V .-7 1 r . u ?he Standard must admit that it surprised, o say nothing of die ointment, at the result in Cabar h county. Faaion worked, it worked like it lis gieased. The great bulk of the colored !n voted solidly for the Fusion It ia not a Populist victory. It is not a Republican victory. It is a Fusion victory a fight srely to "beat the Democrats. It succeeded. 'Democracy is immortal," and Notwithstanding this defe.it it will bnly be a time until the party of ;he people will rise np and plant herself firmly again upon the stage. By and by, the honest man, seeing what he has helped to do, repenting, will come back. Nc party without principle and chart, 6uch as Fusion is, can survive longer than people Bee and know of the great mistake they hive made in being led off. The Standard did all it could: lit tle as it was. it was done siDcerely and with an eye to justice and fair msa. Oar entire ticket, with a single exception has gone down, each maB with clean hands, clean record and with the consciousness of having done right All that could be done honestly has been done cheerfully by all hands. Old No. 8, true to the teachings of her fathers and with a full con ception of her duty in political mats ters, has remained steadfast in the faith. No. 12 and others have djne their duty. , There are j ast as many Democrats in Cabarrus county today as there were in 1802. The colored man chose to help the Populists and he Floods 'will past. There will be no 'failures. People will cease to die. Prosperity will come bounv. up like a frisk lamb. There will be no more toothache, no more doctor bills. ' There will be no more crop failurep. . Money will grow on trees. .People can sit down, be easy and the government will do the rest. People need not work anymore the government will support her people. ... Prosperity, glorious prosperity, is coming we feel it in our bon93. Tlllj CArSE. The Standard respects the opinion of Adlai Stevenson more than it does old G rover's. Under date of November 7 this is given out about im : Hon. Adlai E Stevenson, . A t - It lice jpviaent, - Bpeni toaay quieuy of the home of his neditating upon the of yesterday 7 and 'attend a wedding of a f aia it; ana py so Goinjyni bles3 us all andmay aprecna. A SHORT TIME. th3 ago the vDublicans, sThej 1 . , cents i Chincu K inration of Mr. Cleveland. While L'mocrata' were in no way re risible for this, they were made scapegoats. It is also in part o the delay of Congress in pass e tariff bill. Had the bill be. ie a law 90 days ear ler than it did it is quite probable that the business conditions of the country would have eo adjusted themselves that the political result would have been different." State Chairman Tou, when asked by your correspondent to night what caused the lanislide.said: "Five cent cotton was the lion in the path." He added that the legisla tive and State tickets are both very close and that the official vote will be required to determine how they stand. He father states that the fusion was far more complete than the Democrats ever imagined. LITTLE SJ. APS. Henry Beeves, the eslored sexton of the Salisbury Methodi3t church, has held that position continuously for forty years. o ' ' Air. W Frank Kornegay.of Golds boro, died suddenly, while at church of apoplexy. Mr. Kornegay was president of the Board of Directors of the North Carolina railroad. 'ike North Carolina Christian Advocate and the Ealeigh Recoder are having some words over the sub ject of baptism. A recent com munication in the Becorder, headed, "A Methodist Baptizing," is in spirit that shows a lack of Christianity on the part of the author and but little courtesy towards a great denomina tion in the part of the religious (?) editor in publishing it. The very beat Register of Deeds in the State has been turned down by a small majority most sf the adverse yote having no business in that office at all. Let us hope that the county mav have a free ballot. Let us hope that hereaft-'r an honest, upright colored man may vote his sentiments without running the risk of being liiiJbed with a knife injhfia of EnarchSE" Jno. S Henderson is defeated. Tiiis is j calamity to all North Caro lina. It might not be so bad, were his suscessful opponent a man of any biains. To be beaten by stuff like Shnf ori is humiliating. Pray, Sbuford, when you are taken to Washington, don't register from th Carolina. idate for solicitor, Mr, E one with the rest of jy&- xne majority mi- l ?j about 700. fas hot a good day for The 400 Democrats in , who failed to go to the the things on us. that the North Carolina s have put their bosom the Republicans, into full of the National legislative we must have 15 cent cotton, your pledges, boys. BREEZY BITS. i gentleman you see pacing . d wn yonder a3 if he were -lly derangc-d is Schmidt, the us accounts." 