TBI SUUTII. The Sorlhwest, with Chicago as a " metropolis, is a breezy part of the union: me more or lees bumu population of the original thirteen States have heard from time to time about Northwestern railroad rate wars, bat Western daring and reck, leaeness ha.ve .really come farther east tbaa Pittsburg. When the old Richmond & Dan ville was reorganized into the South ern, a new man, Mr. W H Baldwin, Jr., wa3 brought from the Wost. About the same time, the Seaboard system brought a man from the Northwest, also, Mr. E St. John, vice, president; Both men have been in this territory just about long enough to get the lay of the land when a regulation Noith western rate war opens up in fine shape. Yesterday the SeaboerJ cut the rate fronuA'lanta to New- York in the middle. This must of necessity be followed by the Southern or they Will ouuu a ivao uubiuvwi jjj.v.j- body is on the lookout for more cutting. Under the stimulus of this sort of competition the Northwest has prospered. It seems, to be the rule up in that country that a man must not be lame. He must dare to do and then take the consequences. If his plans and efforts succeeded he is the hero of his crowd and of the people. If "his plans and efforts fail he must fall-'witt complaint. Guaged by the-Nofth western stand ard this has become a progressive country. Ratewars mean fights for business and therefore there must be some business to fight for. The Seaboard has been game from the beginning. She is not waiting to be kicked, but has struck the first blow at every move. She may succumb in this fight to the odds against her. On the other hand, she may come cut of this fight as the cock of the wilk, and be in the future far more important in the counsels of associate railroads that she has been in the past. The Seaboard charges that Commissioner Stahlman is the tool of other roads, and ia 'not a judicial commissioner. His bead is demanded as the price of peace. No one can tell what the end will be or how much cutting away may be do:.e before the war is over. Doubtless 8jjnj up ia authority would like to Know. Char-otte Observer. 4WriL INCONSISTENCY. It is a little singular that the fu sitts who ranted about congressional funerals ard the expenses of the same being wrung from the tax-pays ers, should turn about and pass a bill paying the expenses of the Popn list member of the House who died the other day. Ratherf ordton Democrat. The same thing has occurred to us. We have read in Popnli3t tews papers fierce denunciation of the questionable customs of squandering large sums of the people's money on dead Congressmen uselessly and unnecessarily squandering it. And yet the Legislature pays the funeral expenses of a dead Populist member. True, the amount was only $85, but the principle is the same. We're not crttizing the Legislature for hav- It doubtless followed precedent whicb-4a. j lwava, wis-', by the way ; Jut we re pointing to. the inconsistency of those who have no consistency. StateByille Landmark. ABl BXISd SHAJIK. . .The worst Tlow e'ver struck the University was the election of S Otbo Wilson as a Trustee. He is in every way unfit for (he position, and his election is a reflection upon the institution ahd the men wMoecured his election. There .'are Populists and Republicans who ought toj-feje on the Board, but when a man of WiK son's calibre and standiaWs thus honored, the mstatidh suffers in public estimation. It is a burning shame, and no denunciation is too severe for those who secures his elec tion. We applaud those members of the House who refused to vote for him. News & Observer. ANOTHER BUHPUS ABOUT BOl. LASS, It turns out now that the negro rhilrlrfin nf TTVprl DnntrlaflH . and 'his white wife have never been on gyw terms .since the mairiae.