THE : STANDARD PTiTNTS THE TT'O Hi TURNd OUT GOOD - JOB - WORK NEWS THAT IS JYEWS F OKI YEAR . SEtfDTJfc 1 DOLLAR AT LIVING PRICES. VOL.VIII--NO.35 CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1895. WHOLE NO. 33.5 GIVE US A TRIAL. THE : STANDARD! i MONEY. ISO. 11. The reader who has examined the last two communications is no doubt ready to admit that whatever the standard of value, the value of the money unit, may be, it is of the gre>jm porta nee that it shall be as nearly invariable as tne nature 01 things will permit. Let it be sup posed, however, that it is desirable to have two standards, or the double standard as it is commonly called; and that the aim Bhall be to hare them established on absolute equal ity. How shall the equality be es tablished ? The first notion of equal ity that presents itself is that the two metals, say, shall have equal recognition at the mint, that each shall have the same time gfren for coinage, tbst each Bhall be ocined into the same denominations, that there Bhall be as many one dollar piecesjT'two dollar pieces, fiye dollar pieces, ten dollar pieces, twenty dol-. lar pieces,' coined of the one as of the other. This would put each on equal terms in the mint provided the expense of handling the one was no greater than the expense attending the handling of the other. If the expense incident to handling the one were greater than that to hand ling the other, the difference could be adiusted so as to put the two metals on equality in the matter of handling. The next step towards Be- carine perfect equality would be to repeal all legal tender laws, re quiring all contracts to name tbe kind of payment to be made, and if money is to be paid, on the basis of which standard payment shall be made. If the two metals were gold apidjeilver. all notes wou'd be drawn payable in either gold or silver coins respectively or their equivalents. Stores would r-ave notices put up in each house Btating on what basis all sales would be made, and by what standard all aconnta would be set tled. Coat me ors, mechanics, day laborers, clerks etc. would havc special agreement in each case as to the basis on which payment was to be made to tbem. In the absence of special agreement as to the basis of payment the law mighty require that the mean or average of the two standards be taken as the basis for settlement. In this way the two metals would be given equal chances before the people. The parties to a contract would t hen say what tbe payment shonld be and their prefer ences wonld be indicated in tbe con tract There would be rio nec s i for calling in the sheriff to eufurce the recept.on of light weight, heavy weight, cheap or dear money The parties wonld have a definite under standing and no mistake could be made. i. : .1 l . i i i iu iu wueiuer cue jitwpie wuuiu receive tbe two metals on eqnal terms, it uo doubt would hopper that they would be governed bj their own convenience. if tht natural eqnality of the two n otalt was the same there would hardly fct any preference shown for either the one or the other. If, however, then was not a natural equality, th-u is, if the color, weight ma liability e'e of the one metal was not equal to the color, weight malleability efc. of the other metal, the people would hardly receive them on eq'ial U rma The likes and dislikes, tbe desires of the people wonld enforce a prefer ence for the superior metal. Now, if the two metals are Knot naturally equal, no law, it is evident, can make tbem so. Even in cases where attempts have been made to compensate for the want of natural eqnality by establishing ratics, fail ure to maintain the ratios has fol lowed becuase an increase or decrease in the quantity especially of the in ferior metal has practically had tbe t effect of inci easing or decreasing the inequality, by . adding to ordimin. ishing the bnrden incident to circu lating and handling, the inferior metal. It shonld also be noticed that in the matter of comparison we are so constituted bj nature that in mak ing comparisons, tbe ideal, whatever 'that ideal may be, usually is what we conceive to be the best of the class, and with it we compare all other members of the class. In com paring trees, cattle, horses, men, metals, the most n arly perfect specimen is chosen, the other mem bers of the class being compared withlt. Similarly with metals used as money material. : If they are all dif ferent, some one will be selected for comparison. The selection will not be made at random or to suit the fancy of some one person or olass of per sons, bnt will be made in accordance fitb tte decision of the people who " "' - - - as a whole have without consulta tion decreed in their own