ARD Fl "is PRINTS TDb- turns our GOOD - JOB - WORK JYEWS THAT IS FORI YEAR AT LIVING PRICES. i GIVE US A TRIAL.! VOL.VI-NO. 58. CONCORD. N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1895. WHOLE NO. 358 SETOUfc 1 DOLLAR. I , TRAGEDY IN ROWAN. A Desperate Negro Criminal Shoots nntl Instantly Kills Deputy Mhcrifl II. C Owen The Prisoner Sot Taken to. Salisbury TUroneh Fear ol I.yurbinK- Salisbury, Feb. 20. A terrible tragedy occurred near Cleveland, this county, shortly afternoon today Deputy H C 0 en was shot and in stantly killtd by Whit Ferron, col ored. .Mr. Owen was attempting to tarre?he negro, wneu the latter fired upon him, killing him as above s ated. Ferron is a deEpera'.e char acter, and a noted criminal. lie was some twelve or fifteen years ago sent to the penitentiary for six years from here for stealing a horse. About four 3 ears ago Sheriff Allison ond a policeman of Statesville trieu to arrest hira at that place for some offense, when he wrenched the pis tol from the policeman and escaped, There are also said to be several re wards on him in Sou'h Carolina .Ferron was wanted today for break ing into a still house in the neigb- borhood ot Cleveland last night TaiftjEornir-g three negroes Eup psed to be his accomplices ia the thett last night were prresttd and an effort was tle.ii made to arrest Fer ron but be fLd. He pulled off his shoes- lifter getting seaway and was tracked in the snow . to-an old field about three miles from U:eTelti5d. where he "was hiding. litre he was found before nion ry Mr. Pink Webb, who was helping to arrest him. Mr. Webb fired on tho negro with a'- shot gun and was in tiuu shot by the negro, who toek Mr. WebbV'gtra and ran. " Shortly after noon Deputy 0eu -land ' h's party ran on Ferron in a woods asked Lim to surrender, which he to ail ap pearances did, Baying he wcrtld go with them. Mr. Owen and his party hen started towards the negro and fvhen the deputy was in about seven 55 of him he raided the gnn he had taken from Mr. Webb (which he had been holding with the button the ground) and fired. The load took effect in Mr. 0 .ven's breast, causing instant death. One of the party jumped on Ferron at ence aud captured him. Sherff Monroe was telegraphed of the ocr irrence and the news . soon spreai over tows." -Tilere is consid eraole feeling in the matter among the people here and there was talk of lynching. To take no chances Sheriff Monroe would not have Fer ron brought here tonight on the train. Instead he dispatched five deputies, armed to the teeth, to Cleveland, leaving about sundown, lie will not talk of the matter or eay when tbe negro will be brought here or where he will keep him for the present. The three negro accomplices, among them a woman, said to be Ferron'd wife, were brought down and placed in jail tonight. Deputy Owen was about 50 or 55 years old and was appointed six or eight months ao. lie was a highly respected citizen and was a brother in-law of Clerk of the Court W G Wrfeon. , II 1h r ceils Fonuri lliinOut. TheVaabington (N C) Messenger tell j on Dr. Payne and does it thusl: "We could not help being forci bly struck during this cold weather, at self denial a2d sacrifice in lbs in terest of the poor of our city, exhib ited by the Rey. Payne, postor of tbe Presbyterian church. He liter-, ally went from house to house seek ing out those in n ed. Dr. Payne was called to the pastorate of this church (wc think; last May from Concord, and in this short time by his untying zeal there are but few fronts among oar citizms, regardless of creed, w fere his footsteps have not been heard or the benediction of his presence felt. He undoubtedly beiieves in the adage, "a house going preacher makes a cliprch going people." : ; ' - ." . Two Ieatus In So. &. Mrs. Polly Barn hard t, an aged 1 ,dy of No. 0 township, mother of Messrs. John Land iVnl Bernhardt, near-, the1 Pbcei'ix mines, dh-d Wrdnesd iv afternoon. Mr. John Dry, eon of Mr. William Dry, of No 9 died Wednesday night of pneumonia Mr. Dry was quire a youu man, abou-t. 24 years old, and hfu; .death is a shock to his numerous. friends. . ' '" Tho remains of Mrs. Bernhardt and those of Mr. Dry will be inters -red in the cemetery at Cold Springs thii (Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock 7''- .: To young ladies of the city had beM( r be careful or" one of them will be in the" clutches of. the handsome widower, who is desirous of taking one to his country home. FRED DOUGLASS