r Standard .THE : STANMRE- PRINTS THE NEWS THAT IS JfEfi for i YE AR SE WUfcl DOLLAR-. AT LIVING PRICES. GIYE US A TRIAL. I VOL. VI NO. 60. CONCORD. N. C, THURSDAY- MARCH ,14 1895. , WHOLE NO. 360 .THE - STANDARD .- -TURNS OUT GOOD - JOB - WORK E A PRETTY WEDDING. Rev. Alderman Officiates at the Mar riage of Mr. Ramsey to Tils Itlerriek - Moore t tbe - Baptist ' Church Wednesday Xlrht. At S:30 o'clock Wednesday night a beautiful marriage ceremoy wa? in progress at the Baptist church on. Spring street ..f inecnurcn being a small one could.4 seat one-half the large crowd of friends whom bad gathered ' to witness the solemnization tf tbe i contracting parties, who were Mr. Haines Ratn3ey, of A&hevijle, to Miss Merrick Moore, who lived on. West Depot street, at Mrs. Wago ner's. The couples escorting tbe bride and groom were : Miss Kebtcca Moore, of Rockingham, the bride's Bio er, and Mr. Robert Hornbnckle, Concord. Miss Mannie Hori.backle. and Mr, John Shine, both of Con cord; Miss Maggie McKinnon, of Rockingham, and Mr John Brown Concord. Alderman officiated in tbe which was impressive and point. - j After the marriage the young couple was escorted to tbe home of Mr, Levi Moore a brother of the bride, on North Main Etreet, where a reception was tendered them. Mr. and Mr. Ramsey left on tbe earl; train this morning for Ashe ville, where they will reside in the future. Choked to fleatn. Early this, Thursday morning, Master Thomas Johnston took a large coop of chickens to the ex . press office on a wheelbarrow, and as he attempted to lift the coop to the ground, the weight of tbe chick ens prised the bottom on, where upon twenty-three chickens escaped andjume, poor thing, jot its bead fastlVin a ciack. ai d strangled to death. The chickens were all caught wi'h little trouble, as they were coaxed in a droye into the store room of Dayvault and recooped. The Largest liver heeii. The funeral services of Mr. John W Wadsworth were conducted from Tryon Street Methodist church, of Charlotte, on Tuesday. The ser vices were conducted by the pas'or, Dr. Creasy, and Bishop Duncan, a warm personal friend of the deceased It i3 said to have been the most largely attended funeral ever held iD Charlotte. There ivere 1000 people at tiw depot to meet tbe remains on their arrival from Philadelphia,' Tuesday morning. Troly Charlotte mourns the loss of one of i;s foremost, fnterprising and devotr-d citizens. His place cannot be filled. His life has been truly ous of suc c!ts Now Hes lu Jail. Jim Rus3e!I, a mia who his lived around Forest Hill for several years, but who some time last fall skipped for parts unknown, turned up in tbe city Wednesday evening. A warrant was taken out for his arrest by one Lizzie Harris, on plea of bastardy Sheriff Sims, assisted by Assistant Chief of Police Fisher, and several others, effected his arrest about 1 o'clock last night, It is said, after Rus3sll had been arrested, he claimed to have had some whiskey in the stable of a neighbor and on this prepense sound ed the officers, but they would not let him go. He is now in jail, thinking, prooably, how gloomy it is. A searr-.h wa8 made for the block ade, but nothing wis found, bow ever. Fashion Kotes. , L-rge soft rosettes of velvet will e on the early spting hats. Violet bouquets for the cruBh collars and to wear on the wrap are as fashionable as for tLe hats Silver ponder bodies, lined with gold, are among the dainty articles cf the toilef. Thcse contain a fluffy puff, with silver handles. A row of tiny cups tied to a rib bon and separated by i.bout three inches may ba looped across the top of jour diuningrroom door. An odd number of saucers to mitch are placed on the wall below. The tffrcc is yery pretty. He Has Wandered From His Home. A letter dated at Littleton, March C, 1S95, was received by Mayor Crowell, which reads as follows: "S A Williams, a boy abent 17 years of- age left Columbia, S. C, on Tuesday February 26, for his home at Littleton, N. G. He wrote from Charlotte that he would be home on tbe 28tb, but I have not heard anything of him since. Any information, to his whereabouts will thankfully received. Respectfully. J. .1. WrT.T.IATV LIAMS; TEMPERANCE LECTURES. Sirs. Barker Lectured to two I.srjff Audiences at C'stnnonville Tonight. Wednesday af terEOon at the First I Pothotorion ihnrch ISra Helen Barker,- treasurer of the National W. C. T. TJ. lectured on tbe subject of temperance to quite a large cougie tioD, mostly ladies. Mrs. Barter