THE : STANDARD THE : STANDARD T AM) ARB. TURNS OUT A JYlll 1 O XJ-L-Ci JVEWS THAT IS JYETTS GOOD - JOB - WORK FOR 1 YEAR : 5 SENTDUM DOLLAR AT LIVING PKICES. VOL. VIII-NO.38 CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1895. WHOLE NO. 338 GIVE US A TRIAL -L Mild MONEY. AO. 14. That the double standard has been a failure is seen in the history of coinage in our own country. In 1792 the weight ratio of silver to . cold was 15 to 1. In 1834 it wbb made 16 to 1. In 1853 the silver halfdollar had to be made lighter. In 1873 the gold dollar weighing 25.8 grains nine-tenths fine was made the unit of value. The country Bince 1873 has willed that no change should be made in the unit of value, Similarly, the double standard prevailed in France 'or about seventy years, but finally had to be aban doned. France tried it alone and failed. Tnat country then called Italy, Greece, and three of the smaller powers of Europe to its as sistance and styled themselves the Latin union, which existed several years but finally bad to abandon the .douUre standard. TDj double standard, it should be observed, did not serve the purpose that its advocates so zealously claim ed for it. It did not put money iuto circulation as p'entiful as the en thusiast on the subject ot that standard would have us believe, After trying the double standard for over sixty years France found that in some of the rural towns of that country haud-made nails were pass ing current a- money, illustrating the fact that a government may stamp any or all kinds of metals as money, whiiBt trade and commence will go on in the even tenor of their way. It is an illustration of the old saying, that a horse may be taken to water, bnt cannot be made to drink. Bat the reader may ask, if all the principal nations of the world were tocombine, could not the double standard be made possible? The answer is, that all the principal na tions are hardly going to combine for that purpose: They have al ready decided that the single gold standard is .he bebt, and having con eluded that that standard is the best adapted to the wants of commerce, they are not going to abandon it double standard is a good sub- t for debate in political earn ing and international conferences. a to have no nlace in the lifiao nf tnmmorM atirl trade n fincriana me vaiue ratio oi com silver is about 34 to 1, and in xrauce mc kkm iruv is xtfi w j.. Tn at i i i : : iei i- i TVtw 1a nnlra nf AAnvaniania m vn't,. ing and comparing the quantities let us suppose that the ratio in Eng land iB 2 to 1, and in France 16 to 1. la it probable that England and France could agree on a fixed ratio Suppose that Franee proposed that the ratio should be 16 to 1, would England agree to that, would Eog ' land agree to pay out, pound of gold for 16 pounds of silver when she can get all she wants at the rate of one pound of gold tor 32 pounds of sil- ver? Would England agree to re duce every gold dollar in that conn try to one-half is present value? Certainly not, such a proceeding would bankiupt the country. Sup pose England proposed to France to make the ratio 32 to 1, would France accept that? Every 16 ponnds of silver in France is legally worth one pound of gold. Would France con sent to making one pound of gold worth 32 pounds of Bilver? That Would cut eyery French silver d)I lar middle in two, making each worth only fifty cents, would F.ance be willing to do that? If it were done, would it not bankrupt that country? Suppose that the two countries were to agree to a ratio of 24 to 1. The effect would be similar in each of the countries, but not to the Bame degree. Gold would be depreciated in England, and silver in' France. Te reader can understand this by supposing that if our silver dollars were not backed by tht government, and were left to pass at their com mercial .value, that is at a value of fifty cents.. Eyery man who held one of those dollars would find It suddenly reduced to to the value of a half dollar. The government would be likely to call them in and receive them. The country would then have just half as many silver dollars as it had before, but each dollar would be twice as heavy as it was before. An enlightened government will hesitate a Ions time before bringing such a calamity upon its people. It ii for this reason that international conferences amount to about the same thing as the ordinary school . house debating contests. It is yery pleasant to hear them, . and besides they give practice in speaking to the " boys which probably is one of the Vgreatest services they render, pro Tided tfiMipeaking If confined ta fte subject under consideration. The double standard can be made to pre, vail only on the condition that it iB favorable to the well being of all nations, a condition that possibly may happen, but probably will not We cannot reason about standards as we do about the sale of bats. one hat will brine five dollars, then two hats will brine: ten dollars wlich the reader will perceive 18 correct, in the number of hats hav ing been doubled it is right that the money should be doubled. But it is not necessarily the same with the standards, and coinage, we cannot say with good reason that if one standard yields a coinage of five millions of dollars, two standards will yield a coinage of ten millions of dollars. Doubling the number of standards, if that were possible, would not necessarily double the amount of money. The number of standards has nothing to do with the amount of money. Other con' ditions are necessary for the deter mination of the amount needed in a country. A country having a single real standard may have as much or even more money in circulation than a country with the imaginary double standard. The method of business has much to do with determining the amount of money required by a country. The standard measures the quality, not the quanity. Savignt. ON ALL SIDES. A New Kill Mwkea a Start The Whin- tie and tbe Grinding of Machinery m Beard. The whistles and bells calling people to their respective places of labor is now heard on all four sides of town. The Lippird Bros, roller floor mill began operations Thurs day evening at 5 o'clock, which starts another enterprise to our thnfty little city, and marks tbe faith her citizens have in her bril Hunt future. With this and the Fenix, by Mr, Crowell. Concord af fords two of the largest and best quipped Hour mills in this part of the country. The most conspicuous figures about the mill are Mr. W J Reed, a Georgian, as miller, Mr. J C Lip pard as bookkeeper and Mr. John A Eimmons as loreman. Cotton and Farmer. It is gratifying, indeed, to see from reports all over the land that indications point to a still greater rise in the price of cotton. Besides encouraging remarks from cotton dealers and manufacturers in our own State, tbe Atlanta Constitution of Thursday morning publishes an interwiew with Mr. J U Lewis, a well known cotton buyer of Nv-w Orleanse, which contains the pre diction that the price of cotton will go still higher, and its prefatory re marks, speaks very cheerily of the prospect of ten cent cotton in the near fnture. Thia will please the farmers. Dr. Leslie in Morcanton. And another one of Concord's boys has launcned out upon the busi ness world, about whom the Mor gan ton Ileral tf thia week has to say: Mr. W A Le3iie arrived here will Monday from Charlotte. Mr. lie is the head of the new drug here. W A Leslie & Co. and reside here in lhe future Mr. Lea he is a practical drujjgiat of telve years, a graduate, and withal a pol ¬ ished gentleman. He has been with the well known drug hous?, Bur well & Dunn, of Charlotte, for sev eral years. We extend him a hearty weleome and wish for him unlimited success. To Assassinate Dnrrant. San Feancisco, Sept. 19. The police have discovered and frustrated a plot to assassinate Durrant. The plot was concocted by a well-known criminal, while awaiting sentence in the county j iL He expressed his intention to his fellow-prisoners of. kil ing Durrant at the first opportu nity, and the matter coming to the ears of the sheriff, an extra precau tion was taken not to alllow Dur rant to exercise with the other prisoners, and to drive him to and from the court either i 1 a boggy or outside the prison van. On search being made of tbe cell, a broken table knife, whetted to a keen edge, was f onnd therein. The prisoner has Bince been sentenced to twenty years in the penitentiary. Before being taken to tbe peniten tiary he admitted to tbe police that it was not his intention to kill Dnr rant, bnt that he had no oppor tunity to us; his knife. The police refuse to divulge the name of the criminal. Cotton-piokers leaye town morning in great droves. SAM TONESISMS. Peculiar Expression Nandwiched in ;Hi So mom. You folks that take the front seats and come to roost before sun' down you ought to pay storage. it l Lad come Here tor money, bless your soul, I'd left after the first collection. ' I've seen a town where a woman would give $5, but this is the first town where a thing with breeches wouldn't give more than a dollar. Every criminal that goes nnwhipt of justice is a menace to good citi zenship. Lawlessness in a town is a hot bed of anarchy. Policemen find everything that the sentiment of the town demands they aball find. If I was Mayor of this town, you'd have to stay at home, old buck. No gentleman will do anything he denies his wife the privilege of doing, Yonr Uncle Jones lifts the same standard for himselt as he does for his wife. I propose to do you up and put you in decent shape, you dirty scouni drel. Make Sam Jones Mayor and. he'd set up with you bucks. He'd make you decent or make you leave town. The difference between Sam Jones and many preachers is that Sam Jones preaches like he thinks and they think like they preach. I'd rather be Bob Ingersoll than a cowardly, time serying preacher. Old church members charging 12 per cent, interest. If yon were in hell you'd have the whole country nnder mortgage before the year's out When me and my wife ride the same horse, I'm going to be in front Agent for your wife ! Pay your debts and you won't have to be agent then. Turn an old dog loose m heaven and he' d be out before breakfast, chinking gold off the golden streets. Preachers, load your old fusilade with buck shot, and when (you pull the trigger there'll be a dead dog. When you are in hell frying, you'll feel a heap worse than you do now. I believe if all the members of the church in Winston were to get to heaven you'd have to sleep with your breeches nnder your head. They'd rob you. . If yon are mad, beg my pardon and I'll forgive you. I don't bear any malice. I like bangs. I always thought they were becoming to women and mules. This is scalding and sconrin; day in this town. Bad day for chinches, tco. Some o' you think Sam shoots off his mouth half cocked. It's u mistake. When his month goes off the hiramer is pulled clear back. If you go away yelping folks, will say, there goes one of Sam Jones hit dogs. There's a poaBuin np the tree. Wait about twenty minutes longer. I'm Koine tO'Bmoke bim out Winston Sentinel. Try to Denounce "The Htate." Columbia, S. C, September 18. There was another sensation sprung in the constitutional conven tion today in tbe shape of a resolu tion to denounce a charge made in an editorial in "The State" tnat the president on Monday willfully mis stated the returns of the tellers in the matter of the first yote taken on the Butlei county matter. It was introduced by Mr. Patter. son and concluded "thus be it re solved that this convention do here by pronounce Baid editorial state ment as being a malicious false hood." Vice-President Tolbertwas called to the chair. Mr. Patterson said he wished to protect their presiding officer from insult. He maintained that the correctness of the presi dent s statement of the vote was borne out by the members who heard the vote announced, by the tellers and by Senator Irby's statement on the floor accepting the "revote." Irby objected to the immediate consideration of the resolution, and said : "Let us sleep over it." Ten members thereupon openly objected to the immediate considera tion of the matter and it was made a special order for tomorrow. An Old Hegro Dropped Eead While Looking- at the Show. Scotland Neck, N. C, Sept. 18. There was a large, crowd here yesterday from the country and towns to see the cirens. A colored man in the throcg, from Palmyra, dropped , dead. He was feeble and the excitement of the trip : and the crowd doubtless had much to do with his death'. .LOCALS- Mr. Boyden Weddington says thjt tops and fodder are ripe and that it is entirely too hot to pick cotton. Passenger trains don't make schedule time now, owing to the great crowds going expositionwafd. (John Watkins committed suicide in Burke county Wednesday night by? shooting himself through the head with a gun. His mind was imp dred. &Mrs. Dr. J K Cartland lectured to the ladies of the W. C. T. U., of Sahsbuiy, Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock in the Y. M. 0. A. hall at that place. Rey. Sam Jones has closed his neetings at Winston and returned to his home in Georgia. He wi'l lecture in Charlotte October 1, three days before Sell's circus. J Harvey Dorton, who for the past seyen weeks was assisting at the Register of Deeds office with the tax list, has been released. He went to his home in No. 10. The foot ball team at Trinity College was out practicing Tuesday afternoon when Thad Troy