'What is the matter with him V "He was trving yesterday to un ravel the complications of his wife's housekeeping book." Handelszeit ung. Upguardson. "How are you get ting along with the three bottles a day of blown stout your doctor pre scribed for you two or hree months :go ; Atom. "How am I getting along ? Greit Scott ! I am two yeara ahead of this prescription already." Chi cago Tribune. "Dah'a one respeck," said Uncle Ebeu, "in which er man islboun ter be ginerons. He kain't xnek trouble toh hisse'f wifout gibbin' somebodj else a share in it." Washington Star. " Conductor. "Did you give the porter your baggage ?" Passenger. "Jerusalem ! do yon want me to give him my baggage, too ?" New York Times. . Mrs. Thompkin8. When, my huss band stays out all night I refuse to giye him any breakfast." ver --iyl Mrs. fcmitn. " J.naE may uo-ior ifFr, Tompkins, but it wouldn't pun- sh my Jim a bit. When . stahejs put all sight he doesn't want any breakfast, San Francisco Call. "You are . charged with . "having - -- v,w said the for ty." New The world U foil of people who want to do good, but they are in no hurry about ,- making the Btart. Ram's Horn, ... "Jonah,": expostulated the whale, "do keep still." i "Certainly," an swered the famous man, "now that I know where I am, I wasn't sure, but T had been caught in a folding bed don't you know' 'Detroit News Tribune. Bacon "Young Penn told the typewriter that she had Her hat on wrong side in front, llow do you suppose he knew that ?" Egbert "That's hi3 business. He is connected with the puzzle depart ment on a weekly newspaper." Yonkers Statesman. Woman has a great advantage in the location and concealment of her pocket. She can slide out of bed at midnight and find her husbands pocket in two seconds, He can not find her pocket in six months, and when he doe3 he can't get into it. Dallas News. A temperance paper asks bitterly "Go into one of our gin palaces, and what do you find ?". Very apt to see gin. Tammany Times. "You cannot crush me," he hissed to the girl who had jast spurned him. "You just wait till I get you out on the street with my bicycle," she muttered, malignantly. Detroit Tribune. NcSwaHers "Is Clanghorn a finished author ?" McSwitters "Yes. Y'ou see he called on Woolly, of the Howler, an' called him a liar, and well you know Woolly." Syracuse Post. It is thought that Capri vi resign-. ed because he was not able to dis suade the Emperor from producing bis comic opera. Cincinnati Trib une. "Yes, sir the alligator swallowed me, boots and all, but a dynamite catridge I had in my pocket eijplodk ed and blew the nonstor all to pices !" "Oh, I'm here !" Atlanta Cons stitution. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEF.. Berlin, Nov. 7.-Germany, through Emperor Willian, replying to Presih dent Doles' official notification, has acknowledged the republic of Hawaii, - Middlesboro, Ky., Nov. 7. Wil liam Cruz3 was shot and killed in an election riot by Tom Jones. Will Jones and Tom Buchanan were kitted by bomers brothers in ua election riot In-lT'je county, Vir ginia, yesterday. The murifc-jeri es caped. Berlin, Nov. 7. Prince Hohen lohe presided at the Prussian cabi net meeting today. Freiheri Von Wilamowitz, Governor of Posen, having declined to succeed Herr Von Heyden as Minister of the Agricul ture. A hitch has also occurred in regard to the Dr. Knocks succession to Dr. Von Schelling as Minister of Justice. Charleston. S. C, Nov. 7 A special from Wageners, S. C, to tht News and Courier, Bays : "Prof. H S Cunningham, principal of the High Schuul here, was ruthlessly shot down on the streets this morning while quietly proceeding to , the school room, by Robeit L Gnnter. He was hit by two pistol balls, and though painfully, is not fatally shot. Methodist of ttae District. Charlotte Deab Beethben: Within less than three weeks your pastors wiU Btart to the Annual Conference. Reports at the fourth Quarterly Meetings bo far held show that you are very much behind with your finances. Suffer a word of exhortion from one whose duty it is "to oversee the spiritual and temporal affairs of the Church" in this district. , 1. Let us remember that God hat. blessed nearly or quite all the Churches of tho district with more or less of revival and other spiritual blessings during the year. 2. Let us not forget that He has given us unusually abundant tempo ral harvests. An intelligent farmer has recently said to me that he be lieves that notwithstanding th6 lor price of cotton, the large crop of this eiaple will bring as much mons ey as the smaller one of last year did. And he believes that in Lis sees tion twice as muoh corn has been made as was gathered in '93, floods not having damaged it as they did then. ' Besides, there is a fine crop of pea& and a good one of potatoes. Mence, it is confidently believed that the crops of this year are woith decidedly more than . those of lest year. Let us bt willing to credit "the Lord of the harve6t" wish all that He has done for us, and to give Him grateful and liberal return for " - for, exp'.cttd to be paid Yjrk Sun. 1 year, through your boards of fitew arda, assessed.)