DEAD. After Attending Ihe Woman's (on volition Dnrlng tne Day,. He Dies .nllenly at JiijtlM. Washingtor , Ken. 29. Frederick Douglass, the well known color-d orator, died sudde nly nt 7 o'clock i0' night of heart dise ase at his home m Anacostia. a superb of Washington. fie wa3 a prominent figure in the woman's convection this afteruco, where he occupied a seat upon the platform. " He was eppareutly in the best of health at that time Took the Prescription. An amusing story is' being told on one of our physicians. He was called into the coun'ry recently to visit a sick person, sex .not stated, and after examining iha padent he wrote a prescription r.nd gave in structions that a epooniul te taken three limes a day u wt ter, Oa his next visit lhe physician asked if tbe medicine had beeu t;.krn as directed, hnd was almost para Ijzed by the reply: "You didu't give me no medicine. I put the little paper you left in the water and have been taking that." Tbe patient recovered, whether from the efficacy of the "little paper" or not ia not stated. The case ba3 a parallel in another town. A physician visitetl a sick .vciuan and left her some medicine in capsules. On his return she banded him the empty capsules with the remark that she was, "much obligvd for the little holes, wlich he had lent her," and he could have them hack es tie medicine was.. sU "took." Salisbury Herald. The Standard has one, too. A Concord physician left rued cine wi h iiistiuctions totak.1 a "spoonful three times a day in water" The mother of the pa'.ient jut him in water np to his mouth and gave the dose. This was three ttme3 a day. Cousidering the recent weather, it was a hard dose; ntkerise the pi ient needed to be put in the water several times or mote .Served Hint Rislu. We get this from the Statesville Macot : "A gentleman from Aeheville has been writing to one of StaiPssiUeVi fajtiUghttrs, 'until a contract of marriage wa3 entered into. A few days prior to this this man wrote his girl s Statesytlle' W meet him in Ashevilleaud they fihould De one. The girl wrote bici if she wa3 not worth corning after, they- would not marry, eo the monntain man came down last week aDd found his girl net in a good humor, but this was p.itched up and arrangements were made with the preacher. Every thing went on lovely uutil friends bad coine to sre tbe union and the girl announced she had changed her mind. Of course a' 1 was consterna tion and while the Blue Ridge man plead with his Dsdemonia, but she would not. Ht left oa the nest train for hig borne f ir up among the western hilis without the fair maidtn but with more of how to court her." The iJe that all woiren want to marry so bad that they will run after men, is a mistaken ore. Oc casiont.ily a desperate case, who does not want to die without changing her name, may run after men and finally run one down and corner Lim so as to fe'ch himinto her coile; but such women are scarce, thank God. That mountaineer belongs to a tack number and it's good he hat the bark knocked off of him Death of iicv. J. 51. Heilrick. Last Sunday evening Rev. J M Hedriok died at his home in Char lottesville, Va.. after a long illneES, in his fiftieth ver. Our peopla will remember liVv. Hedrick who for several years, lived ia Concord. He was tbe pastor of Cold Witter, Mt. H;rmon aud Prosperity Lutheran congregations. Last, j ear of hi J pastorate was ex tremely hard. Most of the time he was confined to his home; at last, thinking a change ot climate would benefit him, he resigned and moved to the place where he died, . Mr. Hedrick was a most excellent gentleman, and one who held the confidence of all who knew him. He leaves a wife, one son and several step children. To them there will g out from this commu nity the warmest ejmpathy The fluid ot Veil. Here is something that happened not far from the centre of town : the child, was threatened with pneu monia. - The physician told the mother she must put a plaster on the ch ;8t. When, the doctor returcel in the evening, b? found the lady had put t'r.e plaster on her husband's tool chest The child, however, was most well. MARRIAGE BELLS. Here aad There Cupid At Work. Mi3 Annie T.agne and Mr. B T Eider were married WvdnesJrtj riight at Burlington. Miss Kate Norwood and Mr. Jas. Gibson were married last Sunday iu Alamauce county. They didu't get out of the buggy. At Durham Wednesday evening MissElizibeth F Fainicg of Pur ham, and Dr. tl M WeeJon, of Eufaula, Ala. Wednesday M:ss Annie E Lynn,of Durham, and Mr. W J Clements were married. Miss Agnes II Faucette and Mr. D C Hunt were married in oxford Wednesday night. Near Yadkin College, recently A C Harris to Miss Xeal Delap. 