J" THE 1,AiHjJiijU Oohooed. Oabaebdb 'Oocvtt, N- O. THURSDAY. AUGUST 22, 1895. JAMES P. COOK - - JiMTOB. TUX TBI JVBT WHICH. As Joseph P Caldwell would eaj Josephus Daniels, stand np ! Yon apeak of the "crime of 1873" aid the re-lease of the N. C. Bailroad as the "crime of the century," now tell the court and the jury which is the greater crime. WILL EITHIB UTr THK MID IB. bub aid utATBTSiacaiBDrrer vscu aJi cntmititBLT eooavr The privilege and frequent neces sity of issuing bonds, by the officials of the United 8tatea Government, have been for quite a while discuss ed, cussed and written about Tei Standard rtctntly met with aatudsnt of affairs and finances, and one who is a Gltvelanditc cn the money question. He wss made to talk about the bond issues, and the reasons for them and the results. In answer to a number of questions the substance of his statements was as follows: The United States Treas nry must keep, in gold, a $100,000 000 reserve fund for the redemp. tion of those treasury notes which it promises to redeem with gold. Oc casionally this fund gets below the 1100,000,000 mark; and so long as -tlic balance of trade is against the United states, there is no way of increasing this reserye fund, in gold, other than to issue bonds. Why the sinking of this gold re serve? He answered: When foreign bills are dne the payment can only be made in gold. The importer that has a foreign obligation of $250,000 to meet, takes his treasury notes to the United States treasury and gets the gold. The gold is drawn out and the treasury notes hate been redeem' ed. They are not destroyed. They are paid out from time to time to Representatives, Senators, to govern ment employes and to cancel all lacal claims against the government in tne course oi time tnese same notes may be gathered np again and taken to the government treasury for redemption in gold to meets for ogiigAUOBr- xne geld reserve runs low and anotner bond issue is necessary. Here we have the same treasury notes redeemed twice. Well what is the result on the government ? The government has $100,000,000 in gold, treasury notes ready again to go out in the way of salaries (and again to be redeemed) and the government has by thus keeping np the reserve fund a debt to foreign powers, the interest of which must be paid in gold and by the people through indirect taxation. Is there not a possibility of bank en in this country forming a con spiracy and making a run on the United 8tates treasury for gold, thus making a bond issue necessary and the bankers themselves make good investments in buying these bonds? Such is said to have been done ; it is at least possible. This is the talk as corxectly as can be given. What is the remedy ? The Stand ard, in the study of the question now uppermost in the minds of the American people, turns about for in formation from those who have learned the lessons and who have Tjews on ths subject. Thx Standard takes the liberty of addressing the matter to two North Carolina editors, both Democrats, well .known and highly respected in the State, and who entertain differ ent views on the money or financial question. It addresses the, matter to them because they were picked out to go to Ifezioo and couldn't go and because Tmt Standard re gards them competent authorities in matters relative to the financial views they entertain and light nobly and strongly present Han-- Doss the editor of the Charlotte Obtensr believe, if the yiews and frinoiples (those he espouses re. lativa to the solution and correction of financial troubles) become laws in their fullest and.completest mean ing and scope, that the government officials would not be compelled to gain issue bonds to protect the tesem fund or to maintain the credit or the United States or to tsake Its promises to the . people eood; ; vr Again Does the i editor, of the Sal $?MB Observer believe, if pSirkws and principles (those he relative to the solution and on of the financial troubles) laws in their fullest and pfstest mmning and scope, that enernmsnt aSeials would not flxa. rrtctJ u.ptonevl lo nln inane bob da to prpfcect the 0 .serve f on A or to mains tain the credit of the Uni'ea States or to make its promises to the people good? These questions are sincerely and respectfully put to our journalistic friends, who enjey the deserved dis tinction of being at the head of two of the leading state papers and who, though they belong to the same great political party, entertain and teach through their respective jour nals radically different views on the financial problem now confronting the American people. In advance, Thi Standard thanks the.brethren for kindly an swering the questions in