" t - - ' ' Ij U-iTL. ,1 L'L-L ; '-y'j- J 1 ? r-; - . . r THE - STANDARD URNS OUT GOOD - JOB- WORK AT LIVING PRICED. GIVE US A TRIAL. pleia.de last night. One of the Grandest Social events of the Season-Some of Whom Were There. The reception given, by the seven young ladits who compose the "Pleiades" Thursday night was one of tbe grandest social events ever had in (juMnlle city. The rtcep tioi was given at Ur. R S Youngs. The spacious daacing room was artistically decorated with cedars and mistletoe and pink and green drapery,the colors of the ''Pleiades." The souvenirs were beentifully tinted starsTwith seven points, on one side a four-leaf clover tied with diinty ribbons of pink and greer, and the motto "la Lnck We Trust." Oa the other was "The Pleiades, Dec. 27th, '91." The dancing continued until a late hour and the pleasures of last evening will linger for sometime with the voting participants. LuncbsKasEerved by Mrs. EE i j Gib3on, whose excellent management makes such occasions so inviting and pleasant for every one. - Quite a number of visitors were in attendance. Ae;ong others of the young folks who were presen were : Miss Mary DVane, of Wilming ton, and Mr. C 11 Montgomery ; Miss Fannie Watt Guerrant, of Danvil! Va., and Mr. Maur' Richmond; Miss Mianie Gray, of Charlotte, and Mr. D Frank Cannon, Jr.; Miss Agnes Moss and Mr. Ed. Hill ; Miss Kate Mema and Mr. : Miss Belle Means and Mr. Ed. Moss ; Miss Fannie ilill and Mr. Burton Craipe; of Washington ; Miss Emily Gib;ou and Mr. Archibald Ilenderson, cf Salisbury : Miss Elizabeth Gibson and Mr. George Richmond, of D:m ville, Yd. ; Miss Kate Gibson and Mr. Warile-yodson, of Salisbury ; Miss J,anie lrvin and Mr. R L Keesler ; Miss Madge Wadsworth. of Charlotte, and Mr. Joe Cannon , Miss Mamie Morrip, of Raleigh, and J F Yorke; Miss Lucy Moutgoinerv and Benton Craveu ; Miss Maggie Cannon and Charles ;lontgcmery, Jr. ; Miss Cora Lentz and Morrison Fetzer, Mr. H G Ritz, Concord's musician and manager of the string band fur nished music for the occasion. A Minister in Clover. Jev. J O Alderman is spending his third year in Concord as paster of the Baptist church. His people show their appreciation by giviug him large congregations. And they show their appreciation in another way. On Christmas, 1S92, they presented him a nice gold watch and chain; on Christmas, 1893, they pre sented him a nice overcoat, and on Chftmas just passed, (1894) they presented him a purse with which to furnish himself with baptismal robe. Nor is this all, just before Thanksgiving last they sent him in a nic3 load of groceries, as aTnanka giving presen. '1 hen again before Christmas just passed they remem bered him again and decided that he should not fast dming Cbr.slma.3, . 8ndiug hi:a many good things. lLv. Aiderman and his wife very much appreciate the good will of the cocgregition. Two More in Jail. Ohas. Branic, the negro who at tempted to ravish Mary Gibson, whote character is "unblemished,"' ad she sajs, was tried before 'Squire Kimmons on Monday and was. com mitted to iail without bail, where he .spent Christmas. The evidence iDiu)cent,when court comes. Tom Moore, one of the colored neu who has; so promiscuously adorned our streets with his inaig mficant presence for some time, was arrested and put in jail for abandon ing his wife. He gazes oat upon the snowy bills this morning from behind the bars with a chuckle of d dight at the thought of having nothing to do but enjoy tbe luxuries of thatcomfortable den, now that winter is on in full blast. .j Tnere is a class of this kind of people who infest every town, and we are glad to know that e'eps are ; bei g taken to clear our streets of tbeui. A Having; Instance. 