THE T-STANC-ARD. -turns out go 3D -JOB -WORK AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL. 1 Trifir" ! THFT PBINTS THE ..YKirS THAT TS NEWS DIED .0 WIN A BET. Ilor.ible Apron j- After Drinking a tnnrt of TVhtoky. Shamokeii, Pa May 15. A crowd of men this morning went into a sa loon with Jt-st-ph Swartz to fee him drink a quart of whiBkey for a wager, and they emerged in a little whilt l-earing hia corpse. It was a tradi tion that Swartz could drink two quarts of the reddest liquor at one timyantTiwhen the question arose as to whether he coulu s Jrallow tb quart Joe shrugged hia shoulder contemptuously. Without ceremony he ordered the fiery liquid. Down his throat courted the stnff, and his eyes sparkled. Finally the last drop was dowc, and Joe cast a triumphant glance at his companions. Then be sane a sons and danced a jig. His brain had been turned, and he said his nerves tirgled as though a thous and needles were pricking him. Faster went his feet, until he and denly threw his arms in the air and grew deathly pale. He groaned, dropped to the floor and the merry sbouyff'J ti3 comrades dud into ex clamatious of alar They rushed to his ;de, and he seemed in awful agony, but unable to Epeak. He be came senso'tEs in a few minutes and then died. H hHI .lohny Would Do. "Papa, what did you pay for this horee ?" He cost me $900, Johnny." ' "And don't he never true any thing to sleep on but straw ?' "No; what is wrong about that?" "It ain't good enough. If he was mine Id buy a folding bed foi fcim" nr. R. J,. Pnyne,S resident. Goldaboro, May 5. The State Medical Association at its afternoon 8 38sioiiel;c,ed officers for the en -soingSlr : President, R L Pyne, Lexington; vice presidents, S D Boo'b, Oxford; J P Mun.oe, David son: J A Burroughs, Asbeville; J E Grimsley, Snow Hill; secretary, R D Jewetr, Wilmington; trf-asurer, M i' Perry, Macon. Winston W8g chosen as the next place of meeting. The session closed tomorrow afternoon. rnnt Lotlr Oilirerti. At the ees?:on3 of the Grand Loge yesterday afternoon and night the work waa principally of a routine nature, of interest only to members of the order. Wednesday at 10 o'clock the elec - tion of officers for next year was akeo up with the following re sult: ; Grand Master Chas. F Lums.len, Rileigb. Deputy - Grand Master W T D.rch, Goldesboro. tjrand Warden Jas. P Sawyer, ' AsL,ville. - Grand S cretary B S Woodell, Grveraboro. Grand Treasurer R J Jones, Wilmington. W C Douglass, of Carthage, was elected Grand Representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge which meets in Atiaulic City ia September. Rfakj for IS in:. S; me i;me ago an amorou3 young in in sent a letter to a German lady, .nd thi3 posiecript wa3 added. "That tny darling may make no mis' .ike, renumber, I will wear a Jit ht pair of trousers and & dark f u'away coat. In my right hand I will carry a small cane, and in my lef" a cigar. Yrura ever, Adolphe,'.' 'l he father replied courteously, B'atrng that his daughter had given him authority to represent her at ,ie. appoin ed place at the time lagrepd-on.- Hia postscript was a folio -vs :..-.' "4it mine son nny m ke no m;sl d 'kep, I vill tw dreshed in m ne ehirf slaey-; I till year in mine right hand a g'ub; in mine left hand 1 vill vear a mx shooter. You vill rccogniz tie by de vay I bats you on de bend a got'j.!- fimes'twica mid de gnb. Vait'for jie at de corner, a 1 have S"ined hi nga important to inform y.m uiid. i'--ur frtnt. Iltinnch Mnller. Ilia Kukri Woaldrn'l Work. Ti.ursiiftt afternoon a tramp "struck tow n and pulled np in front of the St, Clond hotel. He sudden ly liecime frantic with toothache, in tais way trying to wark the j eople for enongh C48h To have a dentist yank Uoit. Dr. Huston waa stand ing near with a pair of pinchers on hia person, and vowntecied to ex tract the toutD, but the tramp ob ji?Ct'd, because it was a free j'ib. Som boys, it ia said.caugbt the man, put him down and were to hold bim v ti'e so:ne one pulled the tooth, but Chief of Police Boger ioterfeired, ordering tie tramp to "move on." VOL. VIII NO. A DELIGHTFUL DANCE. The Tonne People Enjoy in Kvuitag at tke t. lonU. An eyening of pleasure was the dance at the St. Gicud hotel Wedues day nigbt. This was the inithl dance for the hotel. Those who were iu attendance were: Missi s Sophia Mjere, Laura Hammond, Chaiiotte; failie Erwin, Jeanett Erwin. Lallah Hill. Kate Mea:., Belle Cleans, Fannie Rogers, Esther Er-vin, Agnrs Moss, Ess.