THE - STANDARD TTTT7 . f'"Pirii TURNS our GOOD -JOB -VORK AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL SEVEN FOUND NUGqET OF GOLD. Mr. S. J. Fombcrton, .'of Stnniy, Snlrt That lie Saw nnd Handled This Pro duct of IIU County. Mr. S J Percterton, of Albenmil was yesterday with some friends t the statioo, on Lis way to his hotel. The? were listf-uing t" Mr. Pernberlon's stoiy touching a goldjR$get weighing sevpn pounds recently f.ontd m the aUuiy couotj mines. "Is vaA a be tuty and no I had it iu my own bands," s-iid Mr, Pemberton, "hut this is nothing new in our countrj; for eold nu reels are our most plentiful curretcy, and cur bills are fall of them. This was, howeyer, one of the lar.ert nuggets ever found in the section. It is pure gold and was worth 1,500 Mr. Pemberton stated also that c nsiderable gold was being found every day ou this and other North Carolina gold properties in Stanly, Rowan, and Caoarrus counties. The nugset wus found in the Ingram mnenear Albemarle- Jn this con nection " it is worth knowing that the largest nugget ever -found wan in Australn weighing Gi pound and that iu North Carolina a nng"g was ones found weighing 27 poui - jTi Mr. Pembf rton is a Stanly . man and knows what he is talking about. lit is Special Ganger of the Western district and will be in the city today and posibly tomorrow. Raleigh Ob server. WfentDo Ton Thinte of Tnis T Our Enterprise corresponded i tells us this week of a negro, Daniel Mil lef, being appointed a new magis trate in Arcadia township. Our correspondent says that he is now guilty of larceny and is not allowed to vote ! Thij action of the f Dsicu Legislature in appointing bdcIi a cha2lt (and a3 ignorant colored man, at that,) it is au insult to every respectable cit zen of David son county white and black. For this and many other misdeeds they will as surely be called to ar.cout in 1896 as the fun rises and Eetfi. Shame, Bhame, Ehcme on them 1 Lexington Dispatch. Slake More Hay. In 1894 North Carolina cultivated 53,113 acres in rye and produced ' 478,017 bushels; 104,525 acres in hay and grew 233,501 tons ; 17,955 acres in potatoes and 1,113,210 bushels; 695,147 acres in wheat and 3,475,735 bushels; 2,459,663 acres in corn' and 32,959,484 bushels; 527,S93 acres iu oats and 5,754,034 bushels, The hay crop is far too small. Make more hay and stop buying from the North. The po tato crop is much less than we had aup osd. The wheat crop is rather email. Kentucky, Tenneseee and ginia exceed ii. If more oats were made there would be much less demand for the products of the hay fields in the West. Rai-e home sup plies all round, including home mar nures. The Women's liutldinjf Opened. Atlanta, Ga, Aprii 11. This morning at 13 o'clock the ground was broken for the SVomen'a Build ing of the exposition. Mrs. Joseph Thompson, president of the Womans Board, lifted the first shovel full of earth and made a short speech api prppriafe to the occaeion. The cor ner stone will be laid with Ma-:onic ccrenionu-B next Thursday. A JVcgro IlangeU in Flori.Sn. Gainesville, Fla., April 10 Grant Griffin, colored, was hanged here to rt ty at 1 o'clock for the murder oi William Tibbs, also colored. Griffin's eck was broken by the fall and he flied without a struggle. The con demned man Bpent last night smg- ng and praying and on the gallows declared that be was ready to die. lie was game to the last. Gr ffm killed Tibbs over a game of cards. Tibbs won and Griffin demanded that his money be returned. This Tiobs refuse I to do and Griffin shot him dead. to m WE don't advise your buying any bicycle but the best one mads the COLUMBIA for the $ 1 00 it costs is wise economy, every dollar -of it. But if you prefer to pay less, then we nave . lower priced machines that we know will give you satisfac tion.' Patterns for men and women or boys and girls in -. THE HARTFORD S0 q0 50 A Good tow-Priced Bicycle Come and examine. 9 Beautiful Catalogue free If yon call. O. I PATTERSON, AGENT," Oocoed; X, O, VOL. VIII--NO. 45. mam. 1st j llGABfTTESi feSTW. D i; Ke Sons & Co.r?7TW" hSTHEAMtBi?AK T0BACC3 Clif& irj KaZ3 DURHAM. K.C. U.C.A. VKi. mas; from Ijigh grass TeSsasea A.