'Tell me, honestly," said the novel reader to the novel writer, "did you ever see a woman who stood . and tapped f.the floor , im pa'ieny "with Irer-to for several moments, as yon describe "Yes," wa3the thonghfful reily, "I did once." ." " Who was she ?Vr;--:' Vsv : S'-v ag a clog dancerT Exs VOL.VI-NO. 50. A KILLING IN VIRGINIA. A Former Ilesiclent in Marlon, K. "., Kills a Virginian am!, if Canli!, Will belynelied. Knoxvilie, Tenn., Dec. 27. A terrible tragedy is reported from Bickley's Mills, Va., in which J W Williams shot ai d killed Bass Bick ley. They were m Walter Dicken son's store when Williams accosted Bickley aad told him he wanted to talk to hiuj. As they started out cf the store Williams shot Bickley twice, killing him instintly. The first shot penetrated his breast neai the heart which turned him around and the second took tffect' in the back near the spinal colujin. The murderer has not been captuied, but he cannot make his eseape for there is a large posse pursuiu him. The murder bai created a great sensation, und if he :s captured he m-iy be lynched. Williams is a low, hfavy set eu'J. with dark sandy hain.rd aiustacliu, and is about 33 vrara old. lie for merly resided at Marion, Ir, C. II list 3iiJff Blisliioss. While our merchants enjoyed a good fall trade and our mechanics and laboring men were putting in full tice for the past month, our Register of Deeds was about as biuy as anybody else.;- Since the first day or becember thirtvitour marriage licenses haye been issued. Whether this flourishing business is due to the Pops, being in power or nor, we rre unableto say, tut it is revalent in Davidson county as well as this one. Davidson had issued forty up to the 2G h, and as we got it, "it's not a good month for marriages up there." Ilcr I.iiult. "I cannot imagine," s:iid the min ister, "any more shocking, danger ous, painful and trying situation for any young girl to be placed in iban to be engaged to two men at the same time. Think what must be the sensations of a young woman who finds herself in a position so dai;r ous so (iisgracLiul ?" "I shouid thins it might make her feel a little soupy," returned the young iauy, glancing lighly ar, a picture of her father's summer hunie at Bur Harbor ; "but I never got down as far as that. The smallest line of men I eyer had on my hai;do was three." Puck. Vr.ft-e Ke(Iisc!io::s. Pittsburg, Dec. 27. The wose scale for the L'dgarrThomsou Steel Works cf the Cara'?ie Steel Com pany at Eradtbck, has bren pre sented to the workmen. The xtew scale- makes a prneral reduction in all depsriiucnts, including the com mon laborers. The only esceptios e are etcp'oyes of lLe foundries and the builders. Tho x eduction in the blobt furnace department amounts to 15 per cent, in other departments tho reductions are the same that were imposed it the Iloniesiia! n!art. Items Fiona the Manly Jows. A "?r'.!-;!a';c ; :irade" gotten u,; by tbe '-ovs crc-atec! soaie amusement in town Christmas d.iy. A ciown riding a donkey and an ex team currying a crowd of bojs wearing falsa faces were the principal foa tuie3. The following marriages have oc curred in this county since our last ifsui ; Mr. James Thouinton and Miss Eliza J Bowers, Mr. J E Rus sell and Mis3 Laruh 1 Vanhov, Mr. Anderson Wat kins and Miss Mabtl Rush, Llr. J C Furr and C L Mor ton, Mr. J A Hinson and Miss Sarah A Huneycutt, Mr. W II Wilhoit ai.d Miss Ada Bialock. Mr. W A Moncure, now of West Elizabeth, Pa., spent the Christinas holidays in Albemarle. Mr. Mon cure is pleasantly reruernberedere as a member cf the corps of en gineers who constructed the Yadkin railroad, but what business brings him here now con only be guessed by the fact that he came in on tbe same train on ffhich one of the towu'o fair daughters returned home. Kweet Long Ago. Just twenty-seven years ago the 23rd of last May, Register of Defds Weddington was issued his marriage license. There is nothing particular interesting about it more tnau that his was the first license registered ou the big book he is now using, and that, the license was drawn, up by the lute J O Wallace, who' was then managing those affairs about th court houfe.- Tne late J W Barrier performed the marri ge ceremony for Mr. Weddington, being he first man the Rev. Barrier eyer married ; Ilappl -"What isVour idea of .happiness ?" "Nothing! to do and lots of lime to di it in' Texas Sif tings. Tin- GEORGIA CAPITOL BUivXE'J. rm!oHlteHr an Incenstiary Fir 'I lie ns5Ial All HeeuTnrnotl Out. Atlanta, Ga, Dec. 27 The oil capito', now an oliici building, was ablaze for two hours thi3 mo.nin;: and the damage cannot be repuird for -eaa than $GO,CO This includes losses cu effice furniture and o stocks of dregs and paints. Without doubt it is an iucenuiaty Cre. When the firemen reached the upper part of the building they found the fourth acd fifth stories filled wLh gas. They turned off more than 100 jets from which gas was escaping. A high wind was blowing and swept clouds of sparks for block, ecdangering million of property. The fire burned furiously from 2:45 o'clock until 5 o'clock.