JWJMIIW H.MW IHI IWHTHWrjiWrii ' THE":; vS'PANDARD THE' STANDARD.- TUJis OUT- IL JJ ' . . PRINTS THE :; JVEWS THAT IS NEWS. . GOOD -JOB-WORK AT LIVING PRICES. FOR 1 YEAR- VOL.. VIII NO. 34 CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1895. WHOLE NO. 334. SENTDUM DOLLAR GIVE US A TRIAL. J - AT ST JOHN'S. Tbe Marriage or lr. Barnuardt to Mlsa Ella Rfdeubonr done o WrlghtSTllIe. Promptly at 7 o'clock Wednesday evening the doors of Sc. John's Eyangelical Lnthern church were thrown open to receive the. guests who witnessed tbe happy mar riage of Doctor Charles H Barn card t to Miss Ella Ridenhour daughter'of Mr. and Mrs. D H Ridenhour, of No. 8 township, and Bister tc Mr. R E Bidenhonr, of this city. The ceremony was a pretty one, Rev. J Q Wertz conducting it, and the church was magnificently decorated. JLne ushers lor the occasion were Messrs. T II Eidenbonr, V7 A Foil, Wilbarn Tucker and Dennis Giles. The attendants who grouped around the sUar weie Mr. John M "Cook with Miss Mollie Suther; Mr D D Barrier with Mies Ilattie Misen heimer ; Mr. W A Bidenhonr with Miss Clam Oahier. Misses Pink Ridenhonr end Nell Fisher preceded the bfiwhile Meters. V C Rider hour antolomer Barnnardt escorted the groom to the mairiage altar. The affair was a pleasant one. Miss Effie Misenheimer presided at the organ. xne Dnaai party was given a re ception at the home of the bride on Tuesday evening. The supper was an elegant one. Dr. and Mrs. Bam hard t left last night for Wrightsville, where they will spend several weeks. HIM Kannle Wharey to be Married Cards are out announcing the Marriage on Thursday, September 5, in the Presbyterian church at Mooresville, of Miss Nannie Wharey to Mr. William R Grey. Miss Wharey is the oldest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. James M Wharey, and has scores of friends in this city and county- At a New Flare. Since the bicycle ordinance Ia3 been passed md there are no more privileges on th h:1 walks for those whc desire 10 ride, a very charming Miss has donned the bloomers and is daily practicing horse-back riding. She is as expert now as many older ones are, who haye ridden horses all their lives. Aeeldents at tbe i'abarrn Still on Thursday. The belting got tangled on the polley in the engine room at the Ca barrus mill Tnursday pulled a coupling out and broke the sbaftitg in the main weave room, causing a suspension of one-half day on Thursday. While transfering coal from h cars on tbe railroad track over the tram way, the cart jumped the truck, dumping the cart and coal down he high embanicment. No on" was Hwr, however. : . A Snrrow Esrnpe. As the 11:15 train was pulling nn at the depot today (Friday) Mr. J K Kizer was cowing to town, and was in the set of -roing serosa !ii- track, when he happened to ootio.;? that the train was upon his tt-am. lie suc ceeded in backing h'. mules j ist in time to cave their live. The train was runinr vt.ry slow at the time or a horrible Fcetie wuid have been witnessed oy tbose around the ticket office. Since the Cabarrus mii! hetn running on the hill, ahou; fifty yards from the station, o..e cn hardly tell wtien a train i c mine owing to thef r.8S of the machinery. - , Ho Worn Tban Her ltaiiirh t-r. "Daddy" Watt Barringer, th9 tall Populist from No. 2 township, was in the cityThuisday and tells a tale a yisit of some North Carolin'an o a small town in South Carolina, which is something like this : "He went to the only hotel in the mall place for his dinner, and when seated at the table, a big, burly ne gro man came in and sat opposite to him. This nett ed the North Caro linian, but he held Lid peace until tee meal was finished, after which he asked the landlady if that was customary at that hotel." Her reply was: "Why, that was my husband." At this the North Carolinian seemed horrified, and the woman, after her sympathetic feelings were wrought np bv the expression of the man's far-e, said in a sympathetic way: "1 hat's nothing compared to what my daughter Jane has gone and done. . Sie married one of tbem dratted Tillmanites " Mr Brringer did not stat? whether the man yet lives or not, bnt we will venture to say that he will beware cf his rneesffiS'f'Till maniaes and f usionists foi all time to come. jjjiadwiiftnlrTff r1 - -1 n wniMM svlfaarasnaranleedtnaTM DON'T WAM' A NEW STREET Bnt Would Like to Hare tbe Old One Kcniedled-Mr ' Cook Makes a Fair Oiler, Citizens in the extreme north western part of the city are and have been complaining about the bad condition of the red hill just