r i rHUseMnjiii.anisanaanwn THE - STANDARD HE - TURNS OUT PMNTS THE- . 1 NEWS THAT ISiJSTTST GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL. - COMMENCEMENT NEWS dllege Bojsana Wlrls rreparin tot the Coming Commencement Jnrvit to be Tliere Other Facts. Mt. PleaBsrt, N. C, May 2 Tli nleasant pathericfa that were n I o " vogue dnriDg the holidays and tha have been continuing ever since though in a less degree bay giw place to the extra duties commence ment alwavs imDOses. The wtodf are bglfining to nurture Btrangf noises that are attributed to aspir ing orators and college walls art fumed to lUtta to dialogues that show no si. ns of the onarouseri dramatic spirit that may here be given birth. The Senior class of the college were today "let loose upon the world" with some verv wholesome advice from Prof. Lndwig. All are joining hands to make the cominsr commencement one of the o most enjoyable that baa been wit nessed for years. The Bacalaureate sermon bv Rev. E A Winzard, of South Carolina, may be depended upon'lhredonnd credit and honor to the speaker ard aud much to the exercises. Tuesday morning, June 4th, lion. T J Jarvis will b,in atten dance and drliver the annual ad dress to the literary societies. All are much gratified at the prospect of having this distinguished person age with ns, aside from the antici- tation of the address that will be sure to add so much to one com mencement. - , Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. Rev. A L Yount, of Pennsylvania, will make the annual address before the alumni. Monday morning, June, 3rd, the medal contest in declamation takeB place. VOL. VIII-NO18. CONCORD N. C THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1895. WHOLE NO. 368 FORI YEAR SEtfDTJS 1 DOLLAR MARRIAGES IN APRIL Nineteen Licenses Were Issued Last Month-Fonrleen Whites and Five Colored. Register of Deeds Weddington had a fair run last month, as fol lows: WHITES. George W HartBell, Wiss Cjnthia 0 Morrison" John W Lyer y, Miss Sallie Freeze Marehall E Ilerrin, Mies Ella M Teeter, Martin M Lip, Miss Jennie R Moose. J Oscar Barnhaidt, Miss Clara 1 Moser. Samuel A Rich, Miss Martha J Lee. Jerrv Pennineer. Miss Gussie Ferrell. Geo. W Coley, Miss Ella Ferrell. Noah Rowland, Miss Marry Shoe. Jacob A Edeison, Miss JnlinA Snow. John A Shinn, Miss Mamie Horn Hornbuckle. Joe P Sanders, Miss Salhe 0 Cad dell. Marchison W Swearingain, Miss Sallie M Denton. Benjamin McDaniel, Miss Francis doneycutt . COLORED. Thotuas Hopsin to Laura Ford. Jacob Dry to Laura Mcanp. George C Ellis to Mary Barringer Charlie Fisher to L:zzie Witson. Daniel Miller to Emma Eddleman. M. Cabarrns Baiter Cow. The Salisbury correspondent the Charlotte Observer says : I cow here belonging to one of the officials is reported giving buttei milk. Up to last Sunday the ani mal had been, giying the regular milk: since that" time, buttermilk Mondav at 8 p. m. Junior orations j N"0 cause can be assigned for this ... ...... i contest in oratory, tor wnicn. rrom i amgular phenomenon. ..... i all visible indications,mncn prepara I This don't come up to a cow we tion is being made, both on accounts 0nce heard of in Cabatrus. The of efforts as individuals to excel and I Cabarrus cow broke into her owners as s whole make the exercises pleas ant and iastructiye. Wednesday morning, Junp 5th, may be expected the last coilpge efforts of the Scnicr clafs. Salu. tory oration is to ne. delivered by B B Miller. Valedictory by C Brown Cox, Commencement exercises open Friday nitrht. Mav 31. the annual entertainment given by the Prepa-a temperature 83, on 25th; minimum tr nrtment. which is better temperature 29, on the 4th; total known as the "Pup. Exhibition." in fa" 6.33 inches. The cumber of n..;nn;nff stttnrdav nipht. the dajs on which rain fill were 15; ina;nr PTsrcises of Mount Amoena light frosts on 5, 12 and 15th, heavy I. . , - j,.., mi J iii infaranornort rrosi ana ice on ine tin. muuuer orchard when apples were ripe and for a week afterwards gayo apple butter. Weather tHiiiiimnry for April IS5. Following is the weather report for the month of April as kept, pre pared and f urniBbed us by Prof. II T J Ludwig of Mt. PleaBanf: Average temperate 57 ; maximum Seminary throughout