- In this time the-thir j, fourth and Cfih stories on the west ving were burned out. The whole roof was practically burned Gl2. Fiftetu Hues of bore were playing c:i th fire, flooded tbe building cud filled the basemei-.t to a depth ci three feet. Venable Brothers, v. ho own tbe building, lose $30,000. The Masouic k"Je3 and the Lights Temp'ar lost ail their parph-.'rr.aiia. Jafob, the drugict, loses 10,000 on stocks in the basement. The Tripod Paint Company loses $7,000 on stock. Twenty other tenants cf the build-, ing lose from $:00 to'$l,000on furniture and oCicefixtures. Veaable Brothers carry 125,000 insurance ou t!i3 property. The ouilditig looks t) be t unsafe end may b- condemned tomorrow. The inspectors condemned the building tonight. Threofour!s of ft- must be torn down. The capitot has ljng beeu considered unsafe. Ropes are stre;chod across Forsyth street, cutting cfT an electric car line. Cars are not allov.-t.-d to pass the building. SUNDAY DISSIPATION. Tno lioyk IlreuU t!t- lee and ."?Ian.v the Subiialn. Early Suaduy morning the sport ing element of our youth was seen with his ekates, ncme going to Morris' poad, some to the ponds at the depot and some to the mud holes on the Three .Mile branch .AH of tne above named places anord good 3iz;d ponds aLd ice wa3 several inches thick, on which skating was done u!i day aad to a latu Lour at night. Although the wind was high s-.ud uold the boys braved it as though it v.f-re a iuaimcr dy, so euthuttd atul crimed v.ere they over the first daj's skating. Two bovs, one whit?, (we withhold his name) im '. one colored, a Cald well b'jy, g3t good duckings, they having yentured cut where the ittt was tco thin. As was natural, both beys say it was thtir laet Sunday on the ice for fun. How many of these young men, we wouicr, thought of his boyhood day3 and the teachings of a clear, grey-haired father and mother, uuu the resolutions Le made when he had committed to memory lofoiu-Lh Com- maddment, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, etc." KuitHiiiw Jiiirnet?. ifcLtville.iN. C. Dec. 27. John Beatty's elegant retidenee, tholiun- galow, four miles vest of Asheviilc, was burned to the ground last night. It id the Lousa Henry S, Ives died in, Losst8H,CC0, insuiod for $7, CC0. Beatty and family 16ft jctterday for Florida. .I i tmmm Sostie Itir IIoks. Mr. John A Clinc, tbe tallest man in the county, killed two of the biggest hogs yet reported, 'the lar gest one weighed 507 pound3 and the smallest 421, making Mr. Cline nearly one thousand pounds of pork, the two weighing 92S. These Ucgs were 13 months old. Mr. Cline is a long, keen good one, even at hog raising. His smallest one beat th? Standard's by 3 pounds. Gladstone Iiems. All well in our community. No special news to chronicle at present. A good many are marrying this winter, which 16 said to be a sign of hardtimt s, but we hope it is not the caae this year. . We hope to see peace and pleutyall oldlisbta paid akd every-btdy in good shape for another year, but notwithstanding it locks gloomy now. We wish the editor much success and happy and prosperous New Year, and a good patronage end plenty of good news for the people. 1 ' Rabinger. Miss Nannie Alexander has moved her millinery goods in with Mor rison, Lf ntz & Co., and Swmk will move his beef market iito the room vacated by Miss Alexander. Standard. 1 CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY,; JANUARY 3, It was not a joke it did snow. The infant child of Mr. W F . A Propst is seriously lil. Frosted windows were numeroMP t'.is morning. Master Cioud Corl is quite sick at his home on Depot street. It was a pretty sight - the snow falling and sun shining. We enjoyed watching the children playing in the snow, the beautiful snow. A suitable reward will be given for the return of our devil who es caped vehile we were taking holiday. As an effort towards putting it self in better odor with tbe world Chicago wants to prohibit cigarette smoking. ScelyV sentence will be'Treifed for good behavior in jail, wliich is an excellent argument for bank officials doing better while out of jail. Those enthusiasts who took ad vantage cf the time to play foot-ball had the holiday arkl something to boot. In giving the weights of the Charlottefootball team