gave a second lecture Wednesday night at tbe Forest Hill Methodist church. The speakei was introduced by Mrs. J E Cart land, president of the local W. C. T. U. . Mrs. Barker handles the subject of temperance cleverly, and spoke ia very endearing terms of the Lopi" tality shown her and ot the great work beirg done by tke good ladies of our city. Rey. M A Smith, pastor of the Forest Hill church, ia behalf of the ministers and the local union, ex pressed delight at htvirg her with us, and asked God's blessing to rest upon her in tbe noble work, A collection of $15 65 was taken for the work. Tbe benediction was pronounc-d by Rev. Mr. Parker, of Ceutral M. E. church. A Sow Dyer Maelilne. The O'dell Manufacturing Com pany are always on to the latest im provements in labor saving ma chinery. They are having placed in the dye house at their large mills a new dyer. This dyer is of the very latest improvement, which will color the raw material and in this way save no little amount on manual labor. One I!y Stabs Another. Two white boys, Will Knox and Will Davis, were senffling Tuesday at the corner of Graham and Sixth street?, when Dayis for some reason or other, pulled out bis knife, and stabbid Kqox twice in the breast and side. Davis wa3 arrested yes terday morning by Officers Vail and Hunter, and taken to the Tombs, while ..nox was taken to the hospi tal. Charlotte Gbs-.-rver- The (hcmwell-I'ayne Case. . Able counsel has been secured on both sides for the trial of the Shem-we;l-PayneJ case. The case will probably come np for trial on or abou', Thursday next, the 14tn. Col. Jas. E Boyd, of Greensboro, B F Long, of Stateaville, Judge W J Montgomery, of Concord, and Mr. S E Williams, of Lxington, and the solicitor will appeal for the prosecu tion. Hon. C B Watson, of Winston. Hon RZLiuncy, of Taylorsville. Ribbms & R :per, of Lexington, and Pickens & Walscr, of Lexington will appear for the defeuse. It piomites to be one of the nio.it deeply interesting cises eyr tried in L xiH;:tou. There will no doubt be several hundred witnesses, and it iB probable that the case will occupy a full week of the court's time. Lex ington Dispatch. The Western Combination That 13 to show tonight has a nu nber of very complimentary notices giyen it elsewhere. Among them we find this from the King's Mountain paper: "The Westons gave three very in teresting entertainments here last week to full houses each night and everybody was delighted. It cer- tainly ranks with the very best en tertainments travelling and is well worth attending. The Dioramic views or moving Dioramas were cer tainly fine and the Lectnre interes tiog and instructive. The various acts by Mr. Weston was clever and warmly applauded. The Trance Vision and Mesmeric Tests were wonderful and amusing, and the Lilipntion Family was a source of great delight to the ladies and chil dren, who attended in considerable- numbers- The Westons intend re turning here in a few week, and they rt ay be sure of a hearty wel coma " Lively Times in the Atknnsns I.rgls latnre. Littie Rock, Ark., March G. The Iron Mountain Railroad secured the defeat of a railroad commission bill in the Legislature here. Gov, Clarke intimated that there bad been bribery. Yesterday Representative Monrce called on the Governor, was trlemJ from Jim office, and to-day in tbe House denounced the Gov ernor as a liar and a scoundrel. Tbe Governor is likely to resent in a de- ciiveway. A Good Definition. She was a little girl, playing with her doll. Some one overheard her saying softly to herself: "Diet! diet! dietl" "Whv, Nellie, what are you saying ? You do not know what diet' means." "Yep, I do. It's eating-lomething you don't want, y Ansa's eood for tou." Omaha Advocate. wsw. SKINNER SURPRISED. The Wilmington Charter Bill rnssed After an Agreement That It Should Sot-Nome Republican Won't Nap. port Wilson for Railroad ComnUs- sionor Division oftne Penitentiary and Mallet Road Patronage The Agreement About the Asylums is to Htand. Raleigh, March 7. Last night after midnight your correspondent met Col. Harry Skinner, justas the tbe latter, in company with Mr. Marion Batlor and Majfor W A Guthrie, came out of the Populits caucus. Col. Skinner gave me the notes of his speech there whic'i he said had preveted the chinge of the charter ot Wilmington, Yet this bill came up in.the House today and the Populists in many cases voted for it. Why the change ? Mr. French laughed and raid it was cot 'he first