the following week, end ing with the graduating exercises of the Senior class Wednesday Light, Jone5. ter Five Years Oets Her Money. ince 1S90 a pension of $17.75 showers 7, 22 and 26th; H inch rain fell on 7th. 2-10 inch rain fell on the lCih and 17th. Clear days 7, fair 9 and cloudy 14 A Child Shot Tuesday afternoon Masters George Wa been in the Register of Deeds Lore and Willie Hall, with a num office for this county for Mrs. t er ot other cniiaren, were piaying Lucinda Herring, who lives near on the graded school grounds. Little Rockf River church. Mrs. Herring George had a air gun shooting, it was made happy Wednesday when m lis said, at birds and anything else k. Koitut annnsed of the fact that might present itself. Little that a pension for the above stated Willie Hall was holding a leaf in amount was awaiting her claim and his hand for George to shoot at, and had been for five long years. She! missing the leaf, shot Willie in the called and got it. leg. The wound was only eKin deep, however, and Willie is not Will the Rtore Close T I UUrt, Now that the busy Sfason is over Neither ct these bojs are more and the dayB are lengthened, why do than nine years old, yet they are tho merchants not close their places flowed to carry a gun around the of business at 7 o'clock, as is cus city and shoot, at first one thipjj and nmrv in other cities, giving tt then another. A number of other - j i clerks a much needep rest from thr children naye guns and handle them dtily toil of a heavy winter s work. I jast as recklets, if not more so than It is generally understood that the j Little George, merchants of onr city will udopt tbie Another dangerous th'ng is what custom, bat is seems to us that they ig known as the jutember," (hat is ..ro Kinw to decide when sucn a sys m use fcy tne sman uoy. some ... I - Tern "ill go into eff.ct. one's eve will be pot out and then L-t every merchant join in and probably steps will be taken to pro- rlnse no at 7 o clock. JNotnme cn nibit ba use or tnem be lost by doing so, for such night trade f s they would prchace get, ill Via iriTen tbem anvwHy, beside- it wili give the clerks an opportn niiy for n.syeLing's sport or rest, as they like. Home Coi rectlons.- Mr. J L Hartsell, town treasurer, ftr revising his statement in t ie Marvelous Results. From a letter written by Rev. .1 Gut.tlerman, f Dimondale, Mich., e are pefmittcd to make this ex- ract: "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's N. w Dis novery, as tne resuns wrti almost naryelous in the case of my wife. While hrnnt'ht. down with nneu-T GigaretteS - glGgl - tt.'WDulw Ions fcCo. THEANERICJNjaBACCO CaWT 0URH'AMr"c1l.8.A. Sfey MABC FROM High Grede Tobasco PURE AND ABSOLUTELY A RED SHOE IN JAIL. nan Keren ue Officer Seal Arrests a for Illicit Distilling. Revenue officer James T F Neal, of Albemarle, came up to this city Wednesday and arrested Reddin Shoe, an employee at the Cannon cotton factory on charge of illicit distilling in Stanly county several years ago. Shoe had been arrested and was bound oyer for his appearance at the last term of Federal court but did not appear cn a plea that he had been kicked by a mule and was un able to go. Officer Neal served commitment paperB on him and in defaul a $500 jnstificable bond Red thoe was sent to j-iil. Auother arrest for blockading was made. We could not learn the names of the others, but they were liberated on bail. Death of Mr. Wm.Gadd. Mr. William Gadd, the aged father of Mr. Robert Gadd, of No. 9 town ship, this county, died at his son's home last Wedncadiy, May 1. Mr. Gadd was 88 years and 9 months old, and was well and favorably known throughout that section of the county. His remains were in terred at Centre Grove cemetery in No. 9 township on Thursday. Bnrsteda l'ipe. While the telephone force were at work digging p. hole in which to place one of ibe large poles in the front of the Morris building this (Saturday) morning, they struck the water main, bursting the pipe, Water flew high. The stream lifted one of the workmen's hat about 15 feet in the air. The lak was soou shopped, and all is right how. TOWN AND COUNTY. Mr. S J Lowe and family are uiov icg into the Beatty boose on West Dopot street. See