r- TEE'4J3TANDARD. a CoarcoBD, Cababkcb Conn it. N. C THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1895. JAMES P. COOK. - - editor WHY SIXTEEN TOOSIT A Maryland correspondent asks the Philadelphia Times some ques tions thatought to be addressed to the silver shriekers, or bhmetal'ists, so-calJed. He wants to4know why N 16 to 1, rather than any other ratio ? What is the magic in these par ticular numbers? How do they come abont ? They came about simply by an - eff)rt to estimate the relative value y v. cf silver and gold. For many years the production of neither metal in- ' tyTM& in PTffHsivn nrnnnfinn hp yond the other, and yet the ratio never was really stationary. Dur ing the middle half of the century, though it did not vary more than 42-100ths on either side of 15, even that varation kept the various governments constantly tinkering at the weight of their coins in the vain effort to keep the two metals together. Nevertheless, something ween 15 and 16 parts of silver to one of gold did represent approxi mately their relative value in ' the markets of the world during that pericd. The figures neyer had any other meaning. Granting that. it were now desir able to go back to a system that the world has voluntarily abandoned as imprucuuauie, uiuiuiuu ecune, no wcu as the example of the fathers, to f which appeal is made, clearly sug gists a revision of the ratio. The coins correspond in value, and if their tons are to re same the experi ment, they Bhould do the same When our mint was es abliBhed there was no silver produced in the united States. Now ' we produce abont five million pounds every year, and the old figures are no longer applicable. The actual ratio at present is just about 32 to 1 and if tlje bimetallists really belieye in bi metalhsm, that is the ratio at which ihey would wish to haye silver coin see resumed. Bu they don't believe thing rf the kind. ( THERE HHOVJLU BEOHE. Several years ago Concord or ganized a Chamber of Commerce and it promised to do good service, but by and by no quorum could be secured and the Commerce expired, Bv whatever name vou wish to call it, there is need of an organiza tion a kind of an official mouth piece of the town to look after finch matters as are usually conaid red by such bodies. There are often times when matters that mean much far Concord and her common good need careful and united considera tion. There is no need, nor is there justice, in rhoying along and cnt- ling throats ot legitimate enter yrises by holding hands off and 'withholding necessary encourage ment, when a cordial support, by act and word, would make these enters prises great agencies for good. We need a Board of Trade, or some organization of that kind, to do Buch work for Concord's common interests that do not legitimately fall into the hands of others. JUMandard has never lost an opportunity to Sold upigbr" to the gaze every move and step in Con cord's industrial and roateiial life, and it striyes to always commend the acts and eneigies of those who, oy dint of courage and judgement, put iv motion a work or enterprise that adds a particle to Concord's glory. But there is work for hands to do between the doers and the mouth pieces of the community, the news papers. The growth of Concord in tbe last ten yean has been phenominal no town in the State equals it but - would that growth have not been rreater had ' there been such an -organization of which we speak ? "In lhe meantime, let us all move right on and press forward. There iiawark for "all to do. The able oiwtareasj and those less able caD contribute at least a good word and ' si cordlaJ support to those enterprises rv-t. mean rood for and seek to - - ' -: irage tbe comnrbn Interests. ' . ' i's Jbistory of rConctfrd for the "3 ten years, were it not a real :rnine living everyday evidence, is full that it would seem a dream yETare not. onv Washington, washing and gazins: is at tne lttyer- 4 :; The big - and j - "" - t atXT Caldwell on r i..lem, but up to the Izj to press he's been ything in the woods and V"t ctten crow, either. EBBOK9 CORRECTED. In Savigny's article, "Money," on first page some errors crept in which we desire, in justice to the author, that our readers will bear in mind when reading the article. The laBt word in the 4th line read "Bhall" instead of "should." In the 3rd from last paragraph beginning with ""the people must