r !THE : STANDARD; T AND ARB. PRINTS THE NEWS THAT IS JfZWS FOR 1 YEAR SEtfDUl dollar; GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL VOL. VI WO. 59. CONCORD. N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1895. WHOLE NO. 359 THE - STANDARD TURNS OUT A HALT CALLED. The Populists at Their Cazscus Last Night Betermined .to Fight the Ke- pnHimni From New On. The Populist caucus met last night in the Senate chamber and gun went off. They eaid we want it nnderBtood we are Populists, and ne- tice waa eeryed npou the Repubii cans. To enumerate the proceedings witbont fail, it was determined to introdnce a new bill looking to the aid of the Confederate monument, to defeat the proposed bill for the new criminal district, leaving; New Han over and Mecklenburg undisturbed ; "to take out the objectionable fea tures from the Election bill ; to fight the county government bill, until cumulation should be recog nized in allowing two persons to be appointed of the opposite political party to the other three commission ers, so as to insure safety against the negroes in the East ; to kill both the 'Shaffer and Young Raleigh charetjulls; to oppose the chang ing bf any more charters, leaving Wilmington and Elizabeth City the fflly ones changed ; to assert the in dividuality cf. the Populist party and to resist further swallowing up their hitherto Jonah organization by tne itepuoncan wnaie. vine kick was lofty and complete, knocking over the milk and leaving the can high in the air. There must be rest for the wicked, unless the wicked one be an old sinner of the Lusk stripe. They don't need rest ; their dwelling place in iniquity; but the Pops, are calling a rest, and last night eoundedj'the first long, song note. Raleigh Observer. Uenth of Mrs. Rev. Dr. J. B. DaTin, After a short illness, Mrs. Anna Caroline Davie, wife of the venerable Rav. J B Davis, D. D , departed this life rather suddenly in Salem, Vir ginia, February 'i'i, ltsuo, m her sixty-eighth year. She was a Mies Mary Sia?, of-GhurenKl.'e,- Augusta county, Va. She was buried in the Salem cemetery on Sunday afternoon, the services being conducted by Rey. C Armond Miller, She leaves a husband and six children five sons and a daughter. Two of her children reside in Salem, namely, Mr. Paul S Davis, cashier Bank of Salem; and Marie, wife of Frank H Chalmers, vice-president of the Farmers' National Bank. Her son Jefferson came on from West Lib erty, Ohio, to attend the funeral. To the family we extend warmest sympathy in their sore bereavement New Market Church Fapr. Nearly everybody in Cabarrus county will remember Dr. J B Davis, who has lectured over the county, and who nse to live in Mt. Pleasant , .Mrs. Davia' many friends will regret ifif ear of her death, as above sated. Got AwRjr Again. Avery Butler, the young white convict who some time ago waylaid and assassinated his father at Clin ton, Sampson county, and was sent to the penitentiary for life, ia again at large. Not many months ago he escaped, but committed a crime in Cat i wba county, was arrested there and returned here. It appears that he got away yesterday for th; second time. In some way he got possession of a suit of citizen's clothing, put it on and deceived the guard, to that the latter went away, having been told by Bailer, whom he did not know, that one of the officials want ed to see him. Butler dropped a key to two convicts below who were in the plot with him and with this key they opened the door and all three got away. The othe two convicts r- 30 year men. The sear' h for them nil began promptly. Butler, who ie about 21, is a very hardened riminal. Raleigh Letter. We Mad Company. Our neighbor on the north, the taliebury Herald, takes ns to task about say ;ng the Standard was the first paper in the State to publish the account of the Lexington shoot, ing scrape. The Herald had a tele graphic report and several other papers had some news of it. We should have said our paper got around before any other. It was in the hands of our local patronage (few borrowers excepted) long before sundown. And our neighbor stated that it was late and it was the only one having a full, correct account, so we naturally concluded hat the Standard wai first to the breeze. ' A Uorse for a Knife. The bosa horse