rn.gfnar.trj. -,'.1 -t-.-.j. f. THE ; STANDARD THE : STANDARD' PEINTS THE JTEWS THAT IS JYEWS fORlYEAB SEWUM DOLLAR -TUUNaOUT GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL VOL. VIII-1N0. 36 , 1 CONCQRD N. C, THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER 12 , 1895. WHOLE N.336 The MONEY. SO. 12. The ratio 16 to 1 ia eyidence that an inequality exists betwaen gold ana silver, it- the metals were coined on 1 hat basis, in order that thre might be equal chances given them, the leg$ftender aws ! remain ing ia foicei. there,. should, "be 1C tioaeaaV mauj gold dollars coined as silver dollar's;' ' that Ta i for every 1,000,000 Bilyer dollars there sbonld be 16.000.000 cnld dollars " i On that basis for-the ;PO.ODO,O0O silver dollaB nowlnfcircaiation in this country there Bhould be sixteen times 600,000,000, that is to say 9,600,000.000 gold dollars: . Take of 600,000,000 dollars for " gold " boV in circulation, and we have 9,000, 000,000 as the number of dollars gold is behindv. The capacity of he mint bpgeoOOOjOO dollar pieces a year, it f ollowa thato coin 9,0C0,s 000. 000 single dollars would require 1. bOwars, which seems to be the perioS-as demanded by the ratio 16 to 1, dniing which not a: silver dol lar should be coined, that is if the two metals are to have raji, equal chance in the basis earned above: - ' Of course, it is not advocated that coinage shall take place, on the above basis. Neither is. it j advocated, as some seem to thiuk it should be.that the ratio 16 to 1 signifies that we should have sixteen dollars where we haye one now. " On that" basis the 1, 600,000,000 dollars now ia circula tion, would have to be raised to six teen times that amount,that is, to en nomousBumof 25j600,000,000 dol lars,which would give us ecirculation of nearly four hundred dollars - per capita, and take 480 years to coin it, deducting the 1,600,000,000 already in .circulation. The trouble with thJLble standard seema to be the efiort to enforce by law an eqmlity where there ia no natural equality. It is an attempt to make people de- sire two things equally for one', o'. t. r -V. i.i l r r which they have preference Now a noun'rv must nave monev and plenty of it, too, tbis all will admit, all will admit that the money should be good money, and that every dollar should have the same purchasing power aa every other dollar. To attain this desired re sult there should not be too many standards by which o measure the dollars. TfihiQ-e'ie morebati one standard and v they - vary; in "value, the value's '.'c3Ffethe- standard,, what they may je,at any f utnre timej be coming 'o$&1$fsing elements in all time trattfjl8nB.v The uncertainty as to whijjtpyUsdA.r.fW. meaaurejayuimaturity; f '.rjp'e would baw'effect ofr m.ipg'jtbe rate of interest high enough to cover any DossrM&IbftBrfMin ar thana in the value ..pf -the i standard, or the kind of xdoiey- tb'be paid 'would be ramed irfcVibe. vnbte- ' Thw would cause the money rated hy the high-? est standard to le., wit hd rsi n from circulation orif. .used as . rrtonr, to be used ifqmvitientPf;- blower 8tandardy aod'onseqieiTy '-a.' -n premium. Npbpd.y wculd pny, hundred doUab. wjth. 8 it. Be ven ty -fi vedftja rS in 'Jgol wonTdj buy silver doISrXtV?!5,?' Pajtth debt. , -ji - n i -' To avoid this i Beetu? that ,te world has decided that is -would be best to ma.ke gqldvtbe Ni)dTd add then coin all the gold aud si; Ver ttia the basibeffo.tf ;fhtri ,iigh' need. Mafesgb.1 anrijnl trailed It.il tender, and'rl.verdpllarf ag'l tp dr for wbteampqn t luihLaeem best for tfre welfaa;bfv,all interests. If silver .is'too hevj and les's desir able as a. money metal than gold, "to attempt W'forcfe pedpje ' to rfeeive, carry and.hapdlet to a uurdensome extent, would be equiyaleht to using means to:e8trBy7'it'j3se a . money metal, the" ery-tMiag '-that11 might not be desirwL.,,!