-.T) ' - ABSOLUTELY PU3E THE JOURNEY HALF OVER. PedeNtriu Fred Bi'.Icr nsid Sii of Uucttg Arrive at Jacksonville. Jacksonville, Fla., April 10 Fred Ivii!ler,tbe long-distance pedes irian, who is n?w walking from New York to this city and return on a" wager of $5,000, arrived at tne union station this morning at 10:l-" o'clock, thus compl;Hng just one half of hia task. He is accompanied by his dog Guess, a large, powerful pointer. Miller started from New York ou his journey at 8 o'clock on he morning of the 5 th of February, and has been just sixtyseven days accociplithirg half hii walk. The condition cf the wager was that Miller was to waik from New York to Jacksonville aud return in aeven months frcm he time tf starting. U.e wa3 to s'art. with nothing, and was to receive no'Uiug bus foo.i and clothing while tu rou;e. bo f .r Milkr has traveled 1,300 miles. His route was from Ne-v York to Phila ddphii, Philadelphia to Baltimore, Baltimore to Washington. YTahirg ton to AtL-.f;!, aud from Atldnia, via Jessnp, to this city. Miller has lost but ' eeyen pounds m weight since he started on Lis log jaunt The dog is in fine coui-DC, being Blick and fat. Jliller expects to re. main in the city iwo daye, pud then start on his reuira trip. Snnnwnv. . Wednesday evening the team of Lard Bcger, a colored drayman, ran away and tore up a agon and pretty severely hurt one of his horses. He was hauling lumber from the de ot, nd had backed hii -ngon close to the fint car, and on the other tide a dump c.-.rt paesed dewu the 'rack, frighceimg the horse?. They ran across the platform, loft the hind end of the wnwn and bi;ke up the front prt, The injuries the horse received were cu'.b fcb'jut the legs and hoofs- Nniall Fox in a Knrjrlnnt! Town. La Plata, Md., April 11 A small pox epidemic iu a small way has developed near Newburg, this countv; twenty colored people have been stricken with the malady. Three death?, two women and one child, have bo f r result-d. SissinC links. An Atlantic eteanu r's screw costs about $20,000. Barky is mentioned on some of the earliest of Egyptian monuments. Last jt ar the sheep in this c untry grew 3U,iuu,uuu pounus or wool. Rice was cultivated in India many Sears before the historical period The ancients knew bow to cbtat. Loaded dice have been found ia the ruins ot Herculaueum. In civilized countries the average ge at which women marry is twentythree and a half years. oVr $50,000,000 is Bpen in main taining the churches of the United States, and $40,000,000 in running the jails - Tne three most common namep in Eatl-iiid, ikotlend and. Ireland respectively ar.; Smith, McDonald and Murphy. Tbayvrage weigh t o: the egg - of ostrich! MJthree poupds; Its ecu. teDt's,rjtifl fh084 of abottj- twenty', fonr' &tfgg'B..'' " ' . '. " The thrte rountie3 of Knox, Athens and Fairfield, Ohio, rturn a certificate that tnere are to cigarette dpalers in that couniy. . Mr. Will Foil, who is" plastering Mr R F Coblt-'a new house near Forest Hill.'l. at a h ndsome gold watch Wednesday. Some one stole it irom uis vesi poyKet, wnica was lying in a. wmdoj near by. lie is not certaia w-ot it, but l as his The FRIGHTENED 1 0 D1SATH. ftllis Julia Taylor, Alarmed by a Iior Clr Falls Dentl, After Suuimonine Aid. ' Newbern Journal : Miss Julia Taylor, a lady win lived by herself on E.iBt Front street in a email ho'jse belonging to Mr. J O Green, close to his own residence, came to her death suddenly about 12 o'clock Saturday night under th following unusual cireamsraneea : Mr. Green had just gone into his home aad be heard Miss Taylor screaming for help. He answered b?.ck and rushed immediately to th: froafc of her residence. Mr. Bate man Lawrence one of Messrs Hack burn & Willett's clerks who .lives only a door or two away from Mias Taylor en th: opposite side from Mr. Gre?.n, hid just returned hDme end be also rushed ever, he aad Mr. Green meeting in front of the house but who ever had been there had gotten away they found no trace of any one except that the gato was un latched. Miss Taylor had given the alarm from a window towards the rear but she now came to the front aud at partially opened window proceeded to tell what had occurred. Heanne some one cn her porch she had gone to a window to find out who it wa3 and what ' was ;wanted and as she slightly opened tbe window for the purpose, a man fwheter white or colored, the did not state), grasped toward her. Dropping the window she then called for help from a rear tie as stated at the beginning, Such was her storv as far as told, A3 r. Green advised her