THE : STANDARD PRINTS THE MEWS THAT IS MEWS TANDARD. TURNS OUT - GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. FORI YEAR ' SEVDUM DOLLAR VOL. VIII-NO. 33 ' CONCORD -N. C.; THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1895. WHOLE NO. 333.' GIVE US A TRIAL. 'HE : STANDARD. -to MONKEY. JSO. 10. The yalue of a dollar, as Borne one has said, is the unknown amount of attraction existing between the mind and 412 grains of silver or 25 8 grains of gold, each metal ninetentbs fine. As a chemist would say it is the affinity existing between the mind and tbe pieces of metal. If A's mindXaa a greater affinity for B'a hat than it has for A's dollar, and B's mind has a greater affinity for A's dollar than it has for the hat, A's dollar will fly to B, and B's hat will fly to A. If. C's mind has greater affinity for the druggist's r!ass c soda water than it has for tive cents, c.c re? druggists' mind has a greater atHnity for the-live ccts tk it hs.i for the gods water, the i,o!. r jnoye to C and fbe Jive ouota will move to the drug gisr. tics iTO t : nada mid theebmmodi. - or HrrxrK" themselves ac- cording minds rv' i" their iif;isities. Those TEr-.od: ies having the areatt-. !ii itua tor one another will uciti either permanently or temporarily ;,cccrd'v g to the force of attraction which ciaws and binds them tegethtr. Now uiilliocB of minds and mil lions of r-oifiiaodities are constantly attracting one another. Money and ctber commodities are' kept going from one person to another until they finally arriyejn hands by which they are more or" less firmly held. This moving of money is called cir culation and possesses many features that are extremely interesting. The idea of motion is intimately connect- ed wi h that of circulation. If the movement of money be swift it is said that the circulation is rapid. If th movement is slow, then the cir culation is said to be slew. If a hundred dollars move with the ve locity or rapidity 10, it will do as much work as a thousand dollars moving with a velocity or rapidity 1. That is to Bay a hundred dollars circulating ten limes as fast as a thousand dollars will accomplish the same amount of work. This is illustrated by what are called good times and bad times. During the former business is active, money circulates freely, whilst during tl a latter, business is dull and money moves slowly or not at all, j The motive power behind circula tion iB confidence. When met "are confident that they can make; monej b making investments they are very likely to make the n. Where . there is a rac't of confidence as,. an enterprise or investment will pay, prudent men willjbe very jcaref uas to how and to what ; extent they ' take, hold. Will an investment pay, is the first question the cau tious business man asks, himself bo- ore" engaging in any speculative or other enterprise. It should be observed that it is not the confidence of the reckless venturer that gives case and rapid,, lty to circulation, borne men st em t have coufidcncn iu an? kind of ett- 1 uprise i ills tliOi'. nov ruoiiey by jiic to invest on the psine'; but, i I': creditor, : of ti.9 (.- is govsri impulse, t. protnotir-g that, if it pays, I win, k : j no; pay, you, the . Tt 1a ' aj4 confidence . as business mam, who by reasc-i and- not by t is the main factor in. yjsiness activity. It is the conscientious, c uious business meo of a c ltry who are real pro moters of 0; ijmercis ! and industrial life. But that the confidence .of business mea may be secured! there must be up threats to change the standard of value. A doubtful and greatly changing measure: of value "C would be fatal to industrial : and V commercial life. ; '.. -' ' ' It iar always desirable top have- money circulate freely. -But'-there can te nocircblaOn' wtere -the.fti are Wo&ucteiot. labor tomeve. Money eabtrot" move' iteeff. Thefi mu&.ttf.V W.B)oyame4t eomethihrjle --If i- cottntrrhai no:hin3ox mo'neyifr nStfW -into 4t,Mu4 ' Kow it is a well .known fact.' that mo&ejg isvery ihnid; aud .will hide iise'l'r .ylrjXqijBiMfefyviii the"danget'8igBrfl huhc' put-One of the;dangef8: jt?i8 most fearfuXpi is lowfringlhV. staffdarcU of- yalnev Lowers ijufhat no new.thioa ini'the history.: of the world he perfmeni;haeek- tried and; tke.