beyond the branch this side of Mr. Wallace Cook's. Iu the winter time when the roads are cut up and the bad spell is on, not only the vei hides and horsee, Out pedestrians as well, haye a struggle to gee along that part of town, and it would be well if the authorities would work on it before tbe bad season arrives. Mr. Cook, who lives in that part of town, says that they don't want a new street, but would be greatly pleased if something was done to improve the one they haye. He 8 he will furnish a wagon and haul rock enough to put it in good shape if the town will do the rest. He says tbe citizens in that part of town pay their share wf taxes and should get their portion of attention HOOKY RIVER NEXT YEAR The Nnndny School Convention nt Rettaepatre iieonrKinir Report. Thursday was a day of pleasure as well as profitable work for the Sun day school convention which met at Bethpage. Tbe reports from all the Sundsy schools of the county show that a great work is being dene and that prospects for grater work is en couraging. Addrtsses were made by Mr. Walter E Furr, Dr. J S Lafferty, Mr. D B Coltrane, Rev. B F Davis and Rev. Lancaster, of Rocky River. One of the main features of the convention was the singing by the Bethpage and Center Grove choirs. It was decided that the 'next an nual meet of the convention should be held at Rocky River church. All the old officers and oommittee r.ifn were re-elected. r. en !b ol'.Vrs. l.cazer. Wife of Sept. Leazer of the State Penitentiary died of typhoid fever at her home in Mooresville Wednesday at 3:45. She leaves one child six years old. IVotlre. We haye repaired our grist mills ktown as the Patterson mills, and can make good Hour and meal. Bring ua jour grain and we will satisfy you that we can make good meal an a plentiful turnout. O. W. Patterson, j3Hm. Treas, llirro'H .Where Korc-lleaded. I'olitl elnnw no. Walter R Henry will in the rest i8ue of the Caucasian, Senator Hon BatWs paper, announce that he his left the Democratic party and become a Populist. He will aid in a canvas of the fctat. He made an attack on Senator iijinsom nof. long Ago hicb Popuiift papt-rs printed. One of onr CltlrcuN. Ex-Jndge W J Montgomery, of Concord, is attending court hera tnid week. It is great pity that do not nuve more men cf such legal abdity, souud judgement and tnn hooi on the judicial bench. Jn?ee Montgomery won a warni place in 'he biru of the people of Union couu'y when he v.as serving in an i-fti-iiai capacity in this iiHtnci.--Mo'.rcc E..qiirer. A lloelor Wanted. Ujvernor Carr makes reqniaion on tbe Governor of Tennessee for Dr. W L Hill, who is wanted in Stokes county. The papers filed with Gov ernor state that Hill seduced his conein under promise of marriage and afterwards attempted to pro duce an abortion and that after he thought he had secured tbe de struction of letters which paused be tween them, he cruelly told her he would never marry her, but would marry a ldy. It is one of the worst cases ever reported to the executive. Hill fled the country and two attempts were made by the unfortunate girl's friends and rela tives to couture him and force him to marry her. Then he fled the State and went to Tennessee.. He Had Hold Him Polxon. LonsBURG, N. ('., Aug. 21. Mrs. Jas. ft Wood was poisoned a few days ago in Nash county. Her bueband bought for rhubarb some drug from a storekeeper in Castalia, Nash county. Mrs. Wood and two of her sons took some of the stuff. Mrs Wood died in about four or five hours, and bofi of tbe boys were quite sick, but Dr. Sills was called in and saved the boys. Mrs. Wood was already dud when he reached the bouse. Tbe man from whom the drug was porcbased was named Bartholomew. BURNED HER SISTER ALIVE. Mineapolls Woman Charged WUh Mnrderlnc for Money Bed Was Saturated Wltb Oil There Was 87.000 Initnranee on Mm. Hawkln'n Life, and it la Alleged Mm. Perkln Net Her on Fire. Minneeapoils, Minn.. August 23. Mrs, Nora Perkins was arrested late last night cbargedjwith the mur der of her sister. Mrs. Louise Haw kins, the supposed motive of the alleged crime being tbe fact that Mrs. Hawkins bad $7,000 insurance on her life. Mrs. Hawkins died August 9. four hours after the turnmgover of a lamp near a bed where she lay. Tbe fire was supposed to be ac cidental, but a similar accident had occurred several weeks before and this aroused the suspicion of the polic?. In company with the In surance officers they haye been making a qniet investigation which resulted in last night's arrest There were two polices en