, 11 ' v.. - -'; - ii ' " " ,-; : . . h ':;. .. . ' Xk on t . ; ; .. thsit you - - " - otiicr i-'i t' X j himj that at st suBiiner a trade waa aiade one of thtse political kind ; Lauding over certain gooda - Ti about o -).aiber liext, one year. 5 it is "believed that-.. all "tbi inde ; pemlei.t mxrernent 'aboiit silver: on the purfc of Democrats ant ' the con " tiniibd rnmor of f aaion of Democrats Bud P'VprilifiJa aad thecal! isvitiug - ailv'r met, regardless of tlie politi . tical pa! j they belong to, is just the 0'itcouie of plans "made in-the enra' iner. It i9 further said the candi date cf this silver movement for Governor is Col. Jule S Carr;. that Ex-Senator Jaryis and some Popo lisle LIgh tip in circles will 'it J this vav. . . ' '- X iy - a saould Mr, Jaryis say he TTivic attend the convention if it 3 a good thing? Why did he ad- a kc hi; Liorganto.nH audience to "go ' tb vtat ..: eaid? Why? Why ? T;.. !:taxi)abd don't care if the --I'opuiliiB coi ue hack and tnse with . Denx:n-j ; bat if Democracy goes ;o'C . . Popuiiats, thea it v .itlioct one voter, sure. . s uakd has said it would I ;.: . Col. Carr Governor; 'ii ... s ! ;.-':eyiDg aronnd with the "t". .- ; ..... ia the reports declare, 'tis -M j : . i" a N'Oard withdraws all l3"i'cr..-:r uttt-raaces. la teuvlng this subject, has not the . .pemoc:V.ic urty done enough for .. .Mr. Jar vis lo tecure his faithful, jopen, gtauiao devolicn forevermore ? . i THE AIABAJIA PRESS. The ilo'ulle Kegister, a very re liable cf'r "paper, says the state ment that u nsjority of the Ala bama iiewtpapt-ra favor the free, nn limited and independent coinage of silver is : -gross misrepresentation. . There are in Alabama eighty-one t Democratic ne wspapers which stand Bquare!y on the Chicago platform That is, they fiyor the nee of gold and siher ;'at a parity. They oppose the free &tl independent coinage of silver at tlie ratio o 1C to 1 because thf v b ilie'e it 'fonM result in silver I30!V'".'!'3.;.lll?ni. " ; ,i Tht S-.-tar counts flftjoae -e?ri!papers in Alabama jfc i v( cf tie immediate free and isdrp.-Vrt co;:aj..TB cf silver and in ttia co-itt $:e ir.cluded Bix papers about :': -c pcfit'cn on the question tb?-o i? s?ns doubt, Thors! i.i'3 tfiil7s Fcpnlist papers fvor;r.g free coinage at 16 to 1, ifidcperd?nt papers, two labor Bix pa- prsand cue Kepubiican paper. iCour tins together all the Alabama pcrs :-f every description which or the free and unlimited coinage silver, the list shows only seventy- ec, cr.fonr less thaa the number of Tc-ccratic papers which oppose that po!icj. ,. ' It is r;fe as probable that public opinion in Alabama is represented by- these' eighty-one Democratic acpvrpr.jters sa by the free silyer pol .ititi:ms ia, that , :. state. Atlanta ur. oi l ier, islcchi ? . i iiin2t0n Eeview recalls -':rg fact that eyery c " the State since the 'nined North Carolina . - 'lied in office Engle' '.r3 and Coke. Haying old friend of Uapt. : I ; "I cosgratnhte you p-'jintmentj but am sorry trie not appointed to somr i:r. Every Secretary of State for t veil' 7 years has died in office." This friend might haye said that all except Englehard lived to be re. elected, Saunders twice. Capt Cooke ;will run th9 risk' upou a guarantee of re-election. KXOW KHCSUIEV HATE EXOl'UH The Philadelphia Ledger, a pro tectionist paper, lately remarked that the best thing that could hap pen' to the manufacturers just now would be to take .the tariff out of politics. There is at least one man ufacturing concern that agrees with the Ledger. Ia answer to a circular of tie Protective Tariff League to ascertain what changes the 'inanu- '.faclarers desired to haye made in tlie tariff, the Doe Eiyer Woollen " Jlilis answered r : O ' wf ;. !4'(jentlemen : In answer to youi 'circular a13d cards, we will say we