i THE ' STA V,- . M s om pbints th: AlOOD JOB - NEWS THAT IS JVTv Ub. y - " I F:.-. A LIVING PRICES. t f GIVE US TRJLA'j KOKNER WHITES Concord and Korner re two great thingc. " -KotfreJis Tery much pleased to note the improvements in the way of bouseouilding and street making in and around the city. I took a stroll all alone not tong since and saw that the homes of our banker, D !jj 'Ooltrane, and our hard ware nftra. J C "Wadsworth, had been completed. They show up to a good advantage and are of the model kind. The next new build- ins that came to my view was the house of Mr. D II Hoover, which is in the hands of the carpenters. J t will be quite a handsome structure. As my legs were stiff from the want lot exercise, and as things grew more interesting, I meandered through the new street that runs from nortn Main to Cannons factory. It will not be amiss to Btate that the au thoritiea did a good job when they opened up this street that is not only a necessary convenience, bv( a very jggtty drive. At the factory 1 found several new buildings eoing up. From this clattering, hustling and buzzing enterprise I went over to the CabarruJ mills, where Mr. Whit Burkbead was LoverseeiDp large force of bands, A TnolriTicr vaao f Via 1ia.1a in li i ground io put the fou idation of the new addition to 46 old mill in We Tejt.fruck the Fenix Flour fSTTSfTand it was a sight to see how busy everybody was and how fat Mr Crowell's hogs are and what a clever, courteous and imposing bookkeeper he has. Mr. Crowell will make not less than 5,000 pounds of pork if he has "luck" with his we came up the dead dummy fr&we noticed the beautiful site I and the substantial nd convenient I home of the Standard's pa. It is a Ihanfteme building and will soon be ready for occupation. Here I had to take a sneak on account .of rain, but the.game will be continued when rain drops fall gentlier and the clouda are not so threatening. I congratulate Concord and her en terprising citizens in their move in this direction. It has been said thet we have more pretty residences and that our little city had the steadiest growth and more vim and push and the most cordial citizen' of any town in the State, considers irg our population and railroad ins conveniences. Ir. W H Lilly is also erectixg a substantial office building in his yard. The man that mixed the mud had his morter box arranged very conveniently on the sidewalk. A pair young lady and gentleman, of the star-gazing kind were walking down that street, and being so ab- sorded in conversation they stum bled agaisnt the box, fell in the mortar, and had it not been for the timely aid of one of my friends who was near by, something serious might have resulted. As it was, a air of white ducks were spoiled nd a thia slipper and two fury white bands and a fan were messed op with line and sand. Korner regrets to see the basket picnic season nearing and end, but with the campaign j and the county fair in sight, he may feast again. So my mind is easy over the morsel gatherings. The old VetB, I sup pose, will have their annual reunion which affords us all so much pleas are to entertain 'and mingle with, and have our minds refreshed with filling and patriotic war stories aud relieved of the monotonous tale of the poor, helpless snake. A snake atbry is more abominable than a PopuUte office-seeker. rner would like to know if the women who crimp their hair and t it flop down over their ears think n improvement on the old style? the old sty'e hoop-shirts were rage now, wouldn't our girls all beauts? ; , I The City Fathers are thinking of modifying the ordinance recently rawed prohibiting bicycling on the idY walks. If they do, it Bhould be Biedxso as to keep them fron ridinat atioh Vpidity that they CfUi'tsto wbehwn close quarters. We think it ahoalaSetand as it is, and dont care what anybody else thinks about it. I iia the only one in my family, Q I aiat much cared o getting Wt by any of the machines think it would be good soheub o grade the delunct dummy 'or benefit of the disgruntled wheelmen. The candidates all came to see le and - were 'very glad to know I landed attending . the pri nary rdav, and -were pleased lo see iog to well "and hoped that stand by them, for