time that Skinner had been run over, Capt, Kitchin said today that in the caucus when a vote was taken on tbe matter there wa no real count; that jast as tbe vote was taken there was a motion to ad jonrn and the crowd swept out. Now this is a queer proceeding. Your correppondent this afternoon interviewed Harry Skinner, who gave out the news last night that there was a defeat in the caucus of the Wilmington charter. Col. Skin ner said : "L'he only thing in which I was deceived by tbe caucus was this charter matter. I know that a ma jority ot the Populists in tat cau cus were opposed to a change of the charter, and I am surprised and can not understand the influences which caused the passage of the bill, un less it may be that French and Rus sell hive convinced the Populists that the real financial control of tbe city remains in Democratic hands- French called on me 'oday and said he was satisfied my opposition to the charter bill was entirely upon the wrong oasia; that I did noc under stand the bill, which was conserva tive and met the approval of at least one wing of the Democratic party in Wilmington ; that if I would get the bill and muke it a thought my opposition would end ; that he igreed with me generally, that it would be unwise politically to turn any cities over to incompe tent management, but that his bill has been carefully prepared with an eye single to the material interests of Wilmington, and that no . harm would result from its passage. Sena tors Forbe3 and Representative ur- rie and Johnson told Mr. McCaskie, chairman, of tbe Populist caucus, that they believed the plan to amend Wiluiingtou's charter had been de feated. They did not impute any improper motives to Mr. Al jCaS'ie. got througa by a declaration from ihu chairman that it fcad parsed 20 to 19, when outsiders who were present were sure the ote was just the reyerse of this, and so to'.d Mr. McCaskie alter the caucus ad journed. Col. bkinn -r spoke very frankly about this matter. Your correspondent is assured ly some Republicans that though Otho Wilson gets the railroad commis- sionership they will never yote for him. It was decided at the seperate cau- cuses last night that there should be a joint caucus tonight. It is the first joint caucus in over a fortnight; so the lion and the lamb have laid down together. The lamb, 5 of course, inside of the lion. While it was decided at the cau cuses last night to aljourn neit Tuesday, yet some members say to day that adjournment may not be had until Wednesday. To night's caucus was fer the ratification of the division of the of fices. The Republicans carry the day in the matter of the cods com missioners and hold on to two of them. It is s id that tbe last Codt cost $25,000, and the question is raised as to what necessity there is now for this large expenditure. The Republicans get tbe second position at the penitentiary, and this goeE to Underwood, of Nash county he fusionists are to- evenly divide the patronage of the penitentiary and of the Atlantiq& North Caro lina Railroad, While Senator Grant, of Duncan, of Beaufort, is to be made president of tbat road, jet the change will not be made until next September, when the regular annual meeting is held, Senator Grant, so informs me. The bill regarding this road pro- tides for the election of State proxy and to equalize tbe stock so that the "State will have the same representa tion as private individuals. This, of course, is to pat tbe road in the hands of the State... .pj&xy, who, it was arranged, should be selected by tonght's caucus. Senator Grant assures me that the University appropriation bill will pass without any trouble and also the Normal an industrial School ap propriation bill, The ObBervef'B 7jsaiein ijeiier, ... - "lTlT-.A.k- TOWN AND COUNTY. The slight earthquake shock: was felt all over the Western part of the State. The law firm of Binghem & Call well, of Statesville, has been dis solved, says the Landmark. Editor Stuart, ot the Salisbury Truth, is quite ilLhaving been taken quite suddenly. We fierd a man say he was "in a walmng conversation." Who ever saw such a ridiculous thing. It wouldn't be a bad idea if the authorities wonld name the streets and put np signs so that our citi zens could tell where they live. The President going hunting will again give tbe constitutional grum blers a chance to say he's firing guns when there are still tots of office holdern to be fired. A man, evidently a backwoodsman, was