I. V f ' i THE : STANDARD Cckcbd. Cababeus County, N. C SEPTEMBER tf, 1895, -. JAMES P. COOK - - iiMTOB JVHTl'P ANB KISSED HIM. A young lady in St Joseph, Mo., met a young farmer on the street e other day and look him In her Irms and kissed him before he knew hat was going on. She said in re lation to the affair : "I never saw the young man be fore, and I knew he was a stranger before I kiseed him ; but I couldn't help it. When I turned around my yea met his, and he looked so good, so coble, and so true, that I wanted to kiss him. I didn't think ; there wasn't 110 lime t0 think. I only kne-s? tLat I had met a real man, and wasn't sure that I would see another one." It tins is to he a fad wth the new wouiaD, wLat are the innocent and good mea io do ? They will be afraid to walk ths streets without some gini of a r-rolction, and handsome married men will he kept in a per fect, state of agitation. . he thought of being caught nn armed out on the highway by a new woman in bloomers is horrifying It is. Why not muzzle the new wo man? BIS WOK! INDICATE BATNM Mr. John II Mills, in his parting remarks, as he retires from the Baptist Orphanage, refers to his seryices in a modest way, and his losses and success as editor of the Biblical - Recorder, losing $1,500 with but 1,100 subscribers and running it up in six years to 3,200. He edited without any charge or compensation the organ of the Oxford Orphanage. He concludes as follows : "I cannot express my gratitude to to hundreds of good people w no, by prayers and kindness, have given me cheer and comfort in my work. am trying to forgive those who have misunderstood me and endeavored to harm me, and during life will feel a deep Interest in the hapiness j.ndivuuwl crpfeass. The value of the work I have done will be estimated by the lives of those whom I have been able to influence. Whatever may be my future I pray for grace to say : " 'I worship Thee, sweet will of God, And all Thy ways adore, And every day I live I lone, To love Thee more and more.' " It - is said that when whiskey crazes and delirium sets in, that the patient sees snakes and believes the devil is after him. The latest case from Durham, where the patient thought the Republicans were after him to kill him, will necessitate a revision. It, may be that Durham's whiskey is unusually bad Bubsti" tnting, in its wild effects, Republi cans for snakes and the devil. They ping the water mains in , 1 Chicago and steal water, rather than pay for it. They are ingenious folKS. t -Look cut for the man who is traveling tl rough the country selling something cheaper than you can buy -y it of your home merchant. He is not out for his health. : God pitj the organized church, it iter-TlTEaditis the -attacks of hell and the devil, can not survive the . attacks of a socialist, like. Dr. - Thompson. A Baptist preacher in Georgia re fuses to baptise converts except in running water. - A Deleware peach grower has ; found an apple with a fuzz on it j growing on a peach tree. r ' A Main mother has an old slipper, ! still 13 use, which has spanked six 'generations of her family. . - A Pennsylvania woman who chews tobacco and drinks whiskey thinks v that women haye all the rights they 3ed. . She enjoys reading "Over u Is and Land," the cornucopia of lies on Southern people. 1 '' People in Madison county, Ky., who have - paid their taxes are en--t'tled to be married free by the ' Leriff.' ' Geigersyille, Ky is the birth 'ice of a boy who was an inveterate "racco chewer before he was a year xtt't is a man is Missouri whose are so large that he has to pat trousers on oyer his head. A .Texas preacher threw a Bible a deacon who started to ran away ;th the collection, and knocked 1 down the front steps" of the -' hking 'tis leg in two There ai ten. thousand more mm at work in die Birmingham districts of Albama today, than there were at this time last year, ana the calamity howler will find it a serious matter to convince , these men that times are worse or that this prosperity is fictitious. To them it is a joyful reality, hard work for hard money and plenty of both. The furnaces and mines are running just as briskly over the country as they are in Alabama, and the only despair and depression apparent is that which exists among the croakers who croak for political purposes only. A South Carolina widow became her own mother-.in.law recently. That