-ie Marshall, Ei.ica -Ecacbe, Mary Reed, Claude Fisher, and Messrs. Sidney Einte's, Charlotte, Ed. Hill, Ed. Moss, R K Black, Joe Cannon, Maury Rich mond, Charles Lowe, .W W Morris, C L Smith, F L Smith, A J Yorke, C J Harris, Earl Brown, J F Yorke, R L Keeeler, Fred Smith, Maun Stuart. Mesdames M L Brown, M C Dasenburyand Beache were chap erones. Signor Ritz famished music for the occasion . A'ot In Business Yet. Those magistrates appointed to fill vacancies do not enter upon their duties until Aug. 1. We call atten tion to this fact that there may be no mistake. Thost-, appointed to fill vacancies and thus far qualified, are: M L Buchanan, No. 8, J M Alexander, C A Pitts and J W Mehaffey, of No, 12; and Sol Furr, of No. 9. Information Abont a Turkey Plyler's, Stanly Co., N. C.May 15. Mr. Dan Lowder, living ou the road between Albemarle and Mi. Pleasant, lost a turkey last Friday, one of his fi nee t. He has no clue whatever as to its whereaboate. Can the Standard throw any light on the subject? Mr. Lowder is diss treised. Old Soldiek. A dead turkey was brought icto town Friday by the Yadkin fishermen. Ii is said to have been a wild one aDu tried to bie them and was killed in self defense. KeHigned the mayoralty. Prof. II T J Lidwig, of Mb Plea8-jnf, was on the 1st Monday in May elected mayor of Mt. Pleasant Tuesday night he qualified and then reeigned. e Mr.' John M Cook Vaa elected to fill the vacancy. lie ia the youngest mayor in the state. There was time in Mr. Pieasant when the mayor ,elect made affidavit that he wa3 not competent to fill the office and was accordingly excused. Prof. Ludwig could not truthfully do this, so he qualified and then re signed. It Is Kow Doetor. Mr. Chas. H B-irnhard', of i!t Pieman, who has been in attendance at the College of Medicine, ot Phil adelphia, for several year?, graduated last week He is now a Doctor. The Standa d congratulates htm, and his many friends will be glad to 6ee him, for be is roupiar with all who know him. .-, He was a cietnbar of a graduat ing class of 230, 61 of whom failed to pass. There were 7 from North Caiolina, one of whom failed in his examination. More Tronbie for Jailer II 111; Two men negroes, Henry Kirk and Will Rendleman, were brought to jail from No. o township Tues day, for diaturbing religious wor hip Sunday, May 12 They were placed in the cell over the kitchen, occupied by Jim Williims and Green Wed ding ton. These boys h v taken the in paud their rations are er-ed on .nl made ews of them, cutting the intide plauk wall thrungh. After having done this they kicked ' the plank off the outpide wall. Jjilor H'll nude the discovery this ( Tfcurs dav) mornirg, and says they arp eyen a worse lot and give, him more trouble than Will Rollins and his "cron iet"did. '" '.. ".V He. Amoeiiaft seminary ( oimiK cmeut Exerelscd. ; The S hii dard ' h's In en charm ingly reinemn. j-ed, this J.eir, by Prof, and Mrs. Fisher and, eeyeral jtf Amoena I ad its with handsome Cirdi f invitation to the commencement xerciaep that ran from . June 1 to 'uhinclusive. ' The programme is as follo,w8f - '--.-,' . -. Jnne lataO p. m. Senior ' fil&sJ exercise.- - ' June 2d 11 a. m.- -BiCaTaiLrate sermon by Rev. E A Wingard, D. D. June 2d 7:30 p. m. Addreseslie- fore missionary pociety by Rv.'Jj E Busby, of-Aheville. 1 June 4"h 7:30 p. m. Musical concert. :" .i-.r.'