they been my friends. But VlS candid A got V i .. Alt VOL.VI--NOpfe CONCORD. N. C THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 4894. poetical as did Mr. brief speech complimj the People's party ft their convention, in that the said candid ,ra8 a true ana loyai man to the, party and "had stcck to them 'through thick ana tnin, like a hickory limb." "poseum's tail to a The strains of sweei music woke the echos. in the stillness of the night, and was so geat and sweet anr inviting that tlie songsters in our neighborhood sll joined in th chorus and visited us, giving the usual song and dance peculiar to themlonly. W0 speak of the mos quitos. v Koexek. Mr. II G Ritz returned from Lex ifgton, where he has been attending Court, and tells a thrilling story of a man who was tried and convicted for ptealing meat, and who was sen tenced to two years in the peniten tiary. When the iudge delivered thd Bentence the negro leaped from one . of the windows of the court room to the ground, a distance of fortyfive feet, without the slightest injary and made good his escape. This man should ioin the balloonists and make leaps without the para chute. A posse went after the man and were still after him at last accounts, The JnpM' Energy Mtlra lp IheChmr London, Sept. 5. The Central News correspondent in Shangha says that the Chinese fleet is abont to concentrate in WeUHaUWei. The enterprise of the Japanese in reconnoitering, end the reports of a plan to attack the fortifications by sea and land, have caused the Chinese to strength their position with panicky haste. Each work are rising rapidly at the weak points along the coast. Heavy cues have been sent forward from the Tien-Tsin and Nankin arsenals, and the necessary ammunition for them will be trans ported to the coast shortly. Bpfnsel to Surrender I he Warranln Jackson, Miss., Sept. 5, Governor Stone to-day refused to surrender to a Secret Service agent the plates upon which tne special warrants, over which the controversy between the Treasury Department and the State of Mississippi occur red, were t printed. It is be lieved the plates are wanted in evidence in a suit against a St. Louis bank note cempany which printed the warrants. Citn'l be Denl. The young people of our little city are ever on the go, and it is a well known fact that Concord's citi zens can't be beat at entertaining Miss Famiie Rogers gave a pleasant card party lust night, to the delight of her many friends. Miss Lallah Hill will entertain tonight. Itrnis From Manly Kewg. Mr. James T Barris, who lives near Locust, has a hog trough which has been in constant use ever since 1855. It it made of rich pine wood. The burning of the Norwood Academy wil not stop the school. Prof, smith says the, school will not be distorted in the least, but will continue as usual.' We were shown a letter the other day written by the Populist candi date for clerk of the superior court to a good Democrat, soliciting the vote of the Democrat in the coming election. The letter conta.n ed just 119 words and 46 mis takes. This candidate Btated before the Popniist convention that nomi nated him that he was incompetent to discharge the duties of a clerk of the superior cort, and his letter proves it. The platform in the Methotlitt church built for the choir that will do the singing for Evan geliBt School field, extends clear across thf church; Thia is a great convenience and will give more room for the singers to swell their voices. ves -. Who are for the flrt time to undergo woman's severest trial we offer "Mothers Friend" X Tmedy which, If used as ii ed a few ,'wetlcs Detore connnemenc, it of it- PAIN, HORROR AND RISK TO LIFE of both mother and child, as thousands whr have used it testify. Mused two bottles ef rwit: marvelous reaul who Has ro w wum know if they win uel weeks it mil rob confin and msurt safety fli Ut.SAMHAJSIi Sent or express, cl , . NJ lidSuiledfr. whici he said f VOTUh. inn v Ufe - ' T . riM- j : . HdTVnn in Ilia IHlf AflTt I fTIrt T TX l Jlz one of I 1 1 rf V .HA I HUn H. HM r- i iiiiiaiiiiiii i ii' ail ii iiii- i sanAdates in ULiillUUllUlU .'JUIIIJ i i . : IN CONVENTION ASSEMBLED. THE NOMINATIONS. The Convention larjre and Enlhna. lastic Harmony One of tlie