trade of the season was made here Friday evening. A boy from the country brought a sorry looking specimen of a pony to town and traded the animal to Dick Bunion for a 30 cent pocket-knife. Dick 8ays.be is gobg to rob that oritter"op and make something nt of him. Greenville KelKcto HOUSE ROBBED IN NO. 3. More Than One S Hundred PennicH Taken at One Hani. The house of Mr. Jim Browa, who lives in No. 3 township, was entered and robbed some time last Tuesday by one, Espey Poteete, a neighbor to Mr. Brown. Poteete got quite a nice haul of pennies, having found more than hundred, besides seAeral pieces of silyer. It is said that Poteete had, some time ago, stolen a pistol from Mr. Milas Beaver, of the same section, and pawned it to Mr. Brown, but when Poteete was rumaging throng n the house of Mr. Brown he reclaimed the pistol with the "brownies."' Mr. Brainard Smith was deputized to fetch Poteete to town, and had gotten within a mile or two of the city, when the criminal leaped from the vehicle and tooK leg bail for sweet liberty. He was, the last heard from, in Rowan county,' still going. Deputy Hill went fur his man Wednesday, but having no warrant from Rowan, ha could not arrest Poteete. Business Transfers. Mr. Henry L Propst, who has done a successful grccory business n the old Propst store room on Main street for a year or more, this (Thursday) morniDg transferred his stock and good will to Mr. J W Foil, who is well known to our citizens as a clever gentleman and good grocer. We wish him success. Mr. James Willeford, who occu pied a window in the same store room, has taken a space in the store room af Mr. John K Patterson, where he moved his bench and is tinkering on time. Same Way Here. That. some people wan t to be neen and display themselves, vainly mak ing believe they are the cream of the land, ia evidenced by this lroin the Greensboro Record : ""If "an entertainment were adver tised to open at 12 o'clock (midnight) 6ome people would be late. Last night that concert at Bogart's Hall was advertised to:open at 9 p. m.; yet people were straggling in until 9:30. If, when Gabriel blows his trumphet he don't make a big als lowance, some people will be left " A Rogue Canjtht. Wednesday night at China Glove while Mr. Frank L Bobbins was in attendance at a sociable a eneake- thief entered the house wherein the gallent men and maiden were in stalled and took from the h.ll the ever coat and hat belonging to Mr. Robbins, The thief went to the cotto-. mills and tackled the engineer for a tradf. The man in charge recognized thc- pro perty the thief was . offering for sale, and forthwith closed the bargain. Not having the required amount of change, the engineer lei! the tramp with his engine while he went for his cash. Very much to the surprise of the tramp, a con stable put in his appearance arrest ed the man and Thursday morning took him to Salisbury ail. HarrlaKe License For February. Whites. C R Tucker and Laura Webb. J W Litaker and Maggie Ashby. John T Kirk and Mary F Scarborc. Wm. B McAnulty and Jennie Sos a mon. T B Eudy and Mollie J Moose. Thos. H Reinhardt and Lottie M Fisher, Elwood M Fowler rnd Maggie Car ter. W Frank Blackwelder snd Elizv belh Culp. Blacks. Jonas M Miller and Htttie Propst. James King and Lydia Spears, v Chinaman and Jewess Married. Atlanta, Ga., February 17 Joe Lee, a Chinaman, and Eila Moses, a pretty young Jewess, were married here today. The ceremony was per formed by Judge Blood worth. The groom wanted the ceremony performed in open court, but the bride objected because of the crowd of cunona spectators. So they sub stituted the groom's laundry tor the temple of justice, and the ceremony was duly performed. None of the bride's family were in attendance and no Chinamen were present. Joe Lee states that since he cut off his queue two weeks ago his fel lowcountrymen have cut him. Lee and his bride have been sweethearts for a long time, but it was only re cently that she consented to marry him. North Carolina Patents, Febrnary SO William H Kerr, Concord, assign or to Golden Belt Manufacturing Comnanv. Durham.' bee machine. J .E-Mc1!an, J Salisbury, cnliuary or apparatus. . - Stephen .0 3b, Raleigh, vehicle axle. THE DOUGLASITES. Here Are the Beprcsntatlxcs That Honor the Mulatto. Below we give