the News nuts Frank O Rogers at 180. This is pretty good for Frank. A petition in fifty languages bear ing on liquor selling has been got ten up bv the W. C. T. U. It shows he Indies still depend largely on their tongues. A small colored boy was dragged through the street Thursday after noon by a cow. The cow got some what nervous and capered around town at a terrific ra'e.' Sir. J L Edd'eman and family h.ive moved back to Concord from Charlo'te. Mr. Eddlcman will travel for the Charlotte Machine Company and will go on the road abotrT January 15. It i3 said of a young nnu in town that while calling on his 'best gin' one riht not long Eince, hefel adec-p. W? wonder if n was the magnetic influence of the young lady or a.i overdose of Christmas slush. ' A sensa.ional murder wa3 com mitted in East Tennessee Friday. One man pith a shot gun and piatol attempted to t&ke the iivt's of an other man and wife. He did not t lacaed in corumittiug the trrribli deedand lost his own life. When the reporter was on his usual rounds thi3 morning, .juite number would say, wh:-u he would ask for news, "don't know anything much, ouiy it's cold,"' just if we wei'3 not aware of it. Dr. Alvin W Corrier, of Durham, wa3 in th city Friday. Dr. Corrier has not beeu to Concord in fifteen years, and says our town has the ap pearance oT hustle aud enterprise. His trip was not only for pleasure, as he was monkeying around the court house all day. Mr. Andrew Grier, who has for the past several months been -with C W S-.vink and ha is agenial, gocd fellow, left today for Harriaburg his home, where he will, spend a week or ten days before going to the A. & M. College, Raleigh. Mrs. J O Alderman is spending the Christmas holidays at her father's in Sampson county, N. C. She will return January 3, bringing home her two children that haye been spending some months with their grandfather. Among others who went over to Charlotte today cre: Mra. Dr Young, Miss Jatiie'Erviu and Messrs Andrew Grier, C Richmond MonU gomery, Frank O Rogers, J C Wadsworth, George Richmoad, oC Daaville. and Burton Craig, Chas. Montgomery, S J Lowe, W S Bing ham. - Mr. W L WisemiD, a native of this county, and Miss Sallie Harvey, of Neapolis, Va.,. were married at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon iu the Neapolis Baptist church. They arrived in tbe city ou the 9 o'clock train last night and will spend sev eral days with friends and relatives here before taking a trip to Florida. Salisbury Herald. Oar North Carolina folks muei not be so dreadful hard up, if one is to judge by the number whose houses haye been broken into and robbed of considerable sams of money. Several such instances hiye been reported recently and here-is still another: The house of Mr. A P Long, at Roxboro, was entered Sunday night and $9G0 In cash stolen. Ons hundred dollars ol the amount was in gold. Four $20 gold pices had LsngVinitial cut on them. Salisbury Herald. Evidtmly foiumbi, was not in it. . Many cf our merchants are taking stlk this wf ek. Te campers had a cold tim of it Friday night. Mrs. Nicholson has moved into he-new house on Mill street. We don't want any snowballs on subscription. f The snowball hurled at us was a jjawbraker. The plumbers of tha town are pastures fresh and green, so to jpeak. Owing to the indisposition of tbe pastor, there were no services in All Saint3 church Sunday night. . :i ' " . " Our office boy put in his satanic ipearanoe tirs mormncr, alter a week's abesence from the force. The northbound passenger train was five or six hours late this, Mon day morning. Mayor Brevard, of Charlotte, gave tne city police force of that place a dining Saturday. As a freezing point, the end of the icicle antedates the making of the thermometer. Carrying them out doesu't imply that good resolutions are not suited to the atmosphere cf the home. A Mrs. Corrier died at Forest I-Iill Friday night of pneumonia, having been sick only a few days. The cold weather in Florida is the severest ever known. There is four inches of snow at Tallahassee and other points iu that state. An old time snowballing was one of the many ways the boys showed their appreciation for the shot be ing with us. Rev. II M Elair, former pastor of Forest Hill church, will preach to hi3 old congregation at that church tomorrow at 11 o'clock. A gjrmaD will be given at Patter sou's