the handsome patterns ad. vertised by Lowe & Son. They are off-ring big inducements to cue tomers. Standard of Wednesday, -desireB us ,nonia gncceeding L GrippeFer to m .ke the following corrections: The report of the geherlv fund was that H Melchor had received $106.49,, which should appear $106 46; Jake Boger 75 cents instead of 7-1 Under the headii.g ' of graded f chool funtr, J L Boger; taxes 1894, appeared $83.00 an'd Bhould haye bien balance taxes ior 1893, 83 09; J L Bogtr, 1895 tax Bhould be 1894 taxes $2,302,40, MrB. Cole, session for 1893 aid 94 sppeared $35.35, which should be $35 00. The above corrections will make "th report c rrespoBd exactly with the figures on Mr. Hartsell's books. nble paroxyms of couching wonM las t hours wi h little interrnption iid it seemed as If she could not xurvjve them, a iriena recom aiei.ded Dr. King's New Discoyery; as qnck in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial boU r.lf a free at Fe-z t's Drug store. Regular sizf 50j. and $1.00. Curbstones TheU Befnsp. The St, 'Cloud hotel proprietors have ' had plurks nailed onto the front of the building in the places that are usually occpied b ti e loaf, ing element of the cify. The . bojs, both white and colored, will flee - to curpstonas for refuge. CronerIlnll. ' ' The wedding of Miss Daisy Eliz;v heth Groner and Mr. Geo. Hall, which took place at the ho ne of the bride's mother on East Eighth, street last night at 8:30 was a yery pretty ceremony. The bridal party stood in the recess of the bayswindow, attended by Miss Cornelia McCutchen and Mr. Lon Foust, while Dr. Mitchell, of the Cumberland Presbyterian church spoke the words which made them man and wife. It was a brief but beautiful ceremony, immediately after which the bridal party and guests repaired to the dining room, prettily decorated in green and white wnere the wedding supper was servx the dainty bricle cutting the cake, i Miss Goner wore a handsome pnncess gown of while silk, en Uaiue, lace and ribbon trimmings, nd carried bride's roses. The maid of honor wore a pretty dress of white crepe, and carried La France roses. Mr. ana Mrs Hall left ou-a visit to the groom's old home in Eist Ten nessee, and when thty return v ill go o housekeeping in a cozy little cot age fitted up by the groom at 416 East Eighth street. They were the recipients of many costly presents. Miss Groner is a petite belle, pretty and stylish, and appeared strikingly lovely in her txquisite bridal toilette, ner going way cress wan a beamnm crtpon gon. ;: Mr. Hall je a su.'-sjautial mer-sh-int, . n able business hihh and very popular. Chnt'anooga (Tenn ) I Jail j Tiinee, Thursday, April 25.:' The W. C. T. U. meeting will be postponed for a few days. . Notice of next meeting will appear in the Standard . Pole for the Bell Telephone Ex- change are being placed. The ones on Main street wonld make nice pole brpu sticks. A handsome brick office will be built at the Cabarrus Mills for the Superintendent. Chapman & Co, are to build it. Mrs. J H Wearne, (nee Miss Kate Johnson,) of Richmond, Va will be in the city next week. She will re main some time. A very.small gold key a locket key has been found. Call at this office and pay ten cents for notice and get your property. A stamp mill was brought to the city from the Reid mines on Rocky River and will be placed at the Joel Reed mine that is operated by Mr. Church. jnow tnat tne ice season is upon us, mt. II Will tiobnston will han die pure, unadulterated Kennebec ioe. A car load will be here to-mors row, Friday. His place of business is in the basement of the Castor building. George Mills, the murderer pf lana Winberly, will be hanged in Raleigh tomorrow, the physicians who tested the soundness of his mind having pronounced him sane. Wednesday afternoon two .box carsJ jumped the track at the depot. Fortunately they were on the Can nonville side, track, and did not block the main .ine. One of the cars came near turning over. Mr. E C Beach arrived with his family from Fayetteville. Mr. Beach is to take the superin tendency of the G W Patterson cotton .mill. They will occupy the Dr. FetzerJ house, on South Main street. We learn that there is to be a full tciket in all the