TURNS OUT- GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. 'GIVE" US A TRlALi VOL.VI--NO. 43. CONCORD. N C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1894. WHOLE NO. 343" vd i - r V" MT. PLEASANT NEWS. Hon, Jobn K. Turner SjmiIic Lots or Cotton to Pick Yet. Tiaa ia cooler weather than we ' have had so far. tb is fall. Lots of cotton to pick yet and this weather is hard on it When two farmers meet their greeting is : "Mcst through sowing wheat " Mr Sam L Hood has returned from the eastern part of the Stale. All of his friends are glad to eee him. Hon. Jjhn D. 'Inrcer was here yesterday and made a fine speech. Many of the crowd said that it was as good as any speech they have heard this year, end some that'it is -best they eyer heard. His plan of argument was about the as thatof Senator Jarvis. He spoke for two hours and the crowd wanted him to speak longer, but he sloped to give Mr. Puryear time to speak, after sliich Mr. Shinnmsdeatalk. There will be another speaking here Sat- urdayEernoon by Mr. GlenD, one of the- finest orators in North Carolina.? MecklenbnrK County Has n Biff Day Under thejeaption "Democracy is Immortal," in the Charlotte Ob server of this (Saturday) morning, we read of the grand Democratic de monstration and barbecue at Shaion, afewmiles from Charlotte. Speeches were made by Csborne.Lockhart and Glenn, and Ham, of Georgia. The Observer tells this as an effect: "A certain original character who kept a tavern in the good old happy days gone by in Salisbury had a method of grading and gauging the various stages of "j ig" gedncsg of the customers who partook of the mellow hospitality he dispensed over hia bar. When any of the s:iid cus tonSJfeohed the point of hilarity, he was "in ambush;" when he hud gotfcon to the point of whooping things up he was "fully presented." Before the speakers at Sharon yes terday were through dispensing the life giving elixir of Democratic doctrine, the Democracy of Mecklen burg county may be said to have been "in ambush" with eptbnsiatn; and by the time the torchlight procession in Charlotte and the in spiring oratory of Ham of Georgia were over, it was nndonbtly "fully presented. At least 800 mounted men were in the procession. Between 5,000 and 6,000 were in the auditorium to hear the ojte-tCv ingot. A Very Karrow Escape, Friday night when returning from Piney Grove church, in No. 11 township, Messrs R Will Johnson and L D Duval met with hard luck They had teen out to a political Yeting and the terrific nda set in bef ore they started back. It rained so hard that in a short time the streams were considerably swollen. They did not stait to town until about 11 o'clock, and when they reached the usually small branch jnsfc bck of Mr. Sandy White's, they then realized how terrific the Burging little stream wa3. As they descended into the water, the buggy turned over, throwing them both out and washed the buggy and horse down stream about thirty-five or forty feet. The unfortunate men swam to shore and gave the alarm and in a s.hort while, Mr. Frank Bost ar rived with a lantern. Owing to the intense darkness, it was some time before the horse canld be found. After finding the buggv the horse was unhitched and taken- out, . leaving the buggy and ;ess to the mercy of the stream, he horss was pretty badly hurt, ng, somehow ran a stob into his Bide. It wi'l not result seriously though Messrs Johnson and Duval being a little damp and stiff, in order to get proper exercise, walked to town, reaching home about 3 o'clock tbie (Saturday) morning. It was indeed a very unfortunate occurence, bat it might have been worse , Hrs. Cleveland to Christen the St. lrfnis. Washington, Nov. 3. Mrs. Cleve land has accepted the, in vita tion to christen the American Line steamer St-Louis, which will be launched at Philadelphia on Monday, November 12ih. The President will not at tend i he ceremony, but Mrs. Cleve land will leave Washington on a special train Monday morning, ac companied by a party of her own aelectiOD, including the wives and