v , r . - ; y - -r . THE-STANDD mTT'n . r'T ) Tr TTJKN3 0UT GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PBICES. ritiNn tee . JVHWS THAT IS JfEWS FOB 1 YEAR VOL.VIII-M0.42. CONCORD. N. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1895. WHOLE NO. 362 GIVE US A TRIAL. SEVTDUM DOLLAR: I 1 I ,1 he. -Standard. Y w J m WITH ALLi ON BOARD. Her Crew of 420 Men lrfst uspieion Has How Become a Certalnty-The Alfonso XII (tent to Search for Her Finds the Wreck-It is One of the Greatest Sea Calamities on Record TheAnthorlties "till Refnse to Be lieve That the Ship la Irfmt-Descrlp- tion of the Wrecked Vessel. Madrid, March 20. Correspond ence this nurniDgreiterates the as sertion that the Regente was dis coveieTsunk in shallow water at Bajo Aceitunes, adding that the wreck was just visible at. low tide, The paper also says that the Alfonso XII has brought from the wreck the bodies of .thirty of the crew of the wrecked ship. The Alfonso XII will return to the scene of the wreck with divers and dragging apparatus A cushion washed ashore at Tarifa has been, identified as having come from the cabin of the Reina Regent?. Ic is asserted here that Admiral Pasquin, Minister of Marine, knows the truth regarding the missing cruiser, but that no official an nouncement of her. fate IwIII be printed until a new cabinet shall hive been form Meanwhile Cradiz and Aarthagena, where most of the officers and crew of the ship belonged, are in general mourning, and the women- of those cities are heaping maleQicions upon the heads of the Moorish Embassy, when they are looked upon as the cause of the disaster, es it was upon her return trip from convejing them to TaDgier that ihe cruiser was lost. Sli!l Knierialning; Hopi-s. Madrid, March 18, El Empai ciale this morning- s-ys the repori that the wreck of the missing cruises Keina Regente has been dis covered is utterly without founda tion. The Alfonso XII whidi was Bent out to search for the missing ship, has, the paper esserts, re turned from her cruise without hav ingtsined any news regarding the fate of the cruiser. The govern ment still entertains the hope that the Keina Regente, having run short of coal, has been blown into the Atlantic and may yet be heard irom. Description of the Lost Ship. New York, March 19. The Reins Regente about two years ago cam to New York as one of the Spanish squadron which escorted across the Atlantic the Columbus caravels. The Infanta Isabel, now reported to hate sunk an American schooner off the coast of Cuba, and the Neuva Espana were the other ships of the Spanish squadron. The latter ar rived at Fortress Monroe on April 21, 1893, the Keina Regente haying the caravel Santa Maria in tow; the Pinta was in tow of the Infanta Isabel, and. the Nina was lowed by he Nenya Espana ' All three of these Spanish warships took a con spicuous part in the great Columbian aval parade in New York harbor on April 27ih of the same year. The Keina Regente was launched in 1883, and was one of the three second class deck-protected crnisers of the same build, her sister thips being the Alfonso XII and Lepanto, all of 4,800 tone, 12,000 horse power, and expected to steam 20 knots The wrecked crniser was 32 feet long, had 5 feet 6 inches beam, and a draught of 20 feet 3 inches She was propelled by twin screws. Her protected deck was 43-4 inches tiick on tie slopes, her conning tower had five inches of armor and her gun shields were three inches thick. The armament of the Reina Re g nte consisted of four 9 i inch llontoria guns, one on each aide; aft f irward of the central superstruc ture, one on each fide; a six and a alt inch Uontona guns on ecn sidf, the forward pair in sponsors, lddle in recessed ports, and 15 rapid fire gnns. She was also fitted with fl ye torpedo tubes. . coast Strewn With Wreckage. LoDdon, March 20. A dispatch fronfSan Feroandino, near Cadiz, cava that the coast, near Couil, somewhat further South, U euewn with wreckage, uniforms, flags, and numerous other articles from the lost cruiser, Reina Regente. Tuc officials along the coast have forbidden the people to approach tne points where the wreckage has been cst tip, ostensibly to pre- ent the scenes of anguish which would 'accompany tne seaich for the bcdieB of frieudaor relatives. The officials r-'fuseto say whit they are doing to recover bodies anu wreckage, The people here belieye they are