the names of those who vo ed to adjourn out of re spect to the memory of Fred Doug lass, the negro who married a white woman. Yet they did not see enough in Washington and Lee. They are : Aobott, Aiken, Alexander, Tyrell, Bagwell, Kate man, Bean, Brown, Buc'jiftiian, Campbell, Chilcut', Crews, Crumpler, Currie, Davis, Drew, Bryant, Burnbarn, Chtek, Cox, Croom, Cromel, Darden, Dixon, Duncan, Ellis, Flack, Ellege, Ewart, Frencn, Gentry, Harris, of Gaston; Harris, (Hyde) Henderson, lineman, Hopkins, Huffman, Johnson, Leary, Lmney, Mayes, McKinney, McLeod, M tchell, Norman, Peace, Phillips, (Pitt) Hunter, Keathley, Leinbach, Lusk, McCauley. McLean, Miches), Morrow, Normeut, Petree, Phillips, RaldolpU Pool, Reynolds, feeff, Smith, (Caswell) Smith, Cley'nd Smith, (Robinson) Speas, Squires, Stikeleather, Strictland, Taylor, Sutton, Turner, Mitchell Turner, (Polk) Walker, White, Williams. Vi'ckers, Walser, Wbitecer, Wooten, Young, Yates, Not a outfit. Democrat in th-2 whole New Trustees for the Vniuerslty. The following are agreed upon as the new trusteea oa the S ate Uni versity board of trusteea to fill va cancies this year: Democrats: John W Graham, R B Peebles, M E Car ter, WHS Burgwyn, Francis D Winston, A B Gorrell. Republicans: Abram Alexander, Thos. F Floyd, Z V Walser, E A White, Charles A Cook, SpeLcer Blackburn, Jafyes E Rovd. .Tampa M Mood v. V itlwL S Lusk. D A Whit". D L Rnssel Popalists: Cyrus Thompson, J TB Hoover, John F Hogan, S Otho Wilson, Harry Skinner, J B Lloyd, V E White, W A Guthrie. Knit Ended at Last. The follawing interesting item we get from our esteemed exchange, Stanly News: Over ten years ego the board of county commissioners of this county advertised for sale the public Equare in Albemarle, but the owners of lo's a( jicent to the fquare enjoined thf saie aal the case has been pending u rourt ever since until hisc we-.-l when judgment was obtained t'is solving the injunction and author ing the sale. The News would sug gest that the lota on the square ought to be sold at ence rnd the proceeds taken to buill a new jail. Some Georgia XuKarels. You're not alone in your misery when the cow kicks the milk over. You can sympathize with the calf then. This world is full 'o sunshine; but nine meu out ' ten spend half their daj3 huntin' for tallow candles. When the tree falls on jour house, and you come out all right, jerk your coat, chop it np ana sell it for firewood. If there was a free railroad train from this world to Heaven, you'd Qnd hundreds of men eo down on the excursion business that you couldn't get 'em to board it. If the good Lord was to make the world oyer to snit the people in it, it would tie sush a jumble that it would, take n hundred years to re cognize it. Atlanta Constitution. The "Moss" Konrd. The Salisbury Herald says:' Mt B F Weant has neither big hogs nor fat geese to talk about,' but he claims to have the champion gourd. This gourd "is four feet eight inches in circumference and holds twelve gallons and a 4uart of water Mrs Weant has Uken charge of the gourd and uses it as a "tub" for rinsing clothea. Mr. Weant wants to know who can beat birn on gourds and to does the Heralk. Fife to be a Jonrnallst. The Lexington D.epatch says : It ia eaid that Evaogelistj W P Fife, a native of our county, swill son as sociate himself witl Evangelist Jenkins, of Winston, ia the publica tion of a non-sectarlun religion journal. : Mr. J T Isenbonr, of No. 11 who has been in Texas and Arkansas for several jears and who re'urnejd to this connty last December, has gone to Illinois, ' - TOWN AND COUNTY. Eq. D W Turner, of Smith's Ford, 6pent Wednesday night in the city. The distillery of J T Harrison of Rowan county, waa eeiz-d Wednesday, A fire damaged the Catholic church of Salisbury, Wednesday, to ix Joss cf about $300. Mr. John A Kimmons who was spending a while in Wilmington visiting friends is at home. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush is especially true of that golden priz?, the United Sta es eagle. Wednesday night in the Lutheran church of Salisbury, by Rey. C B King, Dr. R L Ramsay and Miss Lena Thompson were married. Uccle Martin Rosenstihl, of No. i, was in town. He can make pocket knife that looks better and cuts better than a barlow knife. Charlie Hardie, a firtman on the Southern railroad, stole Miss Eve Peay away from her home at Bur lington last Sunday and were mar ried. The workmen are all done with placing the machinery and shafting at the Cabarrus Mill, and every piece ia working swiftly and smoothly. Northern capitalists have recently made several propisitions tj prop erty owners arouud Glasses, with a yie;v to purchasbg for the purpose of building cotton mills. We have heard men preach on many things Defore, but Wednesday is the first time we ever heard a man preach on horse back. He is a crans that struck town. The Empress Dowager, of China, e studying the bible recently pre sen ted to her, and has got another copy for her boo, who is deeply interested iu the troubles of Jo'. The young man who boaa'g that he works vith his head instead his hands is respectfully reminded at the woodpecKer docs the same, and is the biggest kind of a bore at it. So many Congressmen will retire this session they can t shake the dust of Washington off their feet Their farewell tears will turn the dust to something whose name is mud. Mr. Lusk's bill to regulate rail road passenger ratea make3 the first class fare cents p r mile, second class 1 cents, children under twelve half these rates. Penalty for viola tion of this act. Populist Senator Franck, of On slow, died in Raleigh Wednesday, of pneumonia. He wa3 38 years of age. He was the biggest member, weigh ing oUS pouuds. This makes the second death. One of the most earnest advocates of tobacco as an indulgence of value in i he case of the sick and convales cent, under certain conditions, is Dr. Ludwig Jankan, the eminent phys sician of Munich. The negro boys who were fright. end so badly Tuesday while escort ing Maggie Brewer honr:.', who lives a few miles above town., are named John Gibson and Jim Pickens Thb former works in Carter's barter shop at Forest Hill Only a few pairs of license were issued during February and three ame in on the 27th. The fear that the blackberry crop would be a fail ure, owing to the much cold weather during Febrnary, accounts for the small number tiiut was willing to risk matrimony. Mr, W Brunily, an electrician. from Atlanta, fell from a ladder in the L'icy Cobb Institute at Athens, Georgia, jesterday morning and broke hi3 arm, 1113 arm was broken in the attempt to keep the falling ladder from hurting a young lady who waa near by playing on a piano. Gov. Caar has remitted the fines of $75 each imposed on Messrs. M F Kurr, A L Morton aud Caleb Green for shooting Duncan T Tucker some time ago. Their ap plication to have these fines' remitted waa signed by -Judge Boykio, who imposed the sentence, and by solic itor Webb. Sf.auly News. Able councel have" been retained by Dr. R L Pavne, Jr., to prosecnte Mr. Sbeinwell in the court?, viz: Jas. E Boyd, of Greensboro; B F Long, of Statesyille, and S. E. Williams, of the loeal bar. The de-fendant-'will have 0 B Watson,. f Winston, R Z Lmney, of Taylors villc; Robbins & Raper, and Pickens & Welser, o( the local bar. March 1 Ice cream is always nice. Greensboro as well as Charlotte gave the Dewey Heywood Concert Company a black eye. Senator William Moody of this district waa an honorary escort of the remains of Senator Franck to Onelow connty. March came in a little blustery Now will it go out a little like lamb and a little like lion a kind of fus ion, you know. The Miller Opera Company, which had an engagement here.next week, will not appear. The Company closed for the season at Danville. The condition 'of Justice Howell E Jackson has,changed for the bet ter, and his family hope he will soon be able to resume hi place on the beaih. Master Henry Ringstag, of this place Bends as a chicken with fonr legs and four wings. The freak liTed a very short while. Monroe Enqnirer. Mr. Baxter Moore, a prominent citizen of Mecklenburg, died Wed nesday night It was sudden, an hour before he felt perfectly well. His age waa 62 years of age. Baseball umpires for the coming season are: McDonald, Keefe, Lynch, McQui'de, Emelie and Betts. Hun was not appointed. Fred Pfeffer's disabilities were removed, and he is assigned to the Louisville'club for 1S95. The Wilmington Messenger says Tne white folks in south Carolina are trying to get together. In nn ion there is strength. In division