tiracos 1. P. Dayvanlt KIccted Cnairman of the Comity Exeea live Committer. At 12 o'clock Dr. K S Yodng called the convention to order. He requested J B Sherrill and James P Cook lo act as temporary secretaries This organizationVas made permas nent. The roll call of townships showed that every one was represented. Upon motion the convention pro ceeded to the nomination of candi dates, beginning with the Kepresen- ratiye ; and after one ballot, Mr. Ed, Henderson, of No. 2, stated that No. 2 delegation could not cast its vote for a candidate unless he was for Jar vis as Ransom's successor. This brought forth considerable discus sion, entered into by Messrs. Means, U G Montgomery, and Z A Morris. A reconsideration of the vote just taken was carried unanimously' tgJ introduce resolutions of instructions for United States Senators, Col. Paul Means introduced the following resolutions The Democrats of Cabarrus coun ty, in convention assembled, do re solve: , 1. That we favor the election of United States Senators by the people, as Representatives in Congress are now elected. 2. That we hereby request eur Senators and Representatives in Congress, for North Carolina, when Congress shall next ass mble, to take Immediate action, on what has already been done by the House of Representatives in this direction, to; have the Constitution of the United States amended so that United States Senators shall be elected by the people. 3, That a copy of this resolution and of the two foregoing resolutions be, at once, sent to our two Senators and Democratic representatives in Congress by the secretary of this convention. 4. That we hereby instruct Mr. T J Jerome and Mr. H S Paryear, who willjbe, respectively, our Senator and Representative in the next General Assembly of North Carolina, to take such action in that Legislature, for an "application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States" to Congress, or by instruction and request, respectively, to our Senators and Democratic Representatives in Congress, as will most speedily tend to affect the election of United States Senators by the people. 5. That we instruct oar said Sen ator and Representative in the next General Assembly of this State to attend every Democratic caucus of that body, held to nominate a can- dicate for United States Senator, and, in such caucas, to vote, on each and every ballot, for Hon. Thos. J Jarvis as the choice of the Demo crats of Cabarrns county for United States Senator to succeed Senator Ransom in the United S ates senate: and thus to vote so long as the name of Senator Jaryis is before the cau cus for nomination ft 8 United States Senator. 6. And that we hereby request our said Senator and Representative in the next General Assembly of North Carolina to be active in using every honorable means to secure the nomination and election of Senator Jarvis to succeed Senator Ransom as United States Senator. Mr. Z A Morris introduced a sub stitute as follows : Resolved, That this convention recommend the holding of Demo cratic primaries on election day in November next for the selection of both eastern and western Senators, said primaries to be held under the auspices of the Democratic Execu tive Committee, and according to the rules of the party or holding primaries. After considerable discussion, the vote was first taken on the substi tute, which received only one vote then the original resolution was carried by a unanimous vote on motion of Mr. Morris. ,The dis. enssion, while very animated, was inthebe8tof feeling, and the out come is satisfactory to all Demo crats. Ballot for;Representative was then taken with this result : H. S Pur jear, 412-5; ODBarringer l$8-5 and John S Tnrnnr t. fin . T of Ejquire G E Eitchie Mr.Pur- "noB nomination was made nnani- nvention tkejo, nnanimontly I ecdorsed Mr, T J Jerome, the Dem ocratic candidate to represent the 24th district in the State Senate. . Mr. James C Gibson was nomi nated, by acclamation, for Clerk Snperior Court. ! Mr. L M Morrison was nominated by acclamation, for Sheriff. Mr. Jno. K Patterson wes norni nated, by acclamation, for Register of Deeds. When the chairman called for the ballot for County Treasurer, Mr. A E Lentz, one of the