is to say, she is now the wife of her husband's father. Michigan has a man who is so fat that he can't fall down hard enough to burt himself. He is known as the human spheroid. The Standabd has received the first number of the Evening World of Salisbury. Mr. John M Julian is editor and proprietor and Leroy Smith is local reporter. The first number is as full of local news and good meats as its space will ad mit The Standard wishe3 Heaven's blessings on this World. The County Alliance is called to consider matters relative to the Shoe Factory. The Staxdasd hopes that there is success for theis move ment towards manufacturing. The servants in school for girls in Connecticut, while cleaning up the rooms after the school closed, discovered 8678 wads of chewing gum stuck about in various places. . Our Cartoonist has returned from his vacation. There is much milk of human kindness in him, when we observe that he has been thoughtful enough to bridle up this kicker. An Alabama father has taught al his children to read their books up side down. The mind ought sometimes to be diverted that it may return the bet ter to thinking. A Missisaipi river steamboat roustabout drinks a half gallon of whiskey a day. An Indian calf, now two months old, has hoofs like a horse. An Illinois farmer owns a hen which lays twin eggs eyery day. An Idaho school teacher enforces obedience with a revolver. A Florida negro is growing fat on snake steaks. One county in Pennsylvania has contributed two members to Con gress, two to the State Senate and two convicts to the penitentiary. Utah will send a Gentile and a wo man to the Senate. Both will be for silver. When a person begins to ipull an other down, he or she should see to it that there is no grease on his or her heels, else he or she may slip down too. The man who picked Bob Inger- soll's pocket during a recent address was the only person who ever played even with him in one of his enter-, tainmenta. The fact that the gold dollar can continue to float nnder the weight of the friendship of some of its most distinguished friends is itself an ar gument for its intrinsic value. Buffalo has raised $300,000 for the National Republican Conven tion. Let the 1 Republicans go to Buffalo. The word Buggesta horns and hoof 1 and the hanging of hides ont to dry. It is said, that the French tenor, Alyarez, is under contract at $5,000 a month for the' next three yean. That's a kind of "sound" money business, as it were. He furnishes the sound and they the money. In Norway a new law has been passed which makes girls ineligible for matrimony until they are profi cient In knitting, baking and spin ning. Certificates of . proficiency have to be earned, and without these no girls may marry. The man who was recently ar rested in New Jersey for hugging and kissing girls pleaded that he couldn't help it. He had probably never been out of New Jersey, or he wouldn't have gone crazy over the kind of girls they build' there. If he had straggled down into this sec tion ha would haye gonej crazy sure and want to eat 'em. ncvelj by Lawyer Jerome of Albe jiiKrle, is- cn sale. Agrnts are wording the country. We have not bad an opportunity to see it in printed form. It is bound in cloth and Bells at 75 cents. The Standard has received a copy of Capt, 9 A Ashe's book, "A Day with the Professor and His Friends." It is illustrated. It looks to be intensely interesting it is a plea for Free Coinage from a scholarly source. We shall prolong our study of the question in a cares f ul reading of this book. The Town Fathers haye made of County Fathers a very just request. The County Fathers have, in turn, refused and did what they could. Concord pays nearly one-half of the road tax asd yet the chain gang is not allowed to work: inside of the incorporate limits. If the county had had any representation in the last Legislature the inequality might have been removed. It is a very easy matter for No, 12 to kick out, but she desires not to do this, but would be glad to receive just a little help over some great burdens. In another column, we publish a letter said, to have been written by Judge Euseell. The Wilmington Dispatch publishes it. We can not think of a people so lost as to make it possible for such man a as Russell to be governor of North Carolina. A PECULIAR BRIDEGROOM. Married Farty-Biglit Bourn and Would Not Hiss His