- . By hayirfg the sMJgk 'gold stand ard, a atbp.Vvjdjbe,; srt-.to"ih contention beWtt4ftt&ndto;3s in the tradmjj.nni3ri1. All time-couiraotf wpnia ctanaaaeiOD a less donbtfV;It" wbhld fetdp juggling wijif tb'atfthdvad thus remove disturbing" forces Which are a constant, hinderaiice to promote ing the business interests of the Aoantiy. t tZ&i'-'"-' ' -' In the' iatter i (jt8electrag the tandard"of tsture'whiJh' must from its valuer cafyaftBBe,!. bi -uuwa, the eameriBcipleWlnhe casBs Of train. fr'mC3k4n4 should obt?jii)eite trgracTe upward thajdbret. to raise thelejUn'afliL!! 4t) it, if adhering to -tfiwBncipie. people come mortrtr1fttM;1ieftfefhH! essential . a uiwv" . thrifty. 'rh1JOtWfe'4Mofra worth eom?(tiV'f w' c::? cf ltcl t 1 r.tn coriiaiw.io how tbey spend it. Tbey are likely to be more economical. But to make tht standard too high would not be well. That might "doinjury to certain classeB, Tue general opinion of the most enlightened "people ?of. the world seem to have settled ' the matter at least for the present. Gold haa been selected as the standard, and will remain the standard until the com mercial world discovers a better. Its stability of value makes it fit for the standard. .. (:. ; (, If any part of the people really desire silver as the standard, the best way to proceed would seem to be, to set about persuading and not forcing the" commercial world to take it!' ' 'Persuasion is sometimes more effective than force. . "S1TIONV. A MEXICAN JOHNSTOWN. Two Small Towns In the Salilo River Yailey Xearly Washed Away. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. " 5. A special to the Chronicle from Pied. raaNegras, Mexico, says that ad vices have reached there of the al most complete destruction of the towha of Roderiguez and Abastor, situated Eouth of there in the valley of the Salidor river. Both places were wiped out of existence by a cloudburst, which ocenrred ia the Sau Bias mountains, back of the towns. The water rushed down in the- valley, in a tremendous torrent sweeping everything before it. Lt covered the ground to a depth of eix fret .and the flood was from six to nine miles wide. The business houses and residences of the two towns were built of adobe, and they melted away before the torrent of water like so much sand. The town of Abastor had a population .of 1,500 people. ('mains; Prisoner. " ' Herny Hopkins, a young negro from South Carolina, was Thursday Rnested at Harrisburc bv Constable EJ rf -fe f ,arCfi Tbe o2i..,.r J ; ".a bringing h'B game to town to Ihi delivered cvsr to the Sheriff, bnt when within a few miles of h:3 des tination the thief broke away from the clutches of Mr. Harris and took to the basbes, Mr. Harris came on to the city and told his "troubles to the sheriff whereepoii- Sheriff Sims, Deputy Kill and Mr. narrs all three started out in search for the negro, buL without araii. They "were close on to hini but be was clever in evading them, and is still at liberty. ffitltNbnry'K C'eiwns IV e are Ahead. i - - . Through the efforts of the Herald j Siabury's census has been taken. HVr the iiicorporate limits the cen sns is 4.619 countingjn the suburbs lie number is swelled to 6.208. We j J6t most have our census lake'p- . Salisbury ; was larger i a 1890, but we have reasons for be 4iafing that inside the corporate Mtnits we have over 6,000, . saying nothing of our snto'bs. SaUsbury fea-J hti a gratrying iricrea-.e in 5 years; - ' An ) riii Broken. Wednesday four young ladies, Mi 4s --Lou l a Cook, of St John's, and her guests, Misa.es Annie and Kcnma Hearnp, ot A'bemarle, ad Mba Grace Hei!i, of Mti Plea3aat, spen dfeveral.h!ira ip thescity.. O i their return io -Miss Cok'4" hone when ntarcoid water creek, t? horses b"; came frig'iteaed- anl ahifi. Th" ladies were excited nd in j'iutjin? from th3 conveyance one of the Misses Hearne fell and broke an arm. Hihh Whnrey Mnrrlert. ' Ou Thursday at Mooreaville Miss Nannie Wharey, daughter of Dr. Wharey formerly paator of Bockj River Presbyterian church, and Profi.H A; Gray, who taught at Rocky River one yew, but now at wtersville, were married. - Mrs. P BTetzer. of Concord, and MiaB Fannie Staff ird, of Harrisburg, at tended.1 ftaUiy ttcalued. . . . - . . About the worst don up man we have seen ' on the streets in some time waa Mr. H E Bates, an em ployee of the Cornelius cotton mil's at Davidson College. On Tbnis day while working around the big basin in the slather room, himself with Mr, Richard Stough, secretary of. thes com pany , and a M r. Hb n ter who attends to the slasher machine, iyere.yictims to a terrible scalding. The lid Jo the kettle flew oil and the .slashes threw, boiling composition all about-the room. Mr. Stoigh was 'wka.'lserioufly.and probably fatally eteamedV-while the o.ber two. men 'eaeaped "through a window without any ,rei d amage, other . .lb an their kfacfa 5 tewibly -burned,' Mr. Bates iacta.P;,;"ft'Prett' one t0 taze Pon in its present disfigured condition. MR, BURLEYSON THE FIRST Man to Keaen the Concord Market With Aew Cotton-JnHl Keven Bay Later Than LaNt Tear Aboat 6 o'clock this (Friday) morning, September 7, Mr. Ben jamin Burleyson, of No. 10 town ship, reached the city with a 423 pound bale of tbis year's cotton crop, which is the first bale fbr Ca barrus. He was the first last year by thrue hours, Capt J M Odell be ing the second. He was just seven Jaya later this year than last, having brought in a bale on che 30oh day of August. Mr. Burleyson says his crop will be about two-thirds, and that it is at least two weeks later. He receiyed 8 cents for his cottdn this year, Cannons & Fetzer haying purchased it. The contest between Mr. Burleyson and Capt Odell for the first tale was close this year, too, Capt. Odell having had his at the giu while Mr. Burleyson's was on the market. THE COAT HE WEARS. " This old farmer of No. 10 and Cabarrus is one of the foremost and as a souvenir he has preserved for twtnty-seven years the coat he was married in and the same was the one be wore to town this morning. It waa made by Capt. J M Alexander of this city; and says that not a seam has ripped or a button pulled off. The material of which the coat whs made is a black French cloth, which at the time it was purchased cost $7 per yrd . Npralned HI Arm While Playtitr Rail. Baseball has been the cause of considerable suffering among the players during the season, and at this late hour we yet chronicle acci dents. At the High School grounds r"ridy afternoon a game was iri progress when Master Richard Gib-1 eon waa a ranner. ue stutnnieu, fell ani sprained his arm. The lit- tie fellow suffered intensely Friday night, and not until his arm waa ex- j amined this (Saturday) morning was he (satisfied that it was not broken. But then there is no danger iu play icg baseball if yoa can avoid acci dents. Four Dig Successes. naving the Beaded merit to more than inake pood all the advertising cloimed for them, the following four remedies balle reached a phenome nalsale: Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, each bottle guaranteed Electric Bitters, the great remedy for Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies re g'.ar int' i to do just what ib cluiine 5 i;r fhui fii'd the dealer whos.-) name is attached hero with wi.l be glaJ t o tell joa ruoro of them. Sold at. Ffuztu'd drug store. Ml vg Hurt of children's knee pants just in 20, 25, 40 and oO cents per pair at Ci&nors & Fetz-r'a, tf Snys the Wiimiuson Review : The Concord Standard wants a census of its own town and proposes to take onefofsrth of it meif. This iscenaueibk. Mr. Joo Goodmin s'ruck town from Augusta, Ga., Friday morning tt 8:10; at 8:20 he was selling goods At bis old accastomod place. This is rapid tiansr. There ia considerable complaint dbcuc the 0'iwho!-!ton!e utmvpLere in tLat portion of tb r iy known as the north end cf Chare ft treet, Sanitary flicers, take i-o;itv. There will be three circoata at Raleigh this fall. As yet none have signified their intention of com ing to Concord. They think our people can go to Charlotte to Bee the animals, In Wadesboro it required 33bal lot8 to !elect a county physician. They have a habit all up and down the Bboe-etriog district of taking mauy ballots in any kind ot a con vention. The Cabarrus . "Black Boys were inspected on the graded school grounds Fridty ' night. About thirty fie of the- members were present and made a very good ag pearance. 