candidates before? the primaries, recognizing his de-' feat, arose and moved that the nomi nation of Mr. Jno. A Chne be made by acelamation. This brought down the house in applause. Mr. Lentz aaid he did all he could to beat Mr. Cline for the nomination aud now he would do all he could to help Mr. Clme win in November. That he (Lentz) was a Democrat and is also trom now on. A rising vote of thanks to Mr. Lentz for hi3 loyalty was taken with a vim. Just as thevote began on cotton weigher and the secretaries were making hair-splitting calculations among. fractions, Mr. Caldwell, not being a delegate, asked to make a etatemeil tioW'he was allowed the privilege. He said he knew that Mr. Archibald had beat him about one vote and to save time he (Caldwell) nominated Mr. F A Archibald for Cotton Weigher. Mr. Caldwell said everyr body knows where he stands, and all do. He ib a dyed-in-the-wool Demo crat. The convention, by vote, thanked Mr. Caldwell for his loyalty to the Democratic cause. Mr. Jno. II Long was unanimous ly nominated for Surveyor. . The vote on cornnor resulted Jas. Brown, 47: McNamara, 3; and Hutch Kizziab, 6. Mr. Brown's nomination was made unanimous. Mr. Jas. N Brown, in an old time, clear cut Democratic spirit, made a speech. He said he thanked the convention for the honor, but on acs count of age, he must decline. He wanted the convention to know that he was a Democrat ever since he was a boy, had voted the Democratic ticket for 50 years and hoped to vote it l or 50 more years. Mr. Chas, A Sherwood was unanimously nomi nated for Coroner. On motiOD, committees escorted Messrs. II S Pnryear, T J Jerome and Jno. S Henderson into the con vention. The executive committees of the townships met and elected a County Execotive Committe. It was as foK lows ; D P Dayvault, chairman; G K Ritchie, W G Newell, M M Morri son, C D Barringer. After motion to adjourn, the peo pie remained seated and listened at' tentively to speeches by Hons. H S Pnryear, T J Jerome and John S Henderson. Press time prevents a report of the speeches. The Democratic platform has not budged. Get on it and be saved. Some people are liable to discover before long that a majoritv of Ca barrus Democrats are not fools. A Mr. Walker, of Thomasyille, is at the depot for a few days as relief to Mr. Moaeley, the night operator. Mr, Chas. Sherwood brought in two bales of new cotton today, Sats urday. A baseball team from Cannonyille is crossing bars with the boys at Glass's. The King's Mountain High School begins its session Monday. Prof. Langston will be assisted by Dr. L A Bickle, of Concord. There is a distinct difference be tween Democracy and Populism on the silvei question, as well as on all other questions. And don't von forget it. There is only one Democrat in the Pennsylvania Senafe. This is one case in which a little ".eayen cannot leaven the whole lump. The lump is too tough. Democratic clubs have been or ganized pretty generally all over the State. Que at Monroe and one at McAddensville were organized Thursday night. The codnty chain gang is at work on the big red hill near Mr. M M Gillon's, on the Beatty's Ford road. They. -work twentyitwo. now and when Davidson's convicts are added bad roads scared." ' had better ", 'git Jpyacgelist Schoblheld will arrive tonight at 10 o'clock and will begin a seriesbf services at Central Metr fpdistchirch at H o'clock 'torn mdrninji "He will make ann pin Pigs The Concord telephone line will be in operation again in a few days. Deputy Sheriff W R Johnston and family have gone to Barium eprings, where they will ppend several weeks. The reception at the St. Cloud was one of the pleasantest of the season. The exercises customary to tfce opening of Wake Jborest College opened Wednesday with 175 present. The forest fires in Minnesota con tinue to destroy life . and property. The loss .of life -is beyond any defi nite estimate. Mr. Frank McGraw is threatened with fever. We hope to see him at his poBt in the Racket soon again. A J & J F Yorke's jewelry store is being painted. It will be relieved of its mourning garb and painted a bright color. An 18smonth8old child of Mr. Chance, of Forest Hill, was buried Thursday evening at Mt. Gilead burying ground. A