daughters of the cabinet officers and a number of personal friends, res turning to Washington " the same afternoon. DREYFUS WILL BE SHOT. That Deserved fate Is tn Reserve Tor The Treacherous French Captain. Paris, Nov. 1. A special cabinet council was held today to consider che case of Captain Albert Dreyfus, who is now under arrest and confined in the military prison oa a charge of high treason in having sold inform a tion in regard to the plans of tLe frontier fortification to the agents of the Italian government and also dU vulged the plans for mobilizing the French army in the event of war, it is the general opinion that Captain Dreyfus will be shot after the for mality of a court martial has been gone through with. It is aleo charged that he has sold to foreign agents information simi lar to that supplied to the Italian government, and, further thafc.be has given to Austria and Germany the names of al the French officers who have lately been sent abroad on 60s cret missons. Dr. Prltchard Encouraged. Rev. Dr. Pritchard held services nightly in Concord last week. Ho came away feeling a little discou. aged. Not that there was a lack of interest or small congregations for the church was filled at each service but few came out boldly for Christ and His cause. Yestcrd-iy the doctor received a letter from tho pastor in Concord telling him of a number of additions to tho church Sunday, of many reclamations, and of a general spiritual swakening. Charlotte Observer. Vnlcss the Weather Changes Bnck Won't Go It. Ciipt. Kitchen said at Monroe on the 9th of October that it would have to be snowing in hell when he voted for Faircloth and Furches, As the weather continues moderate and th'.re is no immediate prospect of a snowfall in bell or elsewhere next Tuesday, it appears as if the noa partisan iudioal ticket will have ?o get elected without tho vote of the esteemed KitcLtn.--Statesville Land mark. The Bet tingbtills Favors Morton and Strong. , ' New York, Nov. 2 Betting on tfce State and city results continue to favor Morton and Strong. On the slock exchange $500 to $315 was wagered today that Strong would be elected mayor, and at much more was offered without nnowg takers. One bet of $1,000 to $400 was made oa Aiortoa tor uovernor, whicn is an increase of odds as ihey have heretofore been conceded by tin backers of the Republican nominee. . Euss y,Inirncfc -theer: . Thursday evening as Mr. Wiil Morris and wife were returning from town homeward they came near meetirg with a serious accident They were on the fill in the new cut road just back of the Fenix floor mills. Tho off horse shied at some thing pushing the other one into the ditch. After pushing its com panion into the ditch it fell in upon him. Mrs. Morris wa3 thrown out on the two harass and the buggy turned over on her. It wa?, indeed, not anl envious position for a man, saying nothing of a lady. Mrs. Morris es caped however, with a few slight bruises about the face and body. Mr. Morris did not f all in the wreck as it were. Theology and Syntax. The Rev. Dr. Charles H Park hurst Bays : "I am so much of Pres byterian that I belieye it is written down m destiny thfc victory is to transpire." If this be true, it is not oniy writ ten down in destiny, but in extreme ly bad English, Speaking at o. 6, At Rimer's Friday night a torch light procession and a grand Demo cratic rally took place in which about 200 or 300 hundred people took part, a great many going from town. Speeches were mnde by Hon. W G Means, H S Puryear and Col. Paul B Means. Citizens in that section of the county are all Democratic and enthusiasm Friday night ran high. Yes, We are Beared. Mr. Sim 8, in a circular under the caption "A Campaign Fact" has thefollowing to say about the Daily Standard : " "P. S. The Ddi'y Standard is yery much alarmed lest some one votes for me not knowing it. Those tickets are already in the hands of my friendd and you will not find them among the other tickets on the day of election, Johk A. SiM3." Did you notice, that he says "they will sot