7 1 TllE-'sTANDARD URNS OUT GOOD- JOB- WORK THfc ARD. 1 L The PRINTS TflE.V'-;V - NEWS THAT .-X' ; ft V'', ' - , AT LIVING PRICES. . GIVE US A TKlALj - AT CANNON V1LLE. We Get a letter From a Frlcasl-Iter.is flnteretit. Tn lnnVir.cr nvcr the Standard ft few days ago, I noticed a statement f fo urpitrht of the bi2 trio, thai met at M J Corl's stable, but when I give yon figures of a round dozen at (Jannonville, jou will think Col. James Long and the balance of the trio nowhere. Just think of one dozen of men and women, tipping the scales at the enormous figures of thirty hundred pounds, one ton and a half of human flesh combined in one round dozen of human beings. No wonder the grocery business pays at Cannonviile, for it takes tons cf rashionsto keep such Jumbos in existence. The average of the big dczen is two hundred and fifty pounds, the least weight is two hun dred and twenty and the largest bulk of flesh pulls the scales at three hundred and twenty pounds. If the above can be surpassed in the S;affrwe will throw up the sponge. Cannonsvi.le is on a boom new buildings going up ia every uircc tion. and ail in ?ood health and happy with one dollar aitead, and if we get free coinage of silver 16 to 1 we will ba the happiest people oa earth with $17.00 in our pockets. Your reporter exaggerated a little oa Mr. Kluttz's new building, it will be a one story house with six rooms. .The, framing was complete today. Rev. Sides, of Scan'y county, is con tractor. The marriage bells were ringing around here last Sunday. One Mr. Mcoreand a Hiss Rassell were unit ed in wedlock'? happy joys. Kq Ritchie, of No. 6 township, officiated and made them one. Peace aud joy be theirs forever. -flfe'very honest thief broke in Sir. Holdhouser's store a f ew muis a j o and left without getting a cht-w of tobacco. He even prized the cash draw open and found thirty cents in change and would not ts.ka it. Sucu a thief ought to be regarded win gold medal. W. 0. F. He Saw it. A gentleman from Rockingham tells a good story about a colored man who came from that place to Raleigh in search of a job from the Legislature. He susy the negro the other night and asked him how he was getting along. -Well, lo:s," "said he, "I didn't get no job and I lost $29 by the trip but I'm glr.d 1 come. I have seen what I always wanted to see," "What is that Y' asked the gentleman. "A whitf man working under a nigger," s:U the darkey. He spoke cf one or Abe" Middldton's whita assistants. Raleigh Visitor, Bill IFoskiiis Gone. Bill Hoskins, the negro who was arrested and placed under a 50 bond for his appearance at this term of court for retailing liquor on our streets last summer, and who hung around town all wiuter, has made himself very scarce about town. He's gone, wfceie, we know no. It is also fuid that Green Prop3t, who was sutpiciontd for doing like Bill Hoskjna in regard to sellicg liquor, has skipped tod. meeting of Asj'Inni Directors. Lust night in the Hotel Caroiina, at Durham, the directors cf the Ox ford Orpnan Asylum met. Messrs. G Rosenthal and N B Bronghton went to Durham yesterday afternoon to attend this meeting. At this meeting the directors ar ranged for the receipt aad proper penditure of the generous donation tf five thousand dollars by Mr. B N Duke, which the Grand Lodge of M'.eons of North Carolina has dupli cated according t- the terms of the gift. This ten thousand dollars .will be used in improving the grounds and buildings and providing better c commodatiaos for the children. The annual report of the institu tion shows it in better condition than ever before in the history. Under the superintendence of Mr. Nathan M La vrence the insti.nrion is foig ing ahead. Raleigh Observer. Mr. Samuel Freeze Killed. Tuesday afternoon while felling a tree on his plantation near OaK Grove chnrcb, in Rowan county Mr. Samuel Yittz: was killed instantly by a tree falling on him and crush ing him to death. Mr. Freeze