there is Tillmanism ard Botlerism and Otho Wilhsonism and 'Luskism and other abominations. February Marched right out as calm as could be and April May come sometime before June if July doesn't make its August appearance and make things too hot for us in September to color the leayes in the uth of October. pa Cruse, a colored man 5 township, had a warren t takeN for his poor old father, John Cruse, on Thursday for drawing a razor on him and threatening to cut him. Deputy Cruse served the warrent.but "upon non-appearance of the son the father was released. uount lion de Castellane. who is to marry Miss i.nna Gonld, Monday next, had quite an experience with a cab in New York Wednesday after noon. The horse p tumbled .and fell throwing him out and bruising him considerably, besides tearing his trousers on the knee. The murder trial of Tom Coving ton, which was held at Newton, fills 12 columns in the Newton Enter price. It is, in its entirety, the work of Master Robert R Williams, a youth not yet 12 years old. It is the fieest piece of work by a boy we eyer saw. Editor Williams ought to be proud of his boy. While at his mother's sale in Lan caster county latt week Dr. S J Welsh, of this place, purchased some very yaluable family heirlooms, among them Is a very fine quilt that Mrs. Welsh picked op in her yard after Sherman's raid and a lot oi fine chioaware that had been iu bin. Welsh's possession for sixty years and has neen handed down from mother to daughter for more than a century. Monroe Enquirer. A mm, a very shrewd man, was on the streets Thursday and today endeavoring to trade .watches with nearly erery man he would meet. The man possessed an old time-worn watch, the case of which waapcxter, that he wanted to trade to Dr. Ar. chey for hia elegant gold one, The trade could not be affected, however, as the unknown man wanted too much "boot," Thta freak that hi.s struck the city wears a red ribbon on his coat and a blue card with red tassel on bin hat Was it the Iumny Line About 11 o'clock the little son oi Mr. Chac. Sherwood was driving a double team to a grain drill, going from town to his home a few uiilet above town and when iu front of Mrs. J S Fisher's, on Main street, the horses became frightened, rear ing and ruuning, turning the drill Bp 8ide down and breaking it all to piecia. It was almost a miracle that the child was not instantly killed. The little fellow swung to the reins and after ruuning and draging behind the furious animals for some dis tance he got them under control. The question now arises, was it the dummv line that caused the trouble? "ONLY A TRAMP." He FlooiU the Town With Obscene Pictures Six Men Lose Their IohI lions. Thursday a tramp s ruck town. He was an nrtist, so to speak, and flooded the on with vulgar, ob 3cene pictures. Not only did he paint aud sell his "beauties" in tha heart of the ci'y, but took in the North and West eu's, Nearly every boy in the city has pur chased or seen one. He retailed his pictured yice at 5 cents a copy, meet ing with ready sales wherever he went. Down at the bleachery six men, so far as known, were beguiled into purchasing some of the shameful stuff, and when discovered by the foremen Mr. W A Stone, they were fired out withiout warning. THEY'RE AFIER HIM. Ed. McCombs, a Xegro Thief, Who Made Bold to Rob Mr. (iraber's Honey Drawer. For some time a sloven acd very trifling, tall, lean, lank negro has been loafing around town in idles ness, now and then doing an oad job, and right recently he has made headquarters about Graber'i? n.eat market. When Mr. Graber would leaye his market with hi trust worthy assistant, little Tonimie Hopkins, the negro would invariably creep in behind the counter and offer to assist Tomroie in making some little trick. In this way he would disengage Tommie'd watchful eve and take his chances on the msney drawer, which is yery convenient. Several times Mr. Graber has missed money from the drawer, and no longer than yesterday more than a dollar was taken. This morning, very early, when Mr. Graber went to his breakfaet the negro put in his appearance as usual and helped himself to the contents of the drawer, which amounted to about $1.25. When Mr. Graber returned he missed his money and suspicion was at oHceu'p.a this conspicuous