THE STANDARD THE BARB. TUBN3 0TJT " -raiNi c iiie Wjws that is .yews FORI YEAR " SEW U; 1 DOLLAR. GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PKICE3. VOL. VI-NO. 56. CONCORD- N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY d4, 1895. WHOLE NO, 356 GIYE US A TRIAL 1 In E! 'CjT-AjV" ' Ik'" 4 KORNER WRITES. The weather is in the ex trenie of chnngefulneas. Th present influence of Jupite: and Mars on 'this mundane sphere hs its equal only in that of a sugar trust lobyist on the United States Senate It has chilled and dampened everything save the fervor of tk womalMjffrage advocator and the aidor of a !Fueion Legislature. As for me and my house we are hoping that the hog and hominy, inter-" epersed here and there with that hirsaite appendage, in common par anceinownes rabbit, will prolong its star nntil the fitful season is over. - Hog and hominy, unless in cooperated with some culinary vege table, is very monotonous diet, 3Iy of t repeated failures to exchange at anything - like an equil value car tridges and partridges precludes the possibility of decorating my menu card with that delicacy, quail pie. This inability, Mob on my part is neither wilful nor premeditated, enbtrftcts from this otherwise appe tite persuader, all its economical and homelike aroma ; so we are pfOSewreBori. iu iuu uuuirbbicairu barnyardNillfor our plumaged luxuries. The (finSrefifieJietween the two I may venture to say iir&bput on a par with Mr. Cleveland's dis tmction between gold and silver, both as to quality and size. And I might add that the gold is about as far out df my reach as the partridges. Sometimes our plain, homely fare fails to please the eye or charm the palate. It even pulls upon our muBCulo-membrauous reservoir; then we have "recourse to that most nota- ' ble, hunger satisfying esculent, the sleek candle appendaged opossum Like a populietic campaigner this marsupial quadruped is a nocturnal peradtalator and gathers his sua tenance whilst others are wrapped in the arms of Morpheus or in bed. The procuring of this epienrian feast in its original simplicity is economical and invigorating and interesting. We Biniliugly boycott the powder ai d lead trust meander forth just after supper and the twi light ha3 disappearedjwith nobther -paraphernalia than thooe necessary luxuries that adorn every well regu lated household an axe and i hound then in the wee ema' Lours we return ladened with a noonday meal dangling from a split etick. This trophy is as . dear to U3 as a senatorial seat is to a populist or the gold reserve to Mr. Carlyle, not merely for i8 intrinsic ortb, tut as an exponent of our discernment, sagacity and expanded judgment in dealing with the obstr use. question of supply and demand. I begin to think we Tar Heels are as changeable as this weather. We have change on the brain. It has become epidemic. Our heart throbs come welling up from our m'most recesses panting for change of diet, ' change of air, change of scenery change of climate and pocket change Last fall an attack of political chaue permeated every nook and corner of our governmental anatomy and benold! that change hath changed or abolished almost all things. If ta premeditated Thanks- giying day is annulled, Stanly tur kevs will be a drug cn the market "With fear and trembling" I am looking for the introduction of an ect to change Sunday to a more con . veoientday or congenial clime. I ""IT sometimes think that even I am, Felix hSe,-4almo8t persuaded" to bt a changling at least I have gone so - far as to agree to give the boys a "-Tielping hand in their infatuation for cnangeana giye me oia cominuu- ealth another political somersault in 1896. We will see many changes ere then.' bnt finance and tariff will i be to the f oi e. The world will still F go round with the whirligig of time and rich and poor, (one of which go sum) will hang on grasping with many a heart ache for change. . This troublesome, tangled skein of life, With its longing ana vain regrets, - Would blissful be if a man could live on the interest of his debts." , ' . .... I see that Mr, Parsons, of Ilvde county is the popular Populist poet uf the State Senate. . -, The Rep and Pop collusion. Was the office seeker's dream; Now, the merry son of fusion, a. "v ' I the poet I'arson's theme. - - . ' . With petitions and connter peti- i. - lions for a higher rate of taxation ; i for graded schools