-r.eau!t ,hks 'tjae.nw1t: hibitea to tleorldi . 5's-f - In -ibihiliAfiipi' Repoblio tbe-iROvemment chatigvd the licit of 5.vali v '& it weighed. Umlve ounces. Ai. the -Utne'-we are spealfiDB of lt M tp05ghliiht;the siandard.wai toq high, aceote! ingly th Aibr Ppndo, a dvjdefl into twelve equal parts. In that case the usit was an ounce, whereas before it had been a pound or twelve ounees Of course yalues were sot increased. Dividing a pound of sugar into twelve equal ports does not increase the quan'ity of sugar, Bat if yalues did not increase, as we won Td" say, the number of dollars did. By a simple act of govern nent one dollar became twelve dol lars. A Roman who was worth one thousand dollars was suddenly en riched to the amount of twelye thousand dollars. The pound of copper had felt the magic powei of the legislator, and was suddenly transformed into twelye pounds, Copper was the money. Tbe As or Pondo was the unit. It originally weighed one jound. When it waB divided into twelve equal parts eseh part was still called an As or Pondo, All this no doubt looks very pretty, but let us remember that the act of the legislator did not save cop per which ultimately lud to give way to silver, 8Dd what is of greater interest to ub. the act did not save Rome. The great Republic fell, and the liberties of tbe reople buried in the ruins. How much the change of standard of money had to do towards hasten ing the downfall of the mighty Re public it may be impossible, to. say, but that it contributed its share, whatever that share was can. not be doubted. The reckless speculation that would naturally follow such a speedy rise of prices, no doubt contributed to the ultimate result more than we would be will ing to admit. Now, it is one of the attending re suits of high priceB that, where a credit system prevails, the amount of debt is correspondingly increased with high prioes, a hundred dclhsr d-bt is more easily and qnickly made than with low prices, wm n thd renc tion comes, r. hich must come, the people are caught more largely in debt, than if prices had been low. Their downfall is more sweeping, and their ultimate recovery more hope leBS. What is wanted is not change, but invariability of standard. It should be kept in mind always that the change cf standard is not so much a change of the material which forms the standat d as of the yalue of the material. The standard of value is not a material something, bat the yalue of a some thing. Material can no more meas ure value, than a yardstick can meas ure bushels of wheat. If a note be giyea for one hundred dollars, the number of dollars is a fixed and. de finite quantity, but the value of the dollars may change, and wiil change if the standard by.which it is, meas ured keeps changing, and since notes are given as promises to pay numbers of dollars and not values of dollars, it follows that whilst the number of dollars to be pa d and received re mains thv same. Their value mat be gi enter or less at tbe time of settlement than it was at the time ,tte note'wds givSn, If the value of che dollars increases ttuii the debtor will be wronged, but if the value de creases the creditor wiil be wronged It is to prevent this wronging of either party to the contract, that has caused the most enlightened nations to seek that standard, wbichhas .the greatest stability of value. A contract neing made to py dollars and not to pay value of the dollars, it is very evident, that any rise or fall in . the value of the money, has no effect on the agreement to pay dollars. The agreement being to pay dollars, dol lars tnuBt be paid regardless' of any change of yalu9 that may have taken place since the contract is for this reason that, shrewed busi ness.' men try -to settle all claims promptly, on ahortj, time , Short time;, notes are less subject to great t a'fiitibn of yalue than' lcm , tinje potei.; Oovernment banks, railroad, xity and other banks thai do not Hnature soon.