THE-: "-STANDARD ; TOKNSOOT GOOD -JOB -WORK AT LIVING PEI03M. GIVE US A TRIAL. I nn a HT'n a on JL jttLTN IJJfk ICVJU'. PRINTS THE---, NEWS THAT ISMBJ GOLD MIKING IN THE SOUTH. The Carolina nnd Georgia Ion ml to 11c tbe Kent Field. Washington. May 9 The report of George F Becker of the Geologic al Survey.who has been investigating the gold producing districts of the Southern Appalachian region, dealt mostly with the Carolines ano Georgia. These districts have beec producing gold foi very nearly a century The entire South has pro duced about $45,000,000 wcrth of gold since 1799, $43,000,000 of which came from Georgia and the Carolines. " Of the 43,000,000 South Carolina produced about $4, 000,000, Georgia- $16,000,000 and North Carolina $23,000,000, . Cabarrns county, in the south western part of North Carolina, is thejjrichest of all and famous for nuggets that have been found there The largest nugget on record in the United States was discovered there early in the century. A few months ago one weig ling over eight pounds was discovered. .TeJortion in which the gold is foXiml ra-o peculiar that Mr. Becker adopts the new expression "stringer belt," as moat of the stringers of gold-bearing quartz are extremely thin. The run through a 6lafe formation split apart by thousands of tiny lonitudina! cracks, in which the gold veins run. The slate, as a rule decomposed, can be washed down by the impac of a stream of water. The debris is carried through sluices, where the fre gold is caught, 'J he very fine golu usually'escapep. Heavy pieces of rock are milled in the usual way and treated by a wet chloridat.ion process. Ore assaying $3 a t n will pay for general mining, while that worth as little as 1.07 a ton will pay by the chJoridation process in vogue. The usual run or ore in the minftat are worked is about $5 per ton." Mr. Becker says he eonsideis the country a good mineral one and believes mining investments will pv from 10 to 15 per cent., if made with prudence. Cat-Snake Htory. Mr Jonas Scbiff has a Maltese ca that not only catches rats but snakes. Yesterday she caught four in his yard. Two she killed and two she carried in the house to play with. Charlotte Observer, Gov. Turney'H Inauguration. Nashville, Tenn., May 8. The last sent in the conte sted Governor ihip of this State was taken toda whenGovemorPeter Turney took the oath of office to serve another two years. The inauguration too place at noon and was witnes-ed by a large crown. The Republican members of the Legislature declined to attend 4ti inauguration and instead took the morning train for Chattanooga to be entertained by Hon. H Clay Evans, the defeated candidate. So Court at Kewbcrn. Judge Mclver, of Carthage, passed through yesterday on his way hom' Judge Mclrer had been to Edenton to hold court there, but to show that it takes mor than a Judge tf h )'.d court, he ha 1 to abandon the i Jea on account of the lack of materi al. For there was no solicitor, jury, lawyer nor other court paraphernal all on account of the act of the Legislature which chang d the Newbern court term from the 27h to the 6 h of May and the Halifax date from the 6:h to 27th. This in formation had not been knowu and the rest followed. Raleigh News and Observer A Suspicious Death. A reporter of the Standard heard on the Wes'ern train Monday night of a very sudden death, about which there is much suspicion. Tuesday's Salisbury Herald s ivs ; "Mrs Keiatler, tbe mother of Mr. Wellington Kestler, of S;e-le town' Ehip, dipd suddenly Saturday night at tbe home of her daughter, in Ire dell county, where she hai gin on a visit. Th- body was 'brought bu:k to her old home yesterday for burUI at Thyntir.t church. IWauae of certain suspicious circmstaiK'. thr burial a furbidden by re a-ive of thedtceas-d an.d the crpse w.-t-k.-n charge of by a dvputy sheritT Cornor l)ortt was r qnes'ed to hold an it qneat and Iff t lhij orning for that purpose ' Cotton-weigher Bigger reeeivtd a letter that fells of the trouble. There was bad b ood bet ten a son and enn-in.ltw of Mrs. Keiatler, and tbe son-in-law was going to bury her without informing tbe son, nd the bitter, finding it out, had to get ont papers to stop the burial, theson-in law Iin so anxious to have it over with. VOL.VIII--NO. 49. FOREST HILL NEWS. What Is Uoinjr on in the Kortb End The Meetinc. The series of rncetii-gs being con ducted by Rev. M A Smith, assisted by Rev. R H Parker, of Central Methodist church, Concord, re full of interest and there is no