- ' The thrifty tinEes woman, it'1 is said, has got all the property, Valued at $200,000, in her name, and the negro children are virtually cut off Wlinont A-jMiuiing. ?xney wm -ru into the courts unless their' step mother divides with them, ,;i t "y vrsngling about the property ""' '-- f r at ' ta end to inter-marriage between the races, and be a" reflection on the North Carolina Legislature. It has been suggested that Speaker Walser appmt a committee of co-alitionists, composed of such pacificators as A nbrose Hileman, of Cabarrus; Ruff Henderson, of Wilkes; Crews, of Granville; Luke Dayis, of Wake; and Rev. Phillips, of Pitt, to go in company with the Big Five to Washington and arrange a truce. They haye been so successful in compremises in North Carolina, and have been so devoted to negro su premacy, that we may be Bure ilio Douglass children would get their share, proyided they would remember to pay the ' expeuce, etc., of the committee. The quiet settlement of this dis pute is of as much importance to the North Carolina Legislature as to the heirs and of the white widow. The Legislators know that unless all such scandals are hushed up, the people will never forget that they adjourned the Hou.e in honor of Fred Douglass, and as loog as this fact is remembered, respectable peo ple will be inclined to profanity every time allusion is made either to DougluBS or this Legislature. Raleigh News and Observer. a;uwveb' picjcic. Whatever may be the result of the income tax test case now before the supreme conrt of the United States it has certainly been a blessing to the lawyers, Anumber of the most famous jurists in the country ara employed to attack the constitution- ality af the act under which the in come tax is to be levied. Three suits have been brought and by the com bined ability of the counsel for the contestants the argument againat the act has been presented about as forcibly as it possibly can be, Ex-Senator Edmunds, Mr sheilas barger, the leader of the Washington bar, Mr J C Carter aricl Mr Joseph Choate, two of the formost lawyers in New York-these and other legal lights hardly less luminous haye done their best to Bhow the supreme cor rt that there is no warrant in the constitution for incme tax lagis- lation. The public generally look3 upon a decision in support of the act as a foregone conclusion, but it.ia a fortunate thing for the JawjeTsju thT3Skthatciient8 insisted upon making the issue. These giant 8 of the bar do not work for nothing. They come high and will all ga home with a big addition'; ic then bank accounts. The individuals and corporations who have emyloyed them are able to pay well and will have to do it, And after settling with their law yers they will have also to pay the income tax which they haye gone to such heavy expense to attack. They can etand that, too. There is therefore no reason for anybody to complain. Atlanta Journal. TSesrroes Walking Back. New Orleans, La., March 8. A few years ago the Kansas exodus caused much suffering and the loss of many lives, and the poor deluded blacks had to get back to their homes in the South as best they conld. Now the Alabama and Georgia negroer, who, a short time ago, were Induced by a syndicate to emigrate yimi, Mex., are walking back to Alabama and Gerrgia. Many have arrived at San Antonio without food or mcney. This is a great con trast to the inspired accounts con cerning the hundreds or emigrant negroes bound for Mexico, which were telepraphed a few weeks ago from Laredo and other border towns. Marvelous Besnlts. From a letter written by Rev. J Gunderman, of Domondale, Mich., we are premitted to make this ex tract: "I haye no hesitation in re commending Dr. King's New Dis covery, as the results were almost marvelous in the case 'of my wife, While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Rives Janction she was brought down with pneumonia suc ceeding La Grippe. Terrible par oxjsms of coughing would last boars with little interuptioo