etc." read "handle 96,000.000 pounds, the pieces being rated at 60 pounds to the thousand ; but if the finer metal be used then only ,000,000 pounds, the pieces being rated at 31 pounds to tbe thousand, making a difference of weight to be handled amounting to 90,000,000 pounds." Also in 2nd from last paragraph the 9,000,000 should be read 90,000,000. These errors are merely from oversight and it is due the author that they be corrected. BIBLICAL RECORDER OS ADVICE. If the ve-ung men set up these last few weeks, to be shot at by all sorts of orators and auvce-civers, will do their best to keep their heads level until cold weather, doing what theycan all the while to , show that they are willing to work hard for small pay and keep at it until they are worth something, determined not to loaf at any rate, and to be honest or die, they needn't bother abont taking anybody's advice as to the rounds on the "ladder of fame," or victorks in the battle of life," oi working out destinies," or follow ing "niding stars to the temple of fame," or anything of the kind. One of the problems tt the times i3 to obtain undersmen who will take pains with their employer's business as with their own, and not expect a larger income than the head of the firm ; and when one is found he is promoted so quickly that the problem is always active. THE DUTY OF DEMOCRATS. Editor Scott, of the Lenior Topic, does not believe in the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1, but says: "I am a party man and am will ing to go ihis far in allowing the majority to decide for me : After no tice has been given and everybody in the party has had a chance to exr preas an opinion, I am going to stand loyally by the action of the majority in all thingB except that I believe that to be true which I really be lieve to be false. After the con vention has spoken and not be fore do I consider that the party has Bpoken, and then I believe it to be the duty of every North Caro lina Democrat to pocket his rodi- yidual views and go into the cam paign for the ticket. And, picking h' s flint, it is his duty to fight it out again for his principles in the next convention." When men become mothers and become fit for queenB of homes, then we can see the sense in women push ing themselves into spheres where. heretofore, eternal fitness put men and men only. In this connection, we see the North Carolina University has conferred the degree of LL. D on Mrs. Spencer. Is it doctor or doctress, or what is it when a woman is put to that degree r ihese are times (hat try men's souls. Sibley, the Pennsylvanian, who digs Secretary Carlisle in the ribs often and unceasingly, is becoming as notorious as the author of Coins Financial School. The Memphis convention was not, it now seems. wired to a "push" under Sibley's thumb. A fellow may think he's got his thumb on the button, but the thing doesn't always ring at the other end. The more we see of it and the more we learn, The Standard beginning to think that the great majority of Democracy, and cer tainly in Cabarrus, iB in fayor of bi mettalism. Are all these peopl cranks ? On the other hand, some of the finest talent and some of the greatest scholarship in the country fayor what is called "sound money.' Are these knaves? "No," certainly Treasurer Worth of North Caro lina, who by dint of circumstances, is more often called upon to construe a law than the Attorney General, ha oscided lhat lawyers, doctors,, dent ists, hotel and boarding house keep ers who have not paid their lict use tax are liable to indictment. The former are taxed $10.00, while the hotels are called upon for 50 cents per bed. Ida Wells is to marry. . She will amuse herself with her hubby for awhile and thus cease for a time spreading lies on the Southern peo ple. Tbe Lorfi. pity the man that gets into her control. ,: In the death of Mr. W H Kerr, North Carolina sustains a great loss! and the inventive world a' great power, No man, by tne dint or brains, ever became more conspicu ous at a young age, yet his great modesty kepi the world from show ing him the honor an J recognition he deserved and which it sought to give. Marion Butler is big in the eyes of some people, but the Memphis convention got him down as M. B. Elliott, of North Carolina. He grinned serenely and took it. In another column we print the sad and shocking death of Mr. W. H, Kerr. It was