J cr' t; 1 ' r- '.. titttt . rxn THE - STANDARD iTJENS OUT PlillvTS GOOD - JOB - WORK JVWS THAT FORI AT LIVING PRICES. . GIYE US A TRIAL VOL.VI-NO. 46. .CONCORD. N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1894. WHOLE NO. 346 SEND US IDG hwn ritTrrrn jim i jT ii imn i i n 1 1 mm 11 iiwinim ii m iumi win mini m i iiihi 11 ma iiiiiina mm i n i unman ininai m inn i i i i iiiiiiihii ; k" . if STATEMENT OF THE OP CABARRUS COUNTY, y' FOB THE Fiscal Year Ending Koy. 30, 1834. INCOME. 215,803 ares, $1,468,183 21 cents on $100, 753 i town lots $557,463 at 21$ cents on $100, 2,087 houses $93,908 at 21 cents on $100, 1,669 mules $77,726 at. 21 cents oni.00, '' 25 jacks and jennies $640 at 21 cents on $100, ' 47 goats $39 at 21 cents on $100, 7,116 cattle $45,427 at 21 cents on $100 6,249shogs $16,964 at 21 cents on $100, 2,002 sneep: $l,525 at 21 cents on$10Q Value fanning utensils $41, 359 at 21 i cents at $100, Value tools mechanics $5, 537 at 21 cents on $100, Value bthold and kitchen furmSEre 54,580 at 21 cenw on $100, Value provisions $22,044 at 21 cents on $100, Value firearms $1,720 at 21 cents on $100, - Value libraries $3,728 at 21 on $100, Value scientific instruments $710 at 21 cents on $100, Money on land $33,743 at 21 cents on $100, Solvent credits $429,212 at 21 cents on $100, Share in any incorporated company $103,398 at 21 cents on $100, Other personal property $210,508 at 21 cento on $100, $2,000 income and profits; of 1 per cent 13 incomes and profits, 5 per cent 2,301 polls at 32 cents Railroad property $147,236 at 21 cents on $100, Bank stock $43,120 at 21 cept onJ$100, Raif J-Cpertyl892$140,- 27 MTinientaon $100, Bank stock 1892 $33,200 at 20 cents on $100, Tax on merchants and other dealers, July 1893, Tax on merchants and other dealers, January 1894, Tax on 168 marriage license 46 acres $460 unlisted, 1887 at 25 cents, 46 acres $460 unlisted, 1888 at 25 cents, . , 46 acres $460A nnlisted 1889 . at 22 1-6 cents, 46 acres $460, unlisted 1890 at 21 1-6 cents 46 acres $460, unlisted 1891 at 21 1-6 cents 46 acres 460. unlisted 1892 at 20 cents S,9S1 acres $28,373, unlisted 1893, at 21 cents 5 lots $1,632, unlisted 1893 at 21 cents Value personal property $6,- 293 unlisted at21 cents 20 polls unlisted at 32 cents H-SLSros-pgrMier 6 insolvent pollt 34f cents $248 insolvent property at 21 1-6 cents . 4 unlisted polls at 32 cents XSp7 acres $22,35 unlisted at 21 cents 3 lots $225 unlisted at 21 cents 8 insolvent polls at 33 cents $3181.06 1207.85 203.47 168.41 1.39 08 98.43 36.76 89.61 118.26 47.76 8.73 8.08 1.54 73.11 929.96 224.03 456.10 10.00 .90 753.58 319.01 93.43 280.55 66.40 124.00 126.00 168.00 1.15 1.15 ".97 .97 .97 .92 61.47 8.54 13.G5 6.55 2.08 .53 1.31 4.84 .49 2.70 $8,915.75 Income Ho ad Tax. 1894 polls at 28 cents 526.96 $2,802,753 value of all prop erty at 9 cents 2,662.62 8,704 acres at25,260 at 9 cents 24.00 $6,058 value unlisted prop erty at 9i cents 5.76 8 lots at $1857 unlisted at 9 cents 176 3 polls insolvent at 28 cents .86 $193 value insolvent property at 8 cents " -16 18 polls insolvent at 28 cents 5.1$ 2 insolvent polls at 25 cents .50 3,227.75 EXPENDITURES. Decembeb, 1893. Barnhardt, Patterson and Smith, guarding chaingang Herbert Smith, service on chain gang E H Johnson, opening road 13.50 80.00 2.40 - 3.00 82.75 9.50 r XTCannon, warning nanus G F Barnhardt, overseeing t chain gang Tom Moore, cooking on chain gang R H Patterson, guarding chain gang M. Dove, supplies to C Furr C W Bradford, lumber for bridges Chas. Brumley, lumber for