doing nothing. wanted to Oe Back to Worn. rwiri Murrav and Lizzie Mc tlnre were married today at noon in the courthonse by G A Barbee, Esq. They were in a hurry, t they went and got the license and wished to get married in time to get back to work iii the factory bef ere the dinuer MR. DIXON'S NEW CHURCH. He Will Have Deaconesses and Three Assistants to Help. The Rtv, Thomas Dixon, Jr on Sunday morning, in Association Hall, announced that he had engaged the Academy of Music, and on April 1st the Church of the People will be formally started. He said Bervices will be held every Sunday morning He intends to introduce deaconesses, half of the Board of Deacons to be composed of women from the con gregation. "The Results of Senationalisni" was the subject of his sermon, but before beginning his discourse he ex plained the misunderstanding be tween nimsell and hi3 congregation relative to his resignation, how it was ; brought about, and when it went into efL-ct. He strenuously denied that he bad been coerced into resigning, and in support of his statement rea 1 a letter from the president of the Board of Trustees. lie said that the Board of Trustees wanted him to remain until May 1st, but he would not do eo. In speaking of his proposed new church he said he would have three iBsist mts, one of whom will be a Uniyersalist. Members of the new church will be 'immersed or bap tized, rs they prefer. He Cenitd that he wa3 in receipt of n income of $20,000 a year, or .ived off the fat of the land." He said ia these times of income tax it was cruel to talk about a man's in come; tha tne new method or sens satieualism bad p ii J both inatiaao cial and a spiritual piiut of view. When be took Ui; pastorate of J the Tw-sn'y-thifJ-S.mji . artist church it r.s debt. 11 hud col lected $31,000 more t!;n had b.-n collected by llu- church iu tie twenty years h c- ding his pastorate He declared that, while he bad nude 4 few persons lir. d he intended to make a great isi::ny in. ire tired before he got through New Yurk llera'd. The Brinicc in Btul Slmpe. The new bridge built oyer Little Cold Water Creek, on the ML Pleas ant road, by Esq a ire Rufus Miller last summer has suffered by the re cent Lard rain. We learn that one pier is under- minded and that the bridge is, in consequence, unsafe. The water came near running oyer the fill on the east side of the bridge. It wa3 thought by some when the bridge was built that the opening was too small for the stream at high water-mark, and the fears haye thus been verified. Many will now say 'I told you so." Hissed One Day. Gilland Blackwelder, the genial mail carrier that pulls the tnrottle over the team that plvs between Mt Pleasant and Concord didn't make the trip Wednesday. High waters and the condition of Cold Water Bridge preyen'ed it. If we mistake not, this is his first missj at any rate we'll excuse him for this and the day on which he marries. which ought to be soon. lost Over 9100,000 Canibllii. Memphi?, Tenn.. March 20 E L Harris yesterday got prccecs for the arrest of ten of the b8t known gamblers of the city, tnd took steps to recover no';ey he had lost in the local gambling houses. He claims to hive lost 110,000 in various forms of gambl ng ia the last two years, which consists of estates in Mississippi. fened AnIipvIIIc lor 813,000 and Got 81.100. Asheville, March 20. MUs Janett Reid Sheldon has sued the city of A3heville fer $15,000 damaes.'.hay ing been injured by a fall on thf aidewalk. In the Superior Coort this "at'ernoon. the jury rendered a verdict allowing her $1,100. Kcsro Woman Lynched in Tennessee. Nashville, Tcnn., March 20. A negro woman named Harriette' Tay lor was hanged by a mob near Petersburg, Lincoln county, last night. She was accused of burning a bouse belonging to a Mr. Bay less a few months ago. Particulars are meagre. Organization of the Colored Episco palians. Last Sunday, March 17th, being the third Sunday in Lent, was des ignated by the colored Eoiscopa liana for the organization of a mis sion church in this city. Promptly at 3 o'clock in the af terncon mission hall was crowded, to hear the able discourse by Rev. J C Davip, rector of All Saints church. About twens tyfive persons cam9 forward and signed a petition asking the bishop teso lAbliBhfbem a mission church here, tbe Known as the "Holy ARjNAWAY. Sir. W F Fisher Thrown Front If orse and Mis Shoulder