pen. Bonage, Ed McCombs. The police were noilied aud But on to it, but not in time to then a long, hot chase. As soon the negro saw the officers advancing towards him he broke to run, and the last Been of them, officers, thief and all, they went "burning the wind" down the Southern railroad, the negro in the lead. Policeman Bocer being so fat he could not run. returned to the des pot in time to catch the 11:15 train and went to Harnsburg, where he will no doubt catch the villian. Tommie ana another boy found a purse that naa Deen put away dj he negro under the cabinet snop of Mr. Caster, containing 1.85, wLich is in the possession of Mr. Graber. Wo Eo Gladstone The grand career of one of the greatest men of modern times, now drawing to its close in the ordinary course of nature, is one of the greatest object lessons which can be set for the youth of to-day. Not all can hope to attain such eminence, for not all are endowed by nature, with such wonderful talents, and backed by a rugged physique, which can endure the strain of an active life in the public service for so many years. Education Knowledge Is the foundation for success in a great career. Thousands of dollars are expended yearly by men of wealth, that their sons may be fitted for the life it Is hoped they will lead. But there are other ways open for the resolute youth who will diligently apply himself to the advantages he finds at hand. The Greatest of These May safely be said to be bound up In the twenty-eight volumes which go to make up the new up-to-date edition of the wonderful ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, which for some time has been offered to our readers at very low Introductory rates. It Is also offered on such easy terms of payment that any youth with a will may own this great work. Only ten cents saved each day will accomplish It. For full and complete terms and sample pages address . THE OBSERVER, CliAULOTTB, N. C CM WW Highest of all in Leavening- GOT A nE.D1.lKE A.TACK. " It seems to me," he said to her, "That Lent must surely lag, For when amusements all are gone, The time, I know must drag." "There you are wrong she made reply "To say the days pass slow, For during all the whole of Lent Its fast time, don't you know." THE LEXINGTON CASE Excitement is Not so Great and Things Are Quieting Down To be Tried Kt lonrt. The funeral of Dr. R L IV. ne took place today in Lexington. Hid daughter, Mrs. Dr. Breckwith, of Pennsylvania, came in this morning on the Florida Special and took the local train at 8:45. C B Watson, of Winston, who is engaged as counsel for the defend ant, came back this morning at 10:15. He. talked to a Record-man for a few minutes and while he of course, declined to gay what the line of defense would be, he said enough to show exactly what course . they will pursue. He said : "We shall contend, and feel that we can show, that our ui:m (Shemwell) is guilty of nothing in the world not on6 single thing." This means that selfdefense will be the plea ; that Sneuiwell was on on his way home, the Paynes, i r. and his son, being in front of him ; that suddenly Dr. Payne, Sr., turned towards him ; thinking that his life was in danger and that father and son intended to kill him ,Sbllc-mw fired to save his own life. Watch and see if this is not the case tc a dot. Mr. Watson, being asked if he in tendtd to try the case in Davidsou county, replied: "We don't want it tried anywhere else ; we should ob ject if it was contemplated elsewhere, court, weeK I sist on going to of course, well-known throughout the county. So is our client and we have nothing to fear." Ihereareof course two sidts to every case. So far Shemwell re cuses to taiK ana Air. uatson sajs his mouth will remain closed, of course. Let him get in the newspapers and he will be executed in short order. Greensboro Record. Miss Catherine Harkcy Dead. Inia aged mother departed this life on the 20th inst, at the residence other eldest living daughter, Mrs Catherine McDaniel, at the ripe old age of 93 years and 11 days, having been born Oct. 9th, 1801. Wha wonderful even', changes in ail the conditions of life have occurred in all those years, Born m the in fancy of the American Republic she has been a witness of its proud posi tion she now ocnupiea as