a clear, full way that all men, who seek light, may have no trouble in seeing the force of the facta and arguments. . THE CeTTOJI CHOP. The reports have it that the re cent heavy and general rains have done much damage to the cotton crops in the cotton states. About this time every year there is always wild estimates as to the crop. It is done for a purpose. More it is, the lower the price. And the boasts that go up here and there, has a damaging effect on the price. It iB less sin to underate than to overate the crop of cotton. The crop is now estimaed at 7,500,000 last year it was 9,500, 000. A shortage of 2,000,000 ought to make a big difference in the price as compared to last year. It may be possible that the Raleigh News and Observer will yet realize, in regard to the lease matter, that it exposed its head above the breasts worke too early. Durham Sun. The location of Mecklenburg's new court house is becoming so spun-out that is gaining fame and notoriety. If the locating powers don't mind, somebody will be swear ing statute's limitation on them, or something else to break the monot ony. Senator Marion Butler is reported to haye said in his Cary speech : "If you had been put in the garden of Eden where Christ was born, and earned a dollar above expenses every day, you wouldn't be worth a mil lion dollars." All which showB that Marion Butler, together with Gy. Thompson, is better fitted for Popu list oratory than for Sunday school work. Up in Michigan a Sunday school superintendent at the close of an address on the creation which he was sure he had kept within the comprehension of the least scholars smilingly invited questions. A tiny boy, with a white, eager face and brow, at once held up hand. "Please sir, why was Adam neyer a baby ?" The superintendent coughed in some doubt as to what answer to give, but a little girl of nine the eldest of several brothers and BiBters, came promptly to his aid. "Please, sir," she said smartly, "there was nobody to nuss him !" The New Orleans Pickaynne thinks a theo logical seminary would have turned that over for a week, with no better result The Shemwell trial is escaping daily editorial squibs during the fire of hot shots at the directors of the North -Carolina Railroad for their "crime." Argument is made that as private stockholders who represent $1,000,. 000, were .all estfer to extend the lease to the Southern railway and are all fine business men, it stands to reason that the State's interests are conserved. One of Georgia's refined darkies, in closing a long Bpeech in regard to a recent suicide, said : "And very often a man ef good sense in a fit of madness will kill himself and then regret it in the remainder of his life." The suggestion of Mr. Crowell's, as elsewhere noted, may strike some as impossible or far-fetched. But Thx Standard respectfully refers all such to the crowd of kickers and evil prophets that stood around Pul ton's first steamboot effort Although the late Justice Jackson was a Democrat appointed by Mr. Harrison, we trust, that Mr. Cleve land will not feel it due to courtesy or reciprocity to appoint a Republi can to succeed him. Once more we say, and not for the last time: "To the victors belong the spoils." A question among aeronauts now is if a man fell from a height of five miles would he hit the earth. Some . contend that the descent would be so rapid that the man would be converted into a sort of human meteor and disappear in vapor before be reached the earth. A bank , director here makes a curious point by asking what right ilie SUi2r bad to take a higher rs,t? than' 6 per cent, since it does not allow the people to charge over per cent interest. National banks in this city reduced their rate to 6 per cent; though at 'some places they charge 8. .Raleigh Correspondent. Kev. 8am Jones says he pulled out of the Democratic party because it wasn't good enough for him to Btay in ; the Republican party was too mean for him to go into, and he hasn't any nse for the crazy views and conduct of the Populists either. On. this showing, about the only thing we see left for Sam is to get up a little party of his own. "The capitalist has not yet been born who has ever refused to aceept a silver dollar with Uncle Sam's stamp across its face, or a National bank note. Pass it along the lines until some gold bug is found to deny it J ust as good as gold, be cause the richest nation on earth says so- Fiat or no fiat it is a Hying fact" Exchange. Ntorth Carolina will now get lots of tax out of the N. C. -Railroad. The Southern will haye to pay it, let it be what it may. Under the old lease had the tax been paid it would have done the state just as much good