be fonnd with - the other tickets on. tbe day of election f'.Most any intelligent man 'would know that, especially when the count com out. KORNER WRITES. Korner hns not 6aid any thing in a long time not since the county canvass of candidates began." But ' I am sail m the fight. Politics are raging just at this mo ment, but when the war is over Tuesday at sunsdown, you will hear a wailing ia the land the Populists will be crys ing: "I have bad the yoke about my neck; now, oh Lord, let me die, that my name will soon be forgot ten." Had the thought ever oc enrred to you how soon one is for gotten when his career is ended and laid beneath, the cold, cold ground ? That i'.'ene whom has notand never will gain the confidence of our peo ple. So it will be with the Populists. Buck . Ki'chjn was received here n few weeks ago by the Populists anil Republicans p.a au Bdvocate of a fusion agreement between the two parties, but, alas, his leaders anu some of hia followers were too tough far him. He had to "jump the gang" that was making such a harnm scar um over the State without the slightest foundation""&fprinci plcs. No honest, intelligent man can support a fusion or co-operative ticket, and claim to liaye principles. Oil and water won't mix neither will Populists and Republicans. It is "Hon. Buck Kitchen" once again. t didn't take the "fuse" a great while to "strike a knot" in his conscience. The Pops and the rad Will feel mighty bad When the sun goes down toworrosv, They'll not smole a smile, In their late bland style, But crawl in their holes in sorrow. Now I am not superstitious one bit, but seeing accounts in your paper of so many runaways on the "fatal hill," better known as the Fisher Hill, just beyond the depot, it recalls to memory the time when I was quite youthful and my dear old father would take me to stroll on a Sunday afternoon and tell me of the historic rock that is on that hill the rock that turns oyer every time it hears a train blow. That rock has never been removed and probably that is the cause of so many accidents. But there is something else to consider, and that is the lonesome graveyard at the top of the hill. There is a rabbit-sea- ia ahe gravevard and whenever one of these skipping little fellows cross the road you may lookout for an accident. A graveyard rabbit is a great deal more unlucky than an ordinary pine field rabbit, unless you can get its left hind foot. One old colored man who was witness to a rabbit coming up out of a suuken grave out there says they go into the coffias and commune with the spirits and that the spirits of the deal, although in visible in daylight to the human eye, an animal can see them, and he claims that this is the cause of many horses to shy and run away and so many accidents over there. He also claims that some of thesj rabbits are witches. He knows of where three witches range out there near the old camp ground and showed me their hiding places. They cau talk and run and cau't be killed. Korner can't sing, but he did aps preciate the music rendered to Con cord's music lovers by those who ap peared in the "beautiful" little opera, the "Merry Milkmaids." It was truly a group of merry maids; and the young men were equally as merry, although they were not so ex pressive or impressive. Korner cnjDKS LOncora should , organize a Dramatic Club. She has the talent and her citizens would give it good support, provided the benefits were qiven in the proper way as the "Merry Maids" was to the orphans and needful. - ' ' r : .