to go over to his home and stay the remainder of t'..e night. Before au under standing of wheter the invitation would be accepted or not, the win dow droppen drown and the con versation stopped without notice. The gentlemen thought at first that Miss Taylor was making pre parations ts come out, and after waiting for ora lengthy time, without hearing more, Mr. Green knocked, but conld get no answer and at last he looked in at the win dow aud saw Miss Taylor lying on the floor. On the supposition that she had fainted restoratives were at once ob taiued and lady neighbors Bummon el. Dr. R S Primrose who lives only a block away was aL-o c-illed inatcne?, but it was foon found that Miss Taylor was dead. EDITOR RESTEER CALLED ON A 3Iisroios tii!iUoii liaise a Demo crat'M Ire lie Will Retract. Mr. F L Etuery, Superintendent of the Odell M.Ue, who is a Duno. crat and who has been nothing e!s for the past 13 years, called upon u El Heatler this (Friday) morning and requested him to retract through his paper the following statement, which appeared in the Vestibule of this week : "The Dems have' put n a life time Republican for commissioner in ward 2. Perhaps he sacrifices his party for the sake of a j )b. How do the Dems like the fusion ticket ?" The above statement raised the Democratic ire of Mr. Emery, and jostifiatfp, too. When requested, Mr. Kestler said he would retract the statement. I'reeK Water and Lemon Jncice. Jacksonville, Fla., April 11. Mrs. F W Maaeraj wifd of the San Francisco agent of the Chicago, Burlington & Q:iincy RVilroad, went crazy in the Union station today and screamed that her ton, daughter nd pet dog with her were being pursued by the Spaniards, v. ho ou!d murder them all. She be came so violent that the police took charge of her. Chkf Phillips endeavored to get her into the hospitul but she was unwilling. She made the chief sit in the road vhiie she prayed, and she aoointtd him with water from a creek ty, and lemon juice, saying that theae were proofs against hii tnemies. Relatives are on the way from Chicago to uke charge of her. Mrs Madera formerly lived In Chicago with her husband. " . ' It Hay do as Much for Yon. Mr, Fred Miller, of Jrviog, 111., writes thrt he had a severe kidney troubkpf niaDj. years, with severe pains in his back and also hid biad dtr was &ft cted. . He tiied many so called Kiduey cures but"witbou! any gect result. About a yf-ar ago be began the use of Electric Bitters and found relief at ence. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to cure ot all Kidney aud Liver trouble and often sives almost - instant relief One trial will prove our statement. Price only 50c for large bottle t Fetzer's Drug store. D'iANJJA.til) CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, TABLED THE BILL. fcettcr From i,cc, of Haywood, AVlio Tabled IIlle:niw' Kn3 Hill. Waye3Vijcle,N. C, April 4. Editor News prd Observer : In regard to the assignment bill which seem?, in tome way, to &vj p3soa the Legislature, I desire to t cy that Mr. Smith of Stanlv. introduced a bill to preyeat preferences ia a signmeuts, as I understood i!; after havinc had several conversations with him in regard to it when the bill was reported by the Finance, Ccmmtttee, Mr. Smith told me that it was not the original, but a sub stitute, understood to have been prepared by Hileman, Chairman of the Committed. I was opposed to the Smith bill, and when I learnel that it had bee a amended at the instance of Mr. Hileman, I was more than ever opposed to it, belieyicg that mischief would result to the busi ness interests of the State if radical Legislation should be had along this line. And Mr. Smith came to ma and said that he would have not'm ing further to do with it, inasmuch as the substitute had changed the purpose of his bill. Subsequently 1 called up the bill and moved to lay it on the table, stating at the time it was a dangerous bill. The motion was carried by a large majority, the Democrats voting the affirmative solidly. I never heard of the bill any more until I noticed in the papers after the Legislature had adjourned that had become a law. W. T. Lse. The lubIlc;Force. The greatest number in the force is the way Superintendent George Barnh.irdc speaks of tne chain gang. The four sent hera from Moot gomery county runs the number up to 32 Mr. Bernhardt has rlxid his tent that now