bridges. John Cook, supplies to chain gang J H Earnhardt, lumber for bridges etc. D P Dayvault, supplies to chain gang Chas. Brumley, balance of account J D Red wine, suspenders for chain gang BOS Miller, repairing bridges Dr. B 8 Young, county prac tice R Will Johnson, jaitfees B J Foil, repairs on jail M J Corl, work on jail etc. Mrs. M Brown, making suits for convicts Dr. J P Gibson, medicine for county home Dr. J P Gibson, medicine for mnviots ' 24.50 1.50 ' 2.00 8.40 10.62 86.00 83.20 8.85 7.35 16.80 8.65 1.25 Smithdeal & Morris, toojfl, fq I rqada.,vV" i 86.75 .58 20,00 J C Gibson, stationery etc. M E Castor, pauper coffin C P Field, lumber for bridges B Will Johnson, waiting on chain gang F WGlass, lumberfor bridges Jno. W Cook, hire at coun ty home Jno. W Cook and wife, keep ing county home Still & Winecoff, lumberfor county Geo. W Brown, supplies to chain gang Jno. S Turner, supples to L. barmon B WCope, supplies to mother Cannon & Fetzer, goods for county borne W N Wilkinson, repairs on lail Jno. Bridges, smithing- for county home J Dove, services as manager of chain gang 80.30 51.02 Dove & Boat, goods for coun ty home Dove and Boat, supplies to chain gang 85.04 3.50 1.00 A L Sappenfield, supplies to chain (rang W L Kimball, services as 3.30 road overseer. D J Bostian, cups for jail .25 122.24 2.40 SWittkowsky, convict goods R A Brown, bnck for lail 7.66 J T Pounds, building house for Insane 65.00 $883.66 Jakuaby, 1894. M Dove, supplies to Cath. .burr 1.50 25.75 G F Barnhardt, guarding chain gang Jno. M Smith, guarding chain gang 18.00 4.50 12.75 2S.75 1.50 2.73 1.00 1.00 3.35 1.25 39.57 24.41 17.85 2.50 10.40 8.75 25.50 8.82 89.90 .80 1.00 Sid Barnhardt, guarding chain gang Barnhardt and Smith guard ing chain gang Herbert Smith, work with chain gang Frank Ramzi, work on chain ang J T Hagler, warning hands etc. Jno Faggart, warning hands etc. W P Rogers, laying out road Dr. J P Gibson, medicine for county home W J Hill, repairing wooden leg etc. A F Hileman, lumber for jail etc. Yorke & Wadsworth, tools for roads Jos. C. Gibson, dockets for Clerks Office. W B Smith, D 8, summon ing jurors Edwards & Broughton, rec ord for Registers Office A L Sappenfield, Tobacco for convicts Dr. B SYoung, countyprac- v tice M. J Corl, blackimithing for chain gang K Wjll Johnson, Jaikfsea. Zeb Gibson, cooking for chain gang A FLefler, overseeing hands Jno. B Sherrill, publishing half county expenditures etc. Jae. P Cook, publishing half expenditures etc, D V Krimminger, inspecting building for insane E M Field, laying off road K W Johnson D S, exjjendi- tures capturing convict W N Wilkinson, building jail 31.78 81.78 1.50 1.00 7.64 9.82 feces Vice Pharr, washing - fcr- chain gang Fred Barnhardt, hauling straw 1.00 B Will Johnson, waiting on chain gang 13.00 2.50 C F Dry, work on roads. Cannons & Fetzer, goods for county home 28.60 16.30 23.43 1.25 25.00 20.50 .50 2.00 Dr. Montgomery, expense taking Freeman to.asylum P B Fetzer, water rent W C Boyd, wooden leg for pauper Jno. W Cook and Iwife, keeping county home Jno. W. Cook, hire at coun ty home W L Misenheimer, repair ing bridge Asa Blackwelder, lumberfor county J C P Cochrane, arrest of N. Foard " X D Fetzer, medicine for county home and jail. D D Johnson, medicine for convicts C C Caldwell, removing tree from road .75 170.46 Yorke & Wadsworth, hard ware for county Smithdeal & Morris, hard ware for roads etc. 3.82 56.37 84.00 Dove & Bost, supplies to chain gang Dove & Bost, supplies to county home and jail Jno. S Turner, supplies to Livine