and it seemed as il she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satis. factory in results." Trial bottles free at Fetzer's Drug store. Esgular size 502 S"4 $1-00. foal Play Suspected". - Winston, N. C. March 7. Perry Coffey is to be tried in Wilkes Court this week for murdering bis own brother last fall. Joseph Roberts, the most important witness for the State was found dead in his wagon near Wilkesboro yesterday. Foul play is suspected. Roberts leaves a wife and six children Coffey fci'led 1 5i Wilier with. stick. RAILWAY TRAIN SMASHED. A Mother and Her Babe KUled-Hr Reed and Miss Knsta Both Bart, Bat Not Badly. Scotland, Ga., March 8. The Southern Railway fast express,whicb left Atlanta at 11 o'clock last night, ran into an open switch here this morning at 5:20 o'clock and was completely wrecked, one . lady and child being killed and several wonnded. The train was run by. Engineer Moore and Conductor Hubbard. The train was runuiag at a high rate of speed when it reached Scot land and some unknown person had turned the switch and nailed it down. When within about thirty yards ot the switch, Engineeer Moore Baw that it was turned and reversed his engine, and put on his air brakes, sticking to his post until the last. He was uninjured. The engine ran into a car of guano on the siding, turned two Pullman sleepers on their sides and tore up the track for a hundred yards. One piece of timber went through the depot window and tore up the teles graph instruments. The Roland Reed Company was on board, going to Jacksonville, Three or four of their principal ac tors were Lurt, among the number were Roland Reed, Miss Ieadore Rush and Mrs. Mary , Myers ; none seriously, howeyer. Mrs. C H Suber, of Pickens, Miss., and her baby were instantly killed. H D Hoffer and wife, of EJsia, Ohio, were slightly hurt. The flagm:n and express messen ger received slight injuries. It will take several days to clear the wreck. Dr. Hermann, the company's physician, is on hand, attending the wounded. Tne Roland Reed Company will Socmen's Arnica halve. The Best Salve in tlie world for Cuts,. Bruisis, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sor3, Tetter,Chapped Hands, Chilblains, " Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cc nts per box. For sale at P. B. Fetzer's Drug stor DRY KILN BURNED. Five Tlionsnnd Feet or Lumber Con-sumert-A Total Loss. About 8 o'clock this (Saturday) morning the dry kils-ofJMr. J M Brf3pri)u rned. The kiln was sritl-- ated on Mr. Barrage's place, some distance ea3t of the Ouell Milk. It contained more iban fivt thousand feet of lumber, which was entirely consumed. The fire was originated by the lumber becomirg too hot, causing it to ignite. There was no insurance - For Over Flfly Years. Mrs. Window's Sooth'ng Syrup lias been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, oftens the gums, a'lays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Ic will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists m every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp," and take no other kind. mw?&w I LITTLfc HSAPS. It is said that Mr. Hileman is in the swim for the nomination for Governor. He's a man of destiny Coming from the plow handles to the leadership of a Honse of Re presentatives, is no little thing. If the bill now before the House passes, relative to the trusteas" of the Morganton Hospital, the editor of the Charlotte Observer will have the felicity and honor of serving in a bnsines way with his excellency the-next, Hon. Ambrose F Hileman, oflCabarrus. Colonel David BumseyClendennin who died at Galesburg, 111., on Tucs day last was a Pennsylvanian by birth, and was a gallant Union Cavalry officer. Col, " Clendtr mn was in charge of the company sent out from Washington to apprehend Booth, the Blayer of Lincoln. o The W. O. T. U. of Georgia aie trying to preyent