minds which is the superior. The selec tion is not made because the law gays so, but the law is enacted to suit the selection already made. That metal which fulfills more nearly all the requirements of a money material will be taken as the standard of comparison. The rahos 15 to 1, 16 to 1, 32 to 1, are by nature comparison, and show that one quintity is estimated in erma of another, tht a less valuable metal 8 compared wi'h a more valuable metal; and, also, not withstanding our preference for either the one or the other m tal, we still recognize, somehow or other, the 1 as the unit, and the 15, lG,and 32 as numbers or qnantities com pored with that unit. SaVIGNY. What in all Tlits About? Hditok otaxdabb: As you rnr.y not know me I will state that I am an oral architect. In classical pari lance I would be called an odontolo- gist, so you gee I am somewhat of a scientist, but I have .recently dis covered that which I cannot explain. On bearing that you could solve knotty problems and with tne eye of futurity eaze upon things euex- plicable. I submit it to you for an explanation. "When I go down town at night a short route takes mo through an alley. About midway of tsaid alley there is a mud-bole or at least it is so situated during the day but at night its location is erratic as vill be shown in the conclusion. The first night 1 went to the right, but I went into it. The second trip I yered to the left, but into it 1 went again. The third night l cautiously kept in the middle but I found it there. Out of thirteen nights tryins to avoid it f havelietenped into it twelve times and tbe most remark' ableLfeature is I have invariably stepped into it with tiy left foot. Why is this, or can it be a movable mudxhoL? Wm- Smothehscck. The above ia profoundeel by a gentleman, well known to Cabairus people. We can not answer it, but we have reasons to Lelieve there are several gentlemen, who have in the past solved more difficulty prob lems! for Col. Smothersock, whose earmarks we believe they will at once recogniz-3- To them, it is eub mitted they aro surviving members of the Lyceum that didn't survive. Smotberitock Answered by L,exl fon Edixob Stakdard William Smothersock seems to haye run against a problem that gives him as iiuoh trouble to elucidate as the financi:il question tdyei the ordinary Democrat. If he had submitted the question to the Populists every one of them could have given him a clear, concise and e.tidfactory an jwer, just i3 t-aey as they cau solve he fiuaiiCiiil question. True, there nuia n: ve o-en ins uimcuny about it : each one would have given mm a diff:.eac answer and probably dome of the answers wonld have been dhmetitally opposed to the other, but then vou eee he would have had the advantage of variety as well a? the privilege of selecting the answer tbat best suited his taste. Now aa he says Le is a odcntolo- gist, let suggest tnut tie stick to his calling, hiul, O.toiA g into hat. alley after Line. Het-'.er keep on the Main siref, Willie, if you do hnye to o ; little further arounu. Now, were he perambulating around Concord the mud hole would haye emained stationary even if it were in an alley. No, William, stick to the . oda fountain and coca coia and that mud hole will remain as fixed as Mount Mitchel; Odon't you see! As to the question of why jou should always get your left foot into the mud hole is a much harder problem to solve, but with the aid of onr futurity glasses we shall not despair of solying even this. Now William being a man is consequently a biped; a biped, unless he should have been in the late unpleasantness has two feet. No William being a biped; a biped having two feet, William necessarily has two feet One of these for convenience is called his right, the other his left foot. When borh of these pedal ex tremities come in contact with the aqueous mixture, vulgarly termed a mud hole, then necessaiily his left foot must Lave been in tbe mud each time. That's why this is thusiy, William, Now, 0 ! don't you see, when a man is chock full of science, futurity glasses and the dead languages, how easy it is to make perfeclty trans - paient a subject that to those who grope in dark alleys at night, is as a sealed book. ' Yours fondly, Gbiek Lexicon SUITS AGAINST FRALEY. Bnces Fnir, Bnt Crowd Small Johu nton, tbe Fakir, Hot Yet Heard From Salisbury, N. C.,Aug. 29. The racing at the fair ground yesterday afternoon was fairly attended, bnt was not as satisfactoiy as that on Tuesday. The horsemen haying the crowd would not begin the races un til sufficient money a certain amoont was raised. This took some time, and then oaly two races were run a trotting and running race. The gate receipts for the two