lack of encouragenr.ent. Large eiowda at tend every meeting and some good work is being done. Services are held eyery afternoon at 3 o'clock and at 7;4.5 at night. Mr. R F Coble has moved his family into I is handsome new resi dence on Church street. The large boiler for No. 4 Mill that was brought through town last week has beer phced in position and is ready for work.. The store of Masters Fred Odell and Willie Smith has been torn down. They will rebuild it u un derstood. Success to the young en terprising youths. It is said on the Hill that the grennd for the spinning mill of Odell & Son,on the Odell farm West of here, has been broken. The new mill will be known as "Buffalo Mill." Rev. McLauriu returned, to the city Thursday night from Durham, where he aconipained his wife to the bedside of her father, Mr. Wil ham Hamlen, of that city, who is critically ill. Mia. McL-umn did not return. "BiN." Ditched Horse and H'aicon. This (Tuesday) morning the horsa used to the dray wagon for G W Pa tersoii'a wholesale house backed off a bridge in the rear of tbe store. The ditch is about 12 feet deep. Wagon and horse both went down, the driver escaping. Fortunately neither horse nor wagon was hurt, though the horse had to be taken out by means of ropes. Confederate Memorial -Venn. The Confederate Memorial Asso ciation of Concord pursuant to the call in Mond.-.y'a Standaid, met Tuesday moruiug at the residence of Mrs. B F Rogers. Mrs. J F Wille ford as elected president of the Association; Mrs. M M Gillon, Mrs. D B Coltrane and Mrs. James C Gibson vice presidents to fill vacan cies in this list by removals from town. b Kennedy minus a Wife. fS Wednesday pyening Bob Kennedy, so he reports, found hia wife and Jim Alexander in a compromising place one that would cause their accial position to be contes'ed. Bob had no shooting iron. Th.t night both of them left. This is tbe second time. Bob pro poses to resort to printers ink. The runaways left chi'.dren, wife and husband respectively behind. Edmund Mcl.cster Dead. Mr. E:mnnd McLester, who lived at Forest Hill on Simpson street, and who had been sick and lingering for everal weeks, passed away Thursday night at 9:10 o 'clock. Mr. McLe3ter was a Christian mau. He was about 30 years of age aud leaves a wife and two children. His remains were in terrod at Cold Water cemetery, a few miles belt. the city, this (Friday) afternoon at 5 o'clock. THE BEST Family edicini: She Has Ever Known. Words of Praise from a New York Lady for AVER'S PILLS " I would like to add my testimony to that of others who have used Aycr's Pills, and to say that I have taken them tor many years, and always derived tho best results from their use. For stom ach and liver troubles, and for the cure of headache caused by these derange ments, Ayer's Pills cannot be equaled. '4 When my friends ask me what is the best remedy for disorders of the stom ach, liver, or bowels, my invariable answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea son, they will break np a cold, prevent : la grippe, check fever, and regulate the digestive organs. They are easy to take, and are, indeed, the best all-round family medicine I have ever known."-. Mrs. Mat Johnson, 368 Rider Avenue, j Kow York City. ! AYER'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair, i Ajer'i Saruparilla Circs lU Blood Oisorders THIRTEEN YEARS SILENCE, Mr. Odell Loat Speech nnd Hearing From the ElTcets of Disease IS e Re J'frninad RothJ. Suddenly Yesterday About three weeks ago a young uian applied at Oates' Cotton Mill for work. He made his request known in writing, as he was unable either to speak or hear. He was put on Mght work, and was regarded by those working near him as he silent member. He took a room at one of the factory houses on Sixth street nd wns known to all in that row of fiats as the mute. He w8 in the habit of trading at Alexander's store j and when he went there for anything failing to make tbem understand on Lis hands, he always wrote. Yesterday about 2 o'clock he complained of headache, and laj down to take a nap. He dreamed that he was no longer deaf and dumb but could hear and speak, and that be was at home talking' to his mother. He awoke suddenly, and t! e word ":other" was on his lips. His dream had come trne In tbe sleep his hearing and speech had snddenlv come back to him, and he ta'ked and could hear just the same as other peoplp. Overjoyed at the wondrous change he ran to tell the neighbors. They one and all looked upon him with wonder and some could hardly be- lieve that he was the same nun. Later in the eveni ig tha Obaerm hunted the young man np. He was found sitting on the porch of his boarding house reading. He gave his same as N. C. Odell. He is from Chicago, where - his mother r.