and streets the : kicking about our fire fly lights """V - the question of turning some of the ; 1 corporation out to grass of electing - commissioners by wards and sundry i ; . other little things too tedious to , men tion'l lcok for a merry time the next muni 'f'campaign X nblica Som Nort can pa- pe rs are profuse over our Jnew sena tor but they dub him Hon. "Pefer' Prifcbard. Thy name shalt not be Jeter but "Peter" for this' rock shal be eur southern Republican corner stone. Korner HOW VERY CONCERNED. Peopie Will RMk QncMtiotiH, Bany Hy or So Jesse Hamilton is Long Suffering. Dr. Johnson has a very nice desk It was not large enough, so he bought another and the old one will be used for another purpose in the office. His clerk, Jesse Hamilton, is a long Buffering man, or else he'd had a convulsion and put a head on a fellow Wednesday evening, and stopped an avalanche of questions Here is a sworn copy of a catechism lesson Mr. Hamilton went through Wednesday evening t the hands of another one in business in town; Q. Where did you buy it? A Sold from Atlan'a but shipped from New York factory. Q Y'here are yon . oing to .pus it? A Where the old des iio is. Q What are you going to do with the old desk? A Put it where tCe new desk is now. Q Vi hat are you going to change for? tV We want the new desk at the old pLce, J3 Whv? A'Tgeed a larger desk. Q Why dcuvt you sell the old desk? A. Want it for use as a perecript- ion desk. Q Jid yon buy it or get it as a premium? A Bought it and paid for it, by uniri! ,' o , Q How much did you pay for it? A I can't say. .-' Q Did you pay more for it than the old one? A Y s. Q Haw much more? A C-.o't say. Q Uj? A Dm't want to. Q A:-e you going to use the old one or ii Doctor? Q Is it locked? A Yes. Q, Why don't you open it? . A Don't want to. Q Have you got a kej? A Yes, two. Q What for a looking key is ii? A Here it is. Q Humph! three tumbler Iock, lets open it. A All right. Q When are you going to change places. A In a day or two. Q Why don't you chang? no? A I want to see Doctor first. Q What for? A To see how he wan? s it. Q How much longer is it than the old one? A Six inches, Q Will it go in the old place? A No. Q How are you going to put it in? A C it out six inches of the shelf. Q A e vou going to move the safe? A Y;s." Q Are you going to keep your papers in the new one? A Ys, Fome of them. Q Wren will doctor be borne? A T lis evening. Q Will you move it tomorrow. A I expect we will. If we decide to move iL tomorrow we will give you notice and aek your help and ad vice in the very grave . and porten tious undertaking and if yon have any friends who would like to see it they can have the priyilege for the insignificant sum of 25 cents. ' Evidences of Void Weather. Tfce water pipes froze np and bureted, all over town, Thursday night." Water froze in some rooms where the fire was kept np during the night. On some stoves wa'er could not be made to boil. Several parties are reported to have waked up with ice pegs about their mtuths. A thin coat of ice is reported to have formed over several wells in town. Pigs, lying close together, are re ported to haye frozen together and had to be thawed before they could move. Several cows could not be milked until thawed." About the only thing in town that did not freeze are the electric lights. the dummy railroad irons and the brass of the newspaper dead beats . In speaking of big beeves, Mr. Wi.'ey Troutman recently killed one for J M Udell that weighed 685 pounds net. This beats Graber's big stef S9 pounds. Prtterson.'Wiley Wedding. Yesterday was a cloudy, raw daj and in the afternoon snow began to fall, which kept np to past the hour set for the mairiage to come off at Sheltcn Memorial church, but large crowd was present to witness the ceremony. The contracting parties were Mr. Edwin Milas Patterson, a popular conductor of the Southern Railway, and Miss Cadie Janette Wiley, -only daughter of Mrs. M J Wilej. The handsome church had been neatly decorated. . On the pulpit platform were plants and flowers and shaded lamps. The platform was also tastily covered with white cottons, and the step leading to the platform was covered with the same material. . The bridal party reached the ves tibule of the church on the minu'e. 8;30 o'clock, and ai the organ, pre' sided over by Mr. E L Keesler, of Concoid, N. C, sout-ded Mendels shon's wedding march, came in, in