r1 L 6ta r .jTsTANDARD JAMES P. COOK - - Editor Uokoobd, Cabarrus County, N. G THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1895. WILL HOT SOME USE HOVE? That is a sad case reported else where in this paper. It appeals for :t?9?tf sharity and mere?, on its face. Will not seme ore .move in'thig matter? See that the facts as given in this issue are not sub stantially correct. The boy must not be more than 17; at any rate bis size suggests one much younger. He was sent here from Cleveland county to the chain gang for two years, of this he has served sixteen months. The boy is dying of consumption the eanda of his life are running out fast and thick. My God, shall a youth, who has served 16 month? of his 24 months' sentence, die in jail of comsumption when the ends of justice have been met? Were it in the power of the coun ty commissioners to pardon him, we , doubt not that they would do it. It is the Gouernor's power alone. Will not some one become inter ested enough to lay the facts before His Excellency, Gov. Carr, and se cure his release from prison Let the poor boy go home to his mother, his father, the scenes of his home. Let him die on his nstive soil and not a prisoner in jail, with no loved ones present. Mark yon; this is a youth, not a hardened old criminal and chronic law breaker. He's some one's dar ling boy, or has been once upon a time. A DEAD JOB. Congress did its plain duty in killing the proposition to purchase the Blaine residence in Washington for $150,000. The price is ridiculously high and the government has no business going into ihe real estate business, even when bargains are offered. nattennt was made in this in ce to put through a job by force of sentiment. Mr. Blaine wa3 a great " man Etd had an enthusiast among the masses But his fame is no. degree connecte pile in caieer. His place in history and the estimation of the country cannot be effected by the demolition of a theatre on its site. What Congress has do with the fate of the Blaine residence we can not smagine. The scheme to pur chase it with $150,000 to be taken ont'ot the public treasury was an attempt at a bare faced job. . It went whirling through the. Senate, but the Senate is the starting point for all legislative jobbers. It is credita ble to the house that it refused to concur in the appropriation, and that its representatives on the con ference committee finally killed it. Atlanta Journal. A SERIES OF LECTI RES, The newspapers of the State now haye jl aiVi Tft)va.moral lesson. The cackling of geese TSsaid to 1 1 1 1 - have saved Rome, but there werenoT"-"" "" J" geese to prevent the little goose and his cigarrette from burning up Kin ston last week. The boy threw down a cigarrette in a straw barn this set fire to it and from it $250 000 worth of property was destroyed. Th only cost to do this was cent cigarrette and a boy i raised. But you can't keep boys in the right path when they are allowed to do as they please; have what they please; go when they please; loaf on the Btreet wherever and whenever they please; and you can't keep them from smoking when they see their lathers and others smoke cigarrettcs. What you going to do about it ? IXU AJTHOMilW THEIB fLESII. ' The Raleigh News & Observer is the rattlingest best paper in the "State. It's long way the best paper ever issued from Raleigh. It is vig rous, clear- 4 een cut m a'l it says, Josephus Daniels is doing valueable atd splendid service in the name of the State. It is doing much to show thai there are yet hundreds of white, v?ttpeoplein UorthCa; 1 I " St sng- 'WITH OSE ACCOJtD THET:BE04H TO SAKE EXCUSES. If it were not BOserious a matter it7 would be rediculous to Bee Re publicans and Populists rising on the floor of the. house denying that they voted for Douglass resolution. Mr. Ewart succeeded in proving an alibi. The rest of the offer nothing but their personal testimony. Thirty -four voted for it, but when they jc heme, there will not be half a dozen vho will not vehemently dery i. But, while only thirty four actually voted for it, the peop'e wil probably hold all the Fusioniets responsible because it is the legitimate outcome of fusion unless they promptly repudi ate Ly quitting alliances with those who are directly responsible for the resolution. "I ,am three-fourth white and one-fourth negro," said Fred Douglass. "We are three fourths negro and one-fourth white," say the Fnsipnista. Populists who denounce this action, and we ara glad to hear from all sections that many denounce it severely, owe it to themselves and their families to seperate themselves permanently from the men who bring reproach upon them and shame upon the State. Raleigh News & Observer. PKEPABIXO FOR DOOMSDAY. "Coming events cast their shad ows before." The fusionista al ready feel that the actions of the Legislature have met with public condemnation, JSome of them are trying to improve their own