are paying the same price to the same amout of hands that we did In " 1890 that is, in dollars and cents -and at the same time our hands are buying 40 per cent, more with the same money than they did ia 1890 ' "We have all' the protection we wanfj in free wool." '. ror dos t hub ooojp. '. - t 1 1 i Dr, Kingsbury bag more religious editorial -in his Sunday Messenger than most charcl papers! have in a "-th-rdeciledly .more religion anJ A -r ' i ta ti Nevr Tork Indepoudeut uooosed cf havicj; yary much of either certainly not of the latter. Henderson Gold Leaf. The , Independent is regarded a noudenominatiohal church paper, and as each is circulated more among ministers thaa other , people. Being such it is expected to have re ligious editorials and contributions. Bro. Manaicg, yon yourself have religious editorials at times.'or words to that effect. THE SOI TB AX THE SEGKO. The following card appears in Tuesday's New York San : - - , To the Editor of the Sun : Sir When has tte north recognized the negro ia a way that the Atlanta Ex position directors have done ? At the regular meeting of the di rectors last week, by a unanimous vote, an invitation was extended to the negro liberator and leader, Booker T Washington, of Tuskeegee, Alabama, to deliver a formal address at the opening ef the exposition aept. 10. Atlantan. Atlanta, Ga., August 30. This ia only one evidence of the consideration the neero has re ceiyed from the exposition manr agemen c. One of the great buildings has been set apart for the negro exhibits and that race has shown consider able pride and enterprise it preparing to make there i showing of its progress and achieve. ments. Hundreds of negroes have been employed ou the buildings and grounds of the exposition and haye received the same wages as white men who did Eimilar work. In any northern city negroes would have had no chance for such employment. They have better chances of success and far more opportunities for profitable employment in the south than they can find in the north. Negroes who have lived in both sec fions realize the difference. At lanta Journal. , Look at the- two men : Kcpe Elias and W K Henry. The former deserved an appointment got it, was hounded by individuals m bis own party and the Senate refused to confirm the appointment The lat ter begged and prayed for au ap pointment ; his fnend3 did all they oculdfor him ; he got one just as big as he is, too he declined it. The former, who is a Democrat fron principle, remains one ; the latter, a Democrat for office, puked and then went and made a dance of himself. Beheld the two men. The Silver call lets down the bars, It may be composed like a jelly cake. Will Senator Jar vis regard this a good thing ? All parties with a mind for silver may come in a streaktd affair. What is without doubt the small est clock in the world was lately on exhibition in the shop window of a Goettinger jeweler. The dial meas ures less than one-third of an inch in diameter, and the weight which furnishes the motive power is sus pended from a human hair. Bostoa claims to be the . "hub," and we expect she is. According to a late census the State of Massai chusetts is given" an increase of 55 V 204 in population, of which all but 53,200 was in the citi s, and of the whole 270,000 was in towns within tea miles of Boston. It is claimed that the shipment of borse meat from this country is in juring the meat business abroad, and therefore Secretary Morion has ordered that meat for shipment be inspected, and that horsemeat shall be so marked as to show what it is withoat biting. Bernhardt is out against knicker bockers for cyclists of her rex, and she bases her objections wholly 00 moral groaads. She says that she has seen too much ia America and in England of the result of giving