1 1 Daie county, Feb. 3rd, JjS. G White to Miss Jtssie Koscer. In Wilkes county, recently, Vick ory Adams to Miss Stike, daughter of Elder J W odke. Near While Ph.ius, Sarry county, recently Bud Coilc to Miss Mattie White. At Walkertown, Forsyth county, Feb. llth, W F Gibscn, of Madison, to Miss Bessie Stafford, of Walker town. Support the Local Xcwsnaper- The immenee power a local news paper possesses in attracting trade to the town iu vhich it is published or diverting it into other channels -an hardly be estimated. Further, it is a matter that is seldom considered a? au important factor, in a town t prosperi y, for the simple reason that business men do not generally give it a thought. He who will im partially consiJer this assertiou will be convinced of the truth of it. The local paper is very nstural'y biased in favor ot the placs of irs publica tion, and if giveit a fair living pat ronage by home business ii-en will guard well their interests just as the marchant guards the interests of his individual customer. But if a nig gardly support is doled out to it, and it is compelled to to'icit custom from neighboring cities, it cinnot in justice to these patron3 exert itself n chaif of its own town as it otherwise would. Try a system of liberality in the matter of advertis ing expenditures and mafic the re sult Petersburg Index Appeal. Mr. Daniels Snecessor. Washington, D. C, Feb. 20. Secretary Hoke Smi'.h today appoint ed Emmett Wcmack, of Georgia, chief clerk of the Interior Depart- :nen yice Joiephns Danieis, who reeignetl to assume tbe manngement of the Kileigh, N. C, News and Ob server. hns for some time bten an assist nt. attorney of the Inter:o- Department. Forty Tears in a Well. E W Coker, of Ashland, was hav ing nia 'well cleaned out a snort time ago, and while the worK was going on a china pitcher was foud in good condition that had been iu the well for forty years. When it fell into the well it was well cover ed and full of nice lresh butter, and when taken ou the other day it was tn perfect condition, except the bar. die being broken off. The but ter was as nice and fresh a3 it was the day it went into tbe well Strange to eay this butter had never got strong enough to get out of the well, but it is true. The water in the well is very strong. There is also a fine gold watch in the wd) that has been there a number of years. The flow cf water was so stron and deep that the atch could not be found, and like Mc Ginly, is still at the bottom. This well is on the old Shockley place in the western part of this county, about eight miles from this place. Georgia Tribune. About jnnrdercr Ferron. Ferron, the negro, who murdered Deputy Owen, was successfully car-. ried through tbe country from Kowan to Lxinton ji', by Sneriff Monroe. Judge lronn wa3 in Salisbury when the tff lir.occurred aud he in structed the sheriff to protect the prisoner at tbe risk of his own life. Sheriff Monroe did so. An effort is being made to have a special term of court to try Ferron. If tnis is done and justice is meteu out promptly, all will be weir and much good against lynch law seuti mem will be done. A Oncasinu PoIhoii. Reporter Fills Rat This is from a Raleigh letter : "Mr, Thomas Bailey, sou of Rey,; Dr. Bailey, and city editor of tbe riaucisun, was poinoned by Rough on Rats, which' was on a biscuit which he ate. . For several hours he was very tick, but is now all right TOWN AND COUNTY. It takes lock3 and keys to keep exchanges. Seventy dollars worth of time lost I bureday two 35 gold watch:-?. Tne fiim of LHtmann & Lichen stein of Salisbury has dissolved. Stanly couoty, at its ncent court, furnished two recruits for the pen. Tbey growl al:out tbe cold in a few months it will be growl, but a hot groffl. When a No '6 shoe hurts a No 5 foot of a lady, it 13 all due to cores or a bunion. The offices . of Dr. L M Archej and J W Cannon, in the St Cloud annex, are being wired. Louis Fink, who wa3 Eent up to the pen one year ago, for 4 years, made his escape several week ago. A representative of the NewNorth Carolina Fire Insurance Company, wts in the city Thursday night. The Standard understands that the law now is that all cotton sold in Concord roust be weighed at the platform. A 75-year-old man. of Alexander county married 