Bride for $500 Mbe tines for Divorce. Topeka, Has., Sept., 6. After a month of married life, Mrs. Ethel Madison has brought suit for divorce from her huBband in the Wyendotte County District Court, She alleges in her petition that she only lived with him two days and that the 48 hours thus passed weie simply a foretaste of the future punishment. She says she tried to be a dutiful wife, that Bhe wanted to kiss and fondle him, but that he spurned her adyances. He told her he would not permit her to kiss him for $500 cash. This occurred within fiye hours of the time of the wedding ceremony was performed. . Mrs, Madison is a very pretty woman The marriage was a romantic affair, the two agreeing to it on the spur of the moment. The heart broken woman asks to be divorced from Madison and riven $35 a month of his salary. A Greek Devil Belief. The Greek conception of their devil, whom they call Tama, makes that personage one of the most sa tanic of the whole devil tribe. Ac cording to their ideas of him he is 240 miles high and the hairs on his body stand out like palm trees on a mountain side. He punishes the doomed beings submitted to his charge bv putting them in beds of boiling oil, sawing their bodies in tvo, pouring molten lead in their ears and Buch other little pranks as pulling out their tongues, toe and finger nails and goughiag out their eyes. Me is a heartless old devil oi the most devilish kind, and has many other exquisite little tortures laid up for the helpless wretch con signed to his "chamber of horrors." A Female Centaur. A singular arrest Was made re cently in Central Park, New York. A young English woman was ar rested by a park policeman for rid ing astride on horseback. She pro tected against her arrest and de clared that she had as much right to straddle her horse in the park as other women have to straddle bicycles. The matter was brought before the president of the polio board and he decided that there is no law to prohibit women from rid ing astride their horses. The fact that the policemen felt called upon to arrest this woman shows the force of conventionalities. It is un usual and unconventional for women to straddle horses. The policeman had probably neyer seen one do so before and he naturally concluded that if other women do not straddle horses it was wrong for this one to do so and he arrested her accord ingly. Killed in a Ball Game, Washington, D. C, Sept. 10. Benjamin F Myers, twenty years old, was almost instantly killed today in a ball game. He was sliding to sec ond base in an amateur match when the baseman sprang into the air to catch a thrown ball. He dropped on Myers, his body falling on the young man's neck and. d.slocating his spine. . A Troth in Fact, Elias Dodson used to Bay, "The workers never grumble, and the grumblers never work," and it is just about so. The antidote for complaining is "Work, in fre quent and full doses." Biblical Recorder. When Baby waa tick, we gave her Cantoris. JFhen ihe wai a Child, the cried f or Castoris. When the became Miss, aha chmg- to Castoris. When ate bad Children, ate gave them Castoris CAPT. A. P. COWLE3 INSANE. He AUhcHs toe lroirieter of tne - Carroll nn With a Batches, and Then Threatens,) Kill Himself. Durham:, N. C, Sept 7 Captain Andrew D Cowles, of Statesville, who has been at the Carrolina for month became insane today about o clock p. in. He picked up a sharp hatchet which was being used by some carpenters who were at work making some changes in the office or the hotel, and made an as sault on Alphonso Cobb, clerk of the hotel. Young Cobb ran. Cowles then started toward Mr. Howell Cobb, proprietor of the hotel, with the hatchet drawn, Mr. Cobb picked up a lamp and struck him squarely in the face with it, thereby dazing him. The carpenters and em ployees of the hotel rushed to the rescue of Mr. Cobb, and rushed at Cowles with 8ach weapons as lay at hand, and Cowlen ran in the wash room and shut himself in. The police were called bv telephone and went to work to disarm the man at once: but he stood just inside the door and threatened to use the hatchet on the first man tbat came in reach. crowd of at least three hundred were soon on the ground, and great ex citement prevailed. After many futile attempts to get hold of the man, the hatchet was lassoed and jerked from his hand. He was seized and taken to the station house and locked