days and the money raised yesterday, it was said, amounted to about $375, which should meet nearly all the expenses incurred by the horsemen in coming here. Rev. L K rropst, of Atlanta, Ga., lectured in St. John's Lutheran church tonight on the subject of Home and Foreign Missions. The lecture was both interesting and in. stroctive. Rav. C B Kin? and J D Ileilig attended the meeting of the Woman's Jiome and re reign Missionary so cictv at Orran church. Have had no report from them of the session tive of the horse cen wno were duped into coming here to the race meet advertised by the fake Salis bury Racing Association yestenlry entered snits against Mr. W C Fraley of $50 each for conspiracy and con federacy. The trial was held last night in the coart room before Eeq Andrew Murphy and attracted quite a crowd? of interested spectators. Messrs. Lee S Oyerman and L H Clement appeared for the plaintiffs and Hon. Theo. F Kluttz for the defendant On a hearing, without exaainingall the witnesses the case was son suited. The plaintiffs ap pealed to the Superior court. Your correspondent would sug geat a solution to the problem of Mr. William Smotherscck pro pounded in yesterday's Stand abd if Concord was not a dry town. At it is he lets it go by the board. Fcr the sake of saving shoe lea' her and a dirty eoci would it not be a good idea for the aforesaid gentleman to go a little further around or go homo in the day time. Secretary Johnson, of the racing association, who skipped when his fraud was discovered, has not jet been heard from. His old clothes and a few of his handbills are still here. An Infer! ouate Youth. Uarios uoiiar, the youthtni nns fortunate who sometime ago suffered the Iobs of the sight of one eye and was taken to thu cinty h-nna, vv last Fr day trans ftnei to Chr lotte, wher.1 a skilled optician il take the caee. Tle fcif-bt of tht beste is bad It impaired by orncal ulcer and op: city of crjBtkllized lenz, :uid Hpon advice of Dr. L M Archey, the county physician, the boy was moved. Sympathizing friends contributed finite iibeiallv to defray the expexsci of the little felloe, who, if not a;deJ in time, will be tntirrly b'ind. The child is about 13 years of age, nnd his peo ple live on Fortst Ilili. Mrs. M L Moore accompanied the toy to CharIo:'e and will see him safely in the hands of frienus. A Nmoke Ilonse Kobbefl. Thieves have got in their work at he home of Mr. Eecse Johnston, in No. 11 township Sir. nii Mrs. Johnstou are in th mnu.tuiiid at the home oi Mr. Jobation's fd'hr and It ft on his lactation a family of colored people. In looking aronnd the place Wed- nesday morning the tenant discover ed that robbers had dug a hole un der the smoke bouse and taken from within all of Mr. Johnston's meat, which amounted to several hundred pounds. Efforts are being made to locate the guilty parties. Suspicion in on one or more. Mr. Johnston will be apprised cf his misfortune, as parties have written to him. Bad Devilment. Besides their trains being rocked, the Southern suffers in quite a different way at the depot Capt. Ed Patterson, of the local freight between Charlotte and Salisbury tells a reporter that some mean per son or persons are in the habit of pulling the coupling pins lrotn the cars that stand on the side track and carrying them eff or hiding them; and that the air hose con necting the brakes are often cut to pieces. Such devilment as this should be looked into and the ones who perpetrate such deeds should be accordingly dealt with. . Mr. S H Garmon has been pros pecting on the lands of Mr. Mathewitition was torn down and. ha? neve rl Stailings,of No. 10. He has found some gold, too. LOCALS Pumpkins are ripe. Mr. Glial White is with Cannons & Fetzer, on the clothing side, dur ing the fall season. Mrs. Wagoner, on West Depot street, is having a drive nicely graded in the front of her residence. After September 1, the stores will begin to keep open at night. Man; of tbe merchants did not close, any way. Rev. M A Smith has announced that a reyival will begin at Forest Hill Methodist church about Sep tember 15, so Bays Key. Simpson Mr. Pink M Misenheimer shot into a beavy of English sparrows Wednesday at the Fenix roller mill and killed fifty-two birds at ouce Eight cases of typhoid feyer, in two families, is reported at China Grove. Mr. Frank I Frank Patter son, of that place, is quite sick, also A man by name of Coleman was brought to town from No. 9 town ship and lodged in jail on Wedflea day for carrying pistols aud knucka. The Observer says that last Sun day was one of the greatest days the street car line of Charlotte has ever had. The receipts from fares were about $250. There will be a big picnic in No 