-but leave long jeriods Icto run, are iriofe likely o be affected lW teaBon jthat the folders of such -bonds require that the standard 'shall not fluctuate in, valne. - To eecure themselves iu--this . respect, they usually require that the-bonds shall .ba paid at maturity in money based upon the least variable standard.-The least yariable standard at this time Seems te be gold, es tfie"-' most in te.Iigent and progressive nations $ayedecided . . .1 ' U The value of money ' should be i!qrmjih. amiiotjmimj jear to yer bat f remeadto-T?dei cade b JasyeariJ jfoinr; aX fbff D atu e,e6 things wiiltpermik- Ceni staiicV'ef rhh value. ihehUlve. bf i r - - i-- ; i coutse -juwn aroijifj k9 M'e!C tnatantiardAwiH inipi 5 f; Y know nothing oMhe mo- bidden pewerUwhichakeeps the Drug-store. '- '- " dify, Burlington News. wheels of commerce and trade . in motion. Any demonstration which has a tendency to destroy this con fidence is hostile to the best interests of the people, and should be treated as it deserves . to be treated. .The violation of an economie law is just as injurious to the' body of the commercial and industrial world as the violation 01 a hygenic law is to the body of man. . The one can no more take place.without its attend ing eyils than the other can. Unfor tunately, a mistake in the economic world is most grievously felt bv those leaBt able to bear the evil. Unfor tunately, too, it may happen that, I under the plea of seeking belter con unions, demanding reform may really mean aakine -for economic rum. BAVIGNY. N. O. ROAD RJB-EEASED. Tn JSontheru Get it for 99 Yenr fhe Standard Foredbadowed What Wan Coming-.' " The directors of the North Caro lina Railroad- met at Burling'on Friday. The full board was present. The board h;ld . a . preliminary meeting in the morning. Private stockholders present held a meeting. President Sam'l Spencer and Vice President Andrews were present. A dispatch sent out Friday night from Burlington is as follows : - The after aftta session of the di reotorr was Mlvate as the morn ing session and late this' afternoon the work was " ae - and the Ncrth Carolina ixaiLroau became the- pro perty of the Southern for ninetys nir.e years at a annual rental of. 6i per cen,t for six-years and 7 per cent for ninety-three years, which means forever, The North Carolina road wii in the future declare a di- yidendei 6J per cent per annum, wbich sub, cts it to taxation whieh tax the Sou l,ern pays as well as the keeping up or th9 road bed, etc.. as in the old lease The Southern officials came pre pared to ooneumisiate the work today and the papers v ill be sig-i id up be fore they leave i a special which iB waiting on the yard at this hour, 10 m. The vote of the board was al most unanimous, but it could not be had tonight. The Standard, in Wednesday's issue, published the first information of the expected re-lease on Friday, though many thought otherwise. Bntfuy Stolen. - Last Tuesday night' some one stole the new Columbus Jbuggy and harness of Mr. Chas. A Murph, who liyes in No. 4. The fame night - Mr. Murph's buggy was stolen a hmse wss taken from Mr. Rogeis, who -lives across the Rowan line. U .supposed tbat the same fellow stole both. Mr. Murph -has offered a $ 15 re ward for the recovery of hu buggy. Mr. Htllor'B Blooded Colt.- ' . Col- J A King informs, the Land-. mark that Mr -D A Miller, who is something of a horse niau, is the proud and happy possessor of a thoroughbred colt, which he pur chased from a Georgia stock farm for the sum of 200 in Laud paid. The 'colt has been put in chaHe of Mr. Sam Gates, a noted turfman and fcorse'-trainer, who will give it a proper educatior ajd fit it for coming out into society. Co1. King ia evidently iniprebsed with Mr Miller's purchase, but he says it has a few slight defects mere tiillc-s which he ennmurated in part- It is, he said, cat-hammed, sia-b.