1 A hacking cough keeps the. bron chial tub-s in a state of constant ir ritation, which, it not sppedily re moved, may leal to chrenio bron chitis. No prompt, r remedy can be found than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Its effect is immediate and the re sult permanent. A white man" by the name of Frank Dowell - got on a jag at Ad vance last Sunday and while down some mischieyious boys got some black and green paint and painted the word? ?new brandy"' on his face Dowell says that the only thing he objected to, -waa that he got the paint on hi ehirt.Datie Times. LOCALS- If you eee it m The Standakd, it's bo. No amount of inquiry will change the substarca of it. ' The court house site for Mecklen burg is yet as uncertain as the sola tion of the financial question. Master Jay Sima is quite sick with fever. Mr. J B Caldwell is attend ing to the eipiess business for him There would be more progress in settling things if a good rain would fall than by any other process we know of. Mr. John Stirewalt, near the Row ' an-Cabarrus line, died Tuesday from the effect cf a stroke of paralysis six weeks ago. North Carolina College and Mont Amcena Seminary, at Mount Pleas ant, opened prosperously on Wednes day. Mrs. Dr. L A Bikle, after spend ing her summer yacation with her daughter, Mrs. G W Means, has re turned to her home in King's Moun tain. Not a person in the city is more generally missed than is Maury Richmond at Swink's store. He is quite sick at his home on North Mam street. G E Fincher, who has been in the Monroe jail for six months, charged with scaling $4,000 from an aged man of Union county; was liberated Wednesday on $500 bail, Mr. J. D. Heath, who has been associated with Dry, "Wadsworth & Co., of Albemarle, as cotton buyer, haajgone to Charlotte, haying accept ed a position with Heatb & Co., cot ton buyers Mr. M F Nesbit, of Coddle Creek, and Mr. T D Miller, of Siatesville, spent today ( Thursday) in the city on business. Cabarrua loct a good citizen when Mr. Miller went to Statesvill. Sheriff John A. Sims (showed ua a specimen of rare wool brfM'srht with him from bis recent r.riji io Tixas. He has about a dozen pieces?, and will haye them trimmed and finish ed up for walkmg sticks. "Monroe correspondence : "Mr. M L Mareb, of this county, but re cently of Baltimore, ia here for a few daya making preparations for opening up a drug store in Concord towards the last of the month. On Wednesday at Norwood, Stanly county. Miss Frankie Lentz was married to a Mr. Ingram, of Rockingham, Richmond county. The marriage waa a quiet one. The bride is a Bister to our townsman, Mr. A E Lentz. Mr. W A Smith went out to the Reed gold mine today (Thursday) where a 10-Btamp mill ia being placed. Work in that section in gold mining interests are daily in creasing and the output ia still very encouraging. Mr. D B Overcash, of Cabarrus county, and Miss Minnie Abernathy, of Catawba county, were married Wednesday and will arrive' on the Statesville train today and dine at M II Hunter's, on North Church street. Charlotte Observer. Mrs. Martin Propat, of ' No. 5 township, wrestled with a shaking cLill Wednesday. The family waa very much alarmed, thinking it a congestive chill, but such was not the aise, however. Mrs. Propst is very fl jshy and was cold for several hours. The Lenoir Topic, in it's Patter son items, says something about a former resident of Concord : Rev. L M Brower gave us a-fine sermon at Harper's Chapel "Sunday morning. He is haying good meetings on the Lenoir circuit, from which we hope to see grand results., J - Master Russell . Hatchett, the bright little " boy of Mr. and Mrs John D Hatchett, of Memphii, Tenn., and grandson of. Mrs Esther Gibson, of this city, is lying at the point of death at his far away home. He has diphtheria. A message was received today bearing the sad intel ligence. A young man got on the evening train at the depot last night to get a dr'nk of ice water. While