4 township next Saturday. game of buseball will take place between Grant's Creek and a team from No. 4. Among the improvements of the city is one at Forest Hill Methodist church. The payement immediate ly in front of this building is being built of cement. A number of little girls and boys of the city, on Wednesday, changed their attire from that of girls to bovs and bovs to rirls. It was a great time for them. At Anderson, . C, the town dad dies have prohibited tbe livery men rrotn hiring a horse, running a transfer, or ice aad dmrmcn from selling ice or milk on Sunday, Key. Walker White, who has been yieiting relatives in this county, with his two little boys, has returned to Statesville, where he will join his family. He will return to Texas about September 15. While the baseball games by the colored people in rear of the city hall are quite noisy, they furnish amuse ment for quite a large crowd of spectators every afternoon, who greatly enjoy the fanny moyements and play of this people. Mr. Paul McGraw, a brother to Mr. Frank McGraw, of this city, met w'th a painful accident while choppiog Tuesday by an axe glanc ing, which cut a terrible gash in his foot. He lives in Rowan county, near Organ church. No appetite ? Then do not try to force tooi down; but use the most sciriititic mear.a for restoring tone to tne stomach. How? Why, by tak ing Ay er's.Sarsaparilla, and in a sur prisingly short time, your appetite iA come again, and come to stay. Ir. W W Morris has a walking stick which he brought with him from the mountains, on which he has very artistically carved emblems of the order of Masons and of the Kjpa Sigma society. The stick wus cut on the top of Juna Luska mountain. His talent as a carver is seen by his work. A dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral taken in time has prevented many a fit of sickness and saved numerous lives. This proves the necessity ot keeping this incomparable medicine where it can be readily reached at all hours of the day and night. Fred Miller, a colored boy of the town, was employed by Mr. Castor to dp tome work, and on going through the shop to the rear end the boy's bttention was attracted by something in the lot, and not look ing where he was stepping fell to rou n d from the door, a distance of 7 or 8 feet. His arm was fall of lumber at the time, bnt the boy was not seriously hurt. . It is said that soon after the campmeeting waa established at' Pleasant Grove there was a staidi unwavering old man in the neigl- borhood who considered it an un pardonable Bin almost for the men and women to sit together during services. Thererore he'built a high partition running lengthwise of the arbor to separate the; sexes. ' Th( night after the partition was finished some one, or ones, tarred and feathf been erected since. Monroe Ea i quirer Two Democrats Answer Bond Questions. THE STANDARD PUT A QUESTION TO MESSRS. J. P. CALD WELL AND JOSEPHUS DANIELS ABOUT THE EFFECTS OF "SOUND" MONEY AND FREE COINAGE ON THE BOND ISSUES ON AUGUST 21ST BELOW ARE THE ANSWERS. x .The Rileigh News and Observer aniwers as follows: In a recent issue of the Concord Standard, there appea-ed an edi torial relating to the issuing of bonds ' to maintain the gold reserye, and this question was asked: Does the editor of the Raleigh News and Observer believe, if the views and principles (those he es pouses relative to the solution and correction of the financial troubles) become laws in their fullest aud completest meaning and scope, that the government officials would not be compelled to again issue bonds to protect the reserve fund or to main tain the credit of the United States or to make its promises to the peo ple good ? 1. There is no statute requiring the maintenance of a gold reserve. When, as Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Sherman began the line of policy looking to a perpetuation ot the gold standard, he put aside one hun- dred million dollars in gold which he called "the gold reserye." Though the amount of Treasury notes in ex istence had been much larger than at that time, no gold reserve had ever before been deemed necessary, and none had been necessary. 