was about 45 years of age and was well known and has many- Telatives in this county. Eis remains were in terred Wednesday in the graveyard at Oak Grove church. foand a Cine. Magistrate And did you ever find any clue ta that murder mystery.' Officer Yes, - sir; tey'ye found the body of 'the murdered man, VOL.VI-NO. 54. TROY KEZZIAH. Wedding at Forest Hill Personals Otber&ewsby (ar Special Corres pondent. A quipt but beautiful marriage it was, at the home of the bride, Miss Rosa Kezziah, to Mr. 0 T Troy Tuess day night at 8 o'clock. The cere mony was performed by Rev. M A Smith in a beautiful and impressive manner. An elegant supper was served to the fortunate attendauts. Miss Sophia Paul is yisiting her sister, Airs. U X btratiord. Rev. M A Smith left this morning for Raleigh cn a business trip. Mr. O C Russell returned to Gaffuey, S. C, yesterday, where he is working. Mr. O L Shernli, cf Grant Hill, was in town yesterday looking for a suitable location for a borber shop. Mr.-W A Wilkinson is wearing a broad smile. It's a giri. Master Babe Young, better known as Forest Hill's singing roaster, is improving, to the gratification of his many friends. All About Nothing. Wednesday evening one Mike Reed a negro employed at the depot bad faithful Zin Crump arrested charging him with stealing two bars of soap from a box that had in oaie way bursted open at the depot. Two bar3 were missing from a case of one hundred and Zin was the accused A search was made in the freight room last night and the missing eoap found close to where the box iay. Zin has been working at the depot for s.x or seven Terrs and this is the 'first charge of dishonesty brought against him. We are glad to Know he is innocent. S&euld be Taken Often. There is a good etory told on a voung man Lore in the city. Some few Lights ago he went home late, and drunK a pint of yeast in mistake for buttermilk, lie rose three hours earlier the next morning. This remedy should be put into practice. Jfonnzite in Our Oliire. Mr. J A Kerr, of near Mooresviile, was in the city and left with us a specimen of niocazite, the mineral that is used by electricians, etc , and found only in Yv'ilkes, Iredell and Alexander counties in this country. Th'.3 whole section of the State is in a state -of craze ever thd finding of such profitable a mineral. The ore is worth from two to three hundred dollars per ton . We thank Mr. Kerr for this specK men,as no doubt our readers are anxi ous to see it A ISis IZTir!i n Offer. Mr. Joe Biackwelder, of Mill Hill, No. 3 township, Eent the Standard a huge hawk that was caught by him several days ago. It is a Democratic hawk, he siys, and sends it to do our clawicg. A email bell and chain was placsd around the neck of the hwk, with The Concord Stand ard ; January 24, '95," beautifully inscribed on the bell, and the bird let go. The Standard propo-e3 to'give to the mau who brings the beli and tne right hand cUw of the hawk Lack tc this office a year's subscription to cur weekly edition and a handsome necktie from any merchant in town. Doings in tne House Friday. Bills were introduced us follows: By Mr. Henderson, to compel fire insurance companies to pay the full value of the f aca of the policy; by Mr. Turner, if Mitchell, to provide for the election of the chief of the bureau of labor statistics by the Legislature on jjint ballot; by Mr. Bur-ih.m, to repeal the charter of West Asheville; by Mr. White, of Bladen, to pi mt shade trees in pub lic school grounds; by Mr. Monioe, to afford better fire protection and to furnish the female department of the insane asylum at Raleigh; by Mr. French, to prevent the adulteia tion of candy; by Mr. Winlorn, to amend the charter of Murfreesboro; by Mr. Croom, to rt-peal the act in regard to fishing in Northeast rivei; by Mr. McLean, to enact a law for the sale of liquor in. North Carolina on the plan of that in force in Mis eiesipui; by Mr. Lusk, to