fooling at the faucet the train moved off. He was carried to the coal chute and let down, from where he "drilled" to town. The walk waa a delightful one, eays he, and the. scenery along the railroad by moonlight ia grand. Rev. G PBostic; once pastor, of the Concord Baptist church, but for several years a missionary to China, had contemplated a viBit home this i fall, but he ' writes his father - in Cleveland county that it is impos sible to make the trip. Ths iroa railing for the veranda ot the Morris house has arrived.. They had a regular gully-washer in No. 5 Thursday evening. The Arrington Instigating committee hav adjoarn d. "Hull-gull" will be the game now, since chinqnepins are ripe. Mr. II C Albea has 'secured a position with Mr. D P Dayvanlr, a splendid merchant of Concord. Lexington Dispatch. Mr. Will Fisher had to kill a fine hog Thursday. The animal got its foot caught in a crack of the pen and in twisting, broke its leg. The Durham Sun speaks of one well known in Concord : Rev. R F Bampasa, who has been here since Tuesday, left today for his home at Beaufort. Thedeath of Rev. RobtrA. Ful ton, of the Jesuit Society, at the College of Santa Clara, Cal., yesters day morning ia annonnced. He was born in Alexandria. Va, in 1S26. The Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis and the Western & Atlan tic roads haye given notice of their intention to withdraw from the Southern Passenger Association within six months. News reached the city Wednesday of the dea'h of Dr. Robert S Coch rane, at Due Wear, S. C., which oc curred Monday, September 2. He was a son of Mr. J M Cochrane, of Rocky River, and baa many relatives in this, county. At sheepsbfsJ Bonbueh, the son of Bramble and Rosedale, and. the five forlocgs in the opening event without the semblance of an effort, in 1:00 2-;, which i.i within a second of Correction's famous record. He covered the b.lf m;!e in .4Ti. Mr. R'tm&ey, whos. mother'died so sudden! in Iredell county and about wheae depth then '.vas suspic ion o" foul play, tells a Str.'esville Landmark reporter that the matter w;!l net be r rosecu ted further. The son-in-law. efftred o compromise on the will part. The fact that Eccles & Bryan, of Charlotte, are to retire from the pro prietorship of the Central Hotel, fallapon many people in a way similar to death. The Standard has reisons fort believing that they will live for a long time in the same ward, yote there and be where the'r many friends can easily see them etc, The Gastonia Gazette in speaking of the selection of Mr. JM Parker of McAdensville as Superintendent of the new mill in Concord, says : "The Buffalo mill is to be congratu lated on securing as good a mill man as Mr. Parker. He i3 the iuyentor of a new spinning frame that has elicited the admiration ot many mill men." Mr. M L Marsh, who has been in Baltimore for several years, is spends ing a few aays here. He will open a drug store in Concord Boon. He is a young man of sterling integrity and fine business capacity. He is a son of the late J S Marsh, of this county, and a brother of Mr W R Marsh, of this place. Monroe En quirer. untold msm FROM ElHEUr1ATISil C. E. King, Water Valley, Mis ., cared by Ayer's Sarsaparilia "For five years, 1 suffered untold misery from muscular rheumatism. I tried every known remedy, consulted the best physi cians, visited Hot Sprints, Ark., three times, spending (1000 there, besides doctors' bills; but could obtain only temporary relic, My flesh was wasted away so that I weighed only ninety-three pounds; my left arm and leg were drawn out of shave, the muscles '0 being twisted up iu knots. I was unable to dretm myself, except with assistance, ard could only hobble about by using a cane. bad no appetite, and was assured, by the doctors, that I could not live. The pains, at times, were so awful, ti.t I. could procure relief only by means of yportermic injec tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged in clay, in sulphur, in poultices; but these gave only temporary rllef. After trying everything, and