as a man taking ten dollars out of his right breeches pecket aud putting it in his left Is this the crime the News & Obeeryer is talking of ? Some of the newspapers have made themselves say that the di rectors in releasing the North Caro lina Railroad have committed a monstrous crime. It iB a consola tion, at least to the directors that in the next lease they will have to bear but little blame and that these same editors will not be here to become again excited. Isn't it pleasant that Old Father Time evens up things ? Our Local has run up with some parties who want Sundays kept in an orthodox manner. This causes the authorities to unearth an ordinance, full ot dust and rust, passed in 1886 during the rdministration ot Mr. Meane. Chief Boger sajs if the board says enforce it, he will. Is it any more harm to smoke on Sunday a cigar bought on Sunday than one bougnt on Saturday ? This is the question the town fathers will have to answer and perhaps haye to read up ou in catechisms etc. to arrive at a conclusion. Between bicyclists and anti-bicyclists, water melon and cigar and ice dealers and those wanti ing these things, this board will earn its salary. Did you ever hear so much talk of gold and Bilver ? Did you ever see so little of either ? Captain J L McCormack, of Knoxville, Io., has a "madstone" as large as a man's fist. It was found in the bladder of a hog. The Salisbury herald is now taking the press dispatches. The Standard congratulates its neigh bor on the north upon this evidence of enterprise and progressiveness. A child bora in the northern su barbs of Omaha last week has finger nails an inch long and a thick growth of hair all ever his body. Must be akin to Peffer it's got his marks anyway. B H Freeman.of Toombsboro, Ga., once kept a moccasin snake, tightly sealed np in a bottle, for two years without food or water, "yet it lived and grew fat" Georgia can ac complish anything. Judge Norwood's solution of the conflicting terms of court for Ran dolph and Rowan in the same district relieves the India Rubber Supreme court from stretching itself out of shape. To keep cool and to smoke on Sunday, yon must be up and doing on Saturday. The Sabbath, accord ing to the ordinance of 1886, which is old enough to stand alone, muBt be observed, says the Town Fathers through the police. According to some statisticians, who, howeyer, do not inform us when the census was taken, the present population of hell is 159, 000,000,000. It wouldn't do for a financial question to be sprung there. Secretary Carlisle declines to speak for Mr. Cleveland on the third term question, and is evidently of the opinion that Mr. Cleveland is suffi ciently able-bodied and sufficiently gifted with speech to do his own talking on that subject when he feels like it c ' ' .' At Crawfordsville, Ind., in the summer of 1890, there w as a shower offish and an glowworms. . The fish were without eyes and all about two inches long. It would have been a blessing had it been a shower of fer tilizer. At San Francisco a young woman has been appointed deputy sheriff. Her especial duty is to escort women who have been adjudged insane to their asylam. By her combined firmnesB and kindness she. is very successful in dealing with them. This is not the "New Woman" ; be sides not being built that way, she has firmness and kindness. Some people are wondering how Corbett could marry again when the recent divorce decree obtained by his first wife restrain ad him. The divorce was obtained in New York. Corbett and his new wife married in New Jersey, claiming to be residents of that State. The marriage holds good in any State except New York, If the Corbetts should ever settle down in that State Mrs. Coibett wolud not be a wife, and the chil dren of the the couple would not be legitimate. But they are husband and wife everywhere else. In pass ing, it might be well to say these people have had their marriage more generally noted than had they been decent people. 1 he brute is on top. A Mr.Ufford, a much travelled man and a resident of Philadelphia, Pa., said from what he had heard and read, he expected to find North Carolinians promoters and defenders of drinking slums without any tem perance proclivities. He freely ad' mits that this country and people form a paradise to his. Yet Over Sea and Land is published there. It is the unprotested published lies against the South that put us in a false light yet there are some good people among us who think we ought to take all these slanders without protest just for the sake of harmony and new comers, i hank the Lord, such are few. Mr. Ufford would find a warm welcome for him any time he comes. It is honest, truths