the sale of liquor on the Exposition grounds there du ring the exposition. One brewery has offered $100,000 for the conces sion of selling beer on the grounds. There was intense interest in the debate in the House vesterday on the Senate bill appropriating J 0, 000 to complete the Confederate Monument. It passed second readi ng 60fo SO. The Jewish rabbi3 cf S.m Fc&l ciscj are dividcu'. on the question whether a Jewish juung man can become a member of the Young Men's Christian Association.' TO CONTEST D1S WILL. Douglass' White Wife and Kegro Chll ' dreu Quarrel Over Bis Estate. Rochester, N. Y., March 8. An nouncement is made today ' that the heirs of the late FredDouglass in tended to contest his will and that the legal proceedings in the matter will Bhortly be instituted in this city.. Douglass had been married twice ajd the children by the first wife, Lewis' H and Charles R Douglass are named as the contestant. Two years ago the estate was valued at $200,000.. Eyer since Douglass' last marriage there has been a lack of harmony between the sons and Mrs, Douglass.' Sbme little time before his death Dougl 83 deeded a parcel of real es tate to his wife at Cedar Hill; where the family liyed. It is stated that at different times he gaye her pres ents of money. The contestants make the claim that Mrs. Douglass, who is a white wor"jn, r.nd formerly lived at H"s..v, near this city, exercised un-u-v .Liluente over their father and persuaded him to discriminate against them. Though no petition for the probate of the will has been made, it is stated that the eons will have little or nothing coming to them from the ea' ate. Besides the sons and widow, the heire of the lata Fred Douglass are Mrs. R Douglass Sprague and daughter; Misses Estelle and Har riet Sprague, grand-daughters, and Joseph II Douglass, grandson, of Washington, D. G, and Lewis S Sprague, grandscn, of this city. C P Dee, the colored lawyer of this city, says he is bound to se crecy by all parties and an effort will be made to settle the estate out of court. Those familiar with tLa Douglass complications say that there existed aTcondition of forced neutrality be tneen the eops and Mrs. Douglass for years. As long as 1890 it is stated that Mrs. Douglass began to get possession of her husband's real estate. Lee, who used to be Doug lass' agent in this city, was re'eiyed of all responsibility about eighteen months ago, and at that time, it is understood that all of the property in this city had been transferred to Douglass' wife. When the remains were brought to this city Mrs. Donglass wore no mourning, and this fact was made the subject of much comment. How Does This Strike Y ou? The Wilkesboro train last night. brougnttlown a car load of butter. That i3to cay it pasaed f or a car load for the reason that there wa?.: room only for a few more tnmgin the same car. To be exaci, however,- there was something over 8,000 pounds of but ter. Greensboro Record. BKEEZY 1TS. A girl whose first narne i3 Merci is visiting in town. We would like to know what ber name was before she began fooling with it. Atchison Globe. A man may be as honest as the day is Ions, nnd still-do a great deal o jifchiei" during the night 1. as Sif tings. My friend," Eaid the solemn gen tleman, "are you aware that eyen the heathern red Indian does no!; in dulge in the pernicious practice of profanity ?" "I am," answered the man who had been trying to raise the c&r window, 'and f have no doubt that i& the reasou the red man, when he gets mad, goes out ar.d kills scmebody." Cincinnati Trib une. Hill "MacShorte has sold a poem entitled 'Ode to a Fair Lady.'" Hulls "Has he? Well, he is more competent to write verses en titled 'Owed to a Landlady.' "Tit Bits. Mamma "Why didn't you ask God in your prayer to make your brother well ?" ,. Robbie "Because then I'd have to go on wearing his old clothes made