(- ' V . . : . it i jr.. .4'- ". iHE : STANDARD JAMES P. COOK - - Editor fOoKOQBf. Cabarbub COUNTY, N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARJ895. THE DEAD OLD THINO The tear 1894 is done for it is hustled oft into the honeyard of the past. Eighteen hundred and ninety-four has heat its brains out against the tide of time. Slowly, sadly, though surely, its breath was lost in the struggles, disappointments and eU fort? of 3G5 days. But it is no new thing. January 1st 1895 will be just like some pre ceeding day in time. It's just a way we hava of eyening up, pulling up it's getting up one hill to start down and then up another It's just a time to make resolutions to he broken. This reminds us that some miserable people, with a miser able life in the rear and the record of it known to all, think thev. nan ilate a whole set of resolutions, eople about them and at once iome angels in the sight of man. 'he world is used to such white washed angels. Such great changes are not made in a moment, in a day, in a year they come slowly. The world wants to see the fruit before it is satisfied of its real color and quality, But enough of this we started but to say that 1894 is done for. And who cares. Some people have Jived 3C5 days in 1894; some 730 days in 1894; while others have not had as much as a good full dozen in the whole year. People don't live alike it's well they don't, but God pity some in the way they have to live. Again, 1S94 will be put in history as a year of wars, tumults and dis asters and such things. Nearly every country has had trouble, lesser or greater. The Brazilhan troubles are fresh to the student of history ; France's presi dent was assassinated the Czar of his JSelves and all along the merica had her coal strikes; then the Pullman trouble, after that the rioting and burning in and around Chicago, the home of big-footed women. We haye had an anarchist, Coxey, to move with his army of bums, thieves and anarchists upon Wash ington, and we have had the 'sad Bpectacle of men in our own section applauding the movement of this colossal eyesore. " Space will not admit of even a running glance of the year's doings. In the Old North State we haye seen Bights. The tables were turned. We see honest, sincere citizens, who helped to redeem the State, uniting with the authors of our troubles to overthrow what they themselves aidecr-ia doing. In Concord and Cabarrus the year has been a bountiful one in crops and health and troubles. Bat all along there are blessing?, which we cannot be too thankful for. This III i 1 1 1 1 1 1 mrwict kept up her record o and improvements. . While the old year will leave its nnwelcomeand unsightly earmarks, Ihere is enough to promise us a new year and events worth living for. This is no time for sulking in the camp of life let us all be up and doing, and may the Good Lord bless us as has always bean done. The good we have enjoyed is his gift the bad is the making of man, 1ITTLE SNAPS. The Standard admires the pluck and gift , of Deputy sheriff Hill. Shooting Brown, was necessary, and so has such asta been in the past, "but let us hope it will never again haye anj part in the campaign. Eeighleen hundred and ninety five has started out pretty well, thank ye! It is winter, all along the line. Matrimonially, there is a lull in the storm; but conld more suitable weather be had for matrimony ? - The goat eats up the posters, the -r-' - ' -"S'A-Awo the at Italy during this month reveals the fact that more than twenty yrllagefi are in ruins. Tive . hundred persons seriously wounded, forty thousand hornless and eighty-six have been killed or have died from consequent 8 hock or illness. President Samuel Spencer, of the Southern Kail way, has done a very kindly thing in Bending to the peo ple of Marion his check for $100 He also notified the railroad corns missioners that he has made a half rate of freight on all building ma terials which are shipped for use in re-building the town. Msj. Wilson, of the commission, says that never in the South was a town so com pletely wiped out bv fire, Vanderbilt's latest purchase near Asheyille is 232 acre tract for 35, 000. Ashevelleia to have