regulate the hours of labor for womep, chil dren and others in factories, making cine hours a day's work; also for the relief of ex-Shenff Reynolds, ot Buncambe; also for the maintenance of the Lindley Training school in Buncombe. Frightened t'hiltlern. Fiiday evening there came near being a serious accident on Depot street. A lose horss, running op aid down the sidewalks, was the cause. ' The children were just out of school and were greatly frighten ed rft the eight of tbe terrified beast. Had in not been for the timely as aistance of an old colored man, some child, rn'sht have been hart ' , DANIELS HAS AN OVATION. lie is Likely to Be Succeeded By Im. met Wormcr, ofGeorsia. Washington, Jan. 23 Although the resignation of Chief Clerk Dan iels, of the Interier Department, has not been accepted by the Sacretarv of the Interior, ihere are a number of applicants for the position and an equal number of names rumored as his successor. It is not probable that a successor will bo appointed for a month, the custom being to grant the outgoing official thirty days' leave. Emmet Woi mar, of Georgia, an assistant attorney for the department, will most likely suc ceed Mr. Daniels. Mr. Wormerwill be detailed as acting chief clerk for the next month, which practically means his appointment to the posi tion. Mr. Dauiele, the outgoicg official, was today given an ovation Tne heads of bureaus and clerks called npon him and expressed their sincere regret at the severance of his connectim with the department and the watch force presented him with a silver set as a token of the esteem. Aceident at Snlirsbury. Eill Whittington, a nfgro man who worktd around the dopot in Salisbury, was run over this (Thurs day) morning by the switch eugiue. Both legs were cnt off, and ia all probability the unfortunate man will die. Banana Fritters. We truly appreciate the elicits of those who attend to the kitchen af fairs, and we give a receipt for banana fritters : "jlaah tnree or tour bsnanas to a cream. Add one egg, one enp of flour, in which one teaspoonfal ol baking powder has teen sifted, u pioch of salt and one gi!l of sweet milk. One teaspoonful of lenon juice uiiiy-ca addad. 15 at until thoroughly mixed. Have the fat heated, as for doughnuts, &o that the batter will rise to the top in medi ately. Do not iu:ike flitters too large. Fry nu;.l well browneil, drain on Eoft prccr, bprinkle with powdered euger, and serve with lemon juice." Ko Guess Work About It. Several weeks ago we published an item in regard to the cold Enap, and as there was some doubt as to the exact date. Col. John a Barn hard i, of I ioner Mills, write3 us the fol lowing : "December 30, 1SS0, 5 degies3 ue low zero; December 31, 1880, 10 de grees b?!ow zero I made &i tnt-ry on my day book f.ni kaov the tv.t s are correct no guess work ubout it." riiis h exactly what we wanted and we thank our friend for the in formation. i Deatli of Rev. J as. 1). l'nrkor. The following is clipped from the Statesville Landmark: A friend ia New Orleans sends the Landmark a newspaper clipping an nouncing the death cf RcV. Jas. D Parker, which occurred in that city last Friday, 18th. Many of Sta es ville'B older citizens remember Mr. Parker. He was born in Gates county, N. C, m 181G. When a youth he went to Virginia, where he studied for the ministry cf the Methodist church and as ordained at the age of 25. He had no regular charge but engnged in mercantile en terprises of various kmtfs. In 1S53 new'.nt to-New Orleans and engag ed in the mercantile business. Two vears later he entered the active work of the ministry but soon rt signed for family reasons. He then entered the employ of a mercantile house and continued with it uuti the war came on and the city wm. captured by Gen. Butler, when bt lef t New Orleans and came to States vil.e. He lived here probably two yearswid merchandised, conduction a email store on the corner where the bank building no