nislocated Mr. W F Fiiher, who is building a 8 Lore house near the depot, started np town Friday to attend little business. He wa-- riding mare belonging to Mr. Bradshaw Castor, and when in the front of Blackwelder & Cline's store, a color ed woman, said to be crazy, hissed her dog onto some children who were teasing her. The children scree m ing and the dog barking caused the animal, which is a spirited one, to become frightened. The horse could not be checked and went throughthe city at a breakneck speed, Just before reaching the Three Mile branch Mr. Fisher attempted to jump when the horse stumbled and in doing so he fell to the ground, dislocating his left shoulder. It was feared by every one on the streets that Mr. Fisher would be killed? but Providence, however, took a hand, and such is not the case. Banyan nn Explosive. Adline Miller, a colored woman of the city, met with a painful ex penance Wednesday night. She had heard much . of the linament known a3 "Banyan," sold on the streets by the medicine men who are here. She purchased a bottle of the linament and was before the fire applying said article to her limbs, when very suddenly and surprisingly the "Banyan" on her leg caught fire causing a right severe burn. lie Scripture Fulfilled. Te morning after the election 1 iet fall, when he learned how the ti.Ie had set, a quotation from Scrip ture, something like this, came into Mr. Green Warren's mind: "Pen Ions times shall come. People shall wax worse and worse, deceiying and being decti ed." Now that the Leg slature has adjourned Mr, War ren realizes that; the Scripture has been fulfilled. Th; candidates for the Legislature waxed worse in de ceiving the people and the people waxed worse in being deceived by them. Statesville Landmark. ASadNtory. Yesterday a gentleman from a neighboring county came to States ville in search of his niece. The niece, an orphan, whose home was at Cheater, S. C, had been missing for two years. ie had a brother in Florida and this brother and the uicle had bt-en trying in yain to find her during the two years. By some means the uncle leaned that the girl was in Stacesville and 3es- terday be came 1 ere and t.-dd bis story to the police. With the as bistance of Chief Cathey th?. woman was Boon located, out she was 'ocaud in a hoase of ill-fame. The uncle was much affected and Bhed tears when he found her. He asked her to go home with him and she agreed to Statesville Landmark. A Muw Conch. The Greenyille Weekly says that Judge Coble is no doubt a good, conscientious man, who is. trying to do right, but the lawjers of Pitt conrt have gotten him into deep water. Ou the eighth day of the court only one little cue had been tried, one sent to the Supreme Court ltd one got en under way. A Cashier Commits Nuicide. Lavrecce, Mass , March 20, E A But!er, cashier of the Arlington Na tional Bank and an alderman, com mitted suicide by shooting this morning. Mr. Butier was taken ill a few weeks ago with grip and has been suffering mentall. Mr. Butler had been cashier of Ihe Arlington bank since its incorporation in 1S90, ana leaves a widow and three small children. Rebels Defeated and Leaders Killed. Hanvana, March 21. The Gov ernor of Santiago Proviuce report that on Hatch 18, Ger.ral Carricb itarted from Baire with 200 men The troops overtook the rebels and dlltd five of them in a Bhort, brisk fiht. Among the dead were the rebel leaders, Manual and Bachtco, and the aide de camp Estrada. All the -arms and ammunition of the rebels were captured. Tobacco Factory Operatives Strike. Richmond, Va., March 11. A few days ago the J Wright Tobicco Co., was re-organiz;d, the Boston stockholders with certain Richmond interests, voting the president, Mr, J Wright, out of office. The force of the factory sided with Mr. Wright and todayquit work, thus causing a suspension of operations. The em ployes say their action is not a Btrike but a protest. That is a amb uad communi I caticn from Fj TOWN AND COUNTY. March winds, chapped handas and lips. Spring poets and lambs will Boon make their advent. The deputy sheriff, Monroe, of Rowan was married to Miss Lela M Blackwell. Ii "Parties desiring to leave Norwood, StanTy county, on the Yadkin rail way have to hustle off at 4:30, un less they fo-)tiL A. difference between the new or der of woman and the ready maid is where one claims to make advances the other may