THE : STANDARD (THE : STANDARD i . ' I tuens OUT- ! -FLINTS THJS I GOOD-JOB -WORK UVEU'S THAT IS YEW8 FOE 1 YEAR AT LIVING 'PRICES. VOL. VIII-NO. 25. CONCORD. N C.THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1895. WHOLE NO. 375 ISKVDU. 1 DOLLAR. GIVE US A TRIAL X MONEY. ... . . NO. 2. In my former communication it was iaid that . $1,600,000,000 at CO pounds to. the 1,000 vould we: 9,600,000 pounds. It should have been put 96,000,000 pounds. Simi lar!? 600,000 pounds should have been 6,000,000 pounds, and 9,000, 000 pounds should have been 90,.. 000,000 pounds. If a carload be estimated at 20, 000 pounds, it would require 4,500 cars to carry 90,000,000 pounds, making a tram so ne 20 or 25 miles long. The respective weights of the two metals will exercise an influence to wards determining the prefercnc3 for the one or th other metal. Other thiDgs being equal it has al ways been the tendency of commerce and trade to relieve itself of burdens, and to make the exchanging of pro ducts as easy and as little expensive asjwdible. Thi3 ha3 always been d"e in the interest of the producer, for according to the nature of things, the products of labor must bear the expense incurred in their handling. If a buyer has ten thous and dollars to spend in the purchase of cotton, and it costs him one hun dred dollars to ship the money to the place of purchase, he can pay only $9,900 for the cotton, in which case the producer eyidently pays the cost of transporting the ironey to the place of purchase. It makes no difference in what way the $100 paid, toe result is the same. The buyer would no doubt make the price of cotton such as to reimburse him for any expense incident to pur chasing and paying for the cotton, which would amount to the same thing as if he had paid the full ten JblSpd dallars for the cotton, and nthenTharged and withheld $100, ex peqse incurred in transporting and handling the money to pay for it I; is evident then that money should be portable, and other things being equal that metal which has the greater value and there' ore is the more easily carried, far a given amount, has the economic advantage ii its favor as a-circnlating medium, capability of being easily concealed or hidden is another element in con nection with portability that has a determining it fluehce in making a metal popular as money. Men dc not usually like to display the amount of money they have on their persons. They do not want it to be generally known that they have a large amount . of money in their houBea, to show that one has much money on his pen.on, or in his house would expose the party to the danger f of -being robbed, if not murdered T oivtum reaauu uiuuujr iub wiuui ,i)e easily concealed has never been popular, and until the hearts of men shall have become much improved b . ver will be. large pieces of metal with little value are not so easily concealed as small puces of another metal of greater value. The more valuable metal being the most easily concealed, other thingCljeing equal, will be preferred as a money me'al. Another quality of money is in destructibility. Metals that are not easily corroded or in any way easily destroyed ere the most desirable. Take iron for example, it is easily corroded, lhat is, it will rust and waste very ' easily. This property renders it less fit to be used as money than some other metals. Those metals. thrft are the least destructible are the IcEt adsp'ed. far mote;-. The ordeal by fire is another test, for the better qualities of a money material. Some metals undergo no less when exposed to fire. -Those metals are considered the best for keeping and are therefore the most desirable as mopey metals. '! Homogeneity is also a quality of a good money, metal. There is good iron nd bat iror, which-is another reason why iron is not a good metal to be used as a mecium of exchange. There are.other metals which are al ways the same, no matter in what quarter of the world they are found. Those metals being always one thing so far as the metallic q ?ality of good ness or badness is concerned have been found to be more suitable as money metals than other metals. Divisibility is also an essential qual ity of a money metal, that it is de sirable that the metal should be c p able of division into small denomi nations withtmt loss. It should be a metal that will suffer no loss at be ing cut into' parts. The parts put togather should be of the satm yalue as they were when separated, that ia, four quarters, or two halves should be worth just as much, neither more nor less than the piece that was di vided. Stability of Talaris, a very im portant element of moruj metal. The metal should be worth, a nearly as possible, as much at one season of the year, or