received a hard fall and sprained his left shoulder. Durham Bun. j.George Tillman presented an or dinance to tbe constitutional con vention at Columbia, on Wednesday, providing for the re- establishment of the whipping post system of pun ishment for certain crimes. Messrs W D Anthony and W E Castor, besides painting several houses and doing other work, haye just finished pntting in 11,000 window glass for the Odell Buffalo thread mill and the Cannon Maun facturing Company's new mill. A business transaction is about to take place in which one of our lead ing firms is myolyed. We are not at liberty to say much concerning it, but will state that me deal will be a great improvement, and addi-. tion to the business of tne city. Mr. D A Misenheinier has return ed to Savannah, Ga., to resume his position as freight conductor on the Central Railroad of Georgia. He is a eon of Mr. George Misenheimer, of No. 5 township, and : several months ago was hart in a wreck cn his road near Savannah. Prof. J A Holmes, State Geoligist, who has the North Carolina exhibit in charge at the Atlanta exposition, telegraphs tbe following. "The North Carolina foresty and mineral exhibits were ready at the opening of the exposition, and were unsur passed by these from any other State." Nine marriage licenses were, is sued Wednesday by the Register of Deeds tor Buncombe county. This rush in matrimonial circles is prob ably due to the fact that it is cooler in the meuntains than in this sec tion at present, and that snow and cold weather is expected during the coming winter. A small colored child fell in a well on Vine street in Winston the other day, the well being 34 feet deep. It was rescued by its mother, i who went down into the water and fonnd the child floating. The well was walled with brick, and the mother stated, npon being asked how phe descended, that shejaat "spread herself and slipped down. The PopnliBt free silver rally at Salisbury today caught a number of Cabarrus people, although enthu siasm over the occasion has been at a low ebb in these parts. Henry, Bntler, Pitchard and Guthrie were all there, and don't yon know they had a time 1 The Cabarrus moguls were there also. Mr. W A Smith was the happy recipient of a crate of large apples, each of which will on an average weigh 11 ounces, from his son-in-law, Dr. H N Wells, at Clyde, N. 0. The fruit was gathered . from the doctor's farm on Pigeon river. We thank Mr, Smith for the sample brought us. The Charlotte Observer compos, ing force prints the following chal lenge to the "broken down sports" of that city for a game of baseball, the proceeds of which go to the Alexander Rescue Home. It reads: "We, the compositors of the Obsery er, hereby challenge you to play a game of baseball at Latta Park, Tuesday, October 1st; said game to be called at 3:30 p. m., and continue as long, as the police will allow. Everything goes, save the umpire's decision, which shall be a secondary consideration; catch-as-oatch-can go as you please rules to govern said game; dog barred." falls and bloomers JJeiore going on a sea voyage or into the country, be sure to put a box of Ayer's Pills into your yalise Yon may haye occasion to thank us for this hint. To relieve constipa tion, and nausea Ayer's Pills are the beat in the world. They are also easy to take. Master John B Alexander, who several weeks ago left for Meadyille, Penn., to enter Alleghany College, arrived home Friday night. Johnny was pleased with his trip noith, but was dissatisfied at school, where he pined for hia genial associates and loved ones in the thia, our beloved town. One advantage of .taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla to purify the blood is that you need not infringe npon yonr hours of labor nor deny -your' self any food that agrees with you. In a word, you are not compelled to starve or loaf while taking it. These recommendationa are worth conaid ering. . Jivery column of a newspiper contains from 5,000 to 25,000 dis tinct pieces of metal according to the size of the paper and type. The displacement of any one of theae means an error. Is it any wonder that errors sometime occur, when all of these pieces are put np and taken down every day? Still some people think it is awful to see mistakes in a newspaper. There is a lady now living in Menroe who was married away back in the forties or fifties. . She still has a large gourd which sfie grew the first year of her married life. Her husband planted a new ground and