.;S' v'-" June 5h 7 p m Art Display Jane 5th 7:30 p, m Graduating Exercises. The class is composed as follo'wVV. :: ' -V-'- Misses Julia Katharine Barrier, Jeannette Elizabeth Hentz, Susan Frances Lippard, Jennief Bell Ltd wig aadJ qlia Lodwig. , , r- Ar ; , 20. IT IS JUDGE M&A'tiS. Tbe Nnpreme JConrt ;neciIeH Airalnnl took. One of I be men ;i he I.eiflsln nre Tried to Provide For. The Saprsme Conri decides the case of Cook against Meares and the de.:is;ori is in favor of Metres. Jua tiue Furches renders the ' opinion, which sajs every question h.volved in the case save one is decided in the caaj of Ewart against Jon a and thi: one quefatioa is that Cook was elected U,ic" days before the act was eigted by the President of the Sen ute and the Speaker, of he House There is no doubt of Cook's being elected, and it is contended that the 'Legislature's will so clearly ex pressed should not be defeated by a mere technicality. Deferdant Meares contended that when Cook-was deck ed there was no such office ; that the act was no act at all until ratified and signed. The opinion refers to the caee of Scarborough against Robinflon; brocght 'to compel the President and Speaker to sign, after the Legislature had adjourned, a bill passed by the Legislature; and says that the forrcr court decided, that it was not a law until so signed. The court says it finds very respectable authority to the contrary, but does not pass upon thu question. It does say, howi-yer, that tne opinion an nounces a very grave proposition and that if what was held in tbat proposition be true, the presiding officers of'the Legislature are c'othi d with powers greater J,han ivo0e of the President if the United btates or any GoTernor ; but the, court says thieScarboro case is now put out of consideration because the act creating the Criminal Court was signed and is now a law, and to quote the opin ion, "We put oar judgmeut on this act, now the law, whicb provides that it sha!l be in effec from and after its ratification, which ia ia tffect saying th.t it ehall not be in effect before"tha5 time, and upon the opinion of Shotle3 against Hampton, which holds that a person cannot be elected to an otu s - thaf. d.jes not ex isr at the time of the election. It is better that the "intention" of the Legislature should be defeated for a time than that we should violate the law. We Suet no. error in thsjidg uient appeal. d from and the eame 8 affirmed." C'ark and Ayery file concurring opicibna. Tie latter doss not concur entire y in the court's reasons and saya, referring to the Scarboro case, that the court did not transcend tie proper limit in discussing and passing upon the questions involved in it. The Marriage At Centra . Central Methodist church was nearly filled Thursday evening, by invited friends to Witness the mar riage of Miss Isabelle Davidson Montgomery, of Concord, to Mr. .BJ S Jerman, of Raleigh. The church was beautifully deco. rated for the occasion. The bridal party entered to the strains of Mendelsohn's weddiner march, in the following order: Ushers' on the right aisle" were the" two brothers of the bride, Messrs Brevard and Charles G Montgomery, Jr. ; on the left, Messrs. A M Sin clair, of Charlotte, and Frank L Smith, followe'1 by Miss Mary Mont gomery and Mr, Palmer Jerman, "brother of the 'eroom f Miss Sophia Myers, of Charlotte, and Mr. O H Foster. ..Ttemaid of honor. Miss irginia Sinclair, of Charlotte, im mediately preceded the bride, who entered oil the arm of her father. Mr. C G Montgomery, and was tret at the altir by the groom, with his best man, Vt.D E-Eyeritt, -of 'JRaP Rb. . ' The -ce pony was pel formed by Bisbbp:)T W,Duucan, of Spartan burg, after which the bridal party wih inyi'ed fritndrf repaired to the orTdes '"bphjeJ" -' ' " " J At"9:d5 Mr: and . Mrs "tlepnan left on. the eatibn.Ie for a. nor' jiern trip. U--The,; presents hrLb numerous aaj Deaumui. .- . - -s Her many fn- n Is regret to lose Mrs. Jernian, but Cnccord'd los is Raleigh's gain.