wards, opposing the Democrats, Who is to run and whether Fusion or not we are nns able to say, but it is positiyely known that a full ticket will be put out. We get our information from headquarters, so to speak. The first moonlight ride of th seaaoa was had Friday night. Mr. M J Corl's drove of fin mountain horses arrived Friday af ternoou. Secretary Orosham Very III. Washington, May 3. Secre ary Gresham, it i fdured, is a very sick ma i. Those most intimately con cerned as to his health make no de nial of their anxiety as to his 'on ditian. His main affection has been diagnosed as gall stone and this is complicat d by tne weak physicial has suffered for some time past. No visitors are admitted to see , the pa tiont, who is confined to his apart ments at the Arlington Hotel. Mr. Jumes Dor ton, the Mexican veteran, of No. 10 township, was in the city for the first time in five years, It was an interesting eight to wits ness the old time grip of his veteran associate, Col. James N Brown, of thiB city. Mr. Dorton is a welcome visitor and his friends hope to see him of tener in the future. Citizens on Spring street were se riously alarmed Wednesday evening by children yelling fire. About a dozen boyB wers playing as if they had a Charlotte fire. A number of people on Main street heard the yells and went to the scene, who were pleasantly disappointed. Rev. O L T Fisher, of Mt. Pleas ant, passed tnrougn the city en route to Troutman,in Iredell county, to the meeting of the North -Uaro hna Lutheran Sf nod. MrB. Fisher and little daughter accompanied him as far as Mr. Ephriam Fisher's, where they will visit for a week. The 20,000. ponnd boiler for the Odeil mills pnssed through from tht depot this (Thursday) morning. T was drawn by four big horses all in a breast. J M Burrage had th moving in charge. He has been several days in placing it on- the wagon. An Evangelist announced meeting for women alone at 3 p. m. Sunday af ernoon. An intelligent and in fluential lady being asked if she was going answered, "No, no man can jay to me anything which my hus band or son cannot be permitted to near bim say." The sentiment rapidly spread and 'he evangelist hid a yery small audience. It would be well it such sensational mo vt meats met such reouke everys wbrei Arkansas Methodist I' badenoigh when young , men pruc io stealing flowers, but when a lady -jKddly walks into a yard of another and plucks from the plants the 8 ete8trareBt, daintiest scented bio suns in broad day light without permission or knowledge of the condition from which the Secretary UwpT, it's exceedingly bad. Such has been done in Concord and; it is only a matter of' time flntil the guilty party will come to get more flowers. A receipt was fonnd on the slrei and loft at this office. The script is receipted to Mr. W M Wise by D W Tneke.- for tbeameuntof $18.40 Chief of Police Boger has had hia twelve year old moustache taken oft His face looks as plump and sound as a Dutch baby, and as "pink," too, Old Uncle Jimmie Dorton, of No, 10 township, and his daughter,- Mrs, W M Biggers, of this city, are visit ing in Eowan county. Mrs. J B Caldwell was the first to report ripe strawberiies. We have since heard of several who have them, not very plentiful as yet, howeyer. Dr. W H Wakefield, of Charlotte, will be in Concord at the St. Clond on Thursday, May 23rd, one day. .His practice is limited to eye, earj nose and throat. Doubtless some of the bicycle riders haye forgotten that there is a town ordinance prohibiting them tiding on the side walk at night without lanterns and bells. Better look out. We are indebted to Borne one for a small bit of "natuie'a own remedy.' we are bilious aud gay at times, we admit, but there are no indica tions of measles as yet. Col. Paul B Means haa been ap pointed an honorary marshall for the Unveiling exercises at Raleigh on May 20. Messrs. L P Hertsell ami J P Allison have been appointed marshals by the ladj vice presidents for this cocnty. One hundred vomen and girls are to be employed in one of the Pitts burg, Pa., steel rolling mills. It is the first case of the kind in this country. Ia England thousands of women are emr loyed in mines and mills. In almost every town in the State we see that great preparations are being made to attend the unveiling ceremonies in Raleigh on the 20th. Many will go down from this city and county. It is very probable that the Cabarrns Black Boys and the Fourth Regiment Drum Corps will attend. These organizations THE LUTHERANS MEKT. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report The S. C. Nynod of the Evangelical I.ntherau Church In Session The I President's Report The Election of I ORicers La rife Xnmbers Present. Trootman's, N. C, My2, 1895. The ninety-second session of the North Carolina Synod of the Evan gelical Lutheran Church was called to order by President Brown today at 11 o'clock. Sync dical communion services were held, Rev. G D Bernheiro, DD.of Wilmington, conducting the ser- . IPbndfer A BKOWN"GORDON AFFAIR. The Hnsband In the TJnion. H. C. Tragedy ead ; the Wife Will Live. Columbia, S.C.. Mav 2 A special vices, assisted Dy jtev. u a Jimg, of to the State from Union savs : aansDury. President Brown preach- W L Crompton. of Union, who ed a highly edifying sermon, appro- 8hot his wife ai:d then himself three priate for the occasion. davs ara. died tnd lT. Tt t.nPn. nt. At tbeatternoon session the num- that it was in some resnechi a her was augmented,.by a large num- parallel case with that of Brown oer oi ministers ana lay delegates, Gordon, in Louisville, numiug m uu mo western jxortn CromDton had hen in hnainAM Carolina train. hnt w InM mf .njn.. ai .t. J"5""'". .iici: wio camng oi ine row, tne I to leave the town. He an.m..rfl credentials of the lay delegates being his wife and went home one evening nanded in, President Brown read his unexpected!, and findine the door report, jais was an interesting 0f his wife's room locked, kicked it paper tnat caugnt tne very marked in. His wife and a voanir man atfpnt.inn of RrnnrJ anit tlia , , , ...... ; v. uv. wnose name nas oeen witnneld on congregation present. account of his parents, were torethor. The election of officers for the en- The yisitor had his pistol drawn suing year resulted as touows: and. coverin? Cromnton before he r :j i. T, t o t, . I " 1 Yemeni, xvev. is o irown, or could draw his. backed out of th Mt. I'leasaut ; Vice President: Rev, WATERMELON FIELDS. C A Marks, o! China Grove; Secre. tary : Rev. C B King, of Salisbury; room and house. Two days later Mrs. Crompton was alone with her husband at din- Treasurer: I Frank Patterson, of on,i i,. ; ' i "vi y Muu uti dig vci iu au aujuAUiug v,uiua urove. Auoitneseare ine room heard her err- "Oh. Gnr?! oincers ot last year and their re-elec don't do that. Don't shoot me. tion, practically unanimous, shows Two pistol shots ouicklv followed. iu wuav maiiDcr me &ynoa reearas sh raieA in their services. This Synod represents about ministers and about 90 churches to find Crompton about to shoot a third time at his 30tcif(3 tvtin am a nn tha flnn, nnrl , .. W "V, uu 10 da.ihinc the mstol abont. tha ball v i u n i- ...I . A "uri" "" who a memoersmp went wild. She dragged her sister from the room, and an nbn did an There are in North Carolina Cromnton fired two ball into tnree omer oynoae, one of which is own brdv. Before dvina C.rnmnn , - j- i ney are Known sp,a ,a waa BOrrv nr ma ArHnn rin f 1- r i i : rn I UJ tui.uwing names: iennessee thouht it b-at for both to di th Synod, Holston Synod and the to in Aiortrana m, n will decide next week if they will attend in a body. Master Baxter Gillon brought u an egg from his home in the country that is a peculiar thing. It waa produced by a Plymouth Rock hen. and the shell is a fair likeness of the old time Indian fiint, while there is a groove in the side of the shell that bears resemblance of the Indian bow. Mr, vasnmgton unite, who is a member of the board of trustees of Trinity college and who has hereto' fore made such magnificent dona tions to the college, proposed to give $50,000 toward the endowment f nnd of the college on condition that $75, uuu De raised trom other sources within the State. His proposition will be made the special subject of consideration at the meeting of the board in June." Missouri Synod. The two latter are growing at an unprecedented rate. ACCESSIONS. There has been receieved into the Synod during the year