-. ... - earner, in conversation with, a popular young lady in the "ciy, learned that the daily Standard' was very highly appreciated. She said she "always wanted tc see the p'per before tea; that she believed it helped her appetite," Her father, who is a kind old gentleman, stepped op and said, in a grave tone and with a downc8t eyes : "Thank the Loid she doesn't get two." Korner knows a man in Concord who, beats the record on stinginess. He strains every pint to save, ' and j he actually etrairf kia buttermilk. We are sure of b access an d victory. Thanksgiving turkeys arein tli market. This November wind is catting. Look out for sore lips. Korner comee today and tells of the spirits and witches that are close to the city. v Our devil chased himself around a block this morning after a rabbit. Your attentions called to the new advertisement of Ludden & Bates. It was suggestive of the good things past peaches in town Fri day. The political situation all oyer the State is in favor of Democratic vic tory, far surpassing that of two years ago. A liberated Mollie Cotton Tail af -forded amusement for some time for the small boys and a dozen dogs this i'Saturday) morning. Workmen on the addition to the Cabarrus cotton mills have begun on the Becond Btory of the building. It will be complete January 1. Two thousand dollars in silver coin was placed in the National Bank today. It was an immense pile. . An immense lot of cotton was in town today. Trade this fall is good an i the merchants who advertise in tbe Standard receive a good portion. We'will have in onr weeirty edi tion this week a half-page adver tisement for the Lowa Co. This firm believes, in judiciou: advertising, therefore they are prospering. Salisbury's musical circle have in their possession the books preparing to render to their c.tizens "The Merry Milkmaids." We wish them success. Mrs. Dr. HN Wells, of Clvde.. Haywood county, is visiting at her father's, Mr. W A Smith, Her many friends here are delighted to see her. The Friday night mail must have been put into Buffalo Creek, or else the car leaked. Your attention is called to the ad vertisement of Brown & Kimmons, new dealers in coal. If yon want to get figures call at John A Kimmon's store. The sidewalk iu front of the First Presbyterian church was used Sunday by the hackmen and 'husses, as the street was blocked by tbe fcSiC'iJfieing moved from Dr. Lilly's to Spring street. Dr. J E Cartland is moyiag from Sprfnj street to the home recently vacated by Mr. Hoover, on Plank sireec mr. ju u. nan win move into bis hous? this week. ' Mr. Sam White, who has been cleik at the St. Cloud Hotel foi some time, has resigned and will be succeeded by Mr. T G Furr, of Edmiston, son of Mr. Sam Furr. Twenty boys celebrating Hallo. ween halted in front of Mr. Kay- wood'a home, ia Independence, Kan eas, at midnight. Haywood raised a window aud fired both barrels of a shot sun into the "crowd hive boys were dangerously wounded. Master Willie Willeford, son of onr townsman John Willeford, brought to our office t;io nice June -apples. This ia the third crop this year, each of. which was small. We ppaeciate the gift and 'enioy .the delicious flavor of this delicate fruit. A t ' , , a cenain coiorea inao, wno was eartily in favor of tho fusion trick of the RepnblicMUs, since hearing that Hon. Buc". Kit thin had with drawn from the Populists aad gone back to tbe Democrats, said : "I hain't gwine ter vote de fusion ticket, l'ae gwine ter vote fer Mi. Morrison and John Cline, shore." Mr. H G Ritz returned today from tbe Burlington Fair. Mr. Jtitz says the Fair was, a Bucoess in every par .icnlar. He also stated that thert were more fakirs attending that ex bibition than at any small place he has ever been. The bo8v. "the "hoo doo", games was arrested 1?ridaj night and put in jail, in default of $2,000 bond. Mr. Borders Dead. Mr.' John P Borders, of Shelby, who lived in onr little city for ee?s eral months and who made for himself many friends, aied suddenly on the streets of Shelby Saturday night, the cause supposed to have been heart trouble. Mr. Borders was in the best of health when 'ho'. left Concord only a few days since, and th news al his sudden death was a shock to his many friends here. WHITE CHRYSANTHEMUMS " Ecra of tho clouds and darhueta, On tbe frosta and early snow; " Wlica tho summor Moome havo faded, The beautiful Christ flo-vrora blow. . All throug-h tho budding spring time. All through the summer's brat, , . .!! ttu'oua'li the autumn's glory i They hfllo tlioir blosom sweot; But when the earth is lonely, . And the bitter north winds blow, jjwith a suiUc of cheer for the dour old y eai The Chrietnms Iomouis blow. . 