he thinks it atorin proof. Instead of ropes, wires are used. Wanted a Warrant for Illmtteir. Tuesday morning before daylight J ustice Lewis was aroused by a col ored man and woman. On being asked their business the man said he wanted a warrant for himseif ind explained that the woman with him had threatened to get a warraut for him and he came along to get ul himself. The woman, Jane Smith, said the man, John Grose, had slapi ped her children and then slapped her. Statesville Landmark. Why lliey Are ;,. The Kicston.Fre.e Pre3 says, iu eferring to the-new magistrates : The newly appointed magistrates are not magistrates, because they failed to qualify. They failed to qualify because the certified hats were not sent out in time by the tecv r.tary of state, who did not send them out iu time because the blanks to send then on didn't come to him in ' lime. Tne blanks oidn't come to him in time because the public printer lives at Winston to far from the State capital. The public printer at Winston was elected by thj fusion legislature, and is making big money on the public printing paying bis rrintera starvation wages. And this is "reform." An Editor Commits Suicide. Norfolk, Va., . April IU. Mr. Wallace Graham, publisher of the weekly paper, Saturday Night, com mitted suicide here tonight by tak ing poi6on. He was a native of Canada, and had leen in Norfolk about sixty day?. He leaves a son in .this city and a wife in Chicago, He came to Norfolk for his heilth. He - was financially well of. Tbe Railroad War. Baltimore, April 11, President Hoffman, of the Seaboard Air Line, said today that the decision of the inter-State commerce commission, which permits the Southern Rail mad company to meet the cut in passenger rates mado by the Seaboard to Atlanta without reduciugthe rate to intermediate points, would not affect situation rially, except Cat the decision might give the im pression ibat Lis line was in the wrong in cutting rates. Comment- ins on the decision Piesidt-nt Hoff man said : - - I no loDger eee any use for the inter-btato commerce -cooj mission. I'hat body has virtually given the outhern Rkilroad company " a weapou which to fight us and has repudiated about tbe only important claase of the act under which it was created 'the long and ebort haul' clause of the la has been upheld by all the courts, and I am suiprised that tbe interstate com mecc eojm- missiou ebon id be the first to n ullify it. I crionot siy at present what we will do next, but we are ab'e snd jredj at all times to protect r our rights and property.'" TOWN AND COUNTY. Ttere is a case of mumps rt por ed. There ia an "unusual amount of meal on the market. Tb.3 soda fountains are being cleaned up. ,In a fjw daya they wiil be ready for customers. Mr. Martin HarL'ey, who is azd about 77 years, caught a carp out of the Boat mill pond that weighed nearly ten pounds. Passenger traffic over the Southern is heavy between Richmond and Charlotte. Every train is crowded. In another epace you will see an advertisemekt by Mr. George L Pat tersoE, who is bicycle agent for te Hartford tnd other wheels. Mr. M H H Caldwell, once a law yer here, it is reported, will again locate in Concord for the practice of his profession . - Small boys haye begun already to rob the poor little bird3 nests. This is a practice that should be s'opped, especially ia the city limits. Tae negro, who killed Officer Owen of Kowan, and who is in the Davidson county jil, is plaving off coony. That's the way it goes. An uncommon sight as witnessed on the street. It was a team run by neither man nor horse a woman driving an ox. Mr. Vic Stiller has associated him self iu the harness business with tbe Messrs. Lippard, and has opened out a first-class shop over the store of Lippard & Barrier. A smull colore. boy wa3 a mula through the streets, goin? to mill. Instead of a saddle he was on a bag of corn. (The corn bag s'ippL'd oil and down came the coon. Senator Palmer, of Illinois, says the Supreme Court fta3 right ia ex empting municipal bonds ', from the iacome tax, but wrong in exatnptirg rents on realty, If there is not already there should bi a law to prohibit teims from stanling on the streets unhitched or unattended as was seen on the streets toda. It's somewhat dangerous. Mis. Dr. Stephens, whose purse was stolen, had left it lying "up ru the first stool upon