Garmon $1,713.39 February 1894. M Dove, supplies to Cath. 1.60 Furr Hurbert Smith, guarding chain gang etc Frand Ramzi, cartman for chain gang Barnhardtand Smith, guard ing chain gang Jno. M Smith, guarding chain gang G F Barnhardt, overseeing' chain gang R WCope, supplies for mother H A Wensil, lumber for culbert D C Bonds, .lumber for bridges P M Misenheimer, lumber for bridges ROB Miller, repairing bridges etc. Cannons & Feteer, blankets for jail Smithdeal & Morris, tools for chaingang C L Ervin, supplies to chain gang W F Cannon, coffin for Nels Black , - Mis. ME Brown, making suits for convicts. W N Wilkinson, repairs on jail - x W J Hill, repaiwon jail 1.25 4.50 7.00 2.00 8.81 f 52.051 furnace ; ". 2.00 Cannons Fetzer & Bell, chain 5.60 1 for court house Dr. J P Gibson, medicine for county home Dr. J P Gibson, medicine for chain gang Jas. L. Lefier, D S, bringing 3 prisoners to county jail. M J Corl, feeding convict mules L M Morrison, sheriff sum moning jurors etc. J W Mehaffey, ringing court house bell SkeenandEudy, blacksmith ing for chain gang - Jno. W Cook,1 hire at'eounty home 12.00 ' . 11.0C 28.90 25.00 1.C0 - . 1.50 2.00 15.15 1.10 2.05 Jno. W Cook and wife keep ing county home Wade Spears, coffin for child Road supervisors of (JNo. 9) work on roads 15.00 150.00 J A Furr, wood for county home A H Propst, repairs at coun- to home C R Propst, repairs 'bri court house M A Emerson, laying out road G E Ritchie, supplies to chain gang W P White, warning'hands W F Smith, laying out road A L Sappenfield, tobacco for chain gang - 16.91 ' 1.00 Wm. N Misenheimer, lum ber for bridges. H W Fryling, mending chain gang gun 22.19 6.50 1.00 109.30 J A Goodman warning hands K will Johnson, jau fees D J Bostian, spoons for chain gang R W Johnson, expense of bringing Gaines to chain ganff W E Lee, timber for roads etc. 5.00 6.30 4.30 2.12 6.61 . .50 1.00 7.10 5.00 3.50 1.00 2.00 .2.00 ..60 2.00 - 85 48.75 5,-0 6.00 3.00 622.05 . 11.75 51.37 , 47.55 2.70 1.60 1.60 1.60 . 1.G0 1.60 1.60 M L Brown & Bro. black- smithing for chain gang M Oglesby, supplies to chain gang W F Litaker. lumber for roads Morrison & Harris," supjjjies to chain gang J C Means, dragging a dead horse out of road H D Barrier, notifying hands R W Johnson, boarding chain gang Jno. S S.app. feeding jury. . ,i Sam Sloop &'Son chairs for county home Julius Garmon, supplies Hiram Sharp, supplies Lirmey Garmon, supplies H C Lefier, shoeing mule at county home Asa Blackwelder, supplies to M Murph Geo. W Brown, leather for chain gang St. Cloud Hotel, longing for jury L M Morrison, expense of arresting Angenne Yorke. R W Johnson, waiting on ' chain gang Vise Pharr, washing for chain gang Jas. G Gibson, insolvent bill Dove & Bost, supplies to county home Dove & Bost, supplies to chain gang Jno. K Patterson, clerk to board etc. G C Shinn, petit juror J A Flowe, talis juror D B Cross, same H A Castor, same Geo. C Goodman, same 1?75 fRW Query, same J A Flower-same W H Hudson, same"" Wm. Heglar, same 1.fJr) W R Johnson, same C W Earnhardt, same 1.60 1.G0 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.00 1.60 1.60 10.10 9.45 9.50 9.70 10.30 9.70 9.65 9.90 10.50 B F Poteet, same W H Barnhardt, same J H Moose, eame E W Misenheimer, same Adam Furr, same J W Walker, same J W Walker, same A Crowell, same B M Ingram, grand juror J A Scott, same B M Bos tain, same Lawson Blackwelder, same J M Irvin, same J N Winecoff, same W O Eddleman,' same L W Misenheimer, same H B Foutz, same 1.00 4.10 .80 Thos. Waller, same 9.85 9.90 10.40 