15w-t as a dream it summer, I Wlilto as the driftin-r snow, Whon our hearts are filled with frrirrlnc The beautiful Christ flowers Wow. St all the south wind's blowing Opens their secret heart; Slender thoy frrcw and stately. Guarding their life apart; But when tho earth Is dreary. And the heavy clouds hang low; With their tender ohoor for the wayworn year The Christmas blossoms blow. Sweetest of nil consolers. Fairest of flowers tiint When hopes and flowers havo faded, Tho beautiful Christ llowera blow. Bright In the cottag-e window. Sweet In the darkened room, Pair in tho shortened sunliylifc. Cheering the dusky gloom. Oh, when our benrts oro lonoly, And tho clouds of euro hang lov, With blessed cheer for the dyinjr ycr. ' The Christinas blossoms Mow. Bci-tots KraaUS, MODIFIED PRESCRIPTION. A Kcinody Or.ly Good fur r.atlcr.ta TV he Aro Upholsterers. Mr. Oscanyan, in his book, "Tho Sul tan and Ills People," says thrit a Turk ish physician wns called to v?oit a mat who was very ill of typhus fever. The doctor considered the caso hopeless, but prescribed for the patient and took hit. leave. Tho next day, in passing' by, In Inquired of a servant at tho door if his master was dead. "Dead!" was tho reply; "no, he L' much better." Tho doctor hastened upstairs to ob tain the solution of tho miracle. - "Why," said the convalescent, T was consumed with thirst, and I drw.k a pailful of the juice of pielilcd cabbajro." "Wondcrfull" quoth tbo doctor; and out came the tablets, on which ho miwle this inscription "Cured of typhus lover, Mehemed Agba, an upholst-ercr, by drinking' a pailful of picUled cab bage jaice." Soon after the doctor wo3 called to another patient, a yag'hlifcg'eo, or dealer tn embroidered handkerchiefs, who war Buffering from the samo malady. lie forthwith prescribed "a pailful of pickled cabbago juice. On calling the nest day to congratulate his patient on his recovery, ho was astonished- to be told that the man wan dead. In. his be wilderment ot these phenomena, frs came to tho safe conclusion, and dnlv noted it In his me-noranda, that "Al though in cases of typhus fever pickled cabbage juice is an efficient remedy, it ia not to be used unless tho patient W by profession an upholsteivr." ADRIFT ON THE OCEAN. Tho F.omarlcablo Voyage of u Deserted Schooner. Some of the caprices of the ocean are Inexplicable. llarch 31, 1801, nn American three-masted schooner, the Wyer G. Sargent, of Sedjrwick, Mo., was abandoned by her crew oil Cape Uatteraa, a hopeless wreck. But the deserted vessel did not break rip or founder. On tho contrary she hu-17 together vcith amazing tenacity, a-!'3 from that day to this has been Coatim; aimlessly about in tho path oi com merce between our ports and Europe, She has been sighted and reported during these tweaty-one months by twenty-five different vessels to say rc4bingof thoeo which passed peril ously near her ;m TaigYu, C Zzgg$ weather. She was last seen a few days go by a British steamship nino hun dred miles duo east of Bermuda. The dismasted hull was still in (rood condi tion, Tho numa on her stern was dis tinctly visiblo . end a rostv anchor dangled from the bow. iSiirmg' tho year and niao months that this mast less and rudderless hulk "has been drift ing hither and thither, tho sport of tho elements, scores of strong ships, well zosnncd and well found, have sue Bombed to the fury of the winds and waves, some of them Dot leaving a soul to tell their Btory, while a deserted craft, without a rag of canvas, has come safely, through hurrlca.no and cyclone without number to lie a deadly menace In the path of navigation. The fixed stars are suns, antf each may have its own planetary system. The fixed stars aro. of all colors, violet, blue, green and red predom inating. The strongest telescopas bring the moon to an apparent distance of 100 miles. To the naked eye 3,000 stars arc visible; tho best telescopes show 5.500,000. ' Apple Snow. Put six largo applos, with out paring, into cold yater. Stew slowly, then strain through a sieve. Ueat the whites of of six eggs to a stiff froth, and add a cup 01 sugar. When weii mixed add the apple, beat until white as - snow.