devotion ; it was that parental love, that carries the parent into the very jaws of death to save a child, that gave up its own life for another. Tis tad ; it makes ones neart bleed. To nave noi jumped, the boy's life would have been lost, and such an one as Will Ferr would have been miserable forever. To leap into the waters caved the child but it cost the father his life. That boy has forever be fore him an example of faithfulness, greatness and love. The Standard congratulates Mr. J W Cannon upon his very successful career in cotton milling business. He is active, full of capacity, energy, common senee and stick-to. it-ive-nesB. He hss made reputation and bis associates in the Cannon Manufacturing Com pacy stand by him, feeling anxious to follow whenever he says "go." It is now another .go. Our news columns tell what steps were taken and these mean another factory for Concord. Mr. Cannon is too modest and too active to stop arid think how he's making history. The Raleigh News and Observer maps out the path in which Demo cracy can win it locates also the breakers upon which Democracy can aasn it sea to pieces, vn tms yery same line and showing'the ear-marks of the yery same feelings, the Char lotte News prints a leading editorial There are doctors on one side with license and there are doctors on the other without license ana there are doctors, who are awaiting the utterances of the great party in convention assembled. There are new things under the sun. Tbe Uaptist church of lieids ville, N. C, ha3 ex-communicated two men and three women who op posed the us 3 of a violin in making church music. There are some peo pie in this world who do not know a thing of muBic, anyway. All this. however, is a novel matter and the sun do shine on a new thing now. That a large number of exior copies nave been called for is eyi' dence that Savigny's first article on money has been read with interest. That was just the preface to the great subject. Unless Marion Butler grins out of it, he has publicly announced that he has cut loose from both the Democratic and Republican parties, He has some worshippers whom he'll have to instruct what thev themselves shall do. lias politics gotten into the cat tie in tms country r au our pur chasers are haying trouble with high kickers and butters. It is becoming dangerous to go even near a bovine if it has tbe appearance that a beef should have. In fact some of them have run their driver up a tree. The building of another factory by the Cannon Mfg. Co., and those by the Odell Mfg. Co , mean con Biderable activity for laborers and mechanics throughout the summer, It means, too, a heavy consumption of the product of saw mills und brick yards. Whenever a new building, such as a cotton mill, begins goiDg up it puts to work, - at profitabl wages, a long chain of men. There is almost annual work in Concord like this and with private residences and those necessary to house opera lives for the new factories, the bar-, vest is plentif nl and ripe: There is no room or need in Joncord for an aichists or idlers. Whenever you. find a woman that marches Ti4ht up and does battle-on a mouse, me win awBuesa oe -mas ter of the bbuseihold aifairs. Laidlaw Gets 840,000 Damage. New Yobk, June 18. The laid law.Sage jury returned to. court this afternoon, having found a ver diet of $40,000 for.tbe plaintiff. Mr, Sage held Mr. Laidlaw and hid be hind him when the - bomb .was ex ploded in his office m .1891. Sage was not hurt, but Laidlaw permas nently injured, ', No morphine or opium in Dr. MUee' Pais CIUA iuBB au run. una cent a aoae.- HOTEL PDOSNIX SENSATION. The Trae Account of tlie AUiiir 5tr. Kttlelle to due Mr. Ingclstrwin. Winston, June 17. It is not the writer's intention to bring before the pubic the matter of Kittelle and the ice, but in justice to all parties con cerned and to the reputation of the hotel, it is best to give all the facts in the case. .The trouble all arose in this wise! The ice was in a large tub, covered over with a bheet, under the cooling boards on which the corpse wes ly ing. It was removed by a. porter, under the instruction of Mr. Kitt elle, from the tub, washed off, placed in the refrigerator, from which it was afterwards taken for the tea and water in tbe dining room. The ice was not in contact with the body at any time. Kittelle when first confronted with the charge by the stockholders