over." Chicago Inter-Ocean. After a long spell of wearing rubbers- leaving them off is as en joyable as a joke whispered to yon at prayer t.me ia church. Boston Transcript. Wool "I'm awful behind in try reading." Van Pelt "How's that?" Wool "I got switched off on Trilby,' and now I'm behind on at nine or ten new live of Napoleon." Evening World. Mr. Vic Stiller, who has for several years been employed at W J Hill's harness shop, has opened out a busi ness for himself in the room oc cupied by Eitz. "George Washingtsn is the father of this country' said one boy thoughtfully. '-Of course he is,' replied the other. .'Well, I'll tet that he'd feel like taking his country out in the wood shed if he could see how it's carrying on today." OseiiETTEj 1egarttes r ES-y-IHEAMERICSN TOBACCO C0. W iULfsiis-.jr ' DURHAM. N.C. U.S.A. V, MADE FROM High Srsds ?g!j&gg3 AND ABSOLUTELY PURE $3 $H ECST. FIT FCB A KING. :s. cordovan; S3l-)S)FiurrAlP!I.lfj; liMC Si!&$ 3JBJ)PDLICE.3 SOLES. 2.7 BCYS'SCHSnLSHBEl ladies send for catalogue Over One million y eopie wear ino W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Sho:s All our shoes are Iqually satisfactory They give the best value for the Bioncy. . They equal custom (hoes In style and lit. Their wearing qualities ere unsurpassed. " The prices are uniform, stamped on sole. From J i M 3 ravea oer ... If your dealer cannot supply you we can. bold by IIEILIGg IIENDIUX' Mt. Pleasant, N. C. THE ARM LOCK BED SPRING Adjusted at both. enda. The most comfortable Bed Spring yet known to the world. It will not get one sided it stands perfectly square and will not be come loose. THE ARM LOCK: BED SPRING is iu manytof the best homes in town and county. Mr John P. Allison and Dr. L. M. Archey say it is complete and they would not do .without them. For farther particulars call ou me or address, J. Wallace Cook. Concord. N. C, IFYCU BUYA' IIIGirGilASE For men, women or boys at prices ranging from 815 to $80. We ship from factory snfrjTt to approval and are tluecnly manufactur ers scllingdirgffttoConswmerg. WghSTg no Apr mt. VVeoirer greater-value in on.: Oxford Gladiator wheels atS--" toSft tiaa other manufacturers with prK irom SlfrO to $15. Every wheel folly warrantfd. Don't pay local dealers a profit ot Fifty per cent. Cut thi3 out and write to-day foe our handsome catalogue, v&ddress. OXFORD MFG. CO.. Bicycle DemHosat H 110k WftbMS ATSt UUUtiOl 939999$999999S9i3339$S33. PEOPLE WHO LOVE BOOKS like to tuve those books conven iently an-1 properly arranged. We manufacture and sell sev eral sorts of book cases, diction ary holders, etc. Being mrnulacturers, we can afford to sell them at the usual retail prices and to five a valuable present of books with each pur chase. With a $5.00 dictionary holder, for instance, we give you a choice of several sets of books, each worth from $2.00 to $4 00. With a lareer purchase, we give more books. Send for price lists, catalogues and lists of premiums. A postal card Will da 65 FIPTH AVE., NEW YORK Andrews School iruriiisimix r- Company f Concord Mional Hani Coxcoed, N. C. J. M. Odell, President, D. B. Ccltbank, Cashier. L. D. Coltrane, Assistant Cashier Capital, Surplus, $50,000 $16,C00 ' DIllEClORS; J. M. Odell, J). F. Cannon Elam King, J. W. Cannon, W. 11. Ouell, W. H, Lilly, D. B, Coltrane. Help Wanted. Wanted Active, IIone3t OenMe mau or Lady to travel represeatiog established, reliable house. Salar $65 monthly and traveling expenses with increase, if suited. .Lactose r '"irence and self-addressed stamp eavelope. The Dominion, 317 Omaha Building, Chicago The only time iu a man's li wlipn ha wants the earth is when falls overboard in mid ocean- '"f W.L El 3: Wa3 cm . Oxford Wheel 9 fir gfi fei flovvrj 9 SEPM r J mm m Mm r. Ihl& I f , A. id n't -DURING THE HOLIDAYS AND VE HAVE NOT BEEN AFFLICTED WITH A HQ To otir many frir: "When the Clouds R( Stand" witb-tbe