ful, decent men we want to make their homes amocg us, either for a timecr permanently. MURDER TJKIAL ON. Tom Moore on Trial For Hia Life Tbe Validity of the Key eon Act Not to Be Tented Tbe Leans and Fats to Play. Salisbury, N. C, Aug, 21. Rowan superior court is in session here, so far there have been few cases of importance for trial. The grand jury yesterday found a true bill against Tom Moore colored for killing Chess Pesten also colored several months ago. A special yenire of fifty men was ordered and the case set for trial at 10 o'clock this morning. The validity of the revenue act passed by the laBt Legislature will not be tested at this court as was publicly stated through the papers some time ago. Mr. T F Kluttz who had intended bringing it np at this teim "of Rowan court has not had the time, owing to other busi ness, to properly prepare the case, but informs your correspondent that his first business will be devoted to that purpose. There is some talk of taking a census of Salisbury at an early day. QThe Fats and Leans, (selected from the citizens of the town) are to play a game of ball here next Tuesday. Mr. E B Neaye is captain of the Leans and Col. C R Barker captain of the Fats. Lots of fun and amusement is anticipated. The game will be free to all . but a col. lection will be taken up for a good cause. Tbe ladies issue ef the Herald which was to have been published tomorrow (Thursday) has bee de ferred for several weeks. Rey, N D Jones returned Monday night from EI kin, where he has been conducting a meeting. The two young daughters of Postmaster S H Boyden returned last night from a visit to Pennsyl vania. Miss Nannie Craige, the beauti ful and accomplished daughter of Hon. Kerr Craige, of Washington, arrived here on a visit to Miss Bessie Henderson last night She will spend seme time here and will go to Concord to yisit Mrs. J P Allison, her aunt before returning home, . Free Vll . Send your address to. II E Bucklen & Co ., Chicago, and get a free sam ple box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits, These pills are easy in action and are particularly effeotiv in the cure of Constipation and Sink Head ache. For Malaria and Liver troub les they hare been proved iuvaluas ble. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be parley vegeta ble. They do not waken by their action, but by givin tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25. per box. Sold by N D Fetzer Druggist GigaretteS I 2immi ma m touch MTjS I Bar pukkah, ma u.- Jiir High Credo Tobscco Aim ABSOLUTELY PURE HOTEL BLOWN UP. A Battery of Boilers Bxplode at Bea ver, Cel.-Hotel aad Aooat Tweatjr Ato Fersoas Hilled aad Bnraedte Death Baatfay Wight. Denver, Col., Aug. 19 Fifteen or twenty persons perished by fire in the Gumrey Hotel, on Lawrence street, in whioh a terrific explosion took place at 13:10 a. m. The rear half of the building, a fiye story brick and stone structure, went down with a crash. The hotel wss crod ed with guests, and many of them must haye been killed outright as well as about ten hotel employes, who were sleeping in the portion of the building which fell. The cause was the battery of boilers in the hotel basement exploding. The sound of the explosion, was heard throughout the city, awakening the people a mile from the scene. Later: 1 portion of Gumrey Hotel, the scene of last night's frightful disaster, is still standing, gaunt and sinister, constantly threatening to crash down upon those delivering in the ruins at any moment The search for yictimi has been carried on to the utmost energy constantly with the aid of twenty arc lights. Flames broke out afresh in the wreckage toDight but fire engines are again pouring forth water, still further impeding tbe work of rescue. The list of dead and missing now numbers 25, making the disaster the worst that ever occurred in the city. Up to S.30 tonight only seven bodies had been rocovered, being those of Manager Urenner and his wife, clasped in each other's armB ; Gore Burt, a Rock Island conductor ; Mrs. George R Wolf and daughter, Fred Hubbold and Will Richards, the elevator operator of the hotel. Among the missing is now in eluded Elmer Pierce who is said to have entered the hotel just before the explosion occurred. It is to this man's carelessness that the disaster is attributed. Atlaata Goes Dry After 10 P. ST. Atlanta, Ga., August 19. The city council has refused to allow the saloons to keep open later than 10 o'clock at night The saloon keep era petitioned the council for per mission to run their bars until 12 o'clock at night during the Exposi tion. Today the petition was re futed. For Over Fifty Tears. Mrs. Winslow's Sooth'ng 8yrnp has