be willing to receive them. For the season ending March IS, 1894: the receipts for sales of fer txlizer tags was $21,000. For this season to the same they only reached $13,000, showing a remarkable fall ing off. Mr. Tom Rhinehardt, of No. 9, has kept an account of the weather during the past winter. He says there haye been 14 different snoffs during the winter; this includes the one of Wednesday nighL Every iadic&tion points to a boun tiful fruit crop this year. The peaches, apples, cherries etc., are yet lown in the roots of the trees. If they are not there, where are they ? Mr. G T Ciowell, of the Fenix Fiour Mills, was in Richmond, Va., to purchase a large lot of wheat. We understand that the price of wheat and flour is looking upwards fast. Mr. Harvey Cline, of the Colum bia & Charleston railroad, who has been spending some time at his father's, Mr. Fred Cline, a few miles above town, has returned to Column bia to resume work. We hear tbereis to be a wedding in the city about the first of April. Whether it is an April fool or not, we are unable to state. Curious people will soon learn who the parties are, by qn'zzing and guessing. Tom Kennedy, colored, who about one and a half year ago Btabbed a man by the nam6 of Ford and made his escape, was spotted in Saiis- bvry on Wednesday and arrested. He was brought to Concord and lodged in jail. It is reported on the streets that there is to be another drug store es tablished in Concord. The room to be occupied, the report goes, is the corner one in Li taker's block. As yet nothing is positive and the Standard belieyes the report star ed from th? presence in the city of a druggist, who came here on a'visit to his cousin. La exchange speaks of three of the most stingy men o t the record. The first will not drink as 'much water as he wants unless it comes from his neighbor's well. The second, forbids his family to write anything but a small hand as it is a waste of ink to make large letters The third stops the clock to saye the wear and tear of machinery They all refuse to take a newspaper on the ground that it is a teirible strain on their spectacles to read. It would . stonish you to' know how many people read the Staudard without paying for it someboiy else's copy ; and yet tbey complain that we have poor papers in Concord No wonder, when we have to cater to such a class of dead bea's. They will kill anything and any town en terprise. The Charlotte Objeryer says that Mrs. M E Cartland, president of the State W. C. T. U., -had a dozen women to hear her lecture at the Y. M. C. A. building iu Charlotte on Wednesday. It further says of her: ''Mrs. Cartland ia an easy, fluent speaker. She is quiet and nnaseum mg. but strong in thought and for cible in exprission." Dr. 11 L Payne, of Lxin4ton, bad a narrow escape from drowning Wedue8dy afternoon. The rainn had greatly swollen Fl.it Swamp creek and in attempting to cross the horses got in wa'er beyond their depth. Both were washed down the stream and drowned, but Dr. Payne reached land. 1 be norses v ere a match pair of blacks, formerly the driving horses of the late Dr. R L Payne, Sr. Salisbury Herald. E (J Phillips, Republican Repre sentative in the Legislature from Randolph county,. says he wouldn't have voted for the Legislature toad journ out of respect to Fred Doug lass if he had known he was a negro. This is a nice state of affairs, truly. A mn aWtori tn th TWialahira who! never heard of Fred. Douelass or if be didn't know that he was a negro, The large elms in front of Mrs Hettie WinecoflTs have been topped. Esq. Liwson Peck, of No. 7, spent Thursday in the city, lie is a bet ter Democrat than ever. Col. Al. Fairbrother, editor of the Pottsville, Pa., Star, who was tried recently for libel, was acquitted. The Pottsville News says it was triumph for th6 liberty of the press. Abner Alexander, an'enterprising and industrious colored man of Con cord, holds the throttle to the wood supply. He got in a car load from Stanly and for two days he worked like a trojan. Jim Alexander, who went on a visit to friends in Stanly in com. pa?y with Bob Cannady's wife, and who was hunted up by and shot by Cannady, as the report goes, has re turned alive. Gibsonville News: Rev. Mr. Lequeux, who has been recently called as pastor of Springwood, a Presbyterian church near here, spent Sunday night at Mr. E L Smith's. We saw a specimen cf