Hall. Monday "night." ""Our young folks are looking for a "great" time. Everybody, almost, has heard or used the expression: ' I'll bet my hat !' We know a young man who was so unfortunate as to not possess a hat. Water pipes running from the main one to priyate residences were frozen. Several of the the waste pipe3 bursted. The young uan who suffered the gonie3 of having his long hair rolleU in paper looks as if he might have been on the "razee" Dr. John son saw sometime ago. Quite a number of farmers were in toivn ana groups were seen in severd of the stores. Politics seemed to be as hot as they were be fore the elec ion. The colored people will celebrate New Year's day by making a gret demonstration of their free Ameri can citizenship. They will have the town. Besides having flushed purses", Bbme of the boys who witnessed the football game in Charlotte Friday returned with flushed faces. Of course the weather had that effect on them. While looking through our box of curios we find one graveyard rabbit foot, three rings f rem a raccoon tail, two buckeyes and n 'possum ear. We lack the right wing of a jay bird and our "hoodoo" paraphernalia will be complete. Idr. C G Foust, of Texas, brother of ex-cashier Foust of the Salisbury JS'atioual Bank, is iu Salisbury get. ting up a petition to Gov. Carr, ask ing his brother's paruon aud libera tion. The petition thus far is a strong one. " Fi lends of Rev. M G G Scheier, of St Jamea Lutheran churcn, r. membered him Christmas, in ad dition to other things, to the tcne of a handsome overcoat; nhi.e Mrs. Scherer was presentsd with au tie garit silver tea service. - Mr. 1) M Miller, of tbe firm of Holmes & Miller, tobacconists of Salisbury, wad in the city to inter view Mr. Carter who has bem sell ing tobacco in a way contrary to law He used one of thesaid firms boxes and this connects them with it. Carter exhonorates the firm. Rev. H M Blair, who is so favor ably known iu our midst as ,an able minister and clever newspaper man, preached two able sermons to our citizens Sunday. He preached at Forest Hill where he was once pastor, iu the morning and at the First Presbyterian church at night. Mr. Blair 'is a welcome visitor to -our city. -y.y 1895. THAT TOBACCO SCRAPE. Mr. Illlenian Interviwecl by a Ntaiw! ar;l Reporter. Saturday about dusk a Stand in' reporter saw Mr. Hileaian find 1; u) an interview wi'h him about tha tobacco scrape, who stated his s;tii of the c-.se as follows : "Carter was in our neighborhood with hi3 wagon, whiskey and tobacco He stopped at my mill, where severni others and myself were at work, lie offered his tobacco for sale. We U wanted to purchase, but were nil willing to pay 2oc per pound for the quality we bought, 80 we agreed to give him 20c per pound for 19 pounds, paying for it myself. Af tei the tobacco had been dumped out of the box on the scales, I furnished two men, (he wouldn't give their names) with as much a3 they desired at the same price I had paid for it. There was.no agreement,'' he said, "about giving the box back 10 Carter, a3 1 haye been charged with. Carter remarked three times that he would keep the box, as he bad noth ing to feed out of, and if I violated any Jaw in letting him have the box back, it was unintentionally. There is no man living who can say 1 have dealt in tobacco or whiskey. I did not give the box back for Carter tc refill. He said he had nothing to feed out of, and natuially we let him take it, 1 having been placed in a similar position when traveling with wagon or buggy. I always carry a box. Carter was in our neighborhood for several days with his blockade, and. was drunk and disorderly when k'st I saw him." Mr. Uileman didn't knowingly violate any law, but the ignorance of law does not excuse him. Mr. Hileman is very much hurt at the thought of the people of his own county thinking him an ally of blockaders. Having represented Cabarrus county two terms in the General As sembly of North Carolina aud not being posted on reveu'ie laws speaks rather "ball tor our houofedTnau, Mr. Hilemaa .says all these charges are brought against him for political effect, and after he has served thir term its the Legislature, he will never allow his name to come before the people for public office, lis said he had no political ambition and that li3 allowed hia name to run merely as a compliment to