denied it emphatically. The directors then called the porter and he was asked in. the pres ence of Mr. Kittelle if he had been told to take the ice from tbe tub and put it in the refrigerator and if he followed his instructions. To both questions the negro answered in tbe affirmative. The porttr was corroborated by a chambermaid. As soon as this became known the guests began preparations for moy ing. me next morning iney int almost in a body, but returned when assured by the management that Kittelle would haye nothing more to do with the culinary department,! The hotel is closed for the present nntil a new and competent manager eaa be found. The bailding is very fine one, well located, and handsomely furnished throughout It is comparatively new. A Drunken "Billy Goal. Monday night a man returned from Salisbury, bringing with bim a two-gallou jug of corn juice. He carried 1' m a sack. Afier arriving up town, he decided that it would not be healthy or wise for htm take said booze home with bim, so he secreted it away in the bed of an old hack that stands on the porch of Mr. W C Boyd's carriage shop, where he intended leaving it until an opportunity to slip it into his home. But Tuesday afternoon, black William goat belonging to Mr John Cms?, the assistant express man, discovered the elegant stuff aud began pulling and jerking the sack until the jug broke. The whiskey was soon absorbed ia the sack, and the William gout con tinued to chew until it got parlvzod drunk, and iu this state of in toxica tion the goat furnished no iittl amount of exciting fun for citizens in that part of the city. The antics of a Billy goat are amusing at a times, but this peculiar circumstance is yet unequalled. A Doservinir Daixl. The Concord Cornet Band is a deserving ojp, and our people do ap preciate their kindness in furnishing music for occasion?, shuch as lawn parties, festivals and conceits. But we should show our appreciation iu a practical way. Some time during njxt week the band proposes to give an ice cream or lawn patty, and it is the duty of every one to assist them upon this occasion. The band needs funds and we should Bee that they get them, for they never have re fused to render music upon any charatable occasion when asked. Smith Ford Ileum. Book and fruit agents flourish. Miss Annie Gadd, of Charlotte, is visiting in this vicinity. A whole family living not far from this place are Miner?, for the children. spell it "minors.""- A humorous lady having a pair of spectacles whose bows are a triflle long, suggest that her ears be "set back" a few degrees. We learn that a new church will soon be erected here. We are not seriously troubled with free silver bugs. The political cal dron is beginning to simmer gently. Augustine. Got. Atkinson Better. The latest rews from Gov. At kinBon, of Georgia, who is in a criti cal condition, is to the effect that he has improved some and that chances for recovery haye increased. When Baby was sick, we gave hepCastorto. Alien she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Hlaa, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. ;. "Metufg Grand' Loge'K, of Y;of North Carolina, Mt. Airy, NT' C. Tickets on sale to" Greensboro or Bural Hall, June 18.h, final limit June 22nd, 1895. Continuous pass age in each direction. Fare for round trip to Greensboro $3.C5, to Riral Hall $5.25. , North Carolina Teachers Associa tion, Kaleigh,' N. O. , Ticket? on Bale June 17 to 22, inclusive. Final limit July 5, 1895. Contiaioas pass age each direction. Fare tor round trip $5.50: ; y'O''zi:' - D'UKE BisarstteS v " A I ANE limmY.l wkMBautaauw..m o O o T-vlMi?&r ifltMw ' We have just received a big lot of llGAREtfESl P&j DUflHA,".C."u.3.A. MADE FROM High Sraie' TGteseo AND ABSOLUTELY PURE A 05 LAWN PARTY. And a 100 Silk tnilt iiven Awny it 6neXlsht-A LUile Coy CetN It. The Ladies' Aid Society of St James Lutheran church gave it lawn party Tuesday night. The larcest crowd ever eetn at I down town lawn party was at the court house, Tuesday night. Ice cream, fcherbet, melons, fruit and ca':es were sold our, withou having left over as much aa fiv pounds of refreshments in all. The frPiim (25 ral!onl pave ou: anu had there ben ten ga'lens more, - v e j n ' too would have been sold, as nume ou8. calls could not be mef. The sum realized from the lawn party, clear of all expenses is sixtj five dollars and