the following order : First, the usher?, Messrs. C W Sublett, George Harvey, Harry Pier son and Mortimer White, who marched do-vn to the alter by the right and left ais'ee. Then came the groom down the ight aisle and his best man, Mr. Clarence Iyans of Chorlotte, N. C, down teeltftailse. Down the center aisle came the ridearxin arm with Miss Delia Man 4 Chiem of Lynchburg, the maid of honor. . She wore in a most J3eceffiing manner a gown of white silk, en trame, tnmma wilu riboon and lace. The conventional veil fell gracefully from a coronet of orange blossoms fastened with a diamond ornament. She carried a lovely bouquet of bride's roses. The maid of honor wore white or gandie, trimmed with lace and rib bon, and carried a bouquet . of roses. On reaching the alter, the bride and groom met and walked upon the platform, fo!!ow3d by the best mm and maid o' honor and the ushers, who formtd a ha'f circle around the bride -and groom. Here thej were met by Rev. W T Doggctt, who in a most impressive manner made two loving hearts one. The bride and groom during prayer knelt upon hassocks which had been placed upon the platform. The ceremony over, the wedding party left the church in reverse ors der, while the, organ pealed forth Lohengrin's march. The leception which followed at the home of the bride's mother on Church street was a grand affiir. It wa3 a real old Virginia wedding sup per. The table was handsomely set in the dinning hall, and fairly groaned under the weigh that lay upon it. There were twelve large cak-s of different kinds, the bride's cake occupying the centre; frui s candies, nuis, chocelate, tea, coffee, hams, seven turkeys, wines, jellies, etc. Theie were a number of ia vited guests, ana all enjoyed them--elves. When time came to leave the bride and groom stood at the centre door and received congratu lations and best wishes of their company. . There was a large nuaber of presents, and all of them useful and serviceable. The brtde is a most estimible young woman, aud has a large num ber of young friends in Neapolis, and other places, both in Virginia and North Carolina. The groom is a conductor on the Southern railroad, id a native of Concord, N. and is greatly loved by the railroad employes and has a large circle of friends in Neapolis. Mr and Mrs. Patterson leaves this morning lor lam pa. Jacksonville and St. Augustine, Florida, and will be gone about three weeks. On their return they will reside in this town. Danyille (Va) Register. Ueatli From Tight JLnciuf;. A verdict of suffocation from tight lacing was returned as the in quest held a' Preston as to the deatL of Amy Badden, who di d at a den tist's 8urger,yafter-reeov?Kng from the application of gas. It was stated that tbe girl had habitually laced herself. She was then wear ing stays nearly five inches tod small. The left side of the heart was greatly contracted and the right much distended. Mr. Hileman thinks our figures of 18 for to 13 iigainst the cumulative plan in the Populist caucus i are not correct that there were not so many gainst it. Give us the figures Mr. Hileman or the "nnlucky thirteen" will down cumulation. Raleigh Observer. Skating was fine on Phsrr's pond. TOWN AND COUNT Y. The beautiful fell in glorious flakes Wednesday evening. . Wh.vj the ground hog got to do with it, anyway ? This Weather must be tough on those who do not wear socks. R;v. 0 O Lyrely is r Jbuine an academic school at Bithe', Stanly county. - Mr. D B Coltrane is on the sick list. He was unable to get ou; to day, Something like grip. Rev. M G ( bcherer, of St. James Lutheran church, is quite sick. I is possibly the gvip. Ritz is putting up new scenery in the Gibson Hall. Tne stage 13 oe mg overnauled. Rev. B S McKenzie, who has been laboring m New York, has received and accepted a call to Hiflsboro, N C. A petition, asking for the increase m the rate of taxation in Concord. as been introduced by Mr. Hileoiau Koruer writes today. He's oq changes. In fact he has changed the day of writing all is change, except pocket change. Mr. J Whit Burkhead. secretary and treasurer of the Cabarrus Cot ton Mills, is very eicK at his horn south of Concord. The prohibition biil introduced y request of the W. 0. T. U, has been unfayorably reported by the committee to which it was referred Jabez Myers, who figured exten- yely in Charlotte several months ago, 13 now connected with tho Buford Hotel