red "jrTtJn ever shown in Con cor what we say. When prices, and if yon wilj you lots of Rood Fun Oannons, "We have l y far t city. BriDg cs your V fi as i D PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM izz BaarvBiOKs tures in dioou poison Rheumatism gand Scrofula 4j p. p. p. parities tbe blood, builds op rlfc the weak aod aebllitated, ftives MM etrength to weakened nerves, expela tf- diseases, giving tbe patient health and happiness where slctness, ploomy leellngs and lassitude first prevailed. For primary. seoondary and tertiary gypnilis, for blood poisoning, mercu rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and Id all blood and akin diseases, like blotches, pimples, oid chronlo ulcers, tetter, scald head, boils, erysipelas, eczema-we may say, without fear or contradiction, that P. P. P. is the best blocrd purifier in the world, and makes positive, speady and permanent cures In all cases. lanies wnose Bjswsna , lwiwun ' and whose blood If In au Impure condi- tion. doe to menstrual irregularities, are peounarijr iumiwu t'j u ' derfaltonie and blood cleansing prop , ertiesof P. P. P.-Prlokly Ash, Poka . ePRiKOFiKLD, Mo.. Aug. 14th, 1893. -I oan speak in the highest terms ot 1 your mealoine from my own personal , knowledge. I was affected wltr. heft re disease, pieunsy cnu oum.i.iii n So years, was treated by the very best IhyBlclans ana spent hundreds of dol ars, tried every known remedy with out finding rellaf. I have only taken one Dottle of yonrP. P. P., and can cheerfully aay It has done me more aT gooatnananyinipi5uiiYt.,.,y. mm losn recommend your medicine to all O ' auilerere of the above diseases. - . """" MRS. M. M. YE ART. y EprlogOeld, Oreon County, Mo. Professional Card. I hate located in Coucord for the practice of medicine and surgery, and respectfully ask the public for a if 'njiErniia-fl I mil he 1 at any hoar of residence st night professionally, and 'espoud to all calls Uhat o JUontgomery ''pectfullj, " -' K Shoot, M. D. IIaw River, N. C, Jan. 8, 1895. Lyon iffy. Co., Brooklyn, X. Y. GentlcmcnrA short time since one of my horses had scratches so very had that its leg became swollen and very much in flamed. I used a few bottles of Mexican Mrstang Liniment and the inflammation and scratches soon disappeared, leaving my horse as good as ever. I find it is tho best remedy that can be had for this difl casc, und I heartily recommend it to all who have horses or stock of anv kind. Truly yours, J. W. B. BASIX. HIGH ToiST, C, Dec. Id, 1894. Lyon 3ifj. Co., Brooklyn, X. Y. Gentlemen : I can highly recommend riexican Mustang Liniment to those suffer ing from burns. I have used it and found it excellent. Sincerely yours, Clerk BeEovuo Hotel. J.X CAMPBELL. Reidsvii.le, X. C, Dec. 6, 1S94. ) Lyon Xfj. Co., Brooklyn, X. Y. Gentlemen : I have i;soT rte.ican rius tang Liniment for a good many years and consider it the best liniirciit made. I keep it in the house all the time. It will do n that is claimed" for it. licspcet fully, 1). M. JIOOHE. " Sell that "Old d mean ave the change ell. in the ; B mn Pimples, Blotches dM Old Sores Catarrh, fflaiaria End Kidney Troubles Are entirely remove! by P.P.P. Prickly Aih. Poke Root and Potas Blum, the sreatest blood purifier on earth. . Abeboeto, O. . July 21 , 1891. Messrs Lippmam Bbos., Savannah. Ga. ! Dear Sirs I bought a bottle of your P. P. P. at Hot 8prinKS,Ark.,and . 3y it has done mo more good thnn three months'treatroentattheHotSprtnga. Send three bottles C. O. S. 3? EespectfunyjroursfrEWT0N- . Aberdeen, Brown County, O. . 0 Copt. I. D. J ohnstou. To all irhom it may concern: t here- -by tastlfy to the wonderful properties iryT of P. P. P. for ernptlons of the skin. I g sonorod for several years with an on slghtiy and disngreeable eruption on. my face. I tried every known reme- ra dy but in vain, until P. P. P. was used, SU and am now entirely cored. nir? (Slsuedbyj jd. JOHNSTON. Savannah, Qa. gg Sbln Cancer Cored. 