10.10 10.60 10.50 9.10 1.G0 D C Bonds, grand juror J F Smith, same Lewis Bonds, same W H Stancil, same G L Kluttz, same C A Sherwood, officer for grand jury V C Parish, talis juror J H Ritchie, petit juror 10.00 ll.XK) 1.60 1.60 DO Miller, same J W Burkhead; talis juror P F Stallings, same J D Kluttz, petit juror J Frank Fink, same G H. Barnhardt, talis juror John Cook, &aine S R Andrew petit juror ERG Plaster, same W W Brown, same 10.50 1.50 r - " 10.00 9.90 9.40 9.35 9.50 10.00 1.60 1.60 J E Slough, same 1.50 H M Earnhardt, same I 37.50 8.25 18.75 83.00 43.30 4.00 6.05 2.60 11.55 5.70 14.40 19.69 P M Stirewalt, same C P Cline, talis juror W L Misenheimer, same E P Black, petit juror S E Vanpelt, same ' M E Castor, same Robt McCree same E M Holdbrooks, talis juror J L Henderson same H McNamara, same D S Foil, petit juror J J Baringer,;ialis juj&i; P B Bost, same - - - K P Misenheimer, same C E Barringer, same A M Allison, talis juror D H White, same W B Barrier, petit juror M T Stallings, same J W Walter, talis juror M M Tucker, same J C Lippard, same H C McAllister, same ;-'V '. 7.40 .7.00 8.10 6.10 6.10 ; 6.10 3.80 2.00 Geo M Murr, court Officer C B Joiner, petit jui G A Bradfordjsam T fl! HAWt0 HflTTtP in on i.i .iL ' . - w " ur -uise, same J J 23.S5 "6.75 Caleb R White, same J C Johnson, same " M O Walter.'Bame' J D Barrier, same J P Query, same D Hope Corzine, talis juror L H White, same WD Ritchie, same W D Ritchie same F F Starncs, same W B. Smith, court officer Geo M Murr, same S L Troutman, grand juror J L Shinn, foreman grand jury J I) Smith, grand juror E C Suther, petit juror F A Kluttz, court officer . H C Lefier, bringing convict to. Concord 2.90 -75 5.25 4.65 36.85 5.00 2.45 20.50 25.00 1.20 $3849.69 6.00 March, 1894. Frank Ramsey, cartman for chain gang Hurbert Smith, work with chaingang A L Sappenfield, tobacco for chain gang 8.00 31.39 21.00 J Dove guano for , county Home Jrio'M' Smith, guard over 2.00 2.65 1.00 chain gang , G - F Barnhardt, supervisor chain gang 20.25 ' 8.50 1.00 1.00 4.50 R O S Miller, repairs on bridge ' A Earnhardt, warning hands W A. Kinley, case against Hams 5.00 6.00 23.50 4:36 " 2.93 2.00 1.25 2.85 1.60 11.72 11.15 3.90 4.90 6.40 1.20 35 26.60 28.30 52.82 2.16 25.00 27.50 1.00 10.40 1.25 2.55 5.00 2.00 13.34 70.33 5.00 1.50 2.00 17.50 50 6.85 W A Kinley, same 1tBb Young, county prac tice F W Glass, lumber for ."36 bridges N D Fetzer, medicine for county Home 2.10 R W Cope, supplies to moth er Dr J P Gibson, medicine for chaingang Dr J P Gibson, medicine for counts' home Still and Winecoff, lumber for county home K L Craven, coal for county home M J Corl, Feeding mules C M B Goodnight, witness in Harris case C M H Guoduight, same U.M iUurr, bruigiug convict to Concord J V Petchel, plank for coun ty homo ; W Brown, supplies to chain gang R Will Johnson, jail fees R Will Johnson, waiting on chain gang Cannons & Fetzer, clothing for county home Smithdeal & Morris, supplies to chaingang Jno W Cook, keeper of county home . Jno W Cook, hire at county home W G Kewell, repairs on bridge Edwards & Broughton, rec ord of Mortgage &c M R Bost, repairs on bridge J. D. Walker, lumber for bridge State Hospital, expenses dis charged patient Sam Sloop & Son, coffin Dove & Bost supplies to county home Dove 5c Bost, supplies to chain gang Swink Bros, stationary reg ister s office M Dove, supplies to Cath- reno Furr Julius Garmon, supplies H C Lefier, balance of ac 1.00 count O-M Dry, lapsed fees J F M;l!er, superintendent traveling expenses patient -4873.81 1.50 7.50 6.00 30.00 . 