rather one year as another. Any change in the yalue of the metal creates dis turbances that are far reaching, Change of value creates doubt and doubt In matters --of trade are always damaging to the commercial interests of. n country. Ifatiots hive devoted their best talent to the qnestien of s'ability ot value in the money metal to be used, ai d the present money of the more cnlight eied nations show the result. If i supposed better undirstanding cf the question ehall suggest change at any time in the future, either near or remot, a change will be made, otherwise not. The en lightened nations are interested in the stability of value of their money oetal whatever that ixetal may be. The metal that suffers the least variation of yalue from year to year, will nave the confidence cf men, and will be held in the highest steem. Another quality of a money metal i that it should bo known easily. In the ordinary ruBh cf business, men have not the time to examine every piece cf metal to ascertain its purity. The metal therefore should be Euch as to be easily recognized. Having stated the seven essential ualities which a material to be used as money should posse33, let us examine a little more closely than was done at the beginning what the functions of money are. The inconvenience that would occur of not having some one mate rial which every person is willing to receive for the products of labor which he possesses is no doubt evi dent to tne reader. Money reme dies this inconvenience by serving, (1) as a medium cf exchange, (2) as a common measure of value, (3) as a standard of value, (4) as a store of value. "in tne lirst form money is aims ply any co modity esteemed by all personB, any article of focd, clcth sg or ornsment which any person will readily receive, and which therefore every person desires to bare by him in greater or lees quan tity, in order that he may have the means of procuring necessaries of life at any time." Now if any ar ticle be selected and used for a con siderable time, it becomes common to estimate the worth of ether artU cles in quantities cf the selected one. Suppoee that corn was the chosen article, then any other com modity would be valued at so much corn. Ifce people would become accustomed to using corn in esti mating the value cf other articles, and woald therefore make corn the standard by which to measure the v.Iue of other commodities. It is in this way that money becomes a common measure of value, and by continued use as a common measure, it ultimately becomes a standard of value, when money acts is a medium f exchange it circulates backward ind forward, keeping near the same srots, and may sometimes return to the same hands. For example a farmer may Eell flour one day to a merchant, receiying the cash for it, and pay it to a laborer, who in turn may go to the merchant and pur j chase the same flour, and pny the same money for it. The merchant now has the same money he paid tbe farmer, holding it ready to pay j o the same or some other farmer for some product of the farm. This goes on eo long a the farmer, ! aborer, and merchant conclude to keep the money moving. If, how ever, in the course of time any one j of them desires to do eo, he may lay ops part to serve him on some fu ture occasion. When thus laid up, it is said to be a store of value. It ought to be clear that the material used as a store of value should be such as every person wants and snch as it is like y that all persons in the future will want. Wheat, corn, pota toes, cloth, and other perishable material would net serve the pi r pose, tltnough tiiamonds, jeweuy etc might do 83 under certain cir- cuma ances- Men do not always want to s. end their money as soon as they have made . it Many men like to keep some money about them to be need aj occasion may nq lire, and particularly to give them tht gjod feeling of being conscion thtt they have something which they are certain will serve tbem a good purpose at any time when their pleasure, conyenience, or. necessities shall require it. Such men are not always misers. In fact they are in the majority of ewes thrifty aLd far seeing, making use of the pros perous present to aid tbem in what ma? be a lees p osi-erous future. . The younger reader may receive help hereafter by remembering the following recapitulation : - Money serves as (1) a medium of exchange ; (2) a commcn measure oj value; (3) a standard of value; (4) a store of yalue. The qualities of a safe material to be used as money are (1) utility and value ; (2) portability ; (3) inde strnctibility ; (4) homogeneity; (5) divisibility , (6) stability of yalue ; (7) cogniz ability, Savignt. WAS IT A BALLOON? Noincthlnsr Tliat Attracted Attention A Religions EntnnslaMt If as