v stands. While living here bought a house and lot where Mr. W F Hall, Cr.'s, residence now stands. There was a frame house on. the lot at that ti ne. After the close of the war Mr. Parker returned to JVew OrlewE and re entered the establishment where he was previously employed He remained with this house till five or six years ago. Those who re member Mr. Parter during his resi dence in Stattvule speak of him as a lovable Christian mau who took much interest in Sunday schools and all good work. His oldest son, Rev. Robr, H Parker, is a member of the vVe3tern North Carolina Conference and is npw ia charge of the Metho dist church at Concord. " At Brazoria, Texas,' Thursday, Harry Masterson, an attorney, in -stantly killed R McChinn, a news paper correspondent, McCninn wa a witness in an important case and had? been atBrHzaria only minntes whe4 ilasteraon shot and' onrrendered. few CONCORD - N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY ' TOWN AND COUNT Y. A good crowd w.-s iu tbu touav, Tbe street force hare got to town A dull day in newd circles. - The bleachery is shut dawn for repaiw oa iha machinery. Tbe blasts of the chain gaug be yond rhe depot sounds like bnainess. The twenty-four hours are up aud we ere not yet thrashed. ' Sosie one aake ! U3 what the tin-. fLg r,jant. It means mad ! . Rock Hill, S. C, barely csatpei destructive fue Thursday night. Dr. J P Gibson Thursday f placed ninety-six new c'.nirs in Array Hall. The court hese bell rang prompt ly at 10 o'clock this morning, i Mr. Will Wilkinion.has a "-pleasant little visitor at his Loiht-.V. Some one tent to the Standard office for cheeao. Oar reporter C;u whistle now. Ilia female antigoni3t baj left the city. The morning scsi:on of 3omt was devoted to organizing liuJ the. o- lec'iDg cf the grand jury. Patent medicine men havi the not crowd today. Merchants an doing much. Two of oar young men went cut o-i a rquirrel hunt WsJncsdav and !iDt cue rabbit. Mr. and Mrs. James 0 Wiilefor 1 hay? l,il;e.t rooms with E.t-Shcri sicrrison, on Spring street. A Chicjgo gruud jury has dueled that a umn's s ice3 aro deLly weapons. Bat than it was Chicago. A key vvs fomui oa the sljC-t.nd eft at this office. Owner A ui 'g-.-t 1 same by notice. paying 10 cqn'ts for lias An iroa'f encej afrKfitilstau .it,!, has bseTp.:yed a.vour.d laS lot in the Lutheran ixxiery of tbe late S.riiuel W Bracken. The festive red-broaj: re Lain is in the laad. i"e heard a number of countrymen, talking of their e.irly appearance. Mr, W L Misenlitiaior, win lives just one mile wett cf town, Lilled :t heg several days siuca that weiched 452-i pounds, it.bting 12 months old. Dr. Ilolden, a specialist, is oa iL:; streets foJay extracting teeth with out in. Il-j'fl lightning tOOth nuller. A iii"le died in the lot ia Hie ivav of Cauiions & Fetor's, . icme peo ple thonght it vp.3 Bilij'o ghost, but such Yi&s not the case. She. "'I suppose there are some rehuing influences at work m Wash ington J" He. "Oh, yes ; yon ksow the agents of the Sugar Trnsi are still theie." Minister. ;I notice our collections have greatly increased siacy Brother Yahnkij b?g?.n p-isslng tha plate. He must Lave a very persuasive way." Deacon. "Yes ; he was at cue time a policeman." The Italians are probably fighting the negroes in Africa to determine which sh-.ill have the monopoly of tbe boot-blaekng business. February lab the salaries o nSn f-mpioyes or tho 1? ionda Central cc Peninsular Railroad will be reduced 10 per cent. The reason given for the cut 13 the falling off in earnings, dae to the destruction of the orange crop by tbe fretzo. Some of train men threaten to stake. Tenprnee friend of Senator H;ir rid residing in Washington are pre paring to give him a barque: ia honor of his re election. Senator Harris i3 tho only man Tenne3?ee ever elected to t he Unites Stages Sen ate for the fourth term. Bill Iloakma, u negro, wa3 tried and convicted for sellirg