indiscriminate liberty to girls who wish to see French madiens subject to similar influences. Perhaps the most wonderful speci men of cutler's craft ia the world is the knife to be seen in the show rooms of Joseph Rodgers & Son's, Sheffield, !iEnglaod This extra ordinary knife is provided with one blade for overy year since the com mencement of the Christian era, the number of blades, of course being 1895.. Blades are inserted five at a itme at the lapse of every five years. Electricians say that there is no safer place during a tbunder'storm than a trolley car. This is undoubt edly true. The wires and car poles make the. best . kind of lightning rods. AUhoagn r the coaatry . is prtity well ; rtm over with lectrie cari bow, we havft yet to hear of a qsse aay'pssaetscr "has been in j ared i; ligl uiicg.v , ." : . ' The - UsiyerBity ? is climbing: Wm3on said a day or so ago that in 1890 they had 193 etudents; 1891. 243; 1892, 316; 1S92, 402; 1894, 471 (8 more than ever before); and that this year they would have 5C3 if they held out as to classes. Princess Pauline Metternich, niece of the famous Ambassador to Paris and the more famou3 Princess Paul ine, h:s wife, has just made her first appearance s violinist at a charity concert at Maricnbad. She is ony 15 years old. . The Smithsonian Institute . at Wasaington has appointed Dr. J Id Spainhour, of Lenoir, N, C, a dele gate to the Eleventh Congress, His torical, Ethnological, Archaeological and Geographical, of the Americans, to be held in the City of Mexico, October 15 to 20, 1895. .. An Australian youth showed that he had the knack cf "gettieg there." He' was undergoing an examination for a position ia the civil service, and the examiner had written : "What is the distance-from the earth to the sen ?" Not having the exact number of mtes with him, he wrote : "I am unable to state accu rately, but I don't think th sun is near enough to interfere with the proper performance of my duties if I get this clerkship." He cot it. The San Francisco Star speakes cf Justice Walter . Clark, of the Su preme court of North Carolina, as having "acquired a national reputa tion outside his profession by his articles on a postal telegraph," and remarked further that "North Caro lina lawyers and jurists have always borne a high reputation for ability and integri.y." ' ' "Mortgage the farm, if necessary to send the boy to college" says the Delicious Herald. "Mortgage the farm for nothing on earth" says the Biblical Rjcorder. TRADES UNIONCONG RESS. S.imni-I (iouTier nn1 I. J. Jfagrulrc Kfprofcont the Vnltod Slates. , Cardiff, Sept. 5.' Messrs. Sam -uel Gompers and P J Maguire, who represent the United "States io the congress were giyan a hearty recep tion at this afternoon's session, Pieaidcnt Jenkins in welcoming ihe American delegates said that a! though geographically, divided, the workers of America, Grerst Britain and Ireland were united on all the impDrtant questions pertaining to the elevation of their class. Mr. Gompers, ia replying to the address of President Jenkins, spose of the solidarity of feeling and sym pathy that existed among the trades unions of the countries reprecec'ted in this congress, who, he said, were of one blood and had a common heritage. He looked forward to the day when all workers speaking the Ecglish language ivould unite with the workers of all countries who are struggling onward for the attains meat of that end for which the whole past has been a perpetual en deavor, with an intensity of purpose that would ensure tte accomrlish ment of great results Mr. Gom pers said that he believed that the British Trades Union Congress and the American Federation of Labor would compare favorably with tbe British Parliament or with the American Congress. Bncklen'H Arnica Shit. The Best Salve in