of Charlotte. No attempt has been in this Legis, lature to change the Lord's Prtyer. The reason may be in the fact that so few of them know it. Jards are out for the marriage of H A Latham, editor of the Wash ington, N. 0. Gazotte to Miss EUa Osmonia Reed, of Biltmorp, .N. C Feb. 19 at midday. ilr: Ii Keesier and Misses Addie Patterson and Bertie Quantz have r turned from Danville, Va., .vhere they attended the marriage of Capt. Ed. Patterson. The residence of Judge Bryan, at Newbtrn, was nearly destroyed by fire on Wednesday. The loss to tbe building is about $5,000 and to the furniture $1,500. The wife of a Mr. Rogers, near Salisbury, and daughter of Mr. Caleb Fisher, of No. 3, Cabarrus, died Tuesday. Her remains were buried at Trinity Lutheran church. No, 4, on Wednesday. Quite a lot of campers from a dis tance toot up quarters in the rear of Mr. Dayvault's store Wednesday night. Mr. Dayvault showed them lots of courtesies, enough to make them comfortable. Bishop Fitzrerald says: ;It is diffcult to see how one can secure greater pleasure and profit from ar evenings entertainment than by at tending one of Prof. lord's re citals." Mr, Sandy Msrs, of No. 11 whose affliction with paralysis has been noted in these columns, died Wednesday morning. Mr. Mjers was a quiet citizen, who attended to his own affair 8. For a long time he was mail carrier on Flowe's store route. Mr. Jno. W Wads worth, of Char lotte, whose eerious illness has been noted in this paper, aud father of Mr. Jno. V Widsworth, of this place, is greatly improveu. Tuia will be glad news to his many friends in Concord. It will coma to rass tnat nil the churches will adopt the plad of Tryoit Street Methodist Church at Cnarlotle in the uiatter of separate communion cups for eacti members The teachiugs of medical tcience re quire this. Wilmington Messiengpr Little Cleve'and Foreman, infatr son of Mr. J C Foreman, of Silyer, this c.unty, while playing in the yard tbe other day was eten to fall on his face, and on some one going to him it was found that he was dy ing. He lived only a few minutes. He was only about 20 months old. The cause of his death is unknown. Stanly News. - The Charlotte News of Wednes day Bays: Mr. Jas. N Brown, ano d veteran, who fought in the Mexican and subsequent wr.vand .who' has been a true blue Democrat through thick and thin, is here today. Mr. Brown is outside of Concord today for the first time in 20 years He is a type of the gallent old South ernera of whom there is now bat too few left. EVANS' PROBABLE COURSE. Advisers lr)fc;nim to Await the coneiasion of Frand investigation. Nn8hville,Tenn., Feb. 7 n. Clay JEvans, who yesterday took oath office as Governer cf Tennessee, does not tpppar to be in a hurry about as eerting bis right to the position. No legal steps have yet' been taken compel the deliyery of the executive office into his keeping. - Mr. Evans' probable course will be to perform some act required of the Goyernor, then call on the courts to enforce his authority. Some of me auwaeiB nave urgea mat ne await! k : , - j , ,., , the conclusion of ; the investigation to be made of alleged f ran Is by the legislatiye committee appointed for that purpose before making any further moye. This advice is founded on a belief that the inyestr- gation can be turned to Evan's ad- vantage in spite of the partisan bia3 of the committee. why i.cnve on interest o lone? in it77, uev. bolcmon Pool, who was Preside t of the Uaiveisity, ob- tiined a judgement against the.trus tJtsof the University ' for $4,000 and Interest from February 1877, for services at the Jniyersity. In 16b7, tne Legislature paid 4,090 stipulating that it should be in full payment. "On account ofextreme poverty tne Dor. as were taken, but protest against this being a full discharge w?s filled nith the State Treasurer. Now a bill will be in- troduced asking for the interest public, and their was a large audi form 1887. Raleigh Observer. Butler presided. Rev. Dr. J W All thi3 brings up the recollection Carter, pastor of the First Baptist of some mighty bad and ugly North church of Raleigh, prayed. Butler Carolina history, such as wc might introduced Wille'p, of Kansas haye thought no North Carolinians National Alliance lecturer, who, in would be founl making, at least troduced Mann Page, of Virginia, when there was so much general suf . the memorial orator, who read his fering and sadness. To a man np a address. It occupied an hour and a tree, $4,000 seems enough reaiun- half, and v as mainly a sketch of eration. ZZTi't free Pill. S.