whiskey and got a sen'ence f ten davn w. the chain pang. Thi3 " was the January term, 1804. . George i'jice. a white man, was convicted for thr same ofiusnse this court. He gets five months on the puVdic .road. Law 13 enrioua, hnt just, so it ia clulmer1. A Warren, Ind., telegram cys : "Hugh Alexander hns returned from Columbus, O , bringing with him John ,H Swaim, 00 years old, to the home of. bis daughter, Mrs. O E Crum. Mr, Swbioi left his home at Salem, N. C, about 1810, leaving farm,' wife and nine children, all trace of him having been lost for years. Several years ago the rela tives organized and began searching for him. nd finally found him at Colnmbup, O , where he owns-large property." . .: A lig -Jreve cf fine mules st; uck town Thursdiy evening. H-.ise swapping draws as large a crowd as court. Tbe northbound passenger train due here at 7:38 this mormv.g, did not reach here until 'I o-clock this afternoon. The rata ba? caused the medicine men much dsspleasure todiy. Their lungs did not get their u?ual amount of cxtrciie. :trs. James aanders, whj or ir. Sanders, of Marietta, Ga, committed suicide Thursday by shooting her self through tho head. A lundalide near Ayersyille, Ga., ou the Air Line road, was the cause of the delay of train3 for the pai 18 hours. The magnitude of last years - coru crop is now apparent, inasmuch as taaslcdeg got in it3 work on several of the court attendants. ilio iarmer and laborer may not be able to get thing3 on time, but the jewelers do u good deal of that kind of business. The negro who v is knocked down cud run over in Salisbury Thursday, was drunk at the time. His name was William Whitty. He lived or.ly three houri after the accident. Mr. J Liwson Peck, the good and faithful Democmt, of No. 7 town ship, gav2 us a pleasant call. He is attending court, Come again, brother. Two men held up a train on the Oatton Belt railroad, npar McNeil, Ar';aiiS:;s, about 7 o'clock "Wecnes d:. nigtt. Th-.y went through the express car, but the amount of money tiken 13 not known. The Grocers' Union of Charlotte have decided to quit purchasing oil from the Standard Oil Company bfcausa they handle an irferior finality. It voaldn'c bs a bad ider. for some ot our merchants to do likewise " Rcabn F Kolb, rf Alabamc, lias broke losq f.gain. He ha3 tent to the legislature -niessae, sigz bis nnme an Governor and warning the roloiia of their constitutional Prominent court ciuciai3 were in a state of anxiety Friday over the non-eppearauee of Dr. Strong, of the Charlotte Dj.mocrar. After ; good doa' of argument, it was de cided that owing to fie fact that Thardiy was the Democrat's publi cation daj, the doctor would be ex cased Ibis once, andthe court pro c?ed to business. The Landmark rays last Thursday Hie 17th, Ed. Davidson, colored, was round dead ia a ditch about a mile from the college. Davidson i3 sup posed to hare been killed on Decern ber 24 by a blow from a stick in the hands cf an unknown person. His pockets had been turned inside out and his watch and mouey, save $2, had D-.-en taken. Circumstances point to another negro, who has since gone to Texas, as the guilty party. Kev. George L Aaamson, a miss sionaryof the Southern Presbyterian Church to 'the Ciago Free State, Africa, is visitnig Rey. W C Alex ander. Mr. Adamson ia the especial missionary of the First Presbyterian church cf tnis city and tbe purpose of his visit is to make the acquaint anca of this congregation. He will occupy the pulpit of the First churcb tomorrow at both services. Every body is invited to hfar kirn. From an ife'm iu our issue of Fri day, in which we spoke of Judge Whit'aker's sentence in the case cf Bill Hookins, a negro, one would in fer that it was intended us . a hit at Judje Iloykin for bij sentence iu the case of George Price, a white man, for the cams (.flense whiskey sells, j rig. We did i;i.t mean that Judge Bdykin'ri feniefiO.a was to severe, no indeed. We