Mrs. Hawkins' life one for $5,000 in the Fidelity and Casualty and one for $2,000 in the Security Mutual Life. The sisters were widows and Mrs. Perkins has one ehild. Mrs. Haw kins' burns were so serious that she died in great agony without being able to tell wit had happened. Tbe police absolutely refused to dis close tbe nature f ih evidence. Two policies were taken out April 9th in Mrs. Perkins' favor. It is understood that the state expects to prove tna the bed clotning was saturated with oil and ignited and the lamp overturned to conceal the crime. On the other hind, the defense claims to have ante-mortem state ment of Mrs. Hawkins to the effect that she overturned the lamp her self cciderjtsliy. No one is allowed to see Mrs. Ferkins, but she is cocl and unrnflld. She will be arranged Monday. A Dead bent Hurt. It will be remeaibered that s Mine time in June two uiedicine men ar rived in the city, hailing from Salis bury, by names of Pickardand Mc Combs. They "done" the town and Mrs. Sapp, with whom they were boarding accordingly. After leav ing here nothing was lieard of them until this (Saturday) morning, when Pickard was picked np near the de pot in a badly broken up condition. In attempting to jump from the tram he was tripped and his bruises were the consequences. He was beating his way from Atlanta to Lexington, but was not as success" ful this time in doing the acrobat act as he was when is j unjitd hie board bill at ?.lr. Sa p'.-i. lie h a native of Dvidum. co mtv rthi could cure the worst c we oc 1 aduche in frc-m (to to Fetn. m:nut?. Mound I.Ike nNl I Wanted. A gentleman at tie depot this morning told a Herald repoi-ter tliat a nugget of gild weighinf 21 pounds was found ar the Iugrm (vJrawford) mine near Albemarle yesterday. An tffort was made to s-e lr. U M Eaeies and gjt particulars of tbe find, bnt he was out. Tbia is the second largest nugget ever found in tbe State and w wwth almost a small fortune. Salisbury Herald Mr. Phillip CorreH, just from Albemarle, says it wa a 12 pound ugget when brought to AM-etnar!, but mcv have prown on its wy to Salisbury. Lawyer dorr well rp ceiy'd a letier from bis brother, Mr. 11 C Crrowell.Vho wsighi'l Uir. -.I I. The weight is 2416 dwt or 10 pounds, Ogrs. 16 dwt fame for STew HajnaaM. Several nights ago there was a big partyton Reeky iCier, just over the Stanly line, at- which a large number was present, ttr. 6 H Rows land was one f tbe attendants, and when he was preparing to leave and had gone to harness his horse, he discovered that som mean scamp had cut them all to pieces. He was in the city today for a new set. Mr. Rowland is a school teacher and a yery clever young man. He is sus picious of the man who committed tbe deed. A mere Shadow. late Friday evening there pas ed throuph oar city what wan once a horse now a mere thadow. It wes the thaiest animal ever Been on oar streets, and was blind in both eyes. It was good 'material for the order known ai the society to prevent cruelty to animals. The owner was a stranger and did not stop in town. One of That kind. The Stanly Enterprise Bays : "We learn that Mr. J A Pecfc of Almond township made 16 to 1 bushels ,of wheat iewn this year." Bat he can't fetch the snbtreas nry-1 . - The Standabd is a bummer. LOCALS- The mayor of Raleigh has his war-. paint on for unclean streets. , Not being a verv la'ge trade, the S3 4 r merchants put in a day at window washing. Mrs. J M Alexander, who has been yery sick for some time, is greatly improved. ... Says the Wilkesboro Chronicle : "Mrs. Hix has been quite sick this week." Mrs Mamie Grierson and Miss Julia Stirewalt. of No. 3 township, are visiting in Mooresville. The recent rains have greatly damaged lruit, it is said, especially peaches and damsons. Mr. John Cook, of St. John's neighborhood, says cotton will be juet a half crop in his section. Mrs, Cramer, the wife of Mr. S W Cramer, of Charlotte, died Wednes day morning at Thomasville. Sbej was aged 30 and a yery popular lady. i Suit is brought against several ladies and gentlemen by another gentleman, of Wake, for slandering his daughter. They are among the beet people. The Standard erred Wednesday when it stated that the graded schools would open Wednesday, September 25. It should have said Monday, the 23rd, Mr. James C Fink is of the opinion that tbe announcement of the disas trous earthquake at Cain, Spain, is the beginning of the results of th great discussion of the money ques tion in this country. Watermelons can hardly be given away now, eo plentiful