- Make a boiled custard of tho yolfcs and two. whole ones, and a quart of milk, sweetened and flavored. Pouj around. Little Maids of Eonop. Manv brides trefer to be attend ed to the altar by sweet littlo chit dren, and there is always' a de mand for ciginal ideas for cos tuming tliese tiny maids of honor. At a recent fashionable wedding, the little bridesmaid was dressed lik a tiny Priscilla, wearing a quaint gown of yellow brocaded silk mull, made with a primp, and full, puffed sleeves of white silk mull. Instead of a hat this dear little - girl wore a close-fitting Puritan hood of yeilow velvet with a white border. Sho carried a hanging bouquet of yellow jicd wnite rosea tied, with broad yellow sattin ribbon, and the cunninj? littlo creature received quito aa much admiration a's the brido her elf. - ; 1 here . will b9 a Wdddinjiia tb -rj , .1 hi- X. . Eaid, lio:(ai;of; it a solored camp mcotlng uf " -.Jf:ilpp!. ' ' f.w: out, LacisUdar, whar you walii?? iJ&llM u mtec-.p, sho's you bc'n. ; ' I toll (.u v-hat, it's nauso talkln,' , , T.t you H; up, chile, you froneT ' J; De mid is full or stumps ua' stubble, V Kuls n:t" siijkho'es ebcrwhur.'' 'r I f jir-o d y'H alb you lump or trouble, you dou't :Sy yo fwli:i' fla;-' It's dark e pitch nil' mbjhty cloudy. Spec de debliil's wnlklu' rou u, Tus' tin'? you Uuowho'U tell you "how?., Lit' his .hoof an' stomp do (rroun'. Bain, etm't you see a sto'u; a-brewlu-r Jicar dH awful thunder pcui! Look! i;iu.'iu' lit"hti:iu' tlireat'niu' isiiii Oh, backslider, how you ioeli Drr.p ou yo' knees an' go to' pray in,' ' Ax do Irfiwd to help you out. Chile, tell Hira you's a lnmb a-stniyln' If :ie j--ot Ioofj a::d stuubltu' 'bout A." deu you'll see do stars u-jrleainlu" 'Tuuiiniitln' all de way; Yc-u, 'bout ten thftusan', twinMin'.bcamln' Smack untwell do break cr day. But ef you fail ddebbll git you. Fetch you slup right in do eye. You'!! feel mos' like ergvapeshot hit jou Urannud from half way to do sky I i'rom tho Xebrasku StuU) Journal. WE ARE DWINDLING AWAY. fir' 4,000 A. D. Ojfiiy Lilliputians Wil! inhabit tha Eaith. A Trench .statistician, who has been studying tho military and other records, with a view of de termining the height of men at different periods, has reached somu wondt 'i'f ui resui 1 s. A Jjreijchman is naturally an artist, even in figures. A German mijcht content bim;eifwith v. dry arithmetical compilation; but thin artist carries his statistics into the realm of history and of poetry, end even of prophecy, lie has not only solved some perplexing prob lems in regard to tho rcat of tho human race, but also is enablod :o calculate its future, and to deter mino tho exact period when m.ic vill disappear from the earth. The recorded facts extend over r.."arly three centuries. It is found that 1G10 tho average height oi men was 1.75 metres, or say f. feet 9 mches. Jn 1790 it vras ( feet (J inches, in it was L feet 5 inches and a fraction. At the present time it is 6 f-et S is-i inches. It is easy to deduce from tacre figures a rale of -regular and grad ual decline in 'human stature, and then upply this, working kick wards and forwards, to tho pat and' m the future. i!y this calcu lation it is ecTrminod that the etaturc of tho first men attained tho surprising average :fj0 feet S inches. The race had already deterior ated in the days of Og, while Gol iath was a ouito degenerate off spring of the giants. Coming down to litter times wo find that at tho begimiiiig of our era the average height of man was U feet, and iu the time of Charlemagne it was S feet 8 inches, a fact quito sutlkioiii.to acv.j-Li'.ii; for aio heroic deeds, of tho IVuuiius. 