been used for over nity years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of tne world. Twenty five cents a bottle Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. mwx&w "Land Posted Jfetlco. I hereby forbid any parties from trespassing such as hunting, cut ting timber, walking or driving, removing fruit or anything of any description on my plantation, known as the Daniel Suther lands, in No. 4 township. Anyone violating this notice will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Jno. A Kikhons. To the ClUaeas of Concord. On and after the 20th day of this month ot August, I will open out a first-class meat market and will be glad to serve the public with their needs in the'fresh meat line. My place of business will be in the McNinch store room, first door above marble yard on West Depot street. Respectfully, alOlm. J. F. Dattatjlt. Fresh Bilk Cows For Bale. I haye two good fresh milk cows for sale. Apply at the Standard office for information or to me at mv borne, adjoining the John H Mor rison place, lwk John W. Morhis. Boase For Sale. That five-room house on East Depot street now occupied by Mrs. J F Willeford, is for sale. Interested parties will call on Dr. L M Archey for terms and other desired informa tion. j26 lm. (Mrs.) Ann Finn. Ho awrpolM w opium la Dr. MUsa PAIS Piua vuns am rata. "Uae teat a Pass." Speculation, HAMMOND & CO. Stock and Bond Brokers, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, HEW YORK CITY, XT. Y. Stocks, Bonds and Grain bought and sold, or carried on Margin. P. 8. Send for explanatory circu lar on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter. (Free) dwlv UNIVERSITY OF Comprises the University, the College, the Law and Medical Schools, and tne SUMMER SCHOOL for teachers. Tuition $60; 85 teacners, 471 students. Ad dress President Winston, Chapel Hill, N C, for Cata logue and handbook on "UNI VKBSITY EDUCATION." NORTH GiROLIIU College of Agriculture and Mechanic arts. The next session of this Col lege will begin September 5 th. Examinations at county seats nm Saturday in August Youne men desiring a tech' nical education at an unusual ly low cost will do well to ap ply ior catalogue to A. Q. HOLLADAY, Pres., 2w dftw. Raleigh, N. a MT. PLEASANT, N. C. REV. J. D. SHRIEY, D. D., PRES. ADADEMIO, COMMMRCIAL AND COLLEGIATE COURSES. Total necessary expenses session of 38 weeks, $85.00 to $137,000. Next session begins Sept 3. 1895. For cotalogue and special information, address tne President as above, or lm. Seckexaby of Faculty. Mount Amoena S EM IN AR Y A Flourishing School for Young; Ladies. TEN TEACHERS, Ornamental Branches Receive Carefui Attention, 2 BEY. O. L. T. FISHER, A. M Pbinoipal.?' MOUNT PL ASANT.:N.G. Concord, N. O. J. M. Odxix, President D, B. Ccltbahi, Cashier. L. D. Coltbanx, Assistant Cashier Capital, Surplus, $50,000 $16,000 DIRECTORS; J. M. Odbll, D. F. Cannon Elak King, J. W. Cannon, w B. Odill, w. H. Lilly, D. B. Coltbanx. CONCORD MARKETS COTTON XABKZT. Corrected by Cannons St Fetzer Good middling.......... -...7.35 Middlings m 7 Low middling ...M....... 6 Stains .. 4ito5 PBODUOS KABKXT. Corrected bv 0. W Swink. Bacon- 81 Sugar-cured nams 12 i toll Bulk meats, sides 8 to 9 Beeswax.... ; .5 Butter 18 Chickens- ....10to20 Corn ..50 to. 55 Eggs 8i Lard......w ......mm.. ...8toll FlourtNorth Carolina). ...-.1.75 Ueal.... ......... ......... ...-.58 80 to 35 CaUow. Stot rallaaslaala Twlas. There is a good joke on a German- town father and mother, who not long ago found some difficulty in finding: acceptable names for their twin babies, who, by the way, were girls. After deliberating; over the matter and coming to no satisfactory conclusion, paterfamilias struck a happy idea and decided to nam his girl babies Kate and Duplicate. Re oently another pair of twins appear ed under the same roof, this time th infants being bcyi- The husband saw here an opportunity to get even with bis wife, and ho determined that she should find saitable names for her latest offspring. Imagine his feelinfrs when the mothe one day, with a happy and satisfied air, told the lord and master that she had named the boys Peat and Repeat. Philadelphia Beeord. IT CHI Coocerd UaaUaatHOM LOWE & SON'S. Not in the history of our business have we offered such redlculonsly LO"V7 as we are doing now. We are determined to close out all of our SUMMER GOOES and will not take into con sideration what it cost ns, but we would prefer to have the oosts than to have the goods laying on our counters. Look at the handsome line of ZDTXOIECS that we are sellinS at 8 cents Other houses charge yon 12 cents for the same stuff all Jawn at half price, And rOLO'W SHOES for ladies at net