Hys teric. Was it a balloon ? Thursday afternoon the attention of several hundred of our citizens j was drawn heavenward by the ap pearance cf something in the air sailing majesticly over the city in shape like unto a balloon. It was pure white when first seen, but soared higher and further, at times shining like crystal, then it would turn over and look black. Some parties with Held glasses claim to have soen a yolumn cf scioke rising from it and that it was Inhabited. It sailed in a northern direction, and was more than an hour in passing from over the city until it became invisible to the naked eye. The air ship was fol lowed by several young mjn with rifid?, who attempted to bring it to theeirth. Their efforts, however, proved fruitless. nue eager ana curious eyes were watcnia? the shin, an old clored woman, Marv HcManns. wno lives in the east end of the dtj aa(j wLo ia a reli,iou8 enthum ast, saw it, too. She claimed that it was Old Gabriel and that time was up that she was only awaiting the trumpet call. Just for fun a young man got noia or a drum corps bugle, went op into the new roller mill and blew it, which caused the woman to shout herself into bys terics, and it is said that she came near passing in her check Thursday nignt. Holland Mieils Team. Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock ex-casbif.r Holland passed through Concord in charge of Marshall Allison, on hie way to Albany peni tentiary. Holland wore a sad look upon his face end when he saw the reporter observing him and making notes, the man Bhed tears. Hol land's hair and moustache is gray and his appearance was that of a man who was suffering mental and physical pains alike. He certainly looked pitiful, but id justice and law there is li'tle or no pity for such defaulters. The W. C. T. I . Adjourns. The W C T U Convention in seE- session several days at CharJotte ado journed, Friday evening. The tfficers for the coming year: President, Mrs. M E Cartland ; Mrs. O E Craven, corresponding secre tary ; Miss M E Mendenhal), Greens boro, recoiding secretary ; Mrs. Is C Weatherly, trsasurei . iust Couldn't tanl It. About 'fiye weeks ago the mer chants of CoLCord entered into a contract to close their stores at 7 o'clock. It was unanimous except Mr. Billy Cook. Friday night the flood broke. A number of stores opened. Some claim Uncle Billy Cook was getting rich, while some claim that the con tract was not kept in good faith on the part of all. The stores are open anyway. t'urc For Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache, Electric Bitters has proved to be the very beat It effects a permanent crre and the most dreaded habitual eick head aches yield to ita influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure 4 bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual consti pation Electric Bitters cures bv giving the needed tone to the bow els, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine- Try it once- Larea bottles only Fifty cents at Fetz9r's Drug'Store. Se l'eople, Ab'fnerc! If you couyert an ounce of silver bullion worth 50 cents into the snoney of the country worth 100 cents there will be a clear eain to i.he owner of the bullion of 50 cunts. Now if tbe owner of the bu Dion clears 50 cents will not somebody lose 50 cents in the oppera'ion ? We bink so. But, says our free coinage friends, ht; stamp of the government makeB it worth 100 cents to either of us. Well, but who is the loser ? The government ia thej security, I sup pose - the government is the loser. Who constitutes Jthe government? The people. - Who then is the loBer ? Tbe people. - Ah there 1 Stanly Ent rprise. r The omnibus landing it tbe south side of the depot is being filled in and levelled. .". LOCAL'S- Matthew Barringer, an aged col ored man of the town, diedjWedues day. The trialof "Mr. Baiter Shem- well for the killing of Ur. Payne will beginTibe 1st Monday ia July Notices relative to the license tax on doctors, lawyers, boarding houses etc., have been posted about town. A young lady in the city, who has a hobby for flowers, reeently planted eeyeral hundred potato eips, think ing they were violet plants. Concerning a sweetheart's taming capacity, a girl should look beyend his being able to support her nicely on his knee. We have not yet seen a'man er a boy on Mr. John K Patterson's pony that didn't l:ok well. Dr. Holden is the latest equestrian. It's proof positive a silver crank has wheels in his head when he points to the pneumatic tire as evi dence of tha benefits of inflation. Mr. Stafford Goodman tells us that his wheat is decidedly better than it was last year. This is the common report from over the coanty. The University of North Carolina now ranks among tbe foremost