moonlight picnic at Mr. Mack Kimmone', near Mill Hill, will be attended by several couples from the city tonight. A young man in our city who is very popular as a salesman as well as a ladiesmao, has regained his appe tite, after several days struggle with heart trouble. Mr. George D Bost, of No. 8 town ship, came in to see us and reports cotton opening rapidly, but says they are in need of ram in that section. On Wednesday the Standard ad vertiaed a watch charm that had been found. Thursday morning the owner came and laid his claims to it. Nothing like advertising. The Democratic club that was or' ganized Saturday, must not .fail to show up at the court house tomor row night at 8 o'clock. Every mem' ber is wanted. Mr. George M Lore has the sym pathy of the Standard in the loss of another fine cow. This is the fifth or sixth cow that has died for Mr. Lore within the last few months. Remember the business meeting of the W. C. T. U. Friday at 4 p. m, A full attendance, of superintendents of departments are especially re quested to be present. Saloon Keeper J W Brooks, con verted at a Methodist revival at Mar' ket, Tex., burned his entire stock of liquors in the public square. Divine services were held over the crema tion. A big cay is anticipated by ine colored wheelmen of the State at Greensboro on the 20th of thia month. Some good racing; will be done, so says Jones Montgomery, who will enffir or a prize. i On Thnrtdajjr morning while the infant of Mr. Henry L Propst was playing in the window, the sash fell and biuisijfl the child's arm consider ably. It ii a fortunate that no bones were broken.' The fight' between Jack Dempsey an Billy McCarthy, of Australia, was a draw. From the thirteenth round Dempsey did all the execu tion, but he could not knock his game opponent out. The purse, $2,000, was divided. Misses Addie and Maggie Cannon will not go to Converse, Spartanburg, as stated in the Standard, but have gone to Agnes Scott College, at D- cater, Ga. Miss Lucy Lore is also at this institution. Mr. E. P. Davis, who for several years has been living in Lexington, is back in Concord for good. He is associated with Mr. A. B. Correll in the jewelry business and the firms name will assume the one familiar to our people, that of Davis & Cor rel. We welcome bim. On Wednesday the Standard met with an accident. Our newspaper press was broken and could not be remedied so as to complete onr issue of that day. We thank our friend, Mr. J B Sherrill, for his courtesy in our time of trouMe. We are all right again. A discussion arose over the height of the big clock sign of A J and J F Yerk, Wednesday afternoon. Several claimed it wonW measure eight feet from where it is fastened to the pos-tA " -vf the ring above th by A pen full of fine looking was on the market. if V worn hut AT CANNONS FACTORY THURSDAY. No)ne JInrtJfaehlnery Flying- In All Directions 4(M or 50 Dam Thursday evening abont 5 o'clock, the people in and aronnd Cannon's factory were excited no little, and the occasion was of a nature that it was natural they should be. The crank shaft that works the piston rod in the cylinder broke and by doing bo, caused a general rupture in the machinery in the engine room, Both cylinder heads blew out, break ing bolts, cogs wheels, pins and tears ing things to pieces in general. It waa almost a miracle that no one was hurt. .Engineer Jiiackwel der waa working with the machinery when the blow-out occurred, but escaped unhurt. He sars there was a scatteration of things, and pieces of machinery whistling all aroand him. The breaking np of the machinery in the engine room did not effect any of the working machinery in the mills, only that it will be impossible to repair damages within a week. The mills will stand idle and the operatives will enjoy a recess, even though an accident brought about the sudden and unexpected stop. Superintendent Duval says the damage to the machinery will not exceed $400 or $500 "" Five From Davidson. Mr. C J Wheeler, chairman of the County Board of Commissioners' for Davidson county telegraphed to our commissioners, asking if the could use five strong and able-bodied men on our chain gang. In reply t9 this, Mr. Jacob Dove, the esteemed chairman of