morel; reniirkfd tLa' it loiked curioiM, ns Ilo-kios and Pric; were tried under ihe same law for the- si'jsa offense, Iloakins et tiug i cn diys and PrL'e fi :e month?. We inomf. iio r-fWtiou vaa?ever npou tbe honest decision of Jadg Bjvkin some peem to think. iOIiiy Concern. ADy one bftvicg sowing machines cr o ff ms out of repiir.beLro swap piui? or bujiug, call and sc-o me. L can ruaKe tnem as .good as new Parts f arniBhed if needed. I ca give good reference if wanted. If your machine has been running five years an it needs oleic? and re -.ads justim?, or if it has " been running twenty-five jears I can make it as t:od as new at a nominal cost- - ,D. W. S.MDEE. Sewice machine and organ repairer. J.'ncorj, x. IJ. itesidence on Chprch street, nearj.il- -See HlffTl. f23 3d, 1895. WOKK OF THE SOLON?. Bills nnU Kesolotious In the House Thnrndiiy, Air. Lnsk, to pay Edward & Broughton 100 for binding 100, copies of the Code; Mr. Turner, of Mitchell, that this house meat at 0;30 aud udjourn at 1:30 p. m.; Mr Smith, of Stanly, to allow the At lantic and Danville railroad certain rightt; Mr. Petree, to amend section 1, Chapter 448. Laws of 1893; Mr, Johnson, to repeal chapter 22 rub.iti haws 1SS3; Mr. Peace, to amend section 03, chapter 216, Laws 1893; Mr. Buchanan, for relief of tbe Clerk of the Superior Court of Clay county; Mr. Phillips, of Ran do'ph, to authoriza the Treasurer of Randolph fcountv to piy school claims; Mr, Bagwell, to equalize tax atioD; Mr. Abbott, to encourage tbe common schools of North Carolina; Mr Hooker .1 (by request).;, for relief of Richard Lane; ,Mr. Howard, to repeal " chapter 401 Lws 1893; Mr. Baker, to repeal chapter 528, Act 18D3 ; Mr. Baker, to abolish days of grace; Mr, Julian, to amend chapter 148, sec tion 8, Laws 1891, relief of James M Monroe; Mr. Williams, of Craven, to limit the punishment of larceny ia cer .am rases ; Mr. Flack, to m- cor. orate Rock fa u rings Camp Gromd in Rutherford county; Mr. Ycnig, to incorporate the Union Society. Mr. William?, of Craven, to reg ulate judical sales in Craven county; Mr. Elledjre, to repeal cahnter 469. Pub Laws 1893; Mr. White, to re quire the Speaker to keep his eyes on the members and not on the gallery (Committee on Gal.'ery). Leaves ol' Absence L?ayes of absence were granted to Mr. MeClammy for two days; indtfi nite leave of absence for Mr. Camp bell, Mr. Johnson, of Sampson, anti' Monday, Mr. Etheridge till Monday; indifiuite leave for Curry, of Cum berland. Mr. French, asktd for suspension of rules to pass the nev rules, said it could Ke done in five mioutes. Mr. Peebles thought it would take ooine time to disc iisouss the mV-! ,id he would ruptSikes fi Mr. French said the matter at the expiration morning hour l-riday. of the SAM SMALL'd PAPER SUED. Kev. John K. .Hasscy the Complainant ana label the Charge. .Norfolk, Va , Jan. 23. Suit was entered today in the circuit court of the city of Koifolk by Hon. John E Massey, Superintendent of Educa tion of Virginia, against the Norfolk Pilot, a Prohibition newspaper, Sam W Small, i's editor, the directors of the compaoy, and R E Byrd, a laws ycr cf Winchester, Va, for libel. The sum is 850,000. The suit is the lesult of tbe charge made by the Pilot that Mr. Massey was bribed by the American Book Company to se cure that company's contracts with the State of Virginia for furnishing books to the public school children Leading connsel for Mr. Massey are Alfred P Thorn and Judge John Neeley, of Norfolk. The notice of suit was filed this afternoon and the process made returnable to the first term in February. The charges made by the Pilot affect Governor O'Ferall and the Hon. R. Taylor Scott, Attornev General of the State, who aie, with Mr. Massey, the board of education which gives out the contract. The trial of the cast1, which promises to be a celebrated one, will be watched by Ihe people of Virginia and of the entire coumry with great