a hanging bee on January 11. A afamp clerk was arrested at Savannah, Ga., Saturday for stealing mail. It was vsry unbecoming tS ur youth to see them desecrate the Sabbath ip fckatingand snowballing. Consider well your will-power be fore making the annual New Year's resolution, for resolutions cf this kind are somewhat like the beauti ful snow they soon vanish. Mrs. Cleveland will not give any time to society this winter, except at the customary formal receptions at the White liouss on Eew Year's day. The President and Mrs. Cleveland will hold the time honored reception from 12 till 2 o'clock. All the Iadie3 of the cabinet will assist in receiying the guests, and behind the line of hostesses there will be a number of ladies whom Mrs. Cleve land has specially invited to be present to entertain those ', guests whom she may ask to remain in the Bine Room. The Secretary cf Sttte and Mrs. Gresham aill entertain the Diplomatic Corps at breakfast at the Arlington. The first public reception held at the White Hou5i '"""pWWhrT 1, 1801. These earleceptions were called the "Republican Court." TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. Hamilton Fish, Jr., received the Eepublican caucus nomination for Speaker of the New York Asseaiblv last night. The result of the senatorial contest in the Deleware Legislature is still uncertain, with chances favoring Senator Higgins. The Americans of Boston held a meeting yesterday and sent a cable gram to Mr. Gladstone thanking him for his speech last Saturday. The W Witt retail boot end shoe merchant ot Lynchburg, Va., made an assignment yesterday. Liabilities are about $6,200; assets $5,000. John Rayn, a well-known tele graph operator, died at the Mercy Hospital, Pittisburg, Pi., yesterday morning, ne was taken to the hospital December 20 with a broken leg, previous to which time he had been drinking heanly. - ' ' Ex-Aldermo Chas. F Johnson, Sot in Attorney Malley's office at Gale3bur-I4., last AVednes- day, by his wife, died Monday. . To the last he protested that he did her no violence but she shot him because of his allegation regarding her r lations with a wealthy Chicagoan. Chas. Yeager, a printer, aged 35, was found dead in a viaduct in For est Park, St. Louis, Monday night, A letter on his body explained that he had killed himself because type setting machines had driyen him te want. He leaves a wife and three children. He was losured for $2,000. A lot of phenacetine, seize J by Custom Inspector Welsh on the British steamer Lanrestina, at Phila deiphia, Saturday, has been forfeited and appraised. A fine equal to the value of goods must be paid by the owner. It was disco rered hid Jen away in three large glass jars. Fire at Port Tampa City, Fls at 4 o'clock yesterday morning, des stroyed 25 freight cars loaded with phosphate, two express cars, two passenger coaches, one mail car and the entire car-sheds of the South Florida Railroad, operated - by the Plant system. The origin cf the e is unknown. ne of the prettiest games of foot that was eyer played in Charles- k place yesterday .afternoon een Charleston and Savannah. he first half neither side scored, but in the second, Charleston made four and Savannah nothing. 8o It Hoe 1893 IT IS. Who can see the difference ? Another year m its you thf ul life is given to us. As the days move on, it will, like a rolling snowball, grow larger and larger, Responsibilities will increase; carea will continue; the plot deepen and the record will become voluminous. If the signs, written across the horizon of the coming days, be true, we may exDect a year of decided im provement upon that one just closed. Tariff legislation is dene for and tbe beneficial results cf the new law, cerve to make quiet business circles and to deal out better advantages to the consumers. There are rations (pearly) enough about us for the year without a great draw upon outside markets. The health of the county is good and there are promises of a con tinuation. Let us hope that what bitterness yet remains may be wasted away by the exercise of charity and brotherly love. Let us all hope that; that dis trust and hatred way be obliterated for the sake of our common