up. While in the wash room Cowles kept gouging at his head and throat with the hatchet trying to cut his -throat. Doctors Manning and Carr haye been attend ing, him, and doing all they csn for his relief. He has been drinking heavily for some time and was arrested about a week ago for being drunk. He took up the idea that the Republicans had determined to kill him and he said he would sell bis life as dearly as possible. He is in a highlv excited state, but will be Bent home tomorrow morning, able to go. Wants to Whip the Church. Rikeigh, N. 0., September 6 There is much talk among the church people by reason of the state ment of Dr. Cyrus Thompson, the new president of the North Carolina Farmers' Alliance, in a public Bpeech "that the church stands on the side of human slavery." The religious papers and not a few secular ones are attacking Thompson. The editor of the Caucasian, Senator Marion Butler's paper says : "Dr. Thomp son does not make an assertion nn less he knows what he is saying, He attacked the organized Church and not Christianity - and he will whip if there is a contest. The truth is on the side of what he said.' A Uye letter. The following letter has just come into eur possession. We giye it yer- batim et literatim : "Law Office of D. L. Russell. "Wilmington, N. C, August 14th, 1895 Deah Sir ; - -1 ou are one ot the friends in various parts of the State to whom I have concluded to write with regard to the Republican nomination for Governor. I think my nomination would be very acceptable to the Populist Party. It would insure successful fusion in 1896. "I have many reasons for wanting to be Goyernor, not the least of which is the fact that Democratic Politians wculd rather have any other man in the State. They know that, with Russell for Governor, Democratic influences will not pre' vail in the executiye office. Neither abuse nor flattery nor the power of their newspaper press nor the blan dishment of what they call "society1 would ayail them. "i would like to hear from you imd have your views about things in general. Yours truly, A Utile Boy Kills Himself. William Miller Huff, the 5 -year old son of John G-Huff, a prominent citizen of East Bend, Yadkin county met with a sad death last Saturday while in the room alone. The little fellow fonnd a loaded -pistol in the bureau drawer. He took it out and was playing with it when it was accidentally discharged, the ball en tering the abdomen and coming out in the small part of the back. He suffered intensely until 3 o'clock in the afternoon when he died. After the accident he ran to Lis sister and told her that he had shot himself but that he did it accidentally. He then call for each member of the family, Baying that he wanted to kiss them all goodbe- before he died. One.LenNe Enough. We do not care how far Colonel Andrews goes into the lease business so long as he does not bring Mrs Lease of Kansas to North Carolina. Hillsboro Recorder. '' - For Bale. ; ,- , Several hundred bushels winter turf oati at 40 cento at rranery or 45 cents with sack and delivered at China Grove. J. M, Harbison, NO MIXED DRINKS FOR 'EM. Jo Good Opinion of FuNioa A. Sew bnrcb Daily Arrival of Student Nome Personal Items. Mi. Plbasant, N. C, Sept. 10. A splendid rain fell hire yesterday ; it was needed. Students keep arriving at the col lege and Beminary. The attendance will be as good if not better than last year. Work was commenced on the German Reformed church to-day. A part of the work will be done by the members, some of whom are firt class workmen. The building will be a frame one Miss Mollie 8uther, of Lexington, is spending a few days at Prof. Lud wig'B. Mr. Leroy Thayer, who owns and manages a drag store at Tatum, S. C, spent a few days with his parents last week. Cotton should bring a good price this year for the yield will not be large, especially in this section. At this day it eeems like a "yarn" to bear people tell of having sold cotton-years ago at from 20 to 25 cents per pcund. As those times seem likely not to return and as it is said that cotton can not be profitably raised for 5 cents, all farmers ought to begin to build up their lands which bave been worn out to a great extent by raising this once money making crop. What will we cull this "fusion" now being talked? True, it is yet in an embryotic state, but the ac tions and words of men who haye sood high in