records, and in other ways trying to make a sof t place upon which to fall. This was evident yesterday when Mr. Paddison introduced a resolution to the tifect that the country wo ill breathe easier now that Congress, A au: u..i : would aniourn at 12 o'clock. Mr. Parsons, of Hyde, offered an amend ment, in substance, that"whereas, we, the Senate, do not know how much we have done that does not meet the approval of the people, therefore be it resolyed, that we bow submissively to the yoke of public condemna tion." Mr. White, of Alexander, who was gagged by the caucus order to sup port tbe bill to make Chas, A Cook, cf vTarren, a Judge, that he was ex cased from voting, said that his body Eho'jld judge not lest it be judged h tr-.rt iudrrmeni it measures t need cf it3 snort comings ana misdoings. Congress ha3 done pretty bad, we are bound to admit, but in compari son with t be Legislature it has been a shining light. We are glad the one has closed and that the days of the other are few. Raleigh News & Observer. A COS1XT EXPERIMENT. The Legislature has made a cost ly and an unwise blunder in abolsh ing the old rule that the Stafe Boards of Education shall select the books for the public schools, and that the county boards in each of the ninety-six counties shall select the books in their respective counties. There Las never been a complaint against the present system by any except the agents of unsuccessful book companies. There has been no clamor for a change. It has ana agents or look companies, anu is in their interest and not in the in terest cf the tax-payers. The result of the change will be expensive, and open to grave evih. Book agents, who are known not to be overscrupulous, will be active to secure the adoption of their special books, and will be willing to give a consideration for their adoption. Changes, unnecessary and unwise, will be made, and the children will have to foot the bills. This is "Reform." News and Ob server. Yv'EBSTER'S I INTERNATIONAL f Entirety Nm. Il TS XT A Tltr. Abr.ost .f t. Tim,iAJjL sJLX X i .1 brama Jsducmtor. " Successor of th g Unabridged." Standard of tlie U. 8. Gov't Prints ing Office, the U.S. Supreme Court and of nearly all tuo Bchoolbooks. Warmly com mended by every State Superinten dent of Scbools, and other Ednca- 9, Colloco President writes I "oi- ease with, trhlch the eye finds the word sought, for cccuracy of deflnl- f or effectiTe methods la lndl- J ronuncintlon, for torse yot 5. fensive etetements of facte. ? r radial use as a Trorklnor nmar?,' Webster's International' cels any ether single Tolnme." ' The Or.o Great Standard Authority, eo vtiics iioi. j..i. uren-er, jusuca u. 5. bapreme Coiut. C. Ar C. ZTZXRIA2I CO., Ptthllahers, ft Sprtn&Geld, Mass., U. 8. A. - i mrmA to Wie pnblinheii for tm pamphM. Do not bay cheap reprlca of ancleut cditlonL fMh GENEKOSITY TOWARDS HIS NEWLY MARRIED NIECE. A CABARRUS ROMANCE A Realistic Story of Concord and its Attractiveness, in Which a Number of Prominent Business Men Take a Very Conspicuous Part Uncle Josh, Charley and Polly on a Shopping Tonr. "Miss Summers Polly I I er dare I " But the speaker took a header over bashf nlness, only to hear a sweet : "Yes, Charlev," "Can I aspire to er- -to that is" Again a lapse into silence, follow ed by an encouraging : "Yes, Charley." "Oh, if I might only hope to er to" Another failure of language. It was seemingly a hopeless case, and might haye been, only for a de' mure: "Charley, I have said 'yes' twice, and if you mean it, I mean it too, and" And to this dav that voung man will insist that he popped the ques tion. All this happened away "up east," and it wasn't long before there was a wedding. Not much longer be fore there came a letter from Polly's Uncle Josh down here in Concord who wrote effusively of his ddight at her exhibition of what he called "grit," and he propose! that if the young people wouid locate in Con cord he would start them up in life as a wedding'gift, and at the same time give them a lot of good practi cal advice. Of course they accepted, and were biddins their friends adieu. A few weeks subsequent to the above conversation a travel stained Dartv. arrived in Concord. Oar friend, Uncle Jqsn, was in charge, and he led the party straightway to a hotel. "The St. Cloud" said he, "is a typical Southern hotel of the best class. Mrs. Dusenbery, who,has the man' agemeat, is endowed with that de lightf ul intuition that makes a guest feel at home, comfortable, contented, and in mighty good luck. The house is one of nonveniface ;' the apartments are well furnished ; the cuisine all that a saperior chef and unlimited orders on the market can make it. I have engaged rooms here for you to occupy until your own house ia ia readiness." . "After breakfast," said the old man, "I am ready to go buy your outfit. To expediate matters I have ordered a carriage from Brown Bros, onr enterprising livery