cost. We don't want the shoes would prefer for you to have them. AUthe fiAMPLE SHOES thatj we have will be sold at the Lowest Prices named on Shoes We are tired of getting Sample Shoes and we are go ing to give you the full bene fit of it. You can get the best 37 cent Corset you ever saw, For 604 cents we sell you.a 75 cent Corset, and the same cut in better corsets. SHIRT WAIST SETS, STUDS, COLLAR BUTTONS, CUFF BUTTONS New lot jnst in. ii M Sewing Machines at $22.50 worth $35.00. When you go .to buy al ways see ns LOWE &'SON. FURNITURE! COFFINS &C. I have now in stock at my rooms opposite tne court nouae a splen did line of well-made Furniture such as Bed Steads, Tables, Wash Stands Safes, Chairs, &c. if defy competition in regard to quality ana price Too will be stirpriied when you hear taj prises Come and see. If not in stock can supply yon in a few days. I have a mo lute ot COFFINS at price that will arpriM yon. I keep a full 2ine on band for im mediate supply. I buy LUMBER and run my planing machane, and all persons who wish any thing in this line, will do well to call and see me. Very Respectfully, J. T. Founds. Concord. N. a July IS. 1895. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Havinc been duly aoDointad and Qualified exeeutor of the hwt wiB and testament of Hanr GL Kluttz. deoeased, all persons holding claim against said eoeasea are nanny notified to present them to the on deraigned duly authenticated on or beloro the 17th of August 1896 or uua nouoe will be plead as a bar to their recovery. Also -all panon owing deaeased at notified that prompt payment is expected. U. 1 aUMHTOBB, JUMVtor Bushel of LAY PEAS will be sold cheap for cash, at Pattterson's WHOLESALE AND EETAIL STOEE CONCOBD, N. C. GET THE BEST WbcnyonaraabonttobtiTsSnrtagM'achtn So sot b decslved by alluriaf sdTcrtiMmmita and b ld to think you can gat tsa beat mad a, naast finithad and t a wJi s vpuiMI f or a nrs booc. Saa to it that yoa bay from rallabl aiaaa iacturars that bar rained a repetition byhoaaataadaqoara daalisf, yoa will thaa (at a Sawing ItacUns that is aotad tha world ovar for its dura bility. Yoa want thsoas that Is aailatt to lanay aad Is Light Running: Thar la aona in the world that can aqual ia mechanical eon stroctioa, durability of working parts, fineneas of nniab, scanty la appearance, or has as sassy improTemeats as tho New Home It has Aatoatatlc Teaaloa, Double Feed, alike sa both sides of needle (fattnted), no other has k ; New Stand ( patenttJ driving wheel hinged on adjustable canters, thus reducing friction to ths TniniTn"Tri. WHITE FOR CIRCULARS. THS KW HOME SEWIIG MACIIIIE CO. Obims. aTiai Bostos, Kua. Union Bqtt, i. Y GaaoMo, III. St. Locb, U o. buun.Tauc raiaonoo, Cal. ailuiA,a. yen aatt av YORKE & WADSWORTH Concord, N. C. Nokth Carolina 1 . n CaUrrrus County )SuPenor Court W J Hill, Administrator of G A Suther, p aintifif, v. J G Sutber, John W Suther, Lilly Suther, Ooty O Suther, M C Downum and husband. Jno F Downum, II L Morgan and husdand, W S Morgan, H L Su her, W A Sutber, M B Suther, Chas O Suther. Jennie Oswald and husband J P Oswald, H A Bandy and hushand, W H Bundy, defendants. It appearing o the satisfaction of the Court from the return of J A Sims, Sheriff of Cabrrrus County, N. 0., and from the affidavit of W J Hill filed in tha above entitled ao tion, that J O SuUmt. Jna W Suth er Lilly Suther, OctyO getbar, M U Downum aad husband, Jao Downum, aad M L Morgan and hatband and W S Morgan an bob residents of this Stats, and after da diligene cannot be found within afce-fitatw- of North Carolina, aad are BaMHto aad proper par ties to- tha abort titled aetiao. aad whereas the plaintiff above named has began an aetioa ia said Court to subject the real estate ef said C A Sutber deaeribwd ia tha complaint of the plaintiffs for assets to pay the debts of said O A Suther deoeased, and whereas the said de fendants J G, Jno W, Lilly. Ooty O Suther, M C Downum and hnSband. Jno F Downum. M L If organ and husband, W 8 Morgan have an in terest actual or contingent as heirs at law of said O A Bother. Now therefore, the said J G.JnoW, LiUy. Ooty O Suther, M C Downum and husband. Jno. F Downum and M L Morgan and husband, W S Morgan are hereby notified that unless they be and appear at the office of tha dark of Superior Court of said eoaaty and State aforesaid on or before the 19 day of August, 1896 and plead, answer or demur to the eomp)aint of the plaintiff in this action, that the plaintiff will apply to tha Court for the relief de intrr1 in the- complaint aad for costs of action. This trd day of July. VS JAUX3 U. CiiESON. Clsrt Superior Court, 'V

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