our county commis sioners, told Mr, Wheeler that we could use them. Cabarrus will have, if not already, the best roads of any Burrounding county. The North Carolina State JlortienI tnral Society. . The 14th annual meeting of the State Horticnltural Society will be held in Raleigh, October 25 th, at ' P. M. in the office of the N. C, Agricultural Experiment Station. Papers will be read and addresses ir.ade by prominent fruit and trnck men; election of officers for the en suing year and other important bus iness will be transacted. A full attendance of members and of all interested in building np the horti cultural interest of the State is earn estly desired. The ' meetings of the Society are open . to all and every one interested in professional or amateur horticulture is cordially inn vited to attend. Owing to the failure of the early fruit crop this year the annnal fruit fair of the Society had to be omitted. The State .Agricultural Society has therefore undertaken to offer specially generous premiums in its horticultural department, includ ing the premius of $25.00 and $15.00 for the two best exhibits made under the auspices of the district vice-presi dents of the Horticultural Society. It is hoped that these premiums will bring out a good exhibit of late fruits from each Congressional district The district vice-presidents of this Society are as follows : lst-Cong. District, Allen, Warren, Greenville; 2nd. District, O. W. Blacinall, Kit trell; 3rd. District, T. B. Parker, Goldsboro: 4th. District, B. P. Wil liamson; Raleigh; 5th. District, J. S. Carr, Durham; 6th-District, R. B. Caldwell, Charlotte; 7th, District, N. W. Craft, Shore-,8th. District, C. J. Cowles, Wilkesboro; 9th. District, Geo. E. Boggs, Waynesville. The date of the Bute Agricultural Fair is October 2326. Every one interested in fruit, flowers andveg' etable growing should send to H. W. Ayer, Raleigh, for a copy of the premium list. - The railroads win give specially low rates and will transport exhibits at half rates. - ' Gerald McCarthy. Secretary, N. C. State Horticultural Society. The 'Phone Line. The telephone line to Patterson's mill and Sunderland Hall and the whole system in the city is again m operation,-after ha ring beengntjqjp wokin-nler for sefeeal&reeks- on account of the electiiighine. ,! luiCion to the present phones there ill be connections made atCrowejfs ill, Swinka' store,, J O Wadgvprth'a sidence nd Yorke & Wadsrorth's ndencei ttff&re, and . Patterson Vl i ' :& iwill then be a order. good. jCw jnj V WHOLE NO. 34b Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov ; Report tv ABSOLUTELY:FURE . EDITORIAL OPINION. They have a good way of detect ing Japanese spies in China. They behead all Japanese found in the country. Buffalo Express. When the people are thoroughly enlightened they will despise the demagogue who urges them to de mand and expect impossible things. Galveston News. If Borne of the dead laws in every city were brought to life there would be yery little necessity for creating new statutes. Houston Post. Not a United States Senator skip ped to Canada. A Senator is not an Alderman. New York Mercury. Parachute men continue to shoot downward to the ground and get killed, but the voiee of the flying machine fiend is still loud in the land. New York Journal. Now that the income tax is in good working order get out your lit tie old income and prepare to have it inspected, Chicago Record. No one bnt the boy's mother ever thinks he may be tired. Atchison Globe. The summer girl comes back to us with the sad . testimony that hard times have interfered with the plu rality of scalps in her engagement belt Washington Times. Every fellow who bumped his head in an endeayor to extricate him self from the upper berth will sym pathize with the Pullman strikers. Washington Post Under the new tariff money will have a greater purchasing power, and everybody knows that penny Baved is a penny earned. New York Mers cury. The merchant tempted the Pan- tata, and hodid eat. But the mer chant says, 'that the Pun tata Bent for the apples. New York Journal. About this eeasonbf the year the summer engagement has to be pnt in splints. Baltimore American. Friends of Colonel Breckinridge in Richmond, &.y., nangea tneir candidate's opponent in effigy the other nieht Evidently this other , candidate is suspected of being a gentleman. Chicago Record. Hie jacet McKinleyism, negotiis hostis. In a?ternis requiescat in pace. Boston Globe. If Chairman Wilson meets Sena tor McPherson in Europe, the Jeisey Bugar statesman may tell him just how Havemeyer did it. Cincinnati commercial. 