engraving and link work for parties in Albe marle, done by Mr. A B Correll, that certainly is handsome. He is an ar- tisL Father Joseph, of Greensboro, was m the city today, enroute to St James' Catholic church in No. 5 township, where he will held services tomorrow. United States Marine Band Con cert, Greensooro, N. C. Tickets on sale March 2S and 29. Limited March 30, 1895. Fare for round trip $3.65. After an engagement of 15 years Mr. Frank Redford, of Rolesville, Wake county, and Miss Mattic Par- tin, of Jiaieigh, were married at Raleigh Wednesday. Two of our young men were 6eres naded recently in the open air, whistling rocks playing the accom paniment. It was a perilous time for them, it is said. That damnable committee of drunkards appointed by the Doug lass Legislature to nose about into business unprecedented, is just the resaltiss bloom on the nose of the body collective. It- ic too wf al to be funny. Raleigh Observer says : Capt. W G Means, of Concord, who repre sented Cabarrus in the Senate of 1S93, and has several times been mayor of Concord, is here attending the Supreme court. Five tramps went into the engine room at the dynamo Friday night, so Bays Engineer Loman, and fairly took possession. Some of these times Mr. Loman will be carried off alive, he fears. Sheriff Sims spent Friday in Lex ington. Returning he brought with him four convicts, three negroes and one white man- They are all able-1 bouied men and will no doubt do good service to the county. Hoc. Alfred Moore Waddell, or Wilmington, has been invited by the Ladies' Monument Association to deliver the address at the unveil ing of the Confederate monument, in Jiaieigh, May 20th, and he ac cepts the invitation. The base of Ayer's Hair Vigor is a refined and delicate 11 aid, which does not soil or become rancid by ex posure to the air, and which it as perfect a substitute for the oil sup plied by nature in youth and health, a modern chemidtry can produce. Mr. Julius Pdrker, who ws once a ti:izen of our towr and a sa'es mw in the store of C G Montgomery u in the city. Mr. Parker has been located in Fayeitejille for quite a while en&razed in buvins cct:cn. His miny friends are glad to see him a;aiu. 'Success is the reward of merit" not of assumption. Popular appre ciatiou id what tells in the iou run.' For fifty ver?, peo. le hav been using Ayer' Sarsap rilla, an 1 today it is the bloodp'irifi-r most in fayor with tne public. Ayer'd Sarsaparilla cures. For over Fifty Tenrs. Mrs. Winslow's Sooth;Dg. Syrup Jias been used for over fifty years bj millions of mothers for their children while eething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, oftens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will rcllee the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Drutrpiats m every part of the an - world. Twenty-five cents a bottle, t8 SUM ana ass lor "inra. n.uo.uw Soothing Syrup," and take no other . A . mwi&w FOREST HILL NOT "IN IT." Gets no Pie From the Last Lefflsla. latnrc anil Other Matters in General : To The Standakd : We knew that the Pop. party did not get many votes from Forest Hill' at the last election, but we haye a few of the "faithful," and we think they should have jest a little of the pie, In the distribution of the magis trates we haye usually been honored by having one appointed from among our own folks, but the Legis. lature has adjourned and, although remembering the black man, has left us without a "Chief Justice." Well, this is a strange kind of a world anyway, and we will try and have no need for a squire and let the Pops run the machine for two years and then we will get a show because they won't "get tLere any more. There are some things this legisla ture has done which makes a lasting impression on our people, You know they increased taxes four cents on the $100, and they also passed a law making every one who keeps boarders pay fifty cents on each Led Tnen, too, you know they changed the charter of the town "o jthat one or two wa: Js could elect the'colored man to office. Well, when Mie election comes in May we will let the Pops know that we are "still in the ring.! xne suggestion to call a convens tion and nominate all the candidates for town cfiictrs is a gcod one. Let us have a UDited party and then we will have an overwhelming victory, A lot of us v,onld like to see that faithful mr.n and.one legged