33 at the most astonishing result of this scientific study comes i'rom 'the-application of tho same iiiexorabis mvr ox diminution to the future. The calculation shovd that by the year 4,000 A. 1)., the stature of tho avorago man will bo re duced to fifteen inches. At that epoch there wili bo oniy LiVupu " pd you know that j ou can drive nails into Lard wood without bending tiiom if you dip them first in lard ? , That a lzmpof c&i4-2r3 f-ur clotLc3-prof:s will keep ikm fc'na aaonis frcra tarnisuin; ? That stale bread ivill deca kid glovte? TJsat tread crumby ckuaise silk gov.-s ? TJiat milk, applied caca & week with a soft clotii, freshens cad pre serve boots and sacis? i'List gloves can 3j c'sshod eA aciii-i by rubbiir; -vvii-i gaaclinef bitt weak sts hi 11 bbtck tai waist may ho strengtheiiijd by "sticking" oart-laater Krsiar. acaif Tbfit tDO;:h r.Hfi'w 5S ;in' istpj-.!. lent cleauf-jcr ibr liao ibrreo ivr olry? That a 'littlo vaceline, rubbed in once a day, will keep the bands from chapping. Grannies' iiuffs In lrasliioa Again. The smartest thing to do with the muff i to wear it hung round tho neck suspended by a long, slender gold or silver chain. Thoso yards of chain attached to which our mothers and grandmothers' Wera wont to wear their watches, when a watcb was regarded as quite a possession in the way of jewelry, can bo prettily utilized in this way. It soeni3 at last an accomplished fact that muffs are largo enough to stow away one's hands in. We have been promised them of a sen sible si?.o for several winters, but now at last thoy are adopted, and the silly littlo things into which we could only thrust our fingers are out of date. - To be smart oner must have a real, cozy "granuy" muff. The prettiest are of sable, lined with rich, handsome " brocade and per fumed. They are so' dainty, so warm, so costly looking that they have an air of distinction all to tljemselves apart .from the genera) effect of their owner's toilet. - Keeping: it Up. "" "I'm afraid they've prot me, said tho nervous candid ate. "Don't give up yet," whispered the election manager: "that feller fou started ealy this znornin' ia still votm'I" ., ' Charley Means' a?o- ua a bl grown pear Sunday. Tnupeui vua the product cf a seeded ; crop of bloemsnn '94, - Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. DEMOCRATS CONFIDENT. A StniKlard Jinn tietn the Opinion of Probably 200 Men. A Standard reporter' went over tbe city this morning to get tin opinions of her citiueos as to the re salt of the county ticket and cs re8ultwefind that tha Democrats I are fully conGdent of victory. The opinion of probably to hn-dred cien, from all parts of th conaty, i3 that the Democralit majority over the'Populist will no' be lees taan 700. This was tite general expression of the Demo cr.its. Yo tacKled a nu'iiber of PopubifcB and all that gave au opinion, gav the Democrats from 300 to 500 ni jority in the county. YYe except cn one Populist, who claims the m i jority for them from COO to 1,000 in the county he, of course, woulJ i not give in, boing a poor, deluded candidal. COXCORD PiiOUD r irr ?liiNi-I Tntont, Her Pretty CsrLs asi! :!ie I.ai-f;e Antlieneeii THej Kave. Friday night the Concord cornet band assembled on the square and di.penped v iih sweet music to te iu with, which wa3 a signal of what would take place in Ar mory Usli, the repetition of tha beautiful operetta, "The Merry Milkmaids." At S o'clock the enrtain Kue drawn and the audience was p:eeted with -i-i(frK' chorus cf : xlc-tnJ fern, ire voices. 1 553 " " Hhed e pretty picture aiid ench wett. charming music bn3 seldom be?u heard in our little city. The following is the cast, anrf each one did his or her prt exceed injrly fia.e. Jr.iio - - - U.L Kceslcr Fanner Jim - - IL M. Barrow Farmer Joe - - - A. E. Lcn'7 Dr. ;ich!er - - Jno. Smithdeai Cojimicdorc - - IT. P. Deal (Juei--.! of maids Mis: Dcrp'.hy, - Jiiss AdiTr Juitnitb, - Miss W .Vatt'er.y, . .