are they, eyeral wagon loads ere hauled back to the country today, parties owning them failing to get an ofier. D A Tompkins, one of the pro prietors of the Charlotte Obseryer, is n a European trip. The Standahd -'uderatarids he's a free coiner, but his mission to E;irope i nut a po litieui one. At rJetnpage tcday there were several hundred people in attend ance, many ci whom were from the city. On account of the rain and bad roads the crowd was much smaller that it would have been. Mr. J W Allen, who for a long time had been employed at the Odell Mills, moved his family today to Lynchburg Va., where he has been induced to go by Mr. Emery, former suparintendent of the Odell mills. Jailer Hill is a coRBiderate man, even to criminals. Today he pur chased u large watermelon and gave 'a to the prisoners now in jail. He says thev were the happiest set be ever saw. Hie treat was enioved lm- mi-nsely. Mr. and Mrs. W M Voils have re turned to Mooresville, after spend ing Mme time in the city with re latives. Mrs. Voils who recently suffered a 6troke of paralysis, is slowlw improving, but is vetoaite feeble. Secretory Coke was reported yes terday so not having rested so well Tuesday night; yesterday he was 0TO8i!ered about the same. The doctor, t s is said, fears that it may oe t o w neks yet before the fever is broken. Raleigh Observer. Ab,ui 225 brandy distilleries have been registered in the county so far. It would appear that the supply of liver regulator will be abundart for winter use, spider biles and such other calamities, to which the human flesh is heir. Wilkesboro Chronicle. A death notice was carried to the office of Mayor Rues soma days ago, and in the colomn for remarks was tbe following : "Died without the aid of a physician." And this recalls a graceful card of thanks which ap peered oyer the signature of tbe bereaved widow of the late John G Holder in a recent issue of the Lex ington (Ky.) Ledger. - Mrs. Holder's acknowledgements are as follows : "1 desiie to return, tbanks to all who so kindly ana is ted iu the death of my husband. (Signed) Mrs John G Holder. -Raleigh Obseryer. An old negro woman in Anson county, named Charity Huntley, has performed a feat the like of which has not been before heard. . The Monre Enquirer tells the story. . A few days ago a setting hen quitted her nest and Charity declared that "dem aigs hab o be hatched fordey done been spiled for eatin' purposes," aud suiting the action to the- word, she gathered those eggs to her bosom and kept them there for three dayi and then she had tbe ' pleasure of seeing ten chickens batched. Mr. Charles H, Hamilton, of No. 3 township, is .qitita sick with ty phoid fever. How about the bootblacks? Will they be allowed - to sell a shoe-shine on Sunday tin. D W'jWRchael, wife of Rev. Michael, of Troutman's, is verj low with typhoid: fever. Just a few da3'8 ago her faiher died. Miss LenaPrice, the 19. year old daughter of the late Barney Price, of No. 2 township, near Patterson's mill, died Thursday night of typhoid fever. The Charlottte News is beginning a war on the high rates of telephone seryice. The system here is high in price, poor in service and not much patronized. Charlotte Observer : "At Martin's Bridge, Cabarrus county, the color ed Baptists are having a big meet ing. It is reported that the fish are dying in the river where the im- tnersing is done." If the goods boxes, wheel barrows and the like were kept oS. the side walks, and the dray wagons made deliver and receive goods at the back store doors, Goitd would be an up-to-date town, that's what a lady said. Prof. E P Mynjjtopt, a former Principal of the fit. Olive High School, but Superintendent of the Cliaton 4ded Schools, was here Friday ad Saturday calling on his many friends. Goldsboro Head light. The Herald regrets to learn that Mr. W H Tr xler has los". his mind. Financial matters are said to be the cause of the trouble. An efort will be made to get bim in the State Hos pital, at'Morganton, at once. Salis bury Herald. Two large boilers, a smoke Btack and pumps for the Buffalo Thread Mills are sidetracked at the depot, awaiting tbe completion of the side track to the mill before it can be tr:ins!erred. Tbe e'ack is of sheet iron and is in three 30 feet sections. Louis John Sossaman struck town this morning on his return from a trip "North." He says that "Vir ginger" is too far away from Char lotte and that he longed for his homa "over there." He is wearing shoe3, a black suit, a slouch hat,and altogether, he is on a