himself. Ignorance is not bliss in all cases, neither is it folly to be wise. BRECKENRIDGE LECTURES. Aim! the Door Receipts are Attaelieil liy a f rcttitoror HisSon Desha. Cincinnati, Dec. 27 Col Brecken ridge spoke at the Pike opera house tonight on "Eras of American De vtlopement and Their Great Men' He bad an audience cf 250, seventy five of whom were women, His lecture was flowery and pleasing to hear, but was received with little enthusiasm. In the mit!3t of it a rumor spread over Ihe house that the door receipts had been attached by Miss Pollard but this proved a mistake. The receipts were attached but it was ty a lecal notary public, to secure a 5.00 fee for takiDg a deposition ior i esha in his father's case. Congressman Breckenriuge, accompanied by Mrs. Breckenridge and his son De3ha arrived in the city from Charle'seon, West Virginia, iuis morning. It May Do as Ilneb tor Ion Mr. Fred Miller, of Irying, 111. writes that he bao. a severe Kidney trouble far mauy years, with severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was affected. He tried mauy so called kidney cures but vithout any good result. Aoout a jear ago he be g'an the use of Electric Bitters, and found relief at or.ee. Elictric Bitters is especially adapted to cure all kidney and liver troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement Price only 50c. for large bottle. At Fetzer'd Drug store. Marriage at t'auuon vllle. Sunday morniug at the hour of 9, Rev. Shealey, of the Cannouville Lutheranxhurch, united iu matrj mony Mr. Tnomas Allmm to Miss Evvie Ritch, at the home of Mrs. MeLeliand. Miss Ritch is u danghs ter of Mr. C A Ritch, who runs the pump bouse for the Southern, md Mr. Allman is an operative in the Cannon' mill. . Dr. L M Archey returned Satur day morning from Washington, D. C. A fnl! minion' type column would fail to hold the doctor's happy, pleasant account of his trip and the joyous associatiou with Rev. Wright G Campbell during hia Btay in the Capital city.- M j the doctor have many repetitions of "this visit to the legislative and senatorial happy huntiDg grotnds, WHOLE NO. 350 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. TOUGH ON CABARRUS. Our Representative in a Scrape fal ter Brought His Kamc Into Piny. Our Representaaive it seems, is in a bard row, judging from current rumors. We had heard Mr. Hit man's name in connection with the John Carter scrape, but gave it no credit, us we did not believe it. The following appears in the Salisbury Herald:- - ' "It seeni3 that John Carter h td bc;?n arrested for sellingsome otlor firm's brand of tobacco out of a Holmes & Miller box. This violas tion of the revenue law was explained by Carter, who was behind the brs of Cabarrus county's jail. He h.id bought some of H. & M's tobacco in one of their boxes, from a bur in Salisbury, and after disposing of it had taken the box to Hunttrsvilie and filled it with "Labor's Choice" which he was disposing of when caught. "A F ilileman,;tne Pop rep-resentatiye-elect from Cabarrus, i.i in the soup" with Carter, having bought tobacco from him at a very ow price and returned the boxes t;j be refilled' Now, the Standard didn't think a man of honor (l-1) like Mr. Hilemau would be guilty of a misdemeanor of this kind, he being our Representa tive and a man of la acknowledge. The charge is probably (?) false. The Freeze. Everything is frozen pp, and if the freeze will continue just forty eight hours longer the ponds around town rill afford r-.rir, snort for 00 8. At 6 o'clock thi3 (Saturday) morning the thermometer was down to 4 degrees above zero, the lowest it has been this winter, this being the first cold Enap, Many of our citizens were caught napping, and we hear of a great number of flowers and hot house plants being Killed by the severe weather. Morris's pond will, no doubt, Cad many of our young people out there tonight and tomorrow taking ad vantage of the freeze and enjoying a good skate. The ice is already three inches thick aud still a-freezing. Mr. Martin Propst, of No. 5 township, and pirtie3 from Nos. 3 and 10 townships, say birds can be teen all along the road frcz?n stiff, ?o cold it is. Kniarhts of the Maccabees. The State commander writes us from Lincoln, Neb., as followF: "Af ter trying ether medicines for what seemed to be a very obstinate cough in oi.r two-children we tried