investigating the electric lights Tuesday night, and it seemed to puzzle him to think how one could put "those lanterns out." Mrs. S J Carraway, wife of the presiding elder of the Greensboro district, was seriously injured ia a runaway of two horses in Greens boro Wednesday. Mr. Alexander Bostian, who has lived for many years in No. 5 town ship, a few miles north ot the city, has moved his family to his city home, next to Mr. Peter Eirnbardt's, on street. I ngineer Joe Misenheiuoer, of Charlotte, who not long age got in jured in a wreck on the Carolina Central road, ia in the city on a visit to Mr G T Crowell. Lexington Dispatch : By mistake we stated last week that A! r. Frank Hanes had obtained a patent on an engine goyernor, when we Bhould have said that it was Mr. II L Freeman. It is said that the Charlotte elec tric railway will enlarge their sum. mer coaches so aa to give ample room for big sleeves the coming summer y season. i Conway B Oliver, an employe of the Southern Railway, was waylaid and murdered near Columbia, "3. C , yesterday by T C Angbtry, who w3s intimite with Oliver's wife. He that believes in the truth of what he is writing can convey that conviction to his readers. It is Buch advertising that has built up big businesses in this country. Rey. H M Biair, editor of the North Carolina Chiibtian Advocate, passed through the city on Wednes day, en route to' Charlotte. Ic was all he could do to pass his eld home, Concord. The Charlotte News says Mr. Jno W Wads worth's estate is valued at $150,000. His life insurance is about $30,000. He left no will and that probably Mr. Jno. U Wads worth of cur city and the eldest rcn of tbe deceased, will be appointed administrator. Governor Altgeld caused a sensa tion in Springfield Tuesday by sen ling to the General Assembly a communic.'.tion requesting imme diate legislation to stop many abuses existing in tbe management of the school property in the State of Illi nois. As stated in a former issue, Mr. C II A Blume left this (Thurs day) morning for his home at Linton, Indiana. Mr. James Blackwelder accompauied him to work out his fortune in the VTesi. Mr. Blume didn't take any risk and subscribed for tre Standard befroe leaving. Rev. II D Lequeux has been in- vi'ed to visit Alamance chuich in Guilford county, near Greensboro, with a view to becoming their pas-. tor. This is one of the oldest his toric -hurches of the State. This church is remarkable for having had only two pastors in a century, Dr. David Caldwell, of Revolutionary fame, and his successor, Dr. Caruth ers. Ia a recent issue tbe Standard made nete of a misunderstanding arising from a remark made by a No. 3 man in reference to cotton weighing at the factories. We were erroneously informed by parties on tbo street, as is evident from facts we now have in possession. The matter has, been amicably settled by all parties ; and the Standard wants to say Tight here that the No. 3 man ia not amisrepresenter of facts, but our information was a misrepresen tation of him. No isn't it pleas ant when all "these little differences can be settled and old friends remain friends. : A,man with ajlnng-teat tube and globe was in the city, Automatic gates have been placed on the elevator at the Cabarrus mills. This insures safety. -One of Concord's prejadical sore heads has accQsed Groyer of using gold shot on this trip. It appears that Judge Brown is related to the Dr, Paynes and, it is thought, he will not sit on the case Mrs. John P Allison, cf the city, was eMertained al a dining giyen by Mrs. Theodore F Kluttz, of Saliss bury. Judge Armfie'd, of Statesvill ' has been retained to appear for the defense in the Payne-Shemwell murder trial ia Lexington. A Cuntmry male was tbe cause of a ripple of laughter on the street this morning. It reminded us of some people. Fasion Commandment. .Love of i fice with all thy soul, and heart and strength, and the negro as thyself; on these hang al! the law and profits. A young man has become so ini fatnated by the bewildering charms of a lovely maiden that he has ac tually forgotten tbe Lord's prayer. Now that the ""cut rates. are on with the Seaboard-Air: Line, "one can go from Charlotte td.