entering on Mor rison's, Lentz & Co's, side of the store room and not :n Mus Alex, auder's, as we stated. Mrs. M E Cartlard, president cf the State W. C. T. U., was in Stues ville Thursday and made twoJees tures in the Methodist church in that place. Q ;ite a crowd attended the meetings. "I do not think that the Income lax law, as constructed and left bj the Supreme court, will stand as the law ol tne land; it is too technical.' Richard Olney, Attorney General oi the United States. The Standard feels compelled to thank its eplendid fiiend, Ecq. An thony G Bost, of No. 5, for a pound of butter, regular genuine Jersey butter. The fact of the matter, we have had a teasing hiat of thia gift for twelve months or more. All is now forgiven. Double decked, portable chicken display show caaea have struck Con cord. .Mr, Chailie Sapaenfiold made one. for hia brother and Mr. D P Dayvault. They meet the de nands of science aud humanity, cases do. The North Carolina Lutheran Synod will meet at TiOitinah s on Tharsday before the first Sunday in May. Revs. Soherer, Sheiley, Shirey, Fisher, Marks, Brown, Fither, Scickley, Weriz, pastors of churches of this Synod in Cabairus will at tend. Miss Bessie Henderson is still in Washington. She ha a torriWe iiege with yaccin.ttioa. For a mnntV ihe was unable to leaye her bed, at d it was feare l she would have blood poison. Siie is up, but not we.'l yet ?y any means. Cn irlotte Observer Tf.e latest result- of pharmaceu tical fccieuce a d tha bret modern appliances are availed of in com pounding Ayer'dSarsiparilla. Hence, though, hsif a century in existence a msd.ciue, it ia fully abreast of the Pge iu all iat goes to make it the eUmiikrd blood-purifier. . "it is bet er I te than uever" is a very uoran'm expression, and it comes in well on this especial oc casion. Tbe fractured plastering id the court housia beiiig patched. If will make a wonderful improvement in 1 Le appearance of things. If the piece of fence around this model structure was torn away altogether or p-tched np, the court house would present a handsomer ap pearance than it does. 1895. Tbe C per cent inter st la-? is now in effect. ML8 Nbr-t Boyd is it'i! f til ic red wi-'h pphonia. Tbi-j is a compliment to a Con cord Milliner: Miss Mvhii Dracben 'iresdty expressed .n Easter bonuet to Loaisvil:?, Kv.,' Uinton Willeford was hart Fri day afternoon at the Oddl Aiilis. A Jhnttle iiew out cf his loom sr.d struck him on the head. The old German saying is this : "If it dors not rain on Good Friday, soil will be lnello-? and free cf clode all summer, this year. Therefore no clode Mayor W C Corghenour has bten renominated for mayor of Salisbury. Lawyer Murphy was a candidate. ihe vate was Couehenour 30U: Mmpby 179. While in the coal bin at the dyna mo Friday evening Mr. J M Loman, the engineer, was buried beneath, a pile of coal. He was pretty badly bruised up, but not seriously hurt. Many of our farmers are far be hind with planting, whi'e ethers are far in rdvaaco. Mr- R V Caldwell, of No. i township, has his corn ah pLnted and is now putting in h:s cci'o i seed. ? Mr. R A Broivn ha closed a con tract to build au anbex to the Cor- nelison & n owe cofton Lctorv at Davidson college. He will leave j with a large force cf hands lor iha- place next week .'.when he will begin work. As baluuesa mabe3 one look pre maturely old, so 3 full head of hair giyes to E ifure life the appearance of youth. To secure this and pre vent the iW::;:r, Aver's Hair Vigor is confident?, recommended. Both .adics eiid sca'.'.orina prefer it to any other dressias. MrVWtTB.rr '-rr, of Mt. Pleas ant, returned IV. lay front a trip to Rileitj'i r::d oiher point3 of the State in th:v. section. While in Ral eigh he purchased a fine standard bred colt from Mr. B P Williamson. Cabarr'13 will yet have some fine trotticg sfcoc'it as well 3 thorough breds. Buchten'M Airmen asve. The Best Sake in tie world for Out3, Bruisrs, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter.Chapped Hand.?, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piloa or to pay required. It it guaranteed to give sahsiuctiou or money fifuui'ed. Price 25 cents per bo.i. For sale tt P. B. Fetzer's Drug Store A I'tcni jicrd'cts a I'ouatiin. The young ladies and trienda cf St. Andrews' church a', u.mnouville took their good p.istor and family on ecrprise Friday night, by