24.00 . 30.00 April, 1894. MDove, supplies to Cath- rene Jb urr, W Mehaffy, running rinr.k Frank Ramsey, chain gang cartman G F Barnhardt, supervisor chaingang Jno W Smith, guarding chain gang Hurbert Smith, work with chain gang Jane Moore, cooking for cham gang W F Cannon, lumber Dr R S Young, county practice DP Dayvault, buckets etc for chain eranar 26.50 70 Jno W Cook, cow for county home H W Fryling repairs on jail Alex Garmon. sunnlies 24.00 1.50 90 5.00 11.50 C L Cannon, rock for roads -Mrs S E Gibson, bru3h aud timber for roads ROS Miller, build bridge Fred Beck, beef for chain gang Cannons & Feter, goods to 9.40 1.60 1.60 to county home ana au H G Ritz, tents for chain gang . W G Newell, repairing bridce M J Corl, feeding convict mule R Will Johnson, jail fees Smithdeal & Morris, tools to 10.30 10.00 9.10 9.10 convicts R Will Johnson, waiting on chain pan!? Dr J P Gibson, medicine for 1.60 1.60 1.60 chain gang Dr J P Gibson, medicine for county home D W Moore, brush for roads Sam Sloop & Son, coffin 9.40 1.60 6.10 6.10 6.10 R W Cope, suppues lor mother J W Cline, foot log R Will Johnson, wood for chain gang Vise Pbarr, washing for chain gang Jno W Cook, hire at county home Jno W Cook, keeping coun- ty home,. Chapman & ' Satterfield, hrick for countv home 6.10 .' 6.10 ' 9.10 6.50 F Laughlin, balance ac - count clover seed etc coun- balance account supplies to county home Jno 8 Turner, supplies to J r Garmon Jno S Turner, taking Lin sey "Garmon to county homfi 7.00 6.10 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 Dove & BoBt, supplies to cnain gang 6.50 7.20 6.20 $4,906.60 7.G0 9.00 10.80 10.20 9.60 6.55 15.10 12.95 May, 1394. Sid Barnhardt, guard con victs Barnhardt and Smith Hurbert Smith, working convicts John Smith, guarding con victs G F Barnhardt, working convicts . Frank Ramzi, drawing cart btl Dove supplies to Cathrene xurr J D F Murph, warning hands J D Shank & Bros lumber 26.25 for bridges . D J Bostian, buckets for cham gang Sandy Garmon, supplies Jno W Cook, keeping coun ty home Jno W Cook, hire at county home . 29.75 Dr R S Young, county practice 18.00 H G Ritz, making tent G W Patterson, supplies to county home - G W Patterson, lumber for bridges W J Hill, supplies to chain gansr Edwards fc Broughton, pos tals for list taken E W G Fisher, repairs on roads Ale.: Coleu-.an, work on jail lot 3.50 4.25 2.50 3.50 17.11 46.90 6.C6 4.75 2.00 29.10 15.40 Spencer & Linn, whitewash ing jail Vice Pharr, washing for chain rang 2 Will Johnson, waiting on chain Kf ng Smithdeal &. Morris, tools cnam gang R Will Johnson, jail fees Cannons & Fetzer, supplies to county home Dr. J F Gibson, medicine for county home Sam Sloop & Son, coffin R S Jones, D S, bringing convicts to Concord Cannons & Fetzer, supplies chain gang P M Misenheimer, lumber for bridges, V C Parish, suiervisor ser vices. 4.50 1.50 3.65 40 3.40 91.73 31.69 2.00 Julius Garmon, supplies II C Letter, smithing at county home, Dr. J P Gibson, medicine for chain gang M J Corl, feeding mules Dove & Bost, supplies to chain gang Dove & Bost, supplies to county home Rev. T W Smith, bibles for convicts $5,476.86 Juxe, 1S94. Herbert Smith, work on chain trancr 27.E0 36.10 25.00 25.00 ' 2.00 4.90 1.50 150 iE;o 1 CO 150 150 25 00 G F Barnhardt, supervisor chain gang John Smith, chain gang guard Sid Barnhardt. same J L Crowell, balance cost State vs Ellis J A Kimmons, cost State vs Morris Alex Gannon, supplies M Dove, supplies to (Jatn erine Furr Caleb lioger, supplios to Minei vh Ross (May) Sandy Gilmer, supplies to Caleb J3ogar; supplies to Minerva itoss Sandy Gilmer, supplies to Leah tfradshaw John W Cook, keeping nnnnlv homo Dock hankie, supplies 100 27 00 120 4 00 419 17 37 29 00 80 60 21 15 27 20 28 50 8 8S 1 50 100 100 1 E0 26.21 3 85 52 35 John W Cook, hire at cour.tjhonie D E Perry, mend BhceB county home Sam Sloop, coffins B F C!in, lumber for bridgt b R F Cline, same Dr It S Young, county 1.00 practice -M. F Nesbit, county com 2.25 missioner H Earnhardt, same D Redwine. same Joiin S Turner, same P 31 Misenheimer, lumber for bridges 3.50 ti II Miilcr, taking MEoo- iuthall to county home A Hi Sapponfieid, fish for couti'y home Dov9 & Bost, supplies to Dove & Boat, supplies to 1.00 M L Brown & Bro, Bmithi iiifj for chaingang Tl .Tniirison. i-iil fees 48.26 16.33 H S Puryear; services to bsard G T Crowfcll, fiaur for A J 2.00 13.70 23.75 15.40 Foster It W Johnston, bringing Cfcas Graham to chum gang ... P Gibson, medicine for county home P Gibson, medicine for 31.00 1.25 3.05 Geo V Brown, suspenders for chaingang T Pounds, lumber, etc., frtr I'lminjyRDEr Cannons & F6tzer, cloth- inty f nl jt.rinviftCH 2.00 2.00 Smithdeal & Morris, tools for convicts - F Dayvault & Co, beef -fro niTiTiAf.A 2.00 1.00 IT T. Oftvnn. coal for iail 4.00 5.00 28.00 H O Lefier, smithing for county home Lippards & .Barrier, drill ing for onict8 " , Cannons & Feizer, cloth ing for county home ana j .il Edward 8 & Broughton, chattel record, eto Dove & Boat, supplies to convicts Fttzer's drug Btore, meli- 25.00 2.78 ' 5.00 14.75 eine for county home Ai Morrison, notifying 15.00 list inkers MomsoiL SLhtz & Co, blanketB for county A J Blackwelder, -wood for Mary Cline Mrs M E Brown, outfits for chaingang J Dovo, county commiss pion"r . John K Patturson, " clerk to board, etc, Wm LI Miller, Bwpplies to PoLy Eeidoug 4.00 77.03 $6,213 20.00 9.75 37.50 jcly 1894. G F Barnhardt, super- viior chiiin gang, $ Jno. Smith, chaingang guard -Hubert Smith, came -Sid Bernhardt, a ime Betsy Barringer, supplies il Dove, supplies to 11.61 2.00 41 50 48.50 51.15 8.50 1.5) 2.00 30 32 30 1 Uath. burr Frank itauizi, driving cart, Adaline Melchor, sup plies to Carrie Stokes Mollie Bost, judgement iu bastardy case W G Jewell, cost do 10.10 .24 1.50 25.00 4 30 Sandy Carman, supplies A G Bost, listing taxes 15 16 13 15 J II liitchie, eame Jno. D Kluttz, eame J A Kimoon8. same Jackson Safrir, lumber J N Brown, listing taxes T A Moser, same 4.50 13 1.25 7.30 4.S0 1.25 9.35 20 17 20 54 3 20 20 18 1 1 21 25 37 4 10 D W Turner, same R Will Johnson, jail tees D L llethcock, repairs on jail W F Ciiunon, liatiii-r taxes T J White, ea-ce 11 A Emerson, same ttr W Brown, committe on road inspection J H Earnhardt, same K C White, listing taxes Jno. W Cook and wife. keeping county home Jno. W Cook, tire at county home Cannons & Fetzer, clotli- ing for county home A L Sappenfield, listing taxes A L Sappenfield, tobacco for county home and juil 9 16 C F Smith, listing taxes VnrifA V. Wadfi .vnrff-: Hardware York& Wandworth ware for ch in gu' M Moore, repairs court house door F Smith, work on roads ' 75 2 00 9 28 2 30 17 00 2 80 33 49 88 07 21 03 24 S7 1 00 3 90 100 15 00 4 65 1 75 1 50 2 20 15 00 14 47 Smithdeal & Morris, hardware for roads Dr. J P Gibson, medi cine for county homo Dr It S Youug, count7 practice J Dove supplies to chain gang Dove & Bost, supplies to county home Dove & Boot, supplies to chain gang L M Morrison, bidding property ROS Miller, build bridge Dock Shankle,SHpplies C C Caldwell, lumber Leah