Col leges in America in scholarship, equipment aud general efficiency. See advertisement. Mr. Preston Lndwig, who has been on a visit of several weeks to his brother's, Prof. Ludwig, at Mt. Pleasant, has returned to his home in Georgia. Mi33 Lien bach, the renowned soprano, appears at Armory Hall tonigut. Price cf admission is only 35 and 50 cents. It is a treat. seldom afforded our citizens. Mr. Eugene Barrier, of No. 5, who for five vears has not been able to move his lower limbs on account of paralysis, hs reguined, in a great measure, the use of them. He has taken several buggy rides recently. A familiar fhCj ia seen at Johns ton's drug store now. Mr. Jtse Hamilton, the popular drug cierk vho has been quite sick for a month, is again at his post. Jesse is yet a robust looking little fellow. Chief of Police Boger came in. He asked our estimate of Concord's population. He wa3 told 5,600. "That" he said, "wa3 true when you wrote it, but now there are 5,001." The young ladv'u presence at his home is felt. Rev. P E II Derrick, of South Carolina, who accepted a call to the pastorate of St. Stephen's and Mt Olivet Lutheran congregations in No. 6 and No. 7 townships, spent Thursday in the city. His family will arrive next wet k. There is an old whet rock at Mr J P Allison' store that has been used in so many spots and so much until its general appearance and shape reminds one of an inch auger. Mr. Allison has sharpened his little knife on this Btone eyer since the war. Mr. Joe Kluttz, of Albemae, went through Ue city Wednesday eyening enroute to Mcoresville where his brother, Mr. Dess Kluttz, is sufferirg greatly with nearfc troubles. The Standard hopes Mr. Kluttz will find his brother improved and out of danger. To those of the preachers who ong for riches and have to intioduce. side efforts to accomplish euch, there is something of a comfort in the fact that tbe lute Rev. Dr. Bailey, of the Raleigh Biblical Recorder, left fin estase alned at between 50,- and $60,000. 3 here is encourage ment in it also for i ewspuper men. Mr. J P A lisun has had the other wheat, of which w. spoke, shelled out. Twenty-four h-ada weru pro duced by one grain planted. Tbe farmer 19 bend uude G93 grams and these 24 made 790. So you see produced from 2 grainH planted 1483 grabs. This id farming, and Mr. Allison heirs a t-plendid reputa tion for wheat growing. ."Hinry Forest, the u gro who loaned a chum n change of clothing and bad hi n arrested for stealing several-days ago,' and who had to pay the costs in stid prosecution, has his days of male, lie works on the brick yard, and as . ic is custo mary thq handJ proceeded to initiate the old man. It wa3 h lough job, howeyer, the old negro having bit one man's forefinger nearlyT off, and clubbed several ' others, bruieing them up badly. . A house on Cabarrus ILights is built on pillars fifteen feet -high, Sheriff Sims has not issued any li censed o doctors.lawyers etc, but they are ready and all will be well by July 1st, 1895. ' Dr..W H Wakefield, of Charlotte will be in Concord on Frid.y, July 5th, one day at the St. Cln i J His practice is limited to Ejr, Eir, Nose and. Throat It was a ea.d sight Fridav : A little boy holding a iwo-horse team.late in the evening while hie arunken ratner was oraMjr ub ut the stores. Newberry Collega, of South Caro lina, has conferred the degroe of Ph. D. upon Prof. h. T J Ludwig, of the chair of mathematics at North Carolina College. Ventilators have been placed m the belfry of St. Andrews Lutheran chureh in order that tne bell can be heard at a greater distance than heretofore. High weeds and grass haye been mowed down on the principal Btreets They should be kept in that condi- tion at all times. Verily snake patches a.e Buffering. The Lincoln Courier, geltiig hungry says: "We would be glad to have a few gallons of cherries on subscription." We'll take 'em on a plite. on a wheelbarrow on most anything. Some people are constantly troubled with pimples and boils, especially about the face and neck. The best remedy is a thorough course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which expels all humors through the proper channels, and so makes the skin become soft, hia'thy, and fair. Mr. S Phileo, the tragedian who was with the Rogers Co med y Com pany during its engagement herv?, is in the city, endeavoring to get the Knights of Pythias ti take hold and produce ' Damon and Prthias." We hope he will succeed. Mr. Ii Victor Caldwell returned P'riday from a trip through Rowan county, and inforni3 u reporter that wheat snd crops in general around Mill Bridge were neyer better, m looks, ne spoke in very compli tnentary ways about the industry and vim of the farmers in that sea tioncf Rowan aud Cabarrus