-nd your address tc H E Buck len & Co., Chicago, and get a free 8timpIebox of D,-. King's New Life Pills'. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy iu'action and are particularly effect lveln the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liyer troubles they have-beea proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from eyery deleteri- I feel it my duty to call the atttn ocs substance and to be purley tion of the good people jd the town vegeiauje. xaey uo not weatten oy their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly mvigor ate the system. Regular size 25c per box. Sold store. a. Fetzer's Drug Too llad ! Too Bad ! The Landmark has private, but perfectly reliable information from Raleigh that State Senator B R Brown, of Yadkin, one of the mem bers from this district, is on a big drunk and his been for Beveraldays. This news is not a great surprise to Democrats. Mr. Brown was a mem ber of the Legislature from Yadkin in 1879 and during that session got drunk and acted so disgracefully that a resolution was brought up to expel hni. This tjaa charged on liiui m ie cuuipaiu liieu xttu nuu uc i didn't deny ir, but the "reformers," including uoar.y so'Calleu prohibi tionists, voted for him nevertheless. Brown is not of our way of think ing in politic.?,- but we very much regret that he is making an exh bi tion of himse'jf. Statesville Land mark. Ail Free. Thoatj who have used Dr. Kiage New Discovery know its yalne ana those who hare not, now have the otDortnnity to try it free. Cali . - . . j n : -i. l ret on tne auveruaeu uruggiab nuu g trial bottle free. Send jour name 4nd address to H E Bucklen & Co., Chicago and get a sample box of Dr. Kmg'uNew Life Pilla f ree, as well as a copy of Guile to Health and Household Instructor free. All. of vv'iicb is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Fetzer's Drug store, The general average registered by the thermometers in town, so far re ported, is at zero, h'everal have run the mercury down to fourbelo zero. Tfiisis at.oirt a correct statement to go out to th? world. Dr. Gibson, ho ke pa -n close watch on the weather changes, reports the loweBt oint for the mercury at two de grees below zero. EucKlen'H Arnica Mtlvc. The Best Salve in te rorU for Cut3, Bruisje, Sores, U.cers, bait Rheum, Fever Sor"S, Teuer.unafpea Hands. Chilblains, Corns and all kin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay . required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or monev refunded.- Price 25 orntsr pe box. For sale at F, B. Fetzer's Drug etore MONUMENT CEREMONIES. Kxerelses at Cemetery and Hall Raleigh, Feb. 7 The Legislature had a brief session, m order to at- of tend tbecermonien at tfie laying of the corner stone of . the L L I'olk - 1 monumeut. "A worse day could not have occurred for, Buch a ceremonj to J It was noon when the proce eion atarted. It left the city hall in eight streer cars. In the first car were the grand lodge officers, in the next tbe officers and delegates of the National Alliance, in others the justices of the Supreme court and other State and ..I i - i , . -r city ouiciai, nicmoera oi tne lgis- latu re, etc. The II dependent Cor net Band was also on board the long train of cars. On arrival at tbe cemetery it was found that many persons were al ready there. The stand was erected near the grave, and on this were Marion Butler and other officers of the National Alliance : Mrs. Butler and two daughters of L L Polk's ihe exercises were opened with a brief talk by Grand Master Moye, which was a euloav of Polk, Acting Grand Chaplain N B Broughton prayed, and the corner stone was then laid. Chaplain Broughton pronounced the benedic tion and the andierce, which had bravely endured the driving storm of sleet and enow, left the cemetery for the city, wher, at 1:30, at Met- ropolitan Hall, the Polk memorial exercises were held by the National Alliance. These exercises were Polk's life. He declared Polk baa done more for the oppressed than any man ,iho had f-ver lived in I America. Appeal for .c Poor, To the citizens of Concord : Oi hor our account ot the severe cold we there is necessarily Buffering i,: town for fuel and provision 1 have had several calls, but not hav ing