!- them. In' soma cases the assessments made tra smaller than thoy . were last year, while" the expense of supporting themselves and families is nearly or qaite as much as it has been for a number of years past. And their ost' expensive necessaries are the products of your, farms, such a3 corn, fodder, meat,' lard, etc. Can you say that your pastors hare not done hard, earnest and faithful work? Remember that it is much easier for a Church of a hundred or more members to pay off her defici ency than it is for the pastor to lose it, And is it not more in harmony with the claims of justice? 4 The cause of missions, the sup erannuated preachers and other ob ject of benevolence for which .you ere asked to contribute need all that has been assessed for them. These causes will suffer if there is any material falling off in our contribu tions to them. Now, let us make some advance alone all financial liner. If the mem bers of any Church or Circuit feel that they cannot pay all that is a8K ed cf them for these objects or their pastor, let them resolve to at least do better than they did last year Let them do for others as God has done for them. Let every one do something, and let all try to do more than they have done in the past." I confidently appeal to you to "honor the Lord with your sub stance," and thus to bring His rich blesaing upon you in the future. . With best wishes for you as my co-laborers in the Lord's vinyard, I remain, Frsi ternally yours, Jno- Ii. Bbooes, P. E. Charlotte District . Monroe, N- C, Nov. 7, 1894. It Wny Do as 31 neb for Yon. . Mr, Fred Miller of Irving, 111,, wites that he had a severe kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was affected. He tried many so-called Kidney enres but without any good results. About a j ear ago he began use of Electric Bitters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters is especially adopted to cure all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost instant re lief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only 50c for large bottle at Fetzer'a Drug store. took Oat! A coTd wave is coming ana if yon want to keep warm, buy your coal of Brown & Kimmons ; they have the best in the market. Leave your oruers at Kimmon3 store and they will be filled promptly. We also keep shop coal on hand constantly, feb3dw Bkowx & Kimmons. , NOTICE TOWN TAXES. The Town Taxes for 1894' are now due, and placed m my hands for collection. All persons owing same are re quested to call at my office and settle at ones, and save cost. Office in Town Hall oppsite Court house. Oct. 18. 189 1. J. L. Bogee, Town Tax Collector Bncklen'H Arnica naive. The Best Salve in the world foi Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheam, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Bands, Chibiains, Corns and all Hkin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It ie guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents pei box. For sale at P. B Fetzer 8 Drug store Annual Meeting Synod of Catawba colored. Wilmington, N. C. Tickets on sale to Greensboro November 6tb aud 7th. Limit November 14th '94. Fare for round trip to Goldsboro $8.20 to Greensboro $3.65. TEE RUSH OF HUMANITY. People Who Travel ;aa Seea by Onr Reporter. Mr, Gub Hartsell, of Mt. Pleas ant, was in the city. Mr. J W Carnon left for New York this morning. . Mr. H B C Witz', of Chanel Hill, was here today. Jas. A Deaton, who has been in Concord for several months witb home folks, left Wednesday sight Southward. . ; Mrs. E M Andrews, ' who hat been spending several days in the city at Mr. W E Odell's, returned to Charlotte today. Mr. and Mra. W R O Jell and Master Arthur Odell will leave "to. night for New Yrk and other northern cities. Goncoid Naiissal . Bank, UONOOED, N. C. " J. M. Odell, D. B. Coltrane. LTDTColtrane, . President. Cashier. Book keeper, - - $50,000 $14,000 Capital, Sturplns ITOKS-v r o. F. Ct nncn .T. W. Oi nnon W. H. Lilly.2 1 ' r Offers his , professional ser vices to the people of Concwrd and vicinity, office and room in St. Cloud hotel. Calls left with Hotel Clerk promptly attended day or night. Nov. 8th, '94." lmo. THE ARM LOCK BED SPRING Adjusted -at both' ends. The most comfortable Bed Spring yet known to the world. It will not get one sided it stands perfectly square and will not be come loose. THE ARM LQCF" "1 BED Si rCiNG - is in many of the best homes in cown and county. Mr. John P. Allison and Dr. L. M. Archey say it is complete and they would not do without them. For further particulars call on me or address- J. .Wallace Cook. Concord, N. C. CONCORD MARKETS. COTTON MARKET. : Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer.Q Good middling. .......5 50 Middlings 5 35 Low middling 5 12 Stains M to 5 PKODUCB MARKET. Corrected bv C. W Swink. Bacon .1U Sugar-cured nams 11 to. 14 Bulk meats, sides 8 to 9 Beeswax..... Butter 15 to 20 Chicketd 10 to 20 Corn 60 i?gs 12 Lard 10 toll Flour (North Carolina .....1.75 Meal 70 Oats 40 Tallow - 3to4 SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY Bv virtue of authoritv vested in us by au assignment made by J S Fisher and wife, on the 29th day o) Januarv. 