- im 'iVfl;-l Kcb'a Wonderful Find. , -ritraeb Freenaan waff pickins; bin1 lear "the -other day" and got Vp'ftriTt'1 of it that is supposed to have been in tifs a? for abou t 'seven year's, 'nV he has been partially deaf for , tlfat length of time, which the pin is 8opposeXto have caused. Uather ford ton Democrat. ' 1, T Master Willie JbhpEon'tias 'a bap foot. I t'u all swollen from -xhea ma ns n at d he can hardly walk. " ' WjTaknoWiedge the receipt of an inTifatiotf'f rofli'Pre'fiident Med fea.i cock, ,of the Greepaboro Female Col-. lege, to be i resent aithe commences men t-exercises Jof tbat'- institotion CONCORD N.'C, THURSDAY, MAY 23 , 1895. TOWN AND COUNT Y. There ii considerable creze over crepe paper lamp shades, Iambre quins and other fancy aniuteB. The prayer meetings were well at tended Wednesdav nieht. It waa due to the early cloning. During tht- cold spell last Tues day, May 14, Mrs. J B Caldwell gathered a large siza snowball in ter front yard. Mark his down. In mentioning the elections by the new board of town commissioners we ailed to note that Montgomery & Crowell were elected attorneys for the city, . There is to be a picnic at Gar- mond'a mill on Ascension Day. It is probable tbat the Smith's Ford string band, will render music for the occasion. .... Ah engaged woman has a satisfied look on her face that is not worn by one who is preparing to go to a sum mer watering place to make another effort. Just as the Mt. Pleasant' mail hck was about to leave this after noon, the horses got contra ry, began bucking and broke the tongue of the hack. They were checked before any serious damage was done. Mr. Luther Julian Thursday met with quite a bad accident. He waa doing tome . chiseling on a screen door at Ilathcock'a blacks rath shop, the chiiel slipped and cu. a gash several inched long in his left kg juB aboye the knee.. Some fiendish fellow, on Wednes day night, completely, demolished an electric light on Corbin street. Not only the lamp, but the shade ' was knocked to pieces. There was a great scarcity already and one light gone makes things look gloomy, From the general reports from over the county, i ia probable that the tobacco crop will be three or four times larger this year than last year,, in this county. Our home manufactories are giving an impetua to thia industry. WiikesbnroChron- cile. Gov. Carr appoints A C McAlis- ter, of Greensboro, a director of the Agricultural and Mrchauical Col lege, vice E McK. Goodwin, whe! resigned because of leaving the dis trict. The Governor commissions H R Cow lea ad i a tan t Fourth Regi ment, with rank of captain. The Standard erred in stating that Commissioner Brown voted against policeman Fisher, of Forest Hill. - He called in and informed ns of the error; and the Standard, wish ing to get history right, makes this speedy correction. Whit Ferron was conyicted at Salisbury Wednesday for the mur der of Deputy Owen; and Ander son Brown wa3 convicted of the murder of CaUie Roberts. Both aie to be hanged July 25th. Ferron is said to have been very defiant on his trial and told the court he was going to heaven, straight.' Co'mmittees'for distributing sup plies in some of the destitute conn ties in Kansas have drawn the line on dogB and refuse Bupplies to fam ilies that ' keep a colony of doss. Charity may coyer a multitude of sins, etc., but these committees ae ' ery "properly of (he opinion that. .t :' - L--lii. -' -5 v' ' mis is no reason wny ii enouiu coyer a multitude of dogs. " Wilmington Sar. ' Bob Cpitrao ! and Xonie Mitchell, a colored couple who wanted to get marriedjast night, the ceremony to take p!ace. a the "reeid nee of Alex Spencer, had quite, an exp'rience ani considerable trouble in finding some one to marry them on f ccoa it of ra Kors that the bride -elect had several husbands now living and the-1 magistrates refusing to tie the. knot for.