giving them a sound pounding, not an un friendly one, but one that filled the larder to overflowing, with such good things as sugar, ceffee, molasses, pickle', floor, hams, cajued goods, and many other necessaries, too tedious to enumerate. Mr. Shealev and his good Udv were eyer so thankful and will always remember the kind, free-hearted young ladies of St. Andrews. NOT A SICK DAY For Over Thirty Years! EESUIT OF USING AVER'S PELLS " Ayer's Cathartic Pills for over thirty years liavo kept me in good health, never having had a sick day iu all that time. Before I was twenty I suffered almoft continually as a result of con stipation from dyspepsia, headaches, neuralgia, or boils and other eruptive diseases. When I became convinced mm .4 f that ninfi-tcntlis of my troubles were caused by constipation, I btgan the use cf Ayor's Pills, with the most satisfac tory results, never - having a single attack that did not readily yield to this remedy. My wifo, who had been an invalid for years, also began to use Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly restored. With my children I had no ticed that nearly all their juliucnts were preceded by constipation, and I soon had the pleasure of knowing that with children as with parents, Ayer's Pills, Jf taken in season, avert all danger of sickness." H. Wettstkin, Byron, 111. Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer's Sa-saparilla Strengthen tha System. WHOLE NO. 365 Highest of all in Leavening POLICEMEN FOR LIFE. How the Legislature Mcshc1 I'p tiLe If urhnniTonn Charter. Durham, April 11. Our people have been congratulating themselves upon the fact that the late Lfgisla 'tire did not upset our town by more than one undesirable change m its charter. They thought that tbe election of the chief of police by popular vote was unwise and that was all in the new amendments to the charter against wh eh any ob jection was raised. Now it seems that tbe prr.endments have gotten so mixt d that as the enrolled and rati fied bill stands it is contradictory and will probably cause us some trouble. In rection 1 it is provided that the chief of police be elected by popular vote and that his term ot cilice be two years, bection 7, however, declares that the chief of police and ail other policemen shall bo elected by the board of aldermen elected in May and shall have a life tenure office. A jtloicutuin 't'ritsedy Atlanta, Ga , April 11. A special from Murphy, N. C, to the Con stitution, says that in a fight iu the lower end of Cherokee county, two brothers named Cros3 were killed. Nea! Newman was dangerously wountied. A dimes was in progress at the Cross home. Neal and Mac Xcwman were mong the guests. Jalre Cross, the head of the family, ordered the Newmans out of the house. They went out and were followed by Jim and Will Cross, brothers. Juke Cross also went out and attockeu Neal Newman, who stabbed Jim Cross ' fatally. Mac Newman shot aiid killed Will Cross. Neal Newman w.:s shot in the b.ick, but was able to escape with hii brother acro-s the Tennessee line. TSit'v Wauled to I.yiich Him. Romney, W. Ya., April . D-.n.-cl JiBiiJASr Wtoee sentence . vis commuted to life imprisonment by Gov. McCorkle last week, narrowly escaped death at the hands of a mob of indignant citizens last night. It was found yesterday eyetitg k.t an orgauizecLband was going to lynch him. The matter was brought before the sheriffs, who immediately took steps in the matter. As Sheriff Pugh and Judge Daly were not in town a team was hitched up and the prisoner rescoed the jiil and huiried to en out-cfitbe-way place, whence Sheriff J W Holing took him abourd the early train at a neighboring station and started for the penitentiary. Getting close to the North. IS SOT CHRISTIAN BURIAL. Ihe Masonic Fraternity o Decide Concerning: Cremation. Philadelphia, Pa., April 10. Cremation 6eryices have been offi cially declared by Masonic authori-y not to be christian burial. The question thtThaS brought about this decision arose over the mukicg of arrangements of the funeral of the late CharlesH Reisser, the well known restauranter. It had always been Mr. Keisser's wi6b to be ciemated, and after bis death his family decided to follow h!s wishes. Mr. Reisser was also a Mason and a member of Rising Star Lo lge Oriental Chapter, and of the Ka- dosh Commaijdery. These orgauizitions were invited to