tke world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P B Fefzer's Drug Store. Tbe Proponed silver Convention. Ed Chambers Smith was asked Thnrsday by Col F A Olda how the Democratic silver convention. was coming oo. He replied t "I ' can't aay juat when it will be held, but probably the first week in October, A great many letter are. coming " We are having to fight the administra tion men, also those who - profess ' to be friends of silver but really are not and some newspapers wich work .on the same line and which declare they are for. free silver and yet are not." - : For Over Fifty Tenr. ' -Mrs. Window's Sooth;ag Symp has ffeen used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes' the child, softens the gums, allays all , pain, cures; wind colic, and is the best, remedy for Diarrhoea. . Ic will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Drnggists in every part r of - the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle Be snre aad ask-f or "Mrs.' Winslows Soothing Syrup," and "ake.no'dtiier tint -:yiU 6-( liaili soda ia Inferior to package socio. g ewarb is the' whole story AW g 2 XiVir'ttS 0pC Costs no more th:m other package Jodi never spoils b H fita p iEfCij&J. nour(iniversal!yarknowledt'ed purest Jn the world. H Kadc only by CEX'RCH & CO., pew m rr ni .ilu anu Mammfr The (linfse JlntHOre Prort-ding tiatiHfnvtorily. ; Shasghai, Sf pt. 5. Inquiry into the recent, outrages at Kucheng is proceeding to the satisfaction of the British and American consuls, (who are receiving the facilities they de manded in their codnection with the examination. Several additional convictions of importance have been secured, including sotr.e of the rings leaders in tte attae'es upon the'mis eions. The ClnoItiTltvd by the Gray. Kkokfoicd, III.. 'Sept. 5. The following was issuwl troni the na tionni heauqnartt'is of th3 Grand Army of tlie Republic today : '''Ihe ccnamanderiu'ch'ef of the Grn I Army of the Republic is in receipt of an iuvimtion to tbe com rades cf the orgauizittion to be pres ent at the Cotton States and Inter national Exposition at Atlanta on 'Blue iind Gray Day,' September 21et. This invitation comes too late to promulgate from headquarters, but the commander-in-chief is anx ioss that the comrades should knew tlat they are invited to be present with these who wore the gray from 1S61 to 1S65 and be trusts that a large number of the veterans will be present. . .CC, Jokes, t , ''Adj a Unt General." 1 BOW This pi en wrt and perfect remedy, so cLlightfi:; to tke, 20 refreshing and eshiiarct'ir.;?, Etan1s in highest favor v. Ith rJl who know- it best, as the great est of ali medical remedies for both s xes,-c all as s: aad ia all conditions. IHaTIT HLID0FCHY0U. . I; will give yot! resifjl rsfreshlng SLEEP. It 1B aSbngtafe jour DiSESTO. Itwi'l rasters your SERVCUS EC.ERGY. IS will pal your KICSEVS In parfsci orier. I' wiii purify your Blood. - It w!!l changs your wsakn:ss into STHENSTH. I: wiii Lrirg ysu out of sickness Into HEALTH. KEW PAC KAGE, LARGE BOTTLE. 108 . - IOPES ONE DOLLAR. SOLD 3Y ALL DRUCCiSTS. MANUFACTURED OKXY BT Tuo' Atlanta Chemical Co., Atlanta, Ga. .warrp foe m-pagb sooe, kahed pkbe. FETZER'S DR TIG STORE. TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of authority vested in mo by a Deed in Trust or Mortsrasre exscuted by C. W. KobinsoD on the 1st day of January, 1893, which mort SPT D or'Doed in Trust is dulv record ed in Register's ofiica for Cabarrus county, North Carolina, in book No. 7, pace 572, 57! aud 574 1 will sell at public auction at the court house door in Concord, North Carolina, on tho 14th day of September, 18'J5, to the highest bidder that tract of land known as the Col. Thomas H Robinson piaco at Ponlar Tent. Th's is a chance to secure a good borne in one of the best