65-year-old widow of Catawba on that cold Friday. Tut ! Tut 1 Mr. T J White, of Yorke & Wadsworth's, spent Thursday night in No. 3, Heislcud in his praise3 of that section. Prof. Oti3 A Miller, the Art Craio te: chM1, has gone back to Charlotte to lake another class. This speaks well for bis work. Judgiu from tbe Herald, one would suppose that a ly.jch'ng wa3 about on in Salisbury, had the mob found the murderer. Mrs. Dr. Smoot went to Salisbury to attend the f uteial f her uncle, Deputy Sneriff Owen, who was shot by the desperado Ferron. Maury Richmond fell while crossing tae street irom bwink s store to Cannons &Fe!zer's, ruining a nice I lack suit of clothes. Mr. ' Keistler, of 'tae' Yestiuu'ie, says the new interest law does apply to National Banks. The question ia being considerably discussed. f be school;, like the Legislature, did not adjourn for Washington's day; but unliLe the Legislature, they took no note cf Douglas' death. The deputy sheriff of Rowan, Mr. Owen, who was killed by the negro, ehewhere noted, wa3 an uncle of Mrs. Dr. Smoot of this place. The number of birds killed and j marketed would be interesting to know. This line of trade has grown wonhderfully in Cabarrus county. Sheriff Monroe, of Roan, ha3 done right- He keeps his murderer out ur til the people cool off. Good old Rowaii doesn't want any lynch ng. Geo. Phifer, a young colored boy of the town, died Thursday night. Ge-orge was honest, industrious and very quiet. A week ago he was well he died of consumption. We see from the Lexington Dis patch that our old school-mate, Gas ton Mears, has invented u plow. It runs a furrow, drops the corn and "kivers" it all at once. A Winston blacksmith broke the record yesterday by shoc'ng a big black William gnat. The smith sa j 3 it was his first experiment of kind in a business of fcr.y five years, and it is the first time we have heard of such a feat in North Carolina. Mr.Jamfs C Fink, formerly with Yorke & Wads worth, baa aceppted a position iu th s'ore of the OJell Manufacturing Company. Mr.Harr sell retires, to go on tbe roid in the interest of a coffin fac'ory. Master Charles Montgomery be came suddenly blind J dizzy on j Wednesday. He bud to be c .rried homp, ur er wnicn ne eoon relied and got alright. The doctor pro nounced it tha tfficts of smoking cigarrettej. , The Wilke8boro Chronicle sug gests Hon. J W Emmeraon of that coun y as a lie successor to " iVard McAllister of the 400." We cou'd lurnuh several from this county, but they are too all -tired poor, 'fbey have thequiliGcitiona but lack tbe funds. - To get something for nothing is coutrary to all the laws that goyem mankind. Bat that is wnat you do, borrowing friend, when you bahit- tially read your neighbor's Standard for w'oicn he has paid. Qii yr-ur meanness ani emulate your neigh bor's example, by becoming a sub- '(scriber Tne birds are singing and the lambs ought to be skipj ing. The bill, preventing hunting of po32imii from Feb. I to Oct. 1st, has passed and is now a law. Measra. Robert L Young and uel J Ervin Friday celebrated their birthday a3 well as Washington'" iiie weather ha3 moderated to suen an extent tnat many or our ciiizins can hear it break dnyligbt. If the itch should break out aniot:g the j til birdi, would it be an easy ma'ter for them to scratch out? Concord can boast of many kick ers and among the number is a lady whom even Lottie Collins would envy. It was gently breathed into our ears that one of Concord's charming dunghtera 18 soou to bs married. Picise don't be inquisitive. It is said that when the parade opened in the arena at the Newbern fair that fish and oysters were walk ing around with the stock and game, Mr. Charles A D ry, of Albemarle, has sold out his interest in the lumber business of Dry, Wadsworth & Cooipany to the firm of Yorke & Wadswoith. Alice Berlew, owned by L Banks Holt, of Burlington, is',strictly in it at the Newbern fair. She made a record at the Cabarrus fair two years ago, and holds it Mr. C E Alexander who let his watch get away from bim while at Harrisburg Thursday, received word Friday thac his watch had been seen, but was etill running. Mr. Harry Woodhouse, brother of Mr. II I Woodhouse, of this place, has opened out a big job office at his home in Newark, N. J. lie will succeed, for success is iu his niake-ur. On Washington's birthday, GrO. Washington Watts, of Durham, presented to that town a brand fired new building to be used as a hospiti al. It .is a gift from a big hearted, liberal man. Mr. William F iijrbank, who left Winston last California, will soon move with his family to L03 Angelec, Cal., at which place he has been engaged by a walthy syndicate to manage a new afternoon chiilj to be Started there."