good, if not for indiyidual pleasure. There are perhaps no reasons for not believing tha in a business way 1895 will be a great improvement over 1894. The financial agencies and all authorities in foretelling future business, give out hopes for such a season. May 1895 live her days and God grant us all powers to live each day as will be becoming a brayer gener ous people. BREEZY BIT. Quibbs "What constitutes a good boy, in your opinion ?" Kibbs "Healthy ancastors, as mnch as anything." Boston Courier. "Talk is cheap," observed the man who belieyes in proverbs. "Humph I" replied the man who doesn't. "That remark shows that you never hired a lawyer or rented a telephone." Washington Star. Contributor. "Pretty poem isn't it?" Magazine Editor "Yes verv, but we can't pubi' it." Contributor "Why not ?" Sfrgazme Editor- "Why, anybody can tell at the fir6t reading what it means." Somerville Journal. "This may be justice," said the defendant, "but it strikes me as be ing a prety fishy verdict." "That shows that it is justice,"re torted the plaintiff. "One of the most conspicious features of justice is her scales." Harper's Bazar. Senator L?xow doesn't believe the story about Couistock. The Sena tor's house is in the country where the green goods customers grow. New York Journal. Magistrate "Yen say the prison er struck you but once ?" Complaint "Yes, sir." Magistrate (to prisoner) "Why didn't strike him a second time?" Prisoner "I didn't have to, yer Honor." Harlen Lif. First Tramp. "Are you in favor of the income tax ?'' Second Tramp. "You bet 1 am. I go further'n th;r. I'm in favor of giyia' every man an income to be taxed." Detroit Free Pres3. Nudity i3 always shocking, es pecially in the case of a live wire. New York Tribune. A lot of popcorn balls hung all over a Christmas tree will create more interest in a Sunday school than twenty miracles po3sibly could. Texas Siftings. He "Pray tell me the sort of girl 1 ought to propose to." She "Well, one who is rich and a philanthropist." Truth. When a man becomes firmly con vinced that he is a genius, it is then that the fringe Blowly begins to form on the bottom of his troutere. Harlem Life. "It's the little things that tell." as the "man said when his 3 -year-old boy Baw bim Kiss the cook and car ried the news to mamma," Brown ing's Herald. Miss Gotham "How did you en joy the reception last night ?" Mr. Hoosier "Enjoy it ? I could not find any place to sit down.'aud 1 felt just like a hired boy at a husk ing bee." New "Xork Journal. Bcon "What are you doing with a picture of a fooUball player pinned to your coat ?" Egbert "Oh, yes I ' My wife pm ned that there bo as to remind me to have my hair-cut." Yonker Statesman.1 'Then you are quite satisfied with this picture ot your husband ?" Wife "Well, yes that is, if it's impossible to make it look any less like him than it does." Chicago Inter-Ocean. M t Cvico sMersrsn are ro"qucfd in the market at ?C00 apiece. In the opinion of certain well-informed New Yorkers this must bo regarded is dirt cheap. Tsew York Tribune. Mre. Brand-New "I would like to get a first class book oo etiquette. ' Mr." Brand-New "Any particular point you want to clear up ?" Mrs. Brand-New "Yes how to treat one's inferiors. You Know dear, it is only recently we have had inferiors." Puck. During the past thirty-five years more than 1,000 varieties of postage caids have been iseued. There are 3,461 presidential post offices in these United States. Ca barrus county owns two of them. A barrel of apples wa3 sold in Baltimore for $17 50. They were called Lady apples. This office draws the line on Lady apples as an article of diet. The sneak thief who last week entered Presiding Elder Rome's houee in Wilmington and appro priated to himself two overcoats must have had a premonition ot this cold snap and an eye to comfort, The Farmers Alliance of Pennsyl vania have started out by arranging for a series of county picnics throughout the Sta'e during the coming summer. So they did here, and is culminated in a politico Populist Republican fusion ; but Pennsylvania is already irrevocably Republican. A Washington crank ia sending out communications to Goyernors that