any funds in my hands for the relief of such I had to turn theni off. to the tact tbat sucb IS The case and that an organization should be mad and a committee appointed to see that none starve or freeze and that the amounts contributed for such purposes be given only to those who are nnable to heln themselves and such only. I do not feel like taking the matter entirely in hand as before. This is why I suggest a committee whose duty it will be to know who really does need assistance. I hope that this matter will be locked into and action taken at once. I am ready and willing to do all I can. J. j, Boger, Chief Police. WTATE SEWS. lQ Ashe county last week the was from six to eight feet snOSV deep. Ex-Sheriff Murray, of Alamance, died suddenly at Burlington a few days since. The treasurer of Iredell county took his first ride on the railroad last Saturday, says tbe Mascot. He went to TajlorBville Jones, Cox & Co., Tobacco Manu factures of Winston, made an as signment Thursday. Thfir- prefer red creditors are to the tune of $15,000. A man doesn't generally get a bad teputation without deserving ifc.buf it sticks to bin after he has cease ; to deserve it. Muucie, Inl.. Feb. 7. MomUv oer Ijlouiitcville,in o'd boiler used by 80ui& men sawing wood on a firm exploded; f.ur men were kiilod and others injured. London, Feb. 7. In the house oi commons' todny formal notice was siven of ii introduction of th Welsh chun-h disestablishment, the lrifch lai.d aud l-ha local vt to bil's. Tbe Pn'sid&ct TueRday decided tbe bourd-iry dispute between Bra zi and thd Argentiuo Republic in favor cf Brazil. The voluminous docume its i i tba controversy were vlellve'ed to the President February 9th, 891, ind he had a jear for their consideration, i-i which he Was as sisted by Assistant Secretaries or SUte Uhl aud Rockhill. - . Jap-nesa marriages, are rather temporary aflairn- Miss Bacon, in her "Japauese Girls and Women," teIfaof a servant who was married, quarfolod with her mother-in-law. got a divorce, and was back atwork again, all within a morth. . : Rocky river is frozen oyer. H!rrhf:f of all !n T FIRE IN ATLANTA. a 948,000 Residence Burned A Wall of a Bnlldtnic Falls Ont. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 7.Jacob Haas' residence,No. 331 Washington steer, was burned to-uigbt. Tbe house cost $30,000 and with its contents was valued at $45,000. Mr. Uma has $26,000 insurance on his home. The fire caught in the attic from a defective flue. The fire department has been busy ail day ana the firemen haye not bean in their quarters half the time. At 3:30 o'clock they were called to j an oa engine house at thesou'h enc1 ... ui me uroa'i street Dnu?". The r t .... i nortn w&u ot tuis building fell o r and down upon the railroad track 40 feet below. The buildiug v.-urt cc cupied by the Atlanta Engnvir.g Company. As the wall brga.i to give way the employes rushed for the street and all escaped. More of the wall near the sidewalk is i-ei.t- ling and will probably fall before morning. When this falls the- frMt portion of the building wi!! fall M-i-h it. Just beneath the wall that is tottering a broken water pip is spouting thousands of gallon? of water and this is washing awav the foundations of the building. Dim- mock & Wallace, wholesale com i mission merchants, lose $1,200. The plant of the Atlanta Engnyipg Company wa3 in the rest of the building which still stands. The company's loss is tibout $1,000. Hugh Jurlen, osvnerof the building loses $4,000. IlRiifleufled, Riirked and Whipped a onrictfor CHcnping. Asheville, Feb. 7. Superinten dent H H Whit? and Steward W C oluder, charged with assault on Tim McUarty, a convict, in White's gixnz bad ' Ystj TCTTioon. Ihe evidence w.3 thatSluder, ; under White's in structions, had handcuffed and buck ed McUarty, and White administered about 25 blows with a leather etmp. There was no evidence that McCirty had done an j thing more than ess cape from camp a few days before. White and Sluder were bound over to court, the bond being Jixe I at $200 each Buslees Mee Want Accuracy Comptetencs; Conciseness Conveiniaeinics A BMsnoess flam Wants to know th truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And be wants that truth boiled down. He has no time to waste In skimming about the edges of a subject, he wants to ret at the lst of the whole matter, an4 dor not can for a hundred paces of opinions If he