- si.Ies still. Thirteen years ago he had scarlet fever, followed by smallpox. Up to that time his hearing and speech were, as far as he knew, per- ftct. He suddenly lost both, and for thirteen years ha8 neither heard nor spoken. For the past eix months he has been;able to wbtsper.Mf any one came very near to mm. lie jb now 26 vears of age. He went to the mill yesterday shortly after rev gaining speech aud hearing, but the noise was so painful that he had to leave. He complainedjn the after noon of a roaring in his head, Mr, Odell cannot account for the won derfnl recovery. He says he had long ago given up all idea of ever regaining his hearing and speech. His yoice is soft and well modulated, and one could not tell that there had ever been anj thing wrong with him. Charlotte Observer. Kc Is a M'nite Nan. Mk. Editor: I wish to say through your paper that the report which has been circulated that I voted for Jake Boger is an infamous falsehood. I desire the people of this town to know that I am a white man, and vote only for such. Very Respectfully, E. D. Underwood. Rev. Blair Denies. Mb Editor: Please allow me space to correct a report which appeared m your paper of the 7 inst. The al leged assertion that 1 would inter fere with manager Barnhardt is ut terly false. I Lie and always have been a law abiding citizen, and as to the excitement there is in reality none. Chas B Bl ir What Mr. Graber says : The truth in regard io the above is as follows : Oa the morning after tne whip ping of Tillie Long, by Mr. Earn hardt, superintendent of chain g ng, I heard Rev. lilair say that he would be one cf a crowd of colored nv-n to take Barnhardt out and hang him; he also sail if it had been a negro who whipped a white woman he would have been hnng before morning. This conversation took pi tee in front of my market. H. A. GltiBER. This ia whtre the Siandard got its information; Mr. Grabtsr is a truthful man. This ends it. Stand ard. Mr. J. B. Wiuccoir Dcatl. For many mouth Mr. J B Wiue yff. of No. 4, l as Wtn in bad health. A bcu t one year ago he met with an ccidfui ilmt resulted in an injury to his hip aiid fnm which he never recovered, Hi- xrali.l j failed un tii death, Friday Mu 10, jutanend to hisgr. at buT-riug. Mr. Winw-off ws U tween 50 and 00 yars of ate and In- . us a u?em K r of B. hptige Prtshyteiian church. He leaves a number of children, his wife having died years ago. Remembered Kortb Carolina College. Mrs. Keisthr, whose dea-h oc curred in Iredell connty about one week ago under suspicious circum stances, in her well and heart v days did not fail to remember North Carolina c allege at Jit, Pieasant In making her will f everal y ars ego she v)Ie1 half her estate, amounting to eeveial thousand dol lars 'o tl e college at Mt. Pleasant. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 16 , 1895. TOWN" AND COUNTY. It's a wire business the telephone force is doing. Mr. Will Wilkinson is preparing to build three houses on Simpson street in rear of Mr. F Coble's Theie was something liKe . forty bales of cotton on the market Wednesday. The "doctor" who was egged while on our streets last Tuesday night, met with a like xrc-eting at Lexington and TLomasyille. Wednesday afternoon while a train was standing at the depot everything was so quiie that yod could hear the air brake. Mr. D F Cannon ib haying his residence enhanced by a new coat of paint. Repairing inside is also be ing done. Mr. D A Caldwell contemplates going the reunion of the Confederate Veterans at Houston, Texas. Many otheis will join him. It is almost an assured fact that stores, groceries and all, will close at 7 o'clock, beginning on the evening of the 13th. Preparations are making f r en larging the furniture store. The two story part will be extended bick the entire depth of the building. Citizens who have canary birds report that there is considerable trouble in keeping lettuce birds and English sparrows away from cages. Rev. E Floyd Alexand r, a young Presbyterian diyine, aftor severa days sickness only, died on tLe 6:h at his home in Green Banks, West Virginia. He was a son of Mr. Daniel 1j Alexander, of Harrisburg. Mr. S A Hamilton this (Friday) morning broke dirt for the founda tion of the handsome