-the lack of compensation. Some mischievous person went into the.; ' forest Hill Methodist church and. faatened-tbeell. rope to the Aoar. knob, ; Several , ladijs were holding a meeting on. the '.inside.and I when leaving attempted to shut the dcor, but when they would loosen their grip, open the door would fly. Such capers as that, of coarse, fligl);ened the ladies. Some men were" ' called t in to inveBtigatethe1 Tov.b e and made thediecoyery. Mr. B O Guthrie, has returned from i. business trip to Moore county, and el'.8 us of a funny incident which happened down there. Mr- J E Buchanan a mercbau' of Manly, having missed several things and beir ggatif fied some o e had a key, 8et. 8"el trap in the t tore. Get. ting'up next morning and breakfast being late, he went to the store and 'found hia ccok fast in the steel trap, with $25 takeu from the drawer. Burlington News.' ' ' .-. The peaches are dropping off. Still theie 18 cotton in the country. There are 137 children et the Thomasville orphanage. uniy ifcoDU ta3 been fee rs t in Raleigh to hold the Stite fair iThe weather forecast ;fur to morrow cilld for fair and warmer weather , The Graded School, of C -...-irlotte, closed last Friday. Prof. A Merman addressed the tchool. The Southern depot at Unarlotte, that, was almost ruined by wfire Thursaay night, ia to be rebuilt. Bishop W W Dunctn, of Spar tanburg, S. 0., left here Friday morning for Louisyule, Ky.f via Salisbury. - Dr. J D Lisle and Mr. 0 Kelly, of Georgeville, were in the city today. They purchased from Mr. M J Corl that handsome pair of iron-grey horses.'- Severalrparties went out to the reception Friday night at the . home of Mr. John L Patterson, who "was Thursday night last married to Misa Bina Lingle of Rowan county. The furniture store was flooded Friday night. In putting np the new walls the roof,- aad in some way, sprang a Ipsk, letting all the rain down in the storeroom.. Noth ing waa damaged by the water. " Mr. R K Black, who left Friday for a month's sojourn-ia Texas, i3 missed at his post behind the counters at Cannon? & Fetzer. His many frinds ioin us is wishing him a pleasant trip. On the plantation of Mrs. Martha Stither, several miles northeast of the city, on Cold Water creek, there is a drove of wild dogj, it, is said. We were told today of un attack made by these dogs upon a negro man yesterday, who tillc J. two and crippled another. They have been seen in" droves for several years in those bottoms along the creek, but not until recently have they made any attacks upon parsons. - it is said they are about the e'u.i of a small bound. The Kewtler Will Case. The Landmark last week not?d that tcere was p3ndin before Clerk Fcrches a aoit ia refsireace to the will of Mrs. Katie Kestler, who died at the residence of her son-in law, Mr. R A Ramsey, in this county Saturday night a week ago. Application was mide for the pros bate of a will in which she had made Ranisey'o children her heirB. The application was resioted by at torneys for Mrs. Kestler's eon, Wellington Hostler, of Rowan, who claimed that Mrs. Kestler was a citizen of Rowan and that, there fore, the matter was not within the jurisdiction of Clerk . Furches, Ramsey's attorneys contended that the Question for a higher court : was whether or not the will offered for probate was the last will and testa ment of Mrs Kestler, while the other olaimed that it was whether she was a citizen, of Rowan or Iredell county. The clerk has not yet decided but whatever decision there will be an appeal. The whole question at' is sue is whether Wellington Kestler or the Ramsey heirs will get the bid lady's property.. ;and it will be fought out. in the courts States ville Landmark." : OVERWORK Induced Nervous Prostration Complete Recovery by the Use of 5 ",86me.-yearS'ago', 'as. a result of too dose- attentioa. to business, -myt health--failed. I became, weak, nervous, was unable to'look afternjy interests, anil manifested all "the symptoms of, de cline. I took, .