Bradshaw, supplies F W Glass, listing taxes F W Glass, supplies to chain gang C W Swink, flour for Mrs. Fester Minerva iloss, supplies Dr. J P Gibson, medicine for chain gang F Goodsen, listing taxes E M Goodman, repairs on roau . L M Morrison, sheriff Exp. D D and B pu ptis Water Work's Company, water rent 220 25 $7,329 AUGUST 1S94. G F Barnhardt, super visor chain gang Sid Barnhardt, guarding chain gang Robt. Phifer, driviog cart Frank Hamsi, same Herbert Smith, work with chain gang John Smith, guarding chain gang W C Goodmaa, warning hands etc M Dove, supplies to . Cath. Furr Nelson Neal, cooking for convicts Betsv Barringer. scoa 44 31 6 7 32 31 25 00 3 65 rf - plies Minerva Boss, same Sandy Garmon, same Jno. W Cook, hire at county home Jno. W Cook, keeping county home S A Linker, warning hands C L Cannon, same B P Johuson, same James Carr, taking P. Carr to county home ' P M MUenheimer, lum ber J O Hoie, lumber etc O F Dry, warning hands etc 0 H Morrison, lumber and hauling D B Oyeroash, lumber R.U Smith, lumber eto B O Price, warning ' hands J 0 Lee, rock and warn ing habd3. ' CO 3 70 100 1C0 783 4 SO 16 63 125 6.50 32J15 26 00 1 00 , 100 100 (100 5 56 60 3 96 500 13 50 102 69 " 755 9 00 A. II A Kluttz, warning hands Dock Shankle, supplies " 5 Highest of all in Leavening 1G0 21 80 19 15 34 75 ICG Ci. 00 50 00 00 J W Mehaffey. bell riBgmg It Will Johnssn, takinjj convic s to cf rap J A ltankiu, sapplies to chain gang V J Hill, supplies to county home Heglar & Motley, plank for road D P Dayvault, supplies to chain gang 1 50 1 21 00 0C 2 80 J M Woodside, feeding 1 00 J cry G 11 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 00 oO 00 00 Nesbit & Pressly, sup plies to chain gang A Crowell, laving out road 17 OR P Cress, same 00 00 00 20 20 00 00 00 on 00 00 00 4i 60 00 D v Saimpock, warning hands etc D B McCurdy, taking pacner to coutty home J L McCurdy, warning hands etc A J Lizard, earae H M Goo-Jrasn, taking convicts to camn J O Witherspooa a Co , sup'ohes to chr.'.a gang 14i 3 1 i Z A iloxri, riok for roadj Leah Bradshaw, supplies D J Bostian, brooms for J4U II P Tucker, t:c cupa for convict i John ParBei;, blacks sciithing S" D Ifetzr, nifidicine, for county hosie etc Geo. W Brown, elioe3 f jr county home 1 FTlm, I'm V J 1 2 00 3 00 150 96 75 John S Turner, supplies 50 00 to J Garmon M J Corl, work ca cart KWJ ohnaon, jail fees Dove, supplies to chain rr,T luian viets to chain gang Dr. It S Yoaug, county practice J V Pethel, lumber for county home W F Cannon, lumber fcr roads L 11 Morrison, summon ing jury W H Skinner, repairs on jail . cam Sloop & Son, pauj e covins F Cline, repairing v;agon J F Dayvault & Cc, ice fov court. Dove & Bost, supplies to chain gang 31 ll 00 I 1 CO 2 50 23.70 7 90 4 00 1 25 85 70 64 40 07 1 65 11 10 327 26 1 CO 5 35 1 60 6 10 Doye & Bost, supplies to county home Sims & Alexander, sup plies to J K Foster J C Gibson, leccording jurors' names Jas. C Gibson, insolvent bill COal A L Sappenfield, tobacco fcr chain gang J L Boger, cost Graham case W D Kltchie, talis juror il J Corl, grand juror J B Caldwell, court officer N it Lambert, petit jure r J F Bost, same J F S'jssell, same W F Moo3e,-t.ae 3 10 2 SO 2 40 2 20 2 90 2 60 CO W W Willhelm. 6; 00 S C Bos', same ERG Plaster. G L Kluttz, sai 91 U A Caldwell, talis joror Li R Holdbjjzrake, same J R Pation, same Geo- M Murr, court offi-. cer D B Cro3.