soldier ex-Sher ff Morrison, elected mayor of our town. What say the people ? A. W. C. Churned With Train U riM-klny?. Atlanta, Ga., M:ireh 21 .Caesar Banks, formerly -i section hand on the Southern Railway was arrested at Jackson, Ga., tby for train wrecking. It is b-iievtd that he caused two, if not all three of the recent wrecks which have occurred on the Southern above and below Macon. Banks was discharged a few weeks ago and it is said that he threatened to be revenged upon the foreman. The road's detectives state that . there is strong evidence connecting B ink with the wreck in which Roland Reed's Company figured. A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house anl his family has always found the very best resuts follow its use; that he would not be without it, if pro curable. G A Dykeman Drugei&L Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubtedly the best Cough remedy; that hejhas used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy eo long tried and tested. Trial "bottles free at Fetzer' drug etore. Regular-Size 50c. and ipl.OO. Mr. Fred Anderson, ton of ;Ur.. E Anderson, and Miss Florence Carter," of Albemarle, were married last Monday. CANCER CURED AND A- LIFE SAVED By the Persistent Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "I was troubled for years with a sore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring me that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak ing a number of bottles, the sore 7 ie i-::i&Vkii' zt car . j.-vt began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in deed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it." Mrs. S. A. Fields, Bloomfield, Ia. AYER'S The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. Ayer'a Pills Regulate the Liver. THE WORK BEGINS. The Reed Mine Is to- be Ncene of 1,1 lo Hereafter. The Reed Mine where lots of large pieces of gold have been found and particularly the 28 pound piece is to be largely opera'ed as soon as the 'machinery can be placed. Dr. J D Lisle, of Sprinefi.:ld Ohio, is here in charge of the woik nv.:j li. , . . i wuuoiuerauie macninery is now at the depot awaiting an opportune time for its removal, bp the Reed Mine. IJr. Lisle is a yery pleasant and itelligent gentleman and the Standard wishes him a p'easant and profitable stay among us. A GHASTLY FIND. in Jenu Body of a negro Baby Found In a Gas Pit. The Durham Sun of yesterday iys: This morning about V o'clock two colorpd children, Claude and Daisy Uester, while on their way'to Pinnix prize house, stopped by an old gaB pit, m the rear of the Globe Ware uuuse. jne pic was about nine u mi . feet deep and contained about two and a half feet of water. In there they discovered the body of ;i child This was reported to two colored men and they notified the police headquarters. For some time there was Litcb as to a coroner, this county being without one. Ihe Clerk of the Court finally appointed Dr. N M Johnson, who went out and made an examination. It was a colored child, boy, possibly several weeks old. It was the coroner's opinion that it .had breathed, and had been killed by drowning, and might have been in there a week or several weeks as the water was cold enough to preserve it that length of time. There was no clue or evidence whateyer as to whose it was or who committed the crime, so an inquest was not held. .Saloon"' t'assenjrers. This story is told on an Asheyille prohibitions!. He was talking with a friend about the Elbe disaster, which recently shocked the world. "Well," he said, "I suppose the all - wise Providence did what was best llowing the ship ta fee etrojjiv Therewera several .hun dred salooH-passengers on board, and if they had been allowed to come to this country there would have been jast so miny more barrooms." Asheville Citizen. I'oli tics I'Hifrntel'iil. Lots of people have been wonder. ing, since seeing the list of magis trates, how in the world several of the hardest workers in th: campaign, in season arid out of season, were left off. Every one expected to see Mr. William Junker and Chairman Jacob Boger, of the executive com mitte, appointed. These two, in reality, did much for fusion. Mr Junker heldMots of them by his orar torical appeals and chairman Boger certainly did valiant service, in fact did more for Mr. Uileman's election than any man in the county. It warhs-tbat made the coloredvote