the capitols of States will be destroyed inside of two years because of their wickedness. This should be a pointer to our Legislature that a very short term is m order. The friends of Thomas B Reed, the Maine statesman, are urging him not to accept the speakership of the next House for fear he would be held accountable "for the deeds done in the House." They fear that th presidential boom of this Reed wiil be shaken with the winds of adver sity. Republican papers are raisiv-g' a great tiowl "because Mr. Cleveland has seen fit to put th9 swarm of gangers, storekeepers, inspectors and agents under the civil service law. They claim that it is a dodge to keep Democrats lr. office even if the next president be a Republican. WHITE-CAPPERS SCAKED. They Have Overstepped the Hounds in tbe Pant ami Are Willtiis to Quit Now. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 1. Murray county citizens held a mas3 meeting today at Spring Place to discontinue white-capping. Two hundred and fifty men were present. Probably one-half of them belonged to the oath-bound orginaztion which nnm bers 1,000 members in Murray and adjoining counties. A special to the Constitution from a staff correspondent who was at the meeting states that the sentimeut was strongly in favor of discontinu ing outrages and illict distilling The mountaineers .seemed to be of one accord. They did not deny that the band has killed and whipped in formers, but they said the perpetra tors are only a small element in the county. The government has resolvtd to break up this organization which thwarts the revenue officials. In a few diys, ten members are to be tried here for murder. The Mnrray county people profess to be ready to suppress the lawlessness themselves and save the Government the ex perse and trouble. Don't Tobacco Npit or Smoke your Life Away l the truthful, startling title of a book about No-To-Bae, the harms less guaranteed tobacco babit cured that braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain Strength, vi2or and manhood. You run no physicial or fiuanc al risk, as No-To- Bac is Bold by P. B. Fetzer under a guarantee to care or money refunded. Book free. Addres Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. j31n. House for Sale or Rent. E3 The house on Main street, opposite J W Cannon'a and lately occupied by D J Bostian. Apply to Mrs. E C Wagonej. j3 2w. aicSliUan Re-Nomlnated.V Lancing, Mic, Jan. 2. The Republicans in legislatiye caucus here this evening placed in nomination Senator James McSlillan for the long term as United States Senator from Michigan. The nominal ton means election, as there is only one Democrat in the Leg islaiure. . .The short term nomination will be made to morrow evenings GUARD AT THE J AIL. Chairman Dove Mays tbe Jail In l'n- s sare Without a Alsrlit Watchman. Father Dove is up to snuff. Since there came near being i och a big jiil delivery several weeks ago. the commissioners and authorities have deemed the jail unsafe with so many occupants, and a night guard has been installed to perform this duty. Mr. Jesse Moore, formerly employed at the bleacherj. Las ac cepted the position, and if Mr. Moore can't Keep the prisoners in jail, he can give the alarm and get all the help he needs. Father Dove and Sheriff Sims say tbat no one will be allowed to bang around on the outside of the jail, 8.3 has been done heretofore, upon the belief that mischief has come about through these outsiders. With eighteen or twenty chain gang convicts and half as many birds waiting for court, it is reason able to believe that a guard is a ne cessity, for with such a force and a little (Sort, our old jail would not be hard to break. STOBE iiWTERED. Only Fifteen Cents Hissing-Tile Nec- ond Time. Some time in i"ecoruber last, some ODe, for tho want of something bet ter to do. entered tho store room of Mr. Heury L Pi opst by breaking one of tho small glasses in cue of the front windowa. It was not known how much waa stolen the first time. Wednesday niglit the store was entered in the same way, the glass being broken out at the same place, Whoever the thief might have been icnst be of a very thin make up. Mr, Propst did not miss