ti ke part in the funeral, but be. fore accepting it was learned that it was the intention to haye the rer vices at the time the body was cre mated. The question was at once raised nhetbrr, uuder. Masonic law, this would be a Christian burial. The matter was "fef erred to ihe Grand Master 'of- Pennsylvania, who is Judge Arnold, and he promply ren dered a decision that seryrces at a cremation were' not Christian burial' under Masonic law. . The family, therefore, decided . to abai don their original intention. The funeral to k place today and Masonic orKauiztion attended id' a bod aud perf ruied Ma&ouic rites. The body wa " then placd in a vault for time. . . KotCinllty. The jarv in the case of J Mack Price, the Union county merchant charged withau attempt to born his store at Wax haw, Friday returned a verdict of not guilty. The case was gi'vm to tbe jury at two o'clock, and tbe verdict was rendered at 3:30. ' PRINTS IHE jXJWS THAT IS JVEWjf FOR 1 YEAR SEMDUS 1 DOLLAR Power. - Latest U. S. Gov't Report A FREAK. A Colt With Two Heads, Four Eyes nnd night LeicM, But It Is Dead. Dr. Bauer, a veterinary surgeon of this place, was at the Stock Farim of L Banks Holt at Giaham yestern day. He brought back with him the greatest freak ever beheld, being a colt with two distinct and perfect heads joined at the aides, four eyes, two mouths, two backbones and eight legs, but with only two ears and one wind pipe. The colt was foaled yesterday, but was dead. Dr. Bauer says two heads are sometimes seen but thia-Ls the first instance on record of this kind. He brought the heads and neck home and will preserve them in alcohol. . Greensboro Record. Ur. L M Archey, of this city, has a similar freak as the one above described, only H is a kitten instead oi a coic.j t A Bachelor's Curiosities. A reporter recently had occasion to call upon a certain bachelor of this city and on entering his private apartment -e were very forcibly struck at the eight of the many 'freaks" tnat hui been collected. We thought we had run into a junk shop, but upon investigation we learned that all of these curioa ere of interest most of them being war relic;. The first thing shown us was the complete detective outfit captured by some pirate of years ago, handed do. ?n for srveral gen erations unul it fell to his share. We were shown musuets, horse pistols, swords, stillettos, ehiel bullets of all sizes, the grey and blue uniforms, all musty with age. Relics of the so numerous aud made snch$viyid impression upon us we could alaiost Lear the tramps of soldiers. Besides walking tokens of manhood, ve yere passed over, wmcn is prised highly and which is kept securely treasured away. He 13 not p Thsddcus even though he bo a bachelor with many war equippages. old Enough to Vole. Mr. Noah Carrell, of our town, has a claw hammer with a history. He came in possession of it in 18G6 and since that day it has been in constant use. There is not a single crack about it. He got it from a Dr. Scott, who owned the buildings formerly on the site where Uncle Billy Cook's store rooms now stand. He swapped a cast hammer giving a greenback dollar "to boot." Death is.sad; sudden death frcm accident is both sad and shocking. When the victim, like young Wilder Lee who was killed oa the Western N. C. Road, his made. DnsilTest fcuGasWTcat event OI nis lile taking into himself a wife- -it is intensely tad. PALPITATION Shortness of Breath, Swell ing of Legs and Feet. 'For about four years I was trou- bled with palpitation ot the heart, i shortness of breath and swelling of the legs and feet At times I would faint. I was treated by the best phy sicians in Savannah, Ga., with no re lief. I then tried various Springs., without benefit. Finally I tried Br.Miles' Heart Cure1 also H 3 Nerve and Liver Pills. Afi- ter frjfc. - imji A) 1 tileJtu J fcU better! I in oeiier neaicn than lor a c y 3 . : Since my recovery I have pa .jeJ i j pounds in weight. 1 hope tla 1 merit may be of value to socio vomr sufferer." I K. B; BUTTON. Ways St&tton, G. Dr. Miles' Heart Care is sold on txwlt ennranteethattbo imt bottle will Iwitnit. All drucgists sell it at tl, 6 bottles for, or It will 1 sent, prepaid, on receipt ot tirlca' by tha Dr. Ullea MtxhcU Co., Elkhart, lnd. I "For Sale all Druggist. 1 OF THE HEART. BUipicior y . N.itr

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