new residence of Mr. A H Propst, on North Main street. The house will be two story of model design. We have been informed ihaf Capt. W SBiDghi iu, of the Cabarrus BlackBoys, ia thinking of arranging for an encamping of bis company at the Falla tbis summer. Stanly En terpriae. About seventy-five Concord ladies were delightfully entertained by an "At Home from 6 to 8," given by Mrs. John P Allison at h"r lovely home on North Main street, Thurs day eyening. It was one of those enjoyable occasions, the memory of which lingers long and constant. Messrs. J B Caldwell, Rdbert White and James Willeford spent Thursday on the banks of Rocky river. While they were fishing the horse became frightened, broke loose and ran about three miles. The horse was stopped by a prly meet ing it. Governor Carr, on recommenda tion of Adjutant General Cameroni yesterday made the following mili tary appointments to rank from date: John M Allison, Captain and Quartermaster, Fourth Regiment; Charles S Jourdan, Captain and As sistant Surgeon, Fourth Regiment, Dr. L M Archey, First Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon, Fourth Regi ment. Raleigh News. In another column there is re ference made to a death, in Rowan county, under suspicions circum stances. There seems now no doubt Enongh is known to warrant the as sertion that poisoning was the cause. The bowel , liver kidneys and por tions ol the brain were sent to the Stite Chemist for a complete anaiy&iri. Mr. Will Chambers, of No. 4 township, reports that a c'ond burst in his neighborhood Monday after noon, played sad hayoc with a field of wheat that was knee high. A Mr. Furr, whose ind adjoins his, had lust finished ploughing, the rain came up and washed all the loose soil oyer the large Geld of wheat, which is now almost buried. It waB amusing to see the citizens buying medicine Tuesday night from the man who ppetred in his gowu of black Bilk at Fetzar'a corner on D p t street. We are informed that ' the boyB" got onto him, and mi.t it pretty hot for him with Fg3. Master Frank Montgomery was struck on the shoulder the egg and bis coat were 'he only things d miitgcd. The medicine man left town very early Wednesday morning. The fhhing par'y that .went to Coddle creek Friday afternoon had no little trouble with the beast they were driying. Tbe horse was very backwurd about going forwa d. He backed the wagor, loaded wuh fish (?) and game, several hundred yards down the road before he ccnld be coaxed to tarn, his heaa forward. Mrs. C H Moore, milliner, Golds b'oro, has made an assignment. Lia Labilities. $1,500. Mr. M O Walter is moving hia house preparatory to erecting handsome resilience, nn Wf at Uenot street.'. We have heard of b irrooms on wheels, but not until today have we ever seen a barber shop on wheels and drawn by a mule. No particular disrespect ia in tended the Queen of May when men put on their straw hats in her pres encd. Refrigeators are a great necessity, and if vou will consider what Can nons, JFetzer & Bell Bay in their ad vertisement, you can possibly obtain one. A typographical error and an oversight of the proof reader made the name of Mr. and Mrs. Rapp, of Philadelphia, who were in the city appear "Pupp." Mr. John A Cline carries the ban ner over all other gradners yet heard from this year. Mr. Cline had new Irish potatoes today (Monday), raised in his own garden. Mr. J M Barrage has been elected delegate by Cold Water Lodge No. G2, to the meeting of the Grand Lodge -of Odd Fellows, to meet at Greensboro this week. The Committee appointed to arrange for the anniversary of the Concord hose end real company, is requested to meet in firemen hall Monday night at 8 o'clock. One of the very heaviest rains Known to that section fell in East ern Cabarrus county, Friday evens in. The branches could not be crossed for one hour where there were no bridges. Mr. P A Correll, Bon of Mr. Philip Correll of our in Oregon, writes his father that ho has just worked up a tree that netted him $46. It takes an acre in t'ns country to cut a caper like this. Mr. Fred Smith, who for a long time has been traveling for T C Williams Co., tobacconists, of Rich mond, Va., has located with head quarters in this ctty and will con duct a mercantilebrokerage. The "steeple crown" hat is com ing into fashion, for, feminine head gear. If the towers pro portion to some of the hats worn, it will not be easy to tell at a distance whether it" is a woman scudding along or a rerambulating church j tower. Wm3ton