neighbor hoods in Cabarrus county near the church and rchool house. There are good buildings, orchards and conveniences for home comfort on the place. Terms made known on day of sale. Tittle to said property is supposed to be good, but tbe pur-i chaser only takes such title as 1 am authorized to convey under said mortgage. John x Allison, Trustee. Dated 15th day of August, 1895. Mi-'Ha Mill MT. PLEASANT, IT. O. ,fiY. J. D, SHIREY, D. D Pr'es . ADADEMlC, COMMMRCIAL -; ' - AND- " ' ' COLLEGIATE COURSE?. j Totai necessary expenses session of 38 weeks, $85.00 to $137,000. : ..Next session begins Sept 3. 1 8D5, J For . cotalogue and special -jnformationr address the President as above, or lm. ; Secretary of Faculty. Mount Amcena SEMINARY A nourishing School for "Young - -.',..'- Ladies. ' -'...- - V ...... TEN. TEACHERS, . . Ort amental CraiiChcia Receive ' Carefut Attention, ' .' ' REV,' Cijx T.l FISHEB,-' A.-M';' liOUNT VJj A9AS.T. II. C T York. SoU by grocers everywhere, Hook of valuable Kecipes-FREi;. H LOWE & SON. There is -no way whereby we can expect to secure yonr trade this Fall unless we make our prices attractive. This we are going to do. We were so fortunate as. to fill our house with all the lattesfc stuff in DRY GOODS -- AND SHOE suitable for fall and winter wear before the price ad vanced, and we are going to give our customers the entire benefit of the purchase. Oui special sale of Si Hi iVs DR-3 C3 on last Saturday at 5 cents per yard was a good card for us. It was a big loss for us, but then our trade got the benelit 01 it ana that is all we care lor. 'iis not olten that you can buy as handsome stuff at 5 cents as you did from us. Handsome new LA W N ' S j AND D I M ITI ES worth from 12i to 20 cents per yaad went out in endless quantities at 5 cent?, hope the people who got thesa goods will appieciate the bargain. Bat now it leavesTus with a nice clean new store to show you this fall some of the handsomest stuff Jtobeseen will be shown right here. LOWE & SON. ADMINIST KATOR'S N 01ICE: Having been duly appcicted and qualified administratoi of the estate of J. O. "Witherspoon, decfased, a 1 persons' holding claims against the said decoased are hereby notified to present them duly authenticated to the undersigned for payment on or before the Cth day of September, 1896, or this notice will bo, plead as a bar to their recovery. Also all persons owing said estate are noti fied that prompt payment is expect" ed. ; M. F. Nesbit, , Administrator, This, Sept. 5, 1895. . C1ilkiw' Eaclluk Dlamail Biud. ' f EfinYROYAL PILLS vrigw tor vflTCMr jctkmua iia-. A mon.i Orond In ftd GoUi stUllloV !ucm. Mld with blue rihbas. Take Vy ' tiat and 4mUatlom. Al DrugjriiU,of ecd 4 "Rtliif far JiAlmfm in Utttr, by rvtvrm ViL lfl.OOa Tr-umooiail JVawu &stl H fTCA L J -fe? ft 0 f 1 7 J ML! n Bad G OOlOfl; Is a waste, and harmful in every way. Thousands of people are deprived of half the actual nutriment of their food because of bad cooking and the want of means to make food palatable and digestible. The dlCSUL Range Is recognized as the most perfect cooking1 apparatus yet produced. It is made of malleable iron and cold rolled, double-stretched steel-plate throughout, ex cept fire-box, which is made of the best gray iron. The oven aad fire-box are built on an entirely new principle. The Kalestic Steel Range is no experiment; it took 20 years to perfect it. Yorke. Wads worth & Compan. n 0 t& PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND FOTASSIUM gr Harvelous Cures in Blood Poison P.hp.nmstic.m and Scrofula 1 ' P. P. P. pnrlflstheblood.bnlldsnp r n i the u?ck and doliLtHtol, uves ' ' ntrertrth to weakened nerved. exDnln f'" dtsea.Js.jrlvinK tho patient health ani hRppineus n-hijre efvknesH, gloomy IseJIusra aad Udsitudi flrat preraiied. For primary," ..