dike. There was a small collision on the Yadkin road, near Woodaide, yes terday. An engine sent out from Salisbury to tbe rock quarry was ran into by a flat car loaded with rock, which had been, turned loose by a railroad hand. The car and engine were considerably battered. None of the hands were hurt, all jumping. Salisbury Herald. A 20-year old boy Becretly mar ried a 16-year old girl In Brooklyn a few days ago. Upon hearing it, the girl's mother spanked them both, sent her daughter off to a boarding school, keeps the young man with her and has put a stop to his smoking cigarettes. She says that if he behaves himself, he may have her daughter and part of her property when they get old enough to marry. Otherwise she will prosecute him. LOSS OF VOICE After Acute Bronchitis CTOEDBYTTSIKt l I Ci O pectoral A PREACHER'S LXFtyCL "Thiee month t k a vio lent cold which rwjcW-fa n attack of acute brom&itts. I ft myself under medical ires&nent, and at the end of two MooOHi wae no better. I found It f&ry icul te preach, and concluded t iqr Ayer's Cherry life mm' , M Pectoral. The first bottle gave me great relief ; the seoond, which I am now taking, has relieved me almost entirely of all unpleasant symptoms, and I feel sure that one or two bot tles more will effect a permanent cure. To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral" E. M. Brawxey, D. IX, Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt. Publication Society, Petersburg, Va. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral OOIP KPAL AT TBI WOKIP't FAOU AYER'S LEADS ALL OTO SAATJUaL One cent a mile rate has been se cured to the State Fair. Miss TJfford will open her school at Albemarle about Oct. 1. Rev. B S Brown preached in St Andre ws Lutheran church Thursday nigbt. A prominent man said to ua: "If cotton would bring ten cents this fall, you would not hear of any free silver again." Capt S A Ashe has in press here a book on the silver question, to which he has given much thought. It will contain 19 illustrations, by j Mr. T C Harris. Raleigh Corres pondent. Prof. Wright, principal of Enoch- ville Academy, is running a board ing club in connection with bis school. The cost to ach student last montn was aa.'JO. There are seventeen in the club. Mr, D R Hooyer baa returned from a trip through Georgia. He thinks it a fine state and says that, while cotton will not be a full crop, ths corn is splendid and that pros pects are bright for a large fall trade. i Seventeen negroes of the Winston rioters were convicted in a bunoh. Many of them plead guilty. The sentences are from 3 months to 12 months on the county roads. Two get off with $50 and $100 fines re spectively. Mr. Harry Fryling has completed the new reel for the fire company, and all it lacks before being ready to receiye the 1,000 feet of new hose is a coat of paint. It is a pretty peice of work, and is a great deal lighter than the old reel. Not one complaint has ever been made by those using Ayer's Sarsa-1 parilla according te directions. Furthermore, we have yet to learn of a case in which it has failed to afford benefit. So say hundreds of drggist all over the country. Has cured oahers, will Cure you. A man recently visited this city from a neighboring county, and in meandering around, walked into Brown Bros, liyery stables. He was astonished to see a barn as large as that he had never seen a livery stable before. He was 27 years old and had been to a town twice in his life time. He had queer ideas about the way the livery business was managed. Yon cannot say that you have tried everything for your rhenmav tieni, until yon have taken Ayer's Pills. Hundreds have been cured of this complaint by the use of these Pills alone. They were admitted on exhibition at the World's Fair as a standard cathartic. NUTTALL IS ACQUITTED. Ko wittneas Appears for tbe Prowe- eutlon and He Ooea Free End ol a Notable Case. Atlan A, Ga., Aug. 23. A special to the Constitution from Dallas, Ga., lays that Rev. Walter R Dale, indicted for bigamy, has been ac quitted. For seven years it has been a question whether Dale was really Dale or Nuttall. A woman who claimed to be his wife said that he was Nuttall and that she married him in Concord, N. C, twenty yearn ago. Her brother, named Horton, identified Dale as Nnttall and so did a dozen persons who said they knew Nnttall intimately in North Carolina. Nuttall abandoned his wife at Concord and was traced to Charlotte, where he worked as a printer. He left there and about the same time a yonng woman named Rawlins