the councils of the Democratic party, are favorable to its birth. Suffice it to say, we don't want our drinks mixed. The word "fusion" is not to be found in our political vocabulary. Turned Over, Hneesed and Died. Miss Mattie Jane Gardiner died very , suddenly and unexpectedly last , night, ' at the home of her father, on Clarkson street. She was employed at the Charlotte Cotton Mills, but had been complaining of feeling badly for several days past. Dr. Petree, who attended her, thought she was taking malarial fever. He called on her last night and was sitting by her bed side talking to her. She had just told him that she felt well and hd eaten and enjoyed a good supper. All at once she turned over on her side and sneezed, A stillness en sued and' Dr. Petree discovered that she waa dead, She came here about a year ago from Chesterfield CoHrt House, S. C-, and her body was sent there for interment. Charlotte News. Chapter of Accidents. Mr. R V Caldwell, of No. 4, has had a chapter of accidents at his home recently. He had a fine horse to lie down and die. He had just returned from the springs and he got sick on the road. Dead lay the horse. Mr. Caldwell said he has a big hog that will weigh 500 pounds ; the hog came np, it seemed, to take a last look at the horse. While viewing the remains, a large Jeriey bull came up and ran his horn into the hog. The hog turned upon the bull and cut a big gash into the boyine, whereupon the bovine again run his horn into the hog's side just behind the fore leg, The wonnd reached the hollow. Both, however, survived, and Mr' Caldwell will kill this fall the big gest hog in Cabarrus county. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug Store. Wedding; Bells. Cards have been issued to the marriage of Miss Mary ttoore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H Young, of Charlotte, to Mr. L A Dodsworth. The ceremony will take place in the First Presbyterian church on 25th at 9 o'clock. Salem FEMALE ACADEMY. The oith-Annual Session Wins Sent ember sth' 1895, Register for lut year shows more than 500 wnm under mttrvrtinn during the vear. Sue- cial features: the . development of Health, Cnar meter ana imeiiecx. suuaings inmwKiur rawa tiled. Fullv eauioDed Preoaratorr. CoUeciate and Post Graduate DeDartmenta. betides Drat -class schools In music, Art, Languages, commercial and Industrial studies. J. H. CLE1EIX, Rrincipal, .Salem,. W daw aw. Notice ol Olssolatlwst. Notice is hereby (riven that the firmolYorke & Wadsworth. com posed of N. F. Yorke, J. C. Wads worth and Cannons & Fetzer as silent par teiiere, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 24th day of May. This the 6th day of August, 1895. ri. Jf. XOBKB. J. O. Wadswobth. Canhons & FlTZIB. We. N- F. Yorke. J. & Wadswortb and U. J. Harris, under style and firm name of Yorke, "Wadsworth & Go., will conduct and carry on the former business of Yorke & Wads worth, and we assume all liabilities of Yorke & Wadsworth, and eoUect all notes, accounts and othr in debtedness due Xorke & Wada worth. We reroectfnliy solicit the nat- ronaite of the public- -. XCX, WASWOBTE,".UQ, 5 lurp" 2 swa b Cigarettes MABI FROM High Grade Tobacco ABSOLUTELY PURE ASSIGNEE'S GREAT SALE- $50,000 Worth of Goods must and shall be sold qnick. $20,000 Wholesale Goods, con sisting of. "Dry goods All wool Jeaneskerseys, Notions and Hats. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, this is your time and op portunity. $3o,ooo Retail goods of every de scription: Dry Goods, Millinery, Ribbons, Silks, Satins, Laces, Carpet", etc., etc. To the out of town public, '. suggest that it may not be practicable for all to come here who wish to avail them. selves of this opportunity, that they club together and send some one here to make purchases for them. Respectfully, etc., ' S. WITTKOWSKY. Assignee of II. Baruch, Charlotte, N. C. CONCORD MARKETS COTXOK MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling 7.35 Middlings 7 Low mtfdlin 6 Stains 4to5 PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected bv O. W Swink. Bacon 81 Sugar-cured nams 12itol5 Bulk meats, sides 8 to Beeswax Butter 15 Chickens 10to20 Corn 50 to. 55 Eggs 8 Lard 8toll FlourfNorth Carolina) 1.75 Meal 58 Oats ..30 to 35 Tallow - 3to4 MORRISON H. CALDWEL ATTORNEY AT LAW, CONCORD, N. C. Office in Morris building, opposite Court House. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Bv virtue of authority vested in me by a Mortgage or Deed in Trust executed on the 30th day of Novem ber. 1892. by Jacob L McCarna and wie, Lauia McCarns, which Mortg age is duly recorded in Hegister's Office for Cabarrus county in Book 6, Page 555, I will sell at public auc tion in front of the Court House door on Monday, October 7th, to the highest bidder for cash, one tract of land adjoining u JU boesos mon and others, and described as follows : Beginning at a willow on west bank of Rocky River, corner of L 11 Sossmon, opposite the mouth of a small braticb, which is on the East side of the River, and runs with three of L M Sossmon's lines as follows : N 40 W. 18. K0 chs. to aii elm on west bank of ditch; then N. 2 W. 18 chains to a stone in the held; men jm. vi w. chains to a stone in Monroe How ell's line; ten N. 24 E 15 chains to a small sweet gum on the South bank of the branch, H MoLarty's corner; then with his line N. 32 E. lit chains to a stone in the old line: then the old line S-41 E. 61 chains to a branch on the west bank of the River, thence down the River as it meanders to the begin ning containing ninety-two (92) and one half acres more or less being part of the JD M Uamker lands C. Sosbokon, Trustee. By W. M. Smith, Attorney. TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of authority vested in me by a Deed in Trust or Mortgage executed by C. W. Robinson on the 1st day of January. 1893. which mort gT9 otfDeed in Trust is duly record ed in Register's office for Cabarrus county, North Carolina, in book No. 7, page 572, 673 and 574 1 will sell at ublic auction at tne court nouae oor in Concord. North Carolina. on the 14th day of September, 1895, to the highest bidder that tract ol land known as the Col. Thomas H Robinson place at Poplar Tent. Th's is a chance to secure a good hnma in nna of the best neighbor hoods in Cabarrus oonnty near the church and school house. There are good buildings, orchards and conveniences for borne comfort on the place. Terms made known on dav of aale. Tittle to said property is supposed to be good, but the pnr-i chaser only takes snoh title as A am authorized to convey nnder said mortgage. - . . . Job P. Axxisov. Trutte SSjTw.DukeSom aCo-TSSSy a ' EgymiAHEWCHH TOMCM WW'S J MS- TASTELESS E IH! DLL IS JUSTASCOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE fJOcts. Gal An a, ills.. Mot. H, ins. Paris Medicine Co., Bt. Ixmla, Mo. Gentlemen: We sold laatrear, MM bottles of GROVE'S TA8TELK88 CHIU. TONIC and ha bought three ktom already una rear, la all osr ex perience of 14 yean. In the draft bnalneea, b.re never sold an article that (sts auch universal astir faction as your Tonic. Yours truly, AliKKr.CAKB A CO. For sale by all druggists. fifonl National hi COHCOBD, N. C. J. M. Odkll, President D. B. Ccltranb, Cashier. L. D. Coltbane, Assistant Cashier Capital, Surplus, $50,000 $16,000 DIRECTORS ; J. M. Odell, D. F. Canno Elam King, J. W. Caknou, W R. Odell. W. H. Liilt, D. B, Coltbane, ;FtOUIUT-v IIIGIi; GRADE Oxford Wheel For men, women or boys at prloes ranging from SIS to 180. We ship from factory anfcjeet to approval and are the oly manufactur ers aelUngdlrert toCoMmimern. We hay a 1" Agents. IV ei offer greater Talst la oar oxford Gladiator wheels at M) tr 8HO than other manufacturers with prices from 1IOO to SISO. Every wheel twlly warrmntce. Pon't pay local dealers pront of fiTtf per cent. Out this out and write to-day fox our handsome catalogue. Address, AVPABH IICA Art BIl.fartaBtailt If ATUnil IrlrBi IfWaillSWabMkaw. CHICaSw FURNITURE! COFFINS &C. I have now in stock at my rooms opposite tne court bouse a splen did line of well-made Furniture such as Bed Steads, Tables, Wash Stands Safes, Chairs, &c. I defy competition in regard to quality and price. You will be surprised when you hear my prices yjome ana see. ii not m biock cau BuprJy you in a few days, hare a nice line of zCOFFINSr at prices that will surprise you. I keep a fulllline on band for im mediate supply. 