! His salary vill be $50 per week. He still owns en interest in the Winston Sentinel in fact he is president of the Sentinel Publishing Company'. Mr. Wa. Parker, of Lanes Creek township, has a calf eighteen months and fifteen dava old which weighs G5C pounds gross. The calf is just a common cow, no flue blood coursing through its veins, Mr. Parker wants to know who ownes a larger calf, age considered, Monroe Equirer. The Dewey Hey wood Concert Company filled its engagement at Armory Hall Thursday night. Those who were present, and it was a good house, were delighted. The Com pany i3 a good one and their enter tainment can, in truth be pronnounc- ed fide. Doubtless every one in the audience was well pleaded. A man came in and wanted to kno v whether there is such a place in tbe world as Palistine. We told him there was one in Stanly county, but just before going to press it occurred to U3 theie was a place by that dame in Asia, It's alright anyway; for a sewing michine man doesn't want to establish au agency there cr look after any debtor. Bear in MJod i. That this new edition is now offere! to the public for the first time. 2. I hat it is complete in a Koyai wciavo volumes. 3. That t he entire work Is revised to date. i. That it lias an entire equipment of new maps, produced at a cost of $10,000. ;. That it is superior to the Edinburgh edition, which costs $3.00 por volume. 6. That for a short time this (Treat library will be offered at a special introductory rate. 7. That those ordering from us now wiil get their books at from 25 cents to $1.25 less per volume than if ordered from the publisher direct. 8. That those ordering; now can have half the set delivered at once, with the privilege of paying for them at the easy rate of Ten Cents a dav, o. That if you pay $5.00 a month the entire set of 28 volumes will be delivered at once. The" Observer - CHARLOTTE. N. C Preparations are being made for school exhibition at the Shinn fchool house, in No. 5 township, on Satnr dayrMarch 9. Mr. W K Lyles, the teacber in charge, has had "good success with school' and no doubt the children Kill do both bim and themselves great ere lit at the closing exercises. NEWS & OBSERVER COMMENT " Washington, I.ce. Dngla-s, But tbe Greatest ofThewe in Dnglass." Raleigh, Feb. 21 The News and Observer say' editorially in regard to the action of the House of lie preventatives todav : "Several weeks aco a proposit.on was iiuide in the geDertl Asseuioly to adjiurn in honor of R bert E Lee, on the occasion of his birthday. Vhit resolution was vofed down, al though by enactment of a prior Legislature General Lee's birthday is.a public holiday in the State, anl public buildings are closed on that day. Yesterday a resolution was introduced to adjourn until 10 o'clock Saturday to pay respect to the memory of George Washington, whoee binhday is also a legal holi day. This was toted down. "At the session that the resolution to adjourn in honor of Washington was voted down, the following le solntion introduced by Crews, color ed, of Grauvills, was adopted : 'Whereas, The lale Fred Doug lass departed this life on the SOih inst .. and, "'Whereas, we greatly deplore the same, now, therefore, " 'Easolyed, that when this House adjours, it adjourn in respect to the memory cf the deceased.' "These three dates the birth of Lee, tbe birth cf Washington, and the death cf Douglass are com passed in one month. This General Assembly, deliberately and after de bate, yoted down the resolution to honor the memory of the Father of his Country and Robert E Lee, who with Grant, was among the he roes of Chepultepec, and ihe corns mander of armies of the South, but put on record, in the journals of the House, a resolution of adjournment, 'in jespect to the memory of Fred erick Douglass.' 'The foregoing action is equivalent to saying : " 'Washington " 'Lee " Dongla83 " 'Thesa three, bat the greatest of these is Douglass. "This action, more correctly than any other official, proceeding of this Legii're, i'l h i I ! " T ' il of this body. F parties hayir mon.. 