-aided,' hogs backed, rabbit'btt-asted, Shad bellied, ewe-necked, hammer-head-! ed, knock-kneed and has crooked hind legs. "But," suid the colonel I in conclusion, "it is long of limb and light of body and will probably outgrow . these slight : defecis.'V Statesville Landmark-; .i -. ;a It:is not cUta, that a - native- Ca barrus man en like-Mr. Dan --Miller-twill go off- and -have himBelf come irppessaassion-of a -beast like the one the Landmark's horse-edi-- ictr nnnRnhPBil -; "-i "4 A Hodden Call. - -it .-..-ir..v Mr;R M Avetin popular -and well-known -citizen- of ,Mocksyille,i' apped--dead-WeeBdTtnT)nifttbat it ia thought that auch arrange- While sitting at the. breakfast table he, informed his family -that b was blind, and ould not- understsnd bis' peculiar feeling. Suddedly helell back in bis chair dead le would have fallen on the., floor had not a member of. the family caught .him, Heart trouble , is . thought to : have been the .cause of his death. Thqpfi who have used Dr. .Kit g's New- piscovery know- its value... and those, who have pot, have now the opportunity, to try it Free. - Call on the a ixeriised Druggist and get. a "Tfi Botti.JFree, Send your name, an jidsresB; to It li Buckiep t. Uo., ChioadBi sawple: bOxof Dr. i&g..e,JaFsWasWelte4 'ehoe with 'Urotl rf Oiiid ro Hfialth - k"" . - r- : "r.vrrr:I -x.r aii LOCALS- Erant making is in order, Wine presses are running in van ous parts of the city, Mr. ' John B Mnrr, who waa bo badly broken up with rheumatism, is. able out again. The influx of -. tomatoes to this market is greater than the demand It's a pity we haven't a cannery. The bridge at the corner of Spring and Buffalo streets is in a bad fix just right for a horse to break a leg. A repair and machine shop is be ing erected ac the Odell Mills, be tween the old No. 1 and No. 4 mills. And the Asheyitle baseball team has disbanded because, it did not receive sufficient patronage to keep it a-going. An eight dollar glass in the handBome wall case at A J & J F Yorke's jewerly store volunterily popped last nighfc Mr. L B Etheredge, a young man of Orangeburg, S. C, has accepted a position,. with Merchant D P Day ynult acd has been installed as clerk Rev, Albert Gillon has been elect ed superintendent of the schools at Blackaburg, S. C. He will at an early day leave for his new woik. Senator T J Jarvis and Mr. Joaephus ' Daniels are the North Carolina represent ati yes at the Silver convention in Washington, D. C. " Mr. S B Hammer has removed his place of residence from the cozy cottag6 on . the Odell farm to the hoase recently vacated by Mr, ' Will Hornbuckle on Church Btreet. Rev. J Henry Smith, D. D., pastor for nearly thirty-seven yeara of the First Presbyterian church in this place, yesterday "passed his 75th mile poBt. Greensboro Iie:ord. The Standard got a half bushel basket of grapes from Cap'. Cook, of Mt. Pleasant. They are the Concord yariety and the finest we have ever seen. His vineyard is doing fine this year. Rev. and Mrs. W C Alexander have gone to Virginia to spend a month. Rey. Alexander's congrega tion gave him a -acation. During his absence Dr. Allison and others will fill the pulpit of the First Presbyterian church. "Let the farmers agree not to plant for one year, and the world will starve," exclaims Peffer. Very true but the farmers would starye alcrg with- the rest. It is not likely, therefore, that such a method of solving political economic problems will :be adopted. ' The " Henderson Gold Leaf says that' Miss Annie Page, daughter of JSev." Jesse II Page, of the North Carolina Conference, M. E, Church, South, who has been studying at the Uniyersity' of Geneva, Switzer land, for ajear, has returned and is visiting her sister in Henderson. Mr. Djpve," who' was appointed trustee for , Company F. to receive the $500 bequest left -the company by GenBarringfr, went to Char lotte 'Wednesday and got the boodle. The company's funds aie " in safe hands and the wishes ' of General Barringer "will be carried out to the etttr. ' Mqnday evening while Adam Cauble and his son were at the barn doing some woric, at Woodside, Row an county, liehtuiusr . struck near by, knockiag