any Koods, but 35 cents in money was tiken from tho drawer, it bavins been placed there the last thing be fore closing last nighi. Ilnpppy Kew.Ycnr'a tirteliiisrs. Never has Concord's record of time and events shown surh New Year's greetings, as was given Tuesday evening from 8 till 12 o'clock, ia the new and elegantly furnished homo of Mr. J C Wads- worth. Hundreds of ereeting3 were ex changed, the receiving roomp, halls and dining room wrero thronged with gallant knights, who aopeared in evening suits with their bright faces expressing good wishes before the tongue could utter tham. Our charming hostess in her unassum ing, but most attractive manner ex' pressed her hearty returns to hr guf'stf", a iii03t beautiful repast, r.r. exceptional one at all times, not only for a New Years' recure. The menu was complete, we wished for nothing more. We retired with aps petites, hearts and eyes satisfied. the eyes feasting on tho beauty of the fair ones, surrounded by hand some tapestry and beautiful paint' in ss such that the "Greek gods" would have er joyed. Could our host find hostess hfivo found a more pleasing way to enter tain their well wishes ? Mrs. J C Walsworth received with her charming lacy friend?, viz Mrs. M Lather Brown, Mis. James Cannon, Mrs A E Lectz, Mrs. N I Yorke and Mrs. Laura Moss, Misses Marshal, Jannettn and Sallie Er win, Grace Gibson, Claude Fisbtr, Esther Erwin. Lizzie Young. Isa bel Montgomery and Jania Richs mond. We hope Mr. and Mrs. Wads worthwill repeat the most enjoyable affair of the season. A Paeticipaxt. Forest Uill Sunday School. One of the largest Sunday schools in tho State and one of the best con ducted ones is the Forest: Hill Methodist Sunday school. At the recent Christmas ftstival occasion, this Sunday Bchool Cid not neglect to have some pleasant surprises for every member of the school. The music was very appro priate and was lead by Mr. Barrow, who has won a reputation among us, besides an excellent business man, as a splendid musician. Each pupil received one-half pound of candy, an oiageardsome nuts all put up in nice boxes. When this was done Cap J M Odell presented each pupil with a copy of the New Testament. There are 410 pupils in tlm San day school and the Standard bets that never before were more testa ments distributed at once. HeniocrntHOnIn;in the Georgia County Elections. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 2. Every county in Georgia held an election today for couuty officers. Owing to bad weather throughout nearly the whole State, lhe vote was light. Snow and sleet fell in the upper part of the State, and rain fell through the middle tier of counties. Specials to the Constitution show that the Democrats held their own everywhere, and redeemed several counties which tbe Populists car ried in the election for? Governor. As a rule the Democ rats made marl ; ed gains. . Public Male . I, the undersigned, offer for sale at public auction, 'at my place, in No. 5 township, on the 15th day tf January, 1895, to the highest bid der, for cash, th following prop erty r One reaper, one thresher, two 4-horse wagons, one S-hoeee wagon, several hogs, cows, two - horses, one mule, and all kinds . of farming im plements. ': " - Pink M. Iisem hemes. -- ThissJan. 1,-1 THRILLING EXPERIENCE!! MANY LIVES SAVED! A YOUNG iWARKPRE VENTED! A crowd of eager people were surging into Smithdeal & Morris' Hardware to see their fall stocK of guns. Each man proceeded to arm him self with a deadly weapon, bat as the guns were un loaded several accidents were avoided. In the house of this firm your life ia cciefully guarded, (no loaded guna unchained) and in the purchase of their goods, vour money goes fnr ther than in any other Hard ware store in t! e State. If you don't believe it, come and see our stock of HARDWARE, SADDLES. STOVES. PAINTS, OILS i MACHINERY, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, MINERS SUPPLIES! AND BUILDERS MATERIAL. is complete, and must and will be sold at tde lowest possible figure. We also have a car load ot Bueeiea and a stock of GUNS at low Tariff Prices. CALL AND BE CONVINCED, Smithdeal k Moms. LIME AN1) CEMEMT. lAeare Sole SELLING Agents