3 Tettimonyfromxhe ifawrytieiitin,Tes, Bsqotn.Tbx., January 14, 1893. Messrs. Lippuan Bros.. Savannah, Ga. : Gentlemen l nave irieu your r-. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as skin cancer ,of thirty years' , standing, and found great relief: it ritation from the seat of the disease gj? and prevents any spreauing 01 mo aores. I have taken five or six bottlee and feel confident that another course Will effect a cure. It has also relieved me from Indigestion and atomaoU troub.'es. Vours truly, OAPT. W. M. HUST, Attorney at Law. ca tu siocil Disecscs Mailed free. ALL DEUaQISTS BELL IT. UPP&.AN BROS. PROPRIETORS, Uppmaa'i BloelctBaT4uiBAliCiii Speculation, HAMMOND & CO. Stock Bond Brokers; ' 130 & 132 Ptral Street, NEW.YOBK CITY, N. Y. StocksVIpiidj and Grain hoQi?ht and sold, or carri3iiJli)irgiQ. P. S. Send for exri !bry circutj lar on speculation, alstfOkly mar ket letter. (Kree) J 0ht Mr'" -tti - jFm.. -r" W. J. HILL Dealer in cooking 'and heating stoves and j manufacture of tinwarel roofii)3, gutting: and all hinds of bbet iron works. I am makirg a line of good tinware at price's. Lard cans 25 and 50ts each. Repairing done at short notice. Iain still manufactur ing saddles and harness and keep in stock a full 'ne of COLLARS, pads, brid.es, etc. W, J. HiLL. ! NOETH L'ALOLINA I e rt Cabarrus county ( on Coubt. Elam King, administrator of Ru am S'owe, d"ceas-.-. plaintiff, vp. M J Lcp, Jlary lorton and hut-bm', D A Dartor; Eosa ltwe pnd Lufebn'i, Wm Itice; JOBooh Lf. V H L,f, Jane E Corzine, J hu M Lee, M A Myers, Jl O Voi.ph. Mervin Fuiersort, Mantia KeHy and husband. K!'y; Albert, .Frank. Elizabftn. Admt Ste pbeu and Mervin FuiMirson, JVltiry ' u.ichaui !il bJUs)jga, J oh u Meach!in"JSrVt boijFur1" gersou, Robert 'McGraw, jLinma Parncll aud butUmi d, Id Par niil'; Isabella Kiniili nnd huS" band, JJob SinitL; John G Fur Kerso-, Cora AubtMi end hus band, .V O Austin; Elizabeth Sossbmon and husband, John D Sossamoo; Harriett Price and husband, George Price, and Annie Furgnrson, defendants. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, from tho return ol John A Sims, Sheiiffcf Cabairu? County, N. C. and Irom the wffidavit. of Elam Kino; filed in tho above-entitled action, that John M Lee, SIer vin Furgersor, Martha Keliy and busband, lielly. Aloen. Frank. Elizabeth, Adam, Stephen and an other Mervin Furgerson a non residents of this btatr, aud after cue diligence cannot b found within the State of North Carolina, and are necessor- and proper patties to the above-entitled noecial pioceeding, which has been begun iu eaid Couit to gi.bjwt to tfale the re.-il e-staie ' f eaid Kuann Stowe described in the complaint of tue piaintm lor tne purpose- oi mak ing assets to ray the debts and charges of admmiHtration oh fu esv tate cf paid Jiuann Stouf v.hereas the said defendant--' J?hn WIjoc, UerFln Furgorsrn. Jurtha lielly and busband, Kfh.v. A1- bert, Frank. Elizabetb. Adam. Stephen and AlervinFurgnifon httve an interest actual or contn g'-nt as ueirs at law 1 1 said It u aim b.owe in eaid lands. Sow, therefore, th eai 1 J:!in M. r.ee, Mervin, Furgerfo, Mutha Kelly and husband. Jvrllv. Albert, jrank Elizabett-, A lam, Stephen and Mervin Furterbou are hereby notified that unless th y be and appear at the office of ti e Clcrtc of the Superior Court of eai.i cuuntv and State aforesaid on or before the 28th day of March, 1895 and plead, answer or demur to the cointdamt of the plaintiff in said racial pros ceecung. that the plaintili will spp'r to the Court for tbe rem f demund ed in the c mplaint aid ior costs. Thip, 9th day of Februnry; 1896. -'AS. O. OIBSON, , Clerk SuP6i ior Cwi t. Mount Amoena SEMINARY A Flourishing School for Young Laqei TEN TJSACHERS, Ornamental Cratches Receive r ul.Attention, Y" " SHEB, A iNT N. C.