both down- They lay senseless for some time before they were found. Both men are now able to walk about,. The old gentle, man came sear passing away. -X Got J F'Armfield Is making ar rangements, says f tho Statesville Landmark, to take: the fourth regi ment; North Carolina State Guard, to the .Atlanta Exposition thia fall. Plana haye not been perfected as yet meats can be made and if an agree ment can bq arrived at with the ex position people and reduced rates se cured on tbe railroads the troops will encamp th:re. Mr.J H Pittman of Richmond, Va., who works for the Burlington Shoe Co., made a shoe on a last a few dajs ago, then he took the last out without there being a seam or open ing of any kind in the shoe. Nothing like it was ever seen, and we would not risk telling auch a thing expecting anybody, to believe it, but go to the shop and see for yourself, as ' it is there a perfect no place to put last:dr foot m it. We have seen tbe t Gents white shirts 25 ceuts up. w3d2 The Racket. A monument is to be built at Rutherford College to the memory of Dr. Abernethy, More country people went to A8heville this morning than there were at the depot to meet famous Butler. Mr, M C Walter yesterday moved into hia handsome new home on West Depot Btreet, which is now complete. The Albert Allred woolen, corn and wheat mills near Mr. Airy was destroyed by fire Wednesday. Loss $20,000. The big timber for the sills of the new Cannon factory are all immense pieces of wood. Four car loads stand on the sidetracks at the mill. A wagon belonging to Mr. John B Caldwell stands in a demolished condition ?ust this side of the de pot In trying to turn round the shafts popped off and the bed split to pieces. A 12-year old boy, named Bill Thompson, of Cannon ville, was at tacked by some negro boys Thursday afternoon who chunked railroad spikes at hitu, one striking the boy on the head, whioa apt a large deep gash. Workmen will b&Jdat placing the shafting preparatory for the machin ery at the Buffalo mills Monday. All outaide work at the Buffalo and Cant non mills and at the brick yard, waa suspended today. One of the excursionists to Char. lotte, on his return, lay down on the pavement in front of the St. uloud and snoozed away for the night. He had the headache and his legs refused to work. Mr. J M Caldwell, of Mallard creek township.Mecklenburg county, sent a tomato to a relative in this city that weighed 2i pounds. It is said that his entire crop will aver, age 11 pounds to the tomato. Arthur Tattle, the murderer of Policeman Vickers, ot Winston, was Thursday sentenced to 25 years in the penitentiary by Judge Brown. By good behavior in the peniten tiary Tattle can reduce hia sen tence to 17 or 18 years. Rev. J D Shealy, pastor of St. Andrews Lutheran church, has re signed and wiil return to his old charge in South Carolina, October next The Standard learns that the congregation and pastorate will not be vacant long. A call has been extended to Rev. McCulIougb, a very talented .minister and fluent speaKer, of Newbery, S. C. He will probably accept Mrs. Dayis Brumley, of Poplar Tent, whose Beriona illness was noted in The Standard several weeks ago, and who Bince had been up and visiting neighbors, suffered a relapse several days ago, and died this (Thursday) morning at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Brnmiey was about 35 years of age, and leaves a husband and six children. Her remains will be interred at. Poplar Tent church yard tomorrow morning at 10 o'clcck. ' ' iii TURNING GRAY AMD THREATENED WITH BALDNESS : The Danger is Averted by Viing AVER'S VtCOR "Nearly forty years ago, after some weeks of siokaess, my hair turned gray arid XtfgtA falling out so rapidly that I threatened with immediate beAttakts. Hearing Ayer's Hair Vigor laghly spoken of, I commenced using this prepara- tion, and was so well satisfied witb the result that I have never tried any other kind of dressing. . It stop ped the hair from falling out stimu lated a new growth of hair, and kept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application