Dr. King's New Diseoye-ry--and at the end of two days the cough; fnfiroly left them. We will not be it hereafter, as our ejerienco proyes tnat it cures . where all other re mediea fail' Signed F W Stevens, State Com. Why not give this great medicine a trial, as it is guar anteed aid trial battles are free at Fetzr's Drug store Rt-gular :zt 5oc and $1 00. Sadden Death at Forest Hill. Alexandr Barre't, a youth of 17 years, died suddenly at Forest Hill Friday night between 12 and 1 o'clock. Thevonng man was em ployed ia the weave room in No. 4 mill and worked yesterday (Friday) 11 day and went to his home as usual after his day'a work was done He was a bright, sober and industri ous youth and was liked by all who knew him. He had heart trouble The boy passed away without a straggle- Not Tet Equipped. A young man ia town is playing in hard luck, yet his friend thought they were doing the right thing by him Christmas when they bo kindly remembered him by sending him a shaving mug and brush and a gold shirt button. He is out taking up subscriptions to get h;mself a razor and a shirt, that he may be able to put his presents into use. Two Bieicrocs Try to Kill Tneinselvcs. Macon, Ga., Dec. 28. A Strong and F Caruthere, two negroea who were recently convicted of murder in Pulaski county and seut here for safe keeping, tried to take their Uvea this morning by swallowing eome poisonous drug. . nr. a iTtAiVL). 3 ; -PRINTS THE YEira THAT IS NEWS ORlYEAR cmm TTC i I I'M JT A T AFTjiR THE BALL. Reminiscences of Wednesday Night Which Is Uppermost in Many Minds. It is U3eles3 to a3k us who our post is, but the following was ran upon by the Standard reporter : The Pleiades ball was a lovely affair, The boys were so manly the girls were BO f-'r And each was as hannv and e&y as a lark tlie nark, Or heeded the coid of,the bleak, outside nignt, For v. iihin it wasail so warm and bright! O'er the Pleiades colars, the pink and green. The brilliant iishts shed a golden sheen, The music of Hitz was beyond compare And the spirit of Christmas Was all through the air; As the girls' little feet twinkled over th tioor, They felt there was nothing their hearts could ask more. The elegant lunch was all it should be, And was eaten vnlk merriest chatter and glee, Not the least thing was there the pleas ure to mar, And eacli pucst bore away a bright,, seven pointed star. As a sweet souvenir of the Pleiades ball. That will lonir tie sweetly remembered ball. "' T : .'.'fsrocs to Ilanr. A.hevi!Je, N. C, Dec. 29- Supreme cor:ri h .s affirmed the de cision in the cas-? cf Billy McDanielr colored, an, I le will hung January 11th if l.otLnig occurs to prevent. His partner. Henry Webb, is sent euced to hang .it the same time, but his counsjls are etideavoriLg to have tbe sentence commuted. Blicui The Vi'tnuM, - l. In I..itmtmna ...ut i ULUUUilDf auu i iie3 or no pay requirec box. For sale at P. B. Fetzer's Drug; etore. 'A Thin of Beauty." "Winter and "Summer" were never more charmingly pictured than they are this seasan on Hood's Sarsaparilla Calendar. This calen dar is made in the shape of a heart and is ornamented with two child faces, lithocrrphel iu bright and nat ural colors, one peeping out, amid the snow fiakea, from a dainty capr. and the other lighted up with ail ' the glo?y of the summer sunshine. The usual information about the lunar changes and other astronomi-. cal events is given, and the calendar, besides being "a thing of beauty" is also useful eyer day in the year. It may be obtained at the druggist's. Arrest oi'a Stamp Clerk. Washington, D. C, Dec. 29. Chief Inspector Po3t today received atelegraui from I hattanooga, Tenn , stating tnat Inspectors Whiteside, Jones and ill had caused tha ai rest ff P H of u, po8t-offic3 for stealing mail. It was Mr3. Coyer, Instead of Cox rit r, as the Standard had it, who died at Foreet Uv. HEART DISEASE. Fluttering, No Appetite, Could j not Sleep, Wind on Stomach. "For a long time I had a terrible pain at my heart, which fluttered al-i most incessantly. I bad no appetite: and could not sleep. I would be 'compelled to sit up fa bed and belch gas from my stomach until I thouzhfr every minute would be my last.1 There was a feeling of oppressionL about my heart ancHj""" uraw a iuia a room lnduf" V ft AilV it will. by the The r.. L.

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