ww ia this market for tne Casson Lime Co's. Lf I M ANd CEMENT When in the market we would be pleased to have your orders. Will have a big lot of FLORIDA ORANGES for the Christmas - T R A D E G. W. PATf ERS0N Wholesale ard Ketail Grocer, CONCORD, N. C. THE LOWE CO co3sroo bd: nsr. c. ONLY FOR " -Glairs " WKs HAVE BOUGHT A BIG LOT CP Reefers, forthe qirlS -1 from 4 to 12 years old for less than half price and we hale cut the price in the middle and will sell them as follows. Four years old s - fl.75 Six to eight vears old - 1.50 Ten to twelve years old 1.75 This is the grandest bargain in se?sonable goods that we have ever shown. H ARE MOVING OUR Clothing in the house, nsed by J. A Kimmons. ' II COME AND SEE USH TME L0WE G YORKE WADSRTWafe ggaZe and TOE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK IN THEg TATE No house in North Carolina can possibly make lower prices on Shelf Goods, Agricultural Implements of the latest makes, Buggies, Wagons, Blacks,- Mowersi Guanos and Acids. Try their Prices and Quality They've got the Stuff Yokre & W adsworth W. IT. UA Dealer in cooking and beating stoves and manufacture of tinwarel roofing, grutling .-.nd a), kinda of sheet iron works. I am making a line of good tinware at TARIFF PRICES. Lard cans 25 and SOcts each. Repairing done at short notice. I am etill manufactur ing saddles and harness and keep in stock a full line of COLLARS, i pads, bridles, etc. W. J. HILL. Dr. J. . CARTLAND SURGEON DENTIST. Makes a speoialty of tilling teeth without pain. Sixteen yeais experience. Umce over Lippards & Barrier's store after Feb. 8. 1894. i25 Professional Card. I have located in Concord for the practice of medicine and surgery, and respectfully ask the public for a aharo of their patronage I may be found at toy office at any hour of the day or at my residence at night when not out professionally, and will gladly respond to alljjjallg promptly. :' ' Office tinder that of Montgomery & Cro veil. Respectfully, J tf " - J.K SxooT.p.D. jG&ail & Have You Read The Philadelphia Times THIS MORNING ? The Times is the most extensively circu ated and widelr reiH news paper published in Pennsylvania. Its discussion of public ineu and public measures is in the interest of integrity, honest government and prosperous industry, and it knows no party or personal allegiance in treating public iasueo. In the broadest and beat sense u family and general newspaper. The Times aims to have th larg est circulation by deserving it, and claims that it is unsurpassed in ali the essentials of a great metropolis tan newspaper. Specimen copies of any edition will be Bent free to any one sending their address. Terms Daily, $3,00 per annum; $1-00 for four months; 30 eeuts per -month; Sunday edition, twenty-four large, handaoraa pages 168 columns elegantly illustrated. 82 00 per an num; Daily and Sunday, S5.C0 per annum; 60 cents per month. Weeks, ly edition, 50 cents a year. Address r all letters to The Times PHILADELPHIA. PA. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as a ministrator of Jerry Anthony, deceased, all er eons owing said estate are hereby notified tbat they must make imme diate payment, er suit will lm brongt; and all persons having claim against said estate must preopnt them to the undersigned duly authantrtUw! on r before tbe 2nd day of Jmnary, 1896 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Jan. 2, 1895. ELAMKlNG, Adminiatra or. oart'Sotice. All persons are hereby notified that the Jinuary, 1895, term of the Superior Court for Cabarrua rounty will not be open before Thursday, the 24th oay of January 1895, ana all jurors, witnesses and suitors will not attend before that day, Janoai v 24, 1895. And further, 11 suitors and witnesses in civil actions will not attend before Monday, Jan. 28, . 1895 of tbe Beoond week, as the civil . docket will not be called before that time. By order, Jab. C. Gibsok, Clerk Superior Court. A coM wave fg coming soa if joa want to keep Warm, buy vour coal of Brown & Simmons ; they have the bat in th& market. Leave your oruert at Kim0as store and they will be ll'Jj. promptly. We a!:o keep shop cs,l cn li- i c feb3dw - (. r-:-r t; "J "'"9 ' .e r