-non jary a-nd tertiary ftyphijis, fr uiji'd poirjoainir. mercu rial puUon, UialariH. dyspepsia, end la ail tlocd an 4 sutn rll-sases, liko DiotoGos. pimpios, oiu ouronio Dicers, ' tetter, ecald beau, boils, trys)peics. czemB-we may say, witnuut iear ci cnntrMdiptlon.tii.it P. P. I. Is the beat blood pur tier la the world, and makes roitlT, speedy and permanent cures ini 1 all rases. t,in! vhose svatem" are poisoned and wh.iee blood lain an Impure eondl- tiyn. due to meiitr'.ial irregularities, are ieouilr-.y baneuted by the won- ri..nt Mnin ,n.i hi.ui.1 niun.in. nn. , - ertleeof P. P. P. Priokly Ash, Poke a" t.r.,iPnt,Hiiim mmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmm 6PRlo?lFt.t. Mo., Ana;. 14th, 1893. -i can sneak in the hlirhest terms of our mecioiue rrom tny own persons.1 disease, pleurisy end rheumatism for 35 years, was treated by the very bert nowledire. X was affected with heart . ii, physicians ana spent hundreds of dol lars, tried every known remedy with fS" ' out finding relief. I have only taken - one Dottle of your p. P. P., and oaa fit cheerfully say it baa done me more fona tnan anytninir i nave ever taaen. c:iO recommend year medicine to all autterera ot the above diseases. MRS. M. M. TEAST. Cprlngflold. Green County, Mo. YOU OUGHT TO BE B I f 0 Frorr the impression that panic, . lour interest demands it. Ji you need anything in the FUBNITURE LINE. The earlier you buy the better off you will be. Business is rapidly improving and prices the line. The prospects are Golden with a plentious sprink iing ofSilver. Call and see our Dining Sets, Hall Sets, and Book Cases, Roll Top Desks.Hat Racks, Extension and Parlor Tables. .- . '. , . ' ' ' . ' . ; " . The handsomest line in the PICTUBES are away up in Q. Come and Cannons, Fetzer &; BelL 's -- X Haw River, N.C., Jan. 8, 1895. Lyon Mfg. Co.. Jiroolc'yn, X. T. Gentlemen: A short time since one of my horses had scratches bo very bad that its h'.jr became swollen and very much in flamed. I used a few bottles of Mexican Mustang Liniment and tho inflammation and scratches soon dinappoared, leaving my horse as good cs ever. I iind it ia the best remedy that can be hod for this dis ease, and I heartily recommend it to all who have horses or stock of any kind. Truly yours, J. W. B. BASIN. High Poist, N. C, Dec. 14, 1894. Lijon Mfg. Co., .lflrooklyn, X. T. Gentlemen : I can highly recommend Mexican Mustang Liniment to those suffer ing from burns. 1 have used it and found it excellent. Sincerely yourn, Clerk BeUevua SotoL J . X. CAM P Y ?ASU PiEPMOvr 'Warehguse, P.eippvillk, . C, Dec. 6, I'iH. ) Lyon Mfii. Co., Hrooklyn, y. T. Gentlemen : I have used Mexican rius tang Liniment for a good many yews and consider it the best liniment made. I keep it in tbo house all tho time. It wiii do all that is claimed for it. liespectfullv. 1). M. MOORE. Flmpiss, Blotches 5 and Old Sores Catarrli, Malaria snd Kidney Troubles 9 & Are ntlr-ly rairarnl by P.P.P. Prickly Aih. Poro noot end Potaa rlum, the greaceat blood purifier on earth. Abbrdffk. O. . Jnly 21, 191. Mbrrrs Lifpman Bror. , 6avbniuih. Ga, : DraK Sir I bought a bottle of y-.ur P.P. P. at Hot Springs, Ark., and It nas uno, aits ciorts (hu tQJiu urtia month!! treatment at the Hot cyrlngs. ' Btnd three litt:ea O. O. D, . J3 .IAS. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen. Crown County, O. Capt. J. D. Johnston. To nU whom it mav concern: 1 here by Cddttty to et e wonderful properties gg3 01 k. r ior eropuons of r-n Kin. x uftered for several years witb an an- 8lgtl7 and dNairreeable eruption oo mv face. X trlt-a everv known reme dy hut in Tain. until P. p. P. was aded, aua am now entirely curea. (dlgnsd by J.'D. JOHNPTOK. Savannah. Ga. Skin Cavneer Cured. " "3 Tcttimony from Vte Mayor of Sequin,Tex Bbociw.Tet., January 14, 1893. Messhs. LlprM:.