interes. runted to Know Why. Not every oue in the world has a great-grandfather, but little Gracie had one, aud she was very fontl of him, too. She liked to study the net work of wrinkles in his kind, withs ered old face ; and, above all thingc, she delighted to sit iu his lap and hear him discourse on the Good Book, from A.dam to John. One evening he was telling her about the flood and Noah and hi- 8 earn yr.cht,"oO very, Vfry long ago."' L'o little Grace K finite period of time earlier ihaa her great-grandfather's birth waa inconceivable, so she licked : Were you with Noah in i ha ark, grano par "No, d arv I wssn V Grace looktd puzzled. ' "Well then," she aiked, "why were't you drowned ?" Btirkleu'a Arnica naive. The Best Salve in tie world for Cut3, Bruise,' Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruplione, and positively cares Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 center pe x. For Bale at P. B, tier's Drug ctore WHOLE NO. 354 I Highest of all n Leavening Power. Latest U. S. GomJI Report. THE PREACHER IS DEAD. Synod RefiiHeU to Admit Hone te En e f:isewbere--The Man Who Wrote a Whiskey Book ami; Whom the Kortn Carolina Synod Refused to Admit la Dead. The following is from the Greens, boro Record: Our readers will recall the big law suit involving the pastorate of Frie. den'a church near Gibsonville. The congregation became divided, one crowd, tryirg to remove Rev. J R Sikes, the pastor, the other sounding by him. A suit was tried at Septem ber term to oust mm. An injunc tion was prayed but the Rev, Mr. Sikes won. He has been in very poor health for years and since November has been confined to hia bed. Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock he died. Mr. Sikes was in his sixty-third year and had been pastor of Frieden's church for sometime. This man Sikes wrote a book on "Scriptural Reasons why Pichibi- tion is Wrong," and did nothing to discourag? the abusive nse of spiri's. His book has been used by whibkey men, us a campaign literature iu a number of contests North end Wi tt. When a candidate for Friedeu's pastorate, he was twice rejected; bat on a stated occasion a number of his admirers n et ar.d elected him pustor. This was pro'.ested against without effect by a large portion oMhe con gregation. This man applied for admission to the North Carolina Lutheran Syncd. The Synod did rot regard Mm a proper subject for membership and Mr. Sikes left the scene. Tne op posing element to Sikes in the con gregation was recognized by Synod as the congregation.--ini lo-tfcs ac- fore1 ge Hoke to oust Rev. from procession of the church property, the accltsiasticai law was ignored by the Judge (something that has never before occurred, it is said) and bedeclin:-d to grant the prayers of the protesting congrega tion, backed up by the presence and testimony of officers of the Synod. Of course there are two sides to every question, even a plank has two sides to it. Though Mr. Sikes possib ly was true to his own conscience he has stirred up a big muss, which, as a gentleman expressed it, death alone would settle it. The North Carolina Lutheran Synod always refuses membership to such men, A Mule on Fire. A mule belonging to a drayman was carried to Page & Medliu's blacksmith shop to b? shod. While the blacksmith was working on a horse the drayman pourel a lot oi turpentine on a sore shoulder of the mule. It ran down the mule s leg and the leg coming in contact with a hot iron set the terpentine ablaze. The mule got inghtenf aanct ran up tbe street ablaze. Some by-stander ran with a bucket of water, and throwing it on the mule saved it from a- fiery death, Charlotte Ob server. The Oltl Veteran Better. Mr. V N Mitchell, who wr.s so critically ill at his heme in No. 5 township writes us the following: "I wish to return thanks to my kind neighbors through the columns of your valuable paper for tbe many acta of kindness conferred 90 me during