-Washin?ton for $8.00. This thing of leaving babies on the door steps is becoming a com' mon thing. One was served on porch in Asheyille Wednesday. That was a horrible death at Rockingham. A hotel burned and all got out except one drunken man. He slept cn, died and may wake up in another place. If you will spare only a few sec onds of your time and devote it to the perusal of the advertisement of Ludden & Bates you may see somes thing that would interest you. Tbe Legislature's pay stops to day. It is hardly probable that a iqugruni can be Kept .onger inan aruesuuy. w ueu u. uoes go to pieces, there w ill be a relief. About 10 o'clock Friday night the wind suddenly began a heavy .howl. It was suggestive of a cjclone and some, having already retired, arose and prepared themselves for it. Mr. J F McFarland, manager of the Charlotte Observer Encyclope dia Britannica Department, spent the day in tbeci'y in the Interest of this valuable work. Lard M B ger, one of the ind trious colored men of Cabarrus is having him a house built on his place a few miles fioui the city. A Mr. Sides a uwarded the contract. The Plymouth Rock Pants com. pany, which had a .plant in Char lotte and whioh went into the.bahds ot a receiver, is now said to be able to piy only 5 cents on tbe dollar of indebtedness. The fellow who is afiaid he can't win the affections ot - the fair sex should witness the Sfccess 'of the pop-eyed poodlesvrtfpretzel shaped tail anoryg N6V that;, Mrs.-Fijsa Douglass and Mrs. FeilJ?bugla88, step chil dren are about to quarrel over Mr. Fred Douglass' e3tate, all being left to Mrs. Fred Douglass by Mr. Douglass, it behooves the Douglass Legislature of North Carolina to legislate for the peace of the Doug, lass family. S.vjral of the crossings on Corbin street 1m ve been lelieved of the rail road iroue and crosstie3. The force of hands at work oa it Thursday told all that camo about that they "understood tbat ths entire road was to be torn up the first of next month." Owing to the. rainiast night th 1 Weston's did not atten.pt to. open up their entertainment. They will ap pear tonight in a s'pledid programme and everybody Bhould attend if they want tD be amused. It will realty be worth seeing tonight. Won't it be a sight "to nuke men and angels weep" at the next com- meicement at the State University tosee seated on tba rostrum, among the distinguished trustees ot th it honored institution, a convict crimi ual like Gideonite S Otho Wilson ? What a descration 1 Chatham Un cord. A fire broke out this morning in the back lot at Fetzer's Drug Stole and consumed their entire stock of old garden seeds. They 1 will now have to Bnpply their 'customers with entirely new seeds. But ai they have on band a large stock of fresh and genuine Garden Seeds, the above named disaster will cause no inter ruption to their trade. f2Qd5w4) STANLY IFORMATION. We Get This From the Ntanly Kew, Mr. R K Blair went to Monroe Saturday to Bee his sick father. Mr. C B Little has painted his house. Tbe infant child of Dr. King died last Friday. An order was made by the com. missioners last Monday to lay out and establish a new public road from a point on the Charlotte road near the Henrr Loader place to the west end of Main street in Albe marle. This will make tbe railroad crossing rear the depot. A Remarkable Ntory. Mr. J N Maxwell was in the Herald office this afternoon with the most remarkalbe story we eyer heard. He said, upon the authority of Mi II V Ritchie, who saw the wonder that a cow belonging to Mr. White Menius gave birth last week to twenty -8ix cal vest. One calf was of normal sizi and living, the others were almost the sizi of large rats and dead. The cow also died. This cow gaye birth to three calves about two years ago. This yarn is hard to believe. Silisbury Herald. This is not an unreasonable yarn. Greater . wonders than a cow giying birth to twjnty-Bix calves have occurred in and around that section. Truly Wonderful It Was. The Weston Combination appear ed Tburday night at Armory Hall. It is one ot the cleverest shows and entertainments ever in Concord. Mr. Weston, himself, is business and order. He put a qmetus on some boys who sought to be stormy before the hour of the performance. He told them to wait patiently un til the hour, or go out and their money would be refunded. He has the stage completely covored with his own decoration? and para phanalia all giving a ery pleasing appearance. His stereoptican views are real like. His 8light-of-hand performances are simply wonderful, surpassing anything eyer seen in Concord. The Lilliputian perform ance was extremely entertaining. It is the cleyerest, boat 25 ceui show eyer in Concord. Everything bright and chaste. The audience Thursday night was