raised lots of gourds, one of which was kept aa above. It is yery large and holdsjast eyen nine dozen eggs, and she uses it for tnat pur pose, Monroe Journal. Tne Stateaville correspondent to the Charlotte Observer Bays : "Re- fening to the silver convention in Rait igu and to the fact that Iredell people will not at tend, I find that the call for the c mention was not signed by Iredell citizens. The paper is here in the hands of a well- known gentleman who is a strong silver advocate, but there are no names signed to it. Whst has become of Jake Newell? Ha? he retired to the quiet of Flowe's, his home? After a splens did record as an immovable Demo crat and an absolutely fearless re porter, it is strange that he should remain so secluded, when he could well fill Borne place on the press of North Carolina, on the yerge of a great political war, when' fearless nosers are so much needed. He was seen on-the streets today, bnt remain he wouldn't Today's speaking was held in the Holmes grove in the West Ward The crowd present did not number over 300, most of them being Pop ulists. A few Democrats, some ladies and a alight sprinkle ot negroes were in the audience. Shu- ford made a few remarks but Butler and Prjtchard were the princpal speakers. The cro rd was very quiet and there was not much cheering. Aa a grand rally the meeting was a failure. Salisbury Herald, Septem ber 19 CANCER CURED AND A -t LIFE SAVED By the Persistent Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "I was troubled for years with a sore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring rne that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak ing a number of bottles, the sore began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in thia treatment, until the sore was en tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in deed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it." Mrs. S. A. Fields, Bloomfield, la. J 1 . iTba Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. Ayer'a Pills Regulate the Liver. WAS NOT DELIRIOUS, Bnt Saw a Specie of Hnake in IIi Brandy Still. In conversation with a Standard reporter a good farmer of the coun ty told a singular experience he had while distilling brandy last week. A dam had been built on the branch and a piece of piping put down to conduct the water in the still house, where it emptied into a barrel. From the barrel the water ran into a cooling tub, in which tbe hot brandy had been placed. The farmer, who doubtless had been tasting' of his de licious make, saw to his intense hor row a snake floating around in thej water. He was not positive that hia eyes did not fool him, and calfed in a friend to assist in examining his discoyery and, upon investigation, found it to be an eel that had run down from the pond which measured about 18 inches. What Next? two Jew xork uermans are walking around the world on a "wager," Mr. Tbouipson. Too. Prof, Holland Thompson, princi pal of the Concord High School, ia in receipt of an appointment as a marshal at the coming State Fair, by his friend, Mr. Rufus L Patter son, tne cnief maranall. Concord will dcubtleea furnish several gal lant marshals for this great event. Mis Carter Dead. miss Aua carter, wno naa been a long and patient sufferer, died of consumption Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. She .was about 35 years of age, and was a member of Forest Hill Methodist church, South. The funeral services were conducted from the house this (Thursday) afternoon by Rey. M A Smith, her pastor. The interment was at the cemetery. MO Do Yon Know: That Concord is one of the best towns in the State and is today in a better condition than moat of them. That there is more building going on than at any time in history of the city. That vou cannot -at all times do everything to please everybody. That we are going to haye a big fall trade and the merchants and laborer alike will profit thereby. That when it rains the dust will likely be settled. We have a num ber of accounts that will then not be in "sweet harmony," Tbe Pedestrian. Max Weissner and Fritz Meyer, the two Germans who are making a tour around the world on foot for a wager offered 6y the New York ftews, the trip to be made in 780 days, struck town this (Thursday) morning at 11:55, having drilled in from Salisbury in five hours. They are healthy looking men and are native Germans, but haye been citizens of America for the ' past two years. They wended their way fiom here Char