ts now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. - I never hesitate to recommend any of Ayer's medicines to my friends." Mrs. 1LM. Haioht, Avoca, Neb. . . , Ayer's Hair Vigor JR. J. C ATER a CO., LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. Oyer's MmPtaparillm JUmve Mmplta CIVIL CAUSES ALUNF, NO CRIMINALS TRIED THREE COUNTIB'S. IN That In What Tbe Oooclam JLesjixla ture Nays In Chapter 423 or tbe Law or North Carolina, Hade at the Sesftlon or 1895 For ttaston, Stanly and Heeklenburc What wonderful things come to light and what miracles are per formed by the study of science, art, literature and law ! In chapter 425 of the public laws of North Carolina, session of 1 895 there is a clause in section 2 of that chapter that preventa the trial of any criminal cases in tbe superior courts of Gaston and Stanly coun ties. 1 Mecklenburg has a criminal court, and of course thia law cuts no figure in that county, Prom the law as it reads, takes all nrisdiotion in criminal cases from Jthe superior courts of said counties In the following we produce the law as printed and sent out, under the caption of "An act to change the time of holding the courts of Gaston, Stanly and Mecklenburg counties" found in the above stated chapter : "The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : oeciion i. "inat the superior courts of the counties of Gaston. staniy ana Mecklenburg Bhall be held at the times hereinafter deeig' nated and shall continue for the time hereinafter provided, unless the business be sooner disposed of. Sec. 2."The superior courts of said counties shall be held at the follow ing timea, to wit : Stanly, flrat Mon day in March, first Monday in Sep tember, each term to continue two weeks; Gaston, second Monday be fore tbe first Monday in March, Bees ond Monday after the first Monday in September, each to continne two weeks; Mecklenburg, second Mon-. day after the first M today in March, the fourth Monday after the first Monday in September, each to con tinue two weeks, sixth Monday be fore the first Monday in March, and the thirteenth Monday after the first Monday in March, each to con tinue one week, All of said terms shall be tor the trial of civil causes alone, and the last mentioned teim shall be for the trial of such causes as do not require a jury. Civil pro cess may be returnable to all of said terms. Sec. 3. "That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. "That thia act ahall be in force from and after its ratification. "Ratified the 13th day of March, A. D, 1895. The question now arises, what will thoBe two counties do with the criminals that will accumulate within the next two years? Keep them as an expense on the counties, of course. A,Cariou Find. Mr. Ruf ub J Cook, of No. 5 town ship, was in the city Thursday after-. noon displaying a dagger and sheath. Tbe weapon was plowed up within fifty feet of the public road, near Ebenezer church in Rowan county, by Mr. Ueorge Cline some time dur ing last May. On the sheath are in. scribed the names of H Shive, I P McKey and M F Demont. On the handle of the dagger are the initials of "H. F. S." There are . no dates on it, or the number of Red skins killed. The sheath had been gold plated and was once a pretty instrument of battle. Stole A March. The same of ball that took place at Crosses pasture Wednesday, be tween Newell'a and Flows's nines, resulted in a victory for the Newell boys of a score of 17 to 15. It waa understood and agreed by the two teams that neither wonld have a pitcher that would give anything but a straight ball, and the Flo we team attribute their defeat- to the Newell's team having put in a curve pitcher, thus stealing -a - march on them. Anhootlnir. The .latter part of last week near Mooreaville, Frank Hobba shot Bill Overcuh in tbe arm and ahoulder and made a dangerous wound; It waacaised by some insulting lani guage used by Overoash to Hobbs' family. Hobba waa. arrested and tried before J P Bradley, Esq. and bound over to court . Some inex perienced , men weie deputised to bring him to jail and. he escaped, Statesville Mascot. ; -Herbert Smith, of the chain gang guard, who baa been.aick and-laid np for a week or more, ia about all right again. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 17 AOSOIAITCEir PURE BUGS WITH APPETITES, Orasabepperw That Eat Shoes, and Others That Swallows Railroad Trains. A gentleman was reading yester day in the New York Recorder about the boss grasshopper that live np in ouuivan county, a. x. xney are not only insatiable, but omnivorous. The other day, it is said, Farmer Jay McEwen, while working in his rye field, hung his vest, a new one, on the fence, and in a few minutes the hoppera had eaten it full of holes. On a neighboring farm a woman left a pair of new shoes out of doors Over night and next diy found that the grasshoppers had partly eaten them, utterly ruining hem, "That's pretty good," said the gentleman, "but they beat that in Texas. Last year some railroad ran a line of cars through Texas all painted green, and when the train stopped at the first station in the grassnopper country, the grass hoppers lit on the cars and ate them clean down to the wheels." Thia story is good but the cock roaches, or whatever you call these guilty conseienoe insects that tear off in auch confusion of face whenever you discover them, are almost as bad aa the grasshoppers. They have have eaten all the lunch baskets of the Observer's composing room force, along with their contents. Charlotte Observer. In speaking of bugs and appetites, the above is a yery good production of facts, but at a certain home "in this city the chinch or bed-bugs have such ravenous appetites that they haye during the past two wesks eaten three paiis of Bocks off the feet of one man and in the past two nights they have sucked the blood out of Lowe's dummy, which waa pat in the sockless man's place. Loat Bis drip. Mr. M L Blackwelder' was in King's Mountain Tuesday, and was traveling for the Singer Sewing Ma chine Company, but lost : his grip. He waa in the act of leaving the hotel and had placed hia valise, con taining all his papers and several changes of clothes, in the office and was settling his bill, when a porter grabbed his property and gave it to a southbound passenger. It wa? a mistake, the porter said, but the va lise has not yet been recovered.; The Crowd Sot Over 1,000, Everybody who : took particular note and who are good estimates of the size of crowds, puts the number of out-of-town people present TueB day at not over 1,000. And not three-fourths of these attended the speaking. The crowd , that heard Tillman was not over 750 and the crowd that heard Butler was sev eral hundred leas, for very many left when he bobbed up his bullet head full of hair. The Observer man made a meat awful wild guess when h. put the crowd at between 2,500 and 3,000. This estimate ticklea Marion Butler and he used it. Brownie and Brownie. Crack-a-loo and "craps' are two games that have recently fascinated the young boys of the town, both white and colored. On Tuesday night three white boya and a negro were almost trapped while shooting "crap," and on Wednesday afternoon Chief Boger ran upon a neat of negro 'boya pitching "brownies" on the trucka on the dummy line is rear of Esquire Hill's tin shop. The negroes were not arrested, but warn ed to take care that they were- not again caught . gaming. . The two games are quite fashionable of late, here and elsewhere. More About the Henry Henharrier Case. On the 26th nit., the coroner, as sisted by other physicians, opend the skull and removed the brain, making a thorough examination. They found a fracture on the left aide of the head extending from the middle down by the ear to the base of . the skull.. The opposite aide of the skull was filled with clotted blood, but there was no bruise nor fracture on tbat siue. .