counties. B ron used a great deal of h?ir- dresciug, hut was very particular to have only the be3t to be found in the market. If Ayer's Hair Vigor had been obtainable then, doubtless he would have tested its merits, as so many distinguished and fashion able people are doing now-adays. Mr. E O Hackney, proprietor of the Durham Weekly Recorder, haB sold that office, the good will and subscription'books of that paper to Col. Al Fairbrother for $1,000. The papers were drawn up and .signed to-day. It ia understood that Mrs. Fairbrother ia to have charge of the paper, which will continue its appearance as a weekly. Col. Fair brother will, it is said, put in most of his time on the road in some other business. THE BEST Family Heoicinc She Has Ever Known. Words of Praise from a New York Lady for AVER'S PILLS " I would like to add my testimony to that of others who have used Ayer's Pills, and to say that I have taken them lor many years, and always derived tlio best results from their use. For stom ach and liver troubles, and for the cure of headache caused by these derange ments, Ayer's Pills cannot be equaled. When my friends ask me what is the best remedy for disorders of the stom ach, liver, or bowels, my invariable answer is, Ayer's Fills. Taken in sea son, they will break up a cold, prevent la grippe, check fever, and regulate the digestive organs. They are easy to take, and are, indeed, the best all-round family medicine I have ever known.". Mrs. Mat Johnson, 368 Rider Avenue, New York City. AYER'S -PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer's Sanairilti Cares alt Blood Oltordari . ."iiSBSv A SOUND MONEY CLUB. One Organized at Wilmington by Mass-Meeting of Democrat. Wilmington, Jnne 20. A mass- meenug ot citizens composed obit fly of business men wis held in the court honae tO'day and organized under tin i me of the I)emwr-tic Sound Mot ey Club. Article three of the c. ns'itution as adopted reads: "The fbj n f this organization shall be 10 pro mote the in relligent study of motsp tary an-l fii;iincial question, to foj W a .ya! i "pportof tle 1) an, or t- ic hduuuidtraiiou and to endeavor to preje.-ve the integrity and ascen dency of the Democratic party " ATKINSON BETTER. Georgia's Yonng Governor May re cover, Special to The Standard. Atlanta, Ga., June 20, 4 p. m. The condition of Governor Atkicsoa who was at the point of death, is better. His physicians are bopefu for his recovery. AN INHUMAN CRIME. Mother Hold One Son While Anoth Cots Him to Death. NeR bus been received by parties in this city of a most shocking crima committed in Mount Gilead Montgomery county, the latter part of last week. Two brothers, Andrew and Maun Uhodes got in a dispute about seme family matter. Sarah Kbodes, their mother, seized hold of Andrew and held him fast for what cause it is not known. While she was bolding nim Mann Kbodes took out bis knife and ripped his Irother up and down his body, killing him. Sarah and Mann were both arrested ana piacea in un. mere is some talk of lynching both mother and ffon among the colored people. Mann as eighteen years of age and An urew iuneteen. au parties were colored and. none of them were drinking. No further particnlars are obtainable. Iiileigh Press. Jtlek ami SutterTirKT .oj rs. v jv ranersoc, wno is id lr ctr n i . oalisbary quite sicv, e are glad to learn is better. Her life was almost despired of Sunday last. Ejquire J O H Bcrkhead ia quite sick at- his home on West Depot street. Mr. John Uorrell, who went to Albemarle last week and who un dertook the trip from there to this place Wednesday, fell by the way side three miles east of Mt. .Pleasant, where he was picked up and Iroaght to the city Thursday morning in very bad shape. He had gotten overheated and was prostrated. Mr. Elam Castor was considerably bruised and skinned up Wednesday afternoon by being tripped acd he coming entangled in the rope at tached to his cow. His injuries are not serious. Another Grow . It has often been said that ac commodations at this depot were the poorest afforded the traveling public of any Btation of Concord's size on the entire line from Washington to Atlanta. This can justly be said. Passengers go to the depot when the train ia late, eit in tha. close, hot room and suffer for the want of a cool drink of water or a bit of fresh air. It's a pity the Southern would not be more considerate in furnish ing the ttaveling people with better accommodations. But then it is a "lone lane that has no turn. ' Stronger Died Here. Mrs. Walton, who came to Con cord several weeks ago from South Carolina aud who was cared for by friends at Cannonville, died Tues day night and wa? burid Wednes day afternoon at Cold Water grave yard, three miles south of