solid for lumT Hut the unkindesffdifc cf 1 the overlooking of the tall politician of No. 7, Mr. Amos Melchor, cols ored. He was the au'hor aUbssioc in Cabarrus He eyen stood ndicnle i i the early part of the campaign from his own race on account of hif political relations but steadfast b 8 6o J. And yet he was ignored by Mr. IlPeman, into whose bosom be nestled during the campaign. prlnK'er Will Take lo the Law. EtiCongretsman Spr.Lger has been detained lr Washington since th? close of Congress ou account ol the tenons illness of his wife, who has an acute attack of the grip, lie vill co iu Chictgo as Boon as she recovers atd look out for a loc-tioi o begin la practice. The Smga mn Stalesmm said toJay that I t .(ad received no intiuntion yet that ihe President meant tJ tender him a desirable appointment. Mr. Springer will epnd the summer at Mackinaw Mich., where he has a cottage. The Bnlldlnir and I.onn Adopts the Mx Per Cent. Interest. The fficers of the various build og and loan associations met in tht Savings Bank yesterday afternoon to take action n regard to the new interest law as afLcting them Mr W M Smith, of Concord, was pres ent. It was decided, as expressed in a general resolution, that the several building and loan associa tions here charge only 6 per cent to borrowers from and after the first payment in April, which no doubt will be agreed to by the several ast sociationa. Charlotte Observer. AOISTISGlIKIIKft VISITOR. THEIR NEXT GOVERNOR OF N. O. There was a distinguished visitor in the city today (Saturday.) It is a man whose name is on the lips of thousands of North Carolinians. He is one, who through patriotism, acl journed himself out of resppctto the memory of one more distinguished (though dead) and who wept over the remains of the dead negro. That distinguished gentleman was none other than the Hon. Ambrose Frank lin Hileaan, the Douglassite and the next Governor (?) of North Carolina. Bull f'rotv S.nniisc A custouu-r o purchased some jvikg man at the the olher day ' Lii jrily indignant, sausage rroiii reensboro ;:s returned i: t says the R r. "What'j ... Mo ';" inquired ;:'onier. who by 'it won't stay t ju;t jumps all : v it in its : this morning the vemLr, Why," the way, in the fry nun. about t;u : I i;uU' place. U c:ivortcu that I called n;y hiubnna into see it and he ssys its bull- fog ainsage. I don't want it. Pay me back my money," and the jourg man com plied, but he u not advertising that kind of sausage. , The trouble was that it was gen s uine saujage, no beef or dog in it, and was therefore rich with When put in a hot pan of "jumped about." ii r friends of is First. Tho subsd his subscription proc vance. second: ine man, woman, or girl who introduces him to a news item. Third: The subscriber who is not afraid to tell the editor when he sees something in the paper that particularly pleases him. Fourth: The subscriber who doe&n't hesitate to tell the editor frankly when he sees something in the paper that doesn't please him, Every one of these four classes the editor of a live newspaper'needs in his buoiness." The editor ot ajiye newspaper must have close collections, must publish all the news and must be in close touch wi'h the minds and hearts of his readers. The Sta'e University has 4Cj students on its rolls, representing twelve States. Thirty maintain Ives by their own laW1 ""'- over 100 on iron une nundieoir iwentysix hare scholarships. During the past year the bequests aggregated $31,000. IS Right Arm Paralyzed Saved from St. Vitus Dance." i "Our daughter, Blanche, now fif teen years of age, had been terribly afflicted with nervousness, and had lost the entire use of her right arm. We feared St. Vitus dance, and tried the best physicians, with -no benefit. She has taken three bottles of Dr. Miles' Nervine and has gained 3t pounds. Her nervousness and symp toms of St. Vitus dance are entirely gone, she attends school regularly, and Das recovered complete use of her arm, her appetite is splendid." MBS&tBULLOCR Brlghtonj . ur. miles' Twtil. Cures. Dr. Mild' Nervine b sold on a non'tlrs Saarantee that tbe first bottle will benefit. .11 drui glst sell It at 11, bottle for 15, or It will bii aent, prepaid, on receipt ot price, by the Di Kik Medlod Co., ElUuwVUui. grease, For Sa'e By AlTDrcggist. y xpureK-Baleisu Obserrer, Coj i. 4 A

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