among the first oa the roll of nations. O.u enough at the period of the eecou struggle with Great Britain to re member the stirring events con nected with it. She has witnessed its phenomenal rise and successful overthrow of every obstacle. Iu deel, the changes, vicisitudes and dangers this old mother has wit nessed and passed through would fill a goodly sized volume alone, hi e has six children liying W J liar key, Hged 79; Catharine, 65; Riley Harkey, 62; I M Harke, 59; Mary Armenirou, 66, and Adaline Trobridge, 52. She bat grandchildren living 65; great grand children 205, and great great grand children 11, making a total of her Jecendants ot 287 now living. Mrs Harkey retained her physical vigor to a wonderful degree ud to aoout 2 years ago, when she was crippled by an accident, before which Bhe wr.s able to walk the distance of a mile without assistance from others. Her numerous descendant in thiscoun'y, both male and female, are noted for their fine, robust physiquee, energy and thrift The dear old mother has put oh mortality with all its aceompmyipg trials and sorrows, to put on immoi rality m the presence of hi Aid "vome unto m- an w weary and heavy-laden and give you rett. cao baba (uxaej News, (Mrs. Haikey was a native tf Ca barrus county and a distant reh tive Of Mrs. B V Rogers, of our town. Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. IIWgM H IIBIIIIIIII Ml " II II A T.cnton Tn;ljla!io:i. Now social gayetics arc o'er, The Lenten season's here; Nor tripping feet, nor music more, In pleasure's halls you'll hear. So women fair will lay aside Her silks and satins rave, While jewels will no more abide, Or glitter in her hair. For forty days her mind must turn Away from worldly strife, Her soul for holier things muat yearn Than those of earthly life. Alas.there's Enstcr just ahead, Her mint! m1 .-t 1 upon it: And then her hapless thoughts are led To that new Easter bonnet! Jickcd 1 1 at ICiUMlom. A Maltese cutis being sent around the world without a c;nt. The Mardi Gras festivities at Nt- t Orleans are being held amid di:li; ;'it. ful weather. Thu city is full of strangers. A number of depa; ttnents in tho Carnegie Sel Works " ere c!o;ed .tin! 1,500 employes down yesterday thrown out cf .vor orders. The ifc!!0?!!t Police South has t ' on the of members from th; Scarcity churcTi withdrawal Christian 'it to bcotu iinacayor .iCsi . i or the Epwor: K L ; . John Ni.'v IiucK, of his wife f ) 'v-'v-' '; (Tiio, gaya . ai Is us years ago as rccority fr a debt cf 200, went Vc&t t;; cum money to re-, deera his spor.3.i and hasn't been heard fro u Bince. Mio Juinjird in the tVcll. A gentleman who wa; at Kerners ville yesterday fells Tbj Hej Mrs. Alia Ingrain, residing abo two miles in the country, was missad Sunday morning sou-.e time after breakfast. mew bat It-niente l d the worst was ':i;ig around the re some to the rope for dear life. Another rcpe was secured and lowered down to her which she se- cured around her waist and was drawn to the top. Che refused to say how she got to the bottom, though it is eaid she eyidently went down by means of the rope tor she was not bruised or injured in any way, thoug'i she said the water waa too cold for her. The well was tbii ty feet deep. Greensboro Record. ( The I'UHioYn Wile field NcrvireN. Beaver Falls, Penn., Feb. 2C Rev. George Turbusb, pastor of the Episcopal church here, was taken suddenly ill Sunday and was unable to attend the evening fceryice. His plucky wifa determined that the congregation should not be disap pointed. t:o bhe conducted the SeryiceS Leiseif. nrnnan. a 6ermon, s::u! the mxt I thing, iiaJ tea-Tone of Taln.age's. The congri".;atioii v.v.a surprise.., but de lighted. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. Shortness of Breath, Swell-, ing of Lejs tnd Feet. "For about four years I wa3 trotH bled with palpitation of the heart,' shortness of breath and swelling of the legs and feet At times I would faint. I was treated by the best phy sicians in Savannah, Ga., with no re lief. I then tried various Sprincv without benefit. Finally I tried j Dr. Miles' Heart Cure! .ilso his Nerve and Liver Pills. Af ter bemnninn to take them I felt betterl I luea retKing tnem ana larnjy."! twn lister m. Xlldnlkv It will beV by the Dr. For sael by ah y - j