suffering-the most awful tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilia. Jnside of two months, I was able to walk without a cane: In three months, my limbs began to strengthen, and In the course of a year, 1 was cured. My weight has increase'" -to 166 pounds, and I am now able to do my full day's work as a railroad blacksmith." u fhe Only Worid't Talr Sarsaparilia." : ATXB'S PIIL8 omp HemfcicA. A. J. P. ON HIS EAR. Justice Keith Adjndjren Colonel Staples in Conleiuf Court. Uolonel Btapies was en gaged in a cane before Squire Keith to be heard today a: 1 o'clock, bat Superior court was late in adjourning and he was a little late in reaching the J P's. office. Wben he cdled Justice Keith in formed him that the trial was post poned until tomorrow afternoon Uolonel btaples had an affidavit or two prepared and asked that Keith swear the parties. Very abruptly, it is charged, Keith refused to do so, whereupon Staples remarked he was not fit to tiy a dog, or wordB to that effect. His justiceship then ordered him under arrest for contempt of court. Colonel Staples at once went before Judge Starbuck and obtained a writ cf habeas corpus and the ca.e is to be heard this afternoon, "after court adjourns. Colonel Staples in the meantime being released on his own recognizance. How the "learned" justice could adjudge any one in contempt when he had just stated court was not in session is a new procedure. Colonel Staples is acting upon principle, with no fear of being im prisoned, for if Mr. Keith or any other justice can at will, postpone a case, thus keeping a defendant in jail or from being beard as long as he pleases then indeed have we fall eD on evil times. At present it looks like a high handed outrage and the end is not yet, Greensboro Record. Street Improvement. It ia ueele83 to say that much is being done to improye the condition of the 8treets and to beautify the town in various parts. A payement is being built on the east end of De pot street, to extend from where Mr. Sandy Sapp lives on to the Lippard roller mill property, which will add greatly to the nouvenioce and looks, i-ayor Morrison keepa the street force continually improving' the didewalks and streets. John Mini Insane. Our readers will remember the brutal killing of his wife near Hun teraville, last t Jnne. It was in a fit of anger, . The trial was set for Wednesday in Charlotte. It appearing that Sims was insane, the court get about to investigate Sims' sanity. The jury pronounced him insane, and he goes to the Morgantan Asylum. If he recovers, he will then be tried for murder. Going to Have Hist Way, At last court, in Stanly, the judge set a case for Thursday of this court Judge Timberlake called it on Wed nesday The attorneys in the case stated that th6y weie not quite ready and would not be until the day it was set for. J ndge Timberlake, al ready haying astonished the natiyes of Stanly en his coat business, then astonished the lawyers by saying: "I allow no judge to fix cases for my court so I adjourn." And court broke for the term. Twitted Around the Sharttng John Withers, a little colored boy who carried water at R, A. Brownrs brickyard, while playing around one of the brick machines Wednes P"7 got his clothes caught by a set screw on the main piece of shafting and waa twisted into all kinds of shapes. In going the rounds on the shafting hethrew one hand out and grabbed a cog wheel, which "ground up several fingers. No bones were broken except the fingers, but his clothes were torn in shreds. An IndnNtrlonn Veteran. To see a one-arm man pushing a wheelbarrow is an uncommon thing, bnt the Bight waa witnessed by a number this morning when Mr. Ruben Fink, the one arm veteran, passed along with his vehicle heavily ladened with provisions. His form waa bowed and great beads of pers piration stnod on the old man's fore head, but with a steady s'ep he toddkd along. About his neck was a large cord arid waa fastened to the barrow handle at a convenient I. neth. With his assistance and his left arm. he wended his way homeward, and was