-three-bottles ,o'f Ajet's SarsaparUla, began to. improve at "once, . and gradually increased my weight from one hundred and twenty -five to two (hundred pounds. Since then, I and my ,4 family have used this medicine when needed, and we are all in the best of health, a fact which we attributo to AyerY Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil dren would have been fatherless to-day had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, . of which preparation I cannot say too much." H. O. HnjsoN,- Postmaster and .Planter, Kinard's, S..C;- ', Ayer's. Sarsaparilla RCCCIVIR6 MEDAC 'AF WORLD'S FAIR. "; AY ER'Sj pils Save Doctor's Bills. FOREST HILL NEWS. rieir' Send in a Lot of Ileum an In fant Died a Hand Torn off Trot tins Race and Baseball Other Aiews' The infant child of Mr. an 1 Mrs. David Blackwelder died Thursday afternoon. Mr, J M R )ss bas moved his fam ily into the house just completed, next to Mr. R F Coble, on Church street. John Uowell and Lizzie Clayton two children, attempted to run away Sunday last for South Carolina, but were stopped John says it'd oni) a matter of time until they aie mar. ried. Miss Roxana Nash caught her hand in a carding machine, Tues day, severing her hand from the arm near the wrist. . W bile working about the cotton dyer, Wilber Misenheimer made a mid-step, landing in the dyer, badly scalding his foot. Wr. W A Wilkinson has the ground staked off for three nice houses to be erected on Pear street. They will haye windows, and the w indows will be of glass ; and the houses will each haye a loft in them and likely a stairway to get on the loft; if no stairway, Mr. Wilkinson says ho will make his ladder a little more slanting than the good mission ary has described. "Ben." SICK AND TIRED. Razors Get Out of Sorts Junt Hie Manic AS'iliiuinu UrinxN. The customer moved uneasily in the chair. "Give that razor a turn or two on the strop," he Slid. 'It hurts my face." The barber put away the razor and took another. "I didn't know it was tired," he remarked as he proceeded to freshen the lather. "Tired ?" ejaculated the customer. Yes, Eir, tired, crsick," respond ed he barber. "A razor getB bo, sometimes, that you can't do any thing with it. Then some barbers say it is tired, while others say it is sick. The weather gfems to affect thein just like it does folks. In damp,chilly weather razors are liable to become goodforsncthing at any lime. Yen may hone and Btrop them all yen please, but they won't take a decent cu'tin edge. Vben they get that wbj you've got4 to lay them away for awhile. Yea see, the e-lge cfa razor, when looked at under , microscope, appears to be a fine sa. ' Well, the weather acts on these teeth, and uhen it is damp and chilly they get scratchy, aDd then e eay the razor is tired. Somev tims pearly every razor in the shop will be affected, and then we barter get cussed byjpretty near eyery cue. tomer we shave." Sonnd JCozi cy II an Hul and Tnry Keecl to be Coiisitscrert. Don't imagine that you are alone as a friend to sound money. The free silver craze is not as great as sone may suppose. There are many sonnd money Democrats in the coun try They are not talking much, but when the time comes will cast their votes. It will be well for the platform makers not to lose sight of these Democrats whtn they select their lumber for building the plat form. These. Democrats will not vote the Kepublican ticket; they will pot vote the. Populist ticket: they may, howevtr, refuse to take the hook, if it is baited with the Populist free and unlimited coinage worm. The Democratic party will lose nothing by standing for soond money. Democrat," ' .. ." ;' In Charlotte Observer. Mt. Pleasant, N. C, May 16, '95. . -You might blindfold us, turn ns loose in Mt. Pleasant and we could go put our hand on tne author of the aooye. .Editor Standard . HnnAloii House Ijiunrtry. I am the Concord -repesentatiye of the Mansion House Steam Laun dry, of Greeuvillo. S.C. If