- The coroner's jury, six of tbe best men of the neighbor hood, after hearing all evidence, see, ing the skull opened, goiog to - the road n here he waa found, rendered tbe following decision : "That Henry Hon barrier came to hia death from a tbw at the hands of aome nnknown person." The coroner will' further investigate this case. Salisbury Herald. TiTv . - IT SIP; A CASE OF BIGAMY. fbe Men-ln-Law of one of the Blames Twins In Tronble. The Greensboro Record telle of the arrest of a man named Bolajack, in Florida, for Jiigamj. . ; Bolajack married a daughtei. of One of the Siamese twins, at .'heir home in Mt. Airy, N C, and managed to get away with his wife's fortune. Mm. Bolajack sued for and obtained a diyorce. After this Bolajack moved down near Yadkin College and married again. Hia second wife bad aome property in High Point,-where they resided after marriage. Some time ago Bolajack . and hia wife moved to Jacksonville, Fla., and lived there until a few weeks ago when they returned to High , Point. Soon after arriving there Bolajack sold the property and then returned to Jacksonville on some business. - ' The next heard from him waa a dispatch sent to High1 Point from ' Jacksonville, asking . if Bolajacrk's wife waa living. rAn affirmative re ply was sent and the next ,and kat information was that Mr. .Bolajack had beed arrested, and jailed for bigamy, haying married immediately on hia return to Florida. What the next move will be ia not' known. -; : " The property in High Point, it ia said, was under moitgage, and if he should get away from his bigamy case he will be arrested on thia charge. Altogether it; looks like he is in het water. Heergla Prlxoncrn. inder kituror Death, Kmplted. Atlanta, Ga A ug. l4.-3Bover nor AtKinson to-uay granted a re spite for Bixty daya to Mrs. Nobles and Gua Fambles, sentenced to -be hanged on Friday -at JefferBon ville, Twiggs county, Ga. Judge Smith, who was asked to grant a new trial, declined to do, so for lack of juris' diction. The attorneys for Mrs. Nobles then asked the Goyernor for a respite for the old .woman. They want time to carry the case to the Supreme Court. The attorneys had a petition' signed by a great many hadies urging him to commute the womaa'a -sentence or respite her. The negroes aBked the Governor to treat Fambles just ae he treated Mrs. Noblea aa the negro waa merely her tool. Governor Atkipaoa granted a respite to both prisoners for . lixtj daya, . ... Notice. :;-.; We haye repaired our grist mills known aa the Patteraon mills, and oantmake good flour and meal. Bring; ua jour grain and we will satisfy you that we can make good meal and a plentiful turnout. O. W. Pattirso. J2 j31 lm. -Treasurer. M The Atlanta Journal states that the first bale of Georgia cotton, this. year s crop, waa aoia at, Juacon,. Thursday, August 15. We have no open pods, as yet reported. Weak,Irritable,Tiredr. I Was No Oood on Earth ' . Vi- : 1 ."-. ' . Dr. Miles' Nervine strengthens the weak, builds up the broken' ' down constitution, and permanently V cures every, kind of Jiervana disease,!- . "A bout me near mg Ittmm mfflU j . Creeping mUninmi$Ut.9n . AUpAt palpitation mm Kmrt,sl , Dittrmmtima otfuatm f mUmmt j ' - gerpmm lo or tnjoe fimumn. A x -j JfeftjMea ow rfffc "emrm mmd eerry. I completer lott mpjyetUal An4 felt my vitality waring J . M ttmm snanSt, wraswe mum swwayr , In fact I ttmm n A Mead bsnsu ne Dr, Miles book, "New sod -Btart-llng Facts, - and I anally decided to try a Swttl ot' Ob. Miles'. Be oratlve Nerrlne. Before I bad taken one bottle I could sleep as well aa 10-yr.-old boy. My agneUlo ' rstnrBed insr . iBoraased. . ITlsew I ha taken the sixth bettla 1 My neiaht ineremee to M79 em., ThemeneatUn in my lege mmm genet t My nerve mtemdied memptetelyt ' Jar mcwm-if teas fully restore, , JBweraineeemea'learerthamemer. M get emgeem atany.manenmmrtn, Dr. JEUec. Memtmmmti 'Jierytne-tm A SWMf WMilahS. 1 SMSMI . Dr. Miles Nervine la sold on a niu ! .. nsrastaoiaaswesrae some wiu wnen. i All druggists sell It at U, o bottles for as, or I It will besent, prepaid, on row ip of gtu . by tbe Dt, Miles Medical Co, JUUaxVlaO. j tellmTfeWi-:-: . Restores Health , For Sale by all Druggist; r5 3 '-

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