men.' When the handsome carriage, with elaborate trappings and pranc ine horses t'rew up in front of the St. Cljnd. Polly declared it the "finest turnout she had ever seen." "Yes," replied Uncle Josh, "the three S's, 'Speed, Safety and Style,' is Brown's Coat of Arms So, young folks, when you w-nt to take a drive, either for business or pleasure, go to him for a rig eycry time." It was in this stylish turnont that the rounds of the city were made. Having provided you with a cage for your bird, said Uncle Josh, "and now the first thin? we'll look after will be the furnishings for it, Hereupon Polly energetically de clared that she had heard so much about Cannons, Fetzer & Bell, that she had decided to go there. The result .was that they were ushered into such a bewildering display that the girl was at first at a loss bow to select. But she soon yielded id the seductiveness of a magnificent parlor suit, a bedroom set in oak, antique finish, that would have done credit to old Antiquity herself. To this she added a dining room set with all accessories, and 'didn't forget a most convenient and ornamental writing dedk for "Hubby" Charles. "A pretty good start," said the old man, "and now we'll go to Smithdeal & Morris' hardware and stoye store. Here housewifely in stincts had full play in marvels of kitchen a, para t us. There is not an establishment in the country that carries a more comprehensive stock of household furnishings. Every possible piece of kitchen furniture, from a tin dipper to a cooking range is here in styles and variety. If Polly fails to accomplish wonders in the culinary art, it will not be for want of superior cooking ntensils, for she purchased an elegant stoye with all equipments needed in a well regulated kitchen, besides an ele gant beater for the parlor. While Polly was selecting her kitchen ap paratus, Charley bought a supply of builder's hardware and Uncle Josh made himself a present of some farm implements. Lets see I promised you a gold watch, didn't I," queried Uncle Josh' of Polly." Correll's Jewelry Score is the very place to get one cheap. Thereupon the old man gallantly acquitted himself of the promise and directed Polly's attention to the superior stock of Bolid silver ware carried by this house. "This is a splendid house" said the old man, "and I will guarantee the quality to be the very best. Pick out your family cloct while here," he added Correll carries a magnificent line. Don't forget another fact," he continued, "if eyer you nnfortunat ly need optical goods, this ia the place to come and sav, Charley, my boy, when that old 'turnip' of yours breaks down, bear in mind that Mr. A B Correll is an expert repairer, and can make her good as new." -S"Halt !" commanded Uncle Josh as the party came in front of4Fetzer's handsome Dru? store. "Walk right in." "Why, Uncle, we're not sick. and " "Guess I know that, but I suspect it won't be long before this yonng man begins, to take in intei est in matters of paregoric and " "U-n-c-l e!" "Well go in anyway, Polly may find some toilet articles she wants," Sure enongh before leaving she was loaded down with combs, brushes, face powders and ounces upon ounces of fine imported perfumes. "Don't forget," added Uncle Josh, "to come here with your prescrip tions aa Dr. Fetzer and his clerks are competent pharmacists and use pure and wholesome drugs. liTou will find few better equipped drug stores anywhere than this." But this is the place for crockeryware, also. There isn't, positively, a thing ia the line of china, crockery, glass or porcelian needed for use or o 'nament in any part cf the house that can not be found at Fetzer's in indefinite variety and at wonder fnl low prices. lie also has splendid stock of lamps or eery description and table cutlery in abnnoance. PoUy'3 order suggested her thorough s ppreciation. At this paint, somewhat to the confusion of Charles, the old man indulged in a half serious criticism of his personal appearence. "Yon are decidedly off style for a towns man," said he, "and w'ed better go to Lowe & Son's clothing store. Af ter Charles had fitted himself in 1 neat late style suit, from the piles of fashionable garments that cover the tables of this extensively stocked establishment, Uncle JfshWjia2 "Nw - -. like a newly ueiore leaving, 11av.tr; T" . r 1 - . goous at prices irresistible. Charles also inyested in a complete outfit of gent's lurnishings, from the late style hat to a- dozen shirts Lowe & Son is not to be undersold in the State. Uncle Josh inquired if she was ready to go, she replied, "No, Uncle, not by a good deal. I have just learn ed that Miss Nannie Alexander has a splendid stock of millinery here, and from what 1 can see in the est.b lishment she has about everything a woman could desire, and low prices. Why, Uncle Josh, I could'nt match them in Cincinnati." The girl lin gered for some time iu the millinery department, where