1 The war against cigarettes con tinues, and bo does the construction of machinery to turn them out rapid. St Louis Post-Dispatch. The Senate has adjourned oppor tunelv to escape war prices for the cold tea in the consumption of which it has made itself - famous. St. Louis Republic. The close friends of John J In gaily think he would go bo far as to accept the Presidency if it were ten dered him without opposition. De troit Free Press. The Czar of Russia has met a fot that he cannot send to Siberia or sunt ud ia a dnnsreon or behead. Its name ia influenza. Boston Journal Mr. Pullman used the cheapS! brand of philanthropy in the market. Buffalo Express. A.lady cannot afford to go ioto American politics, and r if grows much worse no gentleman can afford to touch it with a forty-foot pe. Galte8ton News. There is certainly plenty of trou ble in th house that Yanderbilt New York World. The more we think ut Richard Croker's retirement more we admire his York Tribune. politics the sight. New The time has s Uly arrived an make nreau-of yeiobe when ' this rov V mor FOR 1 YEAR SEND us i dollar: TELEGRAPHIC BKIKrS. Owine to a heavv rain. Alii rectly did not run at Indiar- yesterday. Wm. Aldrich was nominated by the Republicans in the fourth Al bama congressional district yesterv day. at St. Paul, Minn., yesterday nomi nated George L Becker, of St Paul, for Governor. The sixth district Mississippi Democratic convention is a deads lock. Stockdale 15 ; Martin 9 ; Denny 8 ; Goran 6. Twenty-one thousand clotAing workers in New York and Brooklyn were striking yesterday, the third day of the strike. Police Sergeant Nicholas waa shot and killed by two burglars he Ves pursuing yesferdsy in Cleveland, O. The burglars escaped. The British bark Canibusewe'.lace, Capt Leggatt, from Glasgow, May 5, for Brisbane, has ben wrecked off Stradbroke Island. Six of her crew were Jrowned. J W Witt, superintendent of pub lic schools at Decatur, Tex., was as sassinated' by S Siinmonsj of Sher man, in Decatur yesterday, because Witt had wronged Simmon's sister R V Markham, nominee of the Democratic convention for supreme" judge of Colorado, has give notice that he will decline to accept, and he intends to vote the Republican ticket. The Prince of Wales-has approved the decision of the sailing-tommittee of the Royal Yatcht Clnb to accjn;'' Mr. Gould's withdrawal of the VigK lant's challenge for the Cape 'May Cup. Congressman Capehrt, of the fourth West Virginia (Strict, who was renominated last week after a bitter fight, has withdrawn because of opposition to him iu his own party. Mr. Voerheea is ready for the stump in Indiana, and has declared in response to rumors . about his health that he never felt better in his life. It is Vis opponents who will presently be feeling out of sorts . ; The Republican congressional con vention for the eighth district which met ' at Mahasses, Va., yesterday unanimously nominated P H Mcs t' Caull, of Culpeper county, on the second ballot. The organized carpenters ar. J cou tractors of New York and Brookli are waging a war thecarpontd fihtifigjJS" system ot" lumpj '. sub-letting of contract jobs. One thousand have quit work. There are a good many Democrat who think a taste of defeat would be very salutary for the party juBt now. Chicago Times. HEART DISEASE Plutterlnz. No Appetite: Could knot Sleep, Wind on Stomach. Tor a long time I had a trrihi, pain at my heart, which fluttered al-l most incessantly. I had no appetflfel coaia not weep, i would bet , gas from m? stomach until I thought ' every minute would be my lastj There was a feelintf of oppresslont acou my neart, and I waa afraioV draw a full breath. I conl?not a room without resting.. JfyJ induced me to try , Dr, Miles. and am happy I now txt' sleep wp,v ill t tsf 7 i PUIs.

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