'xne cegenation leader ia '"the legitji heir tf this union." Five Years in the Penitentiary and 95,000 Fine. The trial of Dr. Lester Crowell on an indictment for the seduction of Miss Etta Fropst, daughter of Mr. J W Propst, of Jacob's Fork town, ship was begun Tuesday and was giyen to the jury late Wednesday afternoon. The- jury, after a few minutes consultation, returned a v. rs diet of guilty. Thursday morning he was sentenced by Judge Timber late to five years in the penitentiary and to pay a fine of $5,000. Crowell appealed to the Supreme Court, claiming that the action wis bamd by the Sta'.ute of Limitations He was required to giye a bond of $3, 000 pending the appeal. Much in terest was manifested in the case. The verdict is no heavier than the evidence in the case cilled for. It ia generally applauded by those who attended lhe trial. A civil action for damages will be tried next week. Newton Enterprise. The Fanner's Mutual. Under a recent amendment to the charter of tbe Farmei's Mutual Fire Insurance Association of this State, each county is now liable only for losfes among its members within the county. We understand something over $270,000 is the amount carried by farmers in Guilford. -Insurance is tffjeted only on detached buildings live stock is not handled. It has be n working here for tbe last year and only one loss has oc curred and that will not amount to ovr $25 or 30. It's a f.ood thing. Greensboro Record. V similar afS'X.iation was orga nized iu Cuban us couciy, the can vass bung made by Mr. John D Barrier Then quired tmount of stock vh8 raised, tut tome defect in jharier ty which a memoer was liable for a 'os in any county Ciiuel (he association do tc go into active servic. Now thpt this objec tion is remoyed, there ia no reason why the association can not begir. The showing in finilford counly is fp'endid Senator 11 B Brown is reported sobered up and again became pent- tnt and promises "not to do so any more," and it has been agreed not to prees tbe resolution any further at pre ent which passed the Senate to investigate him. - ' td Highest of all in Leavening Power. Litest U. S. Gov't Report. 1 je,kJU?W 'ABSOUUVEIjPOiRE Here la the Record. Durham ia the possessor of n father and mother of 23 children Mark Hogan and his wife, both col ored. Mark has been married tice to the same woman, ond they have been married now 42 years. He as first married before the war, by Jce King, a negro. At the time of Lee's surrerder Mari and his wife were the parents of nine children. Jast after the war Mark and his wife were again married by George Laws, of O.-ange county. Since the last marriage they have had twenty children, making a total of twenty nine. Mark's wife is getting along in years and is now Buffering from stroke of paralysis. This is a big record. Some of the chr.dren have died, others are scattered about, but he has a house full yet. Both Mark and his wile say this is a tree state ment of their large family, says the Sun. Inenbator Ilateliing:. Mr. W B Gaither bad the eggs in his incubator to hatch one day la it week and considering the fact tb.u he put the egg? in just after our first severe cold 8; el' le is very well pleased with the result. Ninety fluffy little chicks burst out of their shells, and with the exception of a few that were accidently smothered by the others in a basket just after taken off, he has rot lost, thus far, a single chick. He is ready to refill his incubator, but is waiting to get eggs that have not been touched oy the cold as it takes very little coli to chill eggs so a i to render them un fit for hi'tching. Newton Eo'er- prise. D, VV. Barnharilt Dead. Mr, D W Barnhardt, of No. 0 township, died Thursday night. Mr. rdt was stricken with paraly. ears aga- aw "as uin ery bad health. Up jto a go ne was in gooa .epi-sts and" was doing well, when he was again taken seriously ill with heart trouble, from which he died. He was C7 years of age, and was the father of Mr. George Bamharc'r, superintendent of the 'county chain gang. In hi3 death Cibarrus loses a faithful son. The sympathy of our citizens are with the bereaved family. An A Red Lady. The Standard made mention of the death cf Mrs. Polly Bernhardt. At the time we did not recall just who she was. Since, we haye learned that she was quite an aged lady and was the widow of Mr. Gto Bernhardt, who died December 1S93. It will be re meinbeied that at the time of his death he was regarded the oldes' mm in the county. He was torn July 4, 1800, ami, as we ouce be fore said, his age ran with the Almanac. State Hospital Directors. The Legislature wirrAjjure&se thc