limited, owing to the heavy rain, but it goes without saying all were highly entertained. A Xew Was- to Cook Rloe Nearly everybody in South Caro lina knows how to cook rice, but as this is an age of reform perhaps a new way will be acceptable. The Christian Quiver says: "We. have haJ - many directions for cooking rice in 'the proper way. The latest comes from Syria,where they wash it in four, five or six waters, or until the last water is clear. A table- spoonful of butter is then heated in a vessel until it bubbles, and the rice in added and mixed. Then salted water i3 added 'generously,' and the rice is cooked withou stirring until it is tender and 'the water is all absorbed." Charleston News and Courier. If you don't advertise your goods nobody else will. Under This Banner Readers of this paper can now march to knowledge, honor and success. All Intelligent peop agree upon one fact thai there is no middle course to pursue in life. . It irust be progress or retrogression. Wa Bust go forward or backward. To Succeed in Life Is the desire ai aim of ill. Chief among the elements ors uccess is education, and chief among the sources from which that - education may be acquired is the ' ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. i It treats of every subject on earth In a , clear, practical and sensible way. It unvalls j to you all the secrets of nature, so far as they have been unlocked by the wise men of the earth. Far from weariing you. you will find" Itentrancingly interesnig. We will not tell you that you ought to have - the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Yoil know that already, don't you ? But we will tell you that you ought to fet it now. Why? Because a good thing cannot be done too soon. Because if the books are of value to you, every minute you arc without them Is loss of that value fifrthjit time; Is it not? Because the best terms and prices can be obtained now. ' ..'It is the opportunity of a lifetime. For specimen pages, prices of various styles of binding, etc., address The Observer i CHARLOTTE N. C P. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 14 k FROM MISSISSIPPI A Jinn Writes to Our Town lor Xorlli Carolina Flonr. Messrs CannonE& Fetzer, our en terprising merchants, are known far and wide. We were shown a etter from a man in Mississippi, wh we suppose is a native North Caiolinian. The letter reads aa follows : Meridian-, Miss., March 1, '95. Messrs Cannons & Fetzer, Concord, N. C: Sirs : I want a few barrels of old North Carolina flour, made at some old country mills, out of some old North Carolina wheat, tor my own nse. I am in the mercantile busi ness anJ have plen:y of Western Hour on hand. I can't eat bieid made of Western flour. Let me hear from you by return mail. Will pay spot cash. I want it ship -ed in barrels, because it is too far to ship in sacks. Respectfully, S. E. Cash. Mr. Cash is not known by the firm or by any one in Concord, but judging form the tone of his letter he is evidently a North Carolinian and is longing for the old time buiscuit like "mother use to make" when he was a boy. The wheat crop being such a complete failure in North Carolina last year, it will be a yery hard mat ter for Mr. Cash to be supplied with flcur made of wheat from this grand old State. The RatsSIeltcd I lie .Snow. During the recent snow a Cham bersburg nun noticed tbat on one corner of an outbuilding the suo melted more rapidly than else w her?. He conclude! to investigate, and ou ripping off a p'ank near the roof a iot of rat tails were exposed Dn further invftsris--l) killed eleven rataTX. f""tn rats warmed the roof and thuT melted the snow more rapidly at that particular point. In the same township during the severe weather a lady put a lot of extra clothing on her baby to keep it warm, She t bundled it up so snugly that on attempting to take it put of the cradle some of its, -clothes cama.tff,-and when she thongbc 6he ha.d the child in her1 arms she had only a bundle of clothes the little one being left in the cradie minus some of its apparel."