lotteward, and are due in San Fran cisco, via Atlanta, San Antonio and Los Angeles, by January 1, 1895. They give song and dance perform ances and take np collections as a means to defray expenses. A New Tax law. One of the new laws passed by the last Legislature that is just now making a stir over the State, is to be found in section 20 of the machin ery act. The dealers are required to make two returns per year to tbe register of deeds, the first from Jn nary 1 to June 30. So fir, only a few have done so. The law in, quea tion says: On every commission mer chant, broker or dealer buying or selling, one ptr certum on his com misaions. On every dealer in cigars, cheroots, manufactured smoking or chewing tobacco and cigarettes, an annual tax, five cents per thousand for cigars and cheroots, one half per pound on manufactured smoking and cnewing tobacco, and five cents per thousand for cigar ettes, provided, however, that noth ing in this section shall be con strued to apply to manufacturers of tobacco, cigars, cheroots or cigar ettes; and county, citj or town shall be allowed to impose any tax, license or fee on such dealers. Charlotte News. ror over Fifty Years." Mrs. Winslow's Sooth:og Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It so thes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists ' in every part of the world. , Twenty five cents a bottle Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. mwx&w I Highest of all in Leavening THE ROUTE OF THE BELL. It Will Take Nearly Five Days to o From Philadelphia to Atlanta. Philadelphia, Pa.,. Sept. 19, The revised itinerary of the journey ot the committee of the city coun cu s committee with the Libertv Bell to tbe Atlanta exposition, has been finally completed. The journey will occupy nearly five days. The party leaves Philadelphia on the morning of October 4th, and ar rives in Atlanta at 2 o'clock on the afternoon of October 8 th. On the Grat day the bell will go South through Deleware, Maryland, Dis trict of Columbia and Virginia, Short 8tops"will be made at Wil mington, Bilimore, a two hoars' rest in Washington, then on through Alexandria, Quantico, Fredericks burg, Milford, Doawell, Ashland and Richmond. The night will be spent in' Richmond, and the next day's tour will be confined to Virginia. Stops will be made at Petersburg, Nottoway, Crewe, Farmyilie, Lynch burg and Bedford, and night will be spent in en route. The third 'lay's journey will proceed through Christiansburg, East Rad. ford, Wythevil'.e and Glade Springs, in Virginia, and in Tennessee, Bris tol, Johnson Cily, Greenyille, Morris town and Knoxville. The next day in London, Athens and Cleve land will be given a sight of the bell, and Chattanooga will be reached at 11:30 on that morning. The after noon and night will be passed at Chattanooga and on the next day, October Stn, the party will proceed, through Dalton and Rome, Ga., reaching Atlanta at 2 o'clock p m. The New KrnK-Jor;enscit Rifle. The first man to be killed in this country with a bullet frem the new Krag-Joigensen riflle was Thomas Coffey, a desperate military convict. Sentinel Jacob M Kress killed him Tuesday at Fort Sheridan, near Chi cago, when he made a wild dash for liberty. The nickle pointed ball at a distance of bftv varda Dassed through Coffey's bead, then it went through a live tree eight inches in diameter and afterwards buried it self three feet deep in a hillside thirty yards beyound. The ball en tered the back of the f ngitiye's head, just nnder his hat, and passed out through his forehead. The skull was broken bo that only the scalp held it together. He fell in a heap beside the tree and did -not move again. A story said the bullet exploded in the man's head but that was ridiculed, as the United States does not use explosive bullets. A Considerate Child. A young lady with a touch of tonsilitis waa consulting the family physician. "That is nothing serious," said he. "I'll touch it up with a little nitrate of silver and you will be all right." The young lady looked a bit doubtful. "Oo, it won't hurt," remarked the doctor, reassuringly. "I wasn't thinking of that. Papa might object " "Why, what possible oljection can he have?" "I heard him tell mamma the other evening that he was opposed to silver. Couldn't jou usn nitrate of gold. Silver is so common and cheap) you know, and I am sure papa wouldn't object then." San Francisco Post. Shot Himself Instead of Wife. Danville, Va 8ept. 19.