2. There being no law for the "gold reserve," there is likewise no law that requires the sale of bonds to keep up the reserve. In the last Congress the J udiciary Committee of the Honse of Representatives pre pared an able paper in eurport of the position that the Secretary of the Treasury had no legal right to iseue bonds. The bonds are issued under the old resumption act of 1S75, and by a strained construction of that Act. The obligations of tbe govern ment are all payable in coin at the option of tbe government. As loDg as we pay our debts according to the written letter of the contract it can not be justly said that we are not preserving the faith and credit of the goyernment. - 4. The government has made "no promise to the people" except its bonds and its various notes, and none of them, except the gold notes, are payable in gold. The coin five dollar notes contain this contract oa their face : "The United States of America will pay to bearer fiye dollars in coin, lhe silver certificates cone. tain this stipulation : ''This certi fies that there has been deposited in the Treasury of the United States five silver dollars payable to bearer." The Treasury notes, "greenbacks," have this promise: "The United States will pay the bearer five dol lars." The bonds of the govern ment are payable in any kind of money. It is therefore seen that there is no obligation of the government payable in gold ; no authority of law for a gold reserve ; no clear legal warrant to issue bonds ; and no need to do any of these thiDgs to preserve the contracts and credit of the government. The bonds having been issued to preserve the gold standard, the necessity of further issue is done away with when debts and notes are paid according to con tract, and not according to the seK fish demand of the creditor. The Charlotte Observer thus answers : The editor of the Concord Stand ard has recently had an interview with a s indent of finances and affairs who, in reply to questions, gaye him what we conceive to be an accurate statement of one of the influences wrought upon tbe Treasury by the presence in onr currency system of a large amount of grreenback , Trias ury and Sherman notes. Briefly, the statement is that one . wanting gold may gather up this paper cur rency, carry it to tbe Treasury and have it redeemed in gold. The notes are not then destroyed but are paid out again in the regular course , of business and may be again gathered up and used to draw gold out of the Treasury. This process may go on indefinitely and thns these paper re presentatives of -money have been often and aptly described as an end less chain. In view of this situation The Standard courteously pro pounds a question the same in terms to the editor of the Charlotte Observer and tbe Rle?b News and Observer, and aeRs for a clear fall answer. Thus- - Does the editor of the Charlotte 1 1 Observer believe, if the views and principles (those he spouses relative to : tbe solution and correction of financial troubles) become laws iu their fullest and completest meaning - and scope, that the the government officials would not be con pel led to again issue bonds to protect the reserve fund or to maintain the credit of the United States or to make its promises to the people good ? To be clear, we answer, yea. To be full, we must needs explain. In our judgement the run upon the the Treasury gold has been largely due to the agitation for free silver. We are a creditor nation. Our foreign creditors, noting the rise of the silver tide, have, many of them, sent their securities here for sale while yet they could get for them the same quality of money that they paid for them gold. They have feared that the United States are coming to a silver basis and know that in that event they would be paid off in a depre ciated currency. Again, the balance of trade has for Borne time been against us and these balances, pay. able in gold, have helped to weaken the Treasury reserve and necessitate issue of bonds. Yet again, as pointed out by ex-Comptroler Hep burn in his article in the Forum for August, the operations of the Mci Kinly tariff act were such that a bond issue became necessary not alone to strengthen the gold reserye but to afford cash with which tbe government might pay off its rent obligations. cur We have dealt thus far with causes. Causes other than those re' cited might arise to produce the eavne results. So long as the paper .currency referred to is outstanding fit: m a triflnano n ha onlr? yoaafva and as far back as 1876 the national Demorcatic party in convention de- manded that these obligations should be discharged. As early as possible they shonld be redeemed and de stroyed and the goyernment go out of the banking business, confining itself to its legitimate functians. The notes thus redeemed should be replaced by another currenay as for instance State bank notes, as has often been suggested, issued under such supervision as would gnarantee their character in order that there may be no contraction of the cur rency. In this explanation we have sought to be candid and explicit. We do not belieye that as things are now the Treasury is entirely exempt from the danger of raids with the accompanying Lecessity