my confinement this wiu'er Verily, they shall not lose their res ward. "I also appreciate the kindly nt tices in regard to my affliction from time to time 10. the Standard. Loot- live tbe Standard. Yours Truly, V. N. MncTELL A letter received today by relative from Morristown, Tenn., sta'es that Mr. Thomas M D.aton, a former resident of this city, is critical, if not hopelessly ill. - Mooresviile ia to have a mayor's office and a calaboose. Heretofore the town commissioner 'have wnif tied sticks and fficially comniuned around ths coziest s'oie stove. Mr. Martin Fiarr, of No. 10 ton ship, billed a hog this week that weighed 698 pound. It had to be cut np and weighed in three parts. This beats any story we haye heard. Mr. Fnrr will not hav anything but T will ni T rood stoc COURT PRCCEEDINFS John Hall Found tintlty Cbarlcal Braille, Kot Guilty. The cenrt room was packed to ita utmost, Friday evening and muck intesest was manifested in the trial of JoLTHall, for assault with deadly weapon, npon Cicero I'homp fon, was so severly carved np the 6 th of Noveitber last. The Jury took the case latt night about 9 o'clock and this (Satuiday) morn ing, the jury decided that Hall was guilty. A fine of $50 and cost was 1 imposed npon Hall. Charles Branic, colored, who waa tried for criminal assault npon Mary; Gibson, was found net guilty. Torn Moore was convicted for abandoning his wife, the sentence not yet passed, up to press time. ..c luuiii xiao mule aiaciiuama than any previous court in manyl years and the order is good. Though the day is cold and rainy, court proceeds. ' T:e following esses have been tried up fo noon to day, Frii;:iy : State vs. Joe Cruie, ?.g-.ult and. bat'ery, guilty ; $15 a::d cost. St ite vs. b.m MehaHV:', Joe I'at-i tersou, John Johns.:. a::d Jim. Rose, allray. i'ach cf ! hese partiea were fined $3 and cost. Stat-; vs. Sam Mthau.-y, dUtcrbiDg religious worship, not guilty. State ys. Tish Littles, Lilly Long, Catherine Gren, Jack Reed, and llariah Love. Mariah Loye and Jack Reed, not iuiltr. Lilly Long and Catherine Reed, cuTi'fcJrifl ment suspended on payment of cost The trouble was family row. In the case of State against Geo?Sliice, for retailing whiskey without license, Price was found gnilty in one and acquitd I He was sentenced to five m county jail, and assigned to on tne public roads of Cabarrna county. State vs. Hallman Fink and Mrs. Dr. Dan Fink, assault, guilty. Judg-. ment suspended on payment of cost. Siate vs. Ed. Hagins, carrying concealed weapon, Gnilty. Judgi ment suspended. State against Walter Alexander assault with eadly weapon, plead guilty. Judgment suspended , on payment of Cost. btate vs-Ojot a itzjarald, larceny, guilty. Sentence not passed. In the case asainst John H Teeter, for misdeneanor, the defendant was, acquitted. taood t'itizeun or Criminals? The censns of the United States Bhows that ia our country in 1850 one person out of eyery 2,44? was eent to prison for crime. In 1860 one person out of every 1,647 was sent to prison for crime. In 1S90 one person out of every 757 was sent to prison for crime. few StatM-eis-ratlddoes nfl hold, but npon the whole the swell baa been continuous as a ; tide that has no ebb. Are not the bare facts of the cens sus alarming. Let the people think. HEART DISEASE. Fluttering, No Appetite, Could' not Sleep, Wind on Stomach. Tor a long time I had a terrible pain at my heart, which fluttered al- . most incessantly. I had no appetite and could not sleep. I wouiaV-be- compelled to sit np in bed and belch gas from my stomach until I thought every minute would be my last. There was a feeling of oppression about my heart, and I was afraid to draw a tull breath. I couldnot sweep -aroom. ' '-out restlr ' indtodfttry; DnAii::3yI and am happy to r I now have as? sleep well. , Ita t veloua." , MKa.HAEBTE.' Dr.Mllaa Heart t Guarantee that U .11 druggist ael It will be Bent, t fcyUieDr.kukfc 5 rcne, i - 1