shipped over 250,000 pounds of manufactaredtobaccola8t week. The stamp sales aggregated $15,237 97. The leaf sales here this week have also been quite large. From all sections of the country comes reports that farmers are mak ing preparations for large crops of tobacco. The Southern will begin tomor row to ran a Vestibule limited train over the Western North Carolina road, to operate between Washington and Chattanooga. This arrange ment ia beneficial to both morning newspapers and the trayeling public From all reports it looks as if Jonh S Henderson ha? the inside track on the several candidates for the collectorship. His appointment would please us all down in this part of the moral vineyar 1. The Yadkin Fall fishing party returned Friday nigbt. Besides having burnt faces, they brought back a wild turkey. They did not break the law; the turkey tried to bite them and was otherwise very warlike, so they bad to kill him in self defense. F V Snell had a sudden attack of heart failure last night and for a while it was thought he would not survive, but Dr. Beall was successful ia his remedies and to dty Mr. Snell was up town but Dr. Beall saw him and ordered him home in a hurry. Friday's Green boro Record. Miss Bettie V Alexander of Marion Art School, Concord, W, O will open a summer Art School in th? up-stairs room of the old Acad eruy in Lincoln'on cn June 3rd, 1895. Miss Alexander takes a personal interest in all her pupils and will endeavor to give satisfac tion. Licoln Conner. - W A Day, a well known and re spected colored man, died at his home in this place Thursday. He was first taken with toothache, so we learn, and in using some kind of pain soother it is said he became poisoned. He came to Greensboro from Durham several years ago and for a long time bought tobacco, but recently has been engaged in other ba jiness. Greensboro Record. A REMEDY AGAINST FLIES. Sprny minted Oli;ori.avender Around the Rooms. "I neyer use window screens," said a .wise hourekeepf r the other day, "because I have a fancy that they shut out all the air in the hot weathei; and, besides they serve to keep the flics in the house equally as well as out" "But I never see a fly in your house," said her friend. How do you manage it ? For my pari, I must confess that, screens or no screens, my summer means to me & battle with the little pests." "My remedy is a very simple one' said thegood housekeeper, "and I learned it years ago from my grand mother, when I used to sit and watch her putting bunches of lavender flowers around to keep the flies away. My method is simpler. I buy five cents worth of oil of lavender at the drug store and mix it with the same quantity of water. Then I put it in a common glass atomizer and Vspray it around the rooms wherever flies are apt to congregate, especially in the dinning room, where I sprinkle it plentifully over the table linen. The odor is especially dis- ageeable to flies, and they will never venture in its neighborhood, though to most people it has a peculiarly fresh and grateful smell." Detroit Free Press. irinm Springs and its Manager. A reporter of the Standard, ttv gether with several preachers, Rev. J Q Wertz among them, and others, several daya ago visited Barium Springs, N. C. It was the first and a surprise to the rt porter. The manager of the Barium Springs property, which consists ci 90 acres, is Mr. W M Dayvaulr, father of the Messrs. Dayvaults, of Concord. He is the cleverest and the most jolly-spirited man this re porter ever met To go to his loveb ly country home, where everything ia neatness, order and cheerfulness (one of the niceBt country homes eyer seen) and to remain there sev eral weeks would be health-giving even without the use of the water Mr, Day ault is the youngest old gentleman we haye ever seen, and his great hospitality is not confined to his neighborhood no man goes there that does not- receive one of those cordial welcomes that he can never forget. Between Mr. Dayvault's home and the Springs property is located the Presbyterian Orphanage, of which we speak elsewhere. This spring was discovered about 1775, It was formerly known as the 'Toison Spring," bo called un der a mistaken idea of the early sec- tiers, who, because cattle refused to drink the water, were led to believe that it was injurins. Experience and Chemistry, however, have dis proved and entirely reversed this supposition, and the water is known now to be a valuable remedy for many diseases. As calling it the "Poison