for further issues of gold bonds; but this danger would decrease with the subsidence of the free silvei agitation, with the full restoration of confidence in the equal yalue of all our money, and with the adjustment of business, now in rapid progress, to the new tariff law. Buying; Machinery. Mr. R J Russell, of Colorado, who has leased the Jimmie Hartsell mine, two miles northwest of .Farr'is Storj, has gone off to purchase ma chinery. He will put in engine, stamp mills, etc. The ore is low grade, being worth $i per ton, but is abundant and easily gotten out. It In Lord Sot Uoytl. Charlie Lloyd, the murderer, be longs to a family in this county known as "Lord." He was raised near the Phoenix mine, this county, and his father and mother still live there. His father remarked, when hearing of Charlie's act, "it's mighty bad, but I raised him right," Cylinder Head Blew Oat. Thursday afternoon there was a scatteration of men and mud alike at R A Brown's brick yard when a cylinder head to one of the engines that runs the brick machine blew out. Meu were working all around the engine and when the burst oc curred laborers prayed as ibey have never prayed. It we almost a mir acle that no one was hurt. Several workmen were steamed, b a i not se riously. Tbe blowout caused one machine to suspend operation for one day, but all is right again and the average output of 35,000 brick per day is going on. Mr. HE Wilkinson, of J Enoch ville, Rowan oonty, has accepted a position with Mr. J W Cannon in his cotton mill office. Mr. Wilkin son ia an excellent young man and The Standard welcomes him to town. Highest of all in Leavening ABBOLOTEBX PURE MURDER WILL OUT. A Strange Komanc A Hiiaband, a Wife and a Child Tbe Second Una. band AImo JMlsttlng May Know It All. There is luiking aronnd loose among the atmosphere around Hick ory one of the most bloodt-curdling and romantic, as well as highly sen sational recountals of murder, at- tempted murder and suicide, which in all our Jong " experience, has ever come'to our knowledge. It is now proposed to suppress names for the present in order that the law, like JNature, may take its course. It is said that murder will out and this case is no exception, but ceeme to justify the statement. Fifteen or sixteen years ago a man , residing near Hickory, suddenly and very mysteriously dis appeared from mortal ken. It was whispered about that be had been murdered and his body cast into the Catawba river. Not long before that he had trouble with his wife. In fact he shot her in the breast and attempted to shoot himself. He was before the Superior Court Judge at Newton on the charg6 when he told the judge in open court that he had intended to also kill himself, but that the pistol would not go off and there were only three loads iu it anyway, He created quite a scene in court. It was something about his child, which he wanted to take from the mother. He told the jadge he would have the child if it was the last act of his life, or that he would die in the attempt. He got the child and went away, but was induced to re turn to his wife again. It was not long before he disappeared. In course of time the widow married. She did not live very happily in her second alliance. Not long ago hei second husband lett and told some ugly tales. There was something said about a grave and its locality. Tuesday of last week parties in vestigated the graye. It was there. bnt there were no human remains in it. Husband number two has made himself scarce in this section. The officers want to find him. He may clear up the mystery of the missing husband number one. Meantime the good people round about are saying such s' range things do happen, Hickory Press. I" Hickory has a sensation, but out siders can't have one over this ar ticle. Lord, what a difference there is when names are left out !J Pnn'bed III Head; Through a Win dow. Rob Goodman and Rufus Alex ander, two little negro boys who loi ter around the streets, got into a scrap rJriaay evening, vatn one punched the head of the other one through one of the large glasses in a window at Swink s beef market. Not even a kink was cut from the boy's head to say nothing of the gender skin. His honor, Mayor Morrison attended to them this (Saturday) morning. NOT A SICK DAY For Over Thirty Years! EESULT OF USING 'AYER'SPILLS "Ayer's Cathartic Pills for over thirty years have kept me in good health, ever having had a sick day in all that time. Before I was twenty I suffered almost continually as a result of con Btipation frcm dyspepsia, headaches, neuralgia, 'or boils and other eruptive diseases. When I became convinced that nine-tenths of my troubles were caused by constipation, I began