- -Statesville Landmark. Those l'ools Sear the Ieot: In conversation with several par ties from tbe Cabarrus Mills, we learn that an effort will be made to have tbe town or couniy to have the bot oms containing those "chill pools" near the mills draiued. If it is in the power of the city to do bo, it should see that if these pools are the cause of chills and fever, tbat they are properly drained and ditched. '' One man said that last sum ran the chills were bo thick on those lakes that you could see them shak ing about through the air, with the naktd eve. Here and There. EiUor Stuart, of Salisbury, is convalescing. The March House in Lexington is to change bands. Mr. A A Spriugs succeeds Mrs. S E March. The Preliminary trial of Anderton Brown for the murderer of Callie Roberts was held in" Salisbury Fit day, Bays the Herald. The J B Lanier Company has been changed to the SalisbU'j Liquor Comp uy. It is denied th.it Judg6 Brown i related to th Drs. Pavne. A true bill has been found against btxter Shew well. ' Four bin Nnccesscs, Ilaving the needed merit to iiiore than make goo'd aH the adyeniaing claimed for them, the following four remedies have reamed a pheno menal sal1. Dr. King New Dis covery, for consumption, uonghs ai.d olds, each aoitle gairanteH EitCs trie Bitters, is th great re me iy for Liver, stomach and kidneys Buck leu's Arnjca Salve, the best in the world, dad Dr.' King's , Nsw L;fe Piils,-hich are a perfect pill. All thea? remedies are guaranteed to do ifiiet whjt is claimed f.r them and p t'ieiVealer whose natna-is attach, d hpewith will bj f glad to tell you nipre of: them. Sjld a t p etz r Drug givivi awn?! 1 ' POSB TKI.KUKAI'HIU URIITS '. In the New York Assembly at Al bauy yesterday, Assembly man Blake's bill, abolishing capital punishment, was lost on final passage by a vote of veas 46 ; nays 08, Over three-fourths, cf . the 70O employes in the woolen mills oC Stmuel K Wilson quit worK last niht and this mornitg because thtir employers had not restored the . 10 per cent, reduction to which they were subjected ha summer, a3 prom ised. Major J A Shingleur, one of the most prominent citizens of Jackson, Miss., died at Lis residence there yes terday mornicg. He went there in 18S5 from Columbus, Ga. He wa' the head of tbe big cotton firm of J A Shingleur & Co. The funeral lakes place today. The annual meeting of tie Na tional Wholesale Lumber Dealers' Association, which betin in tbe Continental Ilolc-i, Philadelphia, Wednetdiiv, ended yesterday. The association h-a a niem' ership of over 200 a-m 140 representatives. (Jfficera were elected for the ensuing year. .. A new election to (ill the vacancy cunsed by the nomination of Lieut tenant Gov. Milnes as Congressman in the third Michigan district will not be necessary. The statutes provide that the President pro pore of the State sha-1 succeed to that position, and Senator J R Mci i Laugbin will fill the vacancy. At Jlicine, Wis , ye'-terday, Otis 11 Johnson, the lumbi.r and capii JTalist, di'd, aged"" -0 years. He leaves aa estate esiiui..: m1 as. high aa "$nf$0i,CG.--- -lis was ;i -partner cf the late Sinator Stockbridcre. .d Gen. 11 A Al :cr. ind ov ;. :d inion of dollars .. rth of property ia the California red .rood counu y. Comptroller Eskels Ilu: ordered Bank Examiner Johnson to tako charge of the First National Bank of Texarkana, Ttxa, which closed its .doors Wednesday rihf. The capital of the banki is $50,000. and on its last report bau $G,000 in loans and Uiscouut3 and owed depositors and tther debts amounting to $15,1 000. Mr. J E Cartlaud, President of the State W. C, T.U., accompanied Mr3. Barker from the city. They will visit several of the various local unious together, Mr, S B Klutlz, of Albemarle, who clerked for Dr. Johnson several months some jrnnjiVnrrrry t dentist. Like a man wno wants the Pjjir-t know wheis he is and what he is, he hangs out his card through the Stauly News; HEART DISEASE. Fluttering, No Appetite, Cou'd not Sleep, Wind on' Stomach. "For a long .time I "had a terrible -pain at my heart, which fluttered al most incessantly. I bad no appetite and could not sleep. I would be compelled to sit up in bed and belch v gas from my etomach untri I thought every minute would bo my last. There was a feeling of oppression; about my heart, and I was afraid to i . draw a full breath. I could not sweep a room without resting. My husband liduced me to try rt Itii ..t 11 lit VI 1 1 AC' E"! d J Kvi fKT A and am happy to say tt has cured me. 1 now have a SDlcndid apuetita and sleep welL.Its effejj was truly mar velous." r - MR3.HARB7E.9TitR,PottvillG,Pa.' Dr. Miles Heart Core Is gold on fc posltlTa Guarantee that the first bottle Till benefit. All druggists sell it at $1, 6 bottles for tS. or H will be sent, prepaid, oa receipt of price by the Or. UUos Modical Co., Elkhart, lad. For 8ael by aUdrajg';''' i . - i , St' 1