Spring" tended to create a prejudice against the nse of the water the name has been changed to the Barium Spring. The spring is peculiarly situated, being on the top of a rocky knoll, about fifteen feet higher than a brook over forty feet distant, and eight to ten feet higher than eight other springs around the base of the knoll, and about one hundred feet distant. It has no visible outflow, and the water remains at a constant level, never freezes, never stagnates, and it will keep pure and retain its cum tive efficiency indefinitely. Tbeae remarkable springs are well known to the Indians, and their waters were so highly esteemed by them for their potent curative properties that they made the lo cality a regular rendezvous, as is proven by tradition and by numerous fyidences of their former occupation. The other springs all contain vary ing mineral ingredients, sulphur and iron being the most prominent ele ments in lh-m. The use of their waters are free to visitors. Mr. Dayvault keeps the spring under lock, though eight other springs are free and open. He is just as proud and careful about this mam spring as wonld some Concord men be of a fine girl baby. He ib kept busy looking after the property and ev. ry morning he goes driving into Troutman's, one and a halt miles distant, to make shipments of water. These go to all parts of tLe Sonth, in sealed jugs. You have no idea just what this property is until you see it. The ownership is in the heirs of Donald McRee, of Wilmington, and could not be purchased for $6,000. All Sorts ol Paragraph. Not a snake, lizard, toad, frog, or any noxious reptile lives in New. ioundlaml. WHOLE NO. 369 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report n m g& . A RAILROAD HOG. All Will Be Flensed That lie Has Been Can glit in the Art. A ''raihoad hog" the other day piled the space next to him in a car seat with hiB bundles, and when a gentleman asked him if any one was to occupy it repiied that the bundles belonged to a man who was tempor arily in the smoking car. "All right," said the gentleman, I will Bit in the seat till he come3," and he proceeded to remove the bun dles. Pretty soon the own r of the ban dies ai rived at his d stination, and he started to gather up his effects. Bat the gentleman at once put a veto on this, with tbe remark : "You can't take these bundles; you yourself said they belonged to a man in the smoker." The fellow got mad and abusive, but the gentleman was inexorable. Finally the conductor was called in, who delivered his dictu-n as follows: "If the bpndles are not claimed by any one on the train, then by coming around to the depot tomor row and identifying them satiefac toiily we will gije them to you." The man's face was red with rafje but he could do nothing. So, amid the laughter of the passengers, be rushed out of the car just as the train was pulling out. And he meekly came around .to the depot for his bundles the next day. Is the Biilenlum Here ? Yesterday was the day the gov ernment advertised a sale cf 200 barrels of whiskey at the stoie house in this city. Depnty Leeper was here and did his best, out for once whiskey went begging. He did not sell a barrel. A lot of old cop per, stills, etc , were sold, but not the whiskey. Charlotte Observer. Some Wayne Comity .UntfiNtrmeH' It is tnly by degrees that we learn the character of the new Justices of the Peace who were appointed by the Fusionists, In Wayne county there were three who cught'to be in the penitentiary instead of acting as judicial officers. They are : 1. B R Edgerton, who plead guilty of larceny at the term of the Superior Court next preceding his appointment. 2. John W Smith, who had been convicted in the United States Cir cuit Court for abstracting a letter addressed to other parties, from the mail. 3. Wm. Garris, who has been con victed of obtaining money or properly by false pretences. These are only three. Eow many more are of the same character is not yet known, but if there are as many such fellows in all the other counties as in Wayne, the State is cursed with 288 Justices of the Peace, who ought to be in the peni tentiary. RUeigh News and Ob server. A Probably Fatal rtgttt Orcr the Hilling; or Two Dogs. - McAdenville, May 10. Near Mc Adenville, a fatal cuttmg scrape oc curred on the night of tne 8th be tween Jno. Perkins and Thos. Alex ander. Perkin3 was cut by Alex ander, and was disemboweled, the intestines being severed. The chances are the wounds will prove fatal. The wounded man