town. Rev. J O Alderman, of the Baptist church, conducted the burial ser vice. The woman was in destitute circnmBtance and very feeble heal h when she arrived here, and gradually grew weaker until death relieyed her Bufferings. onldn't Make II. Messrs.' II u Dick, Will Barrier, Jay Sims and Albert Freeze started to Salisbury List "bight on their bikes," but before reaching China Grove, punctured his tire and tbe nuts ran off Mr. Dick's wheel and thy couldn't make it any further. Tney c:imj back on the 10 o'clock train Wednesday night. Messrs. Will Barrier and Jay Sims went straight through, returning this morning about 6 o'clock, mak ing the return trip in 2 hours and 20 minutes. " Mis. Henrietta M Dowd, mother of editor Howd of the . Charlotte News, died thursday at her home near Cbarbtte. She was 52 yea s of age. ' Highest of all in Leavening KORNER WRITES- TTot" many peonie of tbir town reiily r.'iilizj how Dear a wilderness our cemeterief are? If you Lave not ViBited any or all of them, yon phonld I''. ouM give von sime'hiiig to think about lhe fact is- wnen one jSwliies and it laid away to rest, a monument or a gravestone posted, be poon Tirgo'ten an'i the weed3. grass at'-i shrnbbry are not many years ip h' ling from "ie the few mark nf jememb'Tance placed ever a rruTe, wuh no o. e to make a clearance, even in uirfiiy sear. The citizens are too thoughtless aad un concerned, 1'i't othinkiLC, tospetii' much tioiy or mon'y either on thi which fchould tie looked with pride. The grave yard is not an in viting place to any one, but wbtn I am put away, I would like a place with a more .Hlcome appearance than tbe cemeteries in tcis city. There is not a country gre yard ic miles around tbat ia not better kept than those in our nrdst. My wife and children have often asserted that should' iLey live to see me buried, they would sse that, "my grave was feept greeu. lot tne.j others mav not attempt such a duty when tbey are dead and for gotten; so in one of the wildernesses I must be lost. I would loye to see some efforts made towards bringing about a change from the present state of affairs. My wife has volun teered, as only the good women do, to start a clearing up fund with one reat big dollar. Who viii be next ? I'm thi.ikin its a mighty bad practice aud a mighty bad example set for the rich youth, to treat enmina'u of wealth as they are in the State. A rich man can commit a crime ana . e deprived ot no . usuries f he hits means to procure them, with exception ot liberty to racibl jronnd outside prison walli, and it is a matter of indifferance as to how long his confinement 13 for, for he wauts for nothing every wish iz gritifiid his room is carpeted, a nice feather bed for him to sleep on, beautiful paintings hung in his cell, all kinds of literature furnished him, with cigars and a dram oc casionally to enliven his spirits everything to make it pleasent for him, while some wretch whose crime is ten timeslightei with prodablyan uneducated family with no help at II, lies next door on t!:e floor or cot with one blanket on which to rest his miserable being tr.d body. Such reyerse makes my heart ache for tbe poor criminals I think ail criminals should be made share equal privi leges, be rich or poor, of any race or color. Crime is crime and the laws should allow no euch "special privileges." I am an equaljrights man on the pnnislimnnt of crim inanals. It's most tine for t' e old man to dig his taters, swing up his red pepper and pull .his onions, there fore I will have to devote more time to my individal affairs than to how to manage a to n and State, and will leave it to people who have more authority when they dictate. If the town or chamber of commerce deceased had the moutL -piece that worries me so much, its existence would soon become miserable, at times Tbe bby has awakened Goodbv, Korsou. hnved a Boy from Lynching. Gutheeie, O., June 18. Buster Cannon, a sixteen-year o'd negro boy of this city, assaulu-d ten-year old Nettie lean Heme ou a country road near Falls today. He as cap tured by a posse of indignant men and was being strung up .when offic ers rescued him and drove him to Chandler jail where be is strongly guarded, as a raid on the prison is expected. 'I wo Jlnrdera Hanged Yenterday. St. Thomas, Ont., June 18 Jno. Hendershott and Wm. Davis Welter were hanged here this morning for the murder on December 14th, 1894, of Wm. Henry Hendershott, nephew of the former and cousin of the latter. - t'nltf rally Summer Hcheol. Tne University Summer Sehoo' for Teachers at Chapel Hill will begin June 25. - Tickets at reduced fates may be bought at all stations rom June 22, good to August 1st. Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report aim: " r '. 