to meet the is not dangerously wounded, tne ball in her side having glanced around her corset. attractive" icAi- at Smithdeal & Morris'. ,J SHANEK SURRENDERS CANCER CURED -AND A .Mrf LIFE SAVED By the Persistent Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla . "I was troubled for years with a sore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring mo that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, 1 was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak ing a number of bottles, the sore ' - 11 "'-Itii;-.. began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted iu this treatment, "until the sore waa en tirely healed, - Since then, I use Ayer)s Sarsaparilla occasionally as a jonio and blood-purifier, and, in deed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it." Mrs. S. A. Fields, Bloomfield, la, AYER'S The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla, Ayer's Pills Regulate the Lfver. Placing of telephone poles at- demands of the grp ing work and tracted mnch attention on the streets nlarging field the following : Revs, today. J D Shealey, II E H Sloop, H W Ri8tu8. the .cnte little Maltise Jeffcoat, C C Lyerly and V Y Boozer. kitten of Mr. john Smithdeal is an- xnere are uiree vacant charges, other or, f th V..t iL... :n t. - i.l uuu uiese win ue suppiiea at an Uiduala early day, calls now being extended, hardware. Two deaths are renorted for tho year : itev. oamuel itothrock, D. D., " " " 1" He v Hi'eir v tiSS ana itev. j m uednck. " '"c " nma not Ai,Dr t r a i w. j i. ii r v i . ww- Four or five new conzresrations ouu reP orts iao "rmers up nis way ve. . haye boen organized during the year. Iar a ,eaa 01 lj!oae m e ,ower IP8" jnchbnrg, Vs., May 3-Loms O persokals. wie1couniyIin planting. onaner, tne man who killed Jim Rey. G F Schaeffer, of Monroe There is considerable grumbling I an vine on annaay night Oa . ia nrOBnnt TT,,mo f.i.j. over the devilment beinp done inl"ai enrrenaerea nimseit to bis vmv.um uiaui iiicuus l n - about Concord will be glad to know differenfc Wens of the city by that the yean past have dealt splenN I rabbits, lhese pesty animals haye didly with him he is enjoying fine played havoc with our own garden health. as well asjothers, especially peas and Rev. Luther Propat, of Atlanta, cabbages. Ga., the secretary of the Mission Mr. Jonas Kudisill an aged and Board of the General Synod South, respected citizen and contractor of in present. He isj regarded one of Charlotte, died suddenly iFridav evening. His death was. caused by an attack of heart disease. He was 77 years old. The Insect Fonnd In Them isDoinff x Dwinnge SHfrgesilous to Growers. Washington, May 2. Mr. Coqui lett, an entomologist of the Depart ment of Agricnlture, has recently returned to Washington and report ed upon his examination of the watermelon fields of southern Geor gia, 'ine black bug, which was thought to be damaging the plant, proves to be a plain, ordinary dung beet'e. It had evidently been at-. tracted to the plant by the fertilizer used, and was doing no damage. The principal insect damage to the melons appears to have been fcj 7-ire- worms and cutworms. It is tot likely that this damage will con'-inae to any Benous extent Any Held broken up from sod, or land upon which grass has been alio am. x grow to any degree during the ,i season, is liable to contain n:u i of wireworms and cutiworr preparing land for melots i future, the Department sayu. f ere will find it oi nr .i plow in the fall (etui ally . late) and leaye tl;e bna ' . the winter. Then, in lj v spring, as soon as grass i w ,: j come up in adjacent fielus. i-Aa here and there throughout tlio '.' which is to b; planted ia ,1 bunches of grass or any cth jr ?; vegetation vhich has previoubi j L poisoned by sprinkling with rn! 3 greon in solution. Such of the c ; t worms as may be present in tha land will feed upon this vegetation and will be killed. It will also have the effect ol destroying many of the wire-wornis. Mr. Coquilett saw evidences of disease among the melons not due to insects, and tafw mation concerning this" matter haa been transmitted to Prof. Gallaway, chief of the diyisoh of vegetable pathology of the Department, who will probably investigate it later in ' tne season.