left. She wai found by htr brother afterward in Conyere, Ga. Dale appeared at Rockmart, Ga., and later at Dallas where he became a Baptist preacher. He came from Dallas to Atlanta and bad a church in a suburb. He was recognized in Atlanta. He was con victed once of bigamy, being prose cnted for marrying a Miss Smith, of Dallas. Dale got a new trial and today, after four years of prosecution, be was acquitted, no witnesses for the prosecution appeanng. Mrs. Dale is now suing for a diyorce. Two I.Ives naved. Mrs Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111. waa told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there was no hope for bear, but two bottles Dr. Kings New Discovery complet ely cured her and she says it , saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggors, 139 Flordia St. Son Francisco, eufferea from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, tried without result every thing els then bought oie bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery aud in two week was cared. He is natural? thankful. It is such results, of which these ar samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in osahs and oMds. Free trial bottles at Fetzer's Drugstore. Regular site-60s. and 1.00. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE THE FAIR GROUND SWITCH. Tbe Matter to be Looked Into at Once and Reports Made to the Officers of tbe Nontbern If all Works Well Two Mills Will Clo l Moon. Standard readers will remember that efforts have been made and much said through these columns to securethe building of a swith to the Fair Grounds, where it was proposed to erect a large cotton mill. After wards another party said that if the switch was built he too would see that a second mill was built. Attorney W M Smith sent the papers and letters from several in terested citizens to Mr. W H Bald win, third vice president of the Southern. Mr. Baldwin answers that he has heard from Col. Andiews on the subject and after considering the matter has directed the Superinten dent of the road, together with the Division Freight Agent, to call upon our people at once and to look over the ground and make a full report. Mr. Baldwin assures all concerned that the question will haye their most careful consideration. This and other matters in the let ter make the outlook very promising for the building of the switch. When these representatives appear on the grounds let the people be ready to show what will be done when the conditions are made right. The Standard feels it in its bones that iu a yery short while Concord will have on its Southern borders two new cotton mills. Let the good work go on. Back Kitehen on Ntraddle Ituc. This gentleman writing in this week's issue of the P.rogressiye Farmer says : We write and talk about gold bugs, silver bugs, potato bugs, bed bugs, but I believe a strad dle bug is of recent origin, and no one as yet has undertaken to give his genealogy. The straddle bug must be, from his name and charac ter, a cross I between a gold bng, silver bug and a bedbug. And this old broken down poli tician, out of a job, is a picturesque back-date bug. Don't Like to Nee It. "The Herald don't like to see such things about its home boys as this, which is taken from yesterday's Concord Standard : "The "Stars' have written to the Salisbury boys, begging them to come down and play ball, but they are as slow to answer this time as they were several weeks ago and the small boys have about concluded that Salisbury can't and don't want to play with them again." We suppose the "Pugs" are tbe boys alluded to. Now, boys, get 'yourself together, accept the challenge and go down to Concord and lickjthe "Stars" so bad that they'll be satisfied for a good twelye monthB to come." Salisbury Herald Satisfaction is all that our little fellows want, and on their own ground they "in generally get i" so to epeaK, altnougn one can t always some times tell, ror Salisbury has a clever set of players. Could Nell as Cbeap as Anybody Else. A man was on the streets with watermelons for sale. He asked a merchant a high price for his pro - duet, but the merchant told the farmer that he could buy cheaper fiom another man, JbecauBe he (the other man) bought his seed on credit and had never and would neyer pay for them. The farmer dropped his bead for a moment, and looking np said : "WelL if that is so, I can sell as cheap as anybody else, fof I got my melons last night." Concord fllgb BcbooJ. In another column The Stand ard publishes the announcement