happy and con. tent ith his ppor lot. Mr. .Fink lost his arm during tbe late war lie is a penfioner, but iadustrons, and each day be fills his engage ments aa a wood chopper. There's a crown, for him. Tin Trot. If the Democratic party will re main true to its sacred and immortal principles, .and -not adopt every political fallacy that is' introduced, tt may expect to continue to be the great and only true partf in North Carolina Cleveland Star. , Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ' THE NEGRO EXHIBIT. A Bust of I'harle Nnmner By Kd monia Lewis, of Rome Chief of tbe Various Departments for the HI ate. The work of installing exhibits at the expositien is going farward rapidly. A contribution to the sue cess of the negro exhibit, will be a bust of Charlea Sumner a fine piece of sculpture by Edmonia Lewi?, of Rome, Italy. 'I he sculptor is in Rome looking to other exhibits. Active preparations are being made by directors of the exposition, look ing to the enterfainraent of the large number of colored people who will attend the exposition from 'every section of the conn try. Persons have been engaged to thoroughly canvass the city under the direction of the chief of the negro department and arrange systematic manner for the comfort of colored visitors. A colored hotel of 200 or more rooms. to be conducted on the European plan, ia a surety, located at a con venient Bpot near to the exposition grounds. Captain Valentine Howe, Wilm ington, has been appointed chief of the firemen's department for the State; Sylvester Dibble, Washington, S. C, assistant fireman; W M Schenctc, Wilmington, chief director of baseball clubs; L J Houser, chief director of bycicle clubs for the State, Captain C S L A Taylor, Charlotte, chief director of military department; J L Montgomery, Con cord, chief director of barbers; Jethro Sumner, Charlotte, assistant; Frcf. Murphy, Statesville, musical director; H II Hayden, photographer for State of Nortn Carolina. Very truly, W. C. Colemax, in Charlotte Observer. Concord, N, C Sept. 5, 1895. ' .Vti Onee the Karliest, Mr. Martin A Ludwig spent Sat urday in town, but he did not bring tbe first bale of new cotton. Years ago ths race was between him and the late Jo'n H Morrison. First one aid then the other beat. Mr. Ludwig has many a time ginned cotton to 3 o'clock in the mornine and thea leaded up the bale and made tor town. m One of the Street Forrc Ilukesa Find. While the stieet force was clearing the grass and trash from the ditch on East Depot street this morning Henry Plunket, one of the faithful hands, found in the crevia of a rock in rear of the bank a small, double barrel, brass handle pistel, known as the "pepper-box" kind. The bar rels are about eaten up with rust, but tbe machinery part is in food working order. Lock Your Chicken KoohIh. The following from the Charlotte Observer sounds a warning : "A colored man, calling himself Alexander McCallum, frsm Red Springs, struck the town yesterday. He claims to haye been working in the turpentine field one day when the Lord appeared and took him to Heaven, where he saw mauy angels and the Lord. He did not Bee Panl, Peter and John, for they were still in paradise, but, being inspired, he came back, and is now interpreting tbe Bible for his brethren. He had something wrong with his mouth and cannot be well understood at first, but one will soon catch on to his story," A NnKgeHtive Motto. ' I've bought' a bulldog," aaid Parsniff to his friend Lessup, "nd I war.t a motto to put overliis kennel. Can you thing of something ?" "Why not nee a dentist's sign. Teeth inserted here ?' " suggested Lessup. Marvelous Results. From a Jettsr written by Rev. J Gunderman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this ex tract: "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Dis covery, as the results were almost marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Biptist church at Rives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia suc ceeding La Grippe- Terrible parox; ysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seem