she chatted with the clerks and found out that the trimmer had had a long experience in the business and was a close stu dent of the changing styles, which was a guarantee that work left in her hands would be done according to the dictates of fa-b ion and by a competent, artist. Polly declared that Miss Alexander would always get her trade in veiling, hats and millinery generally. At this point Uncle Josh suggest1 ed a resort to some place of refresh ment. At tha refreshment table the old man waxed philosophical. "Neyer neglect your larder." said he. "That important adjunct .to housekeeping controls masculine temper. To that end you must patronize a grocer on whom you can depend for honest goods. Through a long acquain tance I have found Messrs Sims & Alexander perfectly reliable. You will find him a careful dealer, al ways full stocked with every pos sible thing in tha line of staple and fancy groceries brand ne v, fresh and first class, no shelf worn goods there while the prices are down to brass tacks. And then too, this is the place of all places for shoes. Polly found oocl 3 and prices so seductive that she purchased an outfit from a comfortable house slipper to a hand some walking boot. Charley in yested in gents fine shoes, while Uncle Josh indulged iu a stout farm boot. No one needing footwear can resist the styles'and prices offered by Sims & Alexander. Polly seemed re luctant to leave. Now to locate a meat market where you can get fiesh, wholesome meats at ali times, Fred Btck is the man to supply you. This ia the boss meat market in the city and is popular with everybody who is par ticular to have the hes. The reason for all. this is because they are care ful in the selection of stock and gat the freshest of everything and keep nothing but the very best, To keep AVOID Bulk Sod" I Bad soda spoils good flour. Pure soda the best soda, omy in packages. bearing this trade mark 35" It costs no more than inferior package soda never spoils the flour always keeps soft. Beware of imitation trade marks and labels, and insist on packages bearing these vrorda ! AIM AND HAN 9 Made only Dy CHURCH CO., New York. Sold by grocers everywhere. 0 O Write for Arm and Hammer Daote of valuable Recipes FREE. e D. A. LOWE. LOWE&SON We have placed in our window 160 pieces of Lace and Embroidery, and selling it for just half the former price. Buy what you can use this summer 25c Ladies Hose 15c. Ladies "Vests for less than cost. The price on "Ribbon has been CUT IN HALF Our entire stock, of Dress Goods at nst cost. Oc Seersucker at 5c. 10c Saline, figured, at 5c. All of the best Frints now at 4c. Wool Blankets at vour Nine Ladies Wraps for less than the goods cost 6 and 7c outing for 5c. We are going to quit CLOTHINGB and will sell ovr stock for less than cost. We have an im mase line of Pants from 37ic to S3.50. Every article in this department a b rgains. Men's Undershirts and Drawers the price is now less than wholesale cost You have never heard of prices like ours on , MEN'S HATS The price has beed cut in the middle. No person can afford to wear old Shoes. We are overstocked and going to run them ont, and to do it quick it eise. vve utvgui mis siock at a price mat we can HHH XT T ID IE1 jR, SELL Hill and we are going to do it in every department of our estab lishment. There was hundreds ot bargains went out of our house last week, but wt are going to push still harder this week and will show some Come and see us even if LO W Et 8 O N.i ESST'Suecessors to your 'Hubby' in a good humor trade at Beck's market eyery time. Uncle Josh turned to his niece and 8id, "Polly, I know you to be too sensible and industrious u girl not to want a sewing machine, How would you like to haye a Singer ? It has got all the latest improvements, you know." Why, Dear Uncle, you couldn't please me better. I always have been partial to the Singer, they are such nice machines to work with," the girl replied. "Lucky, Lucky answered the generous old man, "and Mr. J W Walker is the agent for that very machine." "Sell her a Singer, Mr. Walker, and I'll foot the bill." En route home the party called at the Standard office. "You will want the news every day," said Uncle Josh, and I will subscribe for the Daily Standard, I hate to Bee peo ple borrow newspapers It is one of the meanest habits on earth, and what's more its downright robbery, I want to see you all start out right and pay for what you get." Upon rejoining Polly sne began to volubly express her thanks. "You haye bought us everything' she ex claimed. "Only one thing," replied Uncle Josh, Cannone, Fetzer & Bell always 3 a nice line of them anu you can get one whereyer y?a wan't it; I'll pay for the best." "Why," exclaimed Polly wifh ereat surprise,. "Uncle, what can it be!" Well, it's a baby carriage, and " ' But Polly had fainted. OUR CHARIER CHANGED, Couuty Government Bill Passea Pro ceedings In tbe Senate and