number of directors of the State Hospital at Morganton so as to give the fusionists a mjirity of the board. The R-ilei&h News& Oi server 8ys "there is ttouble about the director, J R McBrayer, of Cleveland, is to be one. Dr. Molt wants to get on tbe bond, buf. Huff man, of Burke, oppo ei t.i n . and wants Sharpe, o: Iredell. WilKes claims a me nber and there is a cou test between John Q i ncy Adiun Bryan and Ruff Henderson " The Pnblic l'riulinir. The public printing has not yet been awarded. The j int committee on printing met Wednesday night at 7:30. ana no quorum being pres ent.aul tbe sub committee not being ready to rt port, adjourn ;d to meet when the sub committee is ready to report Saoator Westmoreland and Re. preventative James II Young, of the joint sub committee, fprut part of yesteruay ascertaining tbe number of volumes that are bound and I lie cost of binding. . v . Edwards & BronghtonVoid U the lowest for binding, while S'ewart's is the lowest lor composition. The award all hinges on the binding, and it will take 'some Gne figuring to tell who is the low st bidder all around. s Chairman Westmoreland Bays the contract cannot be awirded before Monday night. . : ? ' 0Ni:AL XEV4S. Queen Victoria iss o afllicted wi'.ht rheum itism tht she cannot vialk. The senatorial deadlock in tha Delaware Legislature remains nns broken. Fifty-two ballots have bee a taken. , General " i L. 'Swifr, the well knowii temperance anil campaign speaker, did at Boston Tuesday :' .' his CGth ycar. 1 he steamship IstriaD, from New- castlo to Newport Newe, is overdue aud missing. There were 35 soula aboard. A bill will be intoducid in tha Japauese Diet to-day t sking! for a futher appropriation of 10,000,000 yen (S10,0C0,0o0) for war expenses. Bid3 will be opened March 5th for. , building an adniinibtration and auditorium buildins at the Atlanta Exposition, 'ihe auditorium will seat 5.000 peep:.- Proposals wero openedat tha Navy Dt-psi 'f uosclav for tha conBtrn-tio.i '. I t::reo lattallio twin 6crev torpedo boats of about l".; ri-i.a u:splaccui-ia' wita a speed of '2 1'uiots. After a i:iiu. .:;. v.-i tl t .vo monts, the lo-J-tlv.-ork- cf iho lilinci:? Steel Company, nt- Jo-lWr, !''.. ciuyJoyin? 1,800 ir.i.u. will reeUUiJ cp: rations next Sloiiday l.'io ci3;-.ui. r.s to wasres La1: ttttlcJ. ri;u,o for the ro-crai-izatioo of the wLiLkoy trust hive Lcen prac tecilly aftrt ed upon . It is proposed to buy in tlie tru&t at foreclosure sale, icorcaniza under the laws of New Jersy, and levo Grcenhut lout in tho cold. Col. Ii. It. P P;ptr wealthiest stock brtlJIe'fi tucky, died iu Frankfort Tuesday. He was the owner of the fsmona stallion Onward, who has a larger number of performances below 230 than any.cher living trotter. l " . dispatch says the White Star frfciht. steamy Tauric, Cant. T, J, Jone3,L N."li.trrived: at Quarantine' TuesdaVwPi jfour- i.n v,Vw,.oi-,i io,.;t,z." having rescued theru m mid'-o The rescue wag made by Chiaf O fleer Kerr and seven volunteer sea men iu seas which wore running to aa enormou3 height. The rescue wa3 accomplished with great did culty. The abandoned vessel was the . Kialto, of Liverpool, laden with gu-. no from Valparaiso for Antawtrp. A Greensboro correspondent leanra that a dtfln ite arrangement has beeu made by whr .'i Capt. B J Fisher will take ch-trge of the McAdoo Hotel, which will te run as au ad junct to the Beubow. A Cre broke out this, morning in the back lot at Fetzer's Drug Store aad consumed the;r entire stock of old garden esed.3. They will now have to supply tin r customers with eatiitly new seed-. But ai they have oa hand a lare stock of fresh and gen"ine Gi ylh.eakove nam I'd diZfi v t X . cause no iiul Til to tkeir trade. f0U5w4t TIRED, WEAK, HERYQUS Could Eat Sleep.. ' Prof. L. D. Edwards, of Preston Idaho, says: "1 was all run down,' weak, nervous and irritable through, overwork. 1 suffered from brain fa-' ti?uc, mental depression, etc I be-! came so weak and nervous that I could not sleep, I would arise tired, i discouraged and blue. I began taking Dr. Miles' i Nervine and now everything Is changed. I sleep soundly, I feel bright, active and ambitious. I can do more in one day now than I used to do in a week. ' It i Cure.-.'," r Dr. Miles' Nervine- is sold on f' guarantee that tbe first tout la will i All druggists selUt at M, 6 bor.tfr tor It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt o? i hs Uia Dr. Miloa iloOical Co, fcikaari, For 8ael by all drngrU, 1 .1