- Bhos., Savannah, f P- r a disease of the skin, luuaily known as akin cancer.ot thirty years standiutt, and found Kreat relief: It puridea the blood and removes all lr- rltstlon from the seat of the dlaeaso a. : ueniiemtni nave tried your v. and prevents any spreading of the sores. I nave taken flveoralx bottles ftnd fepl confident that another course "e"' ?u.e-Jt.ha8 "'J0 r.e,leTe? 5? lrPm lnaic.stiou and stomaon CAPT. V. V. ST7ST, Atti r -. -.r at Law. Bud! ffi Sid r' ' nse. ALL DRUG ' j ' UPPfJl r.-if;. -x PRO: ElETORS, Llppmiut's MI cb.SaTaai' 3P we are still in tne midst of a ' are running higher all along BedjRoom Sets, Parlor Sets, Kitchen Sets. Ward Robes, State.--But cur stock of FEMIEIS see , ,4 . . 11 pj: Dr. J. E. CARTLAND SURGEON DENTIST. ' Makes a speoialty of filling teeth without pain. . Sixteen, .. yeais experience. Office over ; Lippards & Barrier's store after Feb. 8. 1894. i25 '.L. Douglas'"'-.-- 3 Stir' 13 THE BEST. W s2.?3 Bavsscissaaffla fc.jrf.S.1 MlTOJl ill VM Over One Mcilloo eopl wecr lb W. L. Dcajlas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes at i equally Biitls factory Thev vlve tne best VHlae for rhe monev. They tqunl cuitorn IIiop la nyle and fit. Their weorinij qgalltir arc aiuurrMMMd. The prices are uniform, trnpl on tola. Prom to t saved ever other makes. If tout dscbr cannot supply you we can. Sold b I HEILIG S HENDRIX, ML Pleasant, JV. G Jmm ILSOHS NFW PW-ArM - THE " . ONLY PERFECT ECfiftNlsir. ' MMlbYtlSB. YORKiE. & WADSWORTH -Coxcobd, N. C. $1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS Xii 0 . V 0 $150-00 every month given way to any ene wh pplie4J -J -V through us for the moat mcritonoua pstcat duting tsc month precsdina-. . . " .-- - ' We secure the best patents for our clients. and the object of this oflr is to ucousage inventors to ' 'l keep track of jhea- bright idVai. At the same oma we' wish Iq mpveerupoo the public At bet that ji . -.. J , j ' - IT til r! SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTION THAT ViaD FORTUNES.'::? : sneh as die "corHmeW" which can be' easThf sTid m . and down without breakiag mcpaiseneei'sbackHssaea-CL-r V- - -v,'-pan," coIlarJiijtton.B 'W-loclt,wfoule.bjpTeV' ' - " ' "! aad a thousand othet little things that saost any on( can. iy -, V . r find a way pfimprovuig; and these simple inventions are : theonesthaSbrmzUrrastracunu toxheaathAr.kT i 'i J Z. IT JS NOT SO HARD AS rt - Puentstaten eat through us lecetve special notice ia ' 1 " '' C, whichn the best newspaper pubbihedin America in-. - the interna ef Inventors.'' We furnish a year's subscrip- "" V "' f rion to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. Wo " '- : i. t i also advertise., free of cost, the invention .rh mwri. " " ' which wins our 150 prixe, and hundreds of thousands 4 r I 1 of copies of the "National Recorder," coataintag a J liceteh ofthe winner, and a description of hisinvennoa, - will be sottered throughout the United States among "" f capttahstsand manuactUfm,thusbrmgugtotheirattaB. ..-...'4 ' uw uic mcnia vi me vrrauion. . . , All communications regarded stnctly eooSdaedaL ' Address . JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO.,-' Solicitors ot American and Foreign PatettU. . 618 F Street. N.W..- Box 385. -. 'Washington. D. C, . far C-' " ' tjr- WriUer FEMALE ACADEIIYw 'lit. The 04th Annual Session begins Septeviber 5th- ' iSq. Resister for last year shows -more than- oo persons uuuci msiiuiiou uurine tne yMT. one- . j cial features: the- development of Jl.a-ih, Char-S 'A SJ-. arter and Intellect-.. Buildimrs thorouuhLvTessod- Poat Graduate lepartmentSe bt-sides- frrat-clas--'' schools in Mimic, ArtL i-aiiguant-s. t ouinw ill nd industrial stunes.- " ; ; , ; J. H. tLEItlX RrtnciPill. 5a!m-.V , J r V