of the Concord High Scool, which opens September 2, - Mr. Holland Thorn pBon, of States ville, is the principal and his qnalifi ations and talents for teaching are highly spoken by Prof. Alderman and Dr. Hume of the University. The Standard pie. diets that Mr." Thompson will re ceive a very liberal patronage, as there is much need in Concord for a High school, one that takes np the work where oar Graded School leaves off. " Mr. Thompson is welcomed to Concord. See announcement else where. ... ,. So morpnloe or opium In Dr. Miles' Pass Pills Cum All Psln. :-oe cent a tfoos." A DOG FALL. Cleveland and Hill Men Htrlve tbe Mastery A Drawn Battle. Rochester, N. Y., August 21 The Democratic caucuses in the city of Rochester and the country districts of Monroe county were held last evening under the arrangement made by the State committee look ing to the pacification of the mil and Cleveland factions of the party. The results as a whole were sur prising and showed that the quarrel between the factions, which have been at daggers drawn for several years, had not been thoroughly harmonized- In ten of the twenty wards of the city each faction was successful, and in the country as a bole the same proportion marked the result, the Cleveland men carrrmg the hrst and third assembly districts and the Hill men the second and fourth. This will make an even break for State com mitteemen. Divided on the lines of senatorial distrcts, the Hill men carried the forty-tlird and the Cleveland men the forty-fourth. GOV. CARR SIGNSTHE CALL. Other Signers of Prominence Mr, Nintlb Nays tbe Silver onveatlon a a t ertalnty. Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 22. Ed. Chambers Smitb, ex-Deuiocratio State chairman, has sent to each county in the State a call for an early convention of all persons who believe in the remonetization of sil ver. Mr. Smith says a convention will assuredly be held here late in September or early in October. Governor Carr signed the call to day. Among other signers are 8 A Ashe, B C Beckwith, J Eae, F S Spruill and W C Stronacb. Mr. Smith says only one man who was asked to sign refused, and that he is a national bank director Curiosities There and Here. Here's a curiosity sure enough. Dr. R K Gregory says about Bii weeks ago he cut some green willow blanches and made a rustic screen of them, using them for the frame work. As some of the pieces were crooked he straightened them and laid them on the top of a box with weights on them in the open air and sunshine to dry and season. After this he gaye them three coats of white paint (lead and oil), and completed the screen. It has been Betting in the front hall of his residence since it was finished and now green twigs are growing, vigor ously out of the frame, some of them being already over an inch in length. They are growing at the points where the little limbs were cut off. Greensboro Recoid. As to things growing after brbg painted, our friends, Graber Bros, last week bad a watermelon sign painted. During the rainy weather they placed the sign on the ground floor of their ice house, and Friday morning when the sign was taken out, young melon vines were grow ing out of the painted melon, so natural was it. JTrsT P. Bell, Osaottxtf oMUe, Km. wife of the editor of The Graphic, the lead- -. tag local paper of Miami county, writes "I MM rMoIe4 wtth heart dUen tor six years, severe palpitations, short ness of breath, together with such ex treme nervOBsness, that, at times I would walk tbe floor nearly all nigh. Ws consulted the best medical talent. Thtv maid there warn nm ftetjsVr Me that I had organic disease of the heart for which there was no remedy. I had read your advertisement In The Graphic and ayearago, as a last resort, tried one bottle of tor. Mile' Sew Cure fer the Bemrt, which convinced me that there waa traa merit In it. I took three bottles each of tha Heart Cure and Restorative Norriae and It eemttletelv eured sae. I clact well at night, my heart beats regmlarlyaad I have no more smothering spells. I wish to say to all who are suffering a- I did: there's relief untold for them If they will only rive your remedies Just one trial.1 Dr. MUog Heart Cnre is sold on a poslUvn -guarantee that the first bottle will Denetifc AlldroggUtesellitatSl, 6 bottles fortft,or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of priea by Uia Dr. Milua kUcUcal Ga aUkbart, 10. t Dr.MilesTTeartCurc Restores Heal (for Sale by all Druggist. .1 1 X I;

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