ed as if she could not survive them. A. friend recommended Dr. .King's New Discover, it was quick in Mb work and highl ' satisfactory in re sults." Trial .bottles free, at Fet zer's drugstore. Regular size COc and $1.00. ; ' ' . Miss Etta Cochrane, of Harris burg, in is visitingthe city, t' 1 HE SILVER CALL. Karnes Nepc. 251 h for the afeetlngr af the Friends of Silver of All Parties. Tonight the follwing was issued, signed by Ed Chambers Smith, N B Broughton, B R Lacy, S A Ashe, J O Scarborough, W C Stronach, B C Beck with, O H Cooke and others : "Wheras, A great many prominent Democrats from different portions of North Carolina haye Bigned and sent to us a recommendation for the holding of a State convention at some early date of all persons ep poaed to the eingle gold standard, -now, therefore, in obedience to this rcque8t, we hereby invito all persons who believe that he unit of value which exiated prior to 1873 should be promptly restored, and who be lieve in the immediate free and an limited coinage of silver and gold at the ratio ot 16 to 1, irrespective of the policy or action of other nations, to meet in convention at Raleigh September 25th inst., tor the pur pose of consultation. This invita tion is intended to embrace members of all political parties regardless of their convictions on other subjects 1 What Women Can Do. She can throw a ball with a curve that will defeat any catch in the country. She can look like an aneel under a shaded lamp and cheese cloth dra penes. She can endure more discomfort for a longer period than an able- bodied man, and remember it longer. She will go into hysterica oyer a mouse and walk under the nose of a prancing team .of horses without getting hurt. ... She can tell to aTiust what is com ing, and yet meet it with a baby stare of innocence that would do credit to a five-yer-old. She has been known to deliver a certain lecture that beat all the ser mons in the world for teaching and and long-suffering. She can swathe her body in woolen and sealskins and haye only a rim of cold jet on her head, and yet not believe she is taking cold in the bit-. terest weather. She can accuse a man 83 confident" ly that he makes a clean breast of his shortcoming, supposing she knowa what Bbe is talkie g aboat, when she is only guessing. She can be too smooth and sweet for anything if let alone with the woman she hates, while a man un der the same circumstances would get himself arrested for assault and battery. The colored Baptist are holding a reviyal at their church on old Mill' street. Friday afternoon master Alex Boyd killed twenty-three rata at Fetzer's drug stoie. He found them in a barrel. - aus miaufc cuiia (ii-jjir. anuarra. John Taylor, of Forest Hill, died late Friday afternoon. Its remains were taken to China Grove for in terment. A .- " - Kre. f.P.Bett, Oiiatcatomite, n.j wife of the editor of The Graphic, the toad j Ing local paper ot Miami county, writes "r "I wm trembled tetth heart iUmwm for six years, severe palpitations, short ness ot breath, together with mch trame nervousness, that, at times I would -, walk the floor nearly all night. We consulted the best medical talent. - ' TktfMM tfcgrc wsi as fceysv w, that I had organic disease of the heart for which there was no remedy., I had read your advertisement In The Graphic and a y ear &g as a last resort, tried one bottle of Xr, jrae A Cum fmr t h Hart, which convinced me that there waa true merit in it. I took three bottles each of the ' Heart Cure and Beetoratlve Nervine and It complete! cured , me. I le& well at night, my heart beats regularly and I have no more smothering spells. I wtah to say to all who are suffering as I did) there's relief untold for tbem if tbey wlU ; only give your remedies Just one trlU." , Dr. Miles Heart Cure to sold oa a mrf- j guarantee that the first bottle will b- - , AH druggists sell itatU, 6 bottfce for, lt wilt be sent, prepaid, on recent of ( bytlMlnaUtaAteiUcalCo Whart, Dr. flliles' Heart fcrc; Restores U;::'. For, Sale by U Prnggigt.