the use of Ayer's Pills, with the most satisfac tory; results, never having a single attack that did not readily yield to this remedy. My wife, who had been an Invalid for years, also began to use Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly restored. . With my children I had no ticed that nearly all their ailments were preceded by constipation, and I soon had the pleasure of knowing that with children as with parents, Ayer's Pills, if taken in season, avert all danger of sickness." H. Wkttstkin, Byron, 111. AYER'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair, tarupiritlt Streigthm tht SytteiR. It. - Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report R 3- SUSPECTED POISON. Crying; for the standard . Earlier- Work Profrreimlng; Brlek From Concord, Mr. Pleasant, Aug, 29. Mary Knott, a colored woman of the town is critically ill, and the nature of her sickness seems not to be understood. Some persons are inclined to the opinion that it is a case of poisoning. Yesterday she was out in the conn try, at out two miles from town, and while at the home of Jerry Motley, colored, she ate some watermelon. ' As others ate of the same melon and as no other case of sickness has been reported, it is not likely it had poison in it. It is Miss Mabel Barrier instead of Miss Maggie, who with Mr.DD, Barrier, is now visiting relatives in S. C. The Standard was not in formed correctly. Work on Moose's drug store was. suspended yesterday, no brick being the cause. The work was resamed today, seyeral loads ot brick having been brought from Concord. It would be a great coryenience to the readers of The Standard if the paper could be received the same day it ia printed. As it is the news is about 24 hours old when we get it. Mr. Eobert Dove left Thursday night for Baltimore, where he will be under treatment by a special phyt sician for a peculiar trouble puz zling our local physicians. Mr. Hazeillius Suther, a native Concord boy and son of the late Caleb A Cuther, now of near Trout- iuou o, xicucii cuuniy, was id. xn city shaking hands with friends of departed boyhood days. Miss Fannie Strieker, a most estimable young lady of this city, has gone to Forest City, where she has accepted a position as instruct ress in a music school. Forest City is fortunate to secure one so com, peter, t. A number of young ladies and gentlemen picnicked at Glasses Thursday night. "The ride was delightful," says one, "but the dust was almost stifling." The excur. sion went and returned without ac cident. During the absence of Miss Wil liams, Mr. Bryant, a recent graduate of the University, is localizing for the Charlotte Observer. His first experience, in a new work and among strangers, is a Buccew. He has a nose for news. A special to the Charlotte Ob server from Morven, Anson county, says that the first bale of new cot ton was sold at that place yesterday (Thursday) by Steve West. The cotton was purchased by J M Hardi son, who paid eight cents for it. Tte Salisbury correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says : "The Daughters of the King gave children an exhibit of curiosities, etc., in the chapter house tonight. The curiosities exhibited were loan, ed them by Kev. Dr- Davis, of Con coid." Weak,Irritable,Tiredl " - I Was No Good oa Earth." Dr. Miles' Nervine strengthens the weak, builds np the broken j down constitution, and permanently cures- every kind of nervous disease. "A bout one yearag Iuxt afflicted trith ttervMttiMM. alepleanet Creeping mentation in mtf Meet, mj Blight palpitation of mm heart,1 Dietraeting confusion of the mi mi, Bvriaua loss or lapse of memory. Weighted Ooten ivith care. mm. perry. I completely lost appetite And felt my vitality teeariny out, r nam wmuiIc. irrltmble mmm tired My netght team reinee to ltO loo.A In fact M ww mm on mmtGhj A inena nroagni me Dr. Miles' book, "New and Start ling Facts," and I finally decided to try a bottle of Da. Hius Be- oratlve Nervine. Before I had taken one bottle I could sleep as well as a 10-yr.-old boy. My appetite returned greatly Increased. lFhen I ha taken the mixth bottle By weight increased to .J 70r. . The mentation in my lege teas gonef My nerves steadied completely My mtemmvy team faUy 'rrsfipi c4. My brain meemed clearer th mn ewv M felt am good mm amy mam mm emrt. Or. Miles' Mestorativo A'ervine is A great medicine, I assnre yon.' Augusta, Me. ' Waucxb E. Btnttuurs. Dr. mies Nervine la eold oa m9 namntee that the first bottle will ben AUdruaclstsselilt atll.e bottle for to. 1. fill UVBVUB, UinimiU, VU W.C 1 L' Ur. i by the Dr. UUleaMedlcal Oa, Eikoart, 1m 1 Dr. Miles' Nervinb Restores "tleslt!jl L For. Sale by U Druggist, " " - ' 1 'jr iu til. c -" 'l