11 : THE O I HEIi 'SIDE."2 The ti ,.:: ii rhr'Ntion Airoeate 3iilIK!iei. UetM Let (em nnd Then I'nhllslies Acftin. Scvitv. tveiks r.g the Methodist, ChHtf'iii'i A ivosate, one cf the best church papers we ever saw, said. something efartling on tbe money t question. Here it. i .- : ''The greit q'leuioa before the people in the nest few months, we may say until after tbe next presi dential election, will be monometall ism or bi-metnilisru Which shall nold fi'Pt place? A bauks, 83 wfcole, will favor that financial ejss tem which is Ief3t benec:al to tbe people, we reed only to wait for their dtliveranees ahdUke tie o'her de." The fTAXDARM Bro. B'air, one of Uip tdi ere, waa sure tju tn ujt th author. The rev marks were eo ewi-'pic th-t q trite naturally several parlies vrcte the Advocate. Among thesi were prcinrent untie men cf Concord, ilaleish ard elsewhere. The A!voct2 ia c kter i&zue publishes thk oyer the signature cf Rev. Crooin,', one cf 'be liters : "In our remarks la?1; week about njonemetiliem snd bimetalism we were not felly uuderslood, eo we will extend what we have to cay md bo more expiii'it : V" think biiike ore very r:i.Ci:ga;r institu ions of gieat benefit, c.k: dieted by as intelligent and moral iftn 1 3 any other of our great err"r;ri While rs any ban officers li.vr gon.- wrong, the great majority bv.e fore right and lived up to c h:b fc;..i.daru. The temp- tation to I'ljcij.-.'-'-m and living be yond income aud consequently to become dishonest i3 great, making a pr-jjturc hrc-3istable to some natures. The wonder is that the number cf defaulters has beSu larcer. While this is true these men haye amongst their na'.iber heartless Guaneiers, and great schemers, and snch is the natnre of the existicg banking system thst it ij in their power to enlarge or cratrcct tha amount of money ia circnlatioa in such a way ?3 to paralyze or unbuild other great institutes ; when general prosperity on t'ie whole is bt6t far banks also, t'ewe at the great centers nf finance can prosper even arr-icir wrecIT" uud ruin ; 3tock3 in gold do no: 3jtuate X other s:ocks. 3 bere men ire f.b: to cr-ntroi Eeaitrs and governors, ard many believe they do so for their own benefit. If this ic true they deserve th? pevereet exco nation. We do cot think national banl:s cor any other institution should ever occupy a lobby to affect legislation, and when they do the people will compiain, and justly. As the evil alluded to exists al most wholly beyond the borders of our State, where our paper does not circulate, we had as well' not spoken perhaps. . There was no political significance whatever to what we said. Butlhereis great moral s;g nificance whether a great syndicate or congress of syndicates be allowed to fix or affect a financia' basis by which many millions may be made ;o suffer." Jinn Ileen HobblnK Undo Saul. Asheville, N. C, June 19 C M Mills, formerly of Tryon, N, C, h&t been arrested--! the charge of em bezzling from money order funds of tbe government to the amount of $.r00. He was he'd to answer to the Federal court in bond of $1,000. YEARS OF INTENSE PAIN. Dr. J. IT. Watt, draepist and physi cian, Humboldt, Neb., who suffered with heart diseaso tor four years, trjiafc every remedy and all treatments known to Lim gelf aud fellow-practitioners; believes that heart disease i cui :tle. lie writes: "I wish to tell what your valuable medi cine has done for mo. For four years I had heart disease of tho very worst kind. Sev eral physicians I consulted, said it was Rheumatism of the Heart. . It was almost un endurable; with shortness of breath, palpita tions severe pains, unable to sleep, eepocially on the left srle. No pea can de scribe my suffer mm ings, particularly .during tha last j: months of those four weary years. DR. J. H. WATTS. I Anally tried Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, and was surprised at the result. It put new life Into and made a new man of me. I have not had a symptom of trouble since and I am satisfied your medicine has cured me for I have now enjoyed, since taking it Three Years of Splendid Health I might add that I am a druggist and hsv j sold and recommended your Heart Cure, (or -I know what ithas done for rae and only wish I coufa steteTnore-cloarly my suffer- f ing then and the good health -K3f30Vr. Tour Nervine and other remi;o""iTo 1 give excellent satisfaction. J. SL Watts, j ' Humboldt, Neb., May , 1. Ir. Miles Heart Cnre is nold c ft yw't" riarantee that the first bottle will tx'i .'u 11 druK?istsseii itatU, 6 bottles fori.'-, or tt.wlil ri sent, prenaid, on receipt of Pl -f if tue ht. Miles Modic&l Co. iiaiLM4. Dr. Aiiip' Heart C;irr t Kestores ri.?" aU.Drnghf. I i 1 . . .. ( .

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