you think of "wearing'' nicely done-up collors, cuffit and shirts, come see me and, find out coat. . ... . ' You will be, paid for ul . articles ora or lo4- You "can leave your bundles at the Furniture Store, whether I am preaant or not, It will receive prompt attention. I eend basket t.ff, Tuesday and it retume.Saturday morning. - Come around and see me. mhl3 3m J. N.Bell- To the IfNsens ofCoueord. We will visit your premies on our sanitary dnties, and all such not found in good sanitary ' condition, w.ll be reposed to the mayor and wariauts iasned for jour arrest. Take warning and save cost. ', ' ' J. L. B. GEB 1 n i- May 15, 1805.; . y '--a Nora Boyd lef t tbis'morn ing fo. a yicit to- fiieads ia Satis. WHOLE NO. 370 Highest of all in Leavening Pc BOTH LEG BKOKEX. Mr. Jnnies R. Cook 31-cts Wirh at End Accident While II n n 1 i n I.nmbor. Both leg9 of Mr. James R Cook are broken. He was hduling pailing lumber from Pound's thop to SLealy town, east of the Odell mills. Going down a steep hill jast this side of the ball grouud, the lumber elipped down on the mare's hind legs, causing her to kick. Mr. Cook was kicked on the leg, and feeing there was danger to both himself and horse, he jumped from the wagon, his foot slipping threw him under theforeend. The wngon passed over both l?gs, break ing one bone in the right l?g just below the knee and one in the left leg about the ankle, lie is not hurt internally, however, as it is rumored. Mr. Cook's injuries are paiaful ones, and he is bearing np well. Drs. D G Caldwell and L M Archey examined and set the bones. SILVER! SILVER. "t'oln'H Financial Ncliool"' In all I bo In I It Xoh in CiroriiHlioro- When you see two or three men talking together these days you can safely bet they are discussing "Coin's Financial School," which has had an unpr'.ccdened sale in this locality. Older men cay that the interest in it reminds them of the excitement ahcut the time '"Uncle Tom's Cabin" came out, except that there is rjotb:ttcrnes3 displayed over iid discussion. Here are some extracts from the work which are worth thinking about: "You do nottennch the peo ple of the'silver States one ceut by the renionit:ztion of silver, except in cimmon with the people of the Statj of Illinois, und the whole Uni'ed States. "You increase the' ahe . of all property by aiding t, the number of roo'iey unit in the land. You make it possible for the debtor to pay his debts, business to start anew, and revivfiy all industries of the coun try, which rftuet remain paralyzed so long as silver as well as all other property is measured by the gold standard. "If the quantity of money is large the total Talue of the property of the world will be correspondingly large as expressed in dollars or money units. If the quanty of mon ey is small, the total value cf the property of the world will be cor respondingly reducea. "Property measures its value in money, and money mearnres its value in property. Money may in crease in value by reason ot its scar City: When this is the case it buys more property property bujs less money." A farmer may buy calico with his 50 cent wheat money at a like cut in value, but he cannot get the same favor shown him oa his dedtsV - u Killing In en CnNtle. News reaches here of the killing of Charles Cook by Amos Coleman, hear Clingman, in New Castle towns ship, on last Snnday evening. The killing took place near Bynum Byrd's and the parties were all drinking. Coroner Bumgarner was sent after Monday, but has hot re turned at this writing. It seemB that the trouble arose oyer an in dictment which Cook had made against Jim Chambers. Cook and, Coleman were brothers in-law. Thej got on a spree that eyening and then K0t;into a fuss- It is reported that Cook started at Coleman with a knife, and Coleman struck him on the head with a stic', fron which he died in a short time.. : Cook was abont .25 years old and 'eaves a wife aud four children. Coleman was ar rested but ; afterwards .skipped to parts unknown. These are the facts ai best as we can learn tLem now. Wilkesboro Chronic'.e. Bartilen'B Amies ftR ve. The Best Salve in t!