was at. tended by Dr. Frank Robinson. Th fight occurred over tbe killing of two dogs. Tit for Tat. "You say that the drsporadoee came in and cleaned out the town '(" 'Yce; and now tbe town people are out scouring the country." Indionapols Journal. Who is the Mau T There is a man living in Concord and well known, who8esername will make a good cost mark for a mer chant; the name having ten let ers, and no two alike. Don't al! send in answers. at one time. The closing exercises of Cherry ville Academy took place last Fri day. The annual sermon was preached by Dr. Bikle a d this is what the Lincoln Courier says : At 10:30 Rev. L A Bik'e, D. D., preached one of hia list sermons from the text: Gut wisdom. Wisdom is tbe principal thing. It is useless to comment on the sermon, for Dr. Bikle never preaches any bnt good sermons. The people were all well pleased with this . effort and pro nounced it one of the Doctor's yery beau - ''; , FORI YEAR SEtfDUM DOLLAR i The Presbyterian Home. While in Tioutman's recently we had the pleasure ot seeing "Thd Home,' the orphanage maintaineh by the Presbyterian church of North Cfcrolina. The property is well situated and ia right on the AT & O railroad.' Besides several smaller buildings, there are two large hand some brick buildings that make splendid homes for the orphans. Being there at such a time, it was not convenient to call up Rev. Boyd and go through tho buildings. What we saw was on the,outside. . Everybody in tne community speaks highly of Mr. Boyd and what we could Bee ceitainly endorsee the complimentary term3 in which Mr. Boyd is spoken of. This summer a v?ry large build ing in to be erected between the present bui!ding3 toiccommodate the; growing demands upon the orphan age. Between 50 and CO children are now thsre. The Standard Baw one, whose face is familar. It waa Master Yangnn JViliott we saw him with manv others, undercharge of a lady teacher, marchirg from at tenuance upon church at Trout man's. Tho scene wie cue to make every man fed pran.l t' ;;,t eo mHch.H being done j o: the orphans of oar State. The I.: Baptists :: palians sit f t Oxford, the' cvar.'ilje, the Episco rloite, the Lutherans- at Sout.'i Vk'v ;it Bariu:a ;ir Bible co: : ,ind tb'i Presbyterian; ? doing jnst what cha &3 rcsirding the or is reiitkiaj after all. phans. Kucls Iho Rnno niii tlie Tanrd: She wis co longer a rok-buo'. Indeed, the was in full bloom, and had bos. a ro throusl: reveral seasons. Bat the had monej, and ho lovel her. How often men do that way. Oh, money thou art a honey. So as time wore on find she grew no younger, hia heart throbbed by proposing to her. He was so sure of her. at her time of life, that anything but a prompt acceptance never occurrel to him. What waa his intense, nay painful surprise then, to hear hzr ' ay Bho was wy much oldipeu fo -Min for k's V.iiducs, but she 'rally nana? decline. 'Oil, why, wliy he pleaded, heartbroken tones. "Because I do not love yon," she answered. "But you can learn to love me, he said, coaxintdy. "IthinknoV she persis'ed. Too old to learn. The Tannery at Mt. 11 canon . Messrs. Hartsell & Lentz, of Mt, Pleasant, ere loing their best in leather business. Besides making quite a large lot of leather, this firm, is manufacturing much of its pro duction. There 8 re shoemakers, harness makers, coilur makers, saddle mak ers etc. among tbe force. Little by little machinery is being added to aid in the quick manufac ture of goods. The shoes the firm is waking com pare with the very b6;t. A leather dealer of Baltimore, w is tryingpbuy urajl the leather in this countrybM of the advanc ing price, sent- a representative to Mt. Pleasant on Friday to drive a trade. Right Arm Paralyzed! Saved from St. Vitus Dancer j "Our daughter, Blanche, now fif teen years of age, had been terribly afflicted with nervousness, and had lost the entire use of her right arm. We feared St. Vitus dance, and tried the best physicians, with no benefit. -She has taken three bottles of Dr. Miles' Nervine and has gained 31 pounds. Her nervousness and symp toms of St. Vitus dance are entirely and has recovered complete use or ner arm, ner aptetr HK3.1 Dr. Miles' Ner.y Cures. 0"Tt. Miles' Nervine Is cold on paeftfra guarantee that the first bottle wiU Iwneflt. All druggists sell It at tl.t bottles forts, or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt ot pria J1Ltb-.1r,y MwUcal i Co.. EtkhnVlttd. JFor Sale by all Druggist. JZZS 1 1 X

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