1887. and which is duly re corded in the Register's office for Cabarrus county, in book 1, and Dasre 359. we will sell at the court house door in Concord,- at public auction, to the highest bidder ioi cash, on Monday, November the 5th, 1894, the following property: First, the. Southern nail oi tnc house and lot krown as the J S Fisher house and lot. amoinin James C Gibson and others, it being theremainder of the lot after the homestead is deducted from it second, the reversion or remainder is the part of tne lot which nap heretofore been laid oft to said Fisher as a homestead, October 2, 1894.- P. B. Flizeb Assignees. Mount Amoena SEJJJ-NXR?''"' . A Flourishing School for Young Ladies. HI iTENaTEACflERS,T W- I C mm ci ir.l 3 in il i I oei Careful Attention, REV. C. L. T.I:FISHER,4..:;M Principal, MOUNT..PT.EAANT1JN. C Professional Card. I have located in Concord for the practice of medicine . and surgery, and respectfully ask the public for a share of their patronage I may be found at my office at any hour of the day or night when not out pro fessionally, and will gladly respond to all calls promptly. Office under that of Montgomerj & CrowelK Respectfully, tf J. E. Smoot, M.D. If You Want a BRIDAL PRESE TS of any kind, a Watch, Chain, Charm, a Dia mond Pin, or "a Ring to put a Secret in, call on A. J. and J. F. Y Jewelers, Concord, N. C. ' Messrs Clarence Heilig and 31 L Bqchanan, of Mt. Pleasant, spent the day in Concord, l -Miss Ethel Burnay, of Cumber land county, is in the city visiting friend. L mil BAGGING AND TIES We are supplied with a stock of Bagging and Ties. We have Be 3 gin g Cloth, New Priced Ties and secondhano Bagging and Ties. We bought our stock when the price was low, and can sell yoc cheapet than we could last year. We made a price last year never before heard of in the history of the business. Write us for prices, or call to sea us when you are readj to buy. If you will send us youi or ders we prjixia best atten tion, at the leweuc market prices. Yours truly, G, W. PATTERSON, CONCORD, N.C. THRILLING EXPERIENCE r- MANY LIVES SAVED! A YOUNG WAR PREVENTED! A crowd of eager people were sargmg into !mithdeal & Morrio' Hardware to see their fall stocK of guns. Each man proceeded to arm him self with a deadly weapon, bat &a the guns were un loaded several accidents were avoided. In the house of this firm your life is caiefnlly guarded, (no loaded guna unchained) and in the purchase of their goods, your money gcea fur ther than in any other Hard -ware store in the Slate. If you don't believe it, come and see our stock of HARDWARE, SADDLES. STOVES PAINTS, OILS, " MACHINERY, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ' MINERS SUPPLIES : AND BUILDERS MATERIAL- is complete, and must and : will ;be sold at tde lowest possible figure. We alio have a car load ot Baggie and a stock of GUNS at low Tariff Prices, . - CALL AND BE CONVINCED, DOWN WENT M GIKTY ! DOWN WENT THE Cur prices will make you the low price of cotton. BO LTOHT TO SELL Don't fail to call and see our goods and hear our prices. & Yours anxious to please, CANNON S . FETZER & .BELL. YORKE WADSWORT )liolssale and THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK IN THE STATE No house in North Carolina can possibly make lowefWs on Shelf Goods, Agricultural Implements of the latest makes, Buggies, Wagons, Hacks, Mowers. Guanos and Acids. Try their Prices and Quality They've got the Stuff Amoie NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE, MT. PLEASANT, N. C. ACADEMIC, COM ME R C lXL AND COLLEGIA T COURSES. 7, 1893. THE LOWE CO c oisrcoBD nsr. c. Nothing but piices below competitors wiU keep our house filled to overflowing with eager buyers, like it has been for three weeks. This is very encouraging to us and we are going to offer some of. the grandest values ever shown in this market for the next two days. 125 SUITS bought at a discount of 33 per cent will be thrown on this market at the same cut price. - $15.00 SUITS FOR $10.00. $12.00 " $8.00 $ 8.00 & 9 " $6.00. . You can't afford to miss it if you waqt to buy. i r PRICE OF FURMTURE I forget We have bought more largely than ever before, and we have Wistail Equioment. Superior advantage to young men; Instructions thorough and practical; Good brick buildings. Eleo-ant Society HalTT Beautiful and healthful loca on; No malaria; Good board Wholesome discipline. Expenses per session of 33 weeks, $103 to $145, For cat logue, address, O J, D. SHIREY, A. M., Pres

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