall be held exclusively 'for the senility cf tlie circulating notes until the latter are redeemed; hut any bank may return any part of its circulating notes for cancella tion and withdraw ratably the de- wired collaterals. Upon the ties ; ' -it being made the State Treasurer iil i.sue th.' bank circulating notes ; i 1 !:,i.k, registered Mid counter "1; I. ctpui in amount to the par vaVoe-f bi.nel.-J dep'v-d ted. The liote3 .- ;.:.-: io. d c in b.' tlie n circulated by tie.- oii k ; as money. No bank shall i s::e i n;e r.otes or any other notes . i t ;;e rda'e - nioi.ey, than such as a-ithcii,: -u by thiiatt. Thecirs ("' ..i: mrt.s ;-hall be ptiuttd from pbilts iiiLi..ed in the beat manner, i gaard. ;;.,.iii:ot eounlerfeiting, etc., ;:'d i e in !, ; 10, 20 and 50, ;.. :....) be leip.dred, and on their face it shall be slattd that they are se-o-:ivd by State bonds deposited in the -- ode t ea uy. The plates and dies arc to remain trader the entire t-.mt.-ol cf the'Siii'e trtacurer. The ex pcr.se s 'are to be raid cut of the ta.ies orda'i s collected on the notes aforesaid. Upon a l,ank's failure to pay these notes, at its place of busi. ness, the holder may have the same protested and presented to the State Treasurer for redemption, and theu, after gising notice to such default ing bank, the Treasurer may adver tise" that be will sell by public aucs lion so much of the collateral in hi3 hands as is applis ;ble to the payment of such tuihonced notes and out of the proceeds o such sale redeem the suae. To further fecure the notes the t lock hoi Jt rs of the bank issuing thai; ihtill Ijj liible for their pays l : . e : L io :-.n a-i ount eqiral to their in dividual stock ia such hank, and verltied listd ot" such stockholders shall be furnished in January and July with, i lie amount of stock each holds. The t ix to be paid by the banks upon such circulating notes shall be upon their receipt one half of one per cent, upon the amount of notes delivered, and then the same tax semi-annually upon the amount of notes outstanding. Neither the Seatc-Treasurer nor any tne in hia ollice shall own any stock or other interest in any bank issuing such notes. Tlie University has opened with over 300 pupils Dr. Winston ia g. tting things to blood heat. T r-rf! ' mn& Ulitmh Will erne, Yon, ir. s true statement of tlio tet;,. a i.f AVIlil'ij Se.:-.-:sp:n-i!la, wlii-n t l-,r disn.si'.s urif-'iaiitin i" imimro 1 en ,i; inn, v. l.iie i;,is asi--tii'ii is true of AVIlli'li ;i-ai-.-..;:uii!;i. :is tlieu an. 1m -nu r.'i'-t, i, t. !- Ire.''.. fully njli-l to t hoi- rei:.ralioii, wbieh ui: j iin il .1 ! .il.-rs will i-i:i'on!iii'iil, ami try In iin- j.ee- uj ,mu, a-; "yxl its g-i.-U as A v.-r T i'.f Ajer's "' ;:'s:i;i,o ilia iiiul Aj ' r"s only, if j-..it ia-i-l all"uI-jn:ril5i:t aa.i would Lo l..-;:-iiti-.l perinaii'-iitly. Yi.i.-i l.iedieiii.-. fi,v nearly lifty ycar.H, lei4 (nj.e.ol a r, .lit a. i, , .ual neili; :i reeerd feir I'liri-s, f Ir.it leu never heca :!lii:t!.-'l ly other .rT.;tra!i.n.H. A VKIi'S t;.,.r.s.ii'aiii;a (:radieaies ll.e taint of lie reilitary scrofula an.l other Wood dis eases from the system, and it lias, ile.ser veeily, the confidence of the peeide. Sarsapan'lla "I rannot forlcar to express my joy at Jlie relief I have ol.iainod from tlio use of AVEK'S Sarsajiarilla. I was alilictod with kidney tronWes for about six months, suflerin- really with pains in thu small of my back. - In addition to this, my body was covered with pimply eruptions. The remedies prescribed failed to help inc. I then began to take AVER'S Snrsaparilla, and, in. a short time, the pains ceased and the pimples disappeared. I advise every young man or woman, in case of sickness result ing from impure Wood, no luittter how long .standing the case mny be, to tako AYEIi'SSarsaparilla." 1I.L. Jarmann, So William st., New York City. Vrcparcd ty Dr. J. C Ayc-i Jk. Co., Lowell, Mat. Wit AJ