House. In the Senate bills were introduced denning fraternal beneficiary s cieties, and to increase the number of dirf c'ors of the penitentiary. The bill to allow oyater dredging which was tabled yesterdaj passed. The bill to alio the people of Kich mond county to vote on the creation of school and county paesed btal readirg. The bill to provide for coun'y adoption of school books passed. Bills passed amending the charter of A8heville, to incorporate the Mor- ganton and Shelby Kail way; to in corporate People?' Fire IoRurance Co ; ti amend the charter of Con cord ; to change the county seat of Kutherf.ord girom ' Rutherford to Forest City. InAbe Hons, a resolutloaadopteCXFCHD C0.,Z comes K tfju 2 I 0 I. C. LOWE NOW! OWN PRICE ! takes prices below e very bod v EYE-OPENERS you ilon' t vant to buy. The Lowe C Jipany. and sent by Markm Roberts, pos Grand Army of the Republic of Ashevilie, xo.3 read commending th Senate for passing tbe Confederate monument bill and urging the House to pass it. A bill was intro duced to amend the charter of Ral eigh providing for a police board. Bills passed to incorporate the South Atlantic Endowment Co; to incorporate Atlantic, Yanceville & Riedsville Railroad; to' incorporate the Carolina and Northwestern Rail road. The bill to change the system of county government passed the Sen ate by a strict party vote, 70 to 30. 1 here was quite a sensation on the vote on the amemendnsent by Ray, Democrat, providing that the peo ple elect magistrates. This w -b lo8t,ayes 12, noes 73. The Senate bill providing for the election of three additional magistrates by the people at the next election passed by a strict party vote, 72 to 31. PEOPLE WHO LOVE BOOKS like to have those books conven iently and properly arranged. We manufacture and sell sev eral sorts of book cases, diction ary holders, etc Bel BeinK manufacturers, we can afford to sell them at the usual retail prices and to give a valuable present of books with each pur chase. With a $5.00 dictionary holder, for instance, we give you a choice of several sets of books, each wotth from $1.00 to $4.00. With a larger purchase, we give more books. . bend for price lists, catalogues and Usts of premiums. i A postal card will die 65 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK Andrews School Furnishing Company JF TOO BUY .-' IIIGUiGRADE Oxford Wheel tot men, women or boys at prices ranging 1 rromfistotso. We sSlp from factory oVJeet to ipprnvtl and are the only manniactur erssellinKdireettoConramera. We have Agent. We offer greater Iqe In onr Oxford Gladiator wheels at S6Q to $8Q than other mantif aetnrera with prices from SlOO tot 150. j Every wheel ftally tjyarranteel. Don't pay local delr m profit of Fifty pereent.t Cut this ont and write to-day for qui tuuidsome catalogae. Address, IMV 3 r?&& afflf EilZ THRILLING EXPERIENCE V, MANY LIVES AVED A YOUNG WARPREVENTED! A crowd of eager people were surging into Smithdeal & Morrib' Uardware to see their fall stocK of guns. Each man proceeded to arm him self with a deadly weapon, bat as tbe guns were un loaded seteral accidents were avoided. Id the hous of this firm jonr life ia cuiefully guarded, (no loaded gnna unchained) and in the purchase of their goods, your money goes fur ther than in any other Hard ware store in the State. If yon don't believe it, come and see our stock of HARDWARE. SADDLES. STOVES. PAINTS,XILS I MACHINERY, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, MINERS SUPPLIES AND BUILDERS MATERIAL- is complete, and mnst and will be 80ld at tde lowest possible figure. We also have a car load ct Buegiea and a stock of GUNS at low TanS Prices, CALL AN I)BE CONVINCED, Smithdeal k YCRKB WADSRTWOH holgsalG and TDK lilGEST ANU BEST ASSORTED STOCK IN THE liTATE No house in North Carolina can possibly make lower prices on Shelf Goods, Agricultural Implements of the latest makes, Buggies, Wagons, Hacks, Mowers. Guanos and Acids. Try their Prices and Quality They've got the Stuff Yokre i Wadsworth We Bidn't -DURING THE AND WE HAVE NOT BEEN AFFLICTED WITH A HOT BOX SINCE To cur many friends and customers we would say ihat "When the Clouds Roll By" yon will? find ns at the "uld Stand" with the red hottest line of ever shown in Concord. We what we say. When we say we prices, and 11 yon win out give you lots of good Furniture for S- COME AND SEE- Gannons, Fetzer & Bell, We have by far the harHbpest line of Molding iu the city. Bring n 8 your picturV ) ILIMEI ANE emen 0- -0 Wo are Sole SELLING V ia this market for the Casson Lime Co's. ANd CEME NT When in the market we would be pleased to have your orders. Will have a big lot of FLORIDA ORANGES for the Christina '. T It A D E G. V. 'PATTERSON "Wholesale ard Jtetiil Grocer, CONCORD, N. U. loiail $ 110 LID AYS say what we mean and nu an have the goods e have ihe us a cnance we wijj exenange a little cash. 'We-wait your bidding. Sell 0tit V 4r -!,- "VY