-" the finest pulpit orators in the South, and is a yonng man of win ning manners and indomitable energy. Rev. Boldt, pastor of St. Paul's, Wilmington, is a foreigner by birth, a graduate of a German TTniverHifv. and as an evidence of scholarship Carrying it home, he waa aatonished and ability, he Bpeaka with wonder- to 8ee a mouae peeploutfrom a hole ful fluency three languages. MQ tfle meat- He commenccd-fri The Synod has never enjoyed a investigate, and 16 mice hopped out penod when it had in its member of the hole. The Despatch says that a Lexing. ton gentleman purchased a shoulder of meat ,weighing about 17 pounds. ship so many joung men of marked ability. Senex. MILLS HANGED. The Trap Drooped at 11:39 3-4 Friday and The Body Pronounced Dead Ii 20 Minnies. On the 20 of Jane last, George Mills, near Apex, -Wake county, killed lana Wimberly. , He was tried for the crime last September, and sentenced to be hung. The trial of the famous Hoke Se' crest took place in Rutherfordton Friday for the felonious killing of his wife some years ago in Burke county, the facts of which onr readers are well aquaioted with He was convicted of manslaughter nd sentenced to the penitentiary for twenty years. We are glad to note the fact that Mr. J J Barringer's health is im proving. He has had a long, six weeks spell of pneumonia and has Friday morning he stepped upon the trap of his scaffold at 11:38 of been yery low. Dr. S J Monlgomery, the clock. . I who was attending him discharged The black cap was pat upon his the case Friday, and it is hoped head and the rope about his neck at that it will not be long until his ll;39 1-2. . many friends will eee him in town The trap was sprung al 11:39 3-4. 1 again The palse of Mills was 100 at I 11:43. Ihere were fitful spisms about the heart at 11:59. . Doctors James R Rogers and A T Two Deaths. Friday evening tha wife of Mr. Charles Sides, who waa formerly of the Rocky Ridge section of this Cotton pronounced him dead at noon I county, died at her home at Cannon to the second. Presents, Messrs J C Herriug and Will Smitnthia morning rec-ived pres ents which ratlier surprised them. A six monthsold baby girl was left with Mr. Smith and a three year old girl whs left with Mr. Herring. No clue to the denors Penny Post. y Mr. and Mrs. J Y Templeton, of Mooreeyille, pent Friday night in tl e city. ville. Mrs. bides was a compara tiyely young womau, with many loving qualities. Sho leaves several young children H a hnsband to mourn her death. The funeral ser vices were conaactea trom .Bays chapel this (Saturday) morning by Rev, J R Moose. .The 4nterment was at Rocky Ridge. - An infant child of Mr. Charles, Sides, of Forest Hill, died Friday night and waa buried this afternoon at the cemetery. brother, Mr. Walter Shaner, thia afternoon, and waa taken by the lat ter to the police station. The two reached the court house at 4 o'clock and found there the Danyille officers who had some previous intimation of Shaner's intention. He was shortly afterward takeu to jail, no applica tion being made for bail, and will be taken to Danville tomorrow. The prisoner seemed composed. He wore the gray suit mentioned iu the de scriptions of him, his face was clean shayen and he did not seem to be any the worse for his exciting expe rience of the past few day3. On being aeked by the reporter as to now long he had bfion in replied thath.4.b two days. He diVcot seem to thinTc that therejwa8 a very serioa3 against him. Chronic Nervousness Could Not -Sleep; Nervous Headaches. w Gentlemen: I Have been taking your Restorative Nervine for the past three months and I cannot., say j enough in its praise. It has Saved fly Life, '. for I had almost given up hope of j ever reing-weu again, l was a chronic sufferer from nervousness and could not sleep. I waa also troubled i with nervous headache, and had tried doctors In vain, until I used your xid vine, -jj"-y wniy. Dr.iMilesMKervi j CcrcHT Dr. Hllea Katrine It snM An a"i Kusnniee io me unit ooute tiii U -ut.I ttwillbewDt,Dreiiaid.oii rec'nt of nri.- tX Um Pr. lUlee' jtedical Co, W6art, u- iut.i ' il For Sale by all.Drnggist. i '6

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