forty eight cents The quilt, an autograph one, had nearly enough names to amount to $100; in fact theie was realized on it $93. The number 27 called for the quiit and the ice cream ticket held by kttJe Eugene Brown was num bered 27. Tbe little fellow is not yet six years old and eating a l be could he was ready and did go home. So when the owner of tie quiit w s known the little fello.v w s at home sound asleep and not until he toes to house keeping in years to cyme will be fully realize what ood luck befell him June 18 1895. The ticket v;ns prepared by Dr, Yount, of Conover, N C. put in 8 sealed envcirr av.d m ii'od to Dr Fetz-r Ti'e Indira desir?, through The Stzsoaud. to publicly tSiark Messrs Cannons & Fotz:-r for thti great km i'is ia giving the quiit wet-k'd how in cue of their clegau shew windows to tie exclusion of their own u: siclt-s. And tbe l-.dies want tbt? C( iiCora Cornet Bind feel that It contributed greatiy to the plearaire of the evening and that its generous giving of a number of selections admirably readered i3 highly appreciated and thanks ar hereby pubiic'y given Wonts of I'ralse for n t'oiirord I.n'.iy Hail Gold Mis js, G. C, June 1 To The Standard: Knowing that vou and vour home readers would necessarily feel deeply in tereBted iff tie welfare of any lady of your city, tbe wriier begs to in form you of tbe success of one who has recently tanght a school at thi plaee. Miss Ivy Strieker of your city, came here in January li6t, person ally, a stranger to ey ry one and under adverse circumstances, began teaching a 2nall school. Being brave woman, however, and dr termined to Bucceed, she soon made her tfforts and icfluencs feU, and secured enough scholars for a good school. Her school closed on May 24, and on i av 30 ehe gave an entertain ment of rare interest in the church at this place. The programme was an excellent one, consisting music, songs, dialogues, tableans and recitations, and was rendered in so thorough and faultless a manner, as sot only to fill the audiance with bappy enthusiam, but also to refle? great credit upon Miss Strieker and her scholars. The audiance felt proud of her success, and pronounced the entertainment as one that could not haye been excelled. Those who were closest to Miss Strieker knew she was working earnestly, faith, fully and conscientiously, but even they were surprised at the complet nesa of her success, and the- tact displayed in instructing and train ing these children. The patronB of tho school were delighted, and promptly engaged her to take the school again. - : She came amongst us stranger treatJ J eyery.qntj with Isinrfnessi did her duty faithfully and made man warm friends who wish her a happy stay with her" people in Concord; and a safe-return to us in August, All of. tbe good people here will not only endortTo-all that is written, bu a great deal more, ajad will-welcome her return wiih glad hearts. ' Roanoke There isn't a millionaire alive to day whom an angel would consider rich. . --.I" vy,- Unlaun dried The $1 kind that we vcill 25 DOZ. NEGLIGE SHIRTS Specially low price 45c. 5 Imi Umi ivdid Mi, 15 m Willi Collar attached, POc. Tliey are fine values. ANOTHER LOT WITH COLLAR ATTACHED. 39 Cknts. SILK SCARPS, Suiiiiiier Shades, at 15c. TABLE OILCLOTHS, THE BEST CORSET, all Sample Straw Hats! ALL GO AT HANDSOME STYLES IN DRESS GINGHAMS at 4 1 2. FLOODED- BUT NOT COST MARKS GONE GLIMMERING. Come, let's reason together about yalnes. It will pay you. Af everyone in our town, and miles in the country, knows, the downspour of last Tuesday ''caught us" without a cover over our heads. We sus tained quite a damage. But what of that. We are able to stand it, and it' you need anything in the Furniture line it will be money to you. Until goods are all sold we are going to make prices that will astonish the natives. Say, do you ned a Re frigerator? We Lave the only cleanable, and the Freezing 4 Gurney" on the market. See it belore you buy. Shipments will be in this week. Yours to please. Cannons, Fetzer &c Bell EVERT TOWS Sl AP A liar. A sponger. A blatherskite. A Smart Aleck, Its ritcbest man. Some pretty girls. A girl who giggles. A weather-prophet. A n ighborhood f aed. A woman who tattles. Half a doz:n lunatics. A man-who-knows-it-all. A justice of the peace. One Jacksonian Dtmocrat. More loafers than it needs. Men who see every doj fight. A boy who cnts up