- Anita, - Miss Alice Sinn Monica, the Gipsy, ?Ais. L. D. Coltranc CHORUS Misses Jannette anil Saliie Erwln Emily Gibson, Katie, BcJl and Pauline Means, I.ai!ic Hill, Lida White, Corinah Harris. Messrs J II Yountr, W M Stuart, J K Bel!, Harry While, Ed. Moss, R P Beiifon, A B Correll, E P Hill. Miss Fannie liogers, es (Jueen ar,d . Miss Addie Patterson, as Dorothy,eventnaily the bride, and Mr Biirrow the groom, were the etars of the entertainment, and each one won the hefu-ta of the entire audiearice. Every part of the programme w;8 carried out in a superb manner, ar d too niiich cannot be said ifi praise f Concord's talent. Vve regret very muat that we c.auoc say more a'Selit the rentff tion lasc night, but e-pace ia just now denied us. Long live the Dairy maids ard Farmer boys, as well us the Judge, Doctor and Commodore. The tutor iaii.nient List night wis :v great sucews ia every way, The "Maids ' were happy aid the audi ence most appreciative. The pro ceeds in all amounted to about $07 25. Souse of our most pro uiueat men nave expressed the with that ' the company vcmld go to s-msbary, as it is such a credit to our town, and they want o' hers to Fee what we can do with our home tales. t. Caltlwe!! and luniol.- Campbell Caldweli aud Josephus1 Daniels, were two of tne prominent orators we have had with us daring the campaign, each of wLom made good their short time wifh us Satur day night. 'Mrt Caldvtll ppoke for fully two hours to a whopping biz orowd. followed by i i . Daniels, who made n able tke on the Nations issues. Doth men, are a credit tojthe Democratic party. Mr. Caldwell in expected herj tonight to epeak at Forest IlilL . "J ingle is ruuniun throngni with lis fortune." '-Spending it nckleesly ?". ( "Great Scot!, jee; ht'd done noth' ing but pay cp honeit debts for tbe last eix ' months."; 1 GLADJOF THE CZAR'S DEATH. The Prmidrnt of (lie Polifth Alllane ConniM It a Cain for Liberty. , Chicago; Koy. 2. S P Adelia Satalacki, president of tbe Polish National Alliance of America, and the People's party nominee in the 1-1 1 11 L 11 BCUUIAllOl UJUll tji) HO president of the Alliance, represents about 280 Socialists in tbe United States, referred to the death of the Czar as a relief to the people of Eaa sia and Poland especially, and to humanity m general. He consider ed tbat now is an oppoptune time for the new ruler of Kuasia to turn aside the hatred ot millions of Rus sians and Pules by liberating the un fortunate victims of political cp prfstion from their living tombs in Siberia. It may not beChnstian-like, he said, to gloat over the death of tny one, but millions of men car not lielp rej.-ieing at the dc-:dh of this despor. As oat who was the can:e )i scn&i'.g thousand;) of Luaian be ngs 'o a l'aie wor3e than death, ia hat Ik ;i up n i ;irrii, Sibtii.i, every Sover of f do ci aii Uie world oyer, .nu8t n jr,i-v. It muy ba that his deatii meaus oaly it ci.nire fom one de3po: to r'noiber, tat ' very such change tiust hj in the dir:-ctioa of iocs ei'i;;g the c'.iaini thii oisx to heavily tu the p.opie. Miu UniiOi: : The elate cf aCai 3 wnicn cenironis ua einpaasizes tee necessity for th" '.riainoh of Demop cratic prmciiiles. The discontent sulr, ot corrupt iwpi Enlightened American cit sober thinking patriots Democratic policy, for J of prosperity. Kc Democratic S threw oil the has been ecj tory4 snowed unuei tion will be an.imi Hw is This T . When Mr. Hilemaa was intrusted with the administration of county affairs it was necessary to purchase' some lumber. Mr. Hileman as com-i mittee' of one bought said lumbei from Messrs J J Burringer and Jac o r-: r - i Art i 1 1 . billed it to the county as furnisKed by himself, charging $ 1.25 per hun dred. Siiig brethren: "Oh, bow 1 love boodle Oh, how I love hoodie The dear people's cash. c yiere s5iuewiing more uimcu ilt thai. Deisarte in learning how to tarn a pancake just right. Atchi eon Globe. x&f.jr :-v: V TIRED, WEAK, KEHYOUSr Ceiild Kot Sleep.; Prof. L. J. Edwards, of Preston Idaho, says: 'I was all run down, weak, nervous and irritable through.: overwork. I suffered from brain fa tigue, mental depression, etc. I be-: came so weaic ana nervous tnat l could not sleep, I would arise tlr" discouraged and blue. I began ta' Dr. Miles'. Nerval iu (Bis'' 31

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