-.e world for Cuts, Bruis-e, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruption?, Hnd positively cures Piles or no p.y rrtjuired. It is guaranteed to jive satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P. B. Fetzer'g Drug store ' ' . . , Pitt . county's annual bill for commercial ; fertilizer is a round $100, 000 JLi V' eon i year j SEWU, , U0L1jAR wer. Lr.test U. S. Gov't Report FflJE IN CHARLOTTE. Sonlhcrn i'ttHMrngrr Dopnl In rhitr. loltein KiiinH It Com tt:!-J.oo. Thursday nigii at 1 o!cck the ha d oir-e pi?snger depot of the Southern Iiiilroad at Charlotte, was' discovered to be on fire. It was a long time before the lire companies could be had, owing to a defect in the fire alarm; aad there was a delay too ou account of water. The origen of the fire is a mystiry Much of the ftatioueary and records" were saved but no little was br-rned. The insurance is s;id tj be sufficient to cover the loss. The idp.i, now that all the depo's are in as!je, h;u been sprung look ing to a Union Lepo.c. Charlc'te id ia bid luck sensa tion and fires. April wts full, and now two excitener.ts slredy fcr Mey But Charlotte is firmly built and will be here when many others are gone. CJo i'p In t.pxnrmokf. Some daja the J., ..ndard, ia -Irs. Ke; ;j und-.r '.'.7, stat . I member ;1 - 1. - r. mentioning the'death cf tkr, whose ? " . '-..n . scaesuspi- on of fo.i'. ttiiit in her r;J! pV ha.' .- North iC: o irieaeant, v h .1 0:, l et cslate. The States " i -...'.. 2"k, which is near the scm-.'. I. '- ... -o eay : "We're :.. ' ;L : allege will never get the it n - The Land mark noted last vv-k that there was contention ov:r Lev r?t?."j. By the time the litigation :? ended the es tate, which amouuta to $S,000 or $9,000, will haye been swamped in court C03ts anl lawyer's fees." 2il You Know. That winter is broke ---o Tbat there is a man ri town who is never seen without 2 1 30th pick Jin his month. That t V ;.'. ta bOmthcr mar riage ficon. mi . ..... Strvicc- tra d JItrj i ci" yeui. I'tns'icola, Fin., ilay 13. A stracgn freak Jightfnmg occuned at Milligan yesterdiy. John T Wilkin son, a young merchn, was ttrnclc and almost irstautly kilieJ. When undressed a perfect picture cf a clump of trees, with eachjleef deli-, cately shaded, wki foncd indelibly photograped on each side of the body, just under the arms. Wilkin son was standing Ly u telegraph, instrument in his store, from which the wires had been detached, when struck. A hundred yards from the store a telegraph wive was fastened to a tall pine tree, 'which stood 1 among several tm&Ue trees. Th pictures on Wilkinson's sides are ' exact representations of th;a clump of trees, from the wire up. Fortions of trees below the wire do not show. JacksonviIle.Ci-.izer. The tsxeensborp. water works goes LgTu:. . It was put up at auction a low daya ago and there were no bidders. HEART DISEASE 30 YEARS I Short Breath, Palpitation. Mr. G. W. McKinsey, postmaster ol Kokomo, Ind., and a brave ex-soldier, says: "1 had been severely troubled with heart disease ever since leaving the army at the close of the late war. , 1 was troubled with palpitation and shortness of breath. I could not sleep on my left side and had pain around my heart I became 60 ill -that 1 waa much alarmed, and for tunately my attention was called to DrMiIesV(lJ I decided to try it. The" ftrstbottla made a decided improvement in my condition, and five bottles, have com pletely cured me. " G. W. McKINSET, P. 11;. Kbkomo. lad. '1 Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is gold on pmltlvo rnaniDte that the first bottl will. Vnetit. AU druBRlnta sell It at II, 6 bottles tor t. or Itvlllbeaent, prepaid, on receipt ot prln ty the Dr. MUea UeOlcU Go lklut,lod. " rbrTSale by all Druggist. W Jrrr w-r' 1