- In formation was received here yester day of the suicide of William Card- well, of Caswell.'N. C. Mr. Card- well lived at Locust, about 18 miles from this city. Yesterday he threatened to shoot his wife, and afterwards shot himself with a double-barrelled shot gun. The muzzle of the gun was placed to his head, the trigger pulled, and death was instantaneous. Card well had been drinking hard for seyeral days. He was 55 years of age. - Workmen Buried Alive. Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 19. One wall of the old Colonrde buildi ing fell in in this city, this morning, burying six workmen under the debris. It was thought at the time that they hau all been crushed-' to death, but after an hour's work they were all dug out alive. Some of them were badly injured. &4 f Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report MT. PLEASANT NEWS, Very Uitle Kickness KalNlns; Their Own KupnliesCome to Enter School Mt. Pleasant, N. C, Sept. 18. There has been very little sickneBS during the summer, in the town and suriounding country; and at the present time we know of no cases of sickness peculiar to hot weather. The doctors have not been rushed during the past summer. Tbe contrmitd hot wtiitLtr is ripening the tojjn iaJ fodder very fast, and is also causing tbe cotton bolls to crack. - There has not been slipped h?re this year a single box cf wea'.trn bacon. This I00K3 like raieii? "jour own supplies." It should K; .10 every year, not only as regards k ;.t, Lat also grain. WbeL the sou;h, zs a whole, sees it i : greasly to la adi vantage to do this, it will be on the western and northrp. .t rn .,:at houses and granaiit.. By tLc vay, we wonder if this ; a; 1 ot had r 'no thing to do with ti. .'Jver crc:-.:: cut there. Mr. Ed Fulenwid r r;nc e'u Monroe, arrived JIcv Iro- over i enter schcol. ANSWERED Tl:, Mil' ,S. Gone to a Court ii'l !' ;.-. tii J.ri.ios H. Williams, itflinlMch, Sics ia the Tomb lie Was lut .u-n;,l. Wednesday nigU , -b:ta rnm by the name of James S VViPims, a bill poster for the 3tate Fair, ;ot on the Carolina Central train at Uam let, intending to make different points on hie advertising itinerary on that road. He waa ver much intoxicated and fell into a sea" soon sank into a stupor, and instead cf getting off at Wadeebcro as he should haye done came on to Clrer lotte. The police took him in charge here, nd carried him to the Tomb3. About 11;30 Oflicer Jetton was in the cell. The man asked first for crater and then for whiskey. He was then verv drunk. He was eivr water and then the officer left hi - - O ' t ai uuicers Harrington ana Orr went in to see how he was getting op, and throT a blanket over him. He was asleep, and they could detect nothing wrong with him except being drunk. Yesterday morning at 8 o'clock Chief Orr went to the cell to tell the man to get ready for court. He did not answer when called, and fearing something was wrong the chief stepped .inside the cell and laid the his hand on the man's head. He was cold, and stiff in death. He was identified as James S Wil liams, of Raleigh, an old bill poster. In his pocket was found a pass over the railroad, and $5.20 in money. A telegram was sent to Raleigb asking fer instructions in regard tn the body. The eecretary of the fair association wanted to have the re mains shipped to K'eigh, wSich waa accordingly done last night, Officer Duke accompanying them. Charlotte Observer, From L&Qrippo. How Dr. Miles' Nervino Restored One of Kentucky's Business' No DISEASE has ever presented so many peculiarities as LaCrippe. No disease leaves Its victims so debilitated, useless, sleepless, nerveless, as LaGrippe. Mr. D. W. Hilton, state agent of the Mut ual Life Insurance Co., of Kentucky, says: "In 1839 and '90 1 bad two severe attacks of LaGrippe, the last one attacking my ner vous system with such severity that my life was despaired of. I ud not slept for mora ' than two months except by the use of nar- cotics that stupefied me, but gave me no rest. I was only conscious of Intense mental weakness, agonizing bodily pain and the fact that I was hourly growing weaker. When in this condition, I commenced using Dr. Mites' Restorative Nervine. In two days I began to Improve and In one month's time I was cured, much to the surprise of all who knew of my condition. I have been In ex cellent health since and have recommended your remedies to many of my friends." - Louisville, Jan. 22, late. D. W. Hnvrov. J Dr. Miles' Rcrvino Restores Edtiu I For Sale by all Druggist, v 111 ll ifm'll I 1 "1