-, talis juror J M Barrage, petit jnior C A Kobinton, ta..a juror E K Misenheimer, pttit juror I) P Boger, talis jarcr fll M Gillon, bringic K Alexander to Cabbar- 15 10 75 25 am a uu i roaa 9 10 1 60 7 CO 1 CO 8 CO 3 10 50 CO 3 25 rus M M Giilbn talis juror, 150 3 00 1 25 1 50 1 25 Chalmers Plott, petit juror W M Long, same W M Chauey, talis juror W M Stuart, petit juror M M Cruae, same V A Kluttz, court officer George F Plott, talis juror J K Blackwelder, pttit juror D M Moose, same J T Uahn, same J E Rogers, same Alley TTalter, li juior Day id M Blackwelder, pe'tit juror 0 W Earnhardt, same J P Suther, talis juror J A Propst, same JfA Wix&, same C M Suther, same J"S Harris, Bame M O Biggers, same -H A Plott, same U M Goodman, grand juror ' 2 97 1 25 2 GO 1 85 6;52 1 00 2 20 O F Smith, talis juror . J It Patterson, same L D Coltrane, grand 1 00 1 00 pror 6 Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. 1 rf3ttzrwzrrurft &3 il M Furr, same A Crowell, tails juror S R Andre , same C A loonhoar, am. -0 A Robinson, same J O Furguson, same John Mcinnis, same A p Boat, same G II Bariihirdt, same J"Mc Hartsell, same A II Litaker, same U L Krimminger, same 2 50 1 50 6 50 2 10 1 T2 u C Dayvault, same 25 45 00 00 25 CO 00 00 0 D H Ridenhour, same John M Faggart, same A J" Lippard, en me il A Castor, talis juror, Chap Crimminger, grand juror, D F Gannon, same, O T Biirrifr, sjme, J V Fisher, Jr, same, C F Fapgirt, same, J E MtSL-nheimer, eume, vy C Litakir, Si-tne,;, T C Faggart, auuie,; W li Goodnight, eauie, 6 0 6 10 7 10 6.60 6.70 6 50 6 70 15 CO 10 , 6 60 b 10 a v isnc-r, s. "ic, A SLarwoou, cidcer- granc -lor, juror, A J Allt- , "K;.-, Joan i;xca; i, J A Pro?t, iu:,. j j.v W JMOi--ML,i:-i-V?, RFCoble.b !.-,; J L Baruhurir. nu.:. J M Coley, p.. , Jackson ofn:, -iz C D Burringsr, .v-ir. A J Lippar'', s E C Da vi.", sfe'nii RC White, s , John C'JOK, 85 Jl?, -. C G Sucuer, dau.,', -M F Teeter, sany, W H Bost, same, G II Barnhardt, stii 25 130 Laf-ir'-" same; A J Shiiih, sarno, -Wriklfrimninger, same, 00 John TnA, same, W A Wood, same, John D Barringer, talis juror, M C Biggers, same, John A Cline, mor .y re funded on license, 3 551 - a iv j $3,675 67 SilTHilBEnlSJI. G F Lviihardt, super visor chain gang, $ Sid Barnhardt, gnard chain gun?. Herbert iiiith, work wi'.h chain g.in, John Smith, gu:u"d cnain gang, Robt Phifer, driving cart, Frank Phifer, same, Geo, Phifer, same, Nelson Real, cooking for chain gang, P V Gla3s, supervisor roads etc., 'A Doye, supplies to Catherine Furr, f G Cook, hauling on roads etc., J M Smith, warning 40 05 31 00 33 75 3" 00 2 25 7 25 5 00 8 85 7 80 hands, Evan Taylor, saoie, J.M Johneoa, work on roads, ' D C Cosby, warning 20 hz'vls etc 2 70 1 CO 7 70 7 60 1 60 7 60 8 30 7 60 1 60 8 40 8 90 8 80 PALPiTATlOil Shortness of Breath, Swell road- 4 00; ' J D Sjjnith. warning , (Cj'utinued on fourth page) i15T. "Sw rry " DFTKE HEART, ing of Legs and Feet. "For about four years I was trou-i bled with palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath and swelling of. the legs and feet. At times I would faint. I was treated by the best phy sicians In Savannah, Ga., with no re-' lief. I then tried Tarious Springs, 1 without benefits - Finally Z tried Dr. Miles' Heart Cures also his Nerve and Liver Pffla, Af 8 30 4 60 810 7 90 1 CO 3 10 1 60 ter beginning to tatelhem I felt better! I continueqtai'-'' uj;ni pov 16; &LiS r 7 40 1 CO ) 1 60 V 1 CO 1G0 a eo 1 60 eS.1 60 r 1 CO 1 i eo 1 CO 1 .i co ca- ' 1 6 1 60 160 1 60 mm 1 C HO I (3 'JJ I a la J 3 10 wCT Z 10 ' " " 4 3 10 ! 4 60 4 60 . . 1 CO 1 C'y 1 60 1 60 1 60 1 CO 1 60 A 3 10 - I 30 J 3 10 310 3 10 31? J 1 60 2 00 J 1C0 2 00 2 25 . r 1 00 j 100 J - vT -