1 buy LUMBER and run my planing machane, and all persons who wish any thing in this line, will do well to call ana see me. Very Respectfully, J. T. Pounds. Conoord. N. C. July 13, 1895. FIRE INSURANCE. Having transferred my Fire Ins suranca business to Messrs. a. I Woodhouse and B E Harris. I corns mena them to any who may be in need of fare insurance, nd bespeak for tnem a liberal patronage. Respectfully, J. W BUEKHEAD, We have assumed the Fire Insur ance business of Mr. J. W. Burkhead. comprising the agencies for seyerai nrst-ciass ana well estaDusnea com names, ana respecuuxiy solicit liberal share of business in that line. WOODHOUSK & HaKBIS. August 26. . tf EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Having been duly appointed and qaahhed executrix of the last will and testament of Jno. W tint, deceased, all persons holding claims against said deceased are hereby notified to present tnem to tne un dersigned duly authenticated on or before the 0th day of August 1896 or this notice will be plead as a bar Co their recorery. Also all persons owing deceased are notified that prompt payment is expected. . JOSH Li. rlHK, This Aug. 9th 95. Executrix EXECUTOR S NOTICE. . . - ' " mm Haying been duly appointed and qualified executor of the last will and testament of Mary O. Kluttz, deceased, all persons holding claims against said deceased are hereby notified to present ' them to the un dersigned duly authenticated on or belore the 17ta of August 1896 or this notice will be pledas a bar to their recovery. Also all persons owing deceased an notified that prompt payment is expected. . OT D. BawHITOW, Extctitcr An 7 'C3, - Bushel of CLAY PEAS will be sold cheap for cash at Pattterson's WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE CONCORD, N. U. si GET THE BEST When jam are aboat to b a Bewiag KacMne. do not be deceived by aUurlag ad vsrtisssMires ylit 1d'itl,'n.k 7 aaa get tke bast saads, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere toeg. See to it tbat yon buy from reliable manu facturers that hare gained reputation by honest and aq oars dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You wsst the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Runnlntx There Is none la the world that can equal in mechanical oeav struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, hsaaty lu appearance, or has as assay improrsmaats as the New Home It baa Aatossstlc Taaslea. fteable Peed, aline on both aides of nssdls ptutd no other has it ; Nsw Stand (fttxUi), driving whssl hinged on adjustable csatera,UattS reducing IrisUaa as tho minim una. whits row ciwcuiaAWie THE IEI HOI! SEHIG IICER CO. aa. la-Mirer Hiaa SITiteleiiia B.T VSBOaeo, u sr. uuvm, mo. puua aaaratsoiaee,VAa. 4rusie,o. roai a a if YORKE de WADSWORTH Coxcord, N, C. Nokth Carolina l . Cabarrrus County jSupwior Court. W J Hill, Administrator of O A Suther, p aintiff, ys. J Q Bother, John W 8uthar, Lilly Suther, Ooty O Suther, M O Downara and husband. Jno F Dowbub, M L Morgan and husdand, W S Morgan, H L Suiher, W A Suther, M R Suther, ChasO Suther. Jennie Oswald and husband J p Oswald, R A Bundy and husband, W H Bundy, defendants. It SDDearinir o the satisfaction of the Court from the return of J A Sims, Sheriff of Cabrrrua County, N. C, and from tho affidarit of W J Hill filed Lb tha a bora ntitlad a tion, tbat J O Sutbar, Jno W Suth er Lilly Suther. Ooty O fiethar. if O Dowsum and husband. JnoF Downum. and If Ii MnrMa and husband and W 8 Morgan are Boa residents of this Stat, sadsiler due diligence cannot be fomad within the Skate of North Carolina, and are neeeasary and proper bsm ties to the aboye en titled ataa. and wkereaa the plaintiff above named has berun an action la said Court to subject the real estate of said O A Suther described in -the complaint of the plaintiffs for asset to pay the debts of said O A Sutbar deceased, and whereas the said de fendants J G, Jno W, Lilly. Oety O Suther, M O Downum and husband, Jno F Downum. M L Morgan and husband, W S Morgan haye an in terest actual or eontincent aa hair at law of said O A Suther. Now therefore, the mid J G.JaoW, Lilly. Ooty O Bulbar. II G Downum and husband. Jno. F Downum end M L Morgan and lusatead, V 8 Morgan are hereby notiSed tbat nrdesa tbsy be and appear tl iba office of the Clerk of Superior Ooart of said eoanty and State afreesid on or before the 19 day of Aarttt, ihu and plead, answer or tfsnar ta the complaint of the nwatiff itli5a action, that the r'-iiatl r-1 apply to tte Uoert far lis rdcf landed in the llzi t-i tar costs of acts"". 1 i f-1 ef ' July, 15. J"" Tte Ka-Klax-Kln No. 10, a Mill Bridge, N. d, e?jt 8th, xxt-z 7 Dated i:;hf-y cf &vtt, rJ V J V--

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