in church. A few meddlesome old women. A "thing" that stares at women. A stock law that is not enforced. A widow who is too gay for bis age. Some men who make remarks about women. A preacher who thinks he ought to run the town. A few who know how to run the affairs of tbe country. A grown young u;an who laughs every time he says anything. A girl who goes to the post office eTery time the mail comes in. A legion of smart Alecks who can tell tbe editor how to run his paper. Scores of men with the caboose of their trousers worn as smooth as glass. A man wh? grins when you talk, and laughs 6ut: loud, after he has said something. Western Paper. Allgeld Cnlln an Eztrn BeMsion. . Springfield, III, June 18. Governor Altgeld today issued a oall for an extra session1, of ; ;Jthe Vgs-. latnre to convene on. Tuesday, June 25, 1895, at 2 o'clock j. m. The call recites tbat the tax levy made by' tne thirty-ninth General As sembly is madtqnate, in view of the appropriation made; " that . ihe revenue system of the State'needs revision; that tbe jury evsi.em needs reforming aud that the prisoner labor problem needs tha attention of the Legislature. Every life iB a prayer kind. Of some White Shirts place on sale at 75c. each. 10c. Per Yard. sizes, 18 to 30, for 37c. each. HALF PRICE. DROWNDED bs? u iJ -! r. ' -. i Lo "nv." .i Pewir.p: J'acWne vi. . l-y r.iii:.-ir. advertisement ; i;: ': j-u cull ct tlis best made, f ir a i(.r- r:n-. T-ce to It that ou Iu t;';in r&ilftLilc ir.anU' i ;:'.':.-t'r.i tliat l-cvs pnincd a r'.-i!:::.:iof.ly bovr it ;r.! sciir.ro t t . :!!;;, yuu viil t;:ca Ret a Sc-.v::ii; Hacfcino that is noted t ic T.-crltl over fcr its dur i i;::y. Vou want the one that ia teiiest to manage and is t Light Running 3 ." There Ii no:ia!n the world that VTrnn in mechanical con- straction, durability f working i'--'s'- parts, fineness of finish, beauty r tft'A " npoenranoe, or has as many J"- jo A, ""proveiucut au mo Nkw Home It lias Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike on potn siies o neoile paicnteauriopmeT nas it : Mew Stand f fie tenia, ), di virs wheei hir.pred on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the miniiiiui. WRITS FQS3 eitlCULARC. TRS EM EOSE SSWI5G MICKIHE CO. Cain'!!!, Mam. Cosroir, Mam. S8 Trio:: Borahs, if. T tlUOAW, !U.. ST. LortS, UO. Ptl.MP, TKIAi. as Fasci-co, ATH.,1 A, CA. fCi CLE BY YORKE & WADSWOIITH Coscoed, N. C. CONCORD MARKETS COTTOH' MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fet?er Good middling.... 0 Middlings 61 Low middling .....5.7b S'air.5 4Jto 5 PRODUCE WAKKET. Correctdl bv O. W Swink. Bacon 8 Sugar-cured natns 12tol5 Bulk meats, sides 8 to 9 Beeswax - .5 Butter 15 ChicketJ ;20to23 Corn ..... ...... ......45 Egga UZ:-....:....:10 Lard i..... .. . .......... . ...8toll Flom (North Carolina). 1.75 Meal .....50 Oatj......... .37J fallow. ,.3to -r . '.Hnn II or Riant. - 9 r Uubfciitf ib the (gg put of which all tins are hatched. It is easier to gi re God all than it is to give him a part, ; Tbe moderate drinker is helping to creyel tljfi roViTVEat leads to the pit It nfcy-be that God made the Deadea to show a stingy man how h-1 be devil will promise to pay any of interest, if we tmij take hie mm I L I M E I We are Sole Selling in this mniket FOR Casson Lime Co's. Lf I And CEMENT When in the market we would be pleased to have your orders. "Will have a big lot of FLORID ORANGES for the Christina T HADE - G. W. PATTERSON Wbolesalo and Kotiil Grooar CONCORD, N. O. THRILLING EXPERIENCE! MANY LIVES SAVED A YOUNG IWAR FREVENTED A crowd of esgf-r people were sm turging into ?mithdeal & " MorrI ' Hardware to see their fall stocK of guns. Each man proceeded to arm him self with a deadly weapon, but as the guns were un loaded several accidents were avoided. In the house of this firm your life is ci.iefully guarded, (no loaded guns unchained) and in the purchase of their .goodsvour money ges fur ther than in any other Hard ware Btore in he State. If you don't believe it, come and see our stock of HARDWARE. SADDLES. STOVES. PAINTS, OILS MACHINERY, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, MINERS SUPPLIES AND BUILDERS ' MATERIAL is complete, and must and will be sold at tde lowest possible figure. We also have a car load ot Baggies and a stock of GUNS at low Tariff Prices. CALL AND BE CON VINUED, r )

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