can get It all In hundred lines of solid facts. That ts to say he wants the Encyclopaedia Britannic, for no other work will so completely meet the busy man's needs. It has justly been called "the knowledge of the whole world compressed Into five feet of book shelf." Another Characteristic Of the business man Is tha be has an eye a the dollars. If his good Judgment enables Mm to detect the actual merit of a project before his neighbors get into line he "gets In on the bottom floor, while his less shrewd neighbor waits until alt the world wants H and then he finds " the slocks have gone up. It Is this characteristic of Carolina business men that is leading them so generally to procure th Encyclopedia Britannica while !t may be had at introductory rates. A thorough business mai sees how the EHtannica publishers can afford to permit a great paper like The Charlotte Observer, offer their up-to-date edition at Introductory prices for a short time u il the public generally has become familiar with Its surpassing merits. Then all will want It. and they will have to pay th publishers' regular price ; while the man who Was shrewd enough to purchase during the Introductory period has saved Just $i,co per volum oa the price ef the work. Write Sor application blank to The Observer, ; Charlotte, JV. C I BR The public pnntiug now . wil le let o the lowest responsible bidder. After .repealing the old law, and dilly dallying, the old one is virtually reenacted. 5 - ' - - r-f . MR. GRAY OF LEXINGTON" MINING. Iletrll TarMiay on n Ki-vlrcu-MHr . Trip aud Hits rvot Keen IIMirlr .Since. Lexington. Feb. S Mr. M K Gray left It' a home here la&t Tuesday about 3 o'clock p ni. on his famous saddie.hore to g-j to his saw mill few miles east of Thomasv lie. but his family was inform ?d to Jay thau he had not H-ached tln-re nor h-.ia ai y one any information :u to hia when abont. As the mil I '.o whir-h 1m wa? going h not wore tun 10 mile from hero, on ;i rond .rr. Cray often friwi j ;,. ;i sh rtr tir.'ie than two i? i heii-u.i'is are en-, to bis wcif-iie. , i-.n ! i-. is hoped it will. ::0 evil Liu cmie tohirn ; hour? tertaini'd a' is t)(-ii! !.;.; develop t'; i Just ?ast tt. $10,000 wo bur aed on ; was insur'.L en?erpr.l::in b'jsiucsj , ? had abouc r and gtave.J h mill. Jc He is ai , prosperous a c:t;z3ti. ' r i 'J ' i s iRxchu!: nem.iicit-.;-i cur own talented A'orth Curolir.:?., jVo;'. Ihrv Blount. Prcf. Fovd lrJi equal neiir.or in!? v vr.v miiT icry, but i:.; nr. uecc-.nplisbed and trained reriter, hw is :i snh-tcid tvpe oi lae ar;io i -m pn complimentary ly.ti-v Carolinians who hr.w bj no ru?ar;s cverd-uv ss notices and from North ". icr.rcl liim, are n. lift is all they said cf 1 im. The wny and t'.ny in which ha held his aiu'tnce Fndny night, at-i test mere tl.aa v.vrdj Prof. Ford's entertaining powers. is, in short, a genius, in 'morj' wajs thin, one. We trust :i!id belit ve th;;t a Land seme Burn, over a:id above a'.l ex pellees', was for the Ladies' Aid Society of Centra! 'lethodist church, iuu!';r wtiose auspices such a tieut for Concord people was n.ade po3tibh. Besides furnishing wood and pro visions to many of the reedy, Mr. V li O.Je'l send.i in $j to Chitf Roger, for the relief fund. Let ohers.foli loj-MrJi H'3'exaHijdf, for more wiil be ueede J. . Right Arm Paralyzed Saved from St. Vitus Dance, j ' "Our daughter, Blanche, now f- teen years ot age, had been terribly afflicted with nervousness, and had .... Stank:;, i-V . 7. -The ro. ' jeiilt of , ..-;r. inisterf-1 jly Dt.lh. u, A-'- . , ' tori', -, :., . . - -j to bo i::d'iges-. I tion, ca. ., :2jr j f rerly 11 ,v i.ncL- a b U-ih. lie i.-j ' cf the ti.i:i:o-i i;..t' h,- swl:o,v?d i:; . 7 wbir- '.I.-.-;Vt.: w fpriti ecvo-!'.! J mouth;; ;l It Is ii ;,-). ii.. i Friday niht. ''' -.'L . . 7 lost ine ent ire use or ner right arm. . We feared St. Vims dance, and tried " "' the best physicians, with no benefit. She has ia!:en three bottlea of Drr Miles Korvine anl ha8 gained 3i pounds. Her nervousness aud symp- V toms of St